Anyways, Meant to be Yours is my absolute favorite song from the musical, so I had so much fun writing this one. I don’t really know how to write yandere, so I did try my hardest, but don’t be disappointed if it’s not yandere enough 🤣
Warnings: firearms, mentions of guns, an actual gun description once or twice, faking of sewerslide (yes, just like in the scene in both the movie and musical), extreme violence in the name of society, mention of bombs, mention of terrorist act
It had finally come. The night of the pep rally was here and you were in your bedroom, getting ready to go spend time with Heidi after pushing her to the back burner. Your ex boyfriend took up all your time, but now that you’ve broke things off with that psycho, you wanted to work on repairing your friendship with the brunette. You had just walked out of your bathroom after taking a shower, wasting no time in getting dressed and sitting at your vanity to take care of your hair and face.
You had just began to comb through your hair when your brush slipped from your grasp, falling to the floor. Looking up, you groaned in frustration, your eyes flicking to your phone to check the time. You were already running behind, and it seemed like the universe just wanted to keep you from getting to the school gym on time. Bending down from your seat, you grabbed the handle of your brush, straightening your back as you looked back to the mirror of your vanity.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as you noticed an all too familiar figure had appeared seemingly out of no where. You stood up quickly, turning to face the figure as if to shield your back from him. “Michael?!” you exclaimed, disbelief running through your system. The tall male smiled at you, striding to your shocked form. “It’s me, in the flesh. I know, shocking, right? I figured you needed a while to calm down from your episode the other day.” he stated, reaching his hand up to graze your cheek softly.
You flinched away, your eyebrows furrowing in anger. “I told you to stay the hell away from me, Michael! You’re insane.” you said coldly, glaring at the taller male. He just looked at you with an unimpressed look on his face. He sighed, looking to the side and around your room. He made his way over to your bed, perching himself of the side of it. “Insane? What do you call yourself then?” he questioned, turning his attention to you. You opened your mouth to answer, but no sound came out. In a way, what he was insinuation was right. He was twisting your words in the way he always did when he wanted to prove his was right. Instead, you chose to ignore his words, not wanting to play into his mind games.
“Michael, for the last time, get. Out. Of. My. Room. Get out of my fucking house, and get out of my life!” you snapped, never faltering in your stance. He looked at you, an unreadable look on his face. You could see his eyes were sizing you up, but you couldn’t discern the emotion rest of his face. He scoffed, a smirk spreading across his mouth. “I don’t think this whole spat we’re having right now is gonna end in the way either of us want it to. So why don’t we just forget about everything that’s happened and start over?” Michael announced, holding his hand out. “Greetings and salutations.” he finished, his signature smirk on his face.
You stared at him incredulously. “You’re a psychotic asshole,” were the only words that fell from your mouth. His face dropped for a moment, before he started laughing. “Come on, (Y/n)! Let’s go to that stupid rally and put everything behind us.” he coaxed, standing from your bed. It was in that moment that you finally noticed the gun in his hand, finger resting lazily on the trigger. With minimal thinking, you darted into your closet, shutting your door and making a makeshift lock. You pulled a pile of clothes over you, hiding in the safety of the dark room. His familiar foot steps sounded until they were just outside of the closed door. “All is forgiven, baby! Come on, get dressed, you’re my date to the pep rally tonight!”
You chucked me out like I was trash
For that you should be dead..
Then it hit me like a flash
What if high school went away instead?
Those assholes are the key!
They're keeping you away from me!
They made you blind, messed up your mind
But I can set you free!
Your heart raced and your mind ran a mile a minute. Away from all of his delusions for a few days, you wracked your brain trying to decipher his words. Messed up your mind? The only one who’s messed up your mind was him. He was the one who ruined your mind. It was Michael and his actions that deluded your mind. You always thought clearly until he metaphorically got you in a chokehold over him. You stared intently out the door, like a prey waiting for the predator on the other side to break the door down.
You left me and I fell apart
I punched the wall and cried..
Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful shit inside!
And so I built a bomb
Tonight our school is Vietnam!
Let's guarantee they'll never see their senior prom!
