#sorry this is a couple days late
noecoded · 11 months
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hey asmo fans
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vulpeculaque · 1 year
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belated maid day drawing ✨
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vellichorom · 2 months
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Thierry dancing :3
LOOK AT HIM GO HOLY SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW FLUID & GENTLE... LIKE A FLOWER BLOWING DELICATELY IN THE BREEZE... i ESPECIALLY love that you got the little kicky feets in here, with the cardigan affected by it too, its gentle movement is genuinely SO fucking cool, & the SLIGHTEST tilt back of his head TOO, that shit is SO hard to perfect sometimes but you MAD BASTARD you made it look SO pro & so smooth.... taking notes,
THE MOOD OF THIS IS ALSO SO SOFT & JOYFUL TOO... he's freaking it sensitive style & having a GOOD ass time. he probably does dance like this too HEE, i can just imagine him doing this little jig to some dad rock or his own humming or something,,,
god. i love watching it over & over this is wonderful, THIS IS A TREAT FOR ME !!!!!!!
& HAVE I MENTIONED HOW NICE HE LOOKS IN YOUR STYLE BECAUSE HE DOES. EVEN JUST SKETCHED LIKE THIS, you make his hair look so wispy & luxurious & he OVERALL looks very soft & gramma-like, uu,,,
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alrightbuckaroo · 19 hours
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Happy Sunday, everyone! Here's a little more of that something I've been working on every now and then:
“Stay good for me, baby,” Carlos asks, using the hand that was just caressing TK’s face to lift it up. He places two fingers under TK’s chin, knowing just how much that will cause the other unravel. He waits for TK to nod in response before pressing another kiss to his lips.
This one he drags out, suspending the moment before pulling away. He hates to rid himself of the taste, but he wants, no needs, to see how he’s already painted TK’s lips red, a color pulled from a palette of lust and urgency.
Carlos takes a beat to drink TK in, acknowledging the way his breath is heavy, like it’s weighted down by his own desire. His eyes are barely showing the beautiful green color that Carlos falls more in love with each day, displaying nothing but a thin ring of emerald around thick, blown wide pupils.
“God, you’re beautiful,” Carlos mutters, the attraction in his voice almost palpable.
Thanks for the tags:
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @lightningboltreader, @bonheur-cafe, @strandnreyes and @lemonlyman-dotcom!
No pressure tagging:
@reyesstrand, @carlos-in-glasses, @heartstringsduet, @never-blooms, @freneticfloetry
@herefortarlos, @orchidscript, @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @fifthrideroftheapocalypse
@nancys-braids, @theghostofashton, @your-catfish-friend, @americansrequiems, @safeaswrites
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @paperstorm and here's an open tag :)
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blueberrytwist · 1 year
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((and happy 2-year fallout anniversary @milramemo <3333))
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ndcgalitzine · 28 days
top 5 NICHOLAS SCENES!! heeehee 🤭 so many to choose from
BOTTOMS/Jeff - "I can't answer that question because I don't know how to read!"
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2. MARY & GEORGE/George Villiers - his epic eye roll (I was trying very hard to not pick one of the many amazing nsfw scenes 😂😂)
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3. THE IDEA OF YOU/Hayes Campbell - Guard Down music video
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4. CHAMBERS/Elliot Lefevre - being a little sh*t 🤣
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5. RED WHITE & ROYAL BLUE/Henry Fox - coming out of the closet
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this was in no particular order btw !!!
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naivesilver · 9 months
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@ouattober Day 1 - Favorite Character: Pinocchio | August Booth
The Girl Who Soared over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two, Catherynne M. Valente // Strangers, Ethel Cain // And My Father's Love Was Nothing Next To God's Will, Amatullah Bourdon // When They Say You Can’t Go Home Again, What They Mean Is You Were Never There, Marty McConnell // The Adventures of Pinocchio, Carlo Collodi
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leiaorganicsolocup · 1 month
i grabbed my beat up old copy of Dracula (that was lost for several years and then turned up in my high school spanish room mere days before i graduated) at my parents house and
i am happy to report the cover is, in fact, lizard fashion
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sticker-pop · 10 months
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Sailor moon princess note planner, 1993
Book cover and soft cover images 💖🌟
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linguistwho · 3 months
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Phonetic Gallifreyan Weekend - Bonus Word: Luck
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ka20th · 6 days
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King Arthur (2004) 20th anniversary celebration 1-7 July 2024 - prompts!
