#south jersey family photographer
herpsandbirds · 30 days
Do you perchance have birds with reaally long tails?
Do I have just the thing(s) for you!
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Long-tailed Paradise Whydah (Vidua paradisaea), male, family Viduidae, order Passeriformes, southern Africa
photograph by Dajan Chiou
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Pin-tailed Whydah (Vidua macroura), male, family Viduidae, found in most of Sub-Saharan Africa
photograph by Annemarie Davis
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Pin-tailed Whydah (Vidua macroura), male, family Viduidae, order Passeriformes, Londolozi Private Game Reserve, South Africa
photograph by New Jersey Birds
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Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno), male, family Trogonidae, order Trogoniformes, Costa Rica
photograph by Sreejith Sreedharan
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Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno), male returns home with a TASTY LIZARD!!!, family Trogonidae, order Trogoniformes, Guatemala
photograph by Andres Novales Wildlife
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Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno), male, family Trogonidae, order Trogoniformes, Costa Rica
photograph by @rainforest_photo_tours
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Sunday Sibling Brunch || Self Para
Date: January 16th, 2022 Time: 11:47 am Location: Juno’s Bakery & Cafe, Boston, MA
Zara’s getting married. Yes, hard to believe; and her siblings probably won’t believe it when she tells them either, but well, it’s happening. And soon. Now there’s just the matter of actually telling them. She wants to do it in person, not over the phone. But here’s the deal. It’s hard to get all three of the younger Mayfield siblings together in one place at the same time. They’re busy people; all adults with lives to cater to.
However, there is one saving grace they have, and have always seemed to uphold. And that is their every third Sunday of the month sibling brunch. Sonya had invited herself to a few of these brunches, on occasion. In fact, when she first found out the younger Mayfield’s all went to something without her, she would come out of spite. Though Sonya has always loved to pretend to play the part of the, ‘older, far more eloquent and mature,’ Mayfield sibling, who’s, ‘above it all,’ she actually hates being excluded. Especially when it involves all of them. The FOMO gets the better of her.
Still, despite Sonya’s occasional intrusions, it’s been about a year since any of them have actually properly seen or talked to her, let alone at their sibling brunches. But she’s got three kids now, two of which are rather young, so maybe she’s got other things to worry about…Two out of four of the siblings live in Boston, so that makes things easier.
Sonya stayed in New York, and lives with her husband and three children in Greenwich Village. She still works for the New York Times; one of their top editors, so Zara and the family have heard.
Heath moved to Boston right before Zara did when he started playing for the Boston Red Sox right out of college. He’s been with them ever since, and is now getting towards the end of his career, thinking about retiring. Heath’s a photographer, though, and a damn good one at that. So at least he has something to fall back on if he wants to.
Beth moves around a lot for her job, depending on where there’s a gallery in need of an art curator. Right now, she’s living in New Jersey visiting Boston for the long weekend. She’s staying with Zara and Javier, and quite frankly, it’s been hard to hide the exciting new news she wants to share with the both of them.
The three of them have always been close. Growing up, they did a lot for each other, and basically raised one another. Heath used to braid his younger sister’s hair for them before school, and beat up their bullies. He even taught them how to beat up their own bullies when he couldn’t be around to do it anymore. Zara served as a wingman for both Heath and Beth, as well as taught Heath how to talk to girls. She also taught Beth how to play the guitar.
Beth would help Heath pick out outfits to wear on his dates, like…she’s the only reason he has style. And she taught Zara how to be patient, and kind. It’s because of them, she didn’t completely go, ‘off the deep end,’ when things always seemed to go south for her, or their family. They always have each other, even if one of them (particularly Zara) pushes the other away. They don’t leave the other behind.
So it’s nice that today, at their sibling brunch, Zara can share good news with them rather than bad. There’s been a lot of sibling brunch’s of them sitting down to bad news, particularly on Zara’s end. Today though, today she gets to share that she’s engaged to her favorite person.
As they sit down, the host gives them their menus and fills their waters. Heath’s just come from practice, so his hair is wet from a quick shower, and he’s thrown on a forest green polo, a pair of black slacks, and some nice looking green velvet loafers for their sake. He doesn’t have to, but something in all of them feels the need to be presentable when going out in public even still, all these years later. Can take the kid out of politics, but you can’t take the politics out of the kid…
Beth, of course, is dressed to perfection. Out of all of them, she’s always taken the award of best dressed. She’s got these cute strappy peach sandals on, paired with a floral v-neck sundress, and a floppy sun hat that matches her shoes. Her sunglasses match her dress, and they're big and round, much like her eyes when she takes them off. Zara’s a bit more muted with her all black attire; going for her classic Doc Martens, a ripped Van Halen tank top, a pair of black jean shorts, and brown visors covering her eyes.
They’re all so different, yet they get along so well…it’s interesting to see. Maybe they’re bonded by trauma, maybe they actually do just have personalities that mesh well and get along. Maybe it’s both; who knows. At the very least they’re trying, unlike some of their other family members…
When the host walks away to give them time with the menus and they wait for the waiter, Beth is the first one to pipe up, taking off her sunglasses now that they're in the comfort of a shaded table outside.
“What the fuck is up with you two, huh? It’s been like, a month, since I’ve talked to you, Heath. And three weeks for you, Zara. That might be my fault because I just moved and I’m working a lot…” she pauses, finger raised, eyeing her siblings.
Zara raises her brow and sips her water, looking at Heath. He does the same, near perfectly mirroring his sister’s actions.
“Okay stop, I have a good excuse! I’m grinding!”
“Oh, she’s grinding, Zara did you hear that?”
“I heard her say she has a good excuse, Heath, but I hardly think grinding, is an excuse-”
“Okay, alright, losers, so what’s your excuse then, hm? You helped me move to Jersey, and then you totally bailed!”
“Yeah, because you moved to Jersey City.”
Zara nearly spits out her water, leaning over to smack her brother's arm as she stifles back laughter and ducks her younger sister’s eyesight. He’s sitting right next to her, so it’s not hard for him to smack her back. Now they’re in a smacking fight, while Beth rolls her eyes at them, and hits them both from across the table.
“Ha, fucking ha, assholes. It’s not even that bad, and it’s a train ride from New York, so. Who’re the real losers here, yah Bostonites, or…whatever the hell y’all are called,” Beth snorts, sipping her water and looking over the menu.
“I’m not married to this place like you are, so,” Zara puts up her hands, looking towards Heath.
He rolls his eyes, and flicks water from his glass towards Beth. “It’s great here, and you just don’t know it yet.”
“Hey!” Beth flicks water back at him and laughs.
“Well the people aren’t any nicer, and it certainly isn’t, and can’t be more diverse than New York, so. She has you there,” Zara points out, shrugging towards her brother.
He gasps, “who’s side are you on, dude?”
“Definitely not Boston’s, I don’t give a shit, dude,” Zara chuckles, and Beth snorts, covering her mouth when Heath looks put out.
“I mean, I don’t even know if I’m gonna live here in a year. Javier and I might wanna move somewhere else,” she points out.
Beth and Heath both look at each other with raised brows. “Why, you got something to say, Z?” Heath asks, leaning back in his chair.
Well shit. Boston has always been Heath and Zara’s thing. They both live here, and their mom tasked Heath with taking care of Zara when she first enrolled at Turning as, ‘punishment,’ for bad behavior. Heath was the only person Zara knew in Boston for a long time, so they spent a lot of time together here, getting to know the place.
But, well…it’s Heath’s place. Not hers. He was here first, and she just showed up for the time being until the next adventure came along. Now…well, now that next adventure is here, and it may be time for a change. Who knows. Javier and Zara haven’t really talked about that yet. They both have lives here, so…why change any of that just yet? And besides, they have some loose ends to take care of before they want to even think about leaving. Like The Grid, for example…
“I’m not moving, it’s not that,” Zara starts, pausing when she sees the waiter approaching.
They all order drinks, and some bread appetizer that they know they’ll all eat. Once the waiter is gone, Zara turns back to her siblings and waves her hand in the air.
“I’m not moving,” she says again, and Beth flicks her to go on.
“I’m getting married. I’m engaged. To Javier, obviously,” she adds, as if it isn’t obvious. Heath nearly chokes in his water, and Beth gasps, and puts her hands on either side of the table to brace it.
“What?! Wait…what?!” Beth nearly shakes the table.
“When did that happen? Do Ri and Nat know?” Heath questions, picking up her left hand to examine it. “And where the fuck is the ring? He got you a ring, right?”
“Dude, chill the fuck out; he gave me a ring. It's just around my neck right now because I was waiting to tell you guys. Eesh. Y’all are worse than mom,” Zara chuckles, reaching up to unclasp the metal chain the ring Javier gave her is hanging on for safe keeping.
“And yeah, Jav told them the other night over dinner. I think he and Ri called Nat to tell her the news.” She leans over to give it to Beth first, then obviously she can pass it around for show and tell. These frickin’ nerds…
“Man…I kinda feel like he should have asked for my permission, or something.”
Zara snorts loudly and turns to Heath in an exaggerated way. “Excuse me? What am I, a piece of meat? I’m not for sale, my guy.”
“Yeah what the fuck, Heath? That’s like, so archaic of you? You’ve got three sisters, just… be better.” Beth muses without looking up from examining the ring.
“Yo, this is actually gorgeous, though. Javier did good,” Beth says, handing the ring to Heath next. He takes it, gives it a look over, then whistles.
“Alright, I take back what I said before. My man Javier spent a pretty penny on this one. And he knows my sister well. It’s black, just like her soul,” he jokes as he hands the ring back to Zara, who punches his shoulder a few times.
“Asshole,” Zara hisses at him while Beth laughs and Zara takes her ring back. Enough show and tell, now it can go where it’s supposed to. On her damn ring finger.
