#south park heathers AU
How about Freeze your brain for JD!Michael. I always love your Heathers related posts 🖤
I feel like I have spent so long away from this blog. Because I have 🥴
I’m slowly coming back though, and why not come back with a good old Heathers request?
The timeline is before Bebe’s death, so just ignore the previous Heathers fics where she’s 🪦
I really need to put these in order of songs, but I’m lazy. Eventually I’ll get to it 🤣
Orange: Bebe
Green: Michael
Pink: Reader
Freeze Your Brain
Bebe had managed to convince you to go to yet another highschool party, and even though you wanted to stay home and do your weekend homework, you agreed to be dragged along by the cheer captain. You had just risen up the popularity ranks just by associating with the blonde, and with the taste of freedom you had from bullying and being completely ignored by everyone, it was getting harder and harder to convince yourself to stay home. The sudden attention was like a drug, and you just couldn’t help how good the feeling of being a someone was.
Bebe had picked you up from your house in her brand new, stark white Mercedes. She normally had Wendy and Heidi with her, but you noticed the duo weren’t anywhere to be found. Bebe only offered a very fake sounding greeting when you slid into her car, wasting no time in speeding off almost before you could even shut the door. The radio was blaring some Flo Milli song, one that you’ve heard Bebe play a thousand times before. The blonde swerved a little on the road, her eyes occupied by flicking up and down between the road and her phone, her left thumb hurriedly typing something as she dangerously multitasked.
“Ah, shit. Clyde wants something from the store. If I pull over, can you run inside?” Bebe asked, not even looking at you. Her tone didn’t sound inquisitive as much as it sounded like demanding, but you didn’t care to fight with her at the moment. “Sure.” you replied, looking out of your window. Coincidentally, there was a 7/11 just a little up the road, and Bebe almost slung you from your seat when she made a sharp turn to pull into the convenience store. “Okay, Clyde wants a root beer and a pack of condoms. Oh, and I want some corn nuts.” the blonde informed you, making no move to grab her wallet to hand you some cash. Why would she? You couldn’t count on one hand how many times you’ve ended up footing the bill for your popular friends.
Stepping out of the car, you pulled down the hem of the almost too short dress that you had on, making sure your behind was covered. “You should pull your tits up. Make your cleavage bigger. That creepy guy is working the register, maybe he’ll give you something for free.” Bebe offered, giving you a once over. “I’ll keep that in mind, thanks.” you huffed, adjusting your breasts to accentuate them a little more. Grabbing your wallet, you turned from the car, shutting the door and beginning your trek to the door. Reaching out to grab the handle, you stopped in your place, Bebe’s voicing alarming you. “(Y/N)!!! Don’t forget the corn nuts! It’s not a party without corn nuts!!!” she yelled, as if she wasn’t just a few feet away. “BQ or plain?” you asked, pulling the door open. “BQ!” she yelled back, disgusted by the fact you even had to ask.
You sighed, walking into the chilly store. Making a bee line to the chip isle, you grabbed Bebe’s precious barbecue corn nuts. Skimming the isles, you found the condoms, and grabbed a box, trying to hide them under the back of snacks in your hand. Walking to the fridges, you began your search for some root beer, happy to get the hell out of the store and finally to the party you so desperately just wanted to get to. As you closed the door and turned to your left, you were scared by the presence of that mysterious new guy you’ve been seeing at school. Placing your free hand on your chest, you blew out a sigh of relief, the tall male laughing at your reaction.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I frighten you?” Michael asked, a smirk pulling at his lips. Giving a glare, you readjusted everything in your hands, cocking your hip to the side as you stared up at him in mock anger. “No. I just wasn’t aware that a giant was going to be standing right next to me.” you said, playful tones on your words. “Giant? That’s a new one.” Michael chuckled, looking at your bounty. “Corn nuts, root beer, and condoms. Sounds like you’re in for a crazy night.” he commented, causing you to become flustered. “Oh, they’re not mine. I’m going to a party and just needed to grab some things.” you replied, looking anywhere but at the curly headed male.
“Going to a party with condoms still sounds like a crazy night.” he picked. Giving an aggravated sigh, you made a move to walk past him, stopping in your tracks when he stepped infront of you. “Hey, I’ve got to go. Bebe’s waiting on me in the car.” you said, eyebrows furrowing in agitation as you looked at him. “Oh, a threesome? I didn’t peg you for the type.” Michael quipped, chuckling at his own statement. “Well, at least it’s better than just creeping around at a damn convenience store.” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at his words. “It’s my palace.” he replied, shrugging his shoulders. Turning away from you, he made his way to the Icee machine. “Palace? What, like you live here?” you asked, following him.