Here are the prompts for the 20th anniversary celebration event! Each day has a theme and some suggested sub-themes - feel free to interpret them however you like!
Day 1 - Monday 1 July: beginnings
first meetings, leaving Sarmatia, arriving in Britain, settling in at the Wall
Day 2 - Tuesday 2 July - love
platonic, romantic, OTPs, OT3s
Day 3 - Wednesday 3 July - loyalty
to Arthur, to Rome, to each other, loyalty tested, proven, broken
Day 4 - Thursday 4 July - home
where is home? Rome, Sarmatia, Britain, each other?
Day 5 - Friday 5 July - sacrifice
what do you lay down your life for? is it worth it?
Day 6 - Saturday 6 July - loss
what does it mean to be the one left behind? how do you carry on afterwards?
Day 7 - Sunday 7 July - endings
happy or otherwise, after the battle, everybody lives, a brave new world
All fanworks are welcome - just remember to tag us @ka20th and #ka20th so we can see and reblog your contributions. And have fun!
faq and rules
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magellanicclouds · 7 months
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On the chronicles of showing my dad your art, I showed him this one and his reaction was “Fred with his alter ego Zombie Fred.” Lol
I love how everyone else that has seen this has been like “THE FEELS!” And my dad was just like hehe zombie.
Love your work, keep drawing halo people we need your art work :)
lol! X D
There's nothing more pure and accidentally hilarious than the commentary of our little guys from people outside of our circles. We worry and preen and coo over our dollies and daydream about putting them in situations, while people on the outside look over our shoulders and wonder when we got so into blue women and G.I. Joe.
While visiting with me, my 71 year old mother spied the generous number of sketches of Fred on my computer, and ask me where I was taking life drawing classes and if Fred was one of the models there. Imagine my pause before revealing to her that Fred is not only a fictional man from future space alien story and shooty game, but not even a sort of main character. She opened a bottle of wine and told me that was too bad because he was handsome.
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stormyoceans · 4 months
can you believe that js were sulking at each other before shooting LT? at least aof did us good and made them not only stop sulking but also that they couldn't stop kissing each other's cheeks after his pairing counseling
imagine you're p'aof. you are an esteemed and renowned director in the industry with years of experience behind you. you are ready to start the workshop for your new series when your two lead actors walk through the doors and tell you they are sulking at each other. they're not angry, because that would be too normal. no, they're SULKING. they both feel hurt and want the other to approach them to make things right but neither of them are quite ready to make the first move yet because they're afraid that, if they were to be honest, they'd lose their relationship. you know this because they ask you to mediate between them. so you, p'aof, renowned and esteemed director as we've previously established, sit them down and use your years of experience to help them open up and communicate honestly
by the end of it they're crying and hugging and kissing each other's on the cheek. they never quite stop doing it after that. you text your fellow friend and director who has previously worked with them on another project and ask him if that's normal. the answer you get is 'lol yeah they do be like that. good luck xoxo'. you decide to take a break from directing for the foreseeable future
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goshidoll · 7 months
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With the release of the 1.3 Clash Zine and anniversary of the 1.3 update, here's my piece of Flint for the zine! A big thank you to the team for letting me contribute to this amazing project!
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elgaravel · 4 months
On repeat
tagged by @gothimp and @pitchmoss to post 10 songs i've had on repeat! thank you <3
lover, you should've come over - jeff buckley
i'm your man - mitski
cinnamon girl - type o negative
fade into you - mazzy star
a sad cartoon - loathe
when am i gonna lose you - local natives
take me to church - hozier
the death of peace of mind - bad omens
risk - deftones
when the sun hits - slowdive
tagging: @time-is-a-lake @vvanessaives @mrs-theirin @celticwoman @dameayliins @saratrantoul @savvathun @lucien-lachance @hibernationsuit and anyone else who'd like to join!
