#source: alloy of law
nrilliree · 5 months
Yet another person who uses the words groomer abuser and pedophile in a vacuum without understanding the words for Daemon Targaryen. Daemon did not groom Rhaenyra and he is not a pedophile, either in HOTD or Fire and Blood. On the other hand, the madness of calling the rape of Aegon II in episode 8 a pathetic attempt by the writers to make him bad... uh... this person is aware that Aegon II is really violent in Fire and Blood or not ? What if, Aegon II is an asshole with one narrative goal since he is... well the antagonist ? Welcome to the reality of this story ? Moreover, Aegon, unlike Daemon, actually slept with a woman who according to the laws of Westeros is clearly seen as a child in the book. So thank you for proving that you don't know what you're talking about...
Then I would really love to understand TG's delusion that Rhaenyra doesn't deserve the throne ? In what ? Whether in HOTD or Fire and Blood, she has been prepared to be queen since she was named heir, including joining council meetings. Then she went to Dragonstone, the seat of the heir, to learn how to rule, as any male heir would. In addition, in episode 6 of HOTD we clearly see during the meeting that Rhaenyra is good, unlike Alicent, in politics. Ah but yes, it's true, according to the TG Rhaenyra is not in fact fulfilling her responsibilities as heir by going to Dragonstone... because ??? I don't know. But why expect logic from them ? And from what we know of Fire and Blood Rhaenyra managed Dragonstone perfectly and nothing in the show suggests otherwise ! Should she have found more alloy ? Um... clear my doubts, but doesn't Rhaenyra have more than the majority of the great houses on her side while the Greens barely have 24/25 ? Didn't Rhaenyra betroth her sons and therefore seal alliances unlike the TG ? Rhaenyra sent her sons as a messenger (book and show) so that would also be proof that she doesn't deserve to rule ? In what ? There's nothing strange about what she did. On the contrary, because she placed her sons in the least dangerous position since I remind you that according to the laws of Westeros, messengers must NOT be injured and killed ?! But after all the TG doesn't care about real laws... Rhaenyra, in addition, show or book, did not immediately want to make war with the dragons but through words. It’s bad too I guess because she don't acccept the usurpation by the greens ? Rhaenyra raise taxes ? It wasn't even her idea and what other choice did she have, since the Greens stole all the crown's money ?!
Did she end up not managing her reign well ? Maybe it's simply because she was fighting a war at the same time, had no more money in the crown coffers and her sons were dying one after the other ?! Leading her into a huge depression ?! Since I remind you that Rhaenyra had no problem ruling over basic Dragonstone ! So why would she suddenly have one once she was queen ?! Maybe because of everything I mentioned ?! But no ! Only Helaena has the right to be overcome by grief !
Frankly, you have to stop with this guy's excuses after a while, especially since from the TG's point of view, Rhaenyra, before her depression, is already unworthy of being queen except that as we have seen... there is no reason for that. She was educated and taught to be the future ruler of Westeros and has been designated as such for a long time, so why exactly wouldn't she be worthy of it ? She even ruled Dragonstone very well for years, so again, why wouldn't she be worthy ? She hasn't done anything that would suggest she's be a bad queen, quite the contrary. The excuse of asking for Aemond to be severely interrogated doesn't even count since in the book Alicent first asks for Lucerys to have one eye gouged out, and then Rhaenyra talks about severely interrogating Aemond, but even in the series she says that severely questioned = torture it's pure bad faith. As if Rhaenyra didn't know her father... And then what else ? That she had the sex she wanted ? This is a purely misogynistic argument which has nothing to do with his capacity as sovereign, so fuck them. Note that I didn't even address the case of the Velaryon children, which should be an obligation, since we have known for a long time thanks to GRRM drafts that even if Rhaenyra's children had been born from her marriage, she would also have made herself usurped.
I'm so tired of TG no sense...
Yeah, I've blocked this person for some time because I don't like seeing people using words they don't know the meaning of. It's exactly the same thing over and over again.
Aegon II is a sex offender - that's canon. In F&B it is a fact that he molested maids. In HotD it is a fact that he molested and raped maids. If the rumor about sex with a 12-year-old girl is true, then Aegon may have pedophilic tendencies.
These are the facts. And the rumors? According to speculations, Aemond may be a rapist because he took Alys as a "war prize". If we accept that Rhaenyra wanted to "torture" him in Driftmark, we also assume that Aemond wanted to "rape" Alys. Because we won't recognize the "true meaning" of one word and not another, right? However, the TGs are so desperate to show how evil Daemon is that they recently say that he… slept with his own daughter. Because they take the rumors that Nettles was Daemon's lover and his bastard and combine them into one :D If someone has to make up something like that to make him a perverse sexual torturer, then he has no real arguments.
As for Rhaenyra, it's simple. If you think that Rhaenyra doing exactly what every heir before her has done (and more!) is not enough and should do more… then you are a sexist. Because you think that more should be expected of women in the same position than of men in order to deserve it.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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National Knife Day
Grab or pull out your knives! Today we celebrate them, no matter their size, style, or brand! It is unknown who started National Knife Day or when they started it, but it was being celebrated by at least 2011. It is also unknown why the observance takes place on August 24, but one explanation appears to be that the date is connected to the Bowie knife. It was on this date in 1838 that Rezin Bowie, the brother of the knife’s namesake, wrote a letter to the Planters’ Advocate claiming he was the person who had created the knife.
One of the earliest tools known to humankind, the knife was present at the beginnings of the development of human civilization and came out of the need for survival. Early on, knives were used as primitive tools for digging and construction, as weapons, and to hunt, fish, and gather food. In contrast to today, almost everyone carried a knife. The first knives were made of stones which were cracked to make a sharp edge like a blade. Sharpened stone tools became more advanced during the late Lithic periods, and then even more so during the Copper and Bronze Ages. Metal blades appeared, which weren’t as sharp and didn’t stay sharp as long as the stone blades that preceded them. This led to the introduction of sharpening stones.
During the Iron age, tools became stronger and more durable. Iron knives came on the scene and stayed sharper longer. Steel blades followed iron ones, and not much has changed since then. Steel blades, which are made of an alloy of iron that has carbon, are the most common today and are known for being durable and efficient. Cobalt alloys and titanium are also used in knife making today.
Early knives didn’t have a separate handle and blade—they were all one piece. Eventually, handles began being made out of carved bone, wood, and metal, and then, rare materials like mother-of-pearl and tortoiseshell began being used. Today, wood is one of the most popular materials used for knife handles, and metals like stainless steel are also common. One other change besides that advent of a separate handle was the invention of the folding knife.
