#sorry this post is so cynical/sneery LOL. in my defense i think i should get a pass when sneering at doxxers and death threat defenders
rayssyscourse · 4 months
public service announcement!
wanna know what? I'm rejecting origin-discourse labels now. I am actually surprised at just how juvenile and petty you ALL are.
i refuse to align myself with anybody of any label who thinks doxxing people, sending death threats, hounding and harassing people, or anything else like that is in any capacity acceptable or justifiable. those are not valiant efforts to defend your truth and justice, those are crimes. doxxing is a crime. death threats are a crime. why do I have to specify that I do not support violent/malicious crime?
you are not middle schoolers. I should not have to remind you of this.
normally I'm all for different opinions, but if your "opinion" is that you should get to behave like an uncivilized three-year-old because someone on the internet made a post you didn't like... that's not an opinion, that's a one-way ticket to the alt-right. I'm sure you'll be very popular over there, and we'll be glad to see you off!
so yeah. in light of all the chaos unfolding in the syscourse tag recently, I'm dropping the 'endo critical' label entirely. I'll still have all my same outlooks and perspectives and discussions, but I'm so over origin discourse labels, lol. please feel free to keep talking to me about origins and origin discourse!! i just don't want to be put under any of those labels anymore.
behind every label, there is a person with their own perspectives and beliefs. and if labels are really SO important to you that you're ready to head off to war (and crimes! doxxing is a crime! death threats are a crime! shocker, I know!) over them... the problem isn't the labels, the problem is you.
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