#sorry this is just kinda funny to me rn im barely awak
surreal-duck · 1 year
hm i wonder why
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~late night car drives with bsd charas~
this is an idea i got while listening to depressing vocaliod songs, SO HERE WE ARE!!! these are just some hc i have about how it would go, some charas are COMPLETELY platonic!! (this is mostly platonic in the 1st place tbh) this is my first time writing on this app, and i haven't written anything online in a few years, so if the formatting is weird, PLEASE TELL ME IDK WHAT IM DOIMNHG
chara list: dazai, chuuya, poe, ranpo, and yosano
GENRE: fluff fluff fluff and sillies
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-he would probably be going to some weird ass convenience store with you at ungodly hours in the morning 💀
-i feel like he would mess with you and fucking drift the car when yall turn
-lets just say you get close to dying more then once 😁
-one time when yall tried to sneak out, kunikida caught yalls asses (your ears still hurt to this day from the mouthing off you got from kunikida)
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-ok so i know i said late night CAR rides BUT CMON WHO DOESNT WANNA RIDE A COOL ASS MOTORCYCLE WITH CHUUYA!??!?!?/1
-i hc that when chuuya gets really pissed and the person is super rude to him, he fucking makes their car float...LIKE FULL ON 😭
-but other then his road rage, its honestly pretty chill
-i know that he has a BANGER playlist, I JUST KNOW IT
-i fell like he'd also play around on the motorcycle a bit, BUT AT LEAST HE WOULDNT NEARLY KILL YOU UNLIKE DAZAI (눈‸눈)
-id say its pretty nice and balanced, with enough calmness to make it enjoyable for the most part, but enough thrill to keep asking him to take you out <33
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-just gonna let you know right off the bat, his ass is NOT driving 😂
-there is a high chance that he JUST woke up and started banging on your door because he had cravings and well, he ran out of his snacks...so OBVIOUSLY he had to bang on your door, its important!!!
-and even if he was completely awake...he would get yall lost so fast
-so you were driving him
-honestly? its kinda funny to see groggy ranpo walk around and try to grab what snack he wants at the convenience store when he's barely awake
-bro literally drops the bag like 5 times (you picked it up all 5 bc you kinda pitied him rn 😭)
-he basically ends up sleep walking his ass outta there
-the ride is mostly quiet, mainly because ranpo falls asleep on the way back
-imagine if you played heavy metal and woke him up
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-these car rides would be so peaceful
-ngl he would probably sometimes take you out just to drive with you (its not like gas is a problem for him anyways 😭)
-doesnt seem like a talker tbh, he might ask you if you want to go anywhere specific, but you guys mostly just listen to music together (he saves the story telling for another time <3)
-you hold karl in your lap and pet him like you're an evil villain (cannon)
-very calming and relaxing drive <33
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-ngl she kinda gives dazai vibes, in terms of playlist
-there has been more than one occasion when she just drunk-drove you
-shes a small talker, OR A GOSSIPER WHILE YALL DRIVE
-yall just have so much fun talking about the ada and everything that's going on there <333
-would scream the lyrics to any 2010's throwback song, while having a (hopefully) safe dance party
-very fun to be around, and even though she drunk drives, shes def safer then dazai
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summerbreezeyy · 4 years
Love, Huh? - Chapter 6
Finally today arrived. The day you were meeting Yixing. After the dinner with the Oh’s, you texted him you were free the next day, but he had to be in China for a family wedding for a week. You met Yixing back when your ex was finding businesses to invest in, and his club was one of them. You didn’t instantly become friends with him, other than the fact that your ex was super jealous, Yixing was kinda scary at first. He had this intimidating aura, even your ex agreed. But you got closer. In secret though.
