#source: a meme link sent me
1pcii · 2 months
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chopper could stamp jkr to death with his hooves <3
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merveiilles · 5 months
// Just a PSA. I've been using Kit.boga's Seraph.Secure for the last couple weeks. and on the Christmas Tree meme link- where it takes you to the tree you can decorate for friends- and Seraph gives you alerts when potential scammers are trying to get a hold of your computer. I've been fine for 2 weeks, but the only time thus far I've got an alert from Seraph (it pops up in the corner, it makes a noise and it emails me.) and told me to get off the site because it can be potential fraud? Not sure if it is or not... Nonetheless, please be careful if you do choose to use the "Decorate my Christmas Tree" site.
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Also, 10/10 would recommend Kit's program. Info video on the said program: [link] Kit works with authorities to shut down call centres, recover stolen accounts, and give people sources to get their lives back. Seraph.Secure is only $2/mo with a 2 week free trial. It will alert you if scammers are on your computer and or stops scams before they start. -edit no.1- *I had a friend reach out and tell me that their anti-virus blocked the site when they tried to access it. SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND OR DO NOT USE THE DECORATE MY TREE SITE!!!! -edit no.2- I would advise that you change your password for your email and make your you have 2-factor authenticator turned on! I have also been advised since i personally didn't make a tree, that you can't delete your account after signing up to make a said tree. That you have to be sent a code to delete the account- which, never comes. That is very suspicious.
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traegorn · 5 months
Is it true that gingerbread cookies were originally created for saturnalia? My friend just sent me this meme
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Literally answered this last month, but I know Tumblr's search is absolute shit (even though it was tagged) so it's easy to miss.
Here's what I said then:
I feel like every year there's a new "did you know..." that inevitably turns out to be false. This seems to be one of them. First off, while ginger was a spice available to the Romans, there's no real link between them what we now know as gingerbread -- which is a much later invention. But that aside, the only sources I can find about a "man shaped cookie" connected to Saturnalia seem to go back to unsourced nonsense. Even the ones who cite something, if you follow the path to the source they do cite... it's one with no citations. Written by a mystery writer. And we fucking know exactly when gingerbread men were invented. They were created for Queen Elizabeth I, who had the cookies cut to resemble visiting foreign dignitaries. And then they caught on. So, if a person-shaped cookie existed in connection to Saturnalia (which I don't think it did but I will admit I wasn't exhaustive in my research), it is unrelated to the gingerbread man. (Honestly this feels like yet another one of those things that got started with anti-Catholic propaganda 100-200 years ago and has become another ahistorical talking point -- but I'm just going off of vibes on that one)
So yeah. The romans didn't make gingerbread or man shaped cookies -- so "gingerbread men" are not a Saturnalia thing.
This is the new hill I'm going to have to die on, huh.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
I was listening to this cast by The Weeb Crew, with SteveM as a guest, going through some other Evangelion video and dissecting the mythical memetic tropes it buys into. Which was a lot of fun, I recommend the cast, and the video they are critiquing is a bit of a grad-bag of zombie memes about Evangelion from the 2000's, which yeah have aged poorly.
One of the ones they get into is the idea that Evangelion's TV ending was "intensely unpopular", and Anno & crew were getting like bombarded with death threats and stuff. Which happened at some level sure, but certainly wasn't the median response. The video actually sites the "emails" shown on screen in End of Evangelion as evidence:
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And like, bro those emails are fake! The staff wrote them for the movie, they didn't use real death threats or fan mail, that would be a huge legal liability. Not saying they are analytically useless or anything but, you know, you need to know that.
Anyway, SteveM mentions that of course there was pushback against Eva's ending, but actually the big wave wasn't interior to the fandom - instead it was sparked by Eva "going mainstream" discourse-wise. In particular a review essay by social critic Eiji Otuska (who is also a former lolicon creator ding ding ding) that was published after the finale aired sparked a widespread discussion in the media by other critics. He links to the essay in their discussion....except he doesn't. He thinks he did, and then when they look, its just someone else mentioning it in an article in 2003:
Bitter disputes broke out on online bulletin boards, with some critical of the producers for failing to provide a clear-cut end to the story, and others who praised the finish for being "typically Evangelion-like." But when commentator Eiji Otsuka sent a letter to the Yomiuri Shimbun, complaining about the end of the Evangelion series, the debate went nationwide. "The debate that erupted over the ending went way beyond our calculations," Gainax's Sato chuckles. "Anno probably knew what was going on. He realized that media other than anime had taken notice of Evangelion."
Which triggered in me the thought - why doesn't he have it? He references it in his own work after all. As you can guess, after some searching I am pretty sure I know why; no one has it. Its never been scanned or reprinted in an accessible format! It definitely is important in the history of Evangelion - I have seen this claim in other contexts, the essay that sparked a discourse, and you can find many works about Evangelion citing Otsuki (generally later works, like an article published in September of 1996 which you can buy) But what the article article said is only discernable via the clues dropped from second-hand accounts.