The waiter comes back with their drinks and the bread appetizer they ordered a few moments later. A Coke for Zara, an Arnold Palmer for Beth, and a Bloody Mary for Heath.
“How long’s it been now?” Heath asks, pointing to Zara’s Coke.
“Two years in April,” Zara smiles proudly as she sips her Coke; having been referring to her sobriety. It’s been almost two years since she decided to get sober after Kishan’s death. Crazy, how times flies, and how the anniversary of his death has managed to sneak up on them like this. It sort of makes sense, what with everything going on.
“Congrats, sis, that’s great!” Heath puts his hand up for a high five, which Zara meets with her own.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s great, but when’s the wedding?” Beth waves her hands in the air, musing aloud.
“Dude,” Zara laughs, shaking her head.
“What?! I love love, and weddings, and I didn’t think we’d get another one so soon after Heath’s.”
“Heath’s wedding was like, over a year ago!”
“It was eight months ago, but, who’s counting,” Heath shrugs.
“Okay…” Zara rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders. “What do y’all want from me, huh? It’s not my fault Heath and Willow literally took five billion years to finally get married, like…y’all have been together since high school, and it took…ten, plus, years? Twelve, maybe?” Zara’s kind of being mean, but whatever, Heath can take it. Heath rolls his eyes and Beth stifles a laugh.
“Jav and I joked about marriage before, but then we actually started talking about things, like…like about being each other’s family, or whatever, and you know how our family is,” Zara explains, looking at them.
They nod. “Yeah,” they both say, grimacing a bit.
“I love y’all. You’re my family. But with Jav, what we have is…I dunno, different? Like…okay. When I go to his family’s place with him in Mexico, it’s always like this big celebration. Everyone’s happy to be there, to see each other; and there’s kissing, and hugging, and everyone’s talking over each other because they’re all just so excited. It’s been however long it’s been, and they’re all just…happy, to get to be in each other’s presence. To cook, and eat food together. They dance, and sing, and watch soccer tournaments, and…they’re close. There’s lots of love there. Love, that I don’t think we’ve ever really experienced at home…you know?”
Beth looks sympathetic and nods, reaching out to grasp Zara’s hand in hers, their fingers intertwining.
“Shit,” Heath sighs, shaking his head. “I know Ri and Nat are cool, but I wanna go to Mexico and hang out with Javier’s extended family. They sound awesome.”
“They are! They’re literally the best, and now they’re my family, and I don’t wanna fuck that up by being me,” Zara blurts out, surprising all of them with her candor.
“What the fuck’s wrong with who you are? You’re kick ass, dude. You and Ri are like, inseparable,” Beth muses loud, squeezing her sister’s hand.
“Zara? Beth’s nicer than me, so she’ll sugarcoat. I’ll be honest with you, okay?” Heath pauses. “You’re awful with people’s parents. You make the worst first impressions. You’re like a walking talking parental unit nightmare,” he breaths out, obviously needing to get this off his chest.
Zara and Beth stare at him; Beth’s mouth agape, and Zara’s sipping her Coke with a narrowed brow.
“However,” he continues, raising a finger; “if Javier’s parents haven’t voiced their concerns by now, and haven’t tried to stop their son from making the decision to marry you, let alone continue to date you, I think you’re in the clear, Z. I think they sufficiently see past your bullshit facades and like your ass. Your kind, generous, loyal, talented, fun, party loving ass.”
Zara leans over to kiss her brother's cheek once, but then fakes him out by thinking she’s moving away from him, only to then bombard his face with kisses. Heath hisses at and bats her away like a cat, sufficiently causing a laughing fit from the two Mayfield sisters.
“That was really sweet, Heath, thank you,” Zara says after they’ve calmed down, leaning over to punch her brother’s arm gently.
“Yeah, well just don’t say I never did anything for yah, kid,” he chuckles, leaning over to ruffle Zara’s hair. She swats at him while eating her bread. “I care about you losers, and want what’s best for you. I want you to be happy, and I know Javier makes you really happy, Z. I’m happy for you.”
“Awwwwwww!” Beth gushes loudly, leaning over everything on the table to try to threeway hug her siblings. “We’re so cute!”
Heath and Zara both groan loudly, but let their younger sister pull them into a weird ass hug that nearly knocks everything over on the table. After about a minute, they detangle, and Zara and Heath try to look less pathetic than they feel for, ‘showing emotion.’ Beth’s the softy in the family.
“So when is the wedding, anyway?” Heath asks while picking up his menu and turning it sideways in his hands on top to the table.
“I was just about to ask the same thing!” Beth exclaims, looking expectantly at Zara.
“I…don’t know?” She admits, looking at them sheepishly. “Maybe…in a couple of months?” Beth audibly gasps, and Heath looks unconvinced.
“Look this isn’t…this isn’t gonna be like y’all’s wedding, Heath. Or Sonya’s. Or mom and dad’s. Or mom and Chris’s,” Zara lists off, trying to let them know exactly what to expect. This wouldn’t be a traditional wedding.
“It’s not a church wedding. It’s not like uh, ‘let’s invite everyone and their mother to a wedding because we can, pack the place, and make it this whole production,’ type of thing. We don’t want that. We just want something simple. With you guys. With our immediate family.” Zara looks from Heath to Beth, who both look not stunned, not disappointed, just…well, maybe they are a little disappointed. But what did they expect? This is Zara they're talking about. Zara’s not the marrying type. Javier’s the exception.
“But not like a shotgun wedding…right?” Beth insists after a moment of silence, eyeing her sister.
“I mean…not not like a shotgun wedding, per say…” Zara shrugs, fiddling with the straw in her Coke. Suddenly this thing feels a little heavier, much like the set of eyes on her from both her siblings.
Luckily the appetizer comes and interrupts the awkward stretch of silence. Zara takes this opportunity to tell the waiter they’re ready to order food, and to stuff her face with bread. Much easier to subvert expectations with your mouth full…
They order their meals, and hand their menus over to the waiter about five minutes later when they’ve finished. Both Beth and Heath are staring at Zara like she’s got a third eye, and after a moment, she’s the one who caves first, breaking the silence.
“Come on, it’s me. Me! Did you really think I’d even have a wedding? The most I’m willing to have is an exchange of vows, and a party afterwards, because those are the fun bits. Dresses, invitations, cake, venues; all that other bullshit doesn’t matter to me. We want the piece of paper, and I wanna have a good time while doing it…okay?” She doesn’t mean to sound as aggressive as she does; especially since Heath sits back in his chair from the impact, and Beth puts up her hands.
“Okay, Zara. Eesh. I didn’t think you were the marrying type, but after meeting Javier, and seeing you together? I dunno. I kinda figured maybe at one point you would.” Heath admits, shrugging back.
Huh. Well, that’s perplexing. Zara and Javier only jokingly started talking about marriage a year ago…it hasn’t really occurred to her that other people can see something else they can’t. Maybe looking from the outside in, it’s easy to see how the two of them ended up where they are now.
“Same, I second that. I’ve never seen you more googly eyed over anyone before in my life. In fact…I think it’s the only time I’ve seen you like that,” she points out with a tilt of her head.
Zara snorts, “that’s because my eyes don’t google. I’m not the mushy-gushy type. Jav isn’t like that either though, and maybe that’s why it works.”
They’re both writers, so they know what romance is; they know how to court another person. Javier has certainly proven that to Zara over the years, as he only seems to one up himself with surprises. Yet another reason they’re getting married. The excitement hasn’t died out like it has in past relationships, it just keeps growing. Javier keeps Zara on her toes, continuing to impress her and show off new parts of himself she so desperately wants to get to know.
“Okay,” Beth says after a moment, chewing the last bit of bread in her mouth from the appetizer plate. “So to recap,” she waves her hands around in the air, “wedding is in a few months and it’s…nontraditional. You want the piece of paper and the vows, not the whole production, but you do want a party after. So…a reception. And what about bridesmaids? Do you want those? And can I be one?”
Zara snorts, “didn’t really think about it, but I guess, yeah. Or something like them. You, and a couple friends maybe would be ‘bridesmaids.’” She does air quotes around the word, ‘bridesmaids.’ Sounds weird to say, and leaves a strange taste in her mouth. It’s a little too traditional for her taste, but well…it’ll be fun to have her people around for a very important moment in her life. And besides, it’ll make Beth happy.
“And what makes you think I also don’t wanna be a bridesmaid, asshole?” Heath points out, quirking a brow.
Zara laughs so hard it nearly scares her. “You wanna be a bridesmaid dude? You can be a bridesmaid. I thought you’d wanna be one of Jav’s groomsmen, or whatever the fuck, but-”
“Oh shit, I forgot about that! Okay, okay…yeah. I guess I’ll do like a half and half situation? I’m team Zara, and team Javier.”
“You’re literally insane, you had a wedding and had it the regular way. How do you not remember groomsmen exist, and this isn’t- we’re not on teams!” Zara pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes, while Beth chuckles under her breath and hides it with her elbow as she eats more food.
“I mean I’m just fucking with you, Z,” Heath laughs, chucking a small piece of bread at his eldest younger sister.
Zara blinks at her brother, looking to the center of her forehead briefly where the bread just made contact with her skin. “Did you just hit me with bread?”
“He hit you with bread.”
“I hit you with bread. And you’re the weirdo copying me after I just got married,” Heath continues to tease, flinching before Zara even winds up to hit him.
Beth cackles and eats more bread while watching her siblings go at one another. Zara pretends to strangle her brother, grabbing his neck and shaking it gently, as Heath pretends to choke and pass out on the table.
“You’re so stupid, stop hitting me with bread when I’m talking to you about my wedding!” Zara tries her hand at looking as serious as she possibly can, but ends up laughing and shoving her brother in the shoulder some more instead.