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imogenkol · 4 months
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words: 2.4k
warnings: codependency
tags: oc x canon, angst, finally admitting feelings, little bit of fluff
this is sort of an unofficial chapter 5 of If I Had A Heart that will eventually be added to the main fic (probably around the release of season 2) but the @starwarssapphicweek prompts gave me the perfect excuse to hammer this scene out and share it!
Something shifted. A subtle change. Like how the turn of the tide goes unnoticed until you find yourself drifting in another direction. It might have been the warm smile Imogen saw flash across Bix’s lips in response to the stout droid’s stutter. Or the way the mechanic carried herself just a little more steadily, her legs no longer swaying beneath such a heavy burden. Imogen wondered if it had finally lifted off of her shoulders. Perhaps the more likely explanation was that Bix had simply adapted to its weight. 
Less pressure seemed to lay on her own shoulders, as well. Imogen knew her fortitude had been weakened, but had not allowed herself to admit just how entwined their emotions had become. With their strength returned, the bounty hunter felt renewed resolve. At last, she could do what she needed to and put all of this complication behind her.
While The Crimson Huntress had not seen any maintenance in quite some time, the quality of Bix’s work had impressive longevity. To no surprise, the ship’s system did not find a single issue when Imogen ran diagnostics. She could resume business as usual as soon as she gathered her personal effects, which would not take long. 
If only the pit in her gut had not grown.
As she walked down the ship’s ramp, Imogen noticed a lingering stare off in the distance from where Bix conversed with Jezzi. The two had grown closer and Imogen used that knowledge to reassure herself. Surely a Daughter of Ferrix would serve as a far better pillar for Bix than Imogen ever could. She feigned disinterest in their interaction and continued on, despite the invisible cord between her and Bix becoming taut.
What little she had brought to her room from the ship had already been neatly organized for this very purpose. Imogen wasted little time and moved her essential possessions into a leather satchel, trying to ignore the strain of swimming against the tide. 
How else was she supposed to save herself from drowning?
Imogen had barely begun before she sensed a familiar presence approach like a breeze you could hear rustle through nearby leaves, but could not yet feel caress your skin. Under normal circumstances, she would eagerly await that coming wind, whether it be a steady gust or raging storm. This time, though, Imogen closed her eyes and exhaled a quiet sigh through her nose as she placed an extra blaster into her bag, her chest already tightening.
The door to her temporary quarters slid open and closed behind her. A strong ripple through the Force told Imogen to expect a storm. 
“What are you doing?” Bix asked, unable to hide the accusatory tone that already took over her voice. 
“I am tidying up,” Imogen replied, avoiding the mechanic’s gaze. She felt it so directly that she had to fight its influence. 
“You’ve been avoiding me all day.”
“Clearly I have been occupied.” 
“You’re leaving.”
The statement followed a tense beat in the small space. One where Imogen felt the uptick of her own heartbeat in her fingertips as she reached for a comlink and slipped it into one of the smaller compartments of her bag. She knew she should have departed before sunrise. It would have been easier to cut the frequency of Bix’s disappointment over the comms than to face her like this. 
“You have recovered.” Imogen kept her tone detached and cold.
“I pretty much walk on my own, now, yeah.” Every bitterly sarcastic word dripped with mounting animosity. Though, Imogen sensed more than mere anger. She felt the vice in Bix’s heart within her own, as if a clawed hand clamped around the muscle and began to drag it down. She knew by now that her connection with Bix was the cause of such pain. “You told me you would stay.”
Imogen kept her eyes averted as she continued to calmly collect her things around the room. “I never made such a promise.”
“Don’t pull this shit with me again,” Bix warned as she stepped into the bounty hunter’s path. When Imogen ignored the bite and attempted to move past her, Bix caught her arm in a firm grasp. “Look at me, Imogen.”
This time, Imogen audibly sighed. She wanted to wrench her arm free, grab her bag, and never look back without another word. Shame twisted her insides as she accepted the fact she simply could not will herself to do so. Imogen forced her eyes to meet the mechanic’s wounded gaze and felt a deep ache impact in her chest. 
“I do not belong here,” she said quietly. 
