#soulshipping week
soulshippingweek · 2 years
Soulshipping Week 2022
I know I was initially considering not doing this at all this year but i've reconsidered briefly and well - I'm going to ask, at least. Who wants to participate in 2022 Soulshipping Week? Rules are the same as always - romantic intent, not platonic/sibling/etc, any rating but properly tag & warn for things that should be properly tagged & warned for, and no character or other ship bashing whatsoever.
Regardless of if anyone else is interested in participating, starting December 21, I intend to post a week's worth of Soulshipping because I have several in my backlog and they need to get released into the wild.
Who wants to do this? Though to be fair, if this isn't enough warning, let me know and I will reschedule it (probably for March or so).
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higuchimon · 2 years
The only regret I have about spending 2023 with Reversal as my major focus is that it holds me back from other stories I would love to write. Soulshipping. My fills for my Bingos. Random character or ship weeks.
But I will power through! There will be an end to this story. And then many more.
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Spirit and Soul Intertwined Chapter 2
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Tagging this and the second chapter under Soulshipping week but I would’ve published this either way.
Yubel’s POV
“Rainbow Dragon!”
“Winged Kuriboh!”
One of Judai’s facedown cards lifted to reveal Winged Kuriboh. The monster yelped in alarm. Rainbow Dragon’s attack hit Winged Kuriboh, destroying the little monster with a screech.
“Sorry, little buddy,” Judai muttered, shivering from behind his duel disk.
“I set one card facedown and end my turn,” Johan replied, his smile wider and brighter than the sun.
“My turn! Draw!” Judai gazed at the card he’d drawn and the colour seemed to drain from his face. Concern overtook Yubel.
“Do you have a plan?” they asked, folding their arms.
“Plan?” Judai stared at them in confusion.
Yubel frowned. “For defeating Rainbow Dragon!”
“I don’t have any card that can defeat it,” Judai admitted, showing Yubel his cards.
Yubel glanced at them. He was right: the only cards Judai had were cards to buff up his monsters, which were useless when he had no monsters on the field. Yubel met Judai’s gaze.
“Are you… going to surrender?” Yubel asked cautiously.
Judai dipped his head. “I have no other choice.” With a sigh, he placed his hand over his deck.
“Huh?” Johan’s eyes went wide. “Judai?”
“I surrender, Johan.” There was no anger in Judai’s voice, just resignation.
Rainbow Dragon faded from the field and both duelist’s duel disks shifted back to normal.
“I… I won?” Johan’s voice came out in a breath.
Judai smiled. “You won.”
Yubel’s jaw clenched. *Don’t act so happy when you’ve lost!* Before Yubel could comment, Judai walked across the field to where Johan was.
Judai held his hand out to him. “Great job, old friend.”
“Heh…” Johan smiled and pointed at him. “Gotcha!”
Judai gasped a little. Then he broke into a laugh, with Johan following suit. They smiled at each other. That look in Judai’s eyes… it was a look Yubel was used to seeing, only it was usually directed at them. Jealousy pricked Yubel like a needle. *No,* Yubel insisted to themself, *He chose you, he loves you. Whatever he felt for Johan is in the past.*
“So what are you doing all the way out here?” Judai asked, taking off his duel disk.
Johan shrugged. “Same as you I’m guessing. I wanted to study the duel monster spirits, and find ones to help.”
“That is the same as me!” Judai exclaimed, his eyes bright. “How’d you guess?”
“We’ve always had a lot in common, Judai,” Johan replied evenly. “It’s what drew me to you.” He winked at Judai.
Yubel clenched their fist, unable to bite back a growl. Judai met their gaze. Heart skipping a beat, Yubel looked away.
“Oh…” Johan sounded somewhat alarmed. “Is that Yubel?”
“Yeah!” Judai’s tone was enthusiastic. “Yubel and I have been fused ever since…” His voice trailed off when he noticed the wide-eyed look on Johan’s face. “Oh… don’t worry. They’re not evil anymore. The Light of Destruction was twisting their mind but I banished that from them by fusing with them. They’re back to normal and…” He dipped his head as he added, “And they’re my lover.”
Yubel’s heart lit up at that description. They glanced up. Johan had an uncertain look on his face. Then he smiled. Taking a step toward Yubel, he held his hand out for a handshake.
“Well if Judai is willing to forgive you, so am I, Yubel.”
Yubel’s gaze shifted from Johan’s hand to his expression. He seemed genuinely happy.
“Great,” Yubel muttered, looking away.
Johan took a step back, resting his hand on the back of his neck. Judai stepped toward him. Yubel could feel Judai’s discomfort as if it were their own. It was like Judai was only just now realizing what a bad idea it was having Johan and Yubel in the same space.
“Yubel…” Judai spoke up. Yubel waited for him to continue but he was at a loss for words.
“Hey… Judai…” Johan spoke up. Judai and Yubel glanced at him. “There’s a town not far from here, I was gonna go look for duelists there. You want to come with me?”
Yubel stiffened with anger. *What did he just ask him?!*
“Sure!” Judai exclaimed, his heart swelling with unbridled joy. “That sounds great!”
“Judai!” Yubel protested, panic slipping into their voice.
Judai glanced at him and Yubel could both see and feel his concern for them.
“Yubel, the whole reason I came out here was to find and study duel monster spirits,” Judai explained. “I won’t find any spirits if I don’t find any duelists and a town could be full of them.”
Yubel let out a sigh. They knew Judai was lying, at least in part. They could feel the longing in his heart for Johan, a longing that seemed so similar to the longing he felt for them. A wave of anxiety hit Yubel like a mallet. Judai had vowed to love only Yubel, but that had been in their past lives. In this life… There was also Johan. Would Judai decide to choose Johan instead of Yubel if they let him spend time with the fellow duelist?
Yubel couldn’t stop themself from shaking. “Judai… please…” Their voices came out in a sob.
Judai’s heart ached. “Johan…” He turned to his friend. “I need to talk to Yubel. I’ll meet up with you later if I can.”
Johan dipped his head. “I understand.” And with that, Johan dashed off.
Judai met Yubel’s gaze, taking a step toward them. He held his hands out. “Yubel? What’s wrong?”
“Judai… you love him.”
Judai staggered back. “Who? Johan?” He stiffened, resting his hand on the back of his neck. “No, no, he’s just a friend.”
Yubel could hear Judai’s heart palpitating and could now feel Judai’s anxiety.
Yubel’s eyes narrowed. “Judai, I can feel all your emotions. You can’t hide this from me.”
“No, Yubel…” Judai stepped toward them. He tried to take Yubel’s hands but they fazed right through. “I love you. I’ve always loved you, only you.”
Judai’s tone was blunt. However, Yubel knew he was mainly trying to convince himself, not them.
“Judai…” Yubel growled. “I can feel your longing for him. It’s eating away at you, tugging you toward him. You didn’t care about the duel monster spirits when he made that offer. You felt nothing but eagerness to be with him.”
“Because he’s my friend!” Judai exclaimed defensively. “You can love your friends, and I haven’t seen him in a long time…” He cast a longing glance in the direction Johan had gone. Then he let out a sigh. “Yubel…” He met their gaze again. “Please, let me have this. I love you but I need others in my life as well.”
Yubel’s eyes narrowed. “You have Pharoah and the duel monster spirits.”
The cat in question rubbed up against Judai’s leg but he didn’t take his eyes off Yubel.
“Other humans,” he corrected.
“He’s dead. And… kind of a weirdo.” Judai smiled a bit.
Yubel bristled with anger, clenching their fists so hard their claws dug into their hands.
“Johan can help me with the duel spirits,” Judai continued, “Remember, he can see them too.”
Yubel looked away. “Fine.” Their voice was cold. “Do what you want.”
“Thanks, Yubel!”
Judai threw himself toward them, arms wide open, but he fazed right through them. Judai flopped to the ground with a yelp. Jumping to his feet, Judai gazed at Yubel with wide hopeful eyes.
“Can you take physical form so I can hug you?” he asked, smiling.
Yubel closed their eyes. Instead of taking physical form, they allowed their spirit form to disappear, retreating completely into Judai’s mind.
“Yubel?!” Judai called, his voice full of distress.
*Go find your friend,* Yubel thought bitterly, hoping he would get the message. Judai let out a sigh. Instead of protesting further, he walked in the direction Johan had gone, his eagerness to see him returning like a boomerang. Yubel’s entire being blazed with anger.
Yubel had felt Judai and Johan’s feelings for each other firsthand. They felt Johan’s fascination and worry for Judai when they had possessed him and Yubel could sense all of Judai’s feelings, including the care he had for Johan, which burned as deep in his heart as his love for Yubel. The very idea of Judai loving someone else the way he loved them filled Yubel with an all too familiar feeling. A feeling of being less than worthy of love. *I thought he chose me! How could he still love Johan after all we’ve been through?!*
“Johan!” Judai called.
Even in the depths of Judai’s psyche, Yubel could still tell what was going on in the outside world. They could see Johan and feel Judai’s excitement. It was as if they were seeing through Judai’s eyes, like a piece of his soul. *He loves me not Johan, I’m a part of him, I’m more important to him. I have to be,* Yubel insisted to themself. 
“Judai!” Johan's voice was bright. “Glad you could make it.” He looked around, confusion in his eyes. “Where is Yubel?”
“Not in their physical form,” Judai sighed, dipping his head. Yubel could feel his disappointment as he spoke.
“So it's just us then?” Johan asked, tilting his head to the side.
“No, Yubel is here,” Judai explained. “They'll always be part of me. We just can't see them.”
Johan nodded in understanding. “Want to get some food while we look around?”
Judai smiled. “Sure.”
His disappointment over Yubel's absence faded and was taken over by his eagerness to be with Johan. Yubel recoiled at the sudden change.
“Well come on then!” Johan called, taking off in a run.
Judai raced after him with a chuckle, getting to his side in moments. The two duelists dashed side by side. Johan drifted closer to Judai, their hands brushing against each other for a few moments. Jealousy pricked at Yubel. Judai let out a barely audible gasp when he noticed. Shifting away, Johan stopped in front of a cart of fruit beside the dirt road. Judai stepped up beside him.
“What kind of fruits do you like, Judai?” Johan asked, glancing at him with a smile.
Judai shrugged. “I'll eat anything as long as it's not mouldy.”
Johan chuckled. He took a grape in his fingers, lightly squeezing it a bit.
“How is this?” Johan asked, holding the grape in front of Judai's face.
Judai took the grape in his mouth, eating it right out of Johan's hand. He smiled and licked his lips. Johan smiled.
“Hey.” The store vendor sounded grouchy. “You gonna pay for that?”
Johan glanced at him. “Of course.” He placed a pile of coins on the counter before looking back at Judai. “How’s a bunch of grapes and a banana for each of us sound?”
“Sounds great!” Judai replied, smiling.
Johan passed the store vendor some of the coins, sliding a bunch of grapes into a bag and grabbing two bananas. Judai took one of the bananas. The vendor took the money, sliding it under the counter.
“Thank you!” Johan called as he and Judai walked away.
The two ate their food as they walked before sitting down under the slanted roof of one of the homes. They leaned against the wall, placing the grapes between them.
“Hey, Johan.”
Judai tapped Johan’s shoulder. When Johan turned to him, Judai opened his mouth, waiting for Johan to feed him. Johan chuckled in amusement. Grabbing a grape, he tossed it into Judai’s mouth, who ate it up eagerly.
“So what have you been up to since graduation?” Johan asked, scooting closer to Judai.
Their shoulders brushed against each other. Judai heated up at the contact, his heart rate increasing and he suddenly couldn’t string words together. Anger bristled through Yubel. Judai, their Judai, was acting like some schoolboy with a crush. Yes, Judai had been a Duel Academia student only a few months ago but Yubel thought he was over these childish things.
“Oh, you know…” Judai rested his hand on the back of his neck. “Just… going around… looking for duel spirits to help…” He let out a sigh. “I’ve been a bit lost honestly. I’m not… really sure what to do.”
“Ah…” Johan dipped his head. “So you do get it.”
“Huh?” Judai glanced at Johan.