Yes, it feels cheesy to admit it, but she’s happy. Zara is actually, for the first time in a really, really long time, feeling positive about her future. She’s not waiting for the other shoe to drop, or wondering why. It doesn’t matter why, or how, she just is happy with Javier. And she wants to get married; to spend the rest of her life with her best friend. Her favorite person. Her person.
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Five Interesting Nonfiction Books
"The Tale of Kieu: A Bilingual Edition of Nguyen Du's Truyen Kieu" by Nguyen Du
Since its publication in the early nineteenth century, this long narrative poem has stood unchallenged as the supreme masterpiece of Vietnamese literature. Thông’s new and absorbingly readable translation (on pages facing the Vietnamese text) is illuminated by notes that give comparative passages from the Chinese novel on which the poem was based, details on Chinese allusions, and literal translations with background information explaining Vietnamese proverbs and folk sayings.(Amazon)
2. "Where the Ashes Are: The Odyssey of a Vietnamese Family" by Nguyen Qui Duc"
Nguyen, less one of his siblings, an older sister who suffers from mental illness, leaves Viet Nam as a refugee in 1975, while his parents stay behind for different reasons. His father, in particular, as a high ranking South Vietnamese governmental official, subsists in prison for many years. Nguyen’s re-writing of his father’s experiences are interesting in that it obviously would have taken an immense amount of interviewing and temporal reconstruction. Nguyen also relies upon poems that his father had written during his time in prison to help nuance the incredible challenges of his life as a prisoner; his constant movement, the endless monotonous days, and the persistent interrogation remind me much of Xiaoda Xiao’s work on life in prisons during and after China’s Cultural Revolution. His mother tries to remake her life in the post-war regime and maintains a steadfast hope that she will be reunited with her husband.(DVAN)
3. "The Mountains Sing" by Nguyen Phan Que Mai
It’s a sweeping multigenerational story of Tran Dieu Lan and her family’s life from the 1920s to the present. Tran’s family was originally from the North. During the communist land reforms, her family was forced to migrate to Hanoi.(The Bamboo Traveler)
4. "Eating Viet Nam: Dispatches from a Blue Plastic Table" by Graham Holliday
A journalist and blogger takes us on a colorful and spicy gastronomic tour through Viet Nam in this entertaining, offbeat travel memoir, with a foreword by Anthony Bourdain.
Growing up in a small town in northern England, Graham Holliday wasn’t keen on travel. But in his early twenties, a picture of Hanoi sparked a curiosity that propelled him halfway across the globe. Graham didn’t want to be a tourist in an alien land, though; he was determined to live it. An ordinary guy who liked trying interesting food, he moved to the capital city and embarked on a quest to find real Vietnamese food. In Eating Viet Nam, he chronicles his odyssey in this strange, enticing land infused with sublime smells and tastes.(Amazon)
5. "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien
Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, of the Alpha Company, carries various reminders of his love for Martha, a girl from his college in New Jersey who has given no indication of returning his love. Cross carries her letters in his backpack and her good-luck pebble in his mouth. After a long day’s march, he unwraps her letters and imagines the prospect of her returning his love someday. Martha is an English major who writes letters that quote lines of poetry and never mention the war. Though the letters are signed “Love, Martha” Cross understands that this gesture should not give him false hope. He wonders, uncontrollably, about whether or not Martha is a virgin. He carries her photographs, including one of her playing volleyball, but closer to his heart still are his memories. They went on a single date, to see the movie Bonnie and Clyde. When Cross touched Martha’s knee during the final scene, Martha looked at him and made him pull his hand back. Now, in Vietnam, Cross wishes that he had carried her up the stairs, tied her to the bed, and touched her knee all night long. He is haunted by the cutting knowledge that his affection will most likely never be returned.(Sparknotes)
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kaomogi · 2 years
5 US Beaches That Should be On Your Bucket List
The United States is full of amazing beaches that are perfect for a beach vacation. From the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast and everywhere in between, there’s an abundance of beautiful US beaches that you should make sure to visit at least once in your lifetime. Here are 5 beaches in the US that you must visit in your lifetime.
La Push, Washington: A small beach town located on the Olympic Peninsula, La Push is one of the best-kept secrets in the Northwest. With its stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and its unique rock formations, La Push has become a popular destination for photographers and adventurers alike. During low tide, you can explore some of the hidden sea caves or enjoy a relaxing walk along one of its many trails. It’s definitely worth a visit!
Cannon Beach, Oregon: Located just south of Astoria on the Oregon coast, Cannon Beach is known for its iconic Haystack Rock formation rising up from the surf. This beach offers plenty of activities including hiking, surfing, fishing and even whale watching during certain times of year. Don’t forget to take time to relax and enjoy everything this beach has to offer – you won’t regret it!
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, Hawaii: One of Oahu’s most beloved beaches is Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve. This protected area is home to an abundance of marine life including colorful fish and coral reefs that attract snorkelers from around the world. Whether you want to explore beneath the waves or just soak up some sun on shore, Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve should definitely be added to your list!
Cape May Point State Park, New Jersey: If you’re looking for a peaceful retreat away from all the hustle and bustle of city life then Cape May Point State Park is ideal for you. This park features breathtaking views of Delaware Bay with sandy beaches perfect for lounging or walking along nature trails where you can spot wildlife like foxes and ospreys. Don’t forget to stay until sunset for an extra special treat!
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk California: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is perfect if you want a little bit more action than just relaxing at the beach. This historic amusement park features classic carnival rides like roller coasters as well as delicious treats like funnel cakes and ice cream cones right off the boardwalk. Afterward, head down onto Main Beach which offers stunning views of Monterey Bay while still being close enough to all kinds of shops and restaurants making it easy to get back into town after sunset!
There are so many incredible beaches across America that we couldn't fit them all into this post! But if you're looking for some amazing places to relax by water or just have fun with friends and family these five should be at top your list when planning your next beach adventure! So grab your sunscreen and start exploring - there's so much beauty waiting out there!
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southjerseyweb · 9 months
6ABC helicopter crashes in South Jersey - YouTube
According to 6ABC, a pilot and photographer, who were contracted with U.S. Helicopters and part of the 6ABC family, died in the crash.
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photoghraphy · 10 months
Capturing Everlasting Moments: The Benefits of Hiring Wedding Videographers in South New Jersey
Your wedding day is one of the most magical moments of your life, and capturing every detail is essential to reliving those precious memories. While photography has long been a staple at weddings, the trend of hiring wedding videographers in South New Jersey is gaining popularity. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of having a professional videographer document your special day in this beautiful region.
Immersive Storytelling
One of the key advantages of hiring wedding videographers in South New Jersey is the ability to tell a complete and immersive story of your wedding day. Photographs capture still moments, but videos bring those moments to life. South New Jersey's picturesque landscapes and charming venues deserve to be showcased dynamically, and a skilled videographer can weave together the sights, sounds, and emotions to create a narrative that transports you back to the magic of your wedding day.
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Emotional Resonance
Wedding videos have a unique power to evoke emotions that might be missed in photographs alone. The quiver in your voice as you exchange vows, the laughter shared during toasts, and the joyous dance floor celebrations – these are moments best experienced through moving images. South New Jersey's vibrant wedding culture, with its blend of tradition and modernity, can be expertly captured by videographers who understand the local nuances.
Documenting Unseen Moments
While photographers focus on capturing the highlights, videographers excel at documenting the in-between moments. Those stolen glances, heartfelt whispers, and spontaneous bursts of laughter often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of a wedding day. Wedding videographers in South New Jersey are adept at anticipating and preserving these candid moments, providing you with a comprehensive and authentic representation of your special day.
Cinematic Quality
Advancements in technology have elevated wedding videography to a cinematic level. South New Jersey, with its scenic beauty, provides a stunning backdrop for creating cinematic masterpieces. Professional videographers employ high-quality equipment, including drones for breathtaking aerial shots, ensuring that your wedding video is a true work of art. The result is a film that not only documents your wedding but elevates it to a cinematic experience you'll want to revisit again and again.
Shareable Memories
In the age of social media, sharing your wedding memories has become a cherished tradition. Wedding videographers in South New Jersey can create highlight reels and teaser videos that are easily shareable on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. This allows you to relive your special day with friends and family who couldn't be there in person, fostering a sense of connection and celebration beyond the wedding day itself.
