#Sandy Ground
captainkingsley · 1 month
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this moment was 100% intentional
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
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pokemonlolitaproject · 3 months
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Hey Pokemon fashion fans, while I'm not back entirely I'm well enough that I can actually take my meds again and not so sick that I'd be asleep for 18 hours so I thought I'd work on a thing! As requested by m100565 a coord inspired by Pokemon #989 Sandy Shocks
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I can't say I'm back to the posting (almost) every day format that I try to do but I will start posting more occasionally till I can get to that stage.
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Best Underdog Ground Type 🏜️
Round 2 - Match 15
Our Contestants:
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This poll is part of an event that allows the early eliminees from the main tournament have more time in the spotlight!
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andrewberry · 6 months
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Pokemon #989: Sandy Shocks
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 months
i need to be in the mountains rn fr
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annabalee · 7 months
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One of my favorite places to be especially after taking mushrooms 🍄
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echidnana · 6 months
ok hello I'm a sort of new split and need to figure out a name bc I've been signing off all of my journal entries as "new split" so. does anyone have name recommendations that are like. brown? not sure how to describe it, but names that are the color brown
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alternautxyz · 1 year
guys guyg uys the monkie kid soundtrack would have such a stranglehold of me if they actually released it i need the soundtrack out now
like the score is an essential part of so many of the most iconic parts of the show it adds so much emotion and gravity to the scenes
and i would honestly listen to it on its own on repeat is so good sounding with the melding of different genres of music
i know nothing about how music works but i’d really like to analyze all the the leitmotifs and sounds associated with all the characters and it would be a whole lot easier if they officially released it
anyways look at this please
tldr muisc goob pls giv eitt o us aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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aedee3 · 4 months
Sharing this here, because I am proud of it. I’ve always wanted to try to write a fic, but have always been extremely intimidated.
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Holocene the Sandy Shocks
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Sandy Shocks here is my favorite of the Past Paradoxes.  It is also truly feels like the biggest paradox.  How the heck do you have modern magnets in the prehistoric past?  It is this fact that made the Holocene epoch seem a fitting one to go with, as it is the most modern era, the one we’re even currently in, in fact.
EDIT : Apologies to those who may be upset that I used BCE in the info. I didn’t think it would be a contentious thing.  In researching the info for this name, the articles I was reading used BCE / CE, rather than BC / AD as descriptors.  From what I gather, these are seen as more scientific terms overall, and more commonly used in scientific and geological research, hence my using them in such entries.  Truthfully, I ended up using it in another upcoming entry as well, because again, when doing research for the entry, that was the term used, had to do with the carbon dating of certain artifacts.  Again, no offense is meant, I’m simply using scientific terminology.  I think we can probably leave such heavy debates out of me simply explaining why I name my Pokémon as I do, yes?
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b-blushes · 2 years
argh you know that part in the chronic illness/disability cycle where you feel extra unwell and all your symptoms are a bit worse but it's not bad enough to be time for bed rest, and you know you'd feel better if you moved around a little but unfortunately you have no energy to do so and it feels like you'll be at this greater deficit forever? that.
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Best Underdog Ground Type 🏜️
Round 1 - Match 15
Our Contestants:
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This poll is part of an event that allows the early eliminees from the main tournament have more time in the spotlight!
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earthling-wolf · 1 year
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otb-mp3 · 2 years
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voidcanarys · 2 months
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Still, there is this terrible desire to be loved.
Still, there is this horror at being left behind.
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