“I’m in the same position,” Johan replied, his gaze fixed on the card in his hand: Rainbow Dragon. “All I know is that I want dueling to remain part of my life. I’m just… not sure how yet.”
Judai nodded. “Yeah… exactly. Dueling has been such a huge part of my life. Even the times it caused me suffering, I never wanted to stop dueling. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I’m closer to my cards than any people I’ve met.”
There was a flicker of doubt in Judai’s mind at that statement. Yubel guessed they knew why.
“Yeah…” Johan let out a sigh. Then he met Judai’s gaze, his green eyes glowing. “Well… I know one person who’s an exception to that.”
Judai turned to him. “Who?”
Johan chuckled. “You, silly.” He tapped Judai’s nose.
Judai ‘s jaw dropped. “Johan…” His heart was pounding in his ears and he was suddenly lost in Johan’s gaze.
“It’s fine if you don’t feel the same,” Johan replied, turning away and taking a bite of his banana.
“No, no! I do!” Judai leaned toward Johan, gently gripping his wrist. “I-I-I- you’re a great friend Johan!”
Yubel bit back a growl. *Yeah… ‘friend.’ That’s all you feel toward him.* Yubel had felt Judai’s feelings toward his friends at Duel Academia and they were nothing like this. Judai cared for those friends. With Johan, Judai was feeling a much deeper form of kinship, like he’d found a part of himself in Johan. This devotion… It was exactly the same thing Judai felt for Yubel or seemingly once felt… Yubel’s heart cracked.
Yubel closed their eyes. Judai’s psyche suddenly felt like a prison as all of his love for Johan poured into Yubel out of control. It shattered them to pieces. Their insides twisted up like a pretzel. Yubel wanted to tear themself away from Judai, tear their own heart out, anything to stop the pain from shredding them apart. Anxiety suddenly overcame Yubel. Their heart was palpitating and they were as stiff as a board.
“Judai…?” Johan’s voice shook Yubel from their trance. They froze. This anxiety wasn’t theirs, it was Judai’s.
“I…” Judai stood up.
His gaze fixed on the ground and he was suddenly shivering. This wasn’t just anxiety. It was horror, guilt, disgust, and anguish all stabbing into him at once like arrows. *Why is he feeling this way?* Yubel wondered. They wanted to comfort him. This pain… the way Judai was hurting them suddenly became meaningless.
“I need space,” Judai muttered, gripping his chest.
Johan nodded. “Okay.”
And with that, Judai charged away. Tears poured from his eyes and his chest heaved as he struggled to keep in his sobs. Yubel took physical form beside him. However, Judai didn’t stop, he didn’t even seem to notice Yubel as he rushed into an abandoned house at the edge of the town, allowing himself to fall to his knees once he was alone.
“Judai…” Yubel spoke up finally. “What’s wrong?”
“Not now…” Judai’s voice was a high-pitched sob.
Yubel froze. “Judai…”
“Please… I need to be alone.”
Yubel let out a sigh. “I’m here if you need me, Judai,” they whispered, as they allowed themself to disappear.
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silvormoon · 4 years
Yubel likes flowers. The flowers do not necessarily like Yubel.
They were attracting some looks.
Juudai had been exploring the monster worlds for the past three weeks or so, partly out of a desire to see that things were settling down to some kind of normalcy now that the threat of the Haou was over, and partly just because they were interesting and he hadn’t really had a chance to enjoy them before. He’d spent a day or two visiting Misaawa and Taniya, explored a city full of robots, gotten acquainted with some dragons, gone fishing on the high seas, and had nearly been eaten by some sort of giant snake in a jungle. All in all, he considered that it had been a good trip. For the last two days, he and Yubel had been wandering over the foothills of some forested mountains, during which time they’d seen some spectacular views but had not encountered another sentient species. Juudai was glad to be back in something resembling civilization.
The village was populated primarily with plant-based creatures, ranging from the ones that were little more than flowers with eyes on up to elfin creatures with leaves and branches growing from their hair. All of them were giving Juudai and Yubel strange looks. No, that wasn’t quite right, he realized - it was Yubel that most of their interest was fixed on.
Well, whatever their deal was, they would just have to cope. Juudai was tired and hungry and in need of a bath. Yubel had kept them both alive in the wilderness by their knowledge of what plants were wholesome, which inedible, and which were downright dangerous. Juudai had a vague recollection that in their human existence, they had worked in the castle garden, and still retained a knowledge of, and fondness for, plants of all kinds. That was all very well, and had kept him from starving, but now he wanted a proper meal.
The first thing to do, however, would be to get hold of some of the local currency.
“Hey,” he said, to a friendly-looking acorn. “Do you know where we could...” But the acorn had already cast a terrified look at Yubel and scuttled away.
“Huh,” said Juudai. “I didn’t think you were that scary.”
“I wasn’t trying to be.” Yubel sounded a little hurt, and Juudai didn’t blame them. It seemed to him that a person like Yubel ought to be able to be themselves in a world of monsters.
“You’ll have to forgive him.” The voice came from one of the more humanoid monsters, a young man with green hair and pointed ears. “This is an isolated town. We mostly see plant-types here. We know about humans from those of us who have partners in the human world, but we rarely see Fiend-types here. In truth, we discourage them.” He gave Yubel a disapproving look. “They tend to bring trouble.”
“Well, Yubel isn’t going to cause any trouble,” said Juudai. “So anyway, is there anywhere I could earn some money around here?”
“There’s a job broker at the center of town,” said the elf, “but I doubt...”
But Juudai had already started towards the town center. After a bit of poking around, he did indeed find a building where a man sat at a window with a cork board behind him, stuck all over with slips of paper. A few people were hanging around, investigating the offerings. They gave Juudai and Yubel dirty looks when they approached, but Juudai ignored them. He sauntered up to the desk and grinned his friendliest grin.
“Hi,” he said. “We’re looking for a job.”
“We don’t give jobs to that one’s kind,” said the broker.
Juudai frowned. “But we...”
“It’s all right,” said Yubel. “I can go away.”
Juudai opened his mouth to protest, but Yubel’s voice in his mind said, You need a place to rest and something to eat. My job is to protect you. If the best way to do that is for me to duck out of sight for a little while, then that is how it must be.
But these people are being stupid.
Then let them be stupid. Take their job, take their money, and enjoy knowing that I will be reaping the benefits along with you in spite of all they’ve done.
And that was Yubel all over: putting his interests above their own, but with an edge built in. He supposed they were probably right.
“Fine,” he said. “Leave town. I’ll catch up to you later.”
Yubel nodded and left. Juudai turned back to the man at the counter.
“Now have you got a job for me?” he asked testily.
The man scowled. “You’re just going to meet back up with that fiend later.”
“Then give me a dangerous job - one you wouldn’t want to give to someone you liked,” Juudai suggested.
“Hmm...” the man pressed his lips together thoughtfully. “Well, there is one...”
He fished around among the slips of paper until he found the one he wanted, and pushed it across the desk to Juudai.
“Here,” he said.
Juudai read the paper. Someone apparently wanted him to bring them the juice of some kind of flower.
“The heck is an anathema flower?” he asked.
“Highly poisonous,” said the broker. “Even to touch it with your bare skin can kill you, but if it’s treated the right way, it can be made into a medicine that treats a lot of the infections us Plant-types are susceptible to. Just one blossom is worth a thousand times its weight in gold.”
Juudai thought a thousand times the weight of a flower probably still wasn’t very much gold, but he said, “Sure, no problem.”
“Fool,” said the broker. “You’ll kill yourself even trying to get near it.”
“I’ll manage,” said Juudai. “See you later.”
He wandered back out of town and found Yubel loitering under a tree.
“Well, I got a job,” he said. “Should be right up your alley.”
“Oh? Do tell,” Yubel said.
“I’m supposed to find something called an anathema flower,” he explained.
“Ever hear of it?”
Yubel considered. “Low-growing vine. Prefers low light and high moisture. Commonly found growing around the base of the common or alpine nectarpine tree. Its sap is toxic and can cause chemical burns just by touching it. Inhaling its pollen can cause respiratory damage if too much is ingested at once.”
“Wow, they sound pretty nasty,” said Juudai.
“Which is probably why someone is willing to pay for someone else to do it,” said Yubel. They smiled. “Fortunately I have had dealings with it before. Come. Let us find some plants.”
They set off into the forest. Juudai wondered if they would go straight to the place where this anathema flower grew, but that didn’t seem to be Yubel’s goal. They rooted around by the edge of a streamlet until at last they found a cluster of plants with soft stems and thick, rounded leaves.
“This is what we want,” they said, ripping up a handful of the stuff and passing it to Juudai. “Rub the juice of this into your eyes and nose, then eat some of it. It will sting and taste unpleasant, but after about fifteen minutes, it will take effect and the anathema plant won’t be able to harm you for the next day or so.”
Juudai unhesitatingly did as he was told. After all, Yubel was doing it too, now, so it couldn’t be that bad. The stuff did indeed taste unpleasantly sour, and made his eyes itch and burn so much he began to wonder if the anathema flower might have been preferable, but after the plant had been allowed a few minutes to do its work, Yubel permitted him to soak his handkerchief in the stream and press it over his face to cool the itch. He took a long drink to get the foul taste out of his mouth.
“Geez, what was that stuff?”
“It is called pennyleaf,” they said. “It is an antidote to many of the common plant-based poisons.”
“So why don’t they know that?” Juudai asked, getting up from where he’d been kneeling by the creek.
Yubel shrugged. “Probably because it tastes so foul that many assume it must be poisonous itself. Come. Let us find an anathema plant.”
They began to walk. Yubel checked to make sure they knew what direction they were going, and then struck out for a stand of pine trees in the distance. They looked like any other pine trees to Juudai, but Yubel assured him that they could tell by the way the branches were arranged that these were nectarpines and nothing else, and Juudai wasn’t going to argue. As they drew nearer, he began to smell a distinctly sweet aroma on the air, and asked about it.
“No, those aren’t the anathema flowers,” they said. “Those are the pines you’re smelling. They get their name from the sweet smell and taste of their sap. That is another reason why so few people know the connection between pennyleaf and anathema flower poison. If everyone knew how to get past the trees’ defenders, all the nectarpines would soon be cut and boiled for their sugar, and then there would be no more.”
Juudai nodded. “You sure know a lot of things.”
“I have had a lot of time to learn them. And I like plants.” Yubel paused and pointed. “Look, you can see them now.”
And so he could in a thick carpet around the base of the trees, Juudai could see a layer of glossy green leaves. Speckled against the green were a number of flowers, their petals white but dappled with purple and red. They were rather pretty, and if he hadn’t already been warned they were poisonous, he might have thought that this lovely, sweet-smelling grove was a fine place to lie down for a nap. As it was, he took a few steps closer and then paused.
“It’s all right,” said Yubel. “The antidote has had time to work.”
“Yeah, but what if I get the sap on my clothes?” Juudai asked. “Your antidote will wear off by tomorrow and I’ll still have poison on me.”
“A good thought,” said Yubel. All right, allow me.”
They took to the air, drifting carefully beneath the overhanging boughs of the trees until the nearest blossoms were within reach. Yubel picked a handful - half a dozen or so in all - and passed them to Juudai. He took them gingerly, but they didn’t seem inclined to do him any harm. The stems had an oddly prickly, sticky feel, as if they were trying to cling to his skin like velcro.
“Ick,” he said, and wrapped them up carefully in a few dry leaves. “Thanks, Yubel.”
“You are most welcome,” they assured him.
Within a few minutes, they were back in town. The broker looked surprised to see them.
“I thought I said...” he began.
Juudai placed the flowers on the desk like a gambler laying down a winning hand.
“Here’s your flowers,” he said.
The broker’s eyes bugged. “How on earth...? Never mind, I’m not sure I want to know.”
“Good, because I wasn’t going to tell you,” said Juudai.
“Well, a deal is a deal,” said the broker, as he began filling a cloth bag with coins. “And I won’t say I’m not glad to have these. We have sick people in this town who could do with the medicine these will make, so thank you for that.”
“Thank Yubel,” said Juudai. “They were the one who did all the real work. I wouldn’t have been able to lay hands on these in a million years without their help.”