Choosing to hire wedding videographers in South New Jersey is a decision that goes beyond preserving memories; it's about creating a timeless masterpiece that captures the essence of your love story. From immersive storytelling to cinematic quality, the benefits of having a professional videographer are boundless.Top of Form
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welidot · 1 year
Jackson Bird
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This Biography is about one of the best Professional Australian Cricketer of the world Jackson Bird including his Height, weight, Age & Other Detail… Express info Real Name Jackson Munro Bird Nickname Not Known Profession Australian Cricketer (Bowler) Age (as in 2023) 36 Years old Physical Stats & More Info Height (approx.) in centimeters- 193 cm in meters- 1.93 m in Feet Inches- 6’4” Weight (approx.) in Kilograms- 87 kg in Pounds- 192 lbs Body Measurements - Chest: 42 Inches - Waist: 34 Inches - Biceps: 13 Inches Eye Colour Brown Hair Colour Brown Cricket Of Jackson Bird International Debut Test- 26 December 2012 vs Sri Lanka in Melbourne ODI- N/A T20- N/A Coach/Mentor Not Known Jersey Number Not Known Domestic/State Team Hampshire, Melbourne Stars, Tasmania, Sydney Sixers Batting Style Right Handed Bat Bowling Style Right-arm fast-medium Nature on field Calm Favourite Shot/Ball Not Known Records/Achievements (main ones) • While playing against Western Australia in 2012, Bird took a hat-trick and finished off the match with some mesmerizing figures of 95 for just 11. • In BBL 203-14, Jackson took 13 wickets to be the joint leading wicket taker of the tournament. Career Turning Point Bird had over 100 wickets to his name in his first 20 first-class matches which convinced the Australian selectors to let him represent at the International level. He was then added to the Australia's squad for the test series against Sri Lanka. Personal Life Of Jackson Bird Date of Birth 11 December 1986 Birth Place Sydney, New South Wales Zodiac sign/Sun sign Sagittarius Nationality Australian Hometown New South Wales, Australia School Not Known College Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview Saint Pius X College Educational Qualifications Not Known Family Father- Not Known Mother- Jenny Miles Bird Brother- Ian Bird (Photographer) Sister- Not Known Religion Christianity Hobbies Playing Golf, listening to music Controversies Not Known Girls, Family & More Of Jackson Bird Marital Status Not Known Affairs/Girlfriends Not Known Wife N/A Children Son- N/A Daughter- N/A This Biography Written By www.welidot.com Read the full article
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xtruss · 1 year
Bernie Sanders: We Must Raise The Minimum Wage To A Living Wage
In the richest country on earth, if you work 40 hours a week you shouldn’t have to live in poverty
— Opinion | Minimum Wage | Monday 17 April 2022
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Demonstrators rally at New York’s City Hall Park to demand a higher minimum wage in November 2022. Photograph: Derek French/Rex/Shutterstock
Congress Can No Longer Ignore the needs of the working class of this country. At a time of massive and growing income and wealth inequality and record-breaking corporate profits, we must stand up for working families – many of whom are struggling every day to provide a minimal standard of living for their families.
One important way to do that is to raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage. In the year 2023, nobody in the US should be forced to work for starvation wages. It should be a basic truism that in the US, the richest country on earth, if you work 40 hours a week you do not live in poverty. Raising the minimum wage is not only the right thing to do morally. It is also good economics. Putting money into the hands of people who will spend it on basic needs is a strong economic stimulant.
“The federal minimum wage has lost over 27% of its purchasing power since it was last raised 14 years ago”
When over 60% of American workers are now living paycheck to paycheck, when the life expectancy of low-income Americans is in decline, when we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country, we can no longer tolerate a federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, a wage that has not been raised since 2009. Incredibly, the federal minimum wage has lost over 27% of its purchasing power since it was last raised 14 years ago. That is unacceptable. Millions of Americans cannot be allowed to fall further and further behind economically, unable to afford the housing, food, healthcare, childcare and education they desperately need in order to live in health and dignity.
Whether they are greeting us at Walmart, serving us hamburgers at McDonald’s, providing childcare for our kids or waiting on our table at a diner in rural America, there are too many Americans trying to survive and raise families on $9, $10 or $12 an hour. It cannot be done. This injustice must end. Low-income workers need a pay raise and the American people want them to get that raise.
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Bernie (Bernard) Sanders
“Cities and states all across the country are taking the low-wage crisis into their own hands and raising their minimum wage”
That was then. Now is now. And things are changing. As a result of years of congressional inaction, cities and states all across the country are taking the low-wage crisis into their own hands and raising their minimum wage. Some are doing it through legislative action. Others are doing it through ballot initiatives.
Since 2013, the people of 12 states – New Jersey, South Dakota, Arkansas (twice), Alaska, Washington, Maine, Colorado, Arizona, Missouri, Florida, Nevada and Nebraska (twice) – have voted on ballot initiatives to raise their state’s minimum wage. Every single one of these initiatives passed, none with less than 55% of the vote. And these are not just strong “blue states” voting for economic justice. In the recent November 2022 midterm election, two states that voted in Republican governors, Nebraska and Nevada, voted to raise the minimum wage. In 2020, the citizens of Florida, with a Republican governor and two Republican senators, also voted to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
The MIT living wage calculator estimates a living wage as a salary that is adequate enough to support a family without luxuries. For two working adults and one child, a living hourly wage for each adult would be $18.69 in West Virginia, $17.55 in South Carolina, $21.57 in Maryland, $20.01 in Utah and $19.33 in Wisconsin. Even in my own state of Vermont, the living wage is $19.58, more than $6 above the current state minimum wage.
But there are many families that do not have two working adults and rely on single moms who are raising their children on their own. In that case, the required living wage is much higher. As an example, a single mother in West Virginia would need to make $33.39 an hour to support herself and one child.
So it is not radical to suggest that raising the minimum wage to $17 an hour over a period of several years is the right thing to do. In fact, had my 2015 bill to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour that was indexed to median wages became law, the federal minimum wage this January would be at least $17.40 an hour. And while we deal with the minimum wage, we must also address the scandal of the tipped wage, which has been stuck at an abysmally low $2.13 an hour for more than 30 years thanks, in large part, to the powerful restaurant lobby which has spent millions in campaign contributions and lobbying expenses since 1991 to keep workers in poverty.
Together, these two proposals would provide an increase in pay for tens of millions of desperate Americans – disproportionately women and people of color. It would also be a huge boost to single moms. Let us not forget that these are the essential workers who kept the economy going during the worst of the Covid pandemic. At that time we called them heroes and heroines. Well, rhetorical praise is nice. A livable paycheck is better. Let’s do it.
— Bernie Sanders is a US Senator From Vermont and the Chair of the Senate zcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
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shamisxgentile · 2 years
Samsung Sued Over Recent Knowledge Breaches
Mass arbitration occurs when tons of or doubtlessly 1000's of shoppers deliver individual arbitration claims in opposition to the same firm, on the identical time and over the identical downside – such as this potential biometric privacy violation. Because handling particular person arbitration disputes could be costly and time consuming, some corporations might choose to rapidly settle any outstanding claims somewhat than spend the money and time needed to resolve them. Samsung is an electronics distributor and marketer headquartered in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey.
"So the query earlier than the Supreme Court is whether or not or not the time period 'profits,' which is ambiguous, means 'earnings on the whole product' or if it means 'income due to the infringement of the patent,'" Risch says. Her husband John thought rapidly and saved the family’s house by carrying the smoldering device to their back 12 months with a pair of oven mitts. “The whole way it was dripping burnt, melted plastic, and no matter else was inside the phone that had combusted was dripping throughout our ground,” John stated. On October 14th, 2016, Samsung’s choice to concern a harmful product continued to hang-out them as The FAA introduced the faulty Galaxy Note 7 wouldn't be allowed on any domestic flights, including being shipped as cargo. The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was manufactured by The Samsung Group, a South Korean multinational corporation headquartered in Seoul.
Additionally, the plaintiffs embrace sub-classes of shoppers of the Note7 in Pennsylvania, California, and Nevada as these are the three states the place individuals have introduced claims towards Samsung. It's not the first time Samsung has handled such a breach, either, and not even the primary of 2022. In March, the tech company announced that hackers had uncovered inside firm knowledge affecting Galaxy smartphones. "Currently, we don't anticipate any influence to our business or clients. We have implemented measures to forestall additional such incidents and will samsung privacy lawsuit continue to serve our clients without disruption," the corporate said. Despite stating that it has taken action to safe its affected methods, is working with a “leading exterior cybersecurity agency,” and is cooperating with law enforcement, Samsung nonetheless took about a month earlier than warning its prospects. According to the class action, this was greater than sufficient time to disclose the breach, and the company’s determination to attend is tantamount to neglecting its duty as a collector of personal data.
Google agreed to a $100 million payout because of the class-action suit, and it's required to offer customers with a discover about the face grouping feature. So, if you're an Illinois resident who appeared in a photograph or video on Google Photos between May 1st, 2015, and April 25th samsung privacy lawsuit, 2022, you might have until September 24th, 2022, to submit a declare on the settlement’s web site. According to the class-action discover, you might get wherever between $200 and $400, depending on court-related bills and how many individuals file a declare.
The lawsuit also alleges violations of the Michigan Identify Theft Protection Act for Samsung failing to timely disclose the second of the 2 breaches it suffered this 12 months. The Samsung devices included in the settlement are the Galaxy S7, S7 Edge, A5, A7, S8, S8 Plus and Note8 phones. Murphy mentioned, in agreeing to the $14m settlement, that many shoppers would have used their phones in the way represented in the advertisements, relying on those representations.
The ruling in the landmark patent case raised controversies over the impact on the shoppers and the smartphone business. The jury's determination was described as being 'Apple-friendly' by Wired and a potential cause for the elevated costs—because of licensing fees to Apple—that subsequently affected Android smartphone users samsung privacy lawsuit. Hogan's post-verdict interviews with numerous media shops raised quite so much of controversy over his role because the jury foreman. He advised Bloomberg TV that his expertise with patents had helped to information the jurors' decisions in the trial.
However, the pictures have been later found to have been tampered with so as to make the scale and features of the 2 totally different products seem more similar, and counsel for Samsung accused Apple of submitting deceptive evidence to the courtroom. Once rebooted, the person's private data including their photographs, paperwork and messages might be restricted. Samsung recommends users back up any private information earlier than activating Maintenance Mode. If you receive a notice to hitch a class-action lawsuit, how do youknow it’s not a scam?
In this regard, it stated that nothing prevented the Court at the authorization stage from assessing the appearance of damages or the adequacy of the compensation supplied. To conclude otherwise would imply that every recall of a defective good would justify the authorization of an software for a class motion, regardless of the context or the treatment provided. With respect to the stress, worry and uncertainty associated to the risks of fire or explosion of the Note 7 phones, the Court discovered that the applicant had not, when notified of the first recall, reported it or even stopped using it. The Court concluded that the looks of right take a look at had not been met since the indemnity offered by SECA to all customers in reference to the recall of its faulty products was reasonable within the circumstances. Thus, the existence of damages was purely theoretical, since if there was indeed any injury, the applicant had already been moderately compensated. Samsung, which says it's going to contest the decision, was ordered to pay $1.05 billion in damages after a California jury discovered it had copied critical options of the vastly well-liked iPhone and iPad and could face an outright gross sales ban on key products.