Your eyes widened. You felt like you were going to throw up at his haunting words. You slowly slid your hands down to feel your pockets, searching for your phone to call the cops, to call Heidi, to call your parents, to just let someone know what was going on. Your heart dropped as you remembered it was sitting on your vanity. Cursing yourself for not grabbing it, tears flowed endlessly down your cheeks. Your mind raced at the thought of all of the other innocent people who were in mortal danger just a few blocks away from your house. His shoes blocked the light coming in from the bottom of the closet, signaling he was still just waiting beyond the door, torturing you with his presence.
I was meant to be yours!
We were meant to be one!
Don't give up on me now!
Finish what we've begun!
I was meant to be yours!
Michael was absolutely delusional. And so were you when you were with him. He filled your brain with so much senseless bullshit that you actually believed he was doing good for the world. Now that you dropped the honeymoon phase, you realized just how sick in the head he was. The times he broke into your room out of no where, the cruel jokes he would play on the popular kids, the way he would gaslight you into believing that nothing was wrong. And now he was attached to you, just like a parasite to an unsuspecting animal.
So when the high school gym goes BOOM with everyone inside..
In the rubble of their tomb
We'll plant this note explaining why they died!
We, the students of Westerburg High
Will die
Our burnt bodies may finally get through
To you
Your society churns out slaves and blanks
No thanks
Signed the Students of Westerburg High
He was planning on blowing up the whole school as an act of protest. To turn around and shove some senseless notion into the face of people who didn’t care while taking the lives of over 200 people. And he wanted you to be there with him, amongst the group of those who are about to meet their untimely demise.
We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors
Bring marshmallows
We'll make s'mores!
We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!
It was even worse than you thought. He wanted you to sit from afar and watch with him as the blaze engulfed the school and its surrounding area. And he wanted s’mores? You had to do something to get out of here and clear out the school before he got there. Anything to warn somebody out there that they were in danger. Racking your brain, you looked around your closet, looking for a weapon of some sort. Your eyes instead landed on a scarf, and you knew what you had to do to escape your psychotic ex-boyfriend.
On the other side of the door, Michael had his forehead pressed against your closet door. His heart was also thumping in his chest, but not out of fear. Oh no, he was angry. He was angry with the school, angry with society, angry with you. So incredibly mad that you just brushed him off after all he had done for you. He had murdered for you just to show how much you are worth to him. And now you’re taking it back and trying to throw him out. He wasn’t going to stop until you had come out of hiding and came to watch the show.
I was meant to be yours!
We were meant to be one!
I can't take it alone!
Finish what we've begun!
Michael reached out, gripping the door knob of your closet. He jiggled the door handle, expecting it to open easily. There was no leeway, and his anger steadily rose at your prolonged refusal to his offer. He looked to his other hand, at the gun he had brought with him. An idea rose to his brain, and he pointed the muzzle at the handle. He was going to get in, one way or another, and he didn’t care if he had to break the damn door down himself. Remembering you were in there, he lowered it, coming to his senses. He really didn’t want to hurt you. He loved you far too much to cause you any harm. He resumed to knocking on the door, sweetly pleading for you to open it.
(Y/n), open the- open the door, please
(Y/n), open the door
(Y/n), can we not fight anymore, please
Can we not fight anymore
(Y/n), sure, you're scared
I've been there. I can set you free!
(Y/n), don't make me come in there!
His anger was rising as you kept your silence. If he could just see you, just talk to you long enough to get you back on good terms with him, that’s all he wanted. He’d leave this town if it would make you happy, but he wanted to know that you weren’t angry with him anymore. He just wanted a peace of mind, to show that no matter how you felt about him, he’d always love you. He raised his gun again, pointing it at the handle.
I'm gonna count to three!
Fuck it!
Horror ran across his face at your lifeless body hanging from the ceiling. He walked to you, falling to his knees.
Oh my God... No! (Y/n)!
Please don't leave me alone
You were all I could trust
I can't do this alone
He stared up at you, even in death, your face looked so sweet, so soft. Tears rolled down his eyes as he looked he looked on. He stood up, reaching out and grabbing your hand. He pressed his lips against your hand, setting it by your side gently. He was gonna get revenge for this. On who, he didn’t care, but he wasn’t going to stop until he felt like your life was worth its waste.
He left the same way he came in, through the window. Tonight was gonna be the night he would remember forever.
As soon as he had left, your bedroom door opened. Your mother had come in, carrying some of your favorite snacks. “(Y/n)! I brought you a snack!” she called out. Looking around, she noticed your empty bedroom. She didn’t think you had left, so she walked in a little further, looking around for you. She stepped just behind your closet door, which she noticed was open. Swinging the door the rest of the way, she called your name once again before letting out a loud shriek.
