#soulsborne ask memes
grollow · 2 years
16, 28, 34 for the asks? :)
16. Who is the most underrated NPC in your opinion?
I'm gonna refrain from ranting about anyone from Bloodborne because I think all Bloodborne's characters (all like 5 of them /playful) are popular. Instead I'll tip my hat I think to Yuria of Londor. Because her questline was very fun to me to do, and I love her so much and also I want her to wreck me.
28. What boss did you struggle with the most?
Orphan of Kos, but not for the difficulty in the boss fight (although that was a problem too). I do a lot of my fights based on auditory cues and NEED the sound effects. The problem is Orphan's screams sound like a dying animal to me and they hit a pitch that makes me actually tremble. I had really bad panic attacks fighting him because of the noises, and because I can't do boss fights WITHOUT the noises, it was an awful catch-22.
Special shout out to bosses that break the camera though. Fuck you worsties @ phase 1 Nameless King, Elden Beast and Midir.
I answered 34 already :>
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tarnussy · 7 months
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katyspersonal · 5 months
i thought the mohglester was a joke but did mohg actually mohglested his brother!!😭
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My favourite (pure) Souls meme was the thing about dead horses. But the Torrent came and kinda nuked that...
Which one was that? I don't remember this meme at all.
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fenharael · 2 years
Top 5/10 Soulsborne characters~?
In no particular order I present to you:
1. Mohg
Fucking badass monster with an impeccable sense of style. But aside from the purely aesthetic love for everything Mohg, he's probably the soulsborne character I feel most emotionally invested in. Others have said it better than me, but Mohg is complex and tragic. He's the son of the Golden Order, seen as cursed and defiled by his own mother and sent to live in the shadows essentially to carry the burden of her sins. He, like Morgott and everyone else, carry the consequences of Marika's actions on his body and in his behavior. His twisted sense of love is borne of his treatment and he unleashes it on the world in the form of blood and violence. The mother he choose for himself and the path he walks is a giant "fuck you" to everything that shunned him, all the while still trying desperately to emulate it and carve out a holy and divine place for himself. The fact that he chooses Miquella, the demigod most likely to succeed Marika and who bears her likeness (that we can tell), the demigod who makes a haven for the forlorn and mistreated, is so fucking sad. He literally takes what he never had by force and says "you WILL love me". He does this in a sense to everyone he encounters. Whether it's his intended consort or his followers. They are all compelled by bloodlust or force or some twisted love of their own to keep his company even as it destroys them. The fact that he transforms the Mausoleum complex into a sewer/swamp reminiscent of the shunning grounds is just salt in the wound. He's legitimately and desperately trying to create a world he believes is good and right (for him) (and possibly other shunned creatures) based on the only world he even knew and the only love he ever received. All of this sadness and tragedy and pain result in a DEEPLY screwed up individual who is quite literally a monster in every sense of the word, but at his core he's just a sad, scared child who wants to be loved.
2. White Maks Varré
Someone at Fromsoftware tailor made this horrible, disgusting man exactly to my tastes and every day I thank god for that. Ethically dubious doctor? Check. Bride vibes? Check. Gender? Check. Murdered? Check. Condescending and insulting but in a sexy way? Check. Violence but it's obviously a stand in for something sexual? Check. Pathetic, prideful, tries to kill you but is played by his own hubris? Check. COURTLY LOVE???? CHeck. I adore the contrasts in Varré's character and design. He was a man of medicine and healing before being corrupted by his own dark nature. He values love but it's sadistic and violent. He craves power, gave up EVERYTHING for the promise of it, all for it to amount to nothing at the end. He insults you by saying you'll die nameless and without ceremony, and at the end of it all he bleeds out alone and abandoned in a forgotten tomb to a dead god. Absolutely merciless Fromsoft 10/10. I'm obsessed.
3. Marika
I don't even know where to begin with Marika but I have a lot of emotions about her.
4. Ringfinger Leonhard
I'm a simple man. Sexy voice, mask, insults me, I'm all in. I love his design and I'm just a sucker for knight's devoted to their duty despite it ending in tragedy.
