#sov!kurloz makara
nekropsii · 2 months
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emericsargas · 7 months
I am back at it again with some more sovstuck quote shit . Ffffuck yea let's go
Kankri: Look. Sometimes there's nothing political about the politician
Damara: I'm not engaging in your stupid fantasies you dumb cunt
Rufioh: I want to be a overwatch character so I can be badly written
Meulin: So now all my socks smell like weed
Porrim: You're like a rejected Golden Girls cast member
Latula: You can't just say socahtoa and make your problems go away dude
Aranea: If any of us had sex with Sigmund Freud he would explode on the spot........
Horuss: How many apples do YOU eat? C'mon motherfucker
Kurloz: I read the Tibetan Book of The Dead in middle school and said yep, this is my life now
Cronus: Is this profiling? Yes I'm glad you picked up on that
Meenah: I'm gonna put my crab hands around your crab neck
Emeric: Submerging your body in bleach is a great way to remove dirt and grime
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nekropsii · 3 months
Dude I love your hints of your interpretation of Kurloz in sov!. I am so so interested!
Kurloz was EASILY the most difficult character to work with. I like what we've got now, at least, but it definitely caused a whole lot of headaches.
He's a man with... Very, very strong, rigorously upheld beliefs. Intense goth clown. Chill guy, though, just doing his job.
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nekropsii · 2 months
How did you go about modifying Kurloz for soverignstuck?
I'm trying to put Gamzee in a fanwork- not as a main character, but I don't want to leave him out entirely. However, I don't want to write in any of the negative racial stereotypes that make up his character.
Thank you for your time, and have a good day.
It took a long time and caused a lot of headaches, but ultimately you must find a new angle to take the character while being aware of the racism and seeking to carve that out. These have to be active processes in your brain.
The Makaras are very nebulous characters who are prone to falling apart if you smack ‘em with your chisel the wrong way, but just keep at it. It’s worth it.
“Finding an Angle” is basically just figuring out where you want to take the character. You do this with every character you make. Good, Bad, In-Between? Anti-Hero, too hard to tell? What motivates them? What do they do? What purpose do they serve, narratively?
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nekropsii · 2 years
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Soodles. (Sov Doodles.)
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nekropsii · 1 year
I can't remember if this has been asked already, but do the troll religions play a part in sovstuck?
If you mean things like Worship of The Sufferer and Belief in Ancestors? Yeah. If you mean the Juggalo Cult? No.
Religion is pretty... I want to say, decentralized? On Sovereignstuck's Earth C. It's not segregated by species or location or anything. Focusing on Sufferer Worship here: Tejuri is (Texican) Troll Catholic, with a particular interest in The Psiioniic, the Forgotten Saint of Prolonged Suffering and Aviation. She dragged Retris into gaining an academic fixation on this as well, even though he was raised in a country almost entirely populated by Carapacians. Dynama, however, intensely believes in Human Christianity. She doesn't particularly believe other forms of religion are as valid as hers. Kind of a dick move, but not fully unexpected.
Kurloz isn't in the Clown Cult because that whole thing was kinda fucking lame and we don't really want to do anything with it. He is goth now, though. Hopefully this makes up for it.
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nekropsii · 2 years
ooh now I’m curious, what are the dancestors trolltags in sovstuck?? i’ve been trying to think of chumhandles for them for a humanstuck au i’m writing, and i’ve hit a block for some of them, so i’m looking for inspiration!
Damara Megido: amicableAssassin // AA
Rufioh Nitram: animatedTroublemaker // AT
Mituna Captor: twofoldAntithesis // TA
Kankri Vantas: cancrineGarrulity // CG
Meulin Leijon: acuteCatastrophe // AC
Porrim Maryam: guilelessAdvocator // GA
Latula Pyrope: gnarlyCoolkid // GC
Aranea Serket: athenianGlossographer // AG
Horuss Zahhak: caballineToxophilite // CT
Kurloz Makara: taciturnCharader // TC
Cronus Ampora: casanovanAngel // CA
Meenah Peixes: causticConquerer // CC
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nekropsii · 2 years
Horuss? Or if it’s already done by the time you see this, Kurloz, Sov or Canon
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I think most people who frequent this blog know that I have some very strong feelings about Horuss. He's got so much potential... Parts of his character are so genuinely fascinating... And yet...