Knives have many different purposes in the present day, some of which are the same as they have been for thousands of years. Some ways they are used are to prepare food, as a utensil when eating food, by surgeons and medical professionals, to dress an animal, to fillet a fish, and for carving. There are various types of kitchen knives such as the chef’s, utility, paring, and bread knives. Most knives are affordable to just about anyone, but there are high-end custom knives such as Randall Made Knives, most of which sell for $400 of more. In many locations, there are laws that pertain to knives: ownership laws exist for certain types of knives, open and concealed carry laws apply to certain types of knives, and other types of laws exist, such as those that say a robbery is an “aggravated crime” with more severe punishment if a knife is involved. There also are certain areas where some types of knives are not permitted, such as at schools or on planes.
How to Observe
Knives should be used more today than on any other day of the year. Here are a few ideas on how to spend the day:
Do some knife throwing.
Do some whittling.
Prepare some food using a knife or multiple knives. It might be beneficial to first learn what type of knife is appropriate for different types of food.
Get a pocket knife, which has many uses.
Check for knife promotions such as giveaways and sales happening today. This is often a large part of the day.
Give someone a knife as a gift.
Clean, oil, and sharpen your knives.
Carry your knives around in a holster.
Cut a lot of things with your knives, such as food, paper, and rope.
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danganronpafakes · 1 year
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My association with you has been convincing people I'm insane for years now.
Source: Brandon Sanderson (“Mistborn: The Alloy of Law”)
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robinsonprojection · 1 year
Thinking about medical waste in my setting.
The systems that go into it are:
The world consists of Energy (spelled with a capital E to separate it from physical energy), which is a substance that can either calculate information or perform an affect according to an inputted calculation.
When large masses of this Energy are in an area, they tend to combine and start sharing total information, resulting in a soul. The planets are essentially giant souls which define the laws of physics in an area around them.
A couple of these planets decided to split their already well formed souls into small pieces, which became the moons for other planets, and in the same way a moon split itself and became dragons, and a dragon split itself and became humans and other small grade spirits.
Each human's soul is connected to their body as an anchor that keeps the soul hovering in the upper atmosphere, where it is easier to replenish with Energy from solar winds, and this Energy is free to move to the body on the surface, fueling a healing factor which almost all humans have.
Back to the other spirits, especially small ones are essentially capable of converting small amounts of free Energy into models of themselves, with this class of spirits generally referred to as viral. There are two types of viral spirits, Flame and Chaos.
Flame spirits work by converting free Energy into copies of itself, which glow and appear as colored flame for the most part.
Chaos spirits are generally heavily focused on individual types of Energy use, such as gravitational manipulation, or in this case healing, when exposed to the specific type of Energy use they are associated with, they interfere with it by taking Energy and forming copies of themselves, eventually overpowering the effect.
The final important things to talk about is materials, of which water is the most important, generally energy will be stored in ordered materials, like gems, or materials which move visible light around in certain ways, such as opals and glass. The major exception is water, which can hold energy in such a way that it keeps little structure.
Energy can be used in healing spells, which is extremely important for hospitals who tend to use large amounts of them, however doing so naturally draws in Chaos spirits, who can disrupt treatment and cause detrimental health effects if left in the patients body.
To prevent this, a method of washing equipment, personnel and on occasion patients is used. It involves lightly flowing water semi-saturated with energy, drawing both types of viral spirits off of the person or thing, this water saturated with viral spirits is difficult to dispose of, as it can essentially be likened to industrial runoff so storage is preferred until it can be either refined through lead filters or used as an energy source.
In the meantime the most effective materials for storing the medical waste is clay pots, which is notably impermeable to both Energy and spirits, along with alloys and mixtures of gold, which are generally more structurally sound and less prone to breaking.
This property of gold is one of its main sources of value.
Also as a bonus note, an underground storage vault of this stuff that had been hit by an earthquake and has to be contained is the closest thing my setting has to a poison swamp from dark souls.
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satyrmagos · 9 months
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Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:  “The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of Picatrix, is the shape of a man with a crow-like face and the feet of a camel, sitting upon a throne, with a spear in his right hand and a lance or dart in his left.” Picatrix Book II, Paragraph 11 (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
Modern magicians call upon Saturn to set boundaries, build long-term / generational wealth, and to destroy their enemies.
The Picatrix says that, “Saturn is the source of retentive power. He governs an aspect toward profound knowledge; the science of law; the search for causes, effects, and the origins of things; the utterance of magical words; and the knowledge of deep and occult properties. … From the crafts, he rules working the soil, plowing, digging, extracting and working minerals, and the building trades.” (Book 3 Chapter 1 Para 3) and to “Entreat Saturn for delaying movement, concealing purity, destroying cities, humbling hearts, and calming waters.” (Bk 4 Ch 4 Para 5)
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead. * Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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devoraqs · 2 years
To Know the Cosmos
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Summary: Alexander comes to Nadia with an idea. (Set post-Asra Upright, alternate title: Alexander and Nadia nerd out about physics and stuff)
Characters: Nadia Satrinava, Alexander MacRionnag
Word Count: 1633 (+art)
It was an airy summer morning, the kind that one only found in early December, that greeted Alexander and Nadia as they stepped out into the Palace gardens. Lughnasa and Chandra had winged their way ahead, the owl’s graceful arcs in the sky circling the magpie’s brisk fitting. Nadia and Alexander smiled as they watched the two birds, and Alexander took Nadia’s arm as they began to walk. 
They strolled in comfortable silence first, enjoying the warm breeze that carried wafts of the first summer blooms. Nadia hummed a bit every so often, and Alexander would join in, or Alexander would offer a quip or pun that would leave them both chuckling. Conversation eventually followed, ‘I trust your honeymoon was pleasant,” Nadia said, “you look well rested,”
“It was wonderful,” Alexander smiled, “Zadithi evenings are unmatched. Asra and Faust have never been happier. He sends his apologies, by the way, he wanted to join us but there was work to do at the shop.”
“Understandable,” Nadia nodded, “I should like to see him, though, perhaps I may pay you a visit before long?”
“Absolutely, we’d love to have you,” he said, though the small talk had made him think, “Actually, Nadia, might I propose something?”
Nadia tilted her head in interest, “Go on.”
“I studied in Zadith, as did Aisha and Salim. Their education is some of the best in the world. I had wondered if we might do something for Vesuvians too. Not just the university, I mean. More. Something accessible to every person and child. A library, or lecture hall, or… something else.”