5. Fausefka/Imposter Iosefka
I debated this spot with Solaire because he gives me a LOT of emotions but I think I'm gonna go with Iosefka. Again, predictably she's a questionable doctor who experiments on her patients. But I'm just so curious about her? And I admire her in a way, she's uncompromising in her quest for answers, she needs to ascend, she needs to understand, and she'll do anything to find out. She may sacrifice countless innocents to understand the Eldritch Truth but hey, when it comes down to it, she's willing to go under the knife herself.
6. Solaire
7. Valtr
8. Ebrietas
9. Yorshka
10. Anri
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Raspberry, lilac, steel and lemon! ^^
Raspberry- I need your help to kill God.
Lilac- You make my dash better and I cherish you
Steel- You post the most beautiful art/fics/edits
Lemon- Funniest tags known to man
sdhfgbksdhf i don't even know what to say to this bc this is all so sweet, but also [cocks gun] LETS GO GET THAT MOTHERFUCKER AND TURN THEM INTO A WEAPON
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fellomenking · 2 years
18, 21 for the soulsborne ask?
Soulsborne Asks 2!
18. What are your 3 favourite OST tracks?
There's some... Contenders across all the games.
3: Dark Souls III
As I have just recently finished my runthrough of DSIII, I figured I'd tackle this one first.
I'm not quite AS familiar with the Soundtrack as I am with Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring(those are the three I've played the most). Though from the Dark Souls Trilogy, I would have to say DSIII had the best.
So the two contenders are between Sister Friede and Slave Knight Gael.
... Friede... As good as the theme is, gives me some bad PTSD to what was, imo, a very unpleasant fight.
Gael, while I had to resort to calling for help for his fight, was super fun, and the track was really good.
So Gael has my vote for the theme, on the basis that it DOESN'T give me PTSD.
Friede DOES have a good theme, unpleasantness aside. I just prefer Gael.
Honorable mention to Abyss Watchers and Dancer of the Boreal Valley.
Elden Ring
... Leyndell.
... Well no one said it was strictly boss themes.
So, I WAS gonna hand it to Mohg or the Godskins, who are absolute boppers in terms of boss fight themes.
But overall, I'd have to cast my vote for the Leyndell theme.
It's so melancholic and sad. And it's such a heartbreaking buildup for the boss fight that awaits at the foot of the Erdtree.
An honorable mention to Margit/Morgott, Ancestral Spirit, Malikath and Elpheal.
This... I WAS gonna hand it to Laurence, the First Vicer or Lady Maria of the Astrel Clocktower. However...
I'm going to cast my vote for Hail the Nightmare.
That first encounter with the Snatchers. Being killed. And then waking up in this strange new side of the town, with this distant choir in the distance.
It's an absolute let-down that it's gone during the Blood Moon phase.
Honorable mention to Cleric Beast/Vicer Amelia and Ludwig.
21. Best poison swamp?
In terms of aesthetic or gameplay?
Aesthetics, Farron Keep.
Gameplay, Swamps of Aeonia, because you can cheat and ride through on Torrent.
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kazeofthemagun · 1 month
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Anonymous asked:
send 🍀 and i'll recommend an oc rp blog
Positivity meme
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[.....Oh boy y'all already know where this is going]
[I legally cannot answer this without putting my bestie in the #1 spotlight, aka Bug aka @cursedfortune aka some other blogs I'll mention in a sec. Literally the most amazing person ever and one of, if not the best friend I've made here in my 4~ years of being on tumblr.]
[To preface, Bug's blogs post ns/fw so keep safe if that's not your thing/you're a minor, as well as heavy content to be expected from dark fantasy-themed muses. The details you'll find on the blogs themselves, so I'll refrain from wasting too much time when I could be getting to the JUICE 🥤.]