You snapped your head up, holding your arms out to your mom. “Mom, mom, mom, it’s okay, I’m okay!” you fussed, your mom staring at you in shock, one hand clutched over her chest, the other still balancing your snack. You untied a part of the scarf from your waist, dropping to your feet and rushing to your mom. “I was just practicing for the day I run away and join the circus. Speaking of running away, thanks for the snack, but I gotta run! Emergency at the gym, I’ll explain everything later!” you shouted, running past your still shocked mother and out of the house. You were determined to get to the school before Michael did so you can repay all the karma that you owe, and you weren’t scared if you had to go down with him.
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rashyford · 27 days
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ghoastixx · 6 months
Bringing your slashers/horror characters to Thanksgiving
Includes: Michael Myers (OG), Beetlejuice, Billy Loomis & Stu Macher, J.D., Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly, Poly Lost Boys, Carrie White
Includes: gn reader, swearing, pet names,
Michael Myers
In reality, this man is not going to your family’s Thanksgiving. He’s not even taking his mask off.
But let’s pretend!!
Let’s say you DID get Michael to take off his mask and venture out of your home for Thanksgiving.
You told your family that he was mute, some understood that better than others.
Grandma? Loves him for some reason.
“Hi baby, is this Michael? Oh hi sweetheart, how are you doing, come let’s get you guys seated.”
She’s so sweet he’s so unused to it other than from you.
He would freak out a lot of people by sitting there and just staring at everyone.
He’s so big and tall compared to everyone, grandpa would ask if he could help him move a dresser or some shit.
“Come on Michael, we’re gonna be late!” You called, waiting patiently by the door.
When you both arrived at your family’s home where Thanksgiving would be hosted this year, Michael was very tense. Very rarely did he ever take his mask off and he hadn’t had a thanksgiving in years. You took his hand and brushed your thumb over your knuckles as you walked inside, taking your shoes off. Your grandma greeted you with a hug and a comfortingly sweet voice.
“Sweetheart! So glad you could make it! Is this Michael? It’s a pleasure to meet you young man,” your grandma said with a smile, touching his hand which made him tense. “Come now, let’s get you guys seated before the food gets cold.”
Mikey was nervous walking through the house, seeing pictures of grandkids and uncles and cousins, seeing everyone seated.
Your grandpa took liking to his muscles,
“Yeah! Looks like you could get the job done, you mind helping me move some boxes in the garage? My back isn’t as nice as it used to be and my kids are pieces of shit.”
Yeah he can pretend to be problematic for thanksgiving.
Would purposely scare the shit out of your cousins.
Your family calls him musty..
Your emo cousin likes him though!!
“Y/N…get him out of here he stinks!” Meanwhile your dead boyfriend is sitting across from your emo cousin who’s lowkey studying him over. He’s just letting them too, he says it reminds them of Lydia.
Your family is boring to him, he’d much rather have thanksgiving at your own house with Lydia and Adam and Barbra.
“Come on babes, this is boring, we’re out of here,” he states as he takes a Turkey leg and promptly leaves the home, hand in yours.
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher
Your parents and family do not approve.
They’re mostly confused as to why you brought two boys with you. They call it slut behavior.
Billy’s family most likely can’t even get through a normal dinner, let alone Thanksgiving, so he was down for coming.
Stu’s family were out of town and he didn’t want to go to some fancy thanksgiving with a lot of people he didn’t know. He’d rather stay in Woodsboro and get drunk for Thanksgiving, but being with his partners worked too.
Your family is way turned off by Billy, they think he’s rude, where as they think Stu is too energetic.
Billy and Stu would find any excuse to dip, letting them have private time, away from everyone.
Stu would make dirty jokes at the table in you and Billy’s ear.
You get a lot of side eyes from everyone..
You knock on the door with both of your boys, only to be greeted by a strange look.
“Y/N, baby, you brought your friends? How..nice..”
When you were all sat down at the table, your aunt started,
“Two boys Y/N? You friends from school?” Your uncle interjected
“I recognize you Loomis. You better not be causing any trouble.” He practically growled. Billy just nodded.
Lots of apologies to your boys after.