You watched as he grabbed a cup and filled it up with the frozen blue liquid, putting a lid on it and grabbing a straw. “No. But it’s been the only source of comfort that I’ve indulged in for years. I come and get my icee, and I just feel like I’m home again.” he finally answered, taking a sip of his slushy. “What do you mean?” you asked, carefully leaning against the drink counter so as to not get anything sticky on your dress. Michael looked into your eyes for a moment, then scanned the interior of the 7/11 you were occupying.
I've been through ten high schools
They start to get blurry
No point planting roots
'Cause you're gone in a hurry
My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den
So it's only a matter of when
You watched as he explained his story to you. Rumours had been circulating that Michael was a troubled kid, which is why he just showed up so suddenly. Of course, rumors managed to circulate about anybody. You cringed remembering when you had first moved to town and everyone kept asking you if it was true that you had to move because you were caught sleeping with one of your old teachers. Something about Michael made you think he wasn’t actually such a bad guy.
I don't learn the names
Don't bother with faces
All I can trust is this concrete oasis
Seems every time I'm about to despair
There's a 7-Eleven right there
He was kind of right. Moving around so often must be a disorienting thing. One minute, you’re settled in thinking that you would be dandy and live there for while. Then the next, you’re leaving behind a life that you had already prepared yourself for. It must be hard to have to up and move your whole life. Michael’s obsession with 7/11’s must be a kind of rock in his life, something that’s so similar despite his life not having been so steady.
Each store is the same
From Las Vegas to Boston
Linoleum aisles that I love to get lost in
I pray at my altar of slush
Yeah, I live for that sweet frozen rush
Slushies must be a staple for him was all you could thing. Kind of like a safety blanket. Whenever he was troubled, he would go get a slushie, and thinks would seem just right for a little bit. It may be a frozen drink, but it was just as comforting as a stuffed animal or a hoodie that just felt good. Michael sucked some more of the slush through the straw, his lips tinted blue from the staining of the syrup.
Freeze your brain
Suck on that straw
Get lost in the pain
Happiness comes
When everything numbs
Who needs cocaine?
Freeze your brain
Freeze your brain
He offered the cup out to you, the straw pointing in your direction. “Care for a hit?” he joked, shaking the cup slightly. You smirked at him, rolling your eyes. “Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?” you inquired, watching as his eyes softened, but the smile never left his face. “Not anymore.” he stated, setting his cup down.
When mom was alive
We lived halfway normal
But now it's just me and my dad
We're less formal
I learned to cook pasta
I learned to pay rent
Learned the world doesn't owe you a cent
You wanted to implode at your previous comment. How were you to know his mother had passed? You barely knew anything about Michael as it is, it was simply a mistake on your part. Feeling bad, you just continued listening to him, not knowing what to say. He didn’t seem to get along very well with his father. It was unfair he had to grow up so soon. He never got to experience a normal life, instead having to take care of himself. You were snapped out of your thoughts when he suddenly grabbed your hands, turning your full attention to him.
You're planning your future, (F/N) (L/N)
You'll go to some college and marry a lawyer
But the sky's gonna hurt when it falls
So you'd better start building some walls
Scoffing at his assumption that your life wouldn’t be smooth sailing, you wanted to just get your shit and get back to Bebe. Being annoyed was definitely better than having someone assume your future would go to shit. You worked extremely hard to get a full ride scholarship, so Michael can take that fact and shove it where the sun didn’t shine.
But he was right. Having a safety net was a given, especially since you wanted to go miles and miles away just to go to Harvard. Maybe you’d pick up going to a 7/11 like he does. It’s a cheap form of therapy, and the peace he seemed to get made him happier, gave him a twinkle in his eye you didn’t see before.
Freeze your brain
Swim in the ice
Get lost in the pain
Shut your eyes tight
'Til you vanish from sight
Let nothing remain
A part of you understood his negative outlook on life. Sometimes it throws punches left and right, and no matter how hard you try to defend yourself, you end up getting knocked flat on your ass. To him, you imagined the slush as a drug. Something that takes away the pain and suffering just for a moment. Something that makes you feel human again. A brain freeze is better than the headache that life gives you.
Freeze your brain
Shatter your skull
Fight pain with more pain
Forget who you are
Unburden your load
Forget in six weeks
You'll be back on the road
When the voice in your head
Says you're better off dead
Don't open a vein
Just freeze your brain
Freeze your brain
Go on and freeze your brain
Michael lifted his cup and he offered it to you once again, his eyebrow raised as he waited on your response.