“Else?” Nadia asked keenly, “What did you have in mind?”
“This would require your help. Not just funding, mind, but you.”
They both laughed at the unintentional wordplay, before Alexander continued, “You’re one of the best engineers I know, and certainly the most capable of what I’m thinking of. In Zadith there is a large hall, a rotunda really, that is full of glass replicas of planets and stars. An astrolabe, almost, but vast. One that you can walk amongst. Most of it to scale, too. And the best thing, Nadi, they move. There’s a clockwork operation system in place that simulates the orbit and rotation of the Earth and the planets. One could follow Venus as she circles the sun, or see how Jupiter dances with Ganymede and Io. It’s incredible, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. And what’s more, everyone may see it. Everyone may learn. I want this for Vesuvia, a public amenity and source of entertainment and learning in one!”
Nadia’s eyes were wide, and glimmering with excitement, “A wonderful idea!” She exclaimed, “A planetarium!”
“Precisely,” Alexander replied, “And what’s more, I believe that the metalwork of the frames and gears could be alchemically enhanced. There is a method of making an alloy of magic and metal which gives it dexterity and strength, Aisha and Salim developed it. It requires a particularly inert metal, perhaps copper or silver, maybe a steel, and the magic is infused into it. Then, not only could the planets move, we could make it so that it is as accurate as we know the actual spheres to be. It would mean sophisticated gears and some complex designs to get it to work right, and to hang in perfect balance and order like the celestial bodies they’re in the image of but-“
“But it is certainly within our capabilities!” Nadia finished, then flushed slightly at her interjection, “Forgive my outburst, dear Alexander,”
“Not at all,”
“Oh, but the scale and intricacy of the project… it is certainly more complex than the automatons I have made before.”
Alexander bumped her shoulder lightly, affectionately, “Nadi, I would have not posited this at all if I didn’t believe that you would achieve it. My mother and father in law have already expressed interest in helping, and then… You’ve a brilliant eye for these things. Consider the clocks you crafted, the one in the ballroom and the one atop the steeple. Smoothly running and always accurate, aye?”
Nadia cocked her head,  “Indeed. What do you… aha! I see! To make the model rotate and move in real time with constancy and reliability, it requires the same kind of machinery but on a planetary scale. For the planets, and the moons I would imagine. Perchance even we could hang the constellations in the periphery, fill the sky with stars. And the alchemical alloy will aid in this?”
“That’s the idea. I really think it could work.”
Nadia hummed, her eyes tracing some of the clouds in the horizon as she thought, “In my mind’s eye I can see the kind of structures that would support this. A ring and pulley system, a pendulum and counterweights… Like an astrolabe, you say? But one powered by clockwork… this will be quite an undertaking for us all. A feat of science in and of itself to construct… Oh! But of course, why not show the process as well? If this is to be a centre of learning, I should like for there be as much on offer for the people to learn as possible. A masterpiece of alchemy and engineering is one thing, but explaining how such a piece came into being is another altogether.”
Alexander nodded vehemently, “A museum! A museum dedicated to the scientific and magical arts! I shall say, this may be a first for Vesuvia,”
“And one long overdue,” Nadia said resolutely, “I care for these people, and they are still recovering from Lucio’s disaster of a reign. I am doing what I can to improve their welfare,”
“And you are doing splendidly,” Alexander interjected gently,
“Thank you,” Nadia’s lip twitched into a bashful smile for a moment, “though it is one thing to survive, another to live. I want to help them live. Maybe a museum and a planetarium made of science and magic in harmony would be a start.”
“It would be a start,” Alexander agreed.
“Funding… this will be a large expense, one that may seem frivolous while residents in the formerly flooded district are still struggling. Perhaps I might call upon the courtiers and nobility to donate,” a wry, dry smile played on her face, “they can never refuse a party, maybe a fundraising gala is in order. And then, the kudos and bragging rights when they inevitably must have a dedication laid to them in thanks for their generosity. A means to an end, it would mean something useful coming from them at least.”
Nadia and Alexander came to a stop before one of the ponds that dotted the grounds. The sun was reflected clearly in it, a bright disc gleaming in the still water. 
“We can make the model sun actually shine,” Nadia mused, “I have read one of your papers, the one that theorised that light emitting spells are one and the same as the light from stars,”
“The Treatise on Celestiomagical Fusion,” Alexander said, “one of the first I wrote after my doctorate, I actually remember researching and writing that now. Astrolocational charge made me realise that there is magic in the cosmos, more than we previously thought. And I and other astronomers believe that all of the universe is made of the same stuff. I refuse to believe that the earth is that unique on the material level, and that means magical charge too. 
“So why, when we on earth make light from magic, would not the stars function with a similar practice? And we can recreate that. The sun at the centre of the solar system would be the smaller cousin of the true star, but tangible.”
“I have more theories too, ones that I can’t really put into words just yet, I’d need to research more. Who knows, there might be more breakthroughs to be had. One day… Nadia do you think that one day, as we understand more about how physical matter and magical matter interact, that we could one day leave the Earth? Journey to the moon? Visit the planets in person in place of seeing their earthly rendering?”
“Perhaps. I certainly like to think we could, one day. We travel to the Realms of the Arcana,” Nadia replied, “and in doing so we leave Earth, but we step out of time itself. Further than the moon, yet closer. I wonder how they fit.”
Alexander frowned, “As do I. They are beings made of dust and stardust, like we are. They exist on a physical plane, even if it is seemingly a different one to the rock of the earth. If there’s one thing about the Arcana that I’m sure of, though, it is that we will never be sure of what they are and why they are. No amount of experiments or philosophy will give us answers. The Fool, for example. By the gods-!”
He rolled his eyes and Nadia laughed, “I see you and your patron do not often see eye to eye,”
“It’s not that,” Alexander grumbled, “it’s just that I can never get a straight answer out of them. They’re worse than the Magician. Sometimes Scout has to help, and even then I don’t think he knows what that deer...bird... person is on about. I ask a question, I get a riddle in response. And I say ‘I’m a scientist, not a philosopher! I like having answers to things!’ and then they laugh at me. Even the most strange objects observable in my telescope are more logical… Strike me, I swear we do get along! It’s just… oh, you know.”
“I do. Come, dear Alexander, let us finish out walk, then we can send for your parents in law and hopefully start drawing up plans. I’ve a good feeling about this.”
“Aye, me too.”
