#soul switching au
14muffinz · 1 year
@blackfire-fanfiction it's 2am, but here's the fic as promised
first week
words: 2169
Notes: i didn’t remember the rise timeline, so i’m just going in the order on wikipedia. There’s a lot of food mentions because i forgot to eat dinner and i got hungry. Sue me.
it’s a bit weird right? that over there we’re almost fifteen, and then over here we’re almost fourteen? wonder how that worked out
shit, right. this is supposed to be important info only, sorry
Leon’s pretty sure that it’s pure luck that’s holding the page of the notebook together. He’s written down so many things in preparation of swapping, only to wake up the next day still in ‘his’ body, and have to erase it all.
The body’s not actually his. There’s a bit of a silent agreement that he belongs in this world and the other guy belongs in the other, just because that’s usually where they are. The longest Leon’s ever been on the other end was a couple of weeks, he doesn’t know those brothers like he knows the ones here.
Plus, no hate to the other guy and whatever he’s got going for himself, but it’s weird and wrong to be the same age as Raph and Mikey. To somehow be the soft spoken one, even though that’s almost the complete opposite of who Leon is.
The switching’s been more frequent than normal as of late. It’s got them both on edge, from what Leon can tell. Unfortunately, you can only write so fast in a notebook, and apparently the other guy’s barely touched a keyboard so even if they could find a way to stop Donnie from hacking everything tech-y that they own, it wouldn’t be any faster. But they have talked about it, sort of. Mostly about who has taken notice, with maybe one or two theories thrown in.
Good news, countdowns ticking. They’re about to be fifteen in the other world, and Leon just has a feeling that something’s going to happen over there. He doesn’t want the other guy to miss out on that, so he’s doing anything he can to stay up, even though he’s not entirely sure if that’ll prevent a switch or not.
He was planning on staying up late either way, if he’s honest. After all, fifteen over there means that he and Donnie are about to be fourteen over here, and that’s pretty important. Leon, for several reasons, does not know if he’s actually fourteen, but it’s the thought that counts.
At about five minutes to midnight, Donnie lifts up the curtain leading into Leo’s room, settling himself next to Leo on the bed, and silently handing over a party horn. Leo very, very carefully sliders the notebook underneath his sheets.
Right as the clock strikes twelve, in a mutual silent agreement, they blow into the horn, the paper uncurling and making no noise at the end. Damn, that’s overwhelming.
“I blew first,” they both say in perfect sync, before turning two glares on one another. There’s no way to prove it, as always, but Leon will fight for his status as the older twin, please and thank you. With nothing to decide it for them, they usually resort to things like rock paper scissors or who can do something first games. They never warn each other, either, it only adds to the fun.
One of the many reasons that Leon prefers his Donnie to the other one. He might pretend to be all distant and cool, but he’s still Leon’s twin and it doesn’t seem like he plans on dropping that title any time soon. But other Donnie spends most of his time cooped up in his lab with the small amount of materials he has, or with other Mikey. Having the ‘twin’ interactions with other Raph just isn’t the same.
“Considering I am wearing my glasses and have been caffeinated, it’s reasonable to assume that I would have a quicker reaction time than you.”
“We both I have the better reaction time, Dontron,” Leon argues. “And that I’m much faster than you.”
“Are they?”
The surface is weird over here. Like, it’s cool finally seeing what’s above this lair, but it was hard trying not to act underwhelmed. The other world’s a lot more colourful. I have a feeling you won’t like it up there.
They finally tried pizza, and thank goodness they are hooked. I don’t think I could last too much longer on algae and worms, haha. Definitely need to track down Mike Tony Lou’s, though, I need to get them hooked before it’s too late.
Onto the good stuff! We are very, very close to figuring out what mutated us. We found another canister tonight! And a lot of other stuff, make sure that nobody else bothers you before you read this because it is a lot.
“You doing your writing again?”