While Samsung was right in shortly shifting to safe their techniques in order to repair security loopholes caused by the breach, theFederal Trade Commission requires companies that encounter a knowledge breach to inform people who their private information has been compromised promptly. This is in order that these impacted individuals can take steps to reduce the likelihood that their info might be misused. The law on occupational illness compensation would oblige any company to supply information to its employees about the chemicals current and used inside its factories. Thanks to its relatively native standing — Illinois accounts for less than 4% of the US population — we're taking a look at a a lot larger payout than you will often see with class-action lawsuits. That works out nicely for almost each Google Photos person in the states — after all, May of 2015 was when Google launched its cloud storage service. As long as you're a resident of Illinois who uploaded a selfie in the last seven years, you're in all probability looking at an honest sum of cash headed your method.
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trustoutdoor · 2 years
Easy rider bikes
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After 3 years of active duty, he worked at the Boston Navy yard on the cruiser ‘Boston’ as a technician on its radar installations for guided missiles. Instead, he was transferred to Electronics Technician School at Great Lakes NTC. “Things were different in Florida than Boston”, noted Cliff. He was immediately rebuffed by the CO of the base, who turned him right back to Boston, refusing the possibility of a black pilot on his watch, and an integrated flight training school. In 1953 he joined the Marines, and tested so highly he was scheduled for flight training, and sent to a base Pensacola, Florida. As a boy, Cliff attended the Boston Latin School, from whence he derived a particular pattern of speech, and a facility with language – Cliff was specific about his words, and at times prickly in their usage. ‘Soney’ (the spelling is his mother’s) Vaughs was born in Boston on April 16th, 1937, to a single mother who was 16 at the time she’d been kicked out of the family compound in Gibbsboro, New Jersey, for her unwed status, so moved to Massachusetts to be near a more sympathetic aunt. That Cliff ‘Soney’ Vaughs and Ben Hardy have never been properly acknowledged as the men behind the world’s most famous motorcycle is a complicated story a result of racism, their personal disinterest in fame, and a contractual settlement with the film’s financiers, Columbia pictures, to delete Cliff from the film’s credits.Ĭlifford A. Cliff ‘Soney’ Vaughs on his white chopper on Malibu Beach, 1971 The Captain America and Billy bikes were a collaboration of several men, built by several hands, and were an outgrowth of an established legacy of Afro-American chopper builders in South Central Los Angeles, in 1968. It is a powerful work of art, a coveted, elusive object, copied a thousand times all over the globe, but it cannot be truly captured, as it exists only in the realm of dreams. They wanted to own that bike and ride it and eat it and absorb everything the bike stood for into their very beings, to become the gods that bike promised we could become. Those admiring the Easy Rider choppers didn’t want to be Peter Fonda, they wanted to be Captain America.
Its lines and proportions are perfect, as is the American flag paint job, which slip under one’s skin and electrify subconscious associations: the cowboy, the outlaw, America, freedom, power, speed, sex, drugs and rock music. If anyone thought to ask ‘who built that?’ (and few did), they might have assumed Peter Fonda built it, but most admirers of Captain America were simply glad it existed, as if it had been delivered from the gods. The Easy Rider choppers: ‘Billy’ and ‘Captain America’, ridden by Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda Far more people idolized that motorcycle than ever saw the film all they needed was a photograph of Dennis Hopper (on the ‘Billy’ bike) and Peter Fonda, riding through the anonymous landscape of the American West, modern day cowboys roaming the land free, just free. Such is the power of the machine’s image, and its place in the cultural history of motorcycling around the world. The Captain America chopper transcends its own story nobody needs to have seen the film, nor recognize Peter Fonda, to understand they’re looking at an icon, a magical talisman of Freedom. Show them TE Lawrence on his Brough Superior, and they’ll recognize neither the quizzical WW1 hero, nor his Brough Superior.
Show them Rollie Free stretched out in a bathing suit over his Vincent at Bonneville in 1948, and they’ll laugh, but won’t know a thing about the bike or the man. Show someone a photograph of the ‘Captain America’ bike from ‘Easy Rider’, and everyone knows what they’re looking at. It’s the most famous motorcycle in the world, period. The Daymak Easy Rider also comes with 26 x 2.4 inch tires which provides the comfort and stability that you need on your ride.Adapted from Paul d’Orléans’ book ‘The Chopper: the Real Story’ With the 48V lithium-ion battery pack and 350W motor, you’ll be able to climb hills with virtually no effort. The Easy Rider comes with an ultra-wide 32” handlebar span that curves towards you making it easy to hold and keeps your back upright and stress-free. This electric bike is built for taking in the scenery and enjoying the outdoors on a leisurely ride. Take a joy ride on Daymak’s comfort cruiser the Easy Rider.
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
May I request some shrikes? They're such cute little murderbirbs.
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Bay-backed Shrike (Lanius vittatus), family Laniidae, order Passeriformes, India
photographs by Ramesh Jogessur & Shantanu Kuveskar
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Magpie Shrike (Urolestes melanoleucus), family Laniidae, order Passeriformes, Londolozi Game Reserve, Mpumalanga, South Africa
photograph by New Jersey Birds 
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Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach), family Laniidae, order Passeriformes, Sumatra, Indonesia
photograph by JJ Harrison 
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buzzcoach-blog · 3 years
South Jersey Family Photographer
Hi, I’m Michael Iorio, a NJ and Philadelphia family photographer based in Mount Holly, NJ.
I photograph families, children, adults, couples, and other individuals. My portrait photography style has a fine art look, with my images having a painterly look to them.
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 While I do photograph standard portraits as well, I love creating more creative images. I use lighting, outfits, props, and homemade backdrops to achieve this type of look for my clients. My images are focused more on expression and connection with the individuals being photographed than the scenes.
Be sure visit my Family Portraits Page for more info
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In addition to portraits, I am also a Professional headshot photographer Philadelphia and New Jersey. I photograph corporate headshots, entertainers, small business owners, and other professionals. 
Be sure to visit my Headshots Page for more info
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If you would like to learn more about Michael Iorio Photography and my services, please visit the my site at www.miorioportraits.com
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billthedrake · 2 years
(This is a story is a little departure from my normal, with bisexual content.)
I treaded water in the pool and watched my sister in law ease into the water.
The fucked up thing about Texas weather is that vacations were never at times I thought of as normal vacation. Up north, I'd spent my summers at the Shore. But the Bryants tended to work during the summer and shut down the office in April for a big family vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant rented a big sprawling house in South Padre Island. I'd say Cheryl and I were invited, but it was actually assumed we'd be going.
The only downside was that Cheryl and the Bryant women were in fucking planning mode for a month leading up to it. It was like that with them. Needing everything to be perfect. Courtney's baby shower, Cheryl's and my wedding. And now two weeks vacation: activities, meals, what to wear, a photographer for the annual family photo. Jesus. I mean, I guess I was glad they were taking care of some things, but I missed my family's low key approach to vacation. Load up the car, grill out burgers every night, be lazy.
That's why I was enjoying this quiet time. It was late afternoon. Mrs. Bryant was watching after Little Mike, giving the parents another needed break. Cheryl and her dad had stayed at the beach longer, Cheryl pretending to be engrossed in a book, but I knew they were now off fucking somewhere. Dan volunteered to make dinner - steaks and salad.
That left me to flirt with his wife.
"You're looking great, Courtney," I said as I eyed up her form. Probably not an appropriate thing to say but it was a sincere compliment. And everyone in Texas seemed to say inappropriately sexual things under the guise that it was "harmless flirting." That practice was rubbing off on me.
After all, Dan's wife was smoking hot. She'd been a cheerleader at the college where Dan played football. Yeah, total cliche. Courtney was sweet, shorter than Cheryl and even more feminine. Total southern sorority girl with auburn brown hair and soulful brown eyes and a homecoming queen smile plastered on all that time. No matter where she was she seemed to stand in a way that pushed her tits out.
Courtney Bryant had a hell of a pair of tits on her. Motherhood had made those hooters swell up, and the one piece she had on looked like it would bust any second.
"Thanks, Nick," she smiled. "I'm still trying to lose the baby weight, but that's sweet of you to say."
I treaded closer to her. "I'm not bullshiting, Court... I'm surprised you're not in a two-piece." She blushed, but I was on the verge of going to far. "I bet Dan really appreciates what you got going on." Bringing it back to her husband.
"Maybe," she said, flirting back with her eyes.
It wasn't the Jersey Shore, but the Gulf was growing on me. The pool, the tricked-out rental house, another step in being part of the Bryant family.
I was about up the wall in horniness, too. Not having work to distract me, and being around three people I'd had sex with and another I wanted to fuck was driving me insane.
I'd sucked Big Daddy's cock that first night, right in the front seat of his SUV when we went on an errand to pick up more ice. And Cheryl and I had found some private time. I'd even tasted Mark on her one afternoon while I licked her cunt.
But it wasn't enough. That's why I was flirting with Courtney more than was right. Harmless, my ass.
She wasn't biting, not yet, but I could tell she was interested. Probably the same way she was interested in Mark. I wondered if all cheerleaders were sluts, then a wicked part of me guessed Mark Bryant would only approve of a certain type of woman for Dan. Courtney was that kind of woman.
A slut.
I was warming her up. My dick wasn't hard but it was chubbed under the water as she began letting her guard down and as her eye contact grew heavier.
"Nick!" It was Dan, who'd stepped out to the pool area. "Think you could give me a hand, buddy? I think the propane needs changing on the grill."
I gave a wink to Courtney. "Sorry to leave you on your lonesome, miss," I joked. "Your husband needs me.