Try it
You broke from your thoughts and smirked up at Michael, shaking your head. “I can’t. You seem like you need it more than me. Maybe next time.” you remarked, looking away from the hand that offered the blue slushy goodness. The taller man smiled and shrugged. “Next time? You already want to see me again?” he quipped, taking delight in the blush that crossed your face. You turned on your heel, finally trying to make your way to the cashier. “I said maybe. Although, you aren’t bad to look at.” you responded, walking away from the male. Placing your items on the counter, you pulled out your debit card, remembering Bebe’s tip about the cashier. You leaned your elbows on the counter, pushing your breasts a little closer together and effectively saving a few bucks when the cashier opted to not ring up Bebe’s corn nuts.
Paying for what you needed to, you stepped to the door, raising your hand to push it open. Looking back, you caught Michael’s eye once more, sending a wink in his direction as you left the building and headed back to Bebe’s car. “It took you fucking long enough!” the blonde griped, snatching her snack out of your hand. “Sorry, I was fixing my tits so I could get your nuts for free.” you replied, putting your seatbelt on. “It works, everytime.” Bebe replied, shoving a handful of the snack into her mouth. You stayed silent, your eyes still locked on Michael through the windshield of the car. As Bebe zoomed off, you couldn’t help but wonder when the next time you were going to run into him was.
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riships · 2 months
South Park Heathers AU but with the roles id give each character
Veronica Sawyer- Yentl (I dont have a surname hc for her yet)
Jason Dean- Eric Cartman
Heather Chandler- Bebe Stevens
Heather Duke- Red McArthur
Heather McNamara- Wendy Testaburger
Kurt Kelley- Craig Tucker
Ram Sweeney- Tweek Tweak
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xelleanorx · 11 months
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a heathers x south park au anyone?
so wendy is veronica and bebe will be heather chandler.
the group name is "the lists" which i refrence from the list episode
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southparkhcsocs · 5 months
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I'm gonna work on the comic tomorrow I promise
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thatonetotaldramaguy · 6 months
Hello again fellow tumblr humans,
I have found more drawing I’ve done in za last 2-3 months😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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First one is of MK
Second is Bibble(it was for a friend’s birthday card)
Third is more of my ocs( Colette and Melanie)
Fourth is a redrew of that one scene in total drama world tour(with Courtney and Heather)( I think it’s from the Jamaica episode)
Fifth is Stan Marsh( probably the first piece of South Park content I’ve posted)
Sixth is a quick drawing I did of Gwen
Seventh is a drawing I did of Gwen based off of itsalixxxx’s ( on TikTok) band AU design of Gwen
The final drawing is of Courtney and Gwen( I was experimenting with my artstyle)
Yeah I’m still getting used to having my own artstyle which is why the style keeps zigzagging everywhere
Hope ya like them!!!😁😁😁🔥🔥🔥🔥
Please don’t repost my art as your own cause it takes a while to make😁😁😁😁
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milooo8096 · 1 year
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so, i just finished heathers the musical and this happened
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clarityroses · 9 months
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I am going insane :D
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organicmilka · 1 year
South Park x Heathers
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Random Idea
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lizzardcorn · 1 year
Also my favourite thing to do is make aus with two or more hyperfixations
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star-shine-s · 2 years
Let's go hunt some jocks!
-Our Love Is God, Heather's The Musical
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looking-cool-joker · 8 months
South Park has done irreparable damage to my brain
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Anyways, Meant to be Yours is my absolute favorite song from the musical, so I had so much fun writing this one. I don’t really know how to write yandere, so I did try my hardest, but don’t be disappointed if it’s not yandere enough 🤣
Warnings: firearms, mentions of guns, an actual gun description once or twice, faking of sewerslide (yes, just like in the scene in both the movie and musical), extreme violence in the name of society, mention of bombs, mention of terrorist act
It had finally come. The night of the pep rally was here and you were in your bedroom, getting ready to go spend time with Heidi after pushing her to the back burner. Your ex boyfriend took up all your time, but now that you’ve broke things off with that psycho, you wanted to work on repairing your friendship with the brunette. You had just walked out of your bathroom after taking a shower, wasting no time in getting dressed and sitting at your vanity to take care of your hair and face.