“It’s alright baby, it was bound to happen,” Stu said, grabbing a beer from his fridge
“It’s alright puppy, the food was good,”
Would genuinely probably be the politest to your parents and family,
Got to make a good impression!!
He’d stay close to you the entire time, making sure to show off who he was to you,
God don’t even get him started on his opinion on politics PLEASE..
I feel like he’s the type of guy that your parents would be nice to in person but when he leaves everyone’s like “he’s so weird?😀”
The type of guy to call older relatives ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’
Would hit the deserts HARD
“Sweetie your new boyfriend is very nice,” your grandma hums as you help with the dishes, he sits in the other room, arguing about politics.
“Yeah, he sure is something,”
“I’m very glad you could bring him,”
Your aunt walks in the room, shaking her head, “he’s really weird honey,” you looked at her with a confused facial expression, “I don’t know how to explain it. He’s just.. odd.”
Otis Driftwood
You’re eating dinner at his house. Nothing else.
Baby Firefly
Would actually try to go to dinner with you if that’s what you really wanted.
Would probably make an okayish impression on your family,
They think she’s energetic and odd,
She knows…a lot,
I like to think that she does like domestic feelings, so she might actually love to go to your thanksgiving,
You’re holding her hand as you drive back to the firefly home, smiling as your stunning girlfriend rambles next to you.
“It was so fun! Thank you for taking me baby,”
“Of course,” you hun as she continues to speak very highly of the little tradition.
Poly Lost Boys
Your parents are very thrown off when you tell them that Thanksgiving needs to be a little later than 1:00 this year because your boyfriends get off at 5:00.. (when it gets dark)
They are even more thrown off when four bikers walk in with mullets and frills and no manners at all.. well, the quiet one has manners.
David would try and make a good impression while keeping up his ‘I’m the top dog’ behavior.
Dwayne just wants to help out and actually make a good impression.
Marko will spend most of his time with any pets and Paul will follow in foot.
They house down food. It’s sort of embarrassing
Your parents are so thrown off it hurts.
“Sweetie where did you meet them again?” Your mom whispers to you from across the table,
“So, boys, what do you do for work?” Your father questioned, each boy having a way different reaction it looks suspicious.
Your parents just nod and try there best to get through the dinner.
After dinner it gets even worse, they’re all over you, touching and giving little kisses during conversation, right in front of your parents.. god it was going to be a long night.
Carrie White
Genuinely would do her best to come to your thanksgiving if her mama let her.
She’d be all dressed up and pretty, silently so excited that she gets to go to someone’s thanksgiving.
She’s so polite and quiet around your family,
If you all say grace, she’s an active part of it.
She’d be so flustered and happy to be there,
She thinks your family is so nice!!
You knock on the door of her house for her to rush down, saying goodbye to her mama. You would say hello to Mrs.White, but very uncomfortably.. you didn’t like Carrie’s Mama.
You smile upon seeing her. She looks so pretty.
“Hey darling, you look great,”
She blushed, looking down a little flustered, “thank you,”
You open the passenger door, letting her get in and closing it for her. She felt so nice, being treated so kindly. She’d remember this day for a while.
Please send me any slasher requests,
(Although I’m more prone to write for Billy & Stu at the moment)
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drabbles-mc · 6 months
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📸 credit: Michael Irby's Instagram
I just love and miss them sm 🥺
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fellthemarvelous · 5 months
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This gif is so funny to me because of Georgia and Anna in the background.
They have that "same shit, different day" energy going on because Michael and David are just that obsessed with each other.
"Sorry, kids, your dads are flirting with each other again."
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connorscreek · 6 months
I like to think JD was the girl at sev elev who gave Michael a generous pour
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deadthehype · 8 months
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The orange couch in The Pit
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leosdooley · 5 months
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@/middleschoolpunkphase // peaky blinders “heathens” // titus andronicus, shakespeare // peaky blinders “blackbird” // raise the high roof beam, jd salinger // killing flies, michael dickman
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fictiontbh · 6 months
Jeremy, at SQUIPS funeral: Could I have a moment alone with it?
Michael: Of course. *leaves*
Jeremy: *leaning over the casket* Listen. I know you're not dead
SQUIP: Yeah no shit
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Giggling, twirling my hair, and kicking my feet over a terrible and immoral fictional man who would kill me <3
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nat-amations · 3 days
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Saw this joke a couple of times and I had to draw it (the other guy is JD from heathers)
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ghoastixx · 1 year
Slashers x reader
How protective are they?
