#sorry this took so long sfdhshgkh
lawlietscaramels · 6 months
The person that asked about L with a reader with motor tics made me want to ask about headcanons for Mello and Near being close with someone who has both verbal and motor tics?
Reader with Tics ╾ Mello and Near
I was going to put verbal and motor in the title but it was so long... M & N (m'n'm haha) separately let's go!
the main canon thing I know about Mello is he's a bit of a dick. so I hate to say it but he's probably going to poke fun at you. until he realises he's genuinely upsetting you, at which point he mumbles something and stops.
you might find a box of chocolates outside your door as a wordless apology.
there will still be the occasional jab
but he's going to go "secretly a sweetheart" mode
because if he's close with you, he's close with you for a reason and that reason is that he cares about you. (even if he kind of hates himself for it)
So, like L, he'll start asking questions, some insensitive, but he's trying to learn so he is no longer such a dick. unlike L he won't do any research at all lmao so the most obvious things will leave him with a shocked Pikachu face...
I actually think if your verbal tics are words as opposed to simply humming or clearing your throat etc, he'd start saying those words more often. just using them in general conversation no matter what they happened to be.
that's actually something that a lot of people do, did you know? we tend to use words more often if we're close with people who say them often
someone will have to tell him eventually that drawing attention to tics can make them worse, at which point he'll freeze up for half an hour and stare at the wall - probably in embarrassment, it's hard to tell. for a few days after that he'll be really awkward just because he's not used to not talking about things.
Mello is the kind of guy who completely blows past taboos, but knowing that focusing on your tics makes it harder for you means he won't want to bring it up anymore
but yeah after maybe a week or so things go back to normal
well as normal as things can ever be with Mello around...
Near, on the other hand, will seem not to notice you have tics at all no matter how disruptive they are to you or how often they show
but of course when you tell him he just quietly says "I know" and goes back to building a tower out of pipe cleaners. though he might invite you to join in considering you're already there
He's so much better about it than Mello lol
he just doesn't really care either way if you have tics or not...
you're still you.
I also hc that Near has some kind of motor disability that affects his legs so he probably is more understanding of potential discrimination or struggles you may have faced
if one of your tics led to you knocking down one of his buildings he'd get a little upset but definitely not as much as if anyone else did it.. he'd probably make you help him rebuild it... that or make you sit five feet away for a while
Like L, I think Near would probably get a little bit scared if your verbal tics were yelling out words. no, actually, he'd probably get a little shocked at any sudden movement or sound. he's not obvious about it though, his body just jolts a little and he goes still for a moment, then returns to normal
he doesn't really ask any questions because he probably already knows everything he wants to know, but he's happy to sit and listen while you talk about anything - tic-related or not - if you'd like that. he will probably not talk back though haha
I think if he heard anyone, particularly Mello, giving you trouble over your tics, he'd throw dice at them
... anyway
yeah he's just chill about it in general. Doesn't see it as anything that needs particular attention: he's more interested in your hobbies and whether you like solving puzzles than the fact that sometimes your body acts in ways you can't control.
bodies are pretty stupid, aren't they?
mmm, I think that's it. thanks for reading :)
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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