The here in question did not quite refer to one particular place, not since they escaped the chaos on Ferrix. Here became Bix. It became Jezzi. Brasso. The boy whose father Imogen cut down after he had been hung on Rix Road, Wilmon. Even Cassian. These were not her people. Imogen had no people. She needed to keep it that way.
“You belong with me,” Bix said with such firm conviction that Imogen felt the claws dig in a little deeper.
“Don’t say that.” Imogen resented how pathetic and pained she sounded.
The grip Bix had on her loosened for half a second before she tightened it again. This time, less vengefully and more desperate. Imogen felt the heat of her palm burn her skin through layers of clothing.  “Don’t go.”
I cannot do this, her thoughts cried. 
“I cannot stay.”
“Yes, you can,” Bix insisted.
Imogen wanted to. She wanted to stay more than she ever has – more than she has ever wanted anything. It reached beyond want. Beyond need. It felt as vital as any other organ within her body that kept her alive. Yet, Imogen had to rip this feeling out of herself, because she knew better. She knew how this would end. “You do not want me to, Bix.”
The mechanic said what even Imogen’s thoughts could not conjure. “I need you.” 
She shook her head again, but felt her resolve start to crumble. “That has never been true.”
“After everything, where is this coming from?”
“You know very well where.”
As steadfast as any storm, Bix held her ground. “No, you don’t get to run this time. Things are different now.”
“Which is precisely why.”
“Imogen –”
“Why are you so determined to have me?” Imogen snapped. Finally, anger broke through the pain and she yanked herself out of Bix’s grasp. Anger she could deal with. Anger she could work with. Her gray eyes burned as her expression hardened. “Whatever excitement you may have convinced yourself was worth turning your back on your own morals to be with me must have dissipated by now. Let it go.”
Bix immediately matched her temper, perfectly reflecting the bounty hunter’s intimidating glare. “No.”
“Why? What could you possibly see?”
“I see someone like me.”
Imogen scoffed humorlessly. She stepped back and slung the satchel over her shoulder. “Now I am truly convinced of your delusion.”
“Is it really so hard to believe?”
“Yes,” Imogen hissed, “because there are few in the entire galaxy who have done what I have. You should have refused me the moment you heard of my past. You should feel repulsed by me. Any decent being would.”
“Well, I don’t. And I don’t really care what you think that makes me.” Bix shrugged, her arms falling back to her sides. “So, what now?”
“I leave. For good this time,” Imogen said before turning on her heel and making way for the door.
“I’m asking you not to,” Bix called after her with sudden urgency, the animosity in her tone falling away to desperation. “Please.” 
The plea halted Imogen’s pace out of her control. She clenched and unclenched her fists restlessly and grinded her teeth. She knew this to be the very last ditch effort to spare herself and Bix. The part of her that knew how useless it all was made her drop her bag and march back to the other woman. 
With swift, exasperated purpose, Imogen unclipped her lightsaber hilt from her belt. Anyone would have flinched or ran for their life, but not even the barest flash of fear crossed over Bix. She knew that even during their darkest moments, Imogen would never harm her. 
The former Inquisitor held the hilt up and Bix’s eyes were immediately drawn to its ornate design. The dark carved wood in the grip. The black metal switch. The angled electrum emitter. Imogen’s weapon was made to bring nothing but destruction and death. This weapon was her darkness. If Imogen could not convince Bix to condemn her with this, then nothing else would. 
“Take this.” 
Bix blinked at her apprehensively before she carefully accepted the weapon. Imogen expected it to look wrong in the mechanic’s hand, but as Bix tightened her fingers around the grip hard enough to turn her knuckles white, Imogen felt the blade… call to her. Not strong enough to suggest a talent with the Force, but enough that her lightsaber seemed to recognize something within the other woman. Something it grew accustomed to in Imogen. She nearly asked Bix if she felt it, too, but stopped herself. 
“The kyber crystal that powers this blade once belonged to my Master when I was a Jedi,” Imogen explained. Bix’s eyes widened every so slightly and she regarded it with renewed interest. “She perished in the Temple on Coruscant, the first night of the Purge.” 
“I’m sorry,” she replied sincerely.