[The main, the OG, @cursedfortune . Bug's main OC, Mortem, is amazing in every way. Seriously. She's got it all. Looking for a strong, competent female character with an intriguing and compelling backstory sprinkled throughout the blog? They're your Bug. Fancy some in-depth exploration on blue-and-orange morality that transcends human understanding and puts in the forefront the often terrifying workings of balancing forces? They're your Bug. Really, those who have been here for any amount of time probably know but Mortem is Kaze's first and only ship but neither of us went into it thinking those two chucklefucks would catch feels in that way. In hindsight it makes complete sense, but here's the deal: don't begin your journey with this character solely to ship. It won't work that way - shipping needs chemistry first and foremost and female OC muses are already dealing with many users who go in with only the intent to write romance/smut and largely ignore what makes the character so compelling and unique in the first place.]
[Not to give lessons on tumblr etiquette, I'm sure y'all can understand 💜]
[Some other OC blogs of Bug's that I've interacted with a bit less but are nonetheless amazing:]
@bvd11975 That's not a spambot, baby. That's Nes, a special agent of an agency focused on paranormal investigation that plays a key role in Bug's overarching setting. Kickass character, design, story and personality-wise.
@ofmanytxngues A glorious force of chaos lmao. Not *that* Chaos, but uhh.. there's def A Wormy Boi (gender neutral) involved there somewhere. Marie is another character I haven't written with all that much and is on hiatus atm but I simply cannot not give her a shoutout while I'm at it. Marie and Ana riding an ice cream truck when?
Some others that are more WIP atm ^^ you'd have to approach Bug for them. (And their canons! But this is a meme for OCs specifically ;)
[NOW, to take a break from gushing about the best soup to ever soup and give due spotlight to others who 100% deserve it - keep in mind this is based on my interactions with them, as in, I am unlikely to shout out people I haven't written with or otherwise interacted with enough!! This is in no way personal, but rather a natural consequence since there are SO many amazing people and muses on tumblr. 😄]
@halfkuma and @knightshonour . Those two started out as iterations on the same character and evolved into separate people: also feature a healthy dose of secondary OCs and some canons. Rowan is a character I've fallen in love with (figure of speech) very easily since, well, I do happen to enjoy gloomy, doomed by the narrative warriors, and Soulsborne, very much. Halfkuma is a blog based around the Touhou universe with the mains, Roan and Touri, being bear yokai. (Half and full respectively). Furthermore, Slap himself is one of the chillest beans on here and is always a pleasure to talk to and meme with.
@hriobzagelthewanderer !!! Because how could I NOT. Kov is amazing and so is his muse. I was so surprised to see a figure from Polish (and generally Slavic + Germanic) folklore, that I essentially grew up reading about, transformed and adapted into an amazingly crafted muse. Hriob Zagel combines various mythologies + popular media inspirations into one giant (pun intended) goofball who is an absolute delight to see on my dash.
Aaand last but not least (for now!) Though I haven't interacted with her personally just yet, @hexenjagd . Obligatory shoutout to a dark fantasy/Elden Ring-based female OC with some of the most intricate yet well-flowing backstory I've seen on the site. Helena, the Witch-Knight, a person branded by the touch of Death and everything it entails within the setting. Definitely grimdark and macabre in all the right ways and I am here for it. 😎
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necrophcge · 5 months
// Meddles here is technically my most active, but I'm doing stuff behind the scenes for my lads Brom ( @of-forossa ), and Samuel Whist ( @fishermcn ) so I'll add them here too lmao.
// Ah hell man, probably a lack of progression when it comes to replies? When I'm writing a thread with someone, I do what I can to make sure they have enough from my own to continue the story we're telling together. So getting a reply in return that doesn't move things forward puts me in kind of a bind y'know? Matching or similar length comes with that as well, though I don't expect folks to match me word for word so much as giving as good as they've gotten!
Communication is also key! I know that it can be uncomfortable or a bit daunting to try to chat with folks you haven't gotten to know all that well, but with threads being something we create together we really should be on the same page. Even just a little update or the like is preferable to total radio silence rofl.
// Shoot, it's probably been about twelve, maybe thirteen years now? Been on here the whole time and have bounced around to a few different fandoms before more or less settling down into the soulsborne community.