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And, of course, Sovereignstuck Kurloz, versus...
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... Canon Kurloz!! Is anyone going to talk about how Homestuck couldn't have happened without Kurloz's influence? No? Okay.
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nekropsii · 2 years
How much of the canon dancestor interactions have happened at the time of sovstuck? Mituna & Latula's relationship, Kurloz's honk and Meulin's deafening, Rufioh & Damara's relationship, etc?
We aimed to be largely canon compliant, actually, though some things had to be reworked in order to be either palatable, tone adherent, or able to be taken seriously. A great example is Rufioh’s Joke Backstory that Aranea gave to Meenah with the express purpose of annoying her, lol.
Combing through your selections here…
Latula and Mituna still have a Romantic Relationship, except they’re Moirails now, because we felt that fit what we saw their relationship as better than Matespritship did. They started Pale-Dating during their own Session, though were friends prior to its starting, and once their Session ended, they actually started living together. Do not separate them.
Meulin’s Deafening definitely happened, and for the same reason as well. This means Kurloz is also “Mute,” as you cannot have one without the other.
Rufioh and Damara’s relationship- as well as Rufioh and Horuss’s, tangentially- absolutely happened, but we’re making it a bigger, more serious deal now. It’s incredibly fascinating. They first met when they were both kids running away from home, and have been functionally inseparable ever since. The drama of it all is very much so heightened by the fact that Rufioh fucked off and ghosted almost everyone when the Session ended, and now that the Patrons are all put back together again… Damara’s really, really upset at Rufioh for abandoning her.
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nekropsii · 2 years
Sov characters you wouldn't mind being your roommate vs sov characters you could not be paid to share a room with
Oh, this is a fun question!! I’ll divide these up by their respective casts, just to make things a little easier, both for me, and you, the reader! I’ll even include reasons why!
Content Warning: Long.
(NOTE: I’m not going to include everyone, because there’s some people I’m a little on the fence about, or have more neutral opinions on.)
CYNTIN: He would make me gayer somehow.
TEJURI: Though she’d probably be expensive as hell to live with due to her Voidrot, and the menagerie of ways in which it manifests, she’s genuinely peak Nerdy Southern Best Friend. I can’t help but think I’d get along just so well with her. She’s not even Friend-Shaped. She’s Best Friend-Shaped.
RETRIS: Despite his everything, he’s pretty chill! We’d probably get along! Also he makes, like, so much fucking money, so it’d definitely be a comfortable arrangement. He’s a very, very good friend, too, and very caring.
AJAX: Cool dude, seems genuinely fun to be around. Movie nights will be a blast. I will have to force him to pay for the holes he punches in the walls at random, though.
PLEOME: He can be a little overbearing, even if he means well, but is otherwise just some regular guy. I’d go positively bonkers watching him do tech restoration.
DYNAMA: I couldn’t do it. I’m sorry. I love them so much, but… They’d proselytize at me and I’d just start swinging. They mean well, but they’re severely Christian, and very much so grew up in a tiny town. I could be friends with them, but I could never commit to living with them.
PRESAE: She would call my oven a “weird mechanical kangaroo” and then disassemble it for parts.
EMERIC: She has turned the kitchen into a meth lab. I’m becoming asthmatic from the fumes just thinking about it.
ANNOMI: I would not be able to stand a single iota of his personality. I love writing him, I personally find him fascinating because of the fucked up focus on the psychological, but I would not be able to deal with him in a physical space OR online. If he got some kind of obsession with me, I’d just kill him or something. I don’t know, dude.
DAMARA: Surprised at this entry? Perhaps you’re forgetting Damara is actually very nice! The only reason she’s as mean and disconcerting as she is is because during most of what we see of her in canon, she’s talking to the Alpha Trolls, of whom most of which she has a massive grudge against. I’d be functionally immune to her penchant for Psychological Warfare. Also, she’s cool, and I’m supporting her journey into therapy.