You had just began to comb through your hair when your brush slipped from your grasp, falling to the floor. Looking up, you groaned in frustration, your eyes flicking to your phone to check the time. You were already running behind, and it seemed like the universe just wanted to keep you from getting to the school gym on time. Bending down from your seat, you grabbed the handle of your brush, straightening your back as you looked back to the mirror of your vanity.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as you noticed an all too familiar figure had appeared seemingly out of no where. You stood up quickly, turning to face the figure as if to shield your back from him. “Michael?!” you exclaimed, disbelief running through your system. The tall male smiled at you, striding to your shocked form. “It’s me, in the flesh. I know, shocking, right? I figured you needed a while to calm down from your episode the other day.” he stated, reaching his hand up to graze your cheek softly.
You flinched away, your eyebrows furrowing in anger. “I told you to stay the hell away from me, Michael! You’re insane.” you said coldly, glaring at the taller male. He just looked at you with an unimpressed look on his face. He sighed, looking to the side and around your room. He made his way over to your bed, perching himself of the side of it. “Insane? What do you call yourself then?” he questioned, turning his attention to you. You opened your mouth to answer, but no sound came out. In a way, what he was insinuation was right. He was twisting your words in the way he always did when he wanted to prove his was right. Instead, you chose to ignore his words, not wanting to play into his mind games.
“Michael, for the last time, get. Out. Of. My. Room. Get out of my fucking house, and get out of my life!” you snapped, never faltering in your stance. He looked at you, an unreadable look on his face. You could see his eyes were sizing you up, but you couldn’t discern the emotion rest of his face. He scoffed, a smirk spreading across his mouth. “I don’t think this whole spat we’re having right now is gonna end in the way either of us want it to. So why don’t we just forget about everything that’s happened and start over?” Michael announced, holding his hand out. “Greetings and salutations.” he finished, his signature smirk on his face.
You stared at him incredulously. “You’re a psychotic asshole,” were the only words that fell from your mouth. His face dropped for a moment, before he started laughing. “Come on, (Y/n)! Let’s go to that stupid rally and put everything behind us.” he coaxed, standing from your bed. It was in that moment that you finally noticed the gun in his hand, finger resting lazily on the trigger. With minimal thinking, you darted into your closet, shutting your door and making a makeshift lock. You pulled a pile of clothes over you, hiding in the safety of the dark room. His familiar foot steps sounded until they were just outside of the closed door. “All is forgiven, baby! Come on, get dressed, you’re my date to the pep rally tonight!”
You chucked me out like I was trash
For that you should be dead..
Then it hit me like a flash
What if high school went away instead?
Those assholes are the key!
They're keeping you away from me!
They made you blind, messed up your mind
But I can set you free!
Your heart raced and your mind ran a mile a minute. Away from all of his delusions for a few days, you wracked your brain trying to decipher his words. Messed up your mind? The only one who’s messed up your mind was him. He was the one who ruined your mind. It was Michael and his actions that deluded your mind. You always thought clearly until he metaphorically got you in a chokehold over him. You stared intently out the door, like a prey waiting for the predator on the other side to break the door down.
You left me and I fell apart
I punched the wall and cried..
Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful shit inside!
And so I built a bomb
Tonight our school is Vietnam!
Let's guarantee they'll never see their senior prom!
Your eyes widened. You felt like you were going to throw up at his haunting words. You slowly slid your hands down to feel your pockets, searching for your phone to call the cops, to call Heidi, to call your parents, to just let someone know what was going on. Your heart dropped as you remembered it was sitting on your vanity. Cursing yourself for not grabbing it, tears flowed endlessly down your cheeks. Your mind raced at the thought of all of the other innocent people who were in mortal danger just a few blocks away from your house. His shoes blocked the light coming in from the bottom of the closet, signaling he was still just waiting beyond the door, torturing you with his presence.
I was meant to be yours!
We were meant to be one!
Don't give up on me now!
Finish what we've begun!
I was meant to be yours!
Michael was absolutely delusional. And so were you when you were with him. He filled your brain with so much senseless bullshit that you actually believed he was doing good for the world. Now that you dropped the honeymoon phase, you realized just how sick in the head he was. The times he broke into your room out of no where, the cruel jokes he would play on the popular kids, the way he would gaslight you into believing that nothing was wrong. And now he was attached to you, just like a parasite to an unsuspecting animal.
So when the high school gym goes BOOM with everyone inside..
In the rubble of their tomb
We'll plant this note explaining why they died!
We, the students of Westerburg High
Will die
Our burnt bodies may finally get through
To you
Your society churns out slaves and blanks
No thanks
Signed the Students of Westerburg High
He was planning on blowing up the whole school as an act of protest. To turn around and shove some senseless notion into the face of people who didn’t care while taking the lives of over 200 people. And he wanted you to be there with him, amongst the group of those who are about to meet their untimely demise.
