#source: acrispyapple
lorei-writes · 4 months
Character Thoughts: Character Design #1 - Chevalier, Gilbert, Leon
My personal outlook on the character design choices in Pri is that the primary objective of the artist behind them was to reflect personality of the suitor rather than to fit within any specific time period. As such, it becomes a question... What can be read from their looks?
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Images were sourced from @acrispyapple 's blog.
Chevalier's colour scheme is all black and white, with subtle golden touches. It is fairly simplistic and may draw forward the image of a white tiger -- a ferocious although rare beast. It creates a frightening backdrop for any blood that may be spilled... and accurately enough, may serve as a reflection of a binary logic mindset.
Asymmetric cape allows for greater freedom of movement. The arm he draws his sword with is not going to be restrained under the weight of fabric. His boots look suitable for horse riding and the cut of his jacket, I believe, is meant to resemble military uniforms of centuries prior. Chevalier is covered from his fingertips to his very neck -- there isn't a vulnerability exposed in him. He is vigilant, he is ready to act, he is guarded. His skin will not be first to be cut, poison will not enter his system without struggle, his hand will not slip on the hilt of his sword even as it grows slick from crimson. Chevalier is a knight.
But through and through, he is also royalty. The haft at his hip could be called subtly ornate, albeit the material it's been made of makes it more so "humbly" opulent. The gold he dons speaks of riches, as does the fur at his collar. He's a commander. He is a noble. His position clearly separates him from others.
Chevalier is eye-catching. And were he involved in battle? You'd fear what you'd see. As you should.
Black, white and gold also follow Gilbert around. However, if in Chevalier's case it could have been argued that the split between darkness and light was even, then Gilbert is the dark itself. The rest are merely accents. They do not reveal much of his mystery, do not offer anything past sparse commentary on it... And I believe they aren't supposed to. Gilbert is the unknown. He is threatening and he is very clear about it.
The orders at his chest, the cut of the lapels, his boots -- it is hard not to see signs of Gilbert being involved with military. However, his clothes have clearly not been designed for ease of movement. They seem heavy, like he could get twisted in them at any moment and collapse, not to mention the heat. Long and heavily adorned with patterned accents, gold, they speak of might... But of that becoming of a commander, not a person who fights themselves. The cravat at his neck is yet another sign of how far removed he is from direct action. It is both a liability in combat and a sign of status.
Gloves, cane and eyepatch. Why should a person of his age need them? Surely, this question comes with simple answers... But are they quite correct? There's a dissonance there. You can see his secrets, but it does not mean they will be revealed to you. He, after all, too is guarded.
Another character dressed in black! But... Leon's is different, isn't it? It speaks of mystery, of secrets, surely, but when combined with noble gold and warm red... It is almost as if he wanted to say "I wish I could tell you, but I cannot". Even if not everything can be made clear, it is evident his actions are underlined with royal scarlet of high ideals.
Leon is a hero. You can see it in his wear -- it is much too informal to place him among the military, but it undeniably shows power and readiness to take up direct action. The guard at his shoulder may be complex, but the same cannot be said about the design of the hilt at his hip. It is simple, so much so that it begs to ask who else could wield it. If that is his weapon of choice, how far above a common knight does Leon see himself? Or... does he consider himself to be above them at all?
Based on the quality of his clothing and detail put into it alone, it is evident that Leon is not a person you may pass on the streets. However, his hands are out there, completely unprotected. And the way he wears his cape? His belts? The sash? It is utterly proper. Even if the lapels of his jacket do not follow any standards for uniforms, it is still buttoned up as it should be. Relaxed (or as relaxed as it may be for royalty), it gives him a laid-back, reliable appearance. The lion insignia clearly signifies who he is.
What are you hiding, Leon? We are at arm's length. You shine too bright... Yet you also mean us no harm.
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ellie-winthrope · 2 years
Christmas Year 2021
What to do on Christmas this year?
For me, it’s reorganizing my blog and masterlist! Having been occupied with real life obligations and all, this is the opportunity for me to reorganize my blog and look back on all that had been achieved within this year (The new year is coming soon after all).
