abracadav-r · 7 months
also fun that his realm is in carceri fourth floor, colothys, which is where liars and cheats go. pretty much only he, talona, and malar were there and no-one knows anything about it otherwise.
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at least sometimes its selvetarm/ghaunadaur erasure instead, lol
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masteredshadows · 7 years
u don’t master the shadows / shadows are mastered by u
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I don’t allow some peoples’ shallow perspectives of what are and what are not shadows define if I’ve mastered them. I don’t believe shadows have to be a shape produced by something coming between light and the ground and other stereotypes of shadows. Shadows to me do not have a specific definition.
I try to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to weapons and armor and technique and runes. I want to set the standards for what’s considered “powerful” and mastered in the modern era of shadows. I try to be ever changing and push myself and the limits of shadows to fit whatever I am doing. I completely understand that nearly everything I do is groundbreaking, new and completely revolutionary in the grand scheme of shadows, and I want to always try to put my own unique twist on shadows.
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ardentglory · 7 years
▼ thens
write my muse’s reaction to yours ;▼ kissing them. ( accepting tentatively )
when the she - fox places her lips on his cheek, he simply cannot hold back his smile. and a soft chuckle rises from his chest, his eyes open, and for once there is no fire in them, small cinders. 
   “ a game, hm? ” 
he moves, carefully cupping her chin, and guided her gaze. and, he placed a soft kiss upon her forehead— it is warm as sunlight, without a trace of holy fire. 
  “ a game i know how to play as well. ” 
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jeanbryanpelletier · 4 years
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Visit My Patreon, bryan396.com and minds.com/bryan396 sites and later net search bryan386 for more.
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vindictivly · 7 years
✜ for a fear headcanon—Shieda is fearless, has grown to be feared by others. He does not fear anything in particular, not even death. As a child he feared Noxus, but now he sees to it that Noxus will fear him when the time comes. Fear has become irrelevant to Shieda.
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lightbanished · 7 years
❛ you remind me of an old friend, that’s all. ❜
he had been cautious the whole time there, as he sat by her side. though the fox had not given him reason to fear, he could not help but wonder which of her faces was the genuine one. what lies beneath the veneer of beauty— beneath her soft skin, red lips and half feral stares. the thought brings him a vague discomfort. the wilds are her home, and the forest her domain. and yet, there, away from the prying and fearful stares of man, he feels most at ease. yet he knows he does not belong there— the woman at his side reminds him why.
 in truth, he does not understand where he belongs. not here in the wilds, and not among mankind. perhaps, even the living— it is then that karthus forces himself to shake his head. it would do no good to think of such things, especially not now. 
and thus, her words catch him off guard. and who else would be like him? so much so that his presence would remind her of a friend?  he pauses for a moment, dusting off his hands of dirt. ( where she plucked the flowers from the ground, he planted them instead). 
“i suppose that is a good thing, then?” 
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propugnatori-a · 7 years
VASTAYAN. he’s never seen one up close but he knows she’s one when he sees the ears poking out from raven hair; it seems like the sensible assumption, as from the distance he is they seem far too real to be a prop. it’d be senseless for it to be one as well, given the fact a costume would seem like a gaudy choice in this time of the year ---- though surely someone might find it a good choice whenever, as he’s known quite a few piltovans with eccentric fashion taste, and this isn’t quite what he’s used to. by her attire choice, he’d wager ionian, too, which makes sense if his hypothesis is right...
---oh yes, he’s staring (at the ears, specifically, as the novelty item they might represent to someone unfamiliar with the concept of fox-eared women), as per usual when he becomes too engrossed in his thoughts, and it makes for terrible ice-breaker, he’s come to know. clearing his throat, he rakes his brain for proper talk, as it’s clear by now she’s noticed him. 
SO MUCH for being a gentleman.