For the past week, the boys have barely left you alone. They would try to arrange their schedule so at least one of them would be home. You know they have many friends, especially Chanyeol. Even Kyungsoo has his routine hangouts with his group. And Sehun who likes to drink outside. But lately they’ve just been at home a lot. You overheard Chanyeol couple days ago talking to his friend, “Sorry babe, a bit busy tonight, the comeback is near. But I’ll see you next week at the show okay?” or when you unintentionally and accidentally saw a text message on Kyungsoo’s phone from ‘Kwangsoo-hyung’ that read “We miss you Soo-ya. Hope you can come next time!” when both of them (plus the youngest) were schedule-less and spent the whole night at home drinking with Sehun’s newly bought whiskey.
When all of them had to leave altogether one day, they called and texted you (or facetime at the clingy maknae’s case) all day. You wanted to tell them that you were okay, and to be alone for a couple of hours is totally manageable. But you didn’t, knowing that they still felt guilty (when they shouldn’t have) they couldn’t be there when you needed them. So you let them, do things that would ease their minds.
You told them about your plan today, since they had to finish everything up for their next week’s comeback. Like expected, when you were getting ready to meet Yixing, you checked your phone to find a lot of texts already came in the group chat, the one they already had before they added you in.
Yeollie [10:16] :
Hey @you awake yet?
Se [11:03] :
Sleepyhead wake up
You [12:24] :
Sorry just checked my phone. Been awake since 10 you ass @Se
Almost ready to head out tho, leaving in about 15 minutes. So excitedd!
When are you guys coming home tonight? I was thinking of Ramyeon night?
Kyungsoo [12:26] :
We should be home at around 8 or 9 I think. Don’t wait for us to have dinner. Chanyeol would pick a movie for tonight, but if you’re tired you can go to sleep early. Have fun with your friend and be careful.
Yeollie [12:26] :
At 8!
Oh Soo answered that already lol :p
Have fun we miss youuu!
Wait I thought you were meeting him at 1?
Se [12:27] :
My ass is great, you just jealous
You [12:27] :
@Yeollie always the sweetest! I miss you guys too! And this morning when Xing told me the address, turned out the café is just a couple blocks away, so I’m walking there!
@Kyungsoo yes sir!
Se [12:27] :
Hmm.. Kinky
You [12:27] :
Shut up, you’re the only kinky ass in this gc fool, my eyes are still suffering from what I saw
Se [12:28] :
Okay I’m shutting up
Yeollie [12:29] :
Ohh! Tell me! I wanna know!
You [12:29] :
If Sehun continued being a brat I would happily tell you :)
Kyungsoo [12:29] :
Back to actually important thing, you’re gonna walk there? Can’t he pick you up or just take a cab instead. It’s safer.
You [12:30] :
I think I could walk just fine, Soo. No need to be paranoid. I’m not dying or anything. Gonna keep annoying your asses for a long time so count on it!
Se [12:31] :
You’ve been saying ‘ass’ waaay too many times today. Didn’t know you’re an ass-kinda girl
You [12:31] :
Sehun, I’m thiiis close to type in what I saw 3 christmas ago in your room when both your hyungs were visiting their parents
By the way, aren’t you guys supposed to be working now?
Get off of your phones! If they fired you and you’re jobless who’s gonna feed me :(
Yeollie [12:32] :
I’m lunching and Soo’s at makeup and Sehun is messing around like usual, we’ll keep our job just fine and you’re gonna be eating good food for the rest of our life!
Oh and by the way, we’re watching Captain America tonight ! But like Soo said, if you’re tired you could just go to sleep!
And please Sehun, keep being annoying. I can’t wait for when she’s fed up with you and finally tell us your kinks.
Se [12:32] :
Yes mommy
@Yeollie interested much ???
You [12:32] :
Ooh, I see, another kink. I’ll keep that in mind, baby ;)
By the way @Yeollie I still find it weird you’re Team Cap but ordered Iron Man costume instead. And don’t worry. I can sense it’s close to when I finally do :)
But not complaining about the movie tho, I got to stare at Chris Evans’ face (and abs and arms) for 2 hours, I don’t even think I’m gonna be sleepy.