“Huh,” said the broker. He looked at Yubel, who smirked. “Well, I suppose I might have been a little bit hasty, at that.”
“I think you were,” said Yubel. “But I will be gracious and accept your apology.”
“Hm, well,” said the broker. His greenish skin went even more green. “I do apologize, then. I can see I was being closed-minded.”
Juudai got the feeling that Yubel was thinking, “Yes, you were,” but had decided not to say so.
“Glad that’s settled,” he said aloud. “So, where can a couple of hungry flower-gatherers find lunch in this place?”
A short while later, he and Yubel were sitting at the town’s common room, enjoying a meal of dumpling soup. The broker had come with them and exchanged a few words with the innkeeper on the subject of an ailing mother, the uses of flowers, and the benefits of being nice to the people who fetched them. After that, the innkeeper couldn’t have been more pleasant, and had given them the best room in the building without charge. Word seemed to be getting around, because the looks Juudai and Yubel were getting now were curious but no longer hostile. Juudai got the feeling that a lot of people were going to feel they owed him and Yubel favors after this. He smiled as he slurped his soup. It was nice to be appreciated.
“They seem to like me now,” Yubel observed, with some amusement.
“They should,” said Juudai. “After all, you’re the best.”
“I don’t really care what anyone but you thinks of me,” they said, but they seemed to be pleased anyway.
“Well, it’s nice to have friends,” said Juudai. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll come back here again one day, when they need more flowers.”
Yubel looked around thoughtfully. A small girl wearing a dress made of flower petals waved shyly at them.
“Perhaps we should,” they said. “After all, I always did like flowers.”
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radraptors · 3 years
Soulshipping Week Day 06: AU
For @soulshippingweek​ - it’s a soulmate AU
Everyone is born with the name of their soulmate on their wrist. Sadly, the fates do not have good handwriting.
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Jaden’s wrist said 'Jaden'. He thought it strange that his soulmate would have the same name as him.
But after he used Super Polymerisation, he looked at his arm again with new eyes. And he saw that it wasn't the same name as him - it was his name, and the name of the one who was now part of him.
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caroldantops · 2 years
heart, body, and soul
ship: valkyrie x reader
summary/request: you come back from a trip and your king gives you the welcome home you deserve. 
word count: 1.4k
warnings: smut (18+ only), vaginal sex (reader receiving), strap-ons, dirty talk, pet names (my queen, teasing use of housewife), light daddy kink, mentions of oral on a strap, squirting 
masterlist | ao3 link
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You flinch as your hand comes in contact with the ice cold water, grumbling to yourself about how slow the water heater is. Normally, you don't let the dishes stack up in the sink this much, but it seems since you were away for a couple of days visiting Kate, your beloved wife hasn't touched them.
Not that you expected her to. Or even wanted her to. Being the King of Asgard left little room in her brain for menial chores (though, you're pretty sure she never did them before anyway). You were more than happy to play the part of Valkyrie's little housewife.
Almost as if your thoughts about her bad eating habits summoned her, the heavy wooden door swings open. You don't look up from the plate you're scrubbing, simply offering a, "Hello, your majesty."
"That's all I get, huh?" Valkyrie feigns disappointment. "Spend all week without me and you're not jumping into my arms the second I step in the door? Even the King gets no respect around here."
"Maybe if I didn't have to scrub all your dirty dishes, I could've run to you like a lovesick housewife," you laugh when her heavy footsteps are followed by her arms wrapping around your body, peppering kisses into the space between your neck and shoulder.
"Fair point. And besides, you are a gorgeous little housewife," Valkyrie hums into your ear, places a gentle kiss behind it. "Missed you, bug."
"Missed you, too."
You send Val away to change into something comfier than her beautifully tailored suit while you finish up. She joins you on the couch once she's done, jumping over the back of it like she always does. She laughs at the squeak you let out before pulling you into her lap, hands resting on your hips while your hands come up to cup her face.
As wonderful as seeing her in all of her suits is, you're truly obsessed with her casual wear. Today's choice is a faded sweatshirt from a bookstore that you frequented in college - Val is always stealing your things - and basketball shorts that she's worn so much the elastic is starting to give.
"How was your meeting? You didn't break the door when you came in so I assume that's a good sign."
"Pretty standard stuff today. I was pretty distracted though."
"Oh?" You quirk your eyebrow up at her as you feel her hands start edging along the waistband of your leggings. "Thinking about Thor visiting next week?"
"No, I was thinking about a different eager puppy, actually." Val kisses you, leading a trail down to your neck with her lips. She grabs your ass roughly as she mumbles against your skin, "Was countin' the minutes until I could come home to see my queen."
You bite your lip as she continues to grope you, your hips lurching forward so you can feel the distinct bulge in her shorts.
"Nothing's better than comin' home and having the first thing I see be this sweet ass in these fuckin' leggings. You drive me crazy, I swear I just wanna..." The sharp sound of fabric tearing fills the room, and your mouth hangs open in shock. "...rip 'em open."
"Val! Those were expensive!"
"Oh, baby, I'll buy you new ones. I'll buy you as many as I tear through, plus extras so I can rip those open too. Besides," she hums as she opens the tear more and strokes her fingertips against your bare cunt. "If they didn't want me to tear 'em, they should've made 'em a bit stronger."
The snarky comment dies in your throat as she pushes into you with two fingers, fluttering them as your walls tighten around her. She starts making a comment about how wet you are already, but you cut her off by pushing your lips against hers, moaning into her mouth the way you know drives her crazy.
You’re embarrassingly on edge much faster than you’d like to admit (you blame the fact that you’ve been without Val for almost a week, and when the two of you were together you were both insatiable), but Valkyrie doesn’t let you have that release so easily. She curls her fingers against your sweet spot once more before removing them from your pussy with a wet noise. She gives you that loving, mischievous grin as she holds her fingers up to your face, and you immediately know what she wants. You give them a little kitten lick before wrapping your lips around them, groaning as you taste yourself.
“‘You make it so hard to decide which hole of yours I wanna fill,” Val says with much more tenderness than that comment warrants. “As much as I wanna make you gag-” She thrusts hard into your mouth as she says it, reveling in the way you choke on her fingers. “-on my cock, I need to be inside that tight cunt so fucking bad.”
“P’ease,” you mumble around her.
“Yeah?” Her fingers leave your mouth, and the toy between her legs hits your thighs as she tugs down her shorts just enough so she can free it. “You want this huh? Want this big cock inside you? C’mon, tell Daddy.”
“Please, daddy, please.” You grind your hips against the tip of the toy that she’s holding right against your entrance. “Need it.”
“Need it? So dramatic, love. Well, if you need it, it’d be cruel of me to make you wait much longer, huh?” Valkyrie laughs at your fervent nodding that quickly turns into a gasp as she pulls you down flush against her lap, settling her strap deep inside you. She picked the thick one, the one with realistic veins that feel oh so delectable when you squeeze around the toy.
You press your face into her neck, inhaling deeply as she starts to guide your hips up and down on her cock. The scent of her cologne fills your head, the woody smell reminds you of that camping trip she took you on last fall. The one where she gave you the beautifully crafted ring around your finger. Val notices your whimpers against her skin and you feel her shake with laughter.
“My baby’s so pathetic, aren’t they? Whining against me, just begging for Daddy to fill them up. Bet you thought about this the whole time you were gone, didn’t you? Thought about me stretchin’ you out?”
“Yes, yes,” you groan, clutching onto her like your life depends on it. You hardly have to do any of the work, she just guides you up and down along her strap. If she wasn’t wearing the sweatshirt, you’d be able to properly admire the way her biceps flex as she does so. But there’s plenty of time for that later. For now, you savor being used like a sweet whiney toy.
“Good baby. So fuckin’ good.” She pushes you back a bit so she can properly see the way her cock fills you up, the opening she ripped in your leggings framing her view of your dripping cunt like artwork. “Gods, look at that cunt. Soaked. Swallowing me up like I’m nothing. And this pretty clit too.”
Her fingers spread your lips so she can properly admire how swollen your clit is, thumbing over it and admiring the way you jerk when she does. While she plays with the sensitive bud, you grind yourself down in her lap, each movement dragging the toy against your walls in the most delicious way possible. Your body shakes with pleasure as you feel your climax quickly building.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, baby. I swear every time I fuck you, it’s like I’ve died and gone to Valhalla. Want you to cum for me, c’mon. Wanna see those pretty eyes roll back, wanna see that sweet head of yours go empty,” Valkyrie presses kisses along your jaw as you moan out incoherent phrases that sound vaguely like fuckDaddypleaseyespleasegonnacum. A gush of liquid erupts around Val’s strap as you cum, and she moans at the feeling of you squirting against her. “Fuck! That’s it, that’s my baby. Such a fuckin’ mess.”
You go limp against her, cock still nestled inside of you, Val still whispering praises into your ear. Round two is sure to happen, but the two of you take a moment to enjoy each other’s presence, your breath hitting Val’s skin in heavy pants as she strokes your thighs. The material of your leggings is soaked with sweat and cum, and Valkyrie doesn’t fail to notice.
“Aw, bug, you ruined your expensive leggings!”
“Shut up.”
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heleentje · 4 years
Soulshipping week day 2: Post-Fusion
A very short ficlet for day 2 of @soulshippingweek. It’s still before midnight somewhere in the world, right?
Prompt: Post-fusion
A rat.
Judai startled. He peered up at Yubel, who was perched onto the rafters of his dorm room. They had taken residence there soon after returning to Duel Academia. It was a prime spot to oversee the entire room and the lawn outside to boot. 
“Eh, what?”
Yubel didn’t look surprised, but Judai felt their surprise regardless. They floated down until they were back on the ground. Like this, they still towered over Judai, who had claimed the lowest bunk. It gave him an excellent view on the door and any attacks from above would be deterred by the top bed. He had forgotten to turn on the light again, but it hardly mattered. Judai had always been excellent at finding his way in the dark and now, with his powers fully awakened, his vision was better than Pharaoh’s.
“A rat,” Yubel said out loud. “Under the dorm.”
Judai tried expanding his consciousness the way Yubel had tried to teach him, but gave it up as a bad job seconds later. Rats didn’t emit any kind of darkness. They were just rats.
“What about it?”
Yubel shook their head. “Nothing. Just thinking.”  
Ah. Judai laid back and counted the slats of the bed above him. This again. Had you asked him last year what it would be like to fuse one’s mind with another, he would have come up short. Like the bond he shared with his monsters, he would have guessed. The telepathic connection that sometimes set them in motion before he even announced his next move. 
It was nothing like that.
Oh, he and Yubel had kept their individual minds, something they were both profoundly grateful for once the initial rush of the fusion had worn off and they had begun the laborious process of figuring out who they were and what they meant to each other. He loved Yubel — he wanted to be with them, not be them. 
But their souls were now intrinsically bound on a far deeper level than any connection Judai had ever felt with his deck. And that meant moments like these, when stray thoughts would cross over without any rhyme or reason. A rat was fairly innocuous, as far as those things went. The last time it had happened, Judai had caught on to Yubel’s disdain for his friends, which had led to an argument that dragged on for several days and had only recently been laid to rest.
It hadn’t really been Yubel’s fault, he knew. Even though the thoughts he shared with his deck were nothing like this, it had made Judai at least somewhat able to shield the thoughts he really wanted to keep for himself. Yubel, on the other hand, had spent years screaming out their every thought in torture. They had made no secret of their hatred for his friends before their fusion. Now that they were together, Yubel was trying very hard to keep those thoughts from him, but the stronger their emotions, the quicker they made themselves known.
“There’s got to be something we can do about this,” Yubel said. Judai bit his lip. The only person he knew with a closer bond with his deck than Judai himself was Johan, and Johan was still a fraught topic between the two of them. 
He was very sure he’d shielded that particular thought, but Yubel had probably followed the same train of thought, because they grimaced. Judai gave them a reassuring smile. 
“Johan’s gone back to Norway anyway, it wouldn’t do us any good.”
 Judai folded his arms behind his head and met Yubel’s eyes. “You don’t know anyone?”