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tanadrin · 2 years
The Cube of Frangible Histories
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In certain conditions which are not typically found in nature--say, the presence of a rapidly spinning parachronic charge--particles not only need not have consistent histories, they may have histories which actively contradict one another. By using a sufficiently powerful telic discriminator, the Cube can induce and magnify such contradictions to alter the history of individual macroscopic objects. This can be used to modify, repair, or destroy objects to an almost infinite degree, although not in ways which outright contradict the local laws of reality.Altering the history of a person or object does not alter history for any other person or object; they will remember history as they experienced it before you used the cube. Persons on whom the cube is used remember only their new history. The operator of the cube can use it on themselves without issues. Operation of the cube requires touch contact, but the interface itself uses sophisticated mind-scanning technology to accurately interpret the intent of the operator, which it will attempt to fulfill to the best of its abilities. If the Cube cannot alter an object’s history as desired, its surface markings will flash once. It the Cube succeeds in carrying out the operator’s instructions, its surface markings will flash twice, and it will emit a low tone. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ALTER OR DESTROY THE CUBE OF FRANGIBLE HISTORIES BY USING THE CUBE ON ITSELF.
The energy requirements of the cube scale according to the equation 4/3 * pi * k * m * s³, where s is the difference in time between the point of divergence for the new history of the object and its former history, and the present moment; m is the mass of the object in kg; and k is a constant reflecting the efficiency of the cube under various operating conditions. Under normal operating conditions, k =  3.515 * 10^-12, and a change to an objects history will take time to propagate to the present (as perceived by the operator); this time is equal to the cube root of s.
For example, let's say you wish to use the cube to alter a map so that when it was made, the creator included information that was omitted in the present timeline. The map has a mass of 5 g, or 0.005 kg. It was created ten days ago, which is 864,000 seconds. The energy needed to alter the map is 4/3 * pi * 3.515*10^-12 * 0.005 * 864,000^3, or ~11,000 joules, and it will take about a minute and a half for the change to become visible.
A skilled operator can reduce the time required for a change in an object's history to propagate to the present, at the cost of an increase in the base energy required. To reduce the time to the fourth root of s, multiply k by 10; to reduce the time to the fifth root of s, multiply k by 100; and so forth. Additionally, the following conditions alter the base energy required to use the cube:
Presence of a static parachronic charge (k is multiplied by pi for every unit charge)
Presence of a spinning parachronic charge (k is multiplied by pi and the angular velocity of the charge source in radians per second if the source is spinning in the opposite direction from the cube's natural orientation; k is *divided* by pi and the angular velocity of the charge source in radians per second if the source is spinning in the same direction from the cube's natural orientation. To find the cube's natural orientation, examine the symbols on the surface and apply the right-hand rule.)
Presence of a countertelic disruption field ("prophecy-supressor") (k is multiplied by 10 times the field intensity in Humes)
Outsized mass: above ~153 kg, k is multipled by one plus the natural logarithm of the mass minus log(153) (about 5). So for a 300kg object, k is multiplied by 1 + log(300) - log(153) or ~1.7.
The Cube is a metal object approximately 8.3 cm on a side, with a mass of ~6.4 kg, whose outer layer is composed of a metal alloy with a yield strength of about 1800 Mpa. The Cube can be powered by an electric current, a stream of charged plasma, a direct supply of both matter and antimatter, or by charged particle radiation. The Cube cannot operate above temperatures of 550 Kelvin or below 180 Kelvin. The Cube cannot operate in the ergosphere of a black hole, inside closed timelike curves, or when exposed to high concentrations of helium. If the functional interior of the Cube is critically damaged, or if the Cube is exposed to temperatures greater than about 2200 Kelvin, the Cube’s internal power source will explosively deconstruct, releasing 7.2 * 10^9 J of energy, mixed ionizing particle radiation including alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron radiation (30-40 Sv equivalent to those within 30 meters), and inert metal fragments.
Based on detailed studies, the conjectured results of attempting to alter or destroy the Cube using itself include:
Minor malfunction: operator is stuck in a time loop that is equal in duration t to the cube root of difference in seconds between the time the cube was used, and the time at which they attempted to retcon its destruction. This loop begins t seconds before they attempted to destroy the cube, and ends at the moment they originally attempted to destroy it. If they do not attempt to destroy it or if they are dead, the loop ends. (For longer loops, the loop can be treated as if it begins with the operator's birth.) Only the operator is aware of the loop.
Major malfunction: operator is stuck in a time loop that is equal in duration t to the cube root of difference in seconds between the time the cube was used, and the time at which they attempted to retcon its destruction. This loop begins t seconds before they attempted to destroy the cube, and ends at the moment they originally attempted to destroy it. Regardless of whether they attempt to destroy the Cube or not, the loop resets. The loop cannot be escaped by any means. Death, additional attempts to destroy the Cube (by any means), the use of time travel, travel to other realities or planes of existence, entering black holes or wormholes, and attempts to cause paradoxes reset the loop. From the perspective of the rest of the universe, the operator vanishes. Only the operator is aware of the loop.
Catastrophic malfunction: same as 2, but the operator and all living creatures with the capacity for memory within 25 meters of the cube when destruction was attempted are aware of the loop. This effect includes self-aware machines and excludes non-self-aware machines, regardless of their sophistication or design.
Paradox: the Cube and all matter within 25 meters is transformed to a black hole. Due to the small size of this black hole, it will evaporate rapidly; unless stabilized (or unless an extremely massive object is caught within this radius), the resulting black hole will almost instantaneously evaporate, releasing energy equivalent to the mass consumed as black-body radiation. At minimum, this will be equivalent to  the mass of the Cube, i.e., an explosion roughly the size of the Krakatoa eruption.
Failsafe: the operator is removed from history; no one remembers their existence, and the timeline is altered to be consistent with their never having had existed. The exception to this is the Cube, which remains at the location it was in when the operator used it.
Failsafe malfunction: The operator and all matter that was within 25 meters of the Cube in the original timeline are erased from history. The exception to this is the Cube, which remains at the location it was in when the operator used it.
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unfoldingrose · 2 years
Artemisia p. 1 :: Nervine
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[Photo cred:: Native Here Nursery:: Artemisia Douglasiana]
Underlined green text = links
Pink = anagrams [orthographically, phonetically or syntactically]
Bold = emphasis for discussion
Italic = credit
Note: Please read the links as well
Artemisia is a rhizomatous weed belonging to the Asteraceae family (Daisy family). While there are several species of Artemisia, the one I will be highlighting is Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris). Most of my experience is with the wild American species Artemisia Douglasiana and Artemisia Suksdorfii. Mugwort thrives in disturbed soils, and does its deepest work in disturbed bodies. Its aggressive rhizomes can overwhelm and kill roots of surrounding plants. I describe the leaves as flame shaped, with a silver back. Its volatile oil content is why Mugwort has a lengthy list of uses throughout the world.