So can we find it?
First of all I need to figure out what is even being referenced. Searching through contemporary Japanese sources, I dug up an extremely handy find:
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A somehow-still-existing 1997 fan page by a Japanese otaku (I'm giving you this stuff auto-translated btw, what would you do with a wall of kanji?) who extensively catalogued every media mention of Evangelion. I am sure they missed some, but they didn't miss a big one like the Otsuki letter - which we know from the above interview appeared in gigantic newspaper Yoimiuri Shimbun:
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This gives us three candidates; given that we know it was written after the finale aired, and that was March 27th, 1996, our most likely candidate is the April 1st essay; I was able to find a secondary source mentioning the review was "immediately" after the finale, so I think that nails it.
Which alas does not bring up anything! Try as I might I cannot find any extant blog post, or scanned image, or long quoted form. But after trying the usual methods I did realize something - unlike my average document hunt, this is Yoimiuri Shimbum, a newspaper, a big newspaper. Which means they probably have their own archive, which I might be able to access. and low and behold, they do! And my university research services actually have an account!!
Incredibly blessed by this stroke of luck, I went digging for everything containing "Evangelion" and "Eiji Otsuka" in 1996, and found it:
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And it's fucking blank. If the article is scanned or anything it will have that "Japanese Text" you see on the first result, or "Scanned Image" tag or something. I swear its like the only ones not scanned, all the random ads and list of best sellers are all there, but the entire cultural essays section is just an archival void. Shot in the skull right at the finish line.
Alas I am out of ideas of this one - its a newspaper, no one is selling this on Yahoo Auctions. Though hey, at least now we know the title:
"オウム」を超えるはずが... / It should surpass Aum...", 876 characters long.
"Aum" by the way is Aum Shinrikyo, the cult terrorist group that conducted the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack. Which you can imagine really took the chattering classes by storm; it was the culmination of a series of "extremist" actions that began in the 1980's that built up a narrative of societal decay and alarm. It really isn't surprising that Otsuka linked Evangelion to Aum Shinrikyo; the apocalyptic connections were obvious, there was even an episode of the show that had to be changed due to the attacks as the production team thought the events were too similar. And additionally, if this essay was gonna spark a "societal backlash", it has to say something controversial right? I have definitely seen other critics like Hiroki Azuma discussing Eva in relation to Aum as a "social phenomenon" - I am betting Otsuka is the source of that comparison being so ubiquitous.
From other sources like people on twitter and other articles, I can pick up a few other details on what it contained; apparently he referred to Evangelion's finale as a "self-help seminar" for otaku and lambasted the idea of airing one of those on TV. And from his other writings I think you can certainly piece it together - essentially seeing Evangelion's self-involvement and hyper-introspection as a product of the same societal malaise that birthed Aum Shinrikyo, while failing to deliver a solution that could "go beyond" that. Which, the shit you said about media in the 90's, I want a hit of what he's having! But while today its quite obvious that groups like Aum were, sure, saying something about society but turned out overwhelmingly to be fringe weirdos as opposed to canaries in the mental institute coal mine, at the time this was very much the zeitgeist.
Still, I don't really care all that much what it says - its an important artifact! It started the "Eva discourse boom" that broke out of otaku circles and launched Evangelion into a cross-societal phenomenon! We should have a record of it, it should be preserved. I will ruminate on it, and see if any other ideas pop up. And meanwhile if anyone out there happens to see what I missed definitely let me know.
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historiavn · 2 months
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LIKE THIS POST to give me permission to send AT LEAST THREE or more askbox memes from MY OWN PROMPT TAG. I will link the original post featuring the meme into my ask so that you can reblog from the source if you desire. Unless indicated otherwise, I will also interpret your interaction with this post as my cue to send you prompts from my own prompt tag whenever I desire.
These askbox memes will be sent with the intention of USING YOUR RESPONSE AS A STARTER FOR A NEW THREAD, whether that thread is a shorter vignette or something more elaborate. If you respond to your prompt but do not want it to be turned into a thread, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
ALL MUTUALS ARE WELCOME TO INTERACT WITH THIS POST, no matter how many threads — or lack thereof — we may be currently writing together.
Multimuses, you are invited to specify your desired receiving muse(s). If you do not, the receiving muse(s) in question will be randomly selected.
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valorums · 4 months
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LIKE THIS POST and I will send you AT LEAST THREE or more askbox memes from MY OWN PROMPT TAG. I will link the original post featuring the meme into my ask so that you can reblog from the source if you desire.