Warnings: blood, death (obviously), degradation
Slashers included: Michael Myers (not specified), JD, Nancy Downs, Beetlejuice, Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly, Poly Lost Boys, Carrie
Send Requests!!!!!!!!!!!!
•Michael Myers
I was asleep. I went to bed alone that night, Michael was off on a hunt. I shot up when I heard my bedroom door slam.
“What the hell are you doing in my house?!”
“You gotta help me! I’m being chased by this fucking psycho in a mask!”
“Psycho in a mask- you mean the shape-? You do realize this is his house, right?”
“What?! You gotta help me! Call the cops or someth-“
Suddenly the door was forced open and there stood Michael, bloody and shaking. He spotted his victim and then spotted me. The only sound in the room was the victim pushing me towards Michael and the sound of his heavy ass breathing.
“Please! Please take them! Not me! I’ll do anything- please-!” Michael grabbed my face with his hand and pushed me aside, most likely leaving a bloody handprint on my face.
“Please-“ THUMP
Michael walked up to me, he grabbed my face, and looked over it.
“Michael-? I’m okay- please get the body out of my room.” He patted my head.
“Y/N! Your boyfriend’s here!”
“Send him up!” I put my book down and sat on my bed. He came in, closing the door behind him.
“Hey J,”
“Y/n,” he sat on the edge of the bed. “You wanted to talk about something?”
“Kurt’s giving me trouble.” His expression shifted.
“Oh, is he?”
“Yeah- he keeps shoving me in the halls and keeps getting his friends to throw food at me during lunch.”
He smiled a bit and reached out for my hand,
“Don’t worry, he won’t mess with you anymore. Come on, let’s go get something to eat, ya?”
I smiled back, “sure,”
The next day at school, JD seemed a lot happier than normal during lunch.
“What’s got you all happy?”
“You’ll see, babe.”
“Attention!” I turned around to look in the direction of the voice.
“As some of you may know, there was a suicide last night. Our beloved Kurt-“ I turned around to look at JD, who was smiling at me.
“I told you he wouldn’t bother you.”
“Did you- I didn’t want you to do that,”
“I thought you’d be more excited.”
“Excited that you killed Kurt?!”
“Quiet.” I grabbed my tray and stood up, I threw my stuff away and left the cafeteria. I avoided JD for the rest of the day. I didn’t see him again til that night when he knocked on my window.
“Hey darling,”
“You’re not supposed to be here,”
“I’m just trying to make you happy. I want you to be safe.”
“I know.”
“Then let me in,”
Sigh, “fine.”
•Nancy Downs
I was being bullied by a girl in my science class. She kept laughing at me when I answered questions wrong, and she’d publicly humiliate me and ridicule me in class. Sister never did anything to correct her. Of course, I confided in Nancy as she was practicing a makeup look on me.
“She’s humiliating you?”
“Yeah. Sarah’s boyfriend has even started in on it too.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I see. That sucks, now, hold still.” She finished doing my eyeliner.
I was upset by her not seeming to care about my problem, but passed it off. Nancy was like this.
A few days later, my opinion started to change.
“Y/N, do you want to tell us the answer?” I looked over at Tasha, the girl, and back at Sister,
“..the powerhouse?” Tasha chuckled,
“No.. how about you Tasha?”
“It’s obviously 27-“ I looked at Tasha, as did everyone else in the class.
“27?” Someone laughed,
“I didn’t mean to say that!” Tasha screamed,
“Quiet.” Sister persisted.
I sat confused for the rest of class, until later after swimming when I heard her talking to her friends in the locker room.
“It’s so embarrassing! It’s like, I know what I want to say, but then I say something completely opposite! Like that the sky is red!”
“This isn’t funny Tasha,”
“Yeah, I never knew you were so stupid.”
I sort of had to chuckle to myself, it was pretty funny.
That evening I was invited to hang out with Nancy and her friends.
“Soo, you hear what happened to Tasha?” Rochelle sneered. Bonnie laughed a bit.
“Yeah, it’s like it just magically happened or something” Nancy laughed, causing me to look at her.
“Did you guys do that?”
“You said she was bothering you. Plus, we wanted to see if it would work.”
“At this rate, she’ll be held back when we graduate!”
Nancy smiled at me, I felt a bit guilty but.. it would probably wear off.. right?