// I'm definitely an angst kinda guy, though usually in the sense that things are going down or conflict is brewing rather than interpersonal drama. I live for fight-writing and the tension that comes with lives being on the line. Fluff is usually reserved for one and done replies rather than threads because I feel it's more impactful thst way, while smut is... well. I'm getting better at it, but it's definitely my weakest writing of the bunch. That, and I admittedly can get a bit nervous posting it out here in the wild for everyone to see (////-\\\\)
// Both! Plots and plotting are my preferred go-to for our muses to get to know each other and establish what their relationship will be like going ahead, while with memes I'll usually go ham on a single reply with the intent of further fleshing out what we've pieced together for our muses.
// If you've known me on my other blogs you already know I tend to get long winded XD. Short replies never feel like I've said enough honestly, and by taking the time to get in depth with them I reckon it opens the door wider for potential interactions (memes) or it gives the other person more room to reply with (threads). Least amount I'll do is around two to three paragraphs.
// I'd love to tell you folks that I'm a responsible, orderly guy who keeps a good sleep schedule and has a set time for writing. Unfortunately I'm little more than an animal who's as likely to bump out an ask or reply at 4:00 in the morning as I am to post something mid-afternoon. Ideally though... I prefer the evenings for it. More privacy, more time to gather my thoughts and less demands for me personally to have to address.
// I'm a firm believer in the notion that muns typically have something either in common with or identify strongly with their muses in some form or another, and I'm no exception. Meddles might be a conqueror, cruel and malicious, but struggling against a seemingly impossible task and not wanting to be alone in this world... yeah. Yeah, I can relate to that. It helps me put myself in their shoes and understand them better if there's something about them I identify with.
tagged by: @ferinehuntress (much obliged panda :D)
tagging: @yellowfingcr, @hexenjagd, @bcwblade, @rotten-pest, @izar-tarazed, and you!
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knightscanfeeltoo · 9 months
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What if Elite Knight Oscar, Chosen Undead, Patches and Solaire use Computers for Whatever Reason...
(WOOHOO!!!! More New Dumb Oscar of Astora Memes that NOBODY in the Dark Souls/Soulsborne Community asks for but I don't care because I will still be Posting More this Year, WOOOOOO!!!!!!)
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grollow · 2 years
19 and 35 for the soulsborne asks? 👀
Hiii <3
19. What is your favourite line of dialogue?
Artorias's cut line of "for I have availed you NOTHING" will always break me. Always. It's criminal they cut his dialogue, but that line in particular is fucking heart wrenching. His voice actor KILLED IT. Put it back.
If I have to pick one in the game I am going to tip my hat to Maria because I am gay as shit.
35. What ingame faction would you belong to?
I'd 100% be a Confederate. Valtr has my whole heart.
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mangledskull · 6 months
2, 11, 21, 45 and 49 for Patches?
Asks from this meme below!
2. Did you always like this character?
When I first encountered him in Elden Ring, I absolutely hated him. Elden Ring was my first Soulsborne game, so I didn’t know that he was a reoccurring character throughout (most) of the games. It was until I went through his questline that I began to grow attached with him. That, along with seeing him again in Bloodborne as a spider.
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
I honestly think it happened when he first kicked me off a ledge in Elden Ring. I thought the cutscene was so funny because of how unexpected it was (again, I had no idea about the context behind it). Seeing my character get kicked down a 500 foot cliff AND LIVE genuinely wanted me to know Patches more. Like. What is his fucking problem
21. Are your feelings about this character platonic, romantic, or familial? All of these feelings at once maybe?
Honestly, I kinda see Patches as a family member at this point. Out of all the unfamiliarity and confusion in these games, he’s always someone you know and recognize (even if he’s an ass). Every time I was done playing Elden Ring for the day, I would take my character to Patches’s den and sit with him. He’s gonna be sitting there with him until the DLC comes out :)
45. Do you feel as if you are intimately familiar with this character?
Following the last answer, absolutely. Even if he steals my wallet and pushes me down a ledge whenever he can, I still love the bald headed shit.