Se [12:33] :
Why are you only mean to me :(
He’s weird that’s why! Everyone who’s Team Cap is weird!
You [12:33] :
Faulty logic. You’re Team Iron Man but still the weirdest out of all of us
Yeollie [12:33]:
*online high-five*
And Team Cap rocks!
You [12:33] :
Se [12:34] :
@Kyungsoo hyuuung help me they’re bullying me :(
Kyungsoo [12:34] :
Oh I didn’t tell you? I’m also Team Cap.
Se [12:34] :
You [12:34] :
Should we change this gc name to ‘Cap’s bitches’?
[12:35] Yeollie changed group name to “Cap’s Bitches”
Se [12:35] :
Kyungsoo [12:35] :
At this point you were laughing close to tears. You continued eating your lunch, a text came in, from Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo [12:37] :
Hey you had lunch yet?
You [12:37] :
Eating rn!
Kyungsoo [12:37] :
Good. Don’t forget your meds too
You [12:37] :
Yes daddy
Kyungsoo almost choked on his drink, that his makeup noona looked at him weird.
“Funny pic,” he half-assedly explained.
You [12:37] :
Wait that came out weird
Sorry lol
Kyungsoo [12:38] :
You should thank God this is not the gc
You [12:38] :
Sehun won’t let it go I know :)
Hell I think Chanyeol would also tease me about it
By the way I’m gonna head out shortly
Have a fun day at work! See you tonight! xx
Kyungsoo [12:39] :
See you, and be safe.
Leaving Kyungsoo and the group chat (that was just filled with Sehun’s whining at this point) on read, you finished your dishes and went back to your room to grab your bag. Picking up the phone you left on the counter, you saw the last messages on the group chat.
Se [12:44] :
I hate everyone
[12:45] Se changed group name to “im leaving the band”
A laugh came out from you. Finally things were starting to be normal again. Except of course the constant nagging and worries from them. But you found yourself liking it, that they care about you. And of course, it did feel nice to bicker with Sehun after so long.
“I miss your bratty ass,” you smiled mumbling to no one.
When you were checking out the chat, someone rang the doorbell. Weird, no one was supposed to come over.
You [12:45] :
Hey anyone expecting someone today?
I thought the cleaner was supposed to come tomorrow?
After the quick texts, they didn’t answer and the bell rung again. So you took a look at the peephole, and found the person you didn’t expect standing in front of the door.
“BAEKHYUN!” you exclaimed.
“GIRLIE I MISSED YOU!” he then proceeded to hug you.
“What are you doing here?!”
Baekhyun let you go before answering, “Your boyfriends told me you needed company today!”
Ah, of course. The boys.
“They told me to come last week too, but I was busy so I couldn’t. I was so sad I couldn’t see you earlier. It’s been sooooo long!!” he explained.
You hugged once again, indeed, missing him. Before the shitshow happened, he was one of your closest friends other than the EXO, the boys’ band. You then told him you were meeting Yixing and he was more than happy to come with you.
So you walked with him to Yixing’s café. He started to talk about the things you missed out about him, like how he became the million seller with his last album, the first Korean solo artist to do so in 19 years (yes go off king), and some of the guys he dated. He also mentioned his plan to collab with Kyungsoo again and how he had high hopes about it, since the first made him got a best friend in the latter and also in you and the two others.
It took him about 10 minutes before asking, “So what happened?”
“Bad relationship, and like usual, they were there to pick up my pieces,” you answered with a sincere smile.
Baekhyun didn’t pry. And that was really what he really need to know. That you were okay.
15 minutes of walking and you finally arrived. And you didn’t even have to enter the café to find Yixing, he was standing on the entrance looking down to his watch and phone. He only looked over when you called his name, and you launched into each other’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as he held you.
“Again, not your fault, and never will be.” You stepped back from him and introduced him to the other person. “This is Baekhyun, and this is Yixing,” you said to both and Yixing offered his hand. Baekhyun zoned out for a minute before shaking the other’s hand.