Courtney just flashed me her sorority smile and cooed, "You know where to find me." A joke, but not.
I swam to the ladder and climbed out, dripping on the concrete and thankful for April Gulf shores sun.
As I went around the deck, I saw Dan crouched down, fiddling with the feed hose. He was shirtless and wearing medium-length trunks. His body was meaty and the tan showed off his latest gym gains well. He looked up at me, laughing with an apologetic tone. "I've never actually changed one of these before," he admitted.
I laughed and patted his bare back as I squatted next to him. I loved feeling the warmth of him next next to me and that chlorine, suntan lotion smell. "Leave it to the grill master," I boasted. I undid the hose. "Hold the tank," I instructed and in short order we pulled that one off and put the replacement in its place.
I'd screwed on the hose, the last part, when I saw Dan's eyes looking at me. That look again.
"I need it, Nick," he said softly. "You told me to tell you." God he acted like a kid sometimes.
I rubbed his strong lats in a soothing back and forth motion. "I got ya, man. Go up to my room, and I'll meet you there in a couple."
He nodded, excited and embarrassed. "Thanks, man. I tried to hold off, but... I just need it."
"Go on," I encouraged in a whisper.
I was rock hard in my trunks now as I took one more look of that Texas beef walking inside. I peeped around and saw Courtney lying on a float in the pool, almost napping, those tits poking up obscenely. If I didn't get to those breasts, I thought, no way Big Daddy wouldn't get his hands on those. Fuck.
I then went to the other side to make sure Mark's SUV wasn't there. Coast clear.
Then I went indoors, into the air conditioning. I could hear Mrs. Bryant playing with Little Mike in the next room. I tiptoed in, but even if she heard me everything seemed normal. I was just coming in for a bit. Maybe to take a nap.
I opened the room door enough to slip in and shut it behind me. Already Mark was on the bed, naked and rock hard. His tanned muscle looked magnificent displayed for me, his beefy arm up behind his head, the dirty blond arm pit hair a contrast to the white spot where his pit hadn't seen much sun.
I unlaced my trunks, feeling hard as a rock. "You did right, bro," I assured him. "Coming to me like that."
This was the first time we'd actually done anything since that fateful Thursday after the gym. Dan seemed relieved by my words. "I wasn't sure Nick.... I just get so horny." Already he was spreading his legs in invitation.
I walked around the bed and found the lube. I didn't normally have to use it but Cheryl had been letting me do her ass more lately. I unplopped the cap and squirted a good deal on my hardon.
Dan watched, pure excitement on his face. "You got an amazing body, Nick," he said softly as I got onto the bed with him. "An amazing dick, too."
I smiled, but that was my only acknowledgment of his compliment. I lifted his legs, parting them as I raised them.
"Not gonna be much foreplay today, kid." Dan was three years older than me, so I didn't know why I called him kid. Just felt right.
He nodded. "It's OK..." then, "I'm your cunt."
"Fuck, Dan," I grunted, in a tone that told him those words turned me on. With a bit of "where's your fucking self respect" thrown in there. I pushed my dick against his hot pucker. He'd greased up with something already. Crisco. Vaseline. Something. It was gonna be a slick fuck. I pressed in.
Maybe Dan was just worked up. Jonesing for a fix like a true junkie. But his hole opened up a hell of a lot easier this time. It took me ten seconds to work him open and bottom out.
I leaned down and kissed him. A sexual kiss, but loving too. I liked the dumb lug, a lot. "Your Nick's got you, bro," I announced. Then I started fucking the shit out of him.
He let out an involuntary cry, so I clamped a hand on his slut mouth. But his eyes went wide and told me the whole story. Dan Byrant, Golden Boy, big rack of Texas football beef, fucking loved this.
I wasn't even trying to go all alpha on his ass. I just knew we didn't have a lot of time to play with, and I knew I needed to get my nut without too much buildup.
But seeing and feeling his sexual thrill, I really went for it. Tearing into his hole. Rapid jackrabbit thrusts that hammered his prostate.
Dan Bryant fucking came, hands free, spurting his hot, built up seed between our built, warm bodies.
I was five seconds behind him. The idea I'd made him cum tripped my wires. That and his clenching guts practically milking my boner. I was beyond comparing load sizes, but Dan was getting one of my better ones.
I smiled, feeling the post-sex endorphins kick in, and removed my hand from his mouth.
"Whoa," Dan hissed, keeping quiet.
"Yeah, that was hot," I admitted. I caressed the guy's cheek, like a lover, then slowly pulled out of him.
I smiled as I watched that cum ooze right out Dan's fucked-open hole, as the poor guy tried to clench it shut.
He laughed, now, I guess feeling he had no other response than to laugh at how slutty he looked.
"You need me to clean you off, Nick?" he asked.
I thought for a minute he was offering to get me a rag or something. But it sunk in. "Yeah," I replied and was gratified to see my bro-in-law get on his knees and start licking my spent cock clean. While I massaged his hair lovingly.
I finally had to pull him off. "Enough buddy. We gotta get back down."
"Yeah," he acknowledged. He went to find his trunks and pull them on. "Um... thanks, Nick. You're the best, bro."
I stepped up to him and grabbed some of that meaty delt muscle, squeezing it affectionately. "You're keeping it in the family, bro. Right?"
He nodded, like an admonished child. "Oh yeah, promise, Nick. I swear."
"Good man," I said with a final pat on his shoulder. "Now go get a start on dinner," I said with a wink. "I'm fucking starving."
Dan was in a fantastic mood the rest of that trip. Maybe I was, too. We kept up our morning runs and bodyweight workouts to stay in shape. We tossed football and played volleyball on the beach. I taught him how to man a fucking grill and how not to overcook a hamburger.
And yeah, we had another session, making out deep before I had him get down and service my cock. I'd been working a lot at R.C. Pool Supply... Mark wasn't lying about getting his money's worth from me. This vacation gave me a chance to unload, in every way.
"Damn, that's incredible, brother," I said, running my fingers through the back of Dan's head as he nursed the dribbles of my cock. We were in the front seat of Dan's SUV, parked in a deserted lot. It was so much like my first night sucking Big Daddy. My dick wasn't going down now. Fuck, I needed to get laid more.
The Golden Boy finally pulled off. Even at 30, he was youthful and real good looking. The exercise regiment had taken off some of that excess padding, and no two ways about it, Dan Bryant was fuckable as hell.
And proud. "You liked that, Nick?" he asked eagerly.
I gave a soft growl. "You know damn well I did. Came like a motherfucker..."
"I'm glad," he said. I could tell he had a hardon in his shorts. Maybe he'd get off later. "So, Nick," he asked. "Can I ask you for some advice?"
I pulled up my shorts and nodded. "Yeah, buddy, what is it?"
He seemed embarrassed to say what was on his mind. "Maybe you know this, I don't know... but Daddy kind of handles all my finances. You know, mine and Courtney's."
"I didn't know that, bud," I said. It wasn't a surprise though.
Dan blushed. I could tell this was hard for him. "Well, I wanna take more responsibility for things, but I'm wondering if, like, you could help me out, Nick.... I know you're real good at business and numbers and stuff."
"I'd be glad to, Dan," I assured him.
He seemed relieved. "God, I feel so dumb."
Dan was dumb. But he was there for me, and I was gonna be there for him. I patted his leg, feeling that impressive strength in his quads. "Seriously, brother, I'm happy to help. We'll get you on a good plan."
That smile just about melted any bit of hardness in me. "I love you brother... you're the best," he said softly.
"Love you, too, man," I replied. And like that we were kissing, softly, romantically. We had our alone time and an empty parking lot and I guess we were gonna make the best of it.
Dan's paw gripped my crotch again, feeling the hardness that was roaring back. "I love your dick, brother," he grinned, looking into my eyes as he felt me up.
"You got a good touch, Dan," I smirked.
He nodded, running his fingers up and down my ridge. Then pulling down the shorts again. "If you want... we can get in the backseat, Nick and I'll... I'll be your cunt."
"Fuck yeah," I hissed.
My brother-in-law had taken the edge off with the blowjob, so I was feeling less urgent and more playful as got into the back, pulling down the seat for more room. Maybe we were taking a little chance doing it, but the place seemed pretty deserted at that hour, and it felt naughty having car sex like a couple of horny teenagers.
We stripped down and exposed our well built bodies - mine trim, Dan's beefy.
That big beefy body was getting into a face down position and hiking his ass back at me.
"Damn, kid," I growled, leaning in to munch on his hole. I didn't go crazy with the foreplay, but I wasn't in a rush for this round, so enjoyed tonguing that tight pucker of his.
Finally, I was getting pretty turned on. "So... Dan, buddy... I didn't bring any lube... did you?"
The guy looked back and shook his head. "Nah, Nick. But you can fuck me without it. I... um, kind of want to try it that way."
I was pretty recharged for round two but those words made my boner throb. I leaned over on top of that meaty ex-jock body and nestled my rigid prick between his buns. There was some slickness left from my spit, but mostly that had dried. I reached down and lined up my dick to his hole and I pushed past the ring.
"AW FUCK!" Dan grunted. Not outright pain, but some discomfort for sure. I paused instantly and patted his cheek.
"You OK, kid?" I asked, concerned but rock hard three inches inside him.
He nodded. "Oh yeah, Nick. I'm rock hard right now."
I pressed on. That hole was crazy tight. Almost too tight. Almost. As I pressed on, I savored just how different this was from pussy and I knew I'd want to do this again.
I started fucking. Not exactly rough, but hard. And the sound of Dan's excitement was palpable and just egged me on. He haadn't gotten off yet, and as I pounded him, he raised his hips up and reached down to tug at his cock. Even the dry friction on his cut piece was going to get him off.
