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Το σκέφτηκα πολύ και θα πω να έρθεις να σου φτιάξω εγώ καφε και να ουρλιάξουμε παρεα
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oasatelematics · 4 years
👉👈 Κοριτσάκι, uwu θες να γίνουμε φίλες 🥺🥺🥺?
ναι [insert gender of choice]!!!! 😳👉👈 τι θες να παίξουμε; νεράιδες vs δρακοι; ή κατάλυση του καπιταλιστικού συστήματος και εδραίωση του σοσιαλισμού;
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finalgirlbrainrot · 4 years
Unpopular opinion : Dean deserves the death penalty. No I will not elaborate.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
no need to elaborate, this is already the most valid opinion ever
send me unpopular opinions
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wingsofhcpe · 3 years
Τώρα που δεν έχει καρουλια δεν μπορεί να τρέξει? Δεν έχει πόδια? 🤔🤔🤔
Υποθέτω οτι επειδή είναι γιαγιούλα και πονανε τα πόδια της δε μπορεί, αλλά αν είχε καρούλια θα πήγαινε ΖΒΙΝΝΝΝΝΝ
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cramenjoyer · 4 years
Crowley was one of the (if not the most) juciest of antagonists spn has seen and it makes me soooo angry people have simply forgotten about him
crowley was funny like four times but every single time he’s onscreen i feel very powerful rage. he’s just SO fruity i can’t stand it. his second episode he says fag, repeatedly suggests sam and brady fucked, and flirts with dean. crowley killed sarah blake and a bunch of other people in s8 for literally THEE most evil fucked up reasons including kevin’s gf channing in front of kevin, kidnapped and tortured kevin himself TWICE please keep in mind kev is 19 maximum when this happens, kidnapped and tortured linda for a year, ripped a fucking huge magic rock out of cas’ chest after shooting him with a magic bullet, and then left cas to die. and the very next season dean goes on a roadtrip with him to find cain, and he gets a sympathetic drug abuse arc that even THE MAIN CHARACTER didn’t receive the courtesy of, and between s9 and 10 he and dean canonically have sex. and we all just had to deal with that. i get that we all have chronic obsession with snarky dark-haired white british men disease at one point or another but i literally cannot stand the woobification of that weird little man. he stopped being fun in s7 and every time he was onscreen not being extremely evil after that was like. skippable.
you are not at fault for liking him but you might need to be executed for suggesting crowley is the juiciest. like. have you seen azazel? that fruity bitch killed their mom and made out with their dad. fucking iconic. also he was very funny and made me haha so i personally like him very much :-)
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thegrassfairy · 4 years
Hey I saw your post for the whippet purple shirt and I wanted to buy it immediately! But it's only available in the US 😢😢😢😢 damn americans get all the goods
oh no!! i got a few other comments like this so i gathered a couple links and i hope i can be of help to my international friends. everyone deserves a purple dog shirt :p 
https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/That-One-Purple-Dog-Shirt-Wordless-by-cannibalconsult/12153855.VL7OD?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=g.pla+notset&country_code=US   <<< this is RedBubble-  cheap, other styles available, only delivers to the US for this style. other curators on this site may deliver internationally
https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/642554-supernatural-sams-purple-dog-shirt?feed_sku=642554D1V <<< TeePublic-  design is kinda blocky/unclear imo (this could just be my wacky laptop), but delivers internationally!
these were the only links i could find immediately, Amazon unfortunately does not hold any purple dog shirts :/ but you can always enter “sam winchester purple dog shirt” or some variation into a search engine and explore the multiple options on mostly RedBubble, which some i hope deliver overseas! if not, you’re so right :/ damn americans get all the goods. i wish you the best on your search for a purple whippet shirt!! <3
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chevalier-tialys · 4 years
Iorek Byrnison 💕💕💕💕
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with:  No one, but if he has a bear girlfriend in canon (because I think I remember it being vaguely mentioned in NL) then her I guess?
friendship them with:  Lee Scoresby, which by now would be obvious from my arctic bros tag lol, and Lyra (technically he’s. bear dad so idk if this counts as ‘friendship’ as such)
general opinions: Absolute icon, I’m a big fan of the way he tricks Iofur in the death match (especially in the books, that scene is THRILLING to read) purely because Lyra managed to do it, like that’s incredibly quick thinking. Also the fact that he knows his priorities to the armoured bears despite wanting to help Lyra is a definite plus, we stan a bear who knows his responsibilities. Also he’s canonically a little shit and I love that for him (source: repeatedly mispronouncing Lee’s name until Lee gets his own name right in OUaTitN)
put a character in my ask and I’ll tell you who I ship them with, friendship them with, and my general opinions about them!
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kalashtars · 4 years
i dont remember the exact number but id like to hear your rank of the episode "Changing Channels" Gabriels reveal episod
I posted this episode here but the ranking is #23!
I've ranked every supernatural episode! Send me number(s) between 1-327 and I'll give you the episode ranked there + why
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nonagesimus · 3 years
My liege I don't know if you take requests but it would be great to see a samruby edit of Riz and his roemänce paertner Bären ✨✨✨ thank you for your service
skjhgfd baron, tho they are the love of my life, is one of those characters i don’t think translates as well into text. you need brennan’s wild swedish chef accent to really make that one work, but if i do think of a way when i’m trawling through the transcripts i’ll do it.