“Come in! And choose your favorite treat please!” the tallest welcomed you in.
After choosing the mouthwatering red velvet cake and rose tea for yourself, all three of you were seated in one of the tables.
“So I never knew you had a café,” you said to Yixing.
“You know I’m a sweet tooth. Once I’ve saved enough, this happened,” he gestured the café. “Have you been okay?”
“Yes, how ‘bout you?”
“Me? I’m okay. Well not really. I’m drowning in debts cause I made a leap of faith when this lot became available couple of months ago, so,” he laughed.
You laughed with him too, “Your parents are rich, Xing. You need to worry about nothing.”
“Exactly why I’m not depressed about the debts,” he paused to take a sip of his drink. “Is this one of the guys you live with?” he asked pointing at the guy sitting next to you, currently head deep in his strawberry watermelon cake.
You chuckled seeing Baekhyun’s excitement eating the treat. “No. He’s their friend though. Mine too.”
Realizing he was being talked about, he looked sheepishly to the both of you. “Sorry, this is really good,” he talked with his mouth full.
“By the way, where do you live? You said it’s not far?” Yixing asked you. When you told him the name of the building, his eyes widen. “No way.”
“I live there too!”
“No way.”
“Do you live there too?” Yixing asked Baekhyun this time.
“Sadly, no.”
All of you ended up talking about music, with Baekhyun giving songs recommendation for Yixing to play in his café, most of them are his songs though. Not that anyone complained, his songs are bombs. Baekhyun also asked about business things, turned out he was thinking about opening up a clothes store for his brand.
“Sorry I have to take this,” Baekhyun said when his phone rang, and he walked out of the café.
“Does he know?” Yixing asked once Baekhyun left.
“A little bit.”
“The other guys?”
“They know.”
“Good. You need the support.” He paused again. “I’m really sorry though. I didn’t know it was that bad.”
“Like I’ve said over and over again, it is not your fault.”
“His mom called a couple days ago.”
Your breath hitched. “Why?”
“He’s been spiraling out of control.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “But why would she call you and not his friends?” They were friends yes, Yixing and your ex. But not that close.
“She asked my number around, knowing I know you, to ask me to tell you. She’s his mom but still a woman. She couldn’t ask you for this.”
“For what?”
“A call. To him.”
And this time you were sure you weren’t breathing. “What happened to him?” you asked him with your head hung low.
Yixing took your hand in his, “Drugs.”
Your head snapped up. “What?”
He took a deep breath before continuing to explain, “He did drug business behind my back at the club, another reason I closed it down other than the fact that all the investors left after what happened. And the police knew. That’s why they tried to push you into suing him, cause they don’t have enough proof to put him behind bars. He never used them before. But his mom told me he’s been doing it. And she begged me to let you know, to ask you to call him. Just once, to tell him to stop.”
Your head fell again, you were holding back tears. You were afraid, of him. You were afraid of what he did to you and also about what would happen to him.
“You don’t have to do it, not after what he did to you.”
“I… I’ll think about it,” you replied weakly.
“Don’t think too hard. I don’t agree with this too. I only told you because his mom literally begged me on her knees to let you know. But you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, okay?”
You just nodded. When Baekhyun came back, you tried to fake a smile and masked your feelings. After about another hour, with promises of visiting in the future, you left. As both of you walked out of the café, you turned to your side to the guy who spent the last hour staring at your friend, “You know, he’s gay, he’s single, definitely ready to mingle, and I also noticed his interest in you” you watched his eyes twinkled, “Go get that dick,” you lightly smacked his bottom as he blushed and walked in once again to face the guy behind the cashier. You saw them pulling out their phones, clearly exchanging numbers. “Happy?” you asked as Baekhyun came out smiling wide.
“I just got myself a sugar daddy, of course I’m happy!”
“Oh don’t even try. He’s my sugar daddy.”
“Honey, you already have 3, you don’t need more.”