Leo can’t help but jump, looking out his open bedroom door, where Donnie is peering in. He winces, frantically shutting the worn and slightly water-stained notebook shut, sliding it underneath his covers before Donnie realises that it’s one he stole from Raph. “Uh. Yeah.”
“Cool.” Donnie pauses for a moment, before continuing as though nothing happened. “Do you want breakfast?”
No. Absolutely not. Ever since the first time he’d had real food in the other world he has not liked eating over here. It’s disgusting. Why are his brothers still okay with eating algae and worms?
“What time’s it?”
Donnie barely hesitates before responding, “Nine-ish.”
“I’m going to sneak out,” Leo decides. It’s prime pizza hour! He can’t ignore that!
“Are you crazy?” Donnie hisses.
Ehn, maybe. Not that he can tell his brother that. Leo just wants to have some bread, so that he has a reason to ask for a toaster, so that he can have toast. Master planning, very important leader stuff that he’s thinking about.
“If Dad doesn’t know, he can’t yell at me,” Leo decides. That’s not the card he’ll usually play in this dimension, but sometimes a little misbehaviour for the sake of the greater good (his family’s taste buds) is worth it.
Donnie considers this. Leo can’t tell how serious he is, his brother mostly just looks tired. “Good luck.”
He proceeds to walk away.
Leo goes back to updating his other self on the Kraang situation.
… I’m not entirely sure what happened to S.B, actually, just that he made it out of that fight. One of us should probably bring that up to our brothers. He could cause problems.
By the way, we have cereal finally. You’re welcome. Make sure Raph gets his first, you know how he is.
Leon stares down at the notebook, shocked by all the stuff detailed in his other self’s ramble about the last two weeks-or-so. It was a lot, and Leon doesn’t think that the weird shapeshifting dudes and creepy lab guy really hold up in comparison.
He crams the notebook between his mattress and the wall, before beginning to stretch his fingers and toes, adjusting himself to the unnaturally large hands that this body is stuck with. He swears, if it weren’t for the switching, one of them would never have heard of wrists or ankles, because they barely exist in this body.
For the first time in a while, he’s not ready to face the day. So many unknowns have just been thrown at him, and he’s not sure how casual to be about them. Silence is always an option, but Leon’s not a quiet guy. He’s the jokester, the face man! Even without the eye bananas from the other body that he loves oh-so-very much, he wants to keep that role here.
Not the leader.
Goddammit, other Leo. If you were that jealous of Ra– big Raph, why didn’t you just say so?
The differences are apparent pretty much the moment he steps into the main area of the lair. Mikey is sitting in the pit with a plate that only has two slices of bread on it, and he’s biting into the third. In this Mikey’s usual chaotic neutral fashion, he’s biting right into the side, crust and all. Beside him, Donnie is leaning over his own notebook, scribbling something down frantically.
It’s not, like, weird or anything, but last time Leon was here, algae and worms were pretty much the only thing these guys ate and Donnie would usually be in his own space rather than in the pit while he works.
He’s good at rolling with things, though, and he’s too hungry to care.
Slipping into the kitchen without offering a good morning, Leon comes across Raph leaning against the counter with a bowl of cereal in his hand. He’s practically asking to spill it, wow.
“Morning,” Raph greets shortly.
“Morning,” Leon returns, already looking around the room trying to identify which cabinets have probably been filled with actual food. One of the worst parts about swapping is not knowing where anything is, like that one time his other self washed his mask and forgot to tell Leon and so he spent the entire morning tracking it down.
Whatever, the biggest one probably has something in it. Raph doesn’t seem to care that much anyways.
“Hey dudes!” Mikey shouts from the other room. “Wanna try and set up a ramp for a bit? I’m bored!”
Heck. Yes. Leon misses the giant ramps from back home, like, all the time. He’s going stir crazy in here! All the time. All the time. Trust him on this.
“Be there in a minute!” He responds eagerly.