These askbox memes will be sent with the intention of USING YOUR RESPONSE AS A STARTER FOR A NEW THREAD, whether that thread is a shorter vignette or something more elaborate. If you respond to your prompt but do not want it to be turned into a thread, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
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Multimuses, you are invited to specify your muse. If you do not specify a muse, I will select one randomly.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
What an overview.
So let's see what we have with scripthunt now
Wiki leaking but helping lie about the pilot script to incite harassment she could have stopped at any time.
Wigglebox satellite stalking jensen and whatever the fuck that finale script stunt was and being mad 2po and wiki ever released the script that proved I was right and they were lying, which she implied she would have chosen to hide.
2po lying about--well, everything. First the M&G he tried to retaliate when he was busted lying, then just. You know. Lie after lie after lie easily disproven with receipts. Honestly just like. My whole blog vs his whole blog. My receipts vs his unsubstantiated claims. The 5K he conned people out of and then him and wigglebox lied, is a good start. It's been out for days and he still pretends no one responded.
2po's sources are violent antis that actually were threatening to cut hellers at a con for asking heller questions in a Cockles M&G. This is why his retaliation failed. Because his own sources were drunk, rabid and yelling. So his lies got outted.
working with what's basically a 4chan troll using pepe memes as his "source" against me that is actively doxxing people in a revenge quest to find my sources and not even doxxing "the right people." but sure as shit spamming their contact info into people's inboxes and making public allegations. Openly spent their time trying to get a server to hate on Misha. UPDATE: THEY RESPONDED TO LET US KNOW THEY'RE ACTUALLY A REDDIT TROLL.
An ocean of trolls that feel entitled to break historic LGBTQ DONT OUT PEOPLE rules and trying to blame everyone but themselves, including Misha, after using it to drill in more attacks on Misha. (gestures at the last few days of my inbox, and that's just the like 1/4 i replied to.) This, for the record, is the exact talking point Snot Rag kept trying to re-spin in our server (well, one of them.) So yay. You guys got used by a reddit incel to attack a guy.
Grifting tens of thousands of dollars out of fandom "for charity" which actually just lets them cruise gold panel cons, get something signed, and then return equivalent pocket change for the actual investment to the charity. (scripthunt's whole schtick.)
A good deal of that server is banned and on a revenge quest. Sins include harassing users across multiple channels, obsessive sea lioning and trolling for months on end, and trying to hijack server permissions to delete it.
Sneaking socks into multiple servers, not just mine, just general ongoing violation of privacy and trust. Doesn't end at Misha. All reporting back to 2po.
Oh yeah. Just. Excellent folks.
That snotrag person messaged me back in March. Not sure when they got banned from the server, but they sent me a link to a blind item that was supposedly about J*red. IDK what they were up to/where they were going with their messages.
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fake-destiel-news · 10 months
On a website with a PREDOMINANTLY autistic user base, the fact that you're not just making these fake news memes but flat out do NOT care and have said you intend to continue and likely find it funny is bordering bullying/predatory in some ways.
I’m doing literally everything I can think of to make it clear they’re fake. Because while I do find it funny (to come up with stuff and make the memes) I care a lot that no one gets hurt.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that even autistic people would be smart enough to see one of like a bunch of warn signals. (All of this is not meant to bash autistic people I’m just trying to point out the weird logic here. Because I’m assuming they’re smarter than to believe something that’s clearly fake.) Let me spell it out for you:
First of all, my name should give you A LITTLE BIT OF AN INDICATION. idk if maybe an autistic person wouldnt know the meaning of the word fake.
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Also as far as I’m aware all the memes I make now have something going on that makes it different from the normal destiel meme. Like putting Dean on top and cas on the image below or just putting a completely different person there. Which would at least give you (or the autistic people) a moment of “huh. That’s different than usual.”
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Also it might not be so bad to look at the tags for like two seconds. Maybe autistic people can’t click the read more I mean that’s very difficult.
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Even if you don’t read the tags, if you have a problem with just believing things whenever you read them on a random meme, you should maybe, and that’s just a suggestion, block #unreality. Or if it’s about this blog in particular then just block ME or the tag #fake-destiel-news. That’s why the option is there in the settings you know.
(Autistic people, if you don’t know how to block tags, let a trusted allistic adult help you!)
And if you see any kind of news from a meme, you would propably visit the blog of the OP right? Just to see if they’re not idk, a bot? Or nazi? Or someone who is known for spreading misinformation? Who might have ulterior motives with something like this? Maybe you’d want to follow them but first look at their other posts at least? I mean this one’s not required but if you did it you would immediately see this:
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Oh wow now that seems like a blog that would say something that’s not real.
And even if you don’t see any of that, you would at least try to fact check something you read in one(1) meme on the internet? And the easiest way to do that is if the source to it is right there and you just have to click it.
