#sorry tumblr doesn't give me submission notifications
greenplumbboblover · 1 year
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First off... Time for some celebration!
Simblr.cc Now has 100th Members! 🎉 It may not seem as much, but we all start somewhere! :)
Thank you so much for believing in the project, and especially the people who have already uploaded or posted some awesome content!
And with that... I guess? Presents? (Unintentionally lol)
✨New Features!✨
More big features have been added! Quick TL;DR:
Dead Site repository (See: https://simblr.cc/deadsites/)
User Images (Tab under each download)
Import from Tumblr has been improved!
Queue moderation is currently turned off, to see if that fits the website better. (Though, that doesn't mean I won't check it for any naughty posts that weren't flagged as nsfw! 😉)
You can now browse per Project, rather than All items. (Thanks @nornities for the suggestion!)
Import from Tumblr
(See: https://simblr.cc/import/sites/mod/)
It still may be a little finicky! But while it works most of the time, having more people giving it a try would really help out! :)
Since most themes are different, it could mean that there needs to be a special case written for it.
So anyone whose willing to help out by importing from their tumblr, would be incredibly helpful! (and sending any errors over on discord: https://discord.gg/X9cUPZUdZT
Dead Site Repository
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The Repository:
For more moderation-y purposes, you'll have to contact me first on creating a new repository. This way, I can double-check that the site is actually down.
What counts as a dead site:
An actually offline website (assuming it's been down for at least a few weeks minimum
A tumblr User's page that no longer exist.
A Tumblr User that does exist, but has deleted all their mediafire/simfileshare/dropbox/etc downloads.
Anything along the lines above ;)
Allright, so you got yourself a Repository going... But what then?
Well, if there aren't any collections as of yet, feel free to create one before uploading! :) Make sure that the following is done:
The collection name is accurate to the package file(s)
This would mean, that if it comes from a "Set" (Let's say, a "TS2 > TS4 conversion set) , that you'd label it as such.
If you don't know if it's from a set (or it isn't to begin with) then make sure it's something as clear as "Hair" or "Seating" or "Kitchen".
Now you can add the files (and if you like, images)
They aren't mandatory, but a good idea if you can! :) It adds a bit of visualisation to the person who eventually is downloading the package.
User Images
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What's this?
If you're familiar with Nexus, this may seem familiar to you.
You can now share your in-game images of a specific mod with the creator. (and the rest of the world) :p However, the creator will have to approve your images first. (In case of trolls...)
Can turn off submission of images.
Approve/reject these images.
Get notifications IF someone submitted an image.
Browsing Projects
A new setting has appeared! It's the "Projects only" checkbox!
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(Sorry for the crappy circle lol)
For Project Owners:
Projects now also have "Cover Images" if you set them of course :)
Just go over to your Projects Page (https://simblr.cc/profile/projects/)
And click your project.
From there you should see under "Edit Project" (corner top right) in the modal a way to add it :)
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born-to-lose · 1 year
Lilac, Lava, mint, French rose!!!!!
Lilac - love to see you on my dashboard Lava - something is most definitely wrong with you (affectionate but worried) Mint - you deserve all the rights French rose - and if we kissed to break the tension? what then? (platonic)
Ashley, my wifey!!! I love to see you on my dashboard too 🥺💖 thanks for giving me rights lol and yes something is wrong with me, but I've been fixing myself a bit lately! I'm kissing you sloppy with tongue yes homo 🥰😘
Sorry I didn't see this sooner, Tumblr doesn't send me notifications for submissions 💔
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lesbian-janai · 7 years
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hwat the ffu ck
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peculiar-persephone · 7 years
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@secretschuylersister submitted: Hi, this is just me stealing your flirting technique.
I love this and I’m in love with you.
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