I have to say, it brought me great joy and pride to look back on my past fanfics and the responses on them. So, I would like to mention a very big thank you to all who had read and supported my fanfics before this. You have no idea how happy I am whenever someone noticed my fanfics within this unfathomable void known as Tumblr every now and then (≧▽≦).
I would also like to take this as a chance to express my gratitude to fellow bloggers whose posts had always been a source of comfort and motivation during my tough times in real life this year. After all, what better time to do so if not now?
Thank you to @cheri-translates/ @cheri-cheri for the constant posts of MLQC translated comics and other related translations, along with sharing your lively vibe through your remarks in the posts ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡.
Thank you to @xiaomoxu for your translations on Lucien-related dates before your hiatus. Lucien-related materials are so rare to find for me ( ╥ω╥ ).
Thank you to @aliaisreal /@ontowanderlust for sharing your MLQC drabbles and also for your interesting JJK excerpts (^ω~).
Thank you to the trio Kiro stans, @link4eva, @keliosyfan & @cheesy09 for sharing your thoughts and support for Kiro. It was heartwarming to me to read of your adoration and love for Kiro (´ ω `♡).
Thank you to @acrispyapple for sharing the beautiful images of the new karmas (≧◡≦).
Thank you to @perhaps-in-anotherdream for your translations and analysis on tsundere Victor (・ω<)☆.
As for my wish on the coming year, may I have time and inspiration to write more fanfics and may my future works continue to be able to entertain my readers.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year ahead.
P/S - I have open my askbox. So, feel free to drop a note to talk or anything but no writing requests please (My WIPS alone are enough to bury me alive (//ω//).
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acrispyapple · 4 years
why do you watermark official pics that aren't yours? i'm honestly shocked cybird hasn't had you banned for dcma laws + spoiling paid stories and epilogues, but you do you. you made it so i never have to pay money for any of the cybird games + mlqc. also i read why you aren't posting the sprites which is cool and all but you shouldn't be posting game elements either way. that's super shitty of you to do because spoiler THE ARTWORK ISN'T YOURSSSSSSS. the pic of victor on your twitter isnt yours 2
heya! i’ve already answered an ask like this recently and ignored the follow up ones because i don’t really wanna keep repeating myself. but since you’re very persistent and it’s still the same thing, here i go! putting under a cut because it’s long and has images – with stuff written on them! dun dun dunnnn (¯▿¯)
to start things, i’m the wrong person to accuse of being irresponsible with my posts because i’m very mindful of posting etiquette. have you not seen all my campaigns about not stealing from artists, from blogs, etc. i ask for permission for everything, even for random text i want to translate from someone’s post. even for cosplay i’ve seen other people freely post, i always go to the source and ask. i hope my answer clarifies things for you because i don’t really wanna have to repeat it again! (*^^*)♡
re: watermarks (complaint mostly about mlqc because i don’t really do it for cybird)
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re: cybird
i’m not exactly a hidden secret blog, so i’m pretty sure cybird is well aware of me. plus, they’ve left comments on my blog in the past. sooo, there’s nothing shocking about it at all! maybe what’s shocking is you somehow expected cybird to not have noticed my blog all these years. do you actually know what the digital millennium copyright act covers? (dmca not dcma btw) as long as i know how to read and understand rules and i’m always within its boundaries, there’s nothing being violated. always post obstructed cgs / never full, snippets of 10 for screenies, never in consecutive order, etc. you should read the rules tbh, you seem unfamiliar with it. ☆
re: you never having to pay money for any cybird game
again, snippets = not full stories. everyone can post snippets. paid or not. that’s so weird that you feel you don’t need to pay for ~any cybird game~ anymore because of my blog. i haven’t been consistently posting paid content for so long. even ikesen epilogues. because i don’t have the time. and i’ve skipped posting a couple of events on my blog too. i don’t post ikerev / midcin consistently either. i’ve posted from two ikevam events in the past months with epilogue snippets. i guess you only played those? that’s hardly everything. nice attempt at creating an issue about me making cybird lose money tho! for someone who thinks i do dodgy things, you sure do like reading from my blog– if what you’re saying is true. but you seem to not know my blog content either. (⌒_⌒;)
i have another answer for this from an ask from 9 months ago:
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re: not paying for mlqc
they allow posting everything from their game, i even verified with their team! but even i don’t have the time or post slot to post everything from it. i mostly post about victor soooo, i guess that’s everything you need to know about mlqc then? yay for you only needing victor! ♡
re: game elements
anyway, moving forward to my twitter header:
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it’s from this post i made, where i screenied scenes (and edited them a bit to look brighter and prettier) from the pv of the new chapters in the ch version.