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Damn that’s weird the link must be broken or something, I just get sent to a gif of the pen pineapple apple pen guy with the tags “the meme that lead you here is not real and purely made up”. Must be a typical tumblr error!
If you look at the blog where the gif is from you would again see my blog name (with the word fake in it) and again that there are not real memes.
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And like, even if you don’t see all of these things and don’t have unreality blocked and don’t visit the source. Then you would, before you’d idk tell other people about it, at least do one(1) google search to see if it’s true. I mean just knowing “the nestle CEO got poisoned cause he drank water in flint” doesn’t tell you what kind of poisoning, will he be ok, how did that happen… if you’re interested enough in any of these questions you propably would search for more info.
And like, if you don’t? What will happen? You believe that the Nestle CEO got poisoned until you see some proof that it hasn’t happened, or you’d just forget after a while when you don’t see more on it. So if it doesn’t matter to you enough to research it, you propably won’t think about it again much because it’s not interesting to you. So like what’s the big deal there.
Even if a meme gets reblogged it would still have my name and the source there, and you could get to my blog easily. Also if the op is tagged unreality it would still get blocked.
Idk if I’m just vastly overestimating the autistic people on this website but idk how you can miss all of these things.
This got long but If you have any suggestions how I could improve (for all the autistic people here) then please give em to me because I’m at a loss.jpg.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 10 months
OK INTRO POST WHEE!!!!!! (plain text ver. under the cut!!)
Hewwo besties. hello girliepops. hello boys, hello gamers, hello homestuckers and evil little creatures it is me!!!! hi!!! HELLO hi hi hi!!!! a million hellos forever and ever and....
okay fine sorry, just one last hi: hi!! I'm a Tommyinnit factive in a system and I do art sometimes!! I also play a lot of animal crossing like way too much animal crossing like my autism has me in a chokehold i play it everyday. I use he/him pronouns :3. and I am MARRIED.
My husband, Seán, is a Jacksepticeye factive in the same system as me!! we cohost/cocon together and I love him SO MUCH and I infodump about him and his source sometimes so. BE WARNEDED!!!! his acc is @septiccoffeefreak if you want to go acknowledge how fucking cool and awesome he is which you SHOULD!!! We came up with the septicinnit shipname actually!!! And write the first fics for it!! So understandably I am absolutely FERAL about it like biting clawing going insane feral. my babygirl...
I don't hold myself to a blog theme but I tend to post a lot of decora and cutesy rainbow things on this blog, as well as memes and videos I found on my feed!!! and sometimes!!! if ur lucky!!! I post an omegaverse post!!! (check out @justomegathingss for more as well) or like an actual hot take on the universe!!! though again usually it is just reblogs of sanrio characters and decora fits lol. I also of course post a ton of my art and some original posts where I go feral about something or other and scream really really loud to my terrified (but intrigued and entranced) followers. expect the unexpected. be prepared for chaos
I have no DNI for my blog, but I will block u if I decide that having you unblocked makes my internet experience sucky in some way. this is my little corner of the internet an i will customize it in whatever silly way makes my brain go brrrr
The Magical Special Poggers Tags, with which you can Navigate my Blog:
#Tommy's OG ART wow - art i made!
#I made a textpost - a combo of original textposts, as well as reblogs I made with text on them!!
#asks - asks i received!!! (asks i sent to someone ELSE and am reblogging the response to would go under #I made a textpost)
If I reblog something without any art or text attached at all, that's gonna be untagged (usefully, anyway)- but I figure if you're hunting through my blog for a post it's probably not a blank reblog anyway.
For more information about me and links to my other socials, look at my Caard, Tommyfactive.carrd.co !!! it has a bunch or really poggers info and links to my pintrest and stuff so like u should totally look at it. U might get coolness poisioning from how cool I am though /j
Commission information Here!!
Printify Store here!!!!!
Hewwo besties. hello girliepops. hello boys, hello gamers, hello homestuckers and evil little creatures it is me!!!! hi!!! HELLO hi hi hi!!!! a million hellos forever and ever and....
okay fine sorry, just one last hi: hi!! I'm a Tommyinnit factive in a system and I do art sometimes!! I also play a lot of animal crossing like way too much animal crossing like my autism has me in a chokehold i play it everyday. I use he/him pronouns :3. and I am MARRIED.
My husband, Seán, is a Jacksepticeye factive in the same system as me!! we cohost/cocon together and I love him SO MUCH and I infodump about him and his source sometimes so. BE WARNEDED!!!! his acc is @septiccoffeefreak if you want to go acknowledge how fucking cool and awesome he is which you SHOULD!!! We came up with the septicinnit shipname actually!!! And write the first fics for it!! So understandably I am absolutely FERAL about it like biting clawing going insane feral. my babygirl...