A very brief, very subtle smirk twitched at the corner of Imogen’s mouth. “Do not be. My Master died by my own hand.”
Bix remained still and silent. The hand that held the lightsaber was steady. She did not back away in horror — did not ask Imogen how she could be capable of such a horrific act of betrayal. Imogen wished she would. It’d certainly make this easier. 
“It may have been an impulsive decision on my part, but I have never regretted it, not for one single moment,” Imogen continued calmly, her eyes still transfixed on the lightsaber hilt in Bix’s grasp. “Even in the wake of our Order’s destruction, Rejna would have spent the rest of her life shackled to me out of a twisted sense of duty. I simply found the strength to free us both.”
“That’s how you became an Inquisitor.”
“Yes.” Imogen hoped that her final confession would be the catalyst, and she hoped that it wouldn’t. “That is what I am, even without loyalty to the Empire.” 
“And what else?” Bix pressed. Something captivating sparked in her dark eyes like she had Imogen balanced on a knife’s edge. “What else are you?”
“I am utterly alone,” the former Jedi admitted. Another deeper truth she had never given words to, yet offered freely to the woman in front of her. Imogen could no longer call it strange to splay out her bloody insides for the mechanic to behold. Bix might as well ignite that saber and do it herself.
“Do I make you feel alone?”
Imogen shook her head as she struggled to articulate a response. There were no easy answers when it came to that particular subject. “I don’t know what you make me feel.” 
“That’s a lie,” Bix challenged. 
The intensity of her gaze pierced right through Imogen just as much as those three words, but she simply couldn’t let Bix shackle herself to someone as lost as her. Not any more than Imogen could have allowed herself to be shackled to Rejna. “I do not think I can love you, Bix.” 
“Why not?”
“I never learned how.”  
“Funny,” the mechanic deadpanned as she returned the lightsaber hilt to Imogen’s unsteady hands. “You could have fooled me.”
The clouds suddenly parted in Imogen’s mind at the simple remark. She knew nothing of love — not how to love, nor recognize it — she believed herself incapable of such a thing. But with Bix’s words, Imogen thought back to the months she spent taking care of her. She thought back to the very moment she decided to rescue her from the Empire without hesitation. She thought even further back, still, to the first time she touched down on the surface of Ferrix with a fresh ship and an ambitious idea to make it into something more with the help of a resourceful and bold mechanic. 
A devastating wave of realization crashed down on top of her and it felt like her lungs might burst from the strain of her strangled breath. Imogen finally understood. It’s been her. It has always been her. Memories flooded into her mind of every decision and every word and touch they shared, yet she could not pinpoint the exact moment it happened. This woman had achieved what none other have — to take Imogen completely by surprise. 
In a state of wonder, Imogen absentmindedly set the lightsaber aside without taking her eyes off of the woman before her. And she gave in. 
Imogen’s cold hands cupped Bix’s warm face as their lips collided. Her senses exploded like she had been holding her breath for months – for years, and this was her very first gulp of fresh air. They fell into a feverish cadence — one desperate and fierce and rough. Imogen let go of her reservations, her fear, her uncertainty. She let go of everything, even herself. Nothing else mattered any longer.
Bix clung to her as if she were her center of gravity, and matched the passion that had ignited between them. Teeth scraped against teeth. Gasps entered through parted lips. The soft heat of an eager tongue greeted the other. Imogen wrapped her arms around her and pulled her closer, but she needed something else. Something more. Or something less. 
Their cadence suddenly took on a soft, intimate nature. Imogen pulled back just enough to delicately brush her lips over Bix’s in what could barely be called a kiss, caressing her thumb over the flushed flesh of her cheek. The thrill that raced up Imogen’s spine and detonated in her chest nearly brought her to her knees. Her affection was rarely ever gentle and the harshness she had adopted for years successfully kept a barrier up all this time, but the barrier had collapsed into rubble. So, Imogen indulged in the utterly breathtaking sensation of such a simple kiss, accepting with certainty that she never could have left her beloved mechanic again.  
Not ever again. 
Imogen Kol knew nothing of love… except that she did. She did know how to love, she had been loving this woman all along.
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut
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