First, I want to give some backstory on the name of Artemisia. Artemisia stems from Greek goddess Artemis. Delve into the article Becoming Classical Artemis: A Glimpse at the Evolution of the Goddess as Traced in Ancient Arcadia as means to gain more understanding about Mugwort’s functionality both physically, and spiritually- thru the characteristics of Goddess Artemis.
Goddess Artemis’s original prehistoric form was that of an animal-shape. She “appeared as a goddess of wild beasts, especially those who live in remote places in wooded mountains,” and also went by the alias ‘Kallisto.’
Below are some notes to further illustrate Artemis’s origins
Kallisto ~ bear-nymph::
teen girls considered ~little bears::
Artemis Orthia ~ bear figurine//Orthia, meaning straight, upright, in proper order [[anagram Orthia::THOR::ROTH::AORTA]]
Artemis @ Kyrena ~ sacred law of pregnant women to offer sacrifice to the Bear before giving BEARth [[birth]]
Protectress of little girls and maidens until the age of marriage; responsible for safe delivery of children
Now, I’m taking you deeper into the bold words from above. To start, it seems in the article that the primary animal goddess Artemis took form in was a bear. This is important because I learned from an #Oracle that the midbrain, our forward most portion of the brain stem, likens itself into the shape of a bear...funny how that works. I consider this key to grasp how and *where* Mugwort behaves when administered to a person. Succinctly, the midbrain has many functions, and is a continuation of the olfactory cortex responsible for memory [[dream]] processing and smell. The midbrain is considered “archipallium” in origin- which is to say phylogenetically the eldest region of the brain’s cerebral cortex. In the same way, Mugwort is called “the oldest of plants” in Charm of the Nine Worts. Mugwort’s classification as a nervine is due to easing anxiety, nervousness, and primal fears held in the midbrain. The source of this stress may exist due to trauma, karma, *generational or otherwise.
To take things further into the nervine properties of Mugwort, lets step into its signature silver-flame leaves. The Force of the metal Silver is alkhemically attributed to the Moon; on the periodic table Silver is #47. Native silver is mostly found in earth’s crust, and alloyed::allied with gold, argentite, and chlorargyrite. Silver is rarely found standalone- it is usually coupled with metals such as Copper (Venus), Gold (Sun), Lead (Saturn), and Zinc. Therefore, I surmise that Mugwort pairs well with other plants that are ruled by Venus (Copper), Sun (Gold), and Saturn (Lead). A Mugwort person may also need to increase the Zinc in their diets in tandem with the herb. I recommend oysters and fish for ZInc, but I will discuss that in another article.
 In alchemy, refined Oil of Silver “cleanses the receptor sites deep within the limbic system, lowers accumulated stress hormones long enough for the brain to generate new neural pathways that strengthen positive thinking” when ingested. Kymia Arts.
Mugwort’s “flame” shaped leaves makes known the ‘temperature’ and tastes of Mugwort. Warming, pungent, and bitter. This warmth, according to Sajah Popham, is a rare quality in a nervine plant, as most of them are cooling. In this way, Mugwort is not only associated with the Moon, but also fiery sister Venus. With the heat of Venus, it is no coincidence that Mugwort responds well when burned and smoked. It has been recorded several times as a smokeable herb, and even a Kanabyss replacement. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, practitioners use Mugwort in Moxibustion. The special preparation of a flammable Moxa releases fragrant, medicinal oils. According to TCM, this heat warms up various channels in the body and dispels cold, promotes blood circulation, strenghtens Qi, and more. I also say experiment with taking dried or fresh Mugwort in steam rooms and sauna.
Below is the mental/psychological picture of one who benefits from Mugwort.
Excerpt from Sajah Popham’s Mugwort Materia Medica:
- Dyslexic, difficulty recognizing words but has complex thoughts - Disorders of sleep and imagination - Body seems to be asleep, but mind is awake - When they sleep deep they have vivid dreams
.... - Lies awake in bed for long periods of time, thinking, imagining - Epileptic seizures, sensitivity to light, sleep disorders - Irritation of the nervous system
“… Dorothy Hall profiles the Mugwort person as being “highly intelligent with complex thoughts that are difficult to describe, speech disorders and dyslexia, highly elevated senses, sensitivity to light and sound, with great difficulty getting deep sleep. It is suited to people in whom the intuitive, psychic, psychological, creative, and artistic side of the mind is highly developed, but who have trouble with expression, or with the world around them.” These are all qualities that we would associate with an excess of vata, or wind/ tension, to connect this description to our energetic qualities above.
In addition to the higher mental qualities of Mugwort, I consider Her to be a Dream Modulator. She has the ability to lessen or increase frequency of dreams. As a dreamer myself, I noticed deeper sleep and reduced dreaming while taking mugwort. However, the dreams I *did* have- the messages provided me with clarity. In an individual who dreams infrequently, or desires to dream more, Mugwort opens them up to the dream world, and increases their dream intensity.
Dream Modulation Notes:
- Soothes the hyperactive & nightmarish dreamer trapped in the astral; allows them to get real rest
- Increases dream activation in those disconnected from the dream realm - Opens one to wisdom when dreaming - Allows for messages to really get the thru the mesencephalon (aka Midbrain) and heal
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arknights-incorrect · 2 years
How about this one:
Orchid: Midnight?
Voice from the darkness: He is dead, young lady. I am sorry for your loss.
Orchid: [gasp of horror]
Voice from the darkness: Yes, he was simply too handsome, too clever, and too immensely remarkable in all aspects of his existence to allow to live. It took a hundred men to bring him down, and he killed all but one. His last words were "Tell Spot...that he's a total git...and he still owes me five notes."
Orchid: Midnight!
Source: The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson
oooo <3
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Deliveries of F-35 fighters will be resumed after Chinese league has paralyzed production
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/10/2022 - 08:07em Military
The component - a magnet in a device supplied by Honeywell International Inc. - has been used on the plane since 2003. After the Chinese league was discovered, the Pentagon suspended deliveries of new F-35s last month, citing regulations on "specialmetals".
William LaPlante, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, signed the waiver to allow aircraft deliveries to be resumed despite the prohibited league, he said in a statement released on Saturday. Lockheed said Honeywell found an "alternative source in the US" for the alloy that will be used in the production of future aircraft from November.