I don't hold myself to a blog theme but I tend to post a lot of decora and cutesy rainbow things on this blog, as well as memes and videos I found on my feed!!! and sometimes!!! if ur lucky!!! I post an omegaverse post!!! (check out @justomegathingss for more as well) or like an actual hot take on the universe!!! though again usually it is just reblogs of sanrio characters and decora fits lol. I also of course post a ton of my art and some original posts where I go feral about something or other and scream really really loud to my terrified (but intrigued and entranced) followers. expect the unexpected. be prepared for chaos
I have no DNI for my blog, but I will block u if I decide that having you unblocked makes my internet experience sucky in some way. this is my little corner of the internet an i will customize it in whatever silly way makes my brain go brrrr
The Magical Special Poggers Tags, with which you can Navigate my Blog:
#Tommy's OG ART wow - art i made!
#asks - asks i received!!! (asks i sent to someone ELSE and am reblogging the response to would go under #I made a textpost)
If I reblog something without any art or text attached at all, that's gonna be untagged (usefully, anyway)- but I figure if you're hunting through my blog for a post it's probably not a blank reblog anyway.
For more information about me and links to my other socials, look at my Caard, Tommyfactive.carrd.co !!! it has a bunch or really poggers info and links to my pintrest and stuff so like u should totally look at it. U might get coolness poisioning from how cool I am though /j
Commission information Here!!
Printify Store here!!!!!
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prodijedi · 3 months
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LIKE THIS POST and I will send you AT LEAST THREE or more askbox memes from MY OWN PROMPT TAG. I will link the original post featuring the meme into my ask so that you can reblog from the source if you desire.
These askbox memes will be sent with the intention of USING YOUR RESPONSE AS A STARTER FOR A NEW THREAD, whether that thread is a shorter vignette or something more elaborate. If you respond to your prompt but do not want it to be turned into a thread, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
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Multimuses, you are invited to specify your muse. If you do not specify a muse, I will select one randomly.
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mtel420 · 5 months
Counter-Exposing Banjo/Tiredite/Lunar Moonyu/Lunar Cheese - Part 2
If you want the whole backstory- https://www.tumblr.com/htcsense5/732278019975151616/counter-exposing-banjotireditelunar-moonyulunar?source=share
Hey guys.
NKYT here.
As you guys know in October, we have exposed banjo for her past self for trying to expose arsik and since our expose did nothing to her, i deciced to speak on my side of my interactions with her that i had back in July 2021 - January 2022 with banjo before i disappeared because of her (we will get to that later on). So i guess let's start with the story..
After the March-June war was declared, i gave banjo a second chance, because i thought she truly changed and won't do those mistakes again but unfortunately, we were all wrong….
In the end of July 2021, things started to get worse because i saw David saying "binoi sucks" and i instantely sended that to my now ex-friend banjo and she wanted me to ask him "is that a joke?". And from there on, people, including my friends thought i was choosing her side, which would come to appearant when she stole me from my friends in August 2021 with some weird ass love message. And everything after that my career was gonna go downhill.
In September 2021, she began going "me mad" over David, doing his series of "Live streams for phones" when i was featured. She started accusing me of her being disappointed of David and then me like YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA IGNORE VCS WHAT IS THIS???
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Then things will get worse when in October 2021, banjo started using "gay jokes" on David for vcing with me which i wasnt ok with her making those jokes to both of us, but she kept going.
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In November 2021, it got even worse when she heavily continued calling david gay and thinking of drawing a ship between me and david because we were just only vcing. She was also saying things like "imaging saying gay things to him" and shockingly "imma burn david for being gay" showing homophobia, which is pretty ironic since now in 2023 she became pansexual.
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She has already stolen me from my friends but things will get even worse in December 2021, specifically on December 31st 2021 8:28 PM. Hours prior to that, banjo started to get me into Touhou characters by guessing them in what we call her stupid edition server, also known as "The Mayakou Server" thing. While i was already doing the things banjo told me to do, my friends started posting some memes in that bot guessing channel and then something in my brain was like they were trolling me so i sent a meme that had a guy reading a book said "how to deal with idiots" or something like that i dont remember. And then the worst happened. Arsik blocked me shortly after that and there was exchanges between me and my friends.
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It makes me sad to know that banjo made me hate my own friends, my own community, the people that made me successful, and i blew it all out because of that one whore. People after that started to hate me for choosing banjo and for insulting one of my best friends over some petty drama. I was already cancelled because of the drama i had with my friends thanks to banjo and in the result that made me quit all social media on January 15th 2022.
When i was out of Discord by that time, i was on still on David's streams and then banjo saw that and started harassing David for being "gay" because he made me alive (umm what?) and she tried to revealed his full name.