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matronaa · 6 years
Jungkook “fuckboy?” drabble
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1,637
Genre: Fluff/mentions of smut?
Okay look its about 1 in the morning while im writing this and i just got done literally scrolling thru @jungshookz  e n t i r e page and honestly ive been delusionally laughing over her stories for like an hour and a half like the tattooartist!jungkook fic legit killed me i love it  and i’m probably going to force my friend to check her out because legit i love it so much and she seems like such a funny person and if she sees this 1) ily and ur writing and i wanna be friends but idk how to start a conversation because im a awKwARd bEan and 2) im sorry for probably spamming ur notifications with likes okay i couldnt help it so now im inspired for the first time in a while to write but im way to loopy to put together an actual fic so enjoy this ig
Okay i should stop rambling (okay just note that im so sleep deprived that i had to google ‘words for excessive talking’ to remember the word rambling because im an idiot and i cant think and ooo its 1:11 am rn make a wish b*tches)
Okay im sorry ill begin~
A/n all of this is completely unedited and if bad grammar annoys you srry not srry
Lets talk about what fuckboy!jungkook is oki
I feel like in reality there are just a bunch of rumors about him but hes so smol and hes the quiet type so he doesnt have the energy to dismiss them
Like im sorry soft jungkook is way to good in my mind rn okay #cuddles4days im not in the mood for him to strangle me with his amazing biceps
you never rlly met him in the 4 years of going to the same highschool as him (since you’re in those smart people classes like humanities) until senior year
You and him had the same AP Lit. class lmao english class is  l i t
Which surprised you bc of the rumors like i thought he was a badboy ?? arent those normally idiots ??
Nah my bby is a smart nugget, he just likes to look hella bf 25/8
First day of school cliche where you show up late to class and have to sit next to him because i  d i e  for those plots okay
But you dont know thats him because you’ve never seen him, so you’re confused on why most of the girls keep glaring at you
But soon enough you catch on and you’re like fml
And then the professor is like “where you are sitting is your assigned seating for the rest of the year” and you’re like f m L
He ends up introducing himself to you because i mean like table buddies
But hes really nervous because hes a cute little bean and you’re hella cute cuz lets be honest ur probably wearing like basic black leggings and a hoodie with your hood over your head to hide the bed hair you didnt feel like brushing that morning
Oh, just me? Okay…
He likes ur name because it rolls off the tongue and he thinks it suits you even tho he doesnt know you
Yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You dont really think hes a fuckboy because he seems so nice and he has the cutest lil bunny smile sEE
That is until after school u end up getting to ur locker late because u left something in one of your classes
And u see him pinning a girl against the lockers down the hall
And ur like well shit nvm
And u quickly get ur shit and go because das  a w k w a r d
But then he sees u run off and hes like awh crap i dun fucked up
A few weeks go by and u notice he barely really comes to class so u usually sit alone
On days he does come his chair seems extra close to yours and he’s basically smothering you
But u dont mind because he smells nice
And on the days he does come you get kinda excited because
1) you get a partner who doesnt expect you to do all of the work
2) this boy cute when he gets all intelligent
Ur  like “yes pls continue speaking about the essay we are writing that i have no idea is on because i kept getting lost in the sound of ur voice”
He notices when u zone out because you start staring at his lips when hes talking and he thinks its the cutest thing
One day u get assigned a week long project and ur close enough friends with jungkook to basically scold and force him to come to class all week
But only if he can force u to come to his house to work on it after school
Which you’re low key nervous of because ur going to a ‘fuckboy’s house’ by yourself
And u dont wanna do the dirty because ur a pure child haha not for long
But you agree anyway
And honestly even after the project is done (which you got an A on) you continue going over to his house because his bed is comfortable and he always has snacks
And his mom loves you
Like legit on days you dont go the next day you do she’s like “wheRE WERE YOU”
When the semester is over the professor lets you pick seats but you both enjoy each other’s company so you stay seated together.