-BJ is pretty cut and dry, he’d protect you if you needed it, but he wouldn’t let anything happen to begin with. Silly 🤷
It would probably be someone hitting on you. He’d get all jealous and shit. (If anyone wants a one shot let me know)
•Otis Driftwood
I was in the kitchen when I heard what sounded like a stampede of wild buffalo upstairs. Mama Firefly flew down the stairs, Baby followed closely and ran out the back door. Tiny was no where to be seen. Grandpa stayed upstairs. Mama turned to me,
“Cops are here!”
“Yeah cops! I’d assume they’re lookin’ for you!”
“For me?”
“Yeah! You said your family was important, what happens when their kiddo goes missin’?”
Baby came back, Mama turned to her.
“Baby, take Y/N up to Otis’s room and lock the door behind ‘ya.”
Baby took your hand and bolted upstairs.
“Where’s Otis?”
“Out back, gonna take care of the cops. You stay here.”
She closed the door, I checked the handle. It was locked. I peeked from the window. There was only one cop car. There were two people walking around. I could hear one downstairs flirting with Baby and Mama.
I put my ear to the floor, trying my best to hear.
“We’re out lookin’ for a few people. ——, Britany Carshy, —— Y/N L/N, ——— Candace Dickel—-“
“Well, I’m sorry sir, I haven’t seen any of them. Have we Baby.”
“We don’t get many visitors.. officer.”
I peeked out the window again, I saw the one officer on the ground. Otis looking down at the other. I sat on his bed for a while and eventually heard the officer downstairs scream and fall to the floor. I heard footsteps and the door unlock.
“You in here darlin’?”
“Otis? Is everything okay? Are Mama and Baby okay?”
He stepped into the room.
“Everyone’s okay. Was just a couple of those nosy cops. We took care of ‘em. Are you okay? Did ya’ see anyone get away?”
“No. I’m okay Otis, I heard they were lookin’ for me.”
“Yeah, Mama said they were. We’re gonna keep ya’ close for a while. Alright?”
“Okay Otis.” I went up and hugged him,
“Thank you,”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” I kissed him and squeezed passed him to go check on Mama and Baby.
•Baby Firefly
Baby had lured some new victims into the house. Mama had them stay over for dinner while Otis “fixed their car”
The group had been very judgmental towards Otis and Tiny. The one girl wouldn’t stop flirting with baby, and the one boy seemed to have the hots for Mama.
“So, what’re you kids doin’ the whole way out here?”
The one snotty girl started instantly talking.
“We’re one our way to a wedding and stopped for gas at that Captain Spuaulding guys place. He told us about some creepy ass doctor and Jerry wanted to come check it out.”
“A weddin’? Aren’t those great? We’re waiting for my Baby to marry her significant Y/N.”
“Mama!” Baby laughed playfully, I blushed in response. The snotty girl started to pout.
“Oh.. that’s, uh, unfortunate.”
“What’s unfortunate?” Baby asked,
“Show time!” Grandpa yelled in excitement.
I sat in the audience next to the snotty girl, much to my delight. I watched grandpa do his stand up comedy, greedily anticipating Baby’s performance. When she came out on stage, I was immediately entranced in her and only her. I could feel, although, the girl next to me getting excited too. When Baby started interacting with the audience, the girl got even more excited.
“Why be with a slut like that when you could have me?” Baby stopped performing.
“Why be with a slut like that-“
“You better shut the fuck up.”
“Hey- I’m just speaking the truth.”
Baby punched the girl in the eye, she drew back right into the arms of Jerry. Mama came up, I held Baby back.
“You better get out of here.”
“Whatever let’s go.”
The group left.
“Are you okay Baby.”
“Mhm. No one calls you a slut but me!” She grinned.
“This is gonna be fun.” Mama snickered.
•poly Lost Boys
A fight broke out on the board walk and it just so happened to be my fault.
I was walking around, looking for the boys when a surfer came up to me and grabbed my waist.
“Hey baby, where do you think you’re going?”
“Don’t ducking touch me!” I spit as I ripped away from him.
“Hey bitch, no need to get violent!” He shoved me.
“Well then, maybe, don’t touch me!” I shoved back.
He was the one who threw the first punch. As soon as it had started a crowd had formed. Suddenly, I got pulled back.
“Hey- Paul?”