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11 months later, i would finally apologise for all of the wrong things that i've done in the community and thankfully everyone gave me another chance. 2 days after i returned to Discord (26th of December 2022), Banjo would try to friend me on my new account, but i've ignored it, because if i have accepted her again, everything would have gone downhill just like in December 2021.
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Anyways we wouldn’t get any updates from her until February 11th when a weird account by the name of "私について読んでください#4082" sent me a friend request that had a pastebin link which at first didn’t work. But after it got edited to work, it was clear that banjo was again trying to apologise to us and get us back, but we declined it.
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Then on April 2nd, Banjo would try to friend me again on her main account, this time with her about me page being "nick i only came to talk to you" which i was suspicious what was she going to talk about so this time i accepted it to see what she wanted to say and a day later, i got a response by her and again SHE WANTED TO APOLOGISE. sigh. So i told her that "it’s impossible to move on to another chapter of your life, if you keep re-reading the last one" and blocked her after that.
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Things would finally go back to normal after she stopped trying to get us back, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the end. On June 9th 2023, Banjo again tried to get me to respond on Instagram by her saying that she can’t forget me and that when she sees a bulgarian person, it reminds her of me for some reason (like why?). But anyways, i didn’t bother responding to her so i ghosted her.
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But then on July 3rd, i wanted to talk to Banjo for the last time, because she was mentioning our names and i wanted to put an end to this, by saying that she needs to keep our names out of her mouth.
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She was like "ok, i will move on for real" on my dms, but in reality, the next day (4th of July), she says that we are ignorant like wtf and wanted to be racist by saying that she wants to be a bulgarianphobe and supporting Macedonia. She was saying such nasty things even after i told her to stop, but nothing help, same thing on August 20th (our next confrontation, this time in a gc), nothing helped.
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Like imagine hating a WHOLE country only because your crush rejected you like wtaf💀.
And here we are on August 20th 2023. A day prior to that, she tried to befriend our friend and owner of Project Mobile "Gunbo" who actually accepted her friend request which prompted us to tell him to add us to a group with her so we could tell her to just leave us alone for the last time, but while she was like "I will try i will try" she once again was mentioning her drama with us and referred to us as "the nkits" so yeah, nothing helped.
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And then here comes October 22nd, 2023 when a guy attacked servers Arsik was in with an exposé of him, in it banjo’s tried to expose our good friend Arsik for him acting sexually to banjo when in reality arsik was 11 and banjo was 13, and she even thought that arsik was 10. And also she purposely hid her name so that people wouldn’t hate her for erping with a 10 year old. So we fought back with our expose which people called "baby drama". And this is where i lost it. HOW CAN YOU CALL ALL OF THIS TRAUMA THAT WE HAD TO SUFFER BABY DRAMA??
Anyways before i go off more, i just want to say that this drama isnt baby drama. This is serious shit that people need into, by taking a look at our exposés against banjo and realise that this is all serious and we aren’t joking around, but sadly banjo didn’t get cancelled over our exposé and people were still supporting her, despite the expose that arsik made being already public, but no one gave a damn sadly. But here i am shining the light on the fact that banjo is an full-on creep who sexualises minors and hypnotises her friends into being on her side.
And now comes December 16th 2023. The day we joined the Java-oriented server "Kahvibreak". We wanted to join with my friend because we were interested in java preservation too, but we knew that banjo was there thought we joined nonetheless since it’s a good server. And hours later, banjo saw that we were in the server and she went "baiii my enemies are here" which made the people in kahvibreak become suspicious that we came to harass her, when in reality, we didn’t want to harass anyone. Soon after she left, she changed her Discord name to "JUST DESTROY ME.." to now "A....". (update: she has returned. no surprise)
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So yeah this is the whole story of my own point of view of what is like to be friends with a creep and a nsfw artist. And to everyone who is reading this. It's best to avoid any interactions with Banjo because she is a manipulator and a creep that has been known by our community, but despite that she wanted to return after we told her to move on, but as of now she’s trying to join other corners of our community, never missing the opportunity to say something about us and how we cancelled her and whatnot. It's crazy that people like banjo exist and makes me furious that people call our drama childish. Like can you just take a quick second to see that this is very real and serious? Banjo traumatised us with her explicit art and it’s not a joke. Anyways, i hope we can spread this message across our community and her community so people could very well know her backstory and why they should not be friends with banjo.
Banjo is an attention seeker who would do anything to bring light to her dying career, including in some rather shady ways. She’s using her past for attention and it’s rather pathetic.
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Anyways, im working on a folder called "Banjo's Hellhole" which includes all of her moments and once the project gets finished, i will provide a Google Drive link for it so you can guys get a better look at her. But for now, that's all that i have to say about her.
Thank you all for reading this and Fuck You Banjo!😉
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alyszaen · 1 year
I'm in a sappy mood so excuse me for this, but I need to get this out.