Hopefully other April plans on coming over together, he really wants to meet her. He’s been wondering if there’s an April here or not, and he finally has an answer.
so those green bugs kinda sorta came back out the portal thing with us. and went everywhere. so that is a bit of a problem, and we don’t really know how to handle it yet. another mutant popped up btw, a pig dude. really weird, 0/10 would not recommend fighting
you also missed the rat flu by like two days. don’t ask raph what happened, because he is a lying liar who lies, but fingers crossed that you’re around for it next year
we’re going out to see a wrestling match wednesday night, no april
The nice part about this world is that Leo can spend two minutes reflecting on what he just read with his head in his hands, just trying to make sure he read that all right. He’s not sure what he was expecting when he showed up, considering how his own week’s been, but it definitely wasn’t this.
He’d thought that the whole brain aliens thing had upped his weirdness tolerance, but an entire magic city underneath New York is pushing it a lot. As is the teleporting dog/cat, sentient vines(?), and all the other madness that his other self has apparently dealt with.
But you know what? This is the dimension where he’s able to speak his mind without getting weird looks. If he told these brothers that this is insane, he’s pretty sure at least one of them would agree with him.
Leo rushes up the stairs and skids into the kitchen, being greeted by the wonderful smell of this Mikey’s cooking. Absolutely the best part of showing up here is the pleasant wakeups. As much as he loves training (he loves it, he loves it so much, even when Raph is constantly showing him up) sometimes it’s nice to just have a peaceful morning.
“Morning Leo!” Mikey greets happily, moving around the kitchen expertly.
For how much the other Leo wrote down this week, very little seems to have changed.
“We have anything planned today?” He asks, hoping that he sounds more tired than quiet. Leo’s not the loudest person unless he’s quoting something, but the other guy is and he spends more time in this body, so Leo just has to deal.
Mikey shrugs. “Raph wants us to head topside tonight and do more hero stuff, probably. I think that he should be saving his energy for when we watch the match tomorrow.”
Raph wants to do hero stuff? Really? Raph from the other world spends most patrols complaining about how Leo leads the team, or just having to waste time patrolling in general. Which is weird, because Leo knows that those brothers are excited by being topside, including Raph. (Maybe this is something he should prompt his other self about?)
For the next few minutes, he’s left awkwardly standing around as Mikey finishes up a batch of pancakes, trying to think of any more questions that he needs to ask before he starts the day. He has several questions about what’s happened on this side of things in relation to those bugs, that secret city, and more, but he doesn’t know how to ask without sounding suspicious quite yet. He’ll just have to go off of context clues.
“You look tired,” Mikey notes as they both finally settle around the table.
He does? Whoops. It’s not the first time this Mikey’s said that to him, so maybe it’s just a swapping thing.
“I’m fine,” he responds.
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maudiemoods · 11 months
They deserve a little treat!! Maybe they aren't so evil
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Thinking they've just been misled and mistreated! They're not evil, but they're also not good. They just need someone to show them there's more in life and that's where y/n comes in!
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souldoes-things · 3 months
Sooooo decided to hop onto the droplet-ifying wagon and dropletified my lil leviathan(L-R beloved), Switch, and @starheirxero 's Centiclipse!
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Two long bois...... And a lil guy :3
Switch didn't really change much tbh, the lil thing was already built kinda like a droplet lol... He just got shorter :P/pos
Also Centi and L-R are friends in my heart and soul shut up they're friends.... ignore the magma doodles-
Droplets AU by @potatotato-26 !!!
Also once again, Centi belongs to Xero!!! Go check them out they're awesome
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scribf1nite · 1 month
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The gangs all here
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innytoes · 1 year
Leverage + JATP crossover AU?? Like. Imagine Eliot and Sophie specifically having to deal with Caleb Covington
-I am so tickled by this idea. Like, they didn't even die, they're still alive. Like, you know that if ghosts were real, at least Sophie and Eliot would know. Parker too, but she's just like: um what's the big deal? They're just people who died. They're still awkward to talk to. (She is pissed about the whole, they can walk through walls and don't set off alarms thing, but then she realises they can't actually steal stuff so it's fine.)