finally ur at his house one day and ur just laying on his bed scrolling thru insta and he’s sitting on his bean bag in the corner on his phone and u look up at him and realise
You like him
Like a lot
And u mentally face palm because this was not supposed to happen
But it happened and you’re too far down the hole to climb out
Sometimes u end up napping at his house after school because his bed is more comfortable than yours and one friday night u wake up in his arms
And its like the best feeling ever
Its so warm and hes so cuddly hes like latched onto you
You stay under the warm blankets before you question when he even got in bed since he was playing video games before you fell asleep
And then his phone lights up and ofc you check it for him bc ur a nosey bitch
But not before you observed how adorable he was while he was sleeping
Nope not creepy at all
its his friend tae texting him (you didn’t really know his friends since you had different friend groups)
You check it and its smth like “stop staring at y/n while shes sleeping and reply u creep”
And you’re like w a t
So you scroll up and see that while u were sleeping jungkook went on a full rant on how cute u are and how whipped he is
And ur like holy fadoodles dis boy likes me
And so u decided to text tae like “this is y/n, does he actually like me”
Which turns into you both having a convo on how thirsty jungkook is until he wakes up
Hes like wtf r u doing and he snatches the phone and reads through your messages with tae while u like sit up to stare at him
And he’s still half asleep so it takes him to realise whats going on
“Omfg y/n i can explain-”
He starts rambling about how long he had been crushing on u and that he didn’t want to tell you because you seemed uninterested so he kept it a secret and never told anyone
And honestly he was freaking out because the onE tiMe he tells anyone that he likes you, you find out
But while he’s rambling you’re coming up with an excuse to text your mom that you’re spending the night at his house, so you just say he’s not feeling well and his parents are gone for the weekend.
Lmao she doesnt care she’s just like “lmao ik ur lying but have fun dont get pregnant”
Or Maybe thats just my mom idk
You have to shut him up by snatching his phone out of his hands and kissing him
When you pull away you’re just like “you talk too much lmao”
You explain to him that you like him too and u just get under the covers again and snuggle up next to him, and he wraps his arms around you
And you stay like that for a while before hes like “its late you should get home”
And you tell him you’re staying the night whether he likes it or not
And he is so down for that
But then you end up just spending the weekend there because why not his parents love you
And every night is just filled with cuddling, watching netflix, making out, late night snacks, etc.
Saturday night he gets a lil touchy and soon enough ur like straddling him and grinding your hips against his
But then he’s like “Ive never done this before” and you c o m b u s t
Ur like aren’t you like the school fuckboy how have you not done this
And he tells you its all just rumors and hes too lazy to set the record straight
And you basically decide to take things slow that night since it was you’re first time too and honestly it was so cute
It wasn’t really steamy rough sex it was more soft fluffy love making that is filled with giggling and exploring and appreciating each other
That was definitely the night you fell in love with him
Which is big because you thought love was gross
The next day you’re cuddling and he’s like “you know ur my gf now”
And ur like duh
You start going on cute dates after that like going to cafes or amusement parks
He loved taking you to the beach during the summer because u looked gr8 in a bikini
You found out you were going to the same college with was fantastic, so you decided to rent an apartment together nearby the campus instead of living in a dorm.
Which normally you’d be against because moving in together so quickly ?? but you felt different like this relationship was going to last
Lmao jk gotcha bitch
My baby is too pure and innocent to cheat
Well innocent until you both get into bed and then oh lord it gets steamy
He wants to experiment with like e v e r y t h i n g and honestly you were down
But ofc you set some boundaries.
There were lines he couldn’t cross
I mean sometimes he tried but you shut that down real quick
Overall your relationship was perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend
I mean he brought you pizza rolls and dr pepper to ‘study dates’ how could you not love him.
Oml it took me over an hour to write this its like 2:30 am why am i awake anyway imma go to bed now, idk ur name jungshookz but pls write more fanfics i need more to read late at night okay gnite
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