No, Yubel’s main interactions had always been with Judai. Perhaps they had been in contact with some of the monsters in the Dark World, but Judai rather doubted it. And even if that were the case, he was hesitant to accept help from that particular corner. 
He sat up, dislodging Pharaoh, who had been sleeping on his legs, in the process. The cat opened a terribly indignant eye and meowed loudly. As he did, Judai could sense Daitokuji-sensei’s spirit making another bid for escape. 
Oh. Of course. Why had he not thought of that before?
He grinned up at Yubel. “Don’t worry, I know exactly who to ask.”
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future-circuit · 3 years
Songs of Yesterday 
A Soulshipping Fic
Part 1 [Tumblr], Part 2 [Tumblr], Part 3 [Tumblr]
Chapter 4. Lonesome Lovers (Sings the Old Farewell)
“You can’t be serious!” 
Yubel simply stared at the prince’s outraged face, impassive. 
“It’s for your own good, you know that. I don’t see the issue.” 
Judai’s face scrunched up as he mouthed the beginning of a sentence, all falling short of vocalisation until his throat finally caught up with his brain. 
“The issue is that you think causing yourself incredible amounts of pain could possibly make me happy!” 
“I understand you’re not happy about that aspect, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. I’ll be able to protect you much better if the experiment is a success.” 
“‘If the experiment is a success’! Do you even hear yourself? I understand perfectly well that you’re going into something that could get you killed for a mere possibility! For something you’ve been training for! You don’t need to protect me all the time-”
“It’s my du-” 
“I’m not finished!” Yubel startled, their mouth clattering shut at the forcefulness of his voice. “It may be your sworn duty, but I can protect myself, too! If you survive, what’s the chance that the experiment even works as intended? You could be in constant pain! You might not even be yourself anymore! I understand your mindset perfectly, it’s you that doesn’t understand mine. You’re the one who wants to go through with this but don't you understand that it’s not only you that’s going to be hurt by this?”
Yubel frowned, first confused and then thoughtful. Judai’s gaze softened. 
“You know I worry because I love you, right? Please remember that.” As soon as he finished speaking, he spun on his heel, shoulders tense as he marched away, leaving Yubel to stare after him. 
It was an odd few weeks in the castle, to be blunt. Neither the prince nor Yubel would deviate from their duties, but they very pointedly avoided each other. In the odd occasion that one of them would even think to break their apparent silence, many of the castle’s inhabitants were surprised to see it be Yubel. Yet, no silence was broken. The two seemed to drift further, free time spent apart. 
With all their newfound free time, Yubel threw themself into their training. If they weren’t working, they were at the training grounds sparring either alone or with one of the many knights in training. Then, as suddenly as they threw themself into training, they vanished. One day they were there, the next they weren’t. Nor were they there the next. And so the week went on, the prince’s personal guard suspiciously absent. Life continued in the castle. 
It took all of a week for the prince to start asking around. Although the servants and knights may not have known, he had, in fact, been aware of Yubel’s scant appearances. He’d just figured that Yubel had taken their mutual ignoring of each other to the next level. When he actively went searching for them and found nothing, however, he decided that enough was enough. It was one thing to ignore him but it was another to ignore all of their duties, not to mention so incredibly uncharacteristic of them. 
Day one, he spent questioning the general servants. Surely, they’d have seen Yubel as they wandered through the castle halls. Yubel was great at their job, but they weren’t tasked in stealth so it was unlikely that they could evade everyone. It was fruitless, however, as they barely even seemed to recall Yubel’s name. 
Day two, he went to the barracks and questioned the knights and knights in training.
“Good riddance,” said one of the knights in training with a snort, “now we can finally get a good rest in.” 
It hadn’t been said with any real contempt- a joke was all it really was. Still, it made Judai frown and think twice about his next location. 
Come to think about it, Yubel had never really mentioned being friends with… anyone.
Judai paused where he was walking. He’d been heading to question the librarian next, but upon further thought, he probably wouldn’t know either. In fact, Judai was pretty sure the librarian had some sort of weird vendetta against Yubel even though they’d always return books on time in the same condition as they arrived. Odd. 
Was there anyone that Yubel was even semi-friendly with? He was sure that his mother would know, but he’d imposed a similar sort of silence with her as he had with Yubel after finding out that she’d approved of Yubel’s experiment. Same with his father- though there had been a lot more yelling involved in that conversation. 
Ah, the head cook. The one that had been a friend of Yubel’s mother! Taking a sharp turn, Judai switched direction and decided to head down to the kitchen. If he was lucky, he’d be able to catch her. Yubel was a quiet person, sure, but even they’d have someone they’d confide in, right? Just in case something went wrong. The thought almost halted him in his tracks, but he shook his head and decidedly shoved the idea out of his head. He couldn’t bear to think of it now, or possibly ever. 
“Hello?” he called out into the kitchen, a few of the cooks freezing in their place. 
“Your royal highness!” gasped out a few members as they hurriedly attempted to offer a formal bow without dropping what they’d been holding. Maybe he shouldn’t have come in the middle of the day.
Even so, Judai waved them off and waited until they’d straightened themselves out again before speaking again. “Is the head cook here? I’d like to have a few words with her.” 
“That would be me,” a tall woman responded, hair tied up and hidden in a white bonnet, dusting her hands off on her dress skirt. 
“I would like to ask you a few questions, if that’s alright?” He phrased it as a question but every member of staff in the kitchen was well aware that it was not. 
“Of course, your royal highness.” 
Judai led the way out of the kitchen, stopping just outside of it while the head cook followed behind him, making sure the wooden door was closed firmly behind them before looking expectantly at the young prince. 
He cleared his throat. “I’m sure you’re aware,” he said, picking his words carefully, “but Yubel has gone missing. I… we had a fight, and I was sure they were just avoiding me, but it seems they haven’t been spotted in around a week now. As far as I know, you’re their only friend in the castle. Do you know where they could’ve gone?” 
The head cook, to her credit, seemed slightly amused if nothing else by the chosen phrasing of the prince. Alas, they shook their head. 
“All I know is that they’re somewhere in the castle. The same number of meals are made each day, so they must be.” She paused, tapping her chin with her pointer finger for a moment before continuing. “It is rather odd, though. It’s always the doctor’s apprentice that comes to collect their meals so I assumed they were quarantined for some reason, though I don’t know why they’d be quarantined within the castle.” 
By the way Judai’s lips immediately stretched into a heavy frown, she seemed to catch on that he had some idea of what had happened. 
“When I find them, I’ll come and tell you, is that alright?” Judai asked. 
The head cook smiled at him before nodding. “If you ever find yourself in the kitchen. I’m sure you have better things to be doing than chasing down old women like me.”
For what it was worth, it did elicit a grin, if a somewhat shaky one, as he bid his farewell and watched the head cook disappear back into the kitchen. It would seem that he has a lover to track down. 
He could, he reasoned to himself as he stood in front of the door, sacrifice his self-imposed silence for Yubel’s sake. All of his anger had long since been washed away for worry anyway. He raised his fist and knocked on the door, hearing a faint affirmation on the other side as he pushed the door open, stepping through and closing it as soon as possible. 
“I’ll be making this visit brief, mother.” He kept his tone even, not wanting to betray his voice to his worry, resolved to let his mother know that his worry for his partner did not completely bury his annoyance at the secrets kept from him. 
“I see,” she replied, as though she expected it, closing the book she’d been reading. 
“Why wasn’t I told that Yubel was quarantined and where are they being kept?” 
At this, she did seem genuinely surprised. 
“I thought your father told you, if I had known he hadn’t I would have made sure to seek you out. I’m sorry, that’s a question better asked to your father. As for the second, I’m afraid I cannot tell you. I know that you’d just go and find them, and we can’t risk that at this stage.” 
“And what is this ‘stage’ that is so important?” 
“Judai, we must make for minimal factors of interference to ensure the surgery’s success.” 
“Oh, so it’s a surgery and not an experiment now?” He could feel the anger bleeding back into himself, like a reopened wound. 
The queen only let out a soft sigh and opted to not address the question. “The only people that I know of who are able to enter Yubel’s room are the royal mage, the royal doctor and your father. If you want, you can write a letter to Yubel and I’ll persuade your father to hand it over to Yubel next time he goes to check in on them, is that alright?” 
It most certainly was not alright, but Judai was very much aware that it was the best he was going to get at this stage. Without a word of goodbye, he turned to leave. It may have been unbearably rude, but he couldn’t find himself to care. He had a letter to write. 
Yubel was sure that they would be deathly bored if they weren’t in constant pain always. Every muscle ached, their head constantly felt as though it were going to split open and swallow them whole and they were sure that their heart had stopped beating at least three times within the past two days. That was, they were sure, not healthy. And that was just when they were awake.
Most of what they ate was decidedly awful as well. It looked like their usual meals, just in smaller quantities, but it tasted like ash in their mouth. Not that it mattered any when they were constantly in a state of trying to keep some of the minimal food they got down instead of throwing it up thanks in no small part to the medicine that their overseeing doctor kept giving them after each meal that would only make their muscles hurt more with the bonus side effects of making them feel fatigued and nauseous. 
They couldn’t blame everything on the doctor, however. They were sure that at least some of their pain and sickness came from the fact that the royal mage would routinely come in at multiple points in the day to pour in magic essence of varying sorts into their body. This was, of course, not a good thing considering they couldn’t wield magic in any of its forms, let alone all of them. It was a miracle that they weren’t dead yet, considering this. A miracle or a very calculated move, either one works. 
Yubel was thrown out of their musings as the door opened. The door was by no means loud, but their hearing seemed to have vastly improved as the days went by, and they heard the thudding of footsteps despite the soft carpet. They turned their head, expecting to see the mage or even the doctor, only to find the king. Their eyes widened just a fraction as they frantically shifted, trying to maneuver themself out of the bed despite their body screaming at them to stop at every sign of movement they made. 
The king held up a hand. “It’s quite alright,” he said, “I’m just a messenger for today, it’s best for everyone if you take the rest you can get. Straining your body won’t be of any help to anyone.” 
Trying their best not to frown, Yubel slowly made their way back into bed and under the covers, propping themself up on their pillows as they were handed a letter from the king himself before he made quick work of excusing himself. He never did seem to stay for longer than was strictly necessary. 
They flipped the letter around, only to find their name scrawled on the back in handwriting that they knew all too well. Instantly, their face lit up as they carefully made to break the wax seal, reading it with about as much trepidation as they did hope. 
It was, all in all, a characteristically short letter. It seemed Judai just couldn’t pin down what he wanted to say in such succinct terms that a letter would require him to, a fact that made Yubel smile as they read. Even so, it wasn’t impossible to glean his main emotions. Anger, frustration, loneliness, sadness, worry. Then, in the last line, a guarantee that he’d come and find them. Yubel didn’t doubt in the slightest that he’d try, too caught up in the euphoria of having received word of the outside world to notice a shadow slink out from the envelope on their lap and burrow itself into their skin. 
A jolt of overwhelming cold went through them, as though they’d been stuck in a blizzard for just a few seconds, before the feeling passed and they were left with only the residual pain that haunted their every movement. 
The next day, the doctor came in as he usually would, leaving a letter by their bedside as he was leaving. The day after that, another letter. Then another and another, then a week had passed and Yubel had amassed a small pile of letters, all sitting neatly on their bedside table for them to reread when they gathered the strength. The unfortunate thing that came with a marker of the passing days came with the fact that with each day it became more painful to move, many of their waking hours sometimes spent entirely staring up at the canopy above their bed, simply thinking. Fantasising about what Judai was doing, about what he’d done. Creating scenes in their mind of the scenes that Judai had come to describe in some of his letters. 
It took a lot to wake them up these days despite their apparent improved hearing, yet it was a small clatter that found them blearily opening their eyes one afternoon. They didn’t bother attempting to sit up, knowing that it would probably only cause them more pain and a scolding from the doctor or mage- whoever had come to see them this time. 
“Yubel?” The voice wasn’t of either the mage nor the doctor, however, and it certainly didn’t come from the direction of the door. 
They bolted up, eyes focusing in the direction of a tapestry that was being held aside by a young form, ignoring for a moment the pain first out of suspicion for the newcomer and then due to the pure joy that overrode their system. 