-Parker has 100% heard someone skateboarding through an empty museum while she was stealing a painting, and just been like: that's none of my business.
-Nate never knew about the ghosts because everyone who did agreed it would send him off the deep end trying to get his son back.
-Somehow, Sophie got into the club (as a guest while grifting) and somehow managed to avoid the whole 'Caleb steals your soul' thing and he's still mad about it.
-You know she 100% enjoyed the show, though. She was sad she had to slip out to finish her whole grift before midnight.
-Eliot knows about Area 51/52, he knows about the Ghosts, okay. Moreau 100% had dealings with Caleb. Eliot totally had a stare off with Caleb's Chair Twink. No he will not have anything to drink, he's bodyguarding and also his Granny taught him better than to accept food or drink from what may or may not be one of the Fair Folk.
-Hardison is NOT OKAY when he learns about the ghosts. He is even less okay when he realises the others all KNEW.
-Breanna is just super stoked that the Phantoms in Julie and the Phantoms are real ghosts.
-Things hit the fan when they realise Caleb Covington owns the soul of Willie. Either Sophie or Eliot recognises him in an old photo album Nana was showing the team (much to Hardison's embarrassment because she was showing them his old tween pictures).
-Because Willie was one of Nana's foster kids. He was only with her for a few months before he got hit by that car, but he was One of Theirs and the fact that his soul is trapped is Not Okay.
-Let's go steal back a Willie.
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cutechan555 · 4 months
Hello! Love your arts! If possible, may we request a masterpost of the AUs?
Aww thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I tried to gather as much as I can
Sorry that the blog is cluttered with ideas and random stories I just really draw anything that comes to my mind and goes with it
 PT AUs from oldest to newest
#The Body switch saga (on hiatus)
Peppino and Noise swap bodies and go through shenanigans as one learns about the other 
#Brain surgery AU (DISCONTINUED)
Peppino gets a brain surgery to take out a tumor and it's up to the bosses and Gustavo to take care of him but he's so damn stubborn 
And One day Gustavo had enough of Peppino's stubbornness and snapped at him hurting his feelings badly now him and the bosses has to gain his trust and forgiveness 
#The Werewolf caretaker au (Ongoing)
When Noah was returning home from work he found Peppino in middle of werewolf transformation and he couldn't leave him alone so it's now up to him to keep Wolfpino out of harm's way
Au inspired by @/frostinepac3 
#The Dungeon AU (Ongoing) (Doesn't have a proper tag I'm sorry)
When Gustavo and his brothers along with Peppino go dungeon crawling, they encounter a dragon but unfortunately that dragon devours Peppino now it's up to Gustavo and his brothers to find that dragon before it digest him 
It's a PT story Based off the Delicious in Dungeon Anime and doesn't 100% follow it 
#Unnamed AU (Has no tag)
(Ongoing I guess..?)
Peppino gets fatally injured at Crust Cove, Gerome finds him unconscious In Front of the level gate and takes him to his secret room to nurse him back to health 
Hope that helps 
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myimaginationplain · 6 months
Steven and Connie are soooo weapon-and-meister coded
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pixlokita · 1 year
Hii! Im new to this comic and i love it so far! One question though, does Freddy have Michael's memories?
You mean like ? If he was aware that he was Michael Afton while he was still glamrock Freddy ? :0c yes and no, he remembered most of everything after waking up in the past since they never got a chance to go underground to fight peepaw before Greg fell into the pit :>
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ketchupkio · 2 years
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Some recent doodles relating to Confidential! Not the exact scenes but I doodled them while thinking of scenes
Wind who knows he did a bad (and me forever upset that his floof of bangs falls over his eyebrow scar so I can't draw it), and a very tired and sad Warriors with his dyed hair (NOT in a tight shirt for once! >:0 who am I??)