“Are you okay?? That looks pretty bad!” I looked back over. Marko, David, and Dwayne were “taking care” of the guy. No doubt he’d be their meal later.
“Come on, let’s get you something cold for your eye.” Paul dragged me away from the fight and to a stand. He got me a cup of ice.
“Are you okay, doll?” David asked, the boys approaching. Dwayne sat down next to me and took the ice, putting it over my eye.
“I’m fine.”
“What happened?” Marko said, sitting down as well.
“He tried to grab me, so I shoved him.”
“Well, at least it wasn’t over something stupid.”
“Don’t worry, we took care of it.”
• Carrie White
Carrie would be too shy to confront whoever was bothering you straight up, but she would definitely take the time to clean you up if it was a fight, or to make sure that you were okay if you were being bullied.
She’d try to talk with a counselor or someone who’d try and help, she really worries about you. She’d try to talk to her mama, but she probably would tell her not to get involved.
She’d make sure that you knew just how much she loves you
My requests are open!!!!! If you want a specific character or one shot
Slasher requests are now open!!!
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pyramidsoul · 1 year
Tribute to P. Kennedy, G. Palermo, P. Dietz and M. McCann for their job
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Detective Patrick Francis Kennedy
Detective Kennedy is the one who led the Dahmer’s interrogation with detective D. Murphy and the attorney W. Patrickus. Better known as “Pat”, he decided to follow his father’s and great-grandfather’s steps becoming a policeman, turning himself a detective in the crime division later after moving to Milwaukee.
He received the order to go to the Oxford Apartments, and proceeded with the arrest of the suspect Jeffrey Dahmer. Subsequently he led the interrogation and, thanks to his endearing personality, he succeeded on creating a bond with the serial killer himself. With a mutual trust, he spent lot of time with Dahmer for several weeks getting a full confession, for then attending and testify the man’s trial.
After years, Pat went back to the academy and later began teaching criminal justice at two Wisconsin institutions. He also joined various documentaries about the Dahmer’s case, as the most notorious one “The Jeffrey Dahmer Files” - came out in 2012. He even wrote a book telling his experience (it was called “Dahmer Detective” at first but then it changed to “Grilling Dahmer”).
Pat died in 2013 because of an heart attack at 59.
“I can’t say that I really did, because when I looked at Jeffrey Dahmer, what surprised me the most during the six weeks I talked to him was how very much like you and me he really was. I had breakfast with him, I had lunch with him, I would bring the paper in, showing what the people were saying about him. And it sounds weird that we became friends but we were kind of friendly. We were friends.” - P. Kennedy, 2012.
Doctor George B. Palermo
The psychiatrist George Palermo (whose real name is Giorgio Benito Palermo) was born in Tarquinia, an old city in Italy, and he graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Bologna in 1951. After moving back and forth from Rome to Wisconsin, he came back as a Professor of Criminology at Marquette University.
During Jeffrey Dahmer’s trial psychiatrist G. Palermo was called to offer an objective assessment of the defendant’s mental state. He took stand on 6th February 1992, where Dahmer pleaded guilty to the murders but claimed he was insane, a claim that was shot down by Palermo at trial. Palermo is been one of the few people who irritated and made Dahmer laugh, shaking him out of his stone-like stand.
Palermo served on the faculties of schools around the world and wrote books and scholarly articles, and lectured in places like Russia, China and Japan on a subject many might find revolting. He also liked visiting galleries in Rome because he was an art lover. On October 22, 2005, the Mayor of that time Alessandro Giulivi conferred on him the honorary citizenship of Tarquinia.
George died in 2016 at age 91.
“He looked as if he was used to it, that the courtroom was no hostile environment as far as he was concerned, and that he would get this over with nice and quickly. He was relaxed, urbane, smiling, often joking, slightly superior in manner, friendly and patient. He was patently a nice man and an amusing companion who would make a splendid dinner-guest.” - The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer.
Doctor Park Elliot Dietz
Differently to his physician father and grandfather, Dietz is a forensic psychiatrist, criminologist and he also has consulted for television shows as Law & Order, Law & Order: Los Angeles and Kiss The Girls. He even published books called “Autoerotic Fatalities” and “Psychotherapy and the human predicament: A psychosocial approach”. He’s known for forensic psychiatry and for his expert testimony in high profile criminal cases.
