woobosco · 1 year
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Afro Culture (My culture)
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theshifterbear · 23 days
Backstory - MCU dr
I did make a post that everything about me in my MCU dr is based off the movie maleficent. I loved that movie so much and I wanted to be her so bad. So yeah........ This is my backstory.
When I was 5 months old I was sent through a tree to Soulaa by my Bio-Parents because the humans were attacking the Moors. Luckily The Moors wasn’t destroyed, My parents protected it and put a unbreakable wall around the Moors. Unfortunately they died in the process. But the magic they used is still keeping the wall up.
Evidently I'll have to go to the moors because the magic started withering away. Someone from the moors comes to find me and bring me back. That doesn't happen till later on in the future so let's not worry about it.
DR masters list
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redmambajatiri · 1 month
My Boo || LN4 x Black!reader
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Summary: taking your boyfriend to your family cookout
A/n: is was supposed to be Headcannons and it somehow tuned into a whole story
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It was the start of summer, you and Lando decided to spend a few days in your county Soulaa. It was currently 5 in the afternoon and you and Lando were just now driving to your parents house for a cookout.
“Ok so just so you know don’t be alarmed when going into a room and seeing babies and toddlers all sleeping in the same room.”
“Ok, anything else?”
“greet everyone, including the pets, oh and don’t be surprised when my aunties start hugging you and pinching your cheeks and stuff of that nature.”
“Do not and I’m so serious do not accept playing spades, dominos, uno or anything like that with my uncles and aunties on my momma side them old heads will get real active and ion wanna have to go to jail or get into a fight over a damn game please.”
“Ok is that it?”
“If my cousins ask if you wanna go with them on a walk, just know they’re going to get high”
As you finish your sentence you pull into your childhood home parking in the drive way you turn off your engine and hop out before walking over to Lando grabbing his hand and leading him into your house. As you walk inside your house, you’re greeted by your youngest siblings, you hug them before your sister went to Lando hugging him and saying hello.
“Hey you two, were’s momma and papa?”
“Momma in the kitchen with aunty Liyah and em, papa outside on the grill with the boys.” Younger sister said
You come from a big family both sides of your family are big so you have a lot of aunts, uncles and cousins. But you also have eleven siblings so your family is big in itself.
“Momma let Papa on the grill?” You ask trying not to laugh
“Unfortunately yes”
“Oh lord”
“What’s wrong with your dad being on the grill?” Land asked
“Last time he was on the grill he damn near burnt all the food” you say
As you walk into the kitchen after finishing your conversation with one of the twins, you walk through the door with Lando following right behind you.
“Damn it smell good in here, whatcha cookin momma?”
As the older women turned to you, you walked past your aunts hugging your mom.
“Well hey to you too”
“Hi momma, now what’s in the pot” you ask while trying to reach for the pot lid until you got your hand popped with a spoon.
“Ah shi- momma”
“Move greedy”
“I was just trying to see what was in the pot” you say while rubbing your hand
“Lando boy come here and give me hug, standing over there by your lonesome”
Lando walked over to your mom hugging her and greeting her
“Hi mrs.y/l/n” lando said sheepishly
“Lando I’ve told you don’t have to be formal with us”
“I know I just wan to be respectful that’s all”
As you chatted with your mom and aunties you heard the glass sliding door open, looking over you see your eldest brother Kytrell walking in. You run up to him jumping on him almost causing him to fall.
“Kytrell! I miss you” you say before getting off him
“Sup y/n/n, how you been?”
“Good been traveling a lot”
“That’s good, wassup Lando”
“Hey Kytrell”
“Were my nieces and nephew?”
“Upstairs sleep”
You pout before looking up to see your other older brother Keyshawn leaning on the door frame. “Keyshawn! Nigga you acting like you can’t speak” you say while hugging him. “My fault didn’t wanna interrupt y’all convos-“ just as he was about to finish his sentence his oldest daughter Merikh came into the kitchen, with her little teddy bear and blanket while rubbing her eyes. “Rikh what have me and ya momma told you about rubbing your eyes?” Keyshawn asked while picking her up. “Not to do it” she said. “ Rikh tt baby” you say while taking her out of your bother’s arms. “Hi tt” Merikh said.
“Looks like you still need a little bit of sleep stink” you say fixing her little bonnet. She nodded before laying her head on your shoulder.
After a hour of chatting with your family the cookout finally started, family members from both sides started coming into the back yard. Dancing, laughing, kids playing amongst other stuff made you feel looked you never left. “Babe what do you want on your plate?” You asked Lando while walking into the kitchen with him. “Anything but seafood” he said causing you to giggle knowing how much he hates seafood. So you end up putting greens, candied yams, neck bones, and cornbread on his plate before putting the same stuff on yours. As you two returned to where y’all was sitting you see one of your nieces walking over to you.