Eighteen aircraft were held as part of the delivery break, Lockheed said in a statement on Saturday.
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The waiver, signed on Friday, allows the Pentagon to accept 126 aircraft in current production contracts that run until October 31, 2023. "Ac Acceptance of aircraft is necessary for national security interests," said LaPlante.
The Department of Defense's F-35 program office said that the piece has no technical fault and does not pose a safety risk to the main U.S. stealth game. Instead, it is a matter of supply chain safety and why the prohibited alloy was not detected by Honeywell. The part was supplied to a Honeywell subcontractor by a lower-level supplier, Lockheed said.
U.S. law and Pentagon acquisition regulations prohibit the use of metals or special alloys manufactured in China, Iran, North Korea or Russia. The Defense Contracts Management Agency reported the violation to the F-35 program office on August 19.
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The episode is not unprecedented: a decade ago, the Pentagon granted an exemption to Honeywell to use Chinese magnets in other components of the F-35, saying that the program, already hampered by delays and cost overflows, would have been further delayed. The F-35 program has more than 1,700 suppliers from around the world, according to Lockheed.
Source: Bloomberg
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IIHoneywellLockheed Martin
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Why Stainless Steel Recycling is Important
Stainless steel is widely used in construction, automotive, appliances, and various other sectors due to its durability, resistance to corrosion, and aesthetic appeal. Its unique composition, which includes chromium, nickel, and other elements, makes it highly recyclable. Here’s why stainless steel recycling is critical:
Energy and Resource Conservation: Recycling stainless steel requires far less energy than producing new steel from raw materials. This energy-saving process also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, playing a vital role in combating climate change.
Conservation of Raw Materials: Stainless steel production uses non-renewable resources such as iron ore, chromium, and nickel. Recycling scrap stainless steel reduces the need to mine these resources, preserving them for future generations.
Reduction of Waste: Stainless steel is 100% recyclable, and by recycling, industries in Lonsdale can avoid sending scrap metal to landfills. This helps reduce waste, freeing up landfill space and preventing environmental contamination.
Economic Benefits: Recycled stainless steel has a high market value, making it an attractive option for manufacturers and businesses. The demand for recycled stainless steel is growing, particularly in construction and automotive industries, contributing to economic growth in Lonsdale.
The Stainless Steel Recycling Process in Lonsdale
The stainless steel recycling in Lonsdale is efficient and environmentally friendly. Here’s a breakdown of the key steps:
Collection and Sorting: Scrap stainless steel is collected from various sources, including industrial plants, demolition sites, and households. Once collected, the scrap is sorted based on its grade and composition to ensure that it meets the necessary standards for recycling.
Shredding and Melting: After sorting, the stainless steel is shredded into smaller pieces, making it easier to melt. The shredded metal is then melted in large furnaces at high temperatures. During this process, impurities are removed, and the metal is refined.
Refining and Alloying: Once melted, the stainless steel is further refined to ensure that the correct balance of chromium, nickel, and other alloying elements is achieved. This step is crucial for maintaining the quality and durability of the recycled stainless steel.
Forming into New Products: After refining, the molten stainless steel is cast into ingots or slabs, which are then rolled, cut, and shaped into new products. These products can be used in the construction of buildings, vehicles, kitchen appliances, and many other applications.
Local Stainless Steel Recycling Centers in Lonsdale
Lonsdale is home to several recycling centers that specialize in stainless steel recycling. These centers provide businesses and individuals with convenient solutions for recycling scrap metal while adhering to strict environmental standards.
When selecting a recycling facility in Lonsdale, it’s important to consider:
Compliance with Environmental Regulations: Choose a facility that follows local and national environmental laws, ensuring that the recycling process minimizes pollution and energy consumption.
Reputation for Quality and Efficiency: Look for recycling centers with a proven track record of handling stainless steel efficiently and responsibly, ensuring that the scrap is properly sorted, processed, and returned to the supply chain.
Competitive Pricing: Many recycling centers in Lonsdale offer cash for stainless steel scrap, providing a financial incentive for businesses and individuals to recycle.
The Benefits of Recycling Stainless Steel in Lonsdale
Stainless steel recycling offers a wide range of environmental, economic, and social benefits:
Environmental Impact: Recycling reduces the need for mining raw materials, minimizing habitat destruction, soil erosion, and water pollution. It also lowers energy consumption and decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
Circular Economy: Stainless steel recycling is a key component of the circular economy, where waste materials are transformed into valuable resources that can be reused. This approach promotes sustainability and reduces the environmental footprint of industries.
Economic Growth: The demand for recycled stainless steel continues to grow, particularly in sectors like construction, manufacturing, and automotive. Recycling centers in Lonsdale contribute to the local economy by creating jobs and providing raw materials for industry.
Stainless steel recycling in Lonsdale is more than just a waste management solution—it’s an essential part of creating a sustainable and environmentally responsible community. By recycling stainless steel, businesses and residents can reduce energy consumption, conserve natural resources, and prevent waste from entering landfills.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Knife Day
Grab or pull out your knives! Today we celebrate them, no matter their size, style, or brand! It is unknown who started National Knife Day or when they started it, but it was being celebrated by at least 2011. It is also unknown why the observance takes place on August 24, but one explanation appears to be that the date is connected to the Bowie knife. It was on this date in 1838 that Rezin Bowie, the brother of the knife’s namesake, wrote a letter to the Planters’ Advocate claiming he was the person who had created the knife.
One of the earliest tools known to humankind, the knife was present at the beginnings of the development of human civilization and came out of the need for survival. Early on, knives were used as primitive tools for digging and construction, as weapons, and to hunt, fish, and gather food. In contrast to today, almost everyone carried a knife. The first knives were made of stones which were cracked to make a sharp edge like a blade. Sharpened stone tools became more advanced during the late Lithic periods, and then even more so during the Copper and Bronze Ages. Metal blades appeared, which weren’t as sharp and didn’t stay sharp as long as the stone blades that preceded them. This led to the introduction of sharpening stones.
During the Iron age, tools became stronger and more durable. Iron knives came on the scene and stayed sharper longer. Steel blades followed iron ones, and not much has changed since then. Steel blades, which are made of an alloy of iron that has carbon, are the most common today and are known for being durable and efficient. Cobalt alloys and titanium are also used in knife making today.
Early knives didn’t have a separate handle and blade—they were all one piece. Eventually, handles began being made out of carved bone, wood, and metal, and then, rare materials like mother-of-pearl and tortoiseshell began being used. Today, wood is one of the most popular materials used for knife handles, and metals like stainless steel are also common. One other change besides that advent of a separate handle was the invention of the folding knife.