I know it hasn't been long since I've started becoming an active writer, but I just really need to tell you guys how much my moots mean to me. So I decided to tell everyone my favourite thing about you guys. Yes this will be cringy and sappy and lovey-dovey and you will enjoy every second of it.
Also no I didn't put y'all in a particular order here stfu I love all of you
@chiskz The way we vibe about our ideas is incredible. I don't think I've ever agreed with every single idea anyone has had the way I have with you. We just ping-pong our way into our scenarios and I wouldn't change a thing. Chichi is our real child which I will protect with my life. Earlier today I saw an encouraging message from you reminding me to breathe, because you knew I would have a rough day. I couldn't stop thinking about it all day, knowing there was someone there who cared enough to remind me of that.
@pettypuppy-jonghyun I have never been judged for being married to Han Jisung as I have by you. You are a menace to society. Actually evil for first spamming me with attractive pictures to make me thirsty, only to then make memes out of me being thirsty. Actually evil. The way you remember the little things, like Yoshi, makes me feel so warm inside. The voice messages you just sent to me were so perfectly cut towards me that just shows me how real you are and how much you care. Also your car rides are the most dramatic thing I ever got to experience. I know Hyunjin would be proud of you.
@longingpurity You immediately write every single little thing I request to make me feel better. The way you ask me for advice and trust me so much on it makes it feel so genuine. I love how easy it is to just write in capslock forever about the most mundane things with you. I see a message from you every single morning and it makes me smile so much to know there is someone thinking about me.
@wanna-live-yn-life I am actually offended at how funny you are. Our dms are always a pure comedy show and anyone reading them would be convinced that we are stupid and that you are obsessed with Enhypen. If there is anyone that can get me to start stanning Enhypen it is you. You're my child and I will protect you with my life. Funniest damn idiot honestly.
@minnnie-binnie Our conversations are 90% life updates because we cannot seem to be awake at the same time ever. You are actually such a chill person? Like, I just know whenever I see a message from you I will get the most calm and relaxed conversation about mundane things. It's worth a lot to be able to talk about small and basic things without it being awkward. Also if I ever need a boquet I'll remember to ask you for help.
@minvho Bro you sat through me singing half of Skz songs - and badly. I do not speak korean and I did my best to prove that to you. You are my biggest delulu supporter. You genuinely convinced me that I could pull Han Jisung and made me at least 40% more annoying about it. I shall wait for your karaoke. I know you will slay and I will laugh at you the entire time.
@sensitiveandhungry You are my No#1 source of fic recommendations. If I need anything new I just check what you reblogged today. Actual Queen of reblogging. With you I can fangirl about fangirling. Like? I know this sounds weird? But just being happy about being happy, you know?
@skz-jisoo My fellow german stay. You have no idea how many german skz tiktok links are coming your way. I still do not know how we share every single childhood experience, down to the danger noodles? I am almost convinced that we were in the same kindergarten at this point. There is no way it can be this similar fr. We are bonded by sneks.
Again you idiots there is no order to this, I know at least one of y'all fuckers thought so for a second. I will actually call pre-debut han on you if you doubt my love for you again.
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Stealth Mission
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@tvlovesfandom​ is a terrible enabler and sent a meme on the groupchat along with the clones for it: Kix, Hardcase and Jesse. From then on, of course my brain went straight to my headcanon of the 501st’s favorite hobby: making fun of pong krell
(not pictured: Fives losing his absolute shit upon seeing this note on the back of their “general”)
original meme below the cut. Please let me know the source so that I can link it, and if this made you laugh, maybe check my ko-fi?
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llunarum · 1 year
Coral x5!
𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸
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tell me to die next time instead i hate choosing favorites hrgrghrgnnn these are in no particular order and im gonna try to keep them all the same length
@the27percent : Atieno is a really cool concept and also really interesting as a character! Kyrian is also really nice we haven't talked much but every time we do even if it's short (bc i struggle with talking to people lmao) it's always nice. They also are nice about Cain and i fucking love using Cain im glad Atieno and Cain are becoming friends.
@victeux: Eating caunon just like her link is eating up the fashion scene. It's always fun talking about stupid character stuff like Sieg having his wolves maul Des then stopping to discuss what else to put his assistant in before letting the wolves get back to mauling. All of her muses are cool not to pick favorite but ms rachel..........
@heincus: Pretty sure he's taking a break right now but I plug 'im anyways because I love Max and his characters. The world building is very interesting and always having these cool character concepts, I would like to borrow the braincell. And if I wanna make a lil freak that one "yes do it" I need is almost always given first by Max dsfhjgfsd I'm also proposing to Silver don't look at August look at me I have nothing to offer you but at least I won't make you eat burnt things.