now, i just put my username there as a marker and it was already covered in the first part of this ask. (how it helps me keep track of my posts, helps me when people are able to identify it’s from my blog and alert me of it being posted elsewhere, etc.) but i wanted to show it even clearer so you can finally let go of whatever it is you’re burning with. ( ˙▿˙ )
it just says acrispyapple on this screenie i took (that’s right, it’s just a screenshot lmao), it’s a random word or name. i made it small and inconspicuous so it wouldn’t distract from the image. the weibo watermark is bigger and clearer but i don’t use it– i can, but i don’t. when people see it, they know it’s official art and that’s it. there’s no “made by acrispyapple™©®”
(thanks for visiting my twitter btw! it doesn’t really have a lot of followers haha)
sooo, there’s weibo and its automatic watermarks (location can be changed).
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“damn, all the users on weibo are claiming stuff as their own!!!! it’s not just a marker that a certain thing was posted from a certain blog!!! they’re claiming it as theirs even tho it’s clearly very easy to see that it’s one of many free-for-all official images!!!” (≧◡≦)
and i’ve seen people use the cards as banners for fanfics and other stuff, or even memes where they put random stuff on it like this:
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but writing a random word on it, just because you know my blog is somehow a great sin? it’s not even acrispyapple.tumblr.com ✿
would it maybe make you feel better if it wasn’t just acrispyapple? i can use random words and it’ll still serve as a marker for me lmao
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anyway anon, it pays to actually listen and read before you get mad and accuse. i’m not breaking any rules and i’m very much aware of what’s not allowed and what’s allowed. (^ ^*)♡
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i kinda like it. (^◔ᴥ◔^)
side note: if you have a vendetta against me, you’re free to have one. but please don’t try to make stuff up just to yell at me. you can hate me quietly from afar or just avoid me altogether. or if you want to find a reason to yell at me, at least try to educate yourself about what you’re planning on yelling at me about. it’ll save me time trying to explain stuff! i also don’t like wasting my post slots for the day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i would suggest looking at my actual content first, so your lack of knowledge of it doesn’t give you away. also, try asking yourself if you really think cybird’s en team would miss me after all these years and if you’re somehow the only enlightened one who can see all my ~misgivings~? are you aware of mlqc’s rules?
it’s funny because i’m not even close to covering everything for mlqc and there are blogs that cover far more than i do. i answer a lot of asks (i wish asks were paid content, as in i get paid to answer asks), but game content-wise, i’m faaaar from covering everyone. unless you really consider victor the whole game (♡). in which case i’m still missing his ch11 and ch19 screenies and one date. oh and the recent rumors&secrets! if you take a look at my posts, it’s mostly announcements, asks, fanart, general info, avatar posts, etc. i think you blindly went in with salt. ( ˙▿˙ )
i don’t really interact with people unless i have to talk about reposts and fanart-related stuff. i also just talk about games on my blog. so i don’t know what i could’ve done to merit your hatred. maybe you dislike that i ask for basic courtesy or that i enforce rules given to me by artists? i’m always polite tho. hmm, mystery-desu! ✩‧₊˚
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ikemenotaku82 · 5 years
My dabble of Mitsuhide
This is based off the sketch CG posted in the Twitter page on Mitsuhide holding a rifle, with MC behind him. So it's going to be like reading chapter 2, episode 1 to 5 😁
@acrispyapple I hope this is within copyrights of Cybird...
Tagging @mitsuhidethesnek @colivara @louveau
Based off this link here
"Hmmm, I wonder what is the little mouse up to now..."
Mitsuhide stood silently off the side of the corridor as he shuts the door behind him. Nobunaga continues on with another of his war councils with the rest of the Oda forces. It seems like after he brought in the rumors of the Tiger and Dragon still alive has caused quite a stir among his fellow warlords.