Judai stepped out from beyond the tapestry, allowing it to fall back in place, blocking the hidden passage he’d used, his face alight with relief before it dropped to horror and then settling into concern. 
Yubel shifted in their bed with a grunt before falling back into their pillows, their movement allowing them to sit up without having to strain themself. They offered a weak but otherwise genuine smile. 
“Sorry,” they choked out, not knowing what else to say. 
“What happened?” Judai asked, rooted in place.
Yubel only tilted their head slightly, face shifting in confusion. 
“Your arms… you have claws, and- and- scales. You didn’t notice?” 
They ignored the pain as they craned their neck down to where their arms lay on their lap and found that their arms were, indeed, covered in scales, and their fingers had stretched into long claws. They blinked once. Twice. Then, they allowed their head to fall back into a much more comfortable place and they heaved out a breath. 
“I see,” they said shortly, voice hoarse as they closed their eyes. “I’ve been. Busy. What else?” 
“You’re… taller,” Judai said hesitantly, “your skin… you look ill.” 
Yubel suppressed a chuckle, and immediately regretted it as they felt their chest restrict. Judai watched in concern for a split second before he made his way towards their bed. This was, apparently, the wrong thing to do, as Yubel suddenly started to convulse, vision becoming spotted and the shadows of the room started to stretch. Judai stumbled back, only for his arm to be grabbed and nicked by one of Yubel’s claws. 
So he did, sitting by their bedside as he waited for the convulsing to stop, hand placed over an almost comically large claw where once it would have been the same size, not knowing what else he could do. 
Minutes passed, then as Yubel’s breathing started to even out, and Judai dared to look back at them. Their hair was ruffled and their skin seemed even more sickly than it had previously, but he could tell that the worst was over. Gently, he reached over to smooth down the tangles of their hair as Yubel caught their breath. 
“Has that happened before?” Judai asked eventually. 
Yubel hummed a negative. “I think…” they paused, remembering the split moment before the pain, “I think it’s your Darkness.” 
Judai went to recoil and pull away, but Yubel kept as firm a grip as they could on Judai’s hand. 
“I think it’s trying to fill in empty spaces,” they said again after a moment. 
“You can’t use magic though,” Judai responded, confused. “So you shouldn’t have a depletion to be filled.” 
“The royal mage has been pouring magic essences into me.” 
Judai seemed both parts confused and horrified. “Wha- bu- why? That hurts enough when a mage offers essence to another mage but to do it to someone who doesn’t have magic reserves… that’s torture!”
Yubel smiled tiredly at him. “I doubt there’s much left to fill now. That…” Their eyes glossed over for a split second before they blinked back to reality. “It felt like a lot.” 
“This was a bad idea,” Judai conceded, squeezing Yubel’s hand as gently as he could. “I shouldn’t have come here.” 
Yubel hummed. “Come back some other day. I’m a bit tired now.”
Judai nodded mutely and stood up. 
“Wait,” Yubel interrupted, words close to slurring, “stay ‘til I sleep.”
“Alright,” Judai said softly and stood by their bedside, though it was only a few minutes before sleep took them anyway. He was sure that they would have fallen asleep before he left even if he hadn’t said he would purposefully stay. 
As he headed out, he couldn’t help but think about how odd it was to see Yubel acting as they had been. He’d seen a lot of different sides to them by now but asking for things was something they made a habit of not doing. Sure, they’d do it, but not all at once and very rarely for something emotionally charged. It was… odd. He didn’t dislike it, he definitely thought Yubel could do to ask more of him, but it just wasn’t who they were. Judai couldn’t wait for them to get better, whatever form ‘better’ may take. 
The letters kept coming and then, soon, another week had passed with no visit from Judai. There was no sadness or disappointment, nor a sense of resignation. It just was. Then, one night, Yubel was woken by familiar footsteps from a familiar passageway behind a tapestry which was subsequently pulled back to reveal just who they’d been waiting for. 
Judai opened his mouth to speak only to stop when he properly caught sight of Yubel’s form, no doubt even more non-human than the last time he’d seen them. They just offered a patient smile. He looked away and said nothing, cautiously making his way forward in hopes that the events of his prior visit wouldn’t occur again. 
Yubel didn’t so much as wince as he carefully sat on the bed, making sure not to jostle them. 
“I’ve been practicing, so that your magic wouldn’t hurt me again.” Their voice was rough, but it seemed to be in more practice than last time.
Judai couldn’t have looked more interested. 
“I think I was right about your Darkness trying to fill empty space. Ever since last time you visited, whenever the royal mage would try and pour in magic essence in none of it would take. It would either rebound or just pour back out. I’m not good at controlling the Darkness, but it doesn’t hurt.” 
“That’s good,” Judai said eventually. “I don’t think the royal mage could help even if he knew of your main element. If you’re right and you somehow got the Darkness from me, then I’m the only one who can control it.” 
Yubel hummed as they took a moment to take in the information. “I’m sure that he tried to inject some form of Darkness as well, though.” 
Despite Judai’s previous words, he didn’t seem surprised at this. Instead, he just nodded.
“I was taught that there are two types of Darkness. There’s the Gentle Darkness, which is what I have and, maybe, you, and the Coveting Darkness. They both came from the same source, and they’re neutral forces, but the Gentle Darkness gives itself to a host. It’s more malleable to human emotions. The Coveting Darkness never did that, it can be used by some mages, but it lacks sensitivity like Gentle Darkness. If that makes sense? I don’t know, my teachers probably say it better…” 
“Maybe,” Yubel said, “but I gather what you’re saying well enough.” 
“I think that says more about you than it does me.” 
Yubel chuckled coarsely at the remark but didn’t say anything to deny it. 
Judai smiled slightly before ducking his head and continuing, as though having just thought of an addition. “I heard that in the past, the Coveting Darkness allied with the Light of Destruction because it instinctively wants to horde everything, but that they’d always end up fighting since the Coveting Darkness doesn’t want to kill, only horde, and the Light of Destruction just wants to destroy.” 
“Seems counterproductive. Forces of nature aren’t the smartest,” Yubel commented. 
Judai nodded, though something about the conversation made his shoulders tense. Luckily, Yubel was quick to notice even with what minimal movement they could muster. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“The Light of Destruction is a force of nature,” he affirmed, “and it always comes back whenever the Gentle Darkness claims a new host.”
“And you’re scared?” 
Judai nodded and for a moment Yubel didn’t do anything. Then, they gathered up some resolve and pushed themself up into a sitting position, reaching two too-long arms around Judai, his back to their chest. 
“You’ll do fine,” they said quietly in what they hoped was a comforting tone. “And I’m here. If your Gentle Darkness has accepted me then that means there’s two of us it has to fight against. The odds are in our favour.” 
A hand rested upon one of their arms though Judai stayed silent. 
“Thanks,” he murmured. 
They shook their head. “I’m just saying what needs to be said.” 
The two sat for a while like that, blissfully pretending as though there was nothing wrong. A normal boy and his normal partner, not a prince tasked with saving the world and their not-quite human knight. 
“You should lie down again before you get too sore,” Judai said after a few more minutes of just allowing themselves to be swallowed by the silence.
Yubel chuckled but allowed Judai to unwrap their arms from around him, letting him help lower them down. 
“Thanks,” they breathed out after a moment. 
Judai smiled down and opened their mouth to speak before noticing their eyes slip closed. It was no doubt that his next visit would be just as short-lived, if not more, than this one. Even so, he treasured the small moments all the same. 
He went to turn towards the passage before pausing and doubling back, pressing a brief kiss to their forehead before smoothing down their fringe and allowing himself a small grin, disappearing behind the tapestry until the next time. 
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saltiestcoconut · 4 years
2020 Fanworks Highlights
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I’m tagging myself spiritually through @the-kings-of-games smhid I see how it is bitchu (jk u suk tho)
Despite not actually doing much this year I’m so proud of myself for getting back into writing which I was been trying to do for some years (probably like two plus years fjkdla) and I have all my wonderful friends I made here to thank for!
Can You Imagine? | Gen but there’s a dash of angstshipping (Malik/Ryou) cause I love them - rated T
This was actually the first fic that I published in a long long time (last time I published anything was back in 2015) I originally wanted to write it when I was going through some shit and sorting out the whole topic of forgiveness (hence the fic’s theme of forgiving) and it helped me get some much needed catharsis I’m actually pretty proud of this fic all things considering haha
I also wrote some other things locked in docs such as drabbles I’ve been writing since October, Cook’s bday fic that’s currently a hot mess and I’m still not finished with omg, an au me and some friends at the yugioh things gc came up with (omg I lowkey miss that au), and a soulshipping fic I was supposed to write for soulshipping week but never finished o|< here’s to me actually finishing these things this year dflak 
I’m tagging @cookiefox115 cause I love her artwork and was to see her highlights and @pa3art for the same reasons unfortunately flamu stole my other friends so ehh tag yourself if you want 
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darkzorua100 · 5 years
So in the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise, there is typically a final villain who announces that they are the reason for everything that has gone horrible wrong within the series. They are usually stupidly over-powered and don’t get redeemed since they are the root of all evil in their respective worlds. Vrains doesn’t really have one of those unless you want to count Lightning with the whole “Blame Lightning for Everything” meme that never seems to die as episode 119 continues to prove that Lightning is a little sh*t. Apparently even in death he still continues to be a massive thorn in everyone’s side and that is pulling it nicely.
However, 119 actually did give us the TRUE root of all evil in the Vrains series. And no, it actually isn’t Lightning. IT IS THESE GOD DAMN SIMULATIONS!
Seriously, everything that’s gone wrong is because some idiot got curious about their fate and decided to look into the future and the future give them the middle finger. Said idiot didn’t like said middle finger and gave the future one back by becoming their own self fulfilling prophecies.
Season 1 with Dr. Kogami: So I spent six months torturing a group of children for nothing because this simulation told me that the Ignis are going to try and destroy humanity because humanity threaten to destroy them first. Hmmm, with that in mind, I should totally send my 13-year-old son (cause keep in mind Ryoken was freaking 13 when Kogami started this Ignis hunt of his) out to kill them in return before they attack us for attacking them. Obviously nothing bad is going to come from this.
Season 2 with Lightning: So this simulation is telling me that I am the root of all evil and I have no chance of co-existing with humanity. Instead of, you know, testing this out myself in person by meeting up with my Origin and trying to be friends with him, I’m just going to destroy humanity of my own volition because no simulation is going to tell me how to live my life! Wait, it is also telling me I’m flawed. In that case, instead of again testing this out for myself, I’m just going to create a vessel to fuse me and the rest of my kin together. I’m sure the other Ignis wouldn’t have a problem with this at all.
Season 3 with Ai: So yeah, now that the rest of my kind are dead, I’m now apparently going to become a dick and destroy humanity, even though I have had absolutely reason to before any of this transpired because the simulation told me so since we all know the simulation hasn’t lied to anyone before. I, of course, don’t want this to happen so I’m going to create millions of copies of myself, giving them said free-will that is predicted to destroy humanity, and unleash them onto said humanity while killing myself in the process because why not?!
My god, it is freaking Leo Akaba all over again. How can these people be so smart but so stupid at the same time? I’m just laughing at this point because seriously, these simulations are literally the cause of everything and yet no one is smart enough to realize it and to stop using them.
On another note...
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Ryoken gave Yusaku freaking Borreload Furious Dragon. Of all the cards that Ryoken could have given him, I did not think it was going to be Furious. I didn’t even think we were going to be seeing Furious in the anime since Revolver vs Soulburner was Ryoken’s last duel of the series but nope, this asshole pulled a freaking fast one on us. That was the freaking highlight of my week right there.
The best part about this whole thing is that Playmaker has yet to use Furious’s graveyard effect which will allow him to bring back one of his Dark Link Monsters from the graveyard. It probably will be Darkfluid but heck he might just bring back Decode Talker for some reason just to end this duel off with some more feels. Still, I just love the fact that Ryoken is giving Ai one last middle finger before the show ends. 