Dietz was hired by the prosecution to evaluate Dahmer's claim that he was "guilty but insane", and so he spent 18 hours with him. He spoke with Dahmer, they watched Dahmer’s favorite movies and porns together, and Dahmer talked with him about the shrine. During his two days of testimony, Dietz held the trial professionally going through every one of the fifteen counts of homicide with a view to deciding in each case whether Dahmer knew right from wrong at the time of the offence and whether his actions betrayed a capacity to conform to the law if he had wanted to.
Park Dietz is also president and founder of Park Dietz & Associates, Inc. and TAG - Threat Assessment Group, Inc. The first is an association of professionals in the psychiatric and forensic field. The second is about educating institutions and individuals about the prevention of violence.
Today the psychiatrist P. Dietz is still alive at age 74, still working.
“Dr Park Dietz made his appearance in the witness-box on Wednesday, 12 February. It was immediately apparent why he was saved until the last, for there was about him an aura of unassailable proficiency. He was alert, meticulous, fastidious, precise, patiently prepared to suffer the task of explaining difficult concepts to the untutored. Like a reluctantly cynical professor, he had learnt that you have to speak slowly if people are to grasp your meaning, and you have to use simple words.” - The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer.
Attorney Edward Michael McCann
E. Michael McCan was both attorney and politician, an he prosecuted numerous high-profile cases during his tenure as district attorney. He went to Milwaukee after he studied and graduated in Detroit and Cambridge, and he served as a prosecutor working under district attorneys, handling criminal appeals heard by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
McCann is a catholic moral man who was asked to obtain the conviction of Jeffrey Dahmer in 1991. After two weeks of the trial, McCann delivered his closing argument for the prosecution, describing Dahmer as a sane man, in full control of his actions, who simply strove to avoid detection. He argued that by pleading guilty but insane to the charges, Dahmer was seeking to escape responsibility for his crimes. Once again, McCann defeated Boyle’s defence, and Dahmer was ruled to be sane and got his sentence to life imprisonment.
Unfortunately in the last years McCann was in the middle of critics of political, social and economic nature, and so he abandoned the scene in 2007. Following his departure from office in January of that year, McCann joined Marquette University Law School, where he became a Boden Teaching Fellow and adjunct professor of law. Today he’s retired and he’s living quietly at age 87.
“Opposing him would be the District Attorney, Michael McCann, a kindly, compassionate man who felt the burden of his duty to represent the community and give expression to their outrage. He was thorough in preparation, remorseless in presentation, and only appeared unforgiving. He was a deeply moral man whose passionate advocacy reflected his outrage and did not have to be contrived.” - The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer.
Drawing note: I started sketching this art with Pat, as I saw his unique, even goofy, appearance. He looked like a Pixar character, so I decided to draw him in my style to have some fun. I didn’t plan to make a whole drawing with multiple characters at first, but then I sketched Palermo as well since his appearance was so cartoonish too. At the end I decided to amplify the canvas so I could add two additional characters and I decided to include Dietz and McCann. These four are the involved people of Dahmer’s case who hit me the most, and I decided to dedicate them a drawing. I don’t mean to minimize the gravity of the case with this drawing, I don’t want to treat it like a tv series making fanarts out of it, but instead it wants to be a tribute for their amazing job during the case, in my personal own artist way. I don’t mean to offend/disrespect anybody with it. If this causes troubles or unease to somebody, I won’t think twice and I’ll delete it right away. Thank you for reading!
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aaaaaa-musical-trash · 4 months
every show that i like has a role i could potentially play and one that i definitely couldn’t but i would want to do it for the sheer chaos
be more chill: Christine (rational), Michael/Rich (chaotic)
ride the cyclone: Constance (rational), Noel (chaotic)
hamilton: Eliza (rational), Lafayette/Jefferson (chaotic)
heathers: Veronica/Heather D (rational), JD (chaotic)
beetlejuice: Lydia (rational), Beetlejuice (chaotic)
falsettos: Cordelia (rational), Mendel (chaotic)
hadestown: Eurydice (rational), Hades (chaotic)
spring awakening: Ilse (rational), Moritz/Melchior (chaotic)
there are probably more i just can’t think of them rn
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burningtacozombie · 5 months
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Danny Pino attends La Cena Los Angeles at NeueHouse Hollywood on January 5, 2024 in Hollywood, California. Photos: Araya Doheny - Rodin Eckenroth - X - X
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