"Fuck me, Nick!" he urged. "Fuck my hole, man..." Dan growled and like that, the big guy was cumming on my cock and spraying his sperm on the back of the car.
I was pretty worked up now, and the feel of his clenching guts milked me off for a second time. I orgasmed inside him and then collapsed momentarily on his warm back.
Maybe I expected shy Dan to return after we mated like that, but as we uncoupled and got our shorts back on, he looked over at me with a grin. "I'm glad you're my brother, Nick," he said with shocking sincerity.
"You, too, man," I grinned back and patted his bare shoulder. Then as I pulled on my T-shirt, I added, "We should get back."
"Yeah," he grinned. "Thanks for that fuck man. I guess I've been horny all week."
"I got ya, kid," I winked and we got out and got back into the front seat.
Dan wasn't the only one horny all week.
I wouldn't say that rough fuck with Dan drained me, cause I had a wicked case of morning wood the next morning. But the satisfaction lasted a good solid day, which was a good thing. Cheryl woke up with a case of morning sickness, so there would be no sex in the cards that day. I looked after her and let her rest.
Big Daddy was in his full grandpa mode, looking after Little Mark at the beach, while Dan and Courtney talked with Helen about the town news and preschool plans for Little Mark.
I swam and read and dozed on the beach. Then figured I'd go back and check on Cheryl.
"Anyone need anything?" I asked.
Big mistake. Turns out everyone had some food and drink request from the beach house.
"I'll help you, Nick," Courtney giggled as he she got up, those perky post-pregnancy tits bouncing. She'd gone with the two-piece that day and fuck.... I was tempted to slather them with sunscreen myself.
"Thanks, Court," I grinned. Low-key flirty but nothing too much. Not with my brother-in-law right there.
We made small talk as we walked back to the house. On the way, we passed Cheryl, who was looking pretty amazing in her bikini. She was five months in and sporting the start of a baby bump.
"Hey guys," she greeted. "Didn't want the day to go by."
I stepped up and gave her a husbandly kiss. "Hey babe... was just coming to check on you. Feeling better?"
"Oh yeah, thanks hon. Heading in already?" she asked.
"Just getting some food and drink for the gang," Courtney replied. "You need anything?"
Cheryl smiled. "No, I'm fine. See you out there," she said.
As my pregnant wife walked down to the beach and Courtney and I walked up, I couldn't keep my eyes off my smoking hot sister in law. God, I was a grade-A schmuck, but I'd been one since moving to Texas. Why stop now?
"You went with the two=piece today, Court," I smirked, feeling chubbed in my swim trunks.
She grinned. "You told me I should," she said.
"Absolutely," I shot back. "A bod like that, you definitely shouldn't be shy."
"You're sweet, Nick," Courtney replied in a coquettish giggle.
"Hardly," I said. "More like a wolf in the hen house." Making a joke about my lust. Putting it out there with a hint of deniability.
We stepped inside and felt the air conditioning. I paused and had to look at Courtney's big-titted body head on. It was clear what I was thinking. And where my eyes were. I knew Little Mike was eating baby food, so Courtney was probably no longer breast feeding, but damn those jugs were full and made an insane cleavage in the bikini.
"We're being SO bad," she giggled with a tease in her voice.
Not I was being bad. We were being bad. That was the signal I needed. I stepped up and placed my hands on her trim waist and pulled her to me for a deep kiss.
I was rock hard as we made out. The kiss wasn't a soft kiss but I tried not to be hard charging like I was with her husband. Courtney may be a slut, but she was a woman, a delicate machine you couldn't manhandle.
"Up to my room?" I grinned as my fingers caressed her soft skin.
She nodded with a giggle.
I stripped off and felt strangely proud of my rigid boner. I actually grunted as Courntey pulled off her top and let those massive breasts out.
"Fuck, Court, those are amazing."
"Yeah?" she feigned surprised. She knew her rack was top 2 percentile hot. A stacked woman like that doesn't get through life without that knowledge.
"Yeah," I grunted. "Let me feel em, babe." My kisses might have held back, but I manhandled those tits. Cupped them, squeezed them, and leaned down to lick them. "I could play with these all day, Court, but maybe we don't have a lot of time," I hissed urgently.
"I'm being such a BAD girl," she cooed as he sat on the bed and pulled off the bottoms of her swim suit. There was a perfect pussy. Just the right proportion of labia to creamy insides, and a perfectly maintained landing strip of dark brown hair. I got down between her legs and went down on the cunt.
"Oh shit Nick!" she gasped with a suppressed ticklish laugh as I ate her out. "Lick my pussy," she encouraged.
I did and pretty soon felt those fingernails claw at my skull as I brought her off to a first orgasm. I kept licking to prime the pump then kissed up her body. Our mouths met in an electrical connection. I'd been wanting to fuck Courtney Bryant for so long and now it was happening. My iron-hard spike pressed into the folds of her cunt.
Our mating was quick. Not rushed, but we were sneaking around our spouses' backs and didn't have a lot of time. I hammered Courntey's hot body, putting as much athleticism in to my fuck thrusts as possible. I didn't know for sure how Dan fucked her, but I wanted to make her know she'd gotten Brennan fucked.
The slut came again as I pounded her pussy, and as he gripped my back muscle I gave it up. Heavy cum spurts in her cunt. It was like I hadn't gotten off in weeks.
We giggled together as we came back down to earth. Maybe a little embarrassed at how out of control we'd gotten.
"Damn, Court, that was incredible," I said, taking another cop of her magnificent tit.
"Nick Brennan..." he cooed as she leaned up with a smile on her face and reached for her discarded swimsuit. "Here I thought you were the sweet, mild mannered man."
I grinned as I stood up, my dick still half hard. "Even us sweet guys have our weaknesses," I flirted.
I looked over at the clock. "Shit... I better get the food to take out."
Courtney laughed. I worried she'd be offended by the wham-bam approach, but she wasn't dumb. We were taking a risk.
All I'll say is that sorority smile and poise was amazing to see as we walked back to the beach with refreshments for everyone. Just like nothing had happened.
"Nick," Dan greeted as we walked up. "Just the man I've been waiting for... feel like some volleyball? A couple of dudes down the way have a game going."
"You bet, Danny Boy," I said as I set down the bag. "Those guys better get ready to have your their asses kicked."
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sanguinescorpios · 3 years
Still Alive
dream x f!reader
summary | Just under 20 years ago, the world slipped from humanity’s grasp and fell into the lap of mutant creatures. While most humans hid from the variants, some, like reader, grew restless in the bases they grew up in and needed out. What will happen when reader realizes that she doesn’t stand a chance in the wild on her own, and can something deeper blossom from a survival-based alliance? 
warnings | none!
word count | 1.7k
I had never seen a flower before. At least, not that I could remember. Things like that didn’t exist within the confines of the city walls, the beautiful, living things. The things that reminded you you were alive. My gaze fixated on the object before I even knew what I was looking at. Its petals swirled with pinks and purples, hues I had only seen in worn-out wool and peeling paint. Deep emerald leaves adorned a similarly colored stem, all woven together intricately and standing out amidst the field of brown. I marveled at the plant, bending down to hold it delicately between two fingers. It was incredible, even better than in photographs.
I spent months looking through the old textbooks Zoe had found, simply admiring the anatomy of different flowers and plants from the Old World. She was so excited to show me. I can still picture her jumping up and down as she entered my room in her tattered sports jersey and two-sizes-too-big jeans, a huge stack of books cradled like a child in her arms. Her tight curls were always pulled up into two buns, perfectly placed on the top of her head and bouncing with her childlike movements. I had quirked up an eyebrow at her as she wordlessly dropped her findings on my cot with a thump.
“Books,” she had said, looking at me with a newfound glimmer in her eye, “textbooks. We can learn!”
There was plenty of other information in those textbooks, but the flowers fascinated me. They caught my attention not just for their beauty, but for their mechanics, too. As I read, I began to appreciate how their roots anchored them to the earth, how their stems acted as passageways for water and nutrients, how they came in so many shapes, shades, and sizes. I wanted to know everything I could about them. I had always been that way, I guess.
A nearly foreign feeling emerged in me as a smile curled its way onto my face. The muscles were rusty from a long hibernation and they weren’t sure how to react to the sudden use. Dust found its way into my eyes as my cheeks rose with the grin, so I brushed it away quickly. That, I was used to.
“A cosmos,” I said to no one but myself. Of course, it was a cosmos.
The world before me was barren, a bleak expanse of land that seemed to never end. How the fuck was I supposed to survive out here? Despite my extensive studying, I wasn’t necessarily well-versed in survival. I had no protection out here, no roof over my head, and no soldiers with weapons on watch for intruders, or worse, for variants. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought. Variants were the one thing I knew almost nothing about, despite how hard I tried to get information from the watchmen and neighboring families. In all honesty, we didn’t know much about them, just that they didn’t seem to like us too much. One week the world was our terrain and the next it was theirs. I had never met one and I wasn’t planning on doing so, but I no longer had control over that. I chose to leave and there was no turning back.
That didn’t make it any less terrifying.
Adjusting my pack on my back, I grabbed my flask and poured a bit of water over the stubborn flower.
“Hope we make it, little guy.”
One last look at the distant confines I used to call home, then I was walking again, this time never turning back.
. . .
As it turns out, walking across one huge expanse of dust and dirt isn’t very fun! In fact, it’s fucking brutal. I had no idea where I was going, that much was clear not even ten minutes into the journey. Leave the city, that was my only plan. A shit plan, in hindsight. I reached into one of the many pockets of my pack and pulled out my water bottle. Last sip, that’s not good. If I could just go a little longer and reach the forest, I’d be okay. Much of the landscape had been torn apart over the years, but there were still occasional patches of green, at least that’s what I had been told. Just a little farther, surely I would reach it soon.