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4thdevil · 7 years
002 !
     the softest touches.   /   @soultheft
                                                 002.   kiss their cheek .
     the gentle press of her lips were flushed against the warmth of his cheek ; a shiver shot through his nerves and his hand reacts upon instinct and visibly twitches with the warmth of her touch. it went without saying that jhin was not too fond of such touches, touches that expressed such soft and lighthearted meanings. it was not really something to truly address, but closed eyes slowly open to view his arms that remained crossed over his chest. had he dozed off ? for a moment he had been reading as he sat against a tree, where could… ah, there it is, an old book he had kept close for quite some time remained at his side. unharmed and safe, though, the presence of another was immediately known and crimson eyes gaze off to the side of him.
     there she was, a vulpine woman, her long, wind tousled hair flows over her shoulders in voluminous waves of black silk ——– he silently then turns his gaze up to meet sharp hues staring back at him, the subtle soft smile that is traced upon her features are graced with a simple blink before he lifts his head and turns it to fully face the vastayan. a velvet accent then leaves his lips as he speaks.
     ‘   is such an action customary for you to do to those you find resting their eyes ?   ‘
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ardentglory · 7 years
— “how long do you intend to limit yourself by emulating humanity? you are far above that, ahri. they are weak, you are strong. you are a hunter, they are prey.”
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exfury · 7 years
' you have such pretty white hair, lady. it reminds me of the icefoxes i used to be around. '
   The compliment surprised her. Being more used to either indecent remarks or looks of reproach, it wasn’t something she had expected to hear. After tugging a strand of the said hair behind her ear, she’d let out an awkward chuckle.
   “ Thanks. ”  She’d reply, trying to hide her uneasiness behind a smile.  “ It’s the first time someone compares it to the fur of an icefox. “
   She’d never been good with dealing with compliment, not knowing how to properly react, and this time was no exception
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accents. :>
[Tumblr accent challenge]
//1/10! I sound super bogan. You have been warned. 
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(Block Logan, Block Patton) V, is it safe to assume that you’ve seen your priestess do or imply she could do something like what we asked L about? -Crystal
(Virgil sighs,)
Virgil: Uh, yeah??
Virgil: I mean, I'm not surprised you don't have that spell on the surface, but every priestess is taught to cast Soultheft in their training years. --I mean, even my little brother knows that spell!
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agonizier · 7 years
soultheft replied to your post: hewwo eve
stop it
stop being a hater rose
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deflcresco · 7 years
@soultheft replied to yourpost:5'8 !
tiny girl !
right !! ; w ; 
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4thdevil · 7 years
' i'm not sure how to feel about this. '
     those words reach his ears when he’s caught smack dab in the middle of work. honestly… how nosy of a woman was she ? she must’ve caught his scent in the air and followed it in hopes of finding him—– ‘  feel  ‘ ? why, this moment would just simply turn bitter for her no matter what he tried to say, so he merely stares at the woman, the smoke from his gun rising and the gentle essence of magic fills the air in forms of idle butterflies and petals. tilting his head and heaves a heavy sigh in the lingering silence.
     ‘   you… are such a nosy little fox, my dear. you’re disturbing my work, and i’d love it if it wasn’t spoiled for the audience.   ‘
   the golden mask that hides his face reflects what little light is offered by the surrounding shop windows, someone was definitely going to notice if this woman’s tails give away her spot. and while he could care less for the well-being of a stranger, he didn’t need someone getting in the way of his ‘  spotlight  ‘. she stood before him with lingering sense of worry and whatever little drowned out emotions she felt towards him, but he remained silent before cold metal grips her forearm. a single crimson eye is visible through the openings of his mask.
     ‘   you mustn’t be here, sweetheart. people are coming.   ‘
     and with that, he quickly pulls her to move ahead of him in the very same moment curious voices and footsteps bound closer to where he was. hoping she had already began to move, jhin was quick to flee the scene. he wasn’t getting captured tonight, not anytime either.
// @soultheft
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chemtech · 7 years
✌: You’re awesome♡: I love your blog
you have no idea how much this means tbh because you legit inspire me with your headcanons for your Ahri
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