49. What’s your favorite personality trait about this character?
There’s a lot of things that I love/hate about Patches. I think that one of them is whenever he switches to being your “friend” once you come back to him from one of his traps. He does a complete 180 and acts like he did nothing wrong. Since I’m writing about him in my fic, I love to shed light on this part of him :D
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Miquella to Radahn is like what Sephiroth was in ur inbox
Oh, you think that annoying anime man stopped plaguing my life at the endless stupid coincidences online including him, @heraldofcrow bringing him up at EVERY possible occasion, comments spam, reblogs with Genesis speechbubble under my annoyed rant about how I can't get rid of him and endless endless ENDLESS inbox spam by A CERTAIN JERK?! Look at THIS:
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*sets the 'days since Sephiroth annoyed me' counter to 0 again*
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thewisecheerio · 3 months
Elden Ring Coop MomentsTM
There have been some entertaining MomentsTM in the last few days during Elden Ring coop as players prepare for the DLC.
Here is a Guts cosplay from Berserk:
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Here's Kratos from God of War. Pretty screen accurate if you ask me.
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A nod to Baldur's Gate 3 below. Their other cooperator is kindly bowing as I'm summoned in.
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(Skip this paragraph if you play soulsborne games.) While Elden Ring has voice chat, it's pretty rarely used. A lot of the player base enjoys the vague, emote-based system you end up having to use to communicate. It's similar to Animal Crossing in that way, and it's equally as charming.
In this session, the Host was very close to dying at the same time that the boss really only needed 1 more hit to be finished off. So I ran in to take aggro and made a silly mistake that got me killed. However, it gave the Host time to chug a healing flask and finish the boss off. The Host then used the Dejection emote to fall to their knees in mourning for the loss of their cooperator at the last moment of the battle:
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Here we have Big Chungus decked out in Lionel's Set:
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Here is the biggest Fuck You to this boss I've ever seen: not one but TWO Kamehameha meme beams to chew through his health. The other mage didn't quite survive to the end, but it gave the Host the time they needed to finish off the last bit of health.
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tarsam06 · 6 months
I'm bored, so I might as well make an intro post for the one (1) person who's actually gonna read it.
I'm Damien. I'm a cis dude who is bi himself (of majority age for those who want to know, though please don't send me anything spicy without asking first, and note that I try (sometimes unsuccessfully) keep my blog itself PG-13 (innuendo/suggestive comments, cursing, but nothing graphic)), and am an avowed geek. I play copious amounts of Magic: the Gathering (ask me about my cEDH decks), Bloodborne, and the Persona series. I also play the other Soulsbornes and DnD from time to time, and would play Warhammer if I wasn't too broke to afford a 3D printer. I like to sleep sometimes (not consistently) and read fantasy (Favorite authors are Mercedes Lackey, James Mallory, RA Salvatore, Margaret Weiss, Tracy Hickman, and Terry Pratchett).
I mostly post memes, with a sprinkling of political statements I find prudent, and occasionally a rant because I have emotions like most humans.
I kinda suck at pronouns and the like, but will do my best to be inclusive of all identities and ways of expression regarding them. If I misgender you (or otherwise reasonably offend you) please feel free to let me know and I'll do my best to fix it, make amends, and watch out for it in the future.
If you're a dickhead, you're not welcome here. This includes but is not limited to any kind of bigotry toward anyone of any race, gender identity, sexual identity, or religion. I have a block button and will use it.
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mrslittletall · 8 months
Hii =D
How about 2 for the fandom ask and 25?
Love your fandom Ask Meme
2. a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like! Trans Sulyvahn. I really was unsure what to think of him at first, but then I read too many Hambone fics where he is not having a dick and I started to like it a lot until I was like "Yeah, alright, I get it now, that guy is definitely trans."
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces Block the people you don't agree with! That don't always have to be the ones with a different belief system, but also the ones who "ship your OTP wrong" or are posting hate about your blorbo or are posting about nothing but your NOTP. It will just annoy you. Find your people and ignore the ones you aren't able to talk to anyway. I had such a better time with Undertale once I unfollowed and blocked all the people I didn't like and the same is true for Hollow Knight and Soulsborne. God, I once went through the Gehrman tag to block every blog who hated on him.
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