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However, with that being said, I think Ai just gave Ryoken his own middle finger back with this because what the actual hell, Ai?! At least buy the guy some dinner before you ask him to fuse with you! What’s next?! You are going to pull a super poly out of your ass and freaking go full out with the Soulshipping? There is just no subtlety in this and I love it because you know Ai did this just to spite Ryoken after seeing Playmaker use his Fusion. Yeah you definitely can’t say Ai isn’t Yusaku’s Ignis now because he just took Yusaku’s proposal to Ryoken at the end of season 1 and bumped it up to an 11. 
The most crazy part about this whole thing is that Yusaku might legitimately do it because what else can he do to keep Ai from killing himself? Plus if they become the same person, he could possible out write Ai’s code and free the others as well. I would actually be fine if this would be how Vrains ends. For things to almost come full circle in a way by having the part of Yusaku that was lost from the Hanoi Project that became the Dark Ignis, aka Ai, to return to him. Sounds kinda hypocritical coming from me who hates the ARC-V ending since the Yuu Boys and the Bracelet Girls didn’t separate at the end but that was because none of that was consensual. They all had the damn right to became their own people again and it wasn’t fair that it was taken from them. This would be consensual and honestly I’m curious to see what kind of being a fusion between Yusaku and Ai would create. Would it be something like the Zexal forms between Yuma and Astral or would Yusaku get some badass powers similar to the Judai and Yubel fusion? I want to see some prediction fanart of this of what a potential fusion between these two would look like.
Either way, we are getting the final episode of Vrains next week and it is going to be shippy as all hell I can tell you all that much. I’ll talk about my overview thoughts about Vrains then but for now, we just have to wait to see if this will end with a bang or in disaster. 
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blastthechaos · 2 years
Season 3 of Yu-Gi-Oh GX is severely overrated and I hate when people use it to shit on the previous two seasons.
Mainly, I fucking hate how it tries to paint Judai as a person who only duels for fun and tries to paint it as a bad thing and how it paints him as selfish and that never takes anything seriously
Because it straight up is not true, Judai is one of the most selfless people in the series, he constantly gets serious when his friends, his cards (which count as his friends too) and the entire world gets in danger, he knows when his friends and other people are feeling down and always tries to cheer them up, mostly through dueling...and it works!
He took things seriously when Manjoume was having family problems, he took the Seven Stars seriously especially when they were hurting his friends, he took professor banner (I can't remember his actual original name) seriously when he turned evil, he took Kagemaru seriously when he threatened the whole world, he took Edo seriously, he took his brainwashed friends seriously and did everything he could to bring them back, he took price Aragon seriously when his assistant begged him to bring him back, he took Edo's life being in danger seriously, he took his mission of saving the universe seriously, need I go on?
He also took everyone's personal problems seriously, be it Cyrus (I have problems remembering the original japanese names for some characters), Edo's, Manjoume's, Asuka's and like every character of the week problems, he even paid attention to professor's Chronic classes and cheered him up when he was losing an important duel which allowed him to win.
And just because he has fun during important duels isn't a bad thing, having fun and taking things seriously aren't mutually exclusive things.
Honestly, it gives Season 3 and 4 a bad vibe to me because it looks like it's Gaslighting Judai into believing those things are true, it's one of the many reasons I'm not sold on Soulshipping.
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soulshippingweek · 3 years
It's that time of year again! Soulshipping Week 2021 starts December 21, 2021 (the winter solstice, longest night of the year). Give me a couple of days to decide on prompts. Looking forward to seeing everyone's offerings this year! (& unlike my Taichi x Yamato Week, I will have full & proper internet so I *will* be contributing on time!)
The rules remain the same: romantic intent is intended (they are one of the few mutual ships we have in YGO, after all!), no character or other ship bashing, & have fun! That shouldn't be hard, right?
Let the anticipation begin!
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higuchimon · 2 years
[fanfic] Mistaken Birthday
Juudai lounged underneath the tree, his eyes partially closed, his thoughts as at peace as they ever were. A light breeze flickered by, tangling in his hair for a few moments before moving onwards. If he opened his eyes all the way then he could have seen so much more.
If he’d opened Yubel’s eyes, then he would have been even more than that. But he reserved Yubel’s eyes for matters of importance. Besides, in this world of spirits, he could see anything that he chose just by wanting it.
Ever since he fused their souls and he became aware of who and what he was, Juudai put a little more effort than some might have supposed he had in him to learning how to use his power. He knew that he couldn’t use all of them; some he could only access when he didn’t wear a flesh body. But he learned what he could and couldn’t do, and one of the first things he’d learned was that seeing spirits was just the finest touch of what he was really capable of doing.
In point of fact, he’d learned that his power and the nature of spirits were so intertwined that he could spark the gift in others if he was around them long enough and if they wanted it or needed it. Journeyman had needed someone like Ojama Yellow, just like Hayato had needed Death Koala.
Sometimes he wondered if it happened to other people and he just hadn’t been around them long enough to notice. Since graduation he’d wandered around so much.
Yubel’s fingers brushed against the back of his neck. “You enjoy this,” they murmured. Like always, they knew exactly what was on his mind. He leaned his head closer to them.
“I miss them some, though.” They’d spent so much time together those three years that now being out in the world required adjusting. Of course, he’d had to adjust to so much else in his life that this was just one more thing on the list.
Yubel nodded, a faint quirk to their lips. “Then you could go visit them. I think they would like seeing you.”
Juudai tilted his head a little. “Are you sure?”
“When am I anything else?”
He had to agree there. Yubel remained certain about everything. Sometimes their ‘everything’ was wrong, but that didn't mean they weren’t certain about it.
He counted up the days in his mind. How long had it been? Weeks? Months? That sounded about right.
He tugged his laptop out of the case and flipped it open. He couldn’t quite get internet reception everywhere he went, but this place here was one of the odd ones where it was at least possible, with a little figuring. Computers weren’t his best subject by any means but he’d learned enough to manage when he really needed to.
So now he worked through until he could get to his e-mail, and worked out a quick message to his friends, at least the ones from Duel Academia. He’d made other friends during his travels and while he wouldn’t mind seeing them again too, this was something different altogether.
Shou, Kenzan, Asuka, Johan, Manjoume, Ryou, Edo, Saiou, Hayato, he mused, before adding a few more names, such as Rei, Martin, O’Brien, and Jim. He asked if they could all meet him at a particular place he knew. Thin places between the worlds occurred naturally all the time, and it would be easy to find them at one of those. He assured them that there wasn’t anything bad happening - and he could take care of it if he had to - but he just wanted to hang out for a while.
As he worked, another thought slid into his mind. It was little more than a whisper of a notion, but he focused on it - a notion encapsulated into a single word.
Was it someone’s birthday? That certainly felt right but it wasn’t anyone’s that he remembered. Manjoume’s had been a few weeks earlier. Shou’s wasn’t until closer to the end of the month. Ryou, Fubuki, and Yuusuke had their spree of birthdays at the end of October and start of November. But the end of August? He couldn’t think of anyone who had a birthday then.
Oh. Oh! Juudai slanted his eyes quickly to where Yubel’s presence hovered warm in the back of his mind. Often when they were in other worlds they appeared like usual, but today they seemed to want to stay tucked away inside of him.
Obviously Yubel had a birthday. They’d certainly not just popped into existence. But try as he might, he couldn’t remember when that birthday was. He vaguely recalled glorious celebrations in their old hometown, but whether said celebrations had been because of Yubel or not escaped him.
They should have. Yubel deserved every bit of praise for everything they’d ever done to protect him, even if they didn’t ask for it. Probably because they didn’t ask for it.
Well. That made his mind up. He’d not asked his friends to spend much time around Yubel before, knowing that a lot of them were still a little iffy about them. But he thought they could manage just for one afternoon. Once he was sure Yubel’s attention remained elsewhere, he added in a few notes to the e-mail, and sent it off quickly.
What can I get them? It wouldn’t be that hard to find a way to get Yubel something. While their souls were one, and they could learn anything about one another with a little mental effort, they also respected one another’s privacy. If Yubel knew there was something that he wanted to keep to himself, then they would allow it. The odds were that he’d tell them sooner or later anyway. He didn’t like having secrets from Yubel. That had caused enough issues in the past.
But the question was what to get in the first place. Yubel didn’t wear clothes and had never had a use for much else. Maybe some new cards? Yubel was as much a duelist as he was, and any duelist could always use new cards for their deck.
Somehow, that didn’t feel right either, though. He wanted it to be something special, something perfect for them, something that really showed Yubel how much he loved them and how much he’d missed them, even when he hadn’t been aware that he’d missed them. There had to be something.
Then he knew. He would have to travel a little to get it, but he could manage it, and then when he saw everyone, he’d give it to Yubel in front of them. It was private and public all at the same time. Exactly what he wanted.
Seeing everyone again was one of the best things Juudai could think of. He hadn’t meant to startle everyone by walking out of a shadow - he’d been pretty convinced most of them knew he could do that to start with - but once the startled noises died down and Manjoume finished yelling at him for doing it in the first place, things started to pick up a little.
There were tables set up in the center of the park he’d asked them to gather in, some groaning with food, and one groaning with presents. Juudai was a little surprised by those; he’d mentioned that it was Yubel’s birthday, but he hadn’t expected everyone to get Yubel something! Still, he wasn’t going to complain about it. Everyone greeted the two of them with ‘happy birthday’ - which was a little weird because he knew that they couldn’t see Yubel. Yubel, unlike most spirits, appeared only to those they chose, so it was like they were saying it to him.
He could feel Yubel’s presence there all along, though, watching him with their loving regard, observing his friends and dismissing most of them, enjoying the pleasure he felt when he plowed into the food. Yubel might not need to eat human food, but that in no way lessened the joy they took in knowing he enjoyed a great meal.
Finally, Shou stared him in the eyes. “Aniki,” he said, “Aren’t you going to open your presents?”
Juudai blinked for a second at that, then grinned. “Hold on.” He reached inside of himself and tugged. In a second Yubel appeared, a flicker of confusion crossing their features before Juudai took their hand.
“Everyone, today is Yubel’s birthday!” Juudai proclaimed. “I know I already told you, but I wanted to be sure that they know that I didn’t forget.” He couldn’t help but be proud of himself.
He tugged a small item out of his pocket and presented it to Yubel. “I picked this up for you the other day. We can keep it in Neo-Space if you like.”
Yubel stared down at it, then up at him, all three eyes clearly confused and mystified. Juudai started to say something else, when Shou spoke up again.
“Aniki, it’s - it’s your birthday. That’s why we brought all this. “ He waved tow rads the pile of presents. “I mean, happy birthday to you too, Yubel.” He nodded at them before looking back at Juudai. “But we didn’t know until you said something about it.”
Juudai blinked a few times, then looked back at Yubel. Yubel nodded slowly.
“It’s not my birthday. I don’t even remember what that was anymore, it’s been so long.” They shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. Enjoy your party. I’ll enjoy it with you.”
Yubel started to fade back into his soul, but Juudai seized onto them again, eyes flashing bright. “I don’t care! If you don’t remember when it was, then we’ll just celebrate together! We do everything else together! And this is yours no matter what!”
He thrust the box at them, and Yubel slowly accepted it, still confused as they opened the lid. Once more heir eyes widened, and then a smile broke over their features. Juudai smiled as well. The moment that he’d seen that dragon statue crafted of amber, he’d known it should belong to Yubel. Amber was forever - just like the two of them.
Yubel cradled it for a few seconds before turning to Juudai. ��Thank you,” they murmured, before flicking their claw-hand and a box appeared there as well. “This is for you.”
Juudai tilted his head as he picked it up and thought for a few seconds about tearing into it. Instead, he opened it up carefully and peered inside. There was a sun,crafted out of some black material that sparkled like the night sky.
“You are the Darkness, but you are the light to so many people’s lives,” Yubel told him. “This is all that I could find that spoke to me of you.”
There could only be one answer to this as far as Juudai was concerned. He threw himself forward and wrapped his arms around Yubel, holding them as tight as he could, his heart and soul swelling with joy, fully aware that Yubel could feel that as well.
“If you two are done,” Manjoume drawled, “we brought a few presents that you might want to look at.”