The hours dragged on, all melding together into one blurry week of sleeping in a ripped tent in the middle of nowhere and barely eating or drinking. When my eyes focused on a small dot of green in the distance, I nearly brought my hands up to rub the mirage from them, but I knew better than to do anything like that before washing. Especially after the week I’ve had, too much dust and not enough water.
I had been preparing for my lunch break when I spotted it, excited to get my hands on my tenth granola bar of the week. All desire for a break left my body, replaced by the desperate need to get to that forest before nightfall. There could be water in there, shelter, food, the possibilities were endless. I picked up my pace, feet moving with fervor despite my obvious exhaustion. My pack threatened to slip off my back, but I ignored it.
I reached the edge of the forest by nightfall, a shudder running through me at the thought of spending the night alone in the dense environment. Anyone or anything could be living here, and they could be hungry. The ground didn’t feel safe, too open and vulnerable of a place to sleep, but the sliver of moonlight shining down on me wasn’t enough to find anywhere else. This would have to do.
A few restless hours passed before I had finally fallen into a deep sleep, my back pressed uncomfortably against a tree and my pack serving as a makeshift pillow. I didn’t bother to set up camp, figuring I’d pick up and move in the morning anyways. I expected to get a few good hours of sleep at least, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, I was shaken awake by unfamiliar hands and a gruff voice.
“Get the fuck up,” the voice barked as my eyes adjusted to the morning light, peering up at the shaded figure looming over me.
“Get. The fuck. Up.” The figure grabbed my pack from underneath my head and I groaned at the rude awakening. In my early morning haziness, I barely questioned the individual’s orders. My body moved before my brain told it to, pulling itself out of the fetal position and standing up, unsteady but sturdy enough.
As I rose to my feet, I took a good look at the person for the first time. He stood tall, towering over my frame with long legs and broad shoulders. Underneath his hood, a mask shielded most of his face from me; it looked to be made of some sort of wood and with the jagged smile that was carved into it, it was borderline terrifying. Dark blond hair toppled out and around the thing, curling messily at the ends. He sported muted green cargo pants and a thick belt bearing a multitude of knives and other weapons I didn’t even want to imagine. A black T-Shirt spread across his torso, strong arms emerging from the sleeves and gloved hands gripping a satchel against his hip. If this went south, I was outmatched.
“What made you think sleeping on the ground was a good idea?” he hissed out a few minutes later as he led me through the trees, taking angry steps at least two yards ahead of me.
“I didn’t have many other options,” I responded simply, not sure what he wanted from me and still groggy with sleep.
“Well, you picked the stupidest option.”
I rolled my eyes, who did this guy think he was? Sure, the ground wasn’t the smartest choice, but it was all I had! I huffed, kicking at a rock as he stopped to check...something — who knows what he was doing.
“You got a name, mask boy?”
He shushed me, holding up his index finger as he looked around at our surroundings.
“It was just a question-”
“Dream,” he cut me off, “now shush.”
He said it simply, like it wasn’t the most absurd name anyone had ever heard, and went right back to surveying the space around us. I poked my head around at him, trying and failing to get this mystery man’s attention.
“Is that your real name?” I inquired, making awkward eye contact with the mesh-covered eyeholes of his mask and wishing I could see his face when he answered. Maybe then I’d know if he was bluffing or not. Or if he planned on killing me.
“It’s what you’ll call me.”
There was a finality in the way he said it, a sternness in his voice that I wasn’t about to argue with. A beat passed in utter silence, me waiting for him to continue the conversation and him already three steps ahead of me on the path. Dream isn’t a chatty guy, noted.
I jogged to catch up to him, slowing as I reached his side. He didn’t seem like he was going to kill me as soon as night fell on the already dark forest, but keeping him in my sight was the safest bet.
“You’re not gonna ask my name?” He turned to face me, raising an eyebrow and bobbing his head as if to say ‘go on’. I gave him my name and he grunted in response — men.
He persevered through the forest, cutting away branches and leaving a green mess in our wake. I had no idea where we were going or why I was following his lead so easily, but he seemed confident and I trusted his confidence more than my own.
“So…” I dragged on, twiddling my thumbs and shooting him a look, “do we have a plan here or are we just gonna wander for the next five hours of daylight?”
He rolled his eyes, letting out an “ugh” as he pushed through another set of leaves. I wasn’t wrong; the sun would be setting soon, and based on how he reacted this morning, he wasn’t a night owl.
“Our camp is set up a few miles north. We should get there before nightfall.”
Did he say our?
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overheardontheferry · 4 years
Below is taken from a post from our Borough President that he posted tonight. #StatenIslandHistory
A year after slavery was abolished in New York State, Capt. John Jackson made history -- he was the first Black man to purchase property on Staten Island on Feb. 23, 1828, in the area today known as Sandy Ground in Rossville.
Further anchoring Sandy Ground’s place in history: It is the oldest continuously inhabited community established by free slaves in North America.
Capt. Jackson was an operator of a ferry on the Blazing Star line, which traveled from the Arthur Kill to New Jersey. It is believed he ferried escaped slaves from the South to Sandy Ground, making it one of the stops on the Underground Railroad.
Sandy Ground was initially known as Harrisville, named for Moses and Silas Harris who later settled in the area in the hopes of finding land suitable for farming. Instead, they found grounds that were “sandy” -- hence its current name.
The Harris brothers introduced one crop that would grow there: strawberries. This became a profitable venture for the brothers as they delivered the strawberries to market themselves, cutting out the middleman.
Soon after, Sandy Ground became home to freed slaves from Maryland who were fleeing restrictive laws that forbid them from gathering for educational and religious purposes. They were also driven away by a law that prohibited them from harvesting for oysters in the Chesapeake Bay unless they were accompanied by an 18-year-old white male.
At Sandy Ground, they found abundant oyster beds in the Arthur Kill by Prince’s Bay. With that came economic stability, but more importantly, they found freedom from persecution.
Sandy Ground grew to include 108 families with Rossville AME Zion Church as the community anchor.
The founder and first minister of the church was William H. Pitts, a Virginia-born African Methodist Episcopal Zion minister who purchased land in Sandy Ground in May 1849 and began holding prayer services in his home, according to the City Landmarks Preservation Commission. The church was formally recognized in December 1850. Two years later, the congregation purchased land on Crabtree Avenue to build a church, along with an adjoining cemetery. By 1890, the congregation had outgrown the simple clapboard church and built a new church at its present-day site at 584 Bloomingdale Road.
Rossville AME Zion Church was also renowned for its camp meetings, open-air barbecues, clambakes and other social events that drew hundreds of participants both Black and white.
The church was designated a New York City landmark in 2011 -- the cemetery already had landmark status. The Rev. Issac Coleman and Rebecca Gray Coleman House and two “baymen’s cottages” were also granted landmark status in 2011. The two identical cottages, built between 1887 and 1898, housed the oystermen.
Today, Sandy Ground is home to 10 families who are descendants of the original settlers and who still worship at Rossville AME Zion Church. The Sandy Ground Historical Society holds photographs, exhibitions and tours to document its place in history.
In further recognizing Sandy Ground’s legacy of freedom, one of the new Staten Island ferryboats that will be put into service has been christened The Sandy Ground.
(Photo courtesy of the Sandy Ground Historical Society: Oystermen at Sandy Ground, circa 1897).
Next time: In our next installment, we will tell the story of Sydney Howard Gay, a prominent abolitionist and key operator of the Underground Railroad who lived on Staten Island from 1848 to 1888.
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photoghraphy · 1 year
Visual Love Stories: Wedding Videographers in South New Jersey
In the southern reaches of the Garden State, where beauty meets romance, wedding videographers in South New Jersey are crafting visual love stories that transcend time. These talented professionals are the custodians of your cherished moments, ensuring that the magic of your special day lives on forever.
When it comes to capturing the essence of your wedding in South New Jersey, these videographers are the true magicians. They are well-versed in the region's diverse landscapes, from the serene beaches of Cape May to the rustic charm of the Pine Barrens. With such a picturesque backdrop, wedding videographers in South New Jersey have the perfect canvas to weave your love story into a captivating film.
South New Jersey offers a myriad of wedding venues, from historic estates in Princeton to waterfront resorts in Atlantic City. Each location possesses its unique charm and character. Wedding videographers in South New Jersey understand the importance of preserving these individual elements, tailoring their storytelling to reflect the spirit of your chosen venue.
The role of wedding videographers in South New Jersey goes far beyond simply recording events. They are storytellers, passionate about their craft. They understand that your love story is unique and deserves to be told in a way that resonates with your personalities and preferences. Whether you dream of a cinematic masterpiece or a candid documentary, there's a South New Jersey videographer to bring your vision to life.
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What sets wedding videographers in South New Jersey apart is their dedication and artistry. They don't just document your wedding; they create a cinematic experience that captures every emotion, every smile, and every tear. Their keen eye for detail ensures that no moment goes unnoticed, no memory fades away.
Moreover, these videographers in South New Jersey understand the importance of a seamless collaboration with other wedding vendors. They work harmoniously with photographers, planners, and other professionals to ensure that every aspect of your day is captured flawlessly, creating a harmonious visual symphony.
Choosing the right wedding videographer in South New Jersey is a decision that will last a lifetime. Their ability to not only capture but also evoke the emotions of your day is a gift that keeps on giving. Your wedding video will become a cherished family heirloom, a testament to your love, and a source of joy for generations to come.
In conclusion, wedding videographers in South New Jersey are the artists who transform your wedding day into a visual masterpiece. Their expertise, dedication, and ability to craft personalized love stories make them an essential part of your wedding team. So, when you're planning your wedding in South New Jersey, prioritize finding the perfect wedding videographer to document your unique and unforgettable love story.
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