“Hi Zara baby” you say while picking her up and placing her on your lap, you continue eating and talking to Lando until Azara got out of your lap and walking to Lando to which he picked her up placing her in his lap. Azara being only one years old started grabbing at Lando’s necklace trying to stand in his lap. “Zara don’t pull on uncle Lando’s necklace” you say. “It’s fine baby she’s not hurting me” he says while holding her up playing with her causing her to laugh.
As the cookout came to an end you packed a few to go plates for you can Lando before saying your goodbyes and heading back to your apartment.
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yinlotus · 11 months
question/discussion topic for my black american followers:
have you heard of soulaan as a word to describe us? and if so, what do you think of it?
for those that don't know, soulaan is an endonym (i.e created by us) for our ethnicity that was coined over a year ago. the base 'soul' comes from our culture that includes soul food and soul music, while the ending '-aan' comes from "african american nation". variants include: soulaa and soulaani (both of which can have the double aa or single a)
i thought it was nice but then i saw concerning stuff like this that made me go "yikes":
some of the people that use it are black separatists, use it to fuel diaspora hostility, etc.
it doesn't seem very popular right now outside of like tiktok or pinterest. but it's been gaining popularity throughout 2023.
some people criticize it as not wanting to learn our individual ancestry blends (i.e the ethnic groups we'd get from a dna test)
personally i'd be fine with the term because as i see it, this would make it less controversial both in and out of our identity:
afro-american/black american: anyone of full or partial sub-saharan african ethnic descent who are citizens or permanent residents of the united states. (race + nationality)
soulaa: any black american who's culture and heritage is tied to the united states. (ethnicity)
american descendant of slavery/foundational black american: any soulaani that uses their identity to push a, usually nationalist, separatist, or supremacist political stance. (ethno-political identity)
from my understanding, any polarity in regards to the current terms stem from:
people confusing denonyms, ethnonyms (endonyms and exonyms), and ethnotopynyms with each other
identities and labels are very different between countries + identities that start with afro-/black aren't usually ethnicites outside of the americas
polysemic vs monosemic terms (e.g being "black" can be referring to race or the american ethnicity)
probably some other stuff i forgot to add
also, to me, the word is just cute and fun to say. "sō-lahn" haha 🥰 i think i'll try using the term to see how i like it.
feel free to correct me on any definitions that might be incorrect!
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nightlylaments · 1 year
oc name meanings
tagged by @darthenra. Thank you.
rules: share the name of an oc -- or ocs -- and tell us what the name means
Im gonna copy @darthenra and also names + titles because my character names don't really have meaning. I just liked how they sounded.
(Ky-me-nuh) – Descendents of the goddess born from her relationship with the mortal/mundanus man; Have a higher concentration of Soulaan than all other living beings.
(Ner-e) - Resilient one or strong one.
(Nez-i-uh) - in the fictional language in SWOT (doesn't have a name yet), Nezi'a means "one who causes storms" or "forwarding of storms". She was given this name because she was born during the worst storm of her birth year.
the name Zyon has origins in Hebrew and is traditionally spelled, Zion. It means "highest point" and is the Hebrew name for Israel.
Halfblooded Kimena; have very little Soulaas but still more than the mundanus and are skilled apothecaries.
Inhabitants of Azurani before Namari; Are not born with powers and have very little Solaas.
Pureblooded Kimena; Most powerful of the Kimena and have honey/amber-colored eyes
ill tag @mariahwritesstuff @@ls-daydreams @saintedseraph
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My Life! 👯💗 @megantaylor_xo_ #bestfriendgoals #squadgoals #soulaa #bestbae #mybae #besties #mygirl #instapic #instamood #instabae #fblogger #bblogger #followme #FF #followfriday #cuties #l4l (at Frinton-on-Sea)
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dickvanas · 4 years
Dragen we nu wel of geen Mondkapjes?
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Als U straks met trein, bus of tram gaat reizen moet U een mondkapje gaan dragen. Er is gewoon te weinig ruimte in de voertuigen, vandaar deze maatregel. Niet dat die mondkapjes nou enige soulaas bieden tegen Corona, maar er moet nu eenmaal eendracht zijn in het Openbaar Vervoer (?). Groot voordeel: U bent als reiziger niet meer zo herkenbaar voor medereizigers.
Als U nou maandag naar de kapper gaat of de pedicure of schoonheidsspecialist uitnodigt dan hoeft U geen mondkapje te dragen. Zij hoeven alleen maar te vragen of U zich ziek voelt, koorts heeft of andere klachten. Zo ja, dan kunnen ze geen afspraak maken. Zo nee, dan bent U welkom. Deze mensen moeten U er maar op vertrouwen dat U eerlijk bent over Uw gezondheid en niet met hoge koorts naar de kapper gaat. Ik weet het niet meer helemaal hoor, ik ben de tel kwijt!