Juudai reluctantly pulled himself back, swallowed, and nodded. “Thanks, guys. I missed you all too.”
“And for the third year in a row, Juudai forgets his own birthday,” Manjoume declared, arms crossed over his chest. “At least the cake’s decent.” His eyes shifted to the side where only a handful saw the tiny gremlins floating there. “No, you don’t get any of it.”
Juudai didn’t bother holding back a laugh, but moved towards the presents. Cake could come later. For right now, he had Yubel and he had his friends - and he had so much new to discover.
The End
Notes: I decided to use this chance to finish last year’s Soulshipping Week. Want that cleared up before December of this year rolls around again! I’m going to try to write something for every day this month, but I can’t promise anything. We’ll see how it works out.
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Spirit and Soul Chapter 4
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Final chapter let’s go!
Yubel's POV
Yubel floated beside Judai as he shambled across the barren landscape, his head hung low. He'd barely said a word to them since the Johan incident. The empty bitterness that consumed Judai tore at Yubel like an old wound. Neither of them spoke about it. What was there to say? Yubel knew exactly how Judai felt: he loved Johan and was bitter toward Yubel for making him choose between them and Johan.
Yubel hadn't intended to take it as far as they had. They had been trying to ignore Judai's feelings for Johan, insisting that they didn't matter in the long run and Judai would stick with them. Yubel had been right about the latter. Judai did choose them but they didn't understand why. He had been just about to confess to Johan before Yubel showed up. In the moment Yubel tried to rip Super Polymerization, they genuinely believed that was what Judai wanted.
Yubel still felt Judai's love for them. Now, however, it was blanketed by bitterness and doubt. Meanwhile, even though it had only been a day since the incident, his longing and anxiety for Johan had only grown. Surely it would only be a matter of time before it overtook Judai's love for Yubel. They cringed at the thought. It was Yubel's fault Judai was feeling this pain: why didn't he just leave?
Yubel let out a sigh. Maybe there Was something to discuss with him after all.
“Judai…” Their voice was hardly more than a mutter.
“Yeah?” Judai's voice was devoid of emotion, and they didn't meet Yubel's gaze.
Yubel winced. Would it always be like this? If they kept him with them, would Judai just resent them and wish he was with Johan? That wasn’t worth it. Yubel loved Judai, they wanted him to be happy, not to possess him.
“I’m sorry…” Yubel sighed, dipping their head. Judai stopped walking. “I admit, I’m terrified of losing you but it hurts me to see you like this…” They trembled as they let the words spill from their mouth. “If you want to split from me and go be with Johan, I won’t stop you.”
“Yubel, that’s not the point!”
Yubel glanced at him. “Huh?”
Judai’s eyes were narrowed and his fists were clenched. “I don’t want to split from you!” he exclaimed, resting his hand on his chest. “You claim you feel all my emotions, shouldn’t you know that?!”
Yubel’s eyes widened. “Judai…”
They could tell he wasn’t lying, they just couldn’t understand why. He couldn’t be staying for Yubel’s sake. Yubel had made it clear that he could and should leave if he loved Johan, hadn’t they?
Judai looked away, letting out a sigh. “Yubel… I love you. My feelings for Johan don’t change that fact. I’ll never regret fusing with you and I never want to leave you. But… my heart has room for you and Johan.”
Yubel stiffened with anger. “Does it? How can you love me with all your heart if part of it belongs to that boy?!”
Why couldn’t Judai just pick one of them?! Yubel would’ve been less hurt if Judai would just leave him and stopped torturing them with this ‘I love both of you’ nonsense. That wasn’t how it worked!
“Yubel, Johan doesn’t have part of my heart, he has my entire heart, as do you,” Judai replied firmly.
“But… but how is that possible?!” Yubel’s wings bristled with anger.
“I don’t know…” Judai looked away, his voice trailing off. Then his eyes narrowed. He looked back at Yubel, continuing firmly again. “But it’s how I feel. Tell me Yubel, am I lying?” He held his arms out.
Yubel stared at Judai, allowing all his feelings to wash over them like a wave in the ocean. In his heart, Judai’s love for Johan was blazing. However, his love for Yubel was still burning as strong as ever, the fog of resentment just that: a fog that would clear up in the light. Yubel opened their mouth to speak. Before they could say anything, Judai’s eyes suddenly widened.
“What’s going on?!” he gasped, staring at something behind them.
Yubel turned around. In the distance, they spotted the figure of a predominately white and blue pegasus.
“Is that Sapphire Pegasus?” Yubel asked aloud.
“Johan!” Judai gasped.
Before Yubel could say anything, Judai charged forward toward the distant ravine. Yubel floated after him. As they got closer, Yubel realized what was happening. Johan had been backed toward the edge of the cliff by an unfamiliar intimidating looking man. The two of them were dueling. The man had a huge fusion monster on his side of the field. Meanwhile, all Johan had was Sapphire Pegasus and a few gem forms of the other Crystal Beasts, seemingly having been destroyed in battle.
“Attack his Sapphire Pegasus!” the man exclaimed, swinging his arm.
The man’s monster slashed Sapphire Pegasus to pieces. Johan yowled. The force of the attack sent Johan flying backwards.
“JOHAN!” Judai cried out, throwing himself between the two duelists.
Johan’s fingers barely gripped the edge of the cliff.
“Judai!” he yelped, flinging his other arm over the cliff. He was trying to haul himself up, his nails desperately clawing at the rocky ground as he kept his grip.
“Hey, get out of here kid,” the man grunted. “This duel doesn’t concern you.”
“It does now!” Judai raised his arm, his duel disk shifting into position. “I don’t know why you’re battling him but I’m taking over this duel for Johan!”
“Fine,” the man growled, placing some cards on his duel disk. “I set two cards facedown and end my turn.”
“My turn! Draw!” Judai wasted no time, slapping three cards onto his duel disk. “I summon Legendary Hero Neos and Neo Spacian Flare Scarab then use contact fusion to fuse them together!”
The monsters appeared for only a split second before they were enveloped in light and their bodies swirled around as they combined. Then the light disappeared and a dark figure took its place.
“Flare Neos!” Judai pointed at the man. “Attack his monster directly!”
Flare Neos attacked the monster, splitting it to pieces and sending the brute of a duelist flying backwards with a yowl. Johan’s arm slipped off the cliff. He yelped, squirming a bit as his fingers barely clung to the rock. Judai whipped around.
He charged toward him, his arm outstretched. Johan’s fingers slipped.
Judai’s scream pierced Yubel’s heart and before they knew what they were doing, they threw themself forward and grabbed Johan’s arm. His weight dragged them down, their heart skipping a beat. Gritting their teeth, Yubel tugged Johan as hard as they could toward solid ground, stumbling backwards. Johan flopped on top of them. For a moment, Yubel felt dazed. *Why did I save…*
“Yubel…” Judai stared at them, his eyes bright but welling with tears.
Yubel smiled. Of course they saved Johan: he was important to Judai, and Judai’s happiness was more important to them than keeping him like some kind of possession.
Johan glanced up at him. “Judai!” He threw his arms around him.
Judai hugged back for a few moments, then backed out, resting his hands on Johan’s shoulders.
“What did that guy want from you?!” he asked, his eyes wide.
“He was trying to steal my Crystal Beasts,” Johan answered, still shivering. “He cornered me at the cliff and…”
Judai hugged him again. “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”
Johan pressed closer, his arms around Judai and his cheek pressing against his. Yubel stared at them. The happiness swelling within Judai was overwhelming. It was almost enough to knock Yubel backwards and would’ve made Yubel smile if it didn’t reawaken their anxiety. Johan’s gaze met Yubel’s. Looking away, he let go of Judai, scooting back.
“Judai…” His voice was hardly more than a murmur. “I thought… I thought Yubel didn’t want us to ever see each other again…”
“Well, I couldn’t just leave you there to die!” Judai exclaimed, standing up.
“Thank you, Judai.” Johan stood up, turning away. “I’ll… I’ll let you and Yubel be.”
“Johan!” Judai reached toward him.
Johan met Judai’s gaze from over his shoulder. “Judai… I don’t want to come between you and Yubel.” He cast warm glances at both of them, making Yubel’s heart ache. “You two clearly really love each other and I love you enough to let you go be happy, Judai.”
Those words… that was exactly what Yubel should’ve said earlier.
“As do I,” they cut in, dipping their head.
“Huh?” Judai and Johan asked in unison, gazing at Yubel in confusion.
Yubel nodded at Judai. “Tell him, Judai.”
“Johan…” Judai stepped closer to Johan. “Don’t go. I… I love you.” Judai took Johan’s hand, staring deep into his eyes.
Johan’s eyes widened. “You… you do?!”
Judai nodded. “I’ve felt a connection to you ever since our first meeting and that feeling only grew with time.” Judai held up Johan’s hand, softly stroking him. “It never went away, not even when I fell in love with Yubel. I just tried to repress it… so I wouldn’t upset them.”
Yubel’s eyes widened. *I made Judai repress so much?* Guilt wracked them like an illness and Yubel nearly keeled over from the ache in their chest.
“Judai…” Johan’s fingers intertwined with Judai’s.
“I never realized… you were keeping so much from me,” Yubel murmured, gripping their chest. They couldn’t meet their lover’s gaze. “Judai, I love you. I never want to hurt you, but I did…” Their eyes watered. “I want you to be with someone you don’t have to feel like you have to hide anything from.”
With the final words, Yubel descended into a sob. They trembled.
Judai just sighed, sounding defeated. “You really can’t accept the idea of me loving both of you?”
“It sounds… impossible,” Yubel admitted, wrapping their arms around themself.
“You don’t believe him?” Johan’s tone was accusatory. Yubel glared at the boy but he didn’t shrink under Yubel’s gaze, glaring evenly at them as he held Judai’s hand. “Maybe others say it’s impossible but I’d believe Judai over any of them and if he says he loves both of us, then I believe him.”
“Johan… Thank you…” Judai stared at him, the affection in his heart like a warm soothing fire. He let go of Johan, walking toward Yubel. “Yubel, I understand if the idea of me loving others the way I love you upsets you. I don’t want to upset you. You’re the one who really wants to leave, aren’t you?”
Yubel winced. It was true: constantly feeling Judai’s love for Johan made them paranoid. Johan’s words about trusting Judai had stirred something within Yubel, but it wasn’t enough to make that paranoia go away.
“M-maybe…” Yubel admitted, not fully sure.
“Then I won’t stop you.” Judai took Yubel’s hands. “I’ll never forget you, Yubel. I love you, and I wish you happiness, wherever you find it.”
Judai let go of Yubel and reached for his deck, slipping a card into his fingers. Yubel knew immediately which card it was. They stared at Super Polymerization, allowing the memories to wash over them. Judai’s words echoed in their mind. *The spirit of Supreme King Judai will move into you to expel the Light of Destruction that’s twisting your spirit. Even if that destroys the person I am now, I don’t mind. I activate Super Polymerization!*
When they’d tried to tear Super Polymerization, this card was like a prison: something tying them to their feelings of jealousy and inferiority. Now, however, Yubel saw the card for what it really was: the symbol of Judai’s love for them. Their eyes watered.
Johan’s voice stirred Yubel from their thoughts and they couldn’t help but look up at Judai and Johan. They stood only a few steps away, staring at each other.
Johan twirled his hair around. “Is it okay if… if I kiss you?”
Yubel stiffened. A kiss? Judai had never offered Yubel that. Then again, Yubel had never asked either, and they were rarely in physical form since fusing.
Judai smiled and nodded. “Sure.”
He rested his hand on Johan’s cheek, who instantly leaned into the touch. Judai tilted his head to the side. Then he froze for a moment, looking unsure as Johan’s eyes fluttered shut. He leaned in. *Do it you fool!* Yubel was surprised to find themself rooting for this. Finally, Judai leaned in fully and pressed his lips against Johan’s. Yubel stepped closer. Their entire body trembled as Judai’s unbridled joy became theirs.
“Judai!” Yubel exclaimed, stepping toward them.
Judai and Johan backed out of the kiss.