Strike by the sudden urge to seek out their newly appointed chatelaine, Mitsuhide excuses himself from the council and heads for her room. He already concluded that the female is no spy from anyone against his lord, nor is she someone that belongs here. His network of information gathering as he would call brought little to zero details about her. He still remembers his lord offhand remarks about her coming from the future and decides its time to get the truth from the source.
After making a couple of turns and walking through several shortcuts known only to him, Mitsuhide reaches the corridor that leads to her room. As he is about to step forward, his ears pick up the noise of someone dropping from the ceiling. He waits and was rewarded when he hears her talking to someone. Despite the fact he could not hear their conversation, it is clear that someone, other than the Oda knew of her and perhaps her origin.
Intrigued, he decided to keep a close eye on her and waits for her next move. It didn't take long before she'd established a routine, one of them was to always stop by the free trading market where merchants beyond Azuchi come to set up and sell their wares. Mitsuhide chooses to follow her instead of sending one of his men, his instincts tell him that the lesser people know about their chatelaine's background, the better it is for her safety.
Imagine his surprise when she shows familiarize with the one person everyone in the castle has been searching for, Yukimura Sanada. Soon, another male, wearing glasses like Mitsunari, but of a different color, appears out of nowhere and the three of them set off together. He felt a slight disappointment, believing that she's just a victim of circumstances. Before he could decide what to do with this new fact, more people gathered out of the blue and follow the trio.
On high alert, Mitsuhide trails after them, making note of their appearances and attires. He witnesses her chatting with the crimson demon from Takada and he guessed, is the ninja belonging to the God of War. The group he is following kept their distance as if waiting for an opportunity. His mind already made the connections, but he holds himself back, watching and waiting.
The three of them stopped at their tracks when a stranger approaches them. The two males make their apologies and left her alone. She makes a turn and heads back towards the direction of the castle, using the alleyway since it's getting dark. The group that was following them starts to scatter and approach her. Mitsuhide then knew whoever they are, they are not from the Takada-Uesugi alliance.
All too soon, he saw that they got her surrounded, and one of them reaches out and tries to grab her arm.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, she might slap you in retaliation." His voice, soft yet distinct, resounds around them. As the men stood in astonishment that someone sneaks up to them, Mitsuhide drew his sword out.
"Now do drop those weapons, and come quietly with me. Or face the consequences." One of the men present scoffs, "You and what army? I only see a lone man against the lot of us. And since you saw us, you're not allowed to live here alive."
"Whoever says I'm alone......" In the opposite direction, two tall figures appear before them. As they approach, she let out a gasp as she realized their identities.
"...Sasuke-kun...Yuki..." Her bewilderment is all the answer he needs to confirmed that she is not involved with them. The man she calls Yuki is wielding a spear, while the bespectacled man has his face all covered, armed with a kunai. It was a stroke of luck that one of his vassals was around the area and he got him to pass the letter he hastily wrote to them. The way they react and how 'Yuki' defer to him about her safety was enough to convince him to include them in his plan.
"It's only three men, we can take them down. Come on!" Mitsuhide strikes the nearest person, taking him down in one blow before anyone could react to the order. The other two moves in quickly, in sync with each other as they disarm them of their weapons. One of the men saw that capture is imminent and decides to grab her as a hostage. Mitsuhide anticipates that and stood between them, this time with his rifle drawn and locked into position.
"That is not a wise decision you have made. And this is the price you have to pay..." Before anyone could say anything, the man sank to the ground and beg for forgiveness. Three pairs of eyes stare at him, two of them look on without any indication of their emotions. Mitsuhide felt a small hand pressing on the back of his shoulder blade, "...Please...let him live..."
Mitsuhide huffs softly, only for her ears. "You're too soft. This native thinking of yours will get you killed... But then, so am I..." He raises his rifle and knocks the man out cold. He turns towards the enemies of his lord, his smiling mask on, "Welcome to Azuchi, Yukimura Sanada, Shingen Takeda's top general, and you, the ninja from Kenshin Uesugi. My gratitude for assisting in the rescue of our Chatelaine. As a show of my appreciation, I would like you to leave this place and return to Echigo. On my part, I will keep mum of your presences as long as possible until your departure."
