#soulstonemate au
silktoyourspidey · 5 years
SoulStoneMate AU
Hello, fellow MCU maniacs, as we all mourn and celebrate the ending of a 22 film journey, I jumped onto the tumblr bandwagon and fel more in love with Peter Parker/Spider-Man/Tom Holland than before. SO I'm dusting off my creatively blocked brain with some fic even though I haven't written anything in months. This is also my first Marvel fic, so pretty please bear with my crap.
Across the Universe
A slight AU inspired by the original fan theory that those snapped by Thanos were all more or less coherent in the Soul Stone. The stone draws out internal truths that you never know existed, all while getting to know Spider-Man.
Warnings: Infinity War and eventual Endgame angst.
Nothing more than a shade, you wandered around the orange abyss for who knew how long. It felt like days, maybe even weeks, since you felt your body fall backwards into oblivion, fading to darkness and waking up here.
You had no idea what was happening, one minute your boyfriend was getting down on one knee and the next was this.
Did you fall and obtain a traumatic head injury? A coma inducing seizure? You couldn't know, struggled for days to listen for his voice, a hospital monitor beeping, anything. But nothing.
You’d already screamed, already cried, bargained. You’d gone through the five stages the situation allowed. You were pretty sure your life was over, but whatever this afterlife was, you figured it could've been worse. Lonely, but not a tormenting loneliness. You could handle it, though you mildly longed for interactions.
So much, in fact, you thought you were hearing voices, now. It was faint, but echoes bounced between your ears. Maybe you were going crazy.
“We’re not alone, don't give up.”
You startled at the clear whisper. It was a young woman, voice shaking and teary, but loud and calm enough to be heard. You didn't know the voice, but it was cathartic to hear.
And just like that, people started materializing.
You heard shouting and crying and screaming and joy and desolation and confusion and people.
It looked like families and friends were reuniting, questions with no answers thrown into the air. Seemingly, everyone here was brought back to their closest acquaintances, likely who they were with when The Event happened, based on chatter you overheard. You searched for your boyfriend and came up with no one. Like you, not everyone was lucky, some remained alone, sadly and uncomfortably holding themselves, and you felt the urge to console as many as possible, despite your loss, if that's what you could call it.
The consensus was that some sort of virus struck worldwide, killing off at least half of the population. Then the aliens showed up. You were from New York, so the alien battle against the planet’s mightiest heroes a few years ago already made you aware of such reality, however other humans did not take so kindly. Luckily, in this afterlife, violence was impossible on all parts of the spectrum. But as more materialized, it became clear: not just Earth, but the entire universe, had been obliviated.
No one you knew ever appeared near you. You supposed you were grateful, this meant they’d all survived. You tried to reach out to others like you, The Singles, this world coined the term. Some of them were welcoming and some were aloof. You still offered friendship to the latter, grieving comes in many forms and you could keep it together by supporting others. You made a close friend, Nath, who was from Coney Island and majored in Film at NYU.
You guys toss around theories and small talk and film analyses nonstop, no time existed and sleep wasn't a necessity in this world, though you could and if you willed it hard enough, you could create a sort of architecture, food, landmark, almost as if you're heart could bring it into existence. The food was never as good and none of the buildings were as solid, but slowly, the community of Goners created a hodgepodge of places to thrive in.
You and Nath were analyzing The Dark Knight trilogy when you heard the same female voice, less shaken than before.
“If anyone out there can hear me, my name is Wanda Maximoff. You might know me as Scarlet Witch, of the Avengers. To anyone listening, those of our team that were Snapped have important information.”
The Soul World, as was you were now properly informed, fell into a collective silence. You listened as your ‘Snapped’ heroes reported the facts. The Mad Titan and his quest for balance collected some stones and you were all trapped in the Soul Stone. You weren't technically dead. The Avengers back on Earth could still find a way to bring you back, but how and when was unclear. Doctor Strange, from that weird library you passed by on your bus route, was blunt. One out of 14 million. But he was heavily relying on that singular chance.
Then, the theories. The Soul Stone was powered by true self, hence why people you cared about and things you loved were available to you. It was a very uplifting notion, you realized, as it meant everyone was naturally, inherently good. In reality, people harmed others out of fear and hatred grown by fear. No one feared here, this was almost rock bottom, hence why violence never appeared. Emotion was stronger here, and your own soul would gravitate to truths. Strange advised that this would be a long waiting period, but a good self journey awaited those who needed it.
But despite everything, meeting Nath and recreating your room from home and all of your favorite places, you longed for your boyfriend, whose name seemed like a fading memory. You were going to say yes, despite being seniors in high school. You were going to spend forever with him, and you knew he was mourning for you, but that the remaining Avengers would inform the world and he would wait with a hopeful heart.
So why were you not remembering your first date or his favorite color or what he wanted to major in?
And how in this godforsaken piece of shit rock prison did you end up running straight into your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?
“Sorry,” the masked hero managed out, as you rubbed the spot on your shoulder that made contact with the...iron suit?
“‘S’cool,” you were able to say easily. “Nice new suit.”
“Oh, oh yeah,” he looked down, like he forgot what he was wearing. “I got it from Mr. Stark; I was wearing it to breathe in space before we got all dusty.”
“You were in space?” You gasped. “You weren't with you parents? I'm so sorry!” Really, you figured he about your age, so this must be just as hard for him as it was for you.
“I was with Mr. Sta-Iron Man, technically,” he shakes his head. “He looked really upset and I felt really bad that I couldn’t stay with him, but I know he’ll figure this out. He’s the smartest man I know.” He waved his arms emphatically.
“Well we all knew that,” you giggled. “He's fucking Iron Man.” You frowned. “Your parents, though?”
“My parents passed away long before The Snap,” his voice wavered slightly. “My Aunt May isn't here, so she must be worried sick, especially after she lost Uncle Ben, but I think Mr. Stark will do his best to help her understand.” He paused. “Plus she knows I'm Spider-Man. And my best friends are all here, Ned knows too but I'm don't suit up when I see everyone else.”
“I'm assuming your on patrol then?” You pondered. “Falcon said something about that to assure the masses that we’ll be okay.”
“Er, kinda,” a blue and red arm tried to scratch the back of his head. “I do, but I'm not assigned this area, despite it being predominantly New Yorkers. Strange’s area.”
“Oh? Then what brought you here?”
“I just felt drawn to this area, more specifically, your location, right here.”
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