Knives have many different purposes in the present day, some of which are the same as they have been for thousands of years. Some ways they are used are to prepare food, as a utensil when eating food, by surgeons and medical professionals, to dress an animal, to fillet a fish, and for carving. There are various types of kitchen knives such as the chef’s, utility, paring, and bread knives. Most knives are affordable to just about anyone, but there are high-end custom knives such as Randall Made Knives, most of which sell for $400 of more. In many locations, there are laws that pertain to knives: ownership laws exist for certain types of knives, open and concealed carry laws apply to certain types of knives, and other types of laws exist, such as those that say a robbery is an “aggravated crime” with more severe punishment if a knife is involved. There also are certain areas where some types of knives are not permitted, such as at schools or on planes.
How to Observe
Knives should be used more today than on any other day of the year. Here are a few ideas on how to spend the day:
Do some knife throwing.
Do some whittling.
Prepare some food using a knife or multiple knives. It might be beneficial to first learn what type of knife is appropriate for different types of food.
Get a pocket knife, which has many uses.
Check for knife promotions such as giveaways and sales happening today. This is often a large part of the day.
Give someone a knife as a gift.
Clean, oil, and sharpen your knives.
Carry your knives around in a holster.
Cut a lot of things with your knives, such as food, paper, and rope.
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ferrotitanium2 · 3 months
Best Ferro Titanium Manufacturer in India - Bansal Brothers
Bansal Brothers is a shining example of quality and innovation amidst the wide terrain of the metallurgical industry. Bansal Brothers, one of the leading producers of ferro titanium in India, is well-known for its dedication to quality and client satisfaction. This blog explores the qualities of products, production methods, and customer-focused philosophy that make Bansal Brothers the top ferro titanium company in India.
What is Ferro Titanium?
Ferro titanium is an iron and titanium alloy with a typical titanium content of 10–20%. In the steel industry, it is frequently used to add titanium as an alloying element and deoxidize steel. Steel gains strength and increased corrosion resistance from this addition, which also helps to improve steel's mechanical qualities. Ferro titanium's superior quality is essential to the finished steel goods' functionality and durability
Why Choose Bansal Brothers?
1. Superior Quality Products
Bansal Brothers is proud to manufacture the best ferro titanium available. The business sources the best raw materials and uses cutting-edge technology to produce dependable and effective products.
2. Modern Manufacturing Establishments
The newest machinery and technology are used at Bansal Brothers' manufacturing facilities. Because of this, they are able to keep their production processes running with a high degree of consistency and precision. The business's ongoing commitment to innovation and quality is demonstrated by its investments in updating its infrastructure.
3. Skilled Group
The success of Bansal Brothers may be ascribed to their staff of professionals, who are extremely trained and experienced. Every team member, from quality control specialists to engineers, is essential to upholding the company's stellar reputation for high standards. Their knowledge guarantees the production of ferro titanium of unmatched quality.
4. A customer-focused methodology
Bansal Brothers is committed to establishing enduring bonds with their clients. They provide specialized solutions made to match the unique requirements of their customers. Their image as a reliable partner in the industry is further cemented by their quick and effective customer service, which guarantees that any questions or complaints are handled right away.
5. Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability
Bansal Brothers is dedicated to environmentally friendly production methods. They have taken steps to reduce their carbon impact and comply with strict environmental laws. By emphasizing environmentally friendly operations, the business protects the health of the community and its employees in addition to making a positive impact on the environment.
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emperformance · 6 months
Anatomy of a Great Electric Cycle
As the world shifts towards sustainable development and embraces more fuel-efficient technology, electric cycles are gaining traction for all the right reasons. Serving as a simple solution to the commuting challenges faced by major cities worldwide, electric cycles have witnessed a surge in popularity. While the concept of electric cycles dates back to the 18th century, it is only recently that we are witnessing their resurgence in the market.
Despite sharing many similarities with traditional bicycles in terms of their anatomy, electric cycles possess a few distinctive components that set them apart. Curious about what makes an electric cycle truly exceptional? Let's delve into the key elements that define its anatomy and ensure its enduring appeal.
What are the aspects that make an e-cycle great?
Let’s find out key aspects that make an e-cycle great:
Undoubtedly, the frame is the backbone of any cycle, including electric cycles, providing the necessary strength to withstand various terrains. The choice of material and frame geometry significantly influences the riding experience. Materials such as aluminium and carbon fibre are favoured for their lightweight yet durable properties. Additionally, the frame's geometry determines the rider's posture and stability, making it crucial in selecting the right electric cycle. A well-designed frame not only ensures stability but also adds a touch of style to your ride. Depending on your needs and preferences, e-cycles also come with aluminium alloy and High Tensile Steel frames, both with different set of usage. Like EMX+ and T-Rex Air by EMotorad, both have different frames but it all boils down to what you want.  
Responsible for converting electrical energy into mechanical power, the motor propels the rider forward when accelerating. Commonly, electric cycles feature motors placed on either the front or rear hub to directly power the wheel, or on the frame to power the chain. The motor's power output is a critical factor, determining the electric cycle's ability to meet the rider's specific needs. Higher wattage motors provide longer range and easier uphill rides or commutes to your favourite distant restaurant. Motor wattage typically ranges from 250 watts to 750 watts, with speeds varying between 25 km/h to 45 km/h, adhering to local laws and regulations. In India, the standard is 250W motors because of the speed limitation set by the laws, this allows you to get an e-cycle without applying for a licence making it accessible to all. You can check out EMotorad e-cycles. The motors used are high-performance and are among the finest in the market today.  
A powerful motor requires an equally robust power source, which is where the battery comes into play. The battery's capacity determines the electric cycle's range, making it a crucial component for long commutes. Lithium-ion batteries are preferred for their balance between energy density and weight. Additionally, the battery's placement contributes to weight distribution, ensuring stability and comfort throughout the ride. EMotorad electric cycles provide batteries with high capacity, this helps you stay on the road for long periods without compromising on anything. 
Control System
An efficient power management system is essential to regulate the flow of electricity from the battery to the motor, ensuring smooth acceleration and optimal performance. The control system's user interface allows riders to control power levels and monitor vital information, enhancing the overall riding experience and providing riders with complete control over their electric cycles.