"You're the man they called the silver kitsune, Mitsuhide Akechi. I have heard a lot about you and I believe we can work out a compromise." The ninja voice out to break up the tension caused by his demand. "But before that, let me introduce myself, my name is Sasuke Sarutobi, and as you said, I worked under Kenshin-sama. My friend here, Yuki, A.K.A. Yukimura Sanada, follows Shingen-sama."
"What is Ee, Ke, Ee?" Yuki hissed under his breath.
"It stands for also known as, it's an acronym," Sasuke explains blandly.
"Ah-ko...Ahhh, you and your weird sayings! Cut it out, already. Can't you see our cover have been exposed!" Yukimura snaps at his companion.
"Yes, and that is why I suggest a compromise, Yukimura." Sasuke pushes up his glasses, his eyes show his determination despite the lack of facial emotion.
"Fu, fu, fu. You are an interesting fellow, much like the little mouse right here......You got my undivided attention and curiosity now, Sasuke-san. Let's talk and in the meantime, tell me about the both of you, about how you came here, 500 years from the future"
~Owari for now~ 
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dead-senpaii · 5 years
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ikemenotaku82 · 6 years
About Me
Was tagged by @deathbyotome so here are the facts of me ~,~
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better!
Nickname: None at the moment, but family called me by my Chinese name or Ah girl...hee, oh and friends in discord called me Tsubame
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Sagittarius, but more of an introvert type, which is rare from what I heard.
Height: That is actually debatable cuz it really depends on the person who measured me, but I’ll stick to 1.66m which is 5″4′ +/- half inch
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hogwarts House: I had no idea, but let’s stick to Ravenclaw, I’m more of a bookish kinda person
Favourite Animal: Wolves, cats, then horses
Favourite Color: I’m okay with most of the colours, but the shade and tone I prefer is metallic. Based on that colouration, it’ll be cobalt, violet, blood-red and ebony (Yes, I’m pretty anal about exact names of colours)
Current Favourite Song: … Anything from Ikemen Sengoku, especially the new OST from the Ikesen JP version
Favourite Idea to Get Creative With: My muse works well under stress from RL, although I’ll not recommend it to anyone. Basically, its inspired by fan-made drawings, fanfictions, especially those angst cliffhangers (I’m a fan of HEA), and of course the contents of the game itself
What Do I Like to Do When I’m Alone: read manga from paperback or online sources, writing out best choice routes and keeping track of all the tiny details of each characters in Ikesen, singing or humming, plotting storylines in my head....
What Do I Think of My Friends: For those I keep in contact with in RL, its once in a while thru whatsapp. Most of the time, I tried to keep myself in the loop with the people I’ve met in Discord, who are fun loving otakus with talents of writing, drawing and among the most sensible lot of human beings I’ve had the fortune to be in contact with (Believe me, these kind of people are very rare and hard to find, not to mention being friends with. Yes, I’m a blunt person so drink milk chocolate if it’s too frank).
Average Hours Spent Sleeping: Weekdays minimal 4-5hrs, weekends I tend to crash for 8-10 hrs unless I have work during the Sat. That includes holidays
Cats or Dogs: Cats, I’m a lazy person and they are quite independent
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: Since I lived in the tropics, no seasons for me other than hot and humid = air-con, or wet and humid = air-con, with a thin quilt. I don’t use a blanket if the weather is cold and dry with lots of breeze coming from the window
Dream Job: A travel host would be ideal to me, if not, just plant me as a barista and I’m as happy as a lark too.
Dream Trip: Ireland, Scotland, parts of the Scandinavian countries, Japan, like Kyoto, Osaka, Hokkaido, of course and revisit back to Taiwan.
When I Made This Account: Sometime in Aug or Sep 2017, after my exposure of Ikemen Sengoku.
How Many Followers: So far, 700 plus, which comes as a surprise as I’m just a reblogger and I thank to all those people from the bottom of my heart who decided to follow me 
Now the tagging... If you have done this, just ignore it. And only share information that you’re comfortable to share online (I’m not tagging 20 people, only those who are active in Tumblr and who are, I believe, okay with sharing some stuff about themselves)
@milkmynk @daeva-agas @acrispyapple @melissenpai @lordbunshin @cheekrubsu @ki-rie There are a few I know but not tagging cuz they are busy with posting fictions  online or plotting them for Tumblr. You know who you are, I’m leaving you alone, LOL
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