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encrucijada · 4 years
Tall Latino man, 24-25 yo, kind eyes, old soul, has been through a lot of hardships, pain, and oppression, but now he is ready to surrender to love. He contradicts himself, one moment he is calm the next he is brewing with anger. He has a storm locked in his ribcage, he is trying to find the right outlet. He is determined to end the war and the hardship, so his future children can live in peace. 💖💖💖
Somehow, convenience stores at the end of the world still felt the same. Fluorescent lights that burned down on the top of Fae’s head and stuffy aisles. The shelves were just emptier because there hadn’t been a restock, but Be Good To Yourself by Journey was playing at an almost unperceived volume and Fae looked at herself on the theft-prevention mirror at the far corner and her combat boots squeaked on the tile when she spun on her axis to look at the shelves to her left and her right.
Raf and Jo were waiting outside. Fae wasn’t sure if it was the evening or morning just from looking at the sky: red on red on red, she couldn’t see the moons from this perspective and couldn’t trust the sun.
Should she take some gummies? And Raf said he wanted soda
Fae exhaled sharply through her nose. “God, the world is going to shit.” She grabbed the strawberry-shaped gummies.
Perséfone, Fae’s dæmon, was standing on the bare shelves in their comfort form: an arctic fox. They looked otherwise unruffled, clashing with Fae and the wisps of hair coming from her braids and Raf’s too-big hoodie that was really his dad’s because of the university logo. She’d been in the car too long.
Another dæmon scampered on the metal. Perséfone looked up and Fae looked up, she moved a little to the side for the person who also came to look at the sweets. Perséfone remained where they were. This man had another dæmon walking next to him, a matiff dog, the dæmon on the shelf was a stoat.
Perséfone leaned over to sniff the stoat, finding nothing that begged concern. The man gave Fae a sideways glance turned actual glance when she offered a polite smile. He had the faded, fuzzy look of someone who had spent hours upon hours inside a car like she had. The car parked right next to her, Raf and Jo must be his. Fae had seen a woman inside and three dæmons with her.
“It seems insane convenience stores would still be open,” the man said.
“I’d never seen someone with two dæmons,” Fae said instead of responding to his comment. “Is that another thing the apocalypse is causing?”
“Maybe,” said the man. “Her name is Dimas, and this is Anatoli. And I’m Pedro.”
“Perséfone, and Fae.”
“Arctic fox is a good form. She’s pretty.”
Perséfone puffed up at the compliment. “They,” Fae corrected, not mean-spirited. “And unsettled.”
“Andas en un roadtrip?”
“Algo así.” It was something like that, though less of a roadtrip and more like a death list. Places to go, sights to see before either the Earth blinked out of existence or they died. “What about you?”
“Trying to right some wrongs with the family.”
Fae huffed. “I kind of gave up on that.”
“You kids are okay?”
Pedro could be no older than Fae, mid-twenties maybe. Did twenty-five-year-olds see nineteen-year-olds as children? Maybe it was just Fae giving that idea. She only reached his shoulder so comfortably because of the heel of her boots.
“World is going to shit,” Fae echoed what she’d said to herself.
Pedro inhaled deeply, it struck Fae how tired he was and how tired everyone was. The very atmosphere seemed to be pressing every human being down.
“Yeah, it’s why I’m giving my sister and I this chance.”
send me a description of one of your ocs and i’ll write a little drabble with them and one of my ocs !
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samaelwinchester · 4 years
oh changing channels babyyy!!! The meta! The fun! The sitcom! Nut cracker!!!! and then the reveal!!!! OOOhhhhh boy that reveal broke my heart! Gabriel, okay? they call me Gabriel! i could write a thesis on the meta of this line alone!!! it just lives rent free in my mind....
LMAOOO that was a funny episode. throwback to when we thought gabriel was just a trickster and not. gabriel
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34, 62
34. Advertisements you have stuck in your head? https://youtu.be/S3t19TKNZUY 👀👀👀
62. Seven characters you relate to? Δεν ημουν ετοιμ@ γι αυτήν την ερώτηση............
1. τωρα τελευταία αναρωτιέμαι αν ταυτίζομαι με το Μερσώ του Καμύ (ο ξενος).
2. Νιωθω καπως όπως @ Ορλαντο της Γουλφ (η χαζομάρα.... ο ρομαντισμός...... το ποσο twink ειναι οσο ειναι άντρας.... 🤌mwah!)
3. Ταυτιζομαι επισης με το γατοσκυλο από μικρ@.
4. Με τη leah από το the wilds, she crazy and so am i<3
5. Με τον κύριο πατατα από το toy story.
6. Με το Διονυσο στις Βάκχες- we love a vengeful bitch<3 και
7. Με τ@ Mae από το feel good
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suncaptor · 4 years
Dark blue and the lighthouse is the good spn that lives in our brain
we truly in every weather taking good care <3
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finalgirlbrainrot · 4 years
Finally someone who hates Dean as much as I do 😍 hey, what do you say we go and have ourselves a mystery spot 2.0 but this time no traumatising Sam?
I propose replacing gabriel with alastair tho, just for the lolz of it
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elektranhatcios · 4 years
Τι σημαίνει όμως συγκλο? Είναι απλά η λέξη "συγκλονιστικο" κομμένη? Όπως λέτε εσείς οι νέοι "bro" αντί για "brother"??? Αχχχχ εσείς οι νεολαιοι καταστρέφετε τη γλώσσα 😢😢😢 Μπαμπινιώτη αγάπη μου έλα πάρε με από δω
τα παράπονα σας στην κυρία Καγιά που διαφθείρει τη νεολαία 😔😔
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cramenjoyer · 4 years
Hey is it true that you are working on a johnazazel fic where sam was raised in hell by azazel and meg is her sister, and dean is a hunter and adam is a witch???????? If yes I want to be notified when it gets uploaded I want to read it so bad no joke
aaaaaaaaaaa okay im gonna be honest chief i dont publish shit usually but the about of people asking me about it... we really are starved for johnazazel huh /j
yeah okay i’ll consider publishing it <3 just for you
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