Judai’s eyes were wide. “Yubel… gosh, I should’ve… I’m sorry.” He looked away. “I should’ve-we should’ve gone somewhere else-”
Barely hearing Judai’s words, Yubel flung themself at Judai, throwing their arms around him. Judai yelped as he was lifted off the ground.
“I DON’T WANT TO LEAVE YOU, JUDAI!” Yubel exclaimed, tears streaming down their face as they clutched Judai.
“Yubel?” Judai sounded bewildered.
Yubel fell to their knees, letting Judai touch the ground as they continued to hold him close, as if he could disappear at any moment if they let go.
“I love you, Judai…” Their voices quivered as they spoke, but they felt no fear. “I never should’ve allowed my jealousy to make me forget that. I… I love you so much I’d do anything for you. That ‘anything’ includes letting you be with Johan.” They met Judai’s gaze, resting their hands on his face. “Will you still have me, Judai?”
Judai’s eyes lit up like lanterns. “Of course I will, Yubel!”
He threw his arms around Yubel, his lips colliding into theirs. Yubel’s eyes went wide. Closing their eyes, they eased into the kiss. Why hadn’t they ever tried this? Yubel once believed that no physical sensation could ever feel better than Judai’s love for them. This kiss, however… Yubel could feel all of that love in just the touch of Judai’s lips. Judai backed out of the kiss, panting a bit. Yubel chuckled.
“Glad you came around, Yubel,” Johan commented, sitting next to them and Judai.
For once, Yubel didn’t resent Johan’s presence. They never would again. They would never make Judai repress his true feelings, never make him feel like he had to hide. Yubel would work as hard as they could to make sure Judai felt as loved as possible. And if that meant allowing Johan into their lives, then they would.
Judai giggled. “Come over here, you two!” He put one arm around Johan, looping the other around Yubel’s waist.
Johan giggled as well. Yubel, a little overwhelmed, smiled and nuzzled into the touch. They’d clearly made the right choice.
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silvormoon · 4 years
My Hero
A little vignette set in my superhero universe. Juudai’s been giving his all to being a good hero. Sometimes, he just needs someone to give a little something back.
It wasn’t easy, being the most powerful super in the world.
That sounded trite. Worse, it sounded self-congratulatory, a way of boasting that he, Yuuki Juudai, had much grander and more important problems than the humdrum things mere mortals had to deal with. It conjured up images of some movie star or millionaire lounging on their sofa sipping champagne while they talked about how stressful their life was.
And the point was that it wasn’t easy for Juudai, and he didn’t even get the champagne to make up for it. Granted, his life did tend to involve a lot of sofas, but mainly in the, “Can I crash here tonight?” kind of way. The hardest part was that he knew he could change that if he wanted to. He could make himself famous overnight. He could have as much money as he wanted. People would line up for miles to get the kind of treatment he could provide. He could make the world his oyster, if he wanted to, or crush it under his heel, and no one would be able to stop him. That was the whole reason why he worked in the dark, kept his name out of the papers, and slept in a tent or on friends’ sofas and spare beds, earned money doing odd jobs when he had any money at all, and spent a lot of time second-guessing himself.
But he wasn’t doing any second-guessing tonight. Tonight, he had found the hideout of a gang of criminals who had been peddling a bogus drug they claimed would give people temporary superpowers. What it did was to give the user a sense of euphoria, a feeling that they were all-powerful and omniscient. Several people had died from jumping off buildings or doing other equally risky things under the influence of the drug, and Juudai had decided someone needed to put a stop to it.
Just now, he was waiting near the front door of the lab. Yubel was standing over the collection of about a dozen men they’d captured together and was giving them all vicious glares if any of them so much as breathed too loudly. Juudai was aware of a few more who had fled out the back door, but he and Yubel had managed to capture the three ringleaders, so he doubted the operation would be starting up again any time soon. They had been using some specific know-how blended with the application of some unique superpowers to synthesize the drug, and those powers were gone now. It was a shame, really. A power to synthesize chemicals like that would have been invaluable to the medical community. Perhaps if this man learned his lesson, Juudai would let him have it back someday.
For now, he watched as a number of police officers warily approached the building.
“It’s okay!” Juudai called out to them. “My partner and I have things pretty well nailed down here.”
The lead officer edged a little closer. He was eyeing Juudai warily, and Juudai didn’t blame him. Most supers at least tried to look like superheroes when they were on the job. Juudai was wearing ragged jeans, hiking boots, a fleece-lined brown leather jacket that had obviously seen a great deal of life, and a T-shirt advertising a band called Sugar Snow. He looked more like a college student out for a beer than a superhero.
“Doing a little spur-of-the-moment heroing, are you?” asked the officer suspiciously. “Care to show me your license?”
Juudai produced his ID card and flicked it towards the officer, who caught it neatly out of the air.
“Thank you, sir,” he said, and ran it through a scanner at his waist. He looked at the results. His eyebrows rose. He scrolled rapidly through the rest of the file, then looked back at Juudai.
“You’re the Haou?” he asked.
Juudai shrugged. “Apparently. I mean, I didn’t come up with the name, but it’s sort of stuck to me now so I figured I might as well own it.”
“If you’ll excuse me, I didn’t think you were real,” said the officer, handing his card back.
Juudai shoved the ID back in his pocket. “Yeah, well, I like to keep a low profile.”
“I can certainly understand that, sir,” said the officer, a bit more respectfully. “But I would like to see some proof, if you don’t mind. May I...?”
“Huh? Oh, sure,” said Juudai, who had been through this song and dance before. There were ways that a villain could disguise themselves as a hero, many of them quite hard to detect. S-levels, though, tended to stay stable, so one way of proving a person was who they said they were was to test their blood and see if their S-levels matched what was printed on their ID card. It wasn’t foolproof, since it was possible for two people to have the same S-levels, even if the odds of any two people matching were one in several hundred. Nobody, however, had levels like Juudai. He offered his finger to be pricked, and watched as the numbers on the little scanner lit up. It showed 9999, just as it always did.
“You are him,” said the officer. He was visibly impressed now.
“Yeah, that’s me,” said Juudai uneasily. “Look, we’ve got these guys all tied up in the back, so if you wanna...?”
“Oh, yes, of course,” said the officer.
Uniformed men poured into the building and started doing official things. Juudai watched a little while to make sure everything was going as it should, then quietly slipped away when no one was looking.
“I wish they wouldn’t always do that,” he complained, woefully regarding his finger. “Just because I’m famous doesn’t give people the right to punch me full of holes.”
“You don’t have to let them do it,” said Yubel.
“I know,” he said. “It’s just not fair. If I had a normal power like flying or punching holes in walls or laser vision, no one would ever ask if I am who I say I am. They’d just go, ‘oh, you’re Wonder Guy, can I have your autograph?’”
Yubel gave him a knowing look. “And you’d want that, would you?”
“Not really,” Juudai admitted. “Well, maybe a little.”
“Do you know what your problem is?”
Juudai smirked. “I’m sure you have a list.
Through all he’d done in the years since he’d left school, Yubel had been his constant companion. Juudai had promised, after all, that they would stay together once they had found each other, and Yubel took him at his word. Through rain and snow, through train delays and cancelled flights, through cheap motels and leaky tents, gang wars and monster battles and helping lost children find their parents, whatever Juudai did, Yubel did too. Even on those days when everything went wrong and they were both feeling thoroughly sick of each other, Juudai was always thankful that he didn’t have to do all this alone.
“I think,” said Yubel, “that you’re burned out.”
“What do you mean, burned out?” said Juudai. “It’s not like I do very much. Mostly we just travel.”
“That still counts as doing things,” Yubel pointed out. “Anyway, you know what I mean. I’ve been watching you. You’re all give and no get. You do all these wonderful things but you don’t stick around to enjoy the thanks, because you’re afraid it will go to your head. Sooner or later, you’re bound to run out of give.”
Juudai scowled. “You know...”
“I know why you do things the way you do. You don’t want the whole world beating a path to your door demanding you give them all godlike superpowers, or take the powers away from people you don’t like,” said Yubel. “I’m just saying, it might be time for a vacation.”
Juudai knew his laugh sounded forced. “I don’t exactly have money for a tropical vacation.”
“Then ask one of your friends. Any one of them would let you stay with them for a while.” Yubel smiled. “It wouldn’t hurt to relive your school days for a while. Do you remember all the fun we had? The annual snowball fight, staying up late telling ghost stories, eating popcorn and watching movies in the common room...”
“Yeah, I remember,” said Juudai. He smiled a little. “Those were the good old days. Man, I’d give a lot to have another go at some of those games we used to play in Chronos’s class. Remember the time you got tangled up in that net so bad they had to cut you loose?”
Yubel huffed. “I could have gotten out if I’d wanted to.”
“I know,” said Juudai. He took out his phone and poked at it for a moment. “Hey, you know, there’s a gym close by that has those reinforced training rooms for playing capture the flag and stuff. We could see if we could scrape up a team. And then we could, I dunno, grab a pizza or some ramen or something, and then maybe catch a movie? And tomorrow I’ll call around and see if any of our friends mind having a couple of house guests for a few days.”
Yubel grinned. “Now you’ve got the idea.”
Juudai grinned back. “Knew there was a reason I kept you around.”
Yubel reached for his hand. “You keep me around for a lot of reasons.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” said Juudai. “Come on. Mission ‘Have Some Fun For A Change’ is officially under way.”
They began making their way towards their destination. Somewhere in the distance, Juudai could hear sirens. There was always something going on in a big city like this, and a part of him itched to be part of the action, but he knew Yubel was right. Sometimes, the person he needed to protect was himself. He was lucky he had someone by his side to remind him of that.
It doesn’t matter how strong I am, he thought. Sometimes I still need a hero, too. He was glad he’d found one.
“So, Yubel, what movie do you want to see?”
“I don’t know. What’s playing?”
“Well, there’s one about this secret agent who...”
“I am not sitting through another movie full of cars exploding. Pick something else!”
“I didn’t say I wanted to see that one!”
“No, but you were thinking it.”
Laughing and bantering with each other, they walked away, hand in hand.
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Soulage; love doesn't exist
Have you ever wondered why your relationships keep failing..? Why anyone you end up with somehow whether it’s weeks to years down the road it somehow crumbles eventually. I don’t want to be that person that marries their high school sweetheart or that person in college, has a couple kids, makes some investments together, and then realize they aren’t your person. Normality and following the rules, going through routines sucks. There is no better way to put it. The people and their daily routines of waking up, eating breakfast, and going to work just to repeat it all the next day for the rest of your life until you’re 60 and only have a few more years to be free. Who wants to work their life away? None of us. I would rather have a friend. I would rather explore the world with my best friend who I know will always be there for me. I don’t want a relationship. I want a soulship. A soulage. An energy. Not a physical relationship or a person to hold onto. I want a person I can feel, I can trust and love with my energy. I believe that ones energy in what makes them who they are. How they feel and react. I personally believe that your “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” shouldn’t just be another fuck or person to say you love then leave. I myself have made those mistakes and they harm you as well. They damage your energy, but I guess that’s just the ying in the yang now isn’t it? My heart and my soul lunges for the energy of my soulmate to love me as equally as I love them. I used to think I had it. I thought I would keep it forever. Things change so quickly. Who you used to think was your soulmate can quickly change into your enemy. Love is dangerous, it’s cruel and uninviting more than less. It’s rare to find that one person. Your person. Your type of energy. We all look and look and look for our love but you can’t. We can’t see it. We can’t touch it. It’s not physical. You can’t look for love. You’ll never find it if you search; however sit back and watch as it lurks behind you with a dagger that has your exes blood upon it. Love is red. Love is bloody and hurts. Just that word is enough to create burning hot coals. Love does not exist. However conclusively energy and a soulship, now that could exist. That could be the one thing that doesn't hurt. It could be the next generation of a love that doesn't burn out. Love is a fire and fire eventually dies. But a soul, an energy, a being never ceases to decease. So shoot for the moon and if you fail, at least you’ve landed among the stars they say. Why would you want to be like everyone else?? Shoot for mars and if you fail, try again. Get up, fight for what you want and find your energy. Find your soul. Find your happiness.
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