Wind and Wars belong to @ageless-soul-au !! Don't tag as LU :)
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14muffinz · 5 months
improv with ease
inspired by @blackfire-fanfiction 's soul switching au
words: 1287
notes: I haven't written for this au (or TMNT at all really) in a long time haha
Raph is glaring at his brother’s shell. The effect is lost on the fact that Leo hasn’t turned around since he slinked up next to the alternate version of Donnie, but if none of his brothers are going to do it, someone certainly has to.
It figures that their two dimensions would have to intercept again some time. After all, with the Leonardo’s situation, at some point they would have tried to at the very least get in proper contact, because for some reason the Leonardos are insistent that they don’t just shut the whole switching thing down outright.
But it’s different this time, because this isn’t their universe, and the guy in Leo’s body isn’t their Leo. He’s the impostor, the turtle local to this dimension, and Raph is choosing to ignore the way he’s shuffling nervously beside him, because seriously, he could tell the truth to the alternate versions of them at any point. They’re doing this entirely to themselves.
Leo taps something on Other Donnie’s phone, and the purple-clad turtle swipes his phone away abruptly, glaring. Leo raises both brow muscles and quirks the corners of his lips up. Other Mikey turns around and rolls his eyes as though this is an every day sort of thing, and Raph tries and fails to relate this to the dynamic between Donnie and Leo.
“Raph,” Leo actually whines, completely throwing Raph off. It’s so childish and unlike the way Leo tends to present himself. Other Raph spins around, face crafted into something neutral as he walks backward. Other Mikey is not subtly leaning against him to keep him from tripping. “Donnie’s being territorial with his phone again.”
Other Raph sighs, spinning back around, and creating distance between he and Other Mikey with the use of his absurdly large tail. Like, seriously, he might be a bit smaller than Leatherhead, but he still has the guy’s proportions, and it's weird. Other Raph scolds, “Leo, stop trying to steal things from your twin.”
Leo huffs, and Other Donnie shoots a victorious smile over at Leo before going back to tapping at his phone. Leo waits a few beats for him to offer the phone back out, and then sighs and retreats to the back of the group, where Raph and his brothers are sticking together.
“So,” he says, and the shit has the gaul to smile right now. “It’s been a few months since we’ve seen you guys, hasn’t it? Has anything interesting happened since the last time we spoke?”
“Is this seriously necessary?” Donnie asks, sounding similarly confused and peeved with Leo’s current behaviour.
Leo elbows him. “C’mon, Other Dee, throw me a bone here. Dontron is obsessed with all this parallel universe crap, I need something to hang over his head for a little.”
“Mondo got the rest of his stuff out of his parents apartment,” Leon pipes up, not seeming even a little phased by Leo’s intentional rudeness. Then again, Leo seems to be pretending to be Leon, so that sort of checks out. “Other than that, it’s been a pretty calm week.”
“Gee, thank god someone was picking up what I was putting down,” Leo sighs, and while it starts off with that same cocky attitude, it trails off quickly into what seems to be genuine anger. “So, anyways, I didn’t finish clearing out April’s spare room for the week, so I could set you guys up in there. But after that I’m gonna turn in early, I haven’t gotten a good full sleep in a while.”
“You are terrible at subtlety,” Leon hisses angrily.
The attitude drops, and Raph is thrown off by how unreadable the tone is when Leo says, “I’ve been the top player in charades for years, haven’t I?”
“Maybe it’s time to stop playing,” Donnie says seriously.
Raph’s brain isn’t going fast enough for all of these metaphors, but unfortunately he’s not quite rude enough to call the Leonardos out on it. Their decisions, at the end of the day, are their stupid decisions.