We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors
Bring marshmallows
We'll make s'mores!
We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!
It was even worse than you thought. He wanted you to sit from afar and watch with him as the blaze engulfed the school and its surrounding area. And he wanted s’mores? You had to do something to get out of here and clear out the school before he got there. Anything to warn somebody out there that they were in danger. Racking your brain, you looked around your closet, looking for a weapon of some sort. Your eyes instead landed on a scarf, and you knew what you had to do to escape your psychotic ex-boyfriend.
On the other side of the door, Michael had his forehead pressed against your closet door. His heart was also thumping in his chest, but not out of fear. Oh no, he was angry. He was angry with the school, angry with society, angry with you. So incredibly mad that you just brushed him off after all he had done for you. He had murdered for you just to show how much you are worth to him. And now you’re taking it back and trying to throw him out. He wasn’t going to stop until you had come out of hiding and came to watch the show.
I was meant to be yours!
We were meant to be one!
I can't take it alone!
Finish what we've begun!
Michael reached out, gripping the door knob of your closet. He jiggled the door handle, expecting it to open easily. There was no leeway, and his anger steadily rose at your prolonged refusal to his offer. He looked to his other hand, at the gun he had brought with him. An idea rose to his brain, and he pointed the muzzle at the handle. He was going to get in, one way or another, and he didn’t care if he had to break the damn door down himself. Remembering you were in there, he lowered it, coming to his senses. He really didn’t want to hurt you. He loved you far too much to cause you any harm. He resumed to knocking on the door, sweetly pleading for you to open it.
(Y/n), open the- open the door, please
(Y/n), open the door
(Y/n), can we not fight anymore, please
Can we not fight anymore
(Y/n), sure, you're scared
I've been there. I can set you free!
(Y/n), don't make me come in there!
His anger was rising as you kept your silence. If he could just see you, just talk to you long enough to get you back on good terms with him, that’s all he wanted. He’d leave this town if it would make you happy, but he wanted to know that you weren’t angry with him anymore. He just wanted a peace of mind, to show that no matter how you felt about him, he’d always love you. He raised his gun again, pointing it at the handle.
I'm gonna count to three!
Fuck it!
Horror ran across his face at your lifeless body hanging from the ceiling. He walked to you, falling to his knees.
Oh my God... No! (Y/n)!
Please don't leave me alone
You were all I could trust
I can't do this alone
He stared up at you, even in death, your face looked so sweet, so soft. Tears rolled down his eyes as he looked he looked on. He stood up, reaching out and grabbing your hand. He pressed his lips against your hand, setting it by your side gently. He was gonna get revenge for this. On who, he didn’t care, but he wasn’t going to stop until he felt like your life was worth its waste.
He left the same way he came in, through the window. Tonight was gonna be the night he would remember forever.
As soon as he had left, your bedroom door opened. Your mother had come in, carrying some of your favorite snacks. “(Y/n)! I brought you a snack!” she called out. Looking around, she noticed your empty bedroom. She didn’t think you had left, so she walked in a little further, looking around for you. She stepped just behind your closet door, which she noticed was open. Swinging the door the rest of the way, she called your name once again before letting out a loud shriek.
You snapped your head up, holding your arms out to your mom. “Mom, mom, mom, it’s okay, I’m okay!” you fussed, your mom staring at you in shock, one hand clutched over her chest, the other still balancing your snack. You untied a part of the scarf from your waist, dropping to your feet and rushing to your mom. “I was just practicing for the day I run away and join the circus. Speaking of running away, thanks for the snack, but I gotta run! Emergency at the gym, I’ll explain everything later!” you shouted, running past your still shocked mother and out of the house. You were determined to get to the school before Michael did so you can repay all the karma that you owe, and you weren’t scared if you had to go down with him.
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angryushankas · 10 months
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heathers kyman because i've seen this au with south park everywhere lately and i just had to
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xelleanorx · 11 months
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heather chandler bebe, at first i wanted to draw her with a skirt but i changed my mind and just gave her pants like movie heather.
i will draw the rest of the heathers, but they will not be part of wendy's gang, more of a background character cause i feel like they fit more.
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southparkhcsocs · 5 months
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Honey, whatchu watin' for?
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leo-artsssss · 2 months
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heathers x South Park au roles:
Heather Chandler: Eric Cartman
Heather Duke: Kyle Broflovski
Heather McNamara: Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Veronica Sawyer: Stan Marsh
Martha Dunstock: Kenny McCormick
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