Gaan medewerkers van het O.V. nu bij de halte mondkapjes uitdelen? Worden die bij de tickets verkocht? Prof. Dr. Jaap van Dissel gaf donderdag weer een Technische Brieving aan de Tweede Kamer en deze ging over de mondkapjes. Van Dissel is viroloog en infectioloog en houdt de Tweede Kamer wekelijks op de hoogte met alles rond het virus. Het RIVM heeft een groots onderzoek gehouden onder 90.000 respondenten over het gebruik en het nut van de mondkapjes. Enkele opvallende resultaten uit dat onderzoek:
1,5 m maatschappij lastige opgave › Geen probleem met naleven: – geen handen schudden (99,5%) – elleboog niezen (75%) – papieren zakdoekjes (73%) Moeilijker na te leven: – handen wassen (42%) – 1,5 afstand houden (ca. 1/3 á 2/3, afhankelijk van setting) › Lastigste opgaven lange termijn: – thuis blijven – 1,5 meter afstand houden – niet op bezoek bij 70+.
Welzijn: – een derde is meer angstig, somber, gestrest en eenzaam – 20% heeft meer slaapproblemen. Leefstijl: – 73% zelfde eetpatroon – 53% beweegt (veel) minder – 28% rookt meer, 12% rookt minder. 90% zou het (heel) erg vinden het virus door te geven aan een ander.
De heer Van Dissel gaf ook nog eens een opsomming van de mondkapjes, de soorten en hun effecten. ‘Medisch masker met voldoende filter: chirurgisch type IIR, FFP1 of FFP2 masker vangt druppels op van buiten naar binnen 2. Overige medisch masker: chirurgisch masker type II  vangt druppels op van binnen naar buiten’.
Doel 1 van de mondkapjes. Voorkomen van besmetting van drager 2. Voorkomen van besmetting van anderen. Dragen mogelijk enigszins bij aan beperken verspreiding in openbare ruimten, waar 1,5m afstand houden en triage/ gezondheidscheck niet altijd mogelijk zijn. › Door beperkte bescherming niet geschikt als vervanging van: – ‘social distancing’ – hygiënemaatregelen – (thuis)isolatie patiënten met klachten.
Voor iedereen blijft gelden: • Was vaak uw handen. • Hoest en nies in de binnenkant van uw elleboog. • Gebruik papieren zakdoekjes om uw neus te snuiten en gooi deze dan weg. • Schud geen handen. • Houd 1,5 meter afstand (2 armlengtes) van anderen. • Werk zoveel mogelijk thuis. Bent u ziek? • Blijf thuis bij verkoudheidsklachten, zoals neusverkoudheid, loopneus, niezen, keelpijn, lichte hoest of verhoging tot 38 graden Celsius. • Heeft u ook koorts en/of benauwdheid? Dan blijven ook huisgenoten thuis. Bent u 70 jaar of ouder of heeft u een kwetsbare gezondheid? Wees extra voorzichtig. Het kan verstandig zijn om voorlopig nog zoveel mogelijk thuis te blijven.
Belangrijk in nieuwe fase: meer kans op verspreiding → nieuwe patiënten en contacten opsporen. – Nieuwe uitbraak voorkomen. Richt zich vanaf nu op opsporen contacten tot 2 dagen voor aanvang klachten. – Bij rapportage eerste ziektedag in praktijk niet altijd duidelijk of daarvoor helemaal geen klachten of wel al milde symptomen. – Vroeg symptomatische klachten moeilijker te herkennen → mensen blijven dan mogelijk nog niet thuis, dus kans op verspreiding.
Van Dissel legde nog eens uit dat het vooral lastig is om mensen met lichte klachten te tellen. Mensen die zich maar een beetje ziek voelen en zich niet bij de huisarts meldt en gewoon ook weer  zijn opknapt. Zonder de genomen maatregelen zouden – naar schatting – 23.354 extra IC-opnames en 92.015 extra ziekenhuisopnames nodig zijn geweest. Het is een virus dat bij veel mensen alleen maar lichte klachten heeft gegeven. Maar hij gaf ook aan dat ‘onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat er tussen de 500.000 á 700.000 mensen geïnfecteerd zijn geweest en immuun stoffen hebben opgebouwd. Maar veel mensen hadden dus niet of nauwelijks klachten gehad. Duidelijk is ook dat het prima is om zelfgemaakte mondkapjes te dragen in het openbaar vervoer. Alleen een sjaal zou toch weinig soelaas bieden. Dan helpt de 1,5 meter afstand beter!’. Door Dick van As
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woobosco · 6 months
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Afro Culture, My Culture @woobosco
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woobosco · 1 year
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woobosco · 1 year
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Afro Culture (My culture)
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woobosco · 1 year
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woobosco · 1 year
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Afro Culture (My culture)
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woobosco · 6 months
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Afro Culture, My Culture
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woobosco · 6 months
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Afro Culture, My Culture @woobosco
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woobosco · 6 months
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Afro Culture, My Culture @woobosco
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woobosco · 1 year
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Afro Culture (My culture)
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