“We’ll think about it,” Leo says. “But, y’know. Maybe I’ll wait ‘till it stops pissing my twin off so much when I stop. I’ve asked him if we could stop before, but he got all angry and uptight about it, because he wasn’t ready for things to change.”
And then he winks right at Raph.
Raph purposefully increases the energy behind his glare, but Leo only sighs before dashing forward towards their counterparts from what seems like a random burst of energy.
“Whoever wakes up first tomorrow,” Leon says quietly, with a similar unreadable tone to the one that Leo had just used. “We’ll deal with it, okay? And just like last time, it’ll probably be for a few days, so there’s plenty of chances for things to get a bit more normal.”
“Stop speaking in riddles,” Mikey requests. “This is making my brain hurt.”
“Okay,” Leon says, and then he loudly asks, “What time is it here, by the way?”
“Past dinner,” comes the near synchronous reply. Other Mikey spins around, skipping backwards while holding eye contact with Leon. He asks, “Have you guys eaten yet? I can probably whip up something if you haven’t already.”
“No, we’re fine,” Leon responds, suddenly all politeness, posture and cadence nearly a perfect match to Leo’s.
Raph can’t help but be even more bothered.
When they’re lead into the spare room they’ll be sharing for the next few days, Leon almost immediately flops onto the singular mattress in the room as though he belongs there, even though Raph tries and fails to make that a fact in his head.
It’s not Leo, yeah. But it’s still his body, and sometimes that distinction escapes him. Part of why the whole thing irritates him so much.
“Laying it on a little thick there, weren’t you?” Leon asks, and there’s the usual impostor in Leo’s body. The snark machine with little to no filter.
Leo shrugs, and with just the dropping of his smirk, suddenly he looks so much more tired. It doesn’t suit the body quite right, and Raph wishes that he could say the same about his brother in general. “Yeah, well, I needed to make a point, didn’t I? And Raph, I know you’re mad at me, you can stop glaring now.”
Raph does not stop.
Leo sighs, and sits down on one of the actual seats in the repurposed subway car. He doesn’t meet any of their eyes, instead picking at the wrappings on his leg, which Raph doesn’t think he’s seen his brother do ever while in his own body. “Can we try not to have any close calls this time around? I don’t want these guys to be mad at us, too.”
“We’re not mad at you,” Mikey says.
Raph opens his mouth to agree, then hesitates. He’s not mad, but he’s not sure what he actually feels about the whole thing, either. It’s hard to find the right word for it, even though it’s on the tip of his tongue.
“We should all head to bed,” Leon suggests. “I can help you go get the spare mattresses to speed things up. The longer we’re both asleep, the longer we’ll have for a switch to happen.”
“Oh, like that’s so easy,” Leo says, sarcasm dripping back into his tone, though it’s not followed by the usual smile of Leon’s. “But I’ll try.”
“Heck does that mean?” Raph asks.
He doesn’t get a response from either Leo. They both sit up, and take off out the door and into the same direction.
“I feel like they were trying to talk without us there, dudes,” Mikey states.
Raph crosses his arms. “I don’t care.”
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
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I finished redoing this drawing from scratch (minus Astra in the background from my previous post) and not gonna lie, as much as I love the original I can see now it had some serious issues with Danielle and Vlad’s proportions. Overall the new version on the left looks SO much better which just goes to show all my practice drawing Vlad’s ghost form is paying off! Danielle’s Ghostly Wail looks a lot cleaner too. And lastly, the ice encasing Vlad turned out great!
I’m still kinda stumped on how to wrap things up in the last few chapters of Owen’s fanfic “Nevermore” so I’m considering going back to work on one of my genderbent Danny stories in the meantime. If not then I’d at least like to re-read them. Then again, I’m probably rambling since its 3am and I can’t seem to get to sleep, meaning Nocturne’s being a jerk to me again. Rude.