Brakes are a crucial safety feature, whether for an electric bicycle or a car. Disc brakes have become the standard, offering reliable stopping power even in wet conditions. This not only enhances braking efficiency but also contributes to the overall energy efficiency of the electric cycle, ensuring a safe and enjoyable ride. All EMotorad e-cycles come with dual mechanical disc brakes which keeps you not just ahead but also safe at every turn. For more information, checkout their website. 
The type of suspension system varies depending on the intended use of the electric cycle. For riders venturing beyond smooth city roads, a reliable suspension system becomes indispensable. E-cycles, like traditional bicycles, come equipped with front and rear shock absorbers for better comfort. The type of suspension chosen depends on the intended use, whether for leisurely rides on paved paths or off-road adventures that demand robust shock absorption. EMotorad e-cycles come with standard front suspension, but the EMX+ also comes with dual suspension, making it India’s first dual suspension e-cycle. To get more information on the same, you can check it out here.   
The type of terrain plays a significant role in choosing the right electric cycle. Each cycle is designed differently, with varying anatomy to handle different terrains. It's essential to choose an electric cycle that suits your needs, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable riding experience. All the EMotorad e-cycles are built for all terrains, whether you want something to commute or off-roading, EMotorad e-cycles are perfect for every type of rider. 
Proper lighting is essential for night rides, ensuring visibility and safety. An electric cycle should be equipped with a reliable headlight and taillight to illuminate the path ahead and ensure you're visible to other road users.
Understanding the key components that define an electric cycle's anatomy is essential before making a purchase. Taking a test ride and identifying your needs and preferences will help you choose the perfect electric cycle for your lifestyle. EMotorad is the leading brand in the market today, and for all the good reasons. If you are in the hunt for something that has a long range and doesn’t compromise on style, you are in luck. Check out their website for more information here. Go ahead, explore your options, and embark on your electric cycling journey with confidence and excitement!
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satyrmagos · 9 months
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Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Jupiter.
This talismanic image of Jupiter is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English: “The image of Jupiter, according to the opinion of Picatrix, is the shape of a man with a leonine face and the feet of a bird; beneath his feet he is holding a dragon that has seven heads, and in his right hand he holds a dart as if he wished to throw it at the head of the dragon.” Picatrix Book II, Chapter 10, Paragraph 16 (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
Modern magicians emphasize the wealth and abundance aspects of Jupiter, and those are absolutely present in the Picatrix:
 “Jupiter [is the substance of] the power of increase” (Book IV, Chapter 4, Para 55)
 “Entreat Jupiter for the accumulation of wealth...” (Book IV Chapter 4, Para 6)
More, though, the Picatrix speaks of Jupiter of the planet by which one extracts justice and favor from rulers, and for spiritual pursuits. Health (physical and mental) and safe travel also get honorable mentions.
“… the benevolence of Jupiter is appropriate to the works of clergymen, kings, and lords” (Book 2 Chapter Three Para 5)
“Jupiter is the source of growing power. He governs an aspect toward law, legality, jurisprudence, and the ease of acquiring requests, reparations, and restraints. He guards against mortal illness. He governs wisdom, philosophy, and the interpretation of dreams. … Among the crafts, he governs ruling, jurisprudence, and selling pristine merchandise.” (Book 3 Chapter 1 Para 4)
“Jupiter is the author of life and the sciences. Laws, treaties, and judgements proceed from him.” (Book 3 Chapter 3 Para 33)
“Entreat Jupiter for … the enhancement of dreams, the pleasure of escaping sadness, the leaving behind of toil and quarrel, and safe journeys by land or sea.” (Book 4 Chapter 4 Para 6)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Jupiter and the Characters of the Jupiter according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or red bronze. * Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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abrasiveengineers · 6 months
The Basic Principles of Transmission Line Work: AEPL’s Expertise in Power Distribution
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In the realm of electrical power distribution, transmission lines serve as the lifelines that carry electricity from generation sources to distribution networks. AEPL (Abrasive engineers Pvt. Ltd.), a renowned company in the electrical industry, specializes in providing cutting-edge solutions for power transmission and distribution. In this article, we will delve into the basic principles of transmission line work, highlighting AEPL’s expertise in this essential field.
Understanding basic principles of Transmission Lines
Transmission line work are the vital arteries of the power grid, facilitating the efficient transfer of electricity over long distances. AEPL’s team of experts comprehends the intricate workings of transmission lines, and here, we shed light on their fundamental principles.
Power Flow:
Transmission lines are responsible for transporting electrical power from generating stations, such as hydroelectric plants or thermal power plants, to substations located closer to population centers. The power flow on these lines follows the principles of alternating current (AC) electricity, where the flow of power oscillates in both magnitude and direction.
Conductors and Insulators:
Transmission lines consist of conductors that carry the electrical current and insulators that provide insulation and support. AEPL employs high-quality conductors, typically made of aluminum or aluminum alloy, due to their excellent conductivity and lightweight characteristics. Insulators, often made of materials like glass or porcelain, prevent the flow of current to the supporting structures, ensuring safe and efficient transmission.
Voltage and Power Loss:
Transmission lines operate at high voltages to minimize power loss during transmission. According to Ohm’s law, power loss in a transmission line is directly proportional to the square of the current and resistance. By increasing the voltage, AEPL reduces the current required to transmit a specific amount of power, resulting in lower power losses and improved efficiency.
Line Impedance and Capacitance:
Transmission lines possess inherent impedance and capacitance due to their physical characteristics. Line impedance arises from the resistance and inductance of the conductors, while line capacitance occurs between the conductors and the ground. AEPL engineers meticulously calculate and account for these parameters to optimize the transmission line’s performance.
Line Voltage Regulation:
Maintaining stable voltage levels is crucial to ensure reliable power supply. AEPL incorporates various equipment and techniques, such as voltage regulators and reactive power compensation devices, to regulate and stabilize the voltage along the transmission lines. This helps compensate for voltage drops caused by line impedance and ensures consistent power delivery.
Environmental Considerations:
AEPL recognizes the significance of environmental factors in transmission line work. As part of their commitment to sustainable practices, AEPL designs transmission lines with minimal environmental impact. This includes considering factors like electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure, wildlife protection, and visual aesthetics while planning and implementing transmission line projects.
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Transmission line work forms the backbone of power distribution systems, enabling the efficient and reliable transfer of electricity over long distances. AEPL’s expertise in this field is evident in their comprehensive understanding of the basic principles underlying transmission line operations. By employing cutting-edge technologies and adhering to industry standards, AEPL ensures the seamless functioning of transmission lines, contributing to the development of robust and sustainable electrical infrastructure. Trust AEPL for your transmission line requirements and experience excellence in the field of power distribution.
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