@alexandriteobscura: I said it earlier in a different meme that I sent in but I am eating all of Kala's writing even if I don't understand a single thing because I'm unfamiliar with the source material, I'm still eating and it's good eating. The attention to detail and everything Kala puts in is always so 👀. The few characters I do know I can definitely hear them in the writing.
@nostomannia: I love Sol, she's very cool and gives me your older sister type of friend. Every hc post I catch I gotta read she's got a lot goin' on and it's all interesting. She also puts up with a different muse of mine that's also a pain in the ass, sorry she somehow speedran the befriend ancient vampire route with Sindri with only a painting and talking to him about art he will now hover around and show whatever pieces he finds.
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thefvrious · 5 months
🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes.
1.) purple prose. i just can't. the use of unnecessary words like orbs, homme/femme, etc. just say eyes. just say man/woman/boy/girl/person/other. there's so much more you can say. no one talks like that in real life, why write that way?
2.) super, duper tiny and condensed blogs. like, if i go to your page, i want to be able to access your pinned post/rules/etc. if i can't fucking read your shit, it's an automatic turn off, ya know? i just leave.
3.) the fucking blurry/over sharpened gif effect that's going on these days. it looks double exposed and it's hurting my fucking EYES, MAN.
4.) everybody getting up in arms about reblogging from the source vs reblog karma or just asking if you can reblog from them. tumblr has made it very hard to find source links at times, and i think it's perfectly reasonable and understandable to send in a meme then reblog that meme from the person you sent it to.
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astral-athame · 6 months
Hello! My name is Sapph! Welcome to my RP blog!
This blog is for an indie, witch, OC of mine: Cassia Keller. I'm currently making a more well put together bio page for her (including different verses), but in the mean time, this is where you'll find all the information you need <3
(Last Update: 1/1/2024)
Here are a few things to know (Feel free to read just the bolded stuff if you’re in a hurry, the unbolded just elaborates):
Mun is 25+ and will only rp with those who are 18+! If you aren’t 18+ please don’t interact. I’m just not comfortable with it.
I don’t write much smut, so I apologize if things head that way and I end up dropping the thread without warning (I don’t usually drop threads intentionally, it’s probably just stuck in my drafts until I’m in the headspace to write it, but that day might never come, so I apologize).
I have a separate side blog for nsfw content! I'll might reblog some smutty over there, though in general I prefer to write it on discord. It's not a smut shaming thing and I'll never judge anyone for writing it on their main blog! I just don't feel confident in my smut writing abilities so I like to keep it a bit separate sometimes.
I’m super slow with replies most of the time. Totally feel free to give me a nudge if it’s been a while since I’ve replied. I lose track of stuff so easily and then feel like I’m not allowed to reply to it when I remember it because it’s been a while.
I’m technically semi-selective, but mostly not selective at all. Aside from the rule of only writing with muns who are 18+, I’m actually not particularly selective.
I’ll ship just about anything with just about anyone, but I still reserve the right to not ship with a character, especially on first interaction.
Cassia is bisexual, so I'll ship her with any gender &lt;3
REBLOG KARMA: I try to be respectful and reblog things from the source or from a meme blog or whatever because I understand why people don’t want to be feel like they’re being used as a meme source. If I ever reblog something from you that isn’t a reply, I’m sorry. I try not to let it happen, but sometimes it does.
That said: REBLOG WHATEVER YOU WANT FROM ME. Seriously, it doesn’t bother me at all. You don’t even have to send me a meme to reblog it. Just... go ahead. Reblog it. It’s totally fine by me <3 (Though I would definitely prefer if you sent me a meme when you reblog.)
OOC conversation can be really hard for me. I try and usually I’m fine when it comes to plotting, but I drop the ball a lot or come off as cold a lot because I just don’t have the energy to talk ooc a lot of the time. Please don’t take it personally, it’s just that my social battery is usually at 40% or less in general oTL
If we’re shipping something together and you’ve decided you don’t ship it anymore / don’t want to write it anymore- please just tell me. It'll make life a lot easier on both of us <3
I may add more rules at a later point, but I think these are the most important ones <3
Handy Dandy Navigation Links!
The Icon PSD I Use (PSD by asa-resource!) Ask Memes Replies (every single thing I reply to should be tagged with this!) "About" (random headcanons and things that apply to Cass) "Visage" (pics of Cass's FC- Fiona Palomo) "Aesthetic" (all the pretty things~) "Thoughts" (similar to about, but more directly from Cass's head) "Desires" (just stuff Cass wants- mostly relationship things) "Alt FC" (Cass's original fc) "Wardrobe" (things Cass would wear / probably does wear) "Music" (songs Cass would listen to ) "Skills" (stuff Cass is good at- mostly music and baking things)
Other Blogs! Rogue Multimuse (main) Multimuse (secondary)
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