Story: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13761033/1/Lost-Soul
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Surpressed mystics, surpressed mystics...
technically theres some time between leon and raph's argument and april bringing casey back to the lair. Its not a long time but hey, maybe all the mystic usage today has leon drained, he just needs a small nap...
lol imagine waking up and seeing casey jones tied to a chair. have fun leo
I dont think this'd actually work out unfortunately. The movie needs to follow script somehow
Like Leo lost the key, and then took a small nap and Leon was there. Which would make Leon unaware to the oncoming argument and mostly oblivious to what had happened with the key (Leo would probably be diligent with keeping up with the notebook and just said something like "accidentally lost this weird brick thing *bad sketch* and the Foot got it, so it'll probably come up again")
And then by the time Leo gets back the lair's destroyed and Leon's body is wrecked and he's like what happened?
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year
The Donnie’s need a “we keep getting turned into things” therapy group with eachother
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this would go terribly wrong.
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jugemusequencer · 13 days
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anemoia - concepts
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megan0013 · 2 years
let’s pretend the enchantment doesn’t work for a moment, ok?
strickler is obviously relieved confused, and the second he escapes jim’s clutches he beelines it to angor rot for answers. the assassin rolls his eyes and wonders, quite condescendingly, if the issue was user error. an indignant strickler assures him it absolutely was not a mistake on his part, that he did exactly what he was told to do down to the very last detail and there must have been something wrong with the magic itself. angor’s brow arches at that.
“if you really did perform the incantation properly,” he sounds like he seriously doubts this is the case, “then the only explanation for why the spell didn’t work is because a connection between the two of you was already in place."
strickler frowns. “i don’t understand. what kind of connection could - ”
“soulmates, strickler. you and the trollhunter’s mother are soulmates,” angor shakes his head and lets out a disparaging laugh as he watches the blood drain from the changeling’s face. “and they call me chaos.”
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[ The room's door is ajar. Peeking out to the hallway reveals a strange lack of detail down the hall. It just seems to go dark after a short distance. You're not sure if there is anything beyond this room. but then you see it. Standing there. The figure stands there. Hunched over. The familiar coat. That Doctor... They take a step forward to you. It knocks on the walls. Stomping on the floor. Shambling forward to the room. Searching for something. for someone. They try to reach out. Before everything goes bright... ] FORMAT CHANGE UNABLE TO COMPLETE. REVERTING CHANGES... CHECK LOG FOR CRASH REPORT. ??? LEFT ?
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The only thing the teens get to do is stare in shock and gasp before everything goes white.
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Frisk's Soul: "OH! How'd you get over there, silly, that's my vessel, not yours!"
Asriel's Soul: "It was really roomy, I can see why you like it so much, it's so much better compared to my current one, well, we better change back, are you okay?"
Frisk's Soul: "Yeah! It was pretty cramped but I handled it! Let's hurry before things get any weirder!"
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Frisk's Soul: "Hee hee! Let's do a little dance as we change back,"
Asriel's Soul: "Ha ha ha, okay! Sounds like fun!"
Frisk's Soul: "Doot doot doot! Da da da! Souuul maaate dancee!"🎶🎵
Asriel's Soul: "You're so ridiculous, but that's one of the many things I like about you,"
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Frisk's Soul: "Annnnd, da da da da! We're switched! Congratulations and apologies! You're back in your flower vessel and I'm back in my human one!"
Asriel's Soul: "It's not my favorite vessel ever, but I guess it's good to be back, I missed playing with my magic rocks,"
Frisk's Soul: "And I missed my vessel's loooong legs!"
Asriel's Soul: "Ha ha, they aren't that long!"
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Frisk's Soul: "Oh, hmmm... now what, Other One? We're still in the white void,"
Asriel's Soul: "I don't know, I guess we just wait like we usually do, wanna keep holding each other's spirit hands?"
Frisk's Soul: "Of course!" *Proceeds to shake his spirit hand for fun and giggles*
Asriel's Soul: *Giggles with them*
[SCANNING LOG. . . . . ]
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