#to quoth the raven
GWAH! by lokitheraven
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geezmarty · 8 months
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my durge brigha got a lil raven companion from a side quest he's like her lil witch familiar I'm obsessed with him <3 (ft jealous karlach)
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Bruh the fact that you can feel Morpheus’ anger through the screen. You can see him tremble with rage as his voice becomes cold hard steel. We already knew Neil was right about what he said about Tom’s gravitas, but that scene was on a whole other level. Even I was terrified, Jesus Christ.
And you contrast that with how gentle he is with Calliope. How upset and terrified he is for her. How he actually begs her to accept his help, because he cannot bear to see her in this situation a second longer. How scared he is she’ll refuse out of pride as he did, because he’s been there and he knows the regret that comes after, and because he sees her imprisonment as so much worse than his. Because he knows Calliope, and it horrifies him that something like this has happened to her.
And at the end, you can really tell how part of him still loves her, and regrets so much about what has happened between them. Because like all his lovers, he’s given her a piece of his heart, and that will never change as the millennia go by. And for chrissake, their relationship lasted long enough for him to marry her, to father a son with her. To raise him and watch him grow up and be there with her and the rest of the Endless on Orpheus’ wedding day. And for Morpheus, even after thousands of years of bitterness and sorrow and regret, to come to her aid and demand she be freed, and to tremble even as she talks of forgiveness and presses her forehead to his cheek.
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deboracabral · 4 months
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from this video
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pratchettquotes · 7 months
"I'd better be going," said Susan. "Miss Butts always checks the dorms on the stroke of midnight."
"How many dormitories are there?" said the raven.
"About thirty, I think."
"You believe she checks them all at midnight and you don't believe in the Hogfather?"
Terry Pratchett, Soul Music
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thegorgonist · 9 months
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Restocked this baby right before it sold out, perfect timing! My shop!
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batwynn · 7 months
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Quoth the raven: my field of fucks is barren.
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flyingcubs · 3 months
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This one sort of came out of me. I think Biers only appears in a few of the Discworld books, but it's a fun setting.
Also, for the deep lore here, I know that the Igor in Biers is not AN Igor - I just wanted to draw one. But maybe Igor got himself an assistant who was an Igor. I'm sure it's not confusing.
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sanguine-raven · 6 days
16: can you drive?
don't have my license but I do have a car and I do know how to use it
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Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, and Peter Lorre
The Raven theatrical trailer (1963) dir. Roger Corman
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pratchettquotes · 4 months
"A lot of knowledge is a dangerous thing," said the skull. "A lot more dangerous than just a little. I always used to say that, when I was alive."
"When was that, exactly?"
"Can't remember. I think I was pretty knowledgeable. Probably a teacher or philosopher, something of that kidney. And now I'm on a bench with a bird crapping on my head."
"Very allegorical," said the raven.
Terry Pratchett, Soul Music
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songbird-sunrise · 2 months
Already? Huh. I guess so. Feels like hardly any time has passed since we've last had a chat
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mortuarymorticia · 3 months
it fucking baffles me when ppl are surprised or worse shames someone who doesn’t identify as “female” worships lilith or any other femme fatale goddess or deity. what could be more empowering than a nonbinary/non-conforming man who still chooses femininity & recognizes the power there? what could be more empowering than transcending beyond the gender binary & respecting that nebulous space?
lilith loves her male-identifying devotees & i won’t be told otherwise.
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coolpixdump · 3 months
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jedibinx · 1 month
Alongside making ✨️art✨️ for my walls I have a new project I'm going to start fairly soon. Meet my kitchen table design that'll be made from 3000 mosaic tiles. Note the Käärijä coded colours. I'm also painting the chairs and table black and changing the leather bits to green 🤭 sometimes it pays off being an adult and in charge of stuff
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corvidacryptida · 6 days
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A new addition to my POE-llection (if the pun is pardonable)!
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