RUFIOH: He would watch TikToks out loud and maybe have a few annoying opinions but otherwise would be a pretty ok roommate. Hard to keep settled down though, which isn’t an issue for me. He would barely ever be home.
PORRIM: Genuinely a very accepting person, but knows when and how to put her foot down, and get shit in order. Very good person. She’s incredibly offline to the point where it’s both hilarious and soul-healing. Ultimate grass-toucher. We love her. She knows Queer History + Theory that you couldn’t even imagine. She’d teach me Knitting. But most importantly, she’d have a Driver’s License.
ARANEA: We would be so fucking annoying if we shared a living space. We’d just fuel each other’s Stage 4 Autism. The essays would be severe in length, niche as hell, and possibly unhinged. She’s very well read, too, and knows what she’s talking about, so I trust her thoughts and opinions on things. It’d be exactly what she needs, and exactly what I need.
MEENAH: She is such a recluse that I would probably barely notice her being there. Pays her rent by leaving an envelope on the counter with a wine glass on top so I can’t miss it. It’s got “RENT, BITCH.” written on it in cursive with a hot pink glitter gel pen. Sometimes she barges into my room and starts bitching loudly about some random bullshit I’ve never heard of. She is so fun and charismatic that I would not mind. And also I love being nosy and hearing drama so I’m entertained regardless. 10/10.
KANKRI: No. (I love him, and he’s a very complex person who I’d love to discuss religion with, but I can’t tolerate his level and flavor of being terminally online. I’ve encountered people like him before. It is… Not pleasant. Granted, you can work him out of his behaviors, but it takes a very specific kind of person to have the patience and tolerance to do so, and I’m not one of them.)
CRONUS: Fuck no. (I would become even more mentally ill. His toxic behaviors are very much so fueled by specific things that are somewhat understandable and interesting, but that doesn’t mean anyone is obligated to tolerate him. I’m even more susceptible to his specific methods of abuse just because of things like Paranoia and Memory Loss, I don’t need to deal with that.)
KURLOZ: Kurloz.
OCHOSI: Very much so a case of an Extrovert adopting an Introvert. He might take me zip-lining or something like that, which isn’t at all my taste, but it’s fun and healthy to fill your life with new experiences, even if they’re not totally your thing. It’s enrichment. Also, I am a weak man sometimes, and Ochosi is kind of attractive. Sorry.
ATRISA: She is an extrovert and knows where all the gay bars are and this would make me normal.
MESERI: I would die.
KHANDA: I would die and he would think it’s funny that I died.
ARSINE: I would die.
DULVYX: He would die.
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nekropsii · 2 years
Kurloz -
KURLOZ: Kurloz.
The work speaks for itself, methinks.
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emericsargas · 2 months
Sovheads!! I will not be denied my answers!
These are the patrons. Do not take the alpha trolls into account when choosing
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nekropsii · 2 years
I'm the anon who asked about the people involved in the Sov!stuck project! So I'm interested in knowing which characters people/accounts are writing
Hello again! Lovely to see you!!
I'll be answering your question under the cut, because the formatting really does make this quite long... It's the best approach I could think of!! Hope you do not mind!!
Content Warning: Long.
Some characters that are not mentioned are considered a group effort, of sorts!! On top of that, there are a couple that we just juggle around, and sometimes characters will change hands... Sometimes that's temporary, sometimes it isn't. It's all based on who has the muse for what- it just works better like that!! All characters have at least a little bit of input from somebody at some point, though... So that's something to keep in mind, too!! We also have a few not mentioned here because of spoiler reasons... Don't worry too much about that!!
Retris Morage
Annomi Errata
Tomiei Aerras
Damara Megido
Mituna Captor
Kankri Vantas
Cronus Ampora
Khanda Morage
Dulvyx Errata
Tejuri Kromab
Ajax Barrett
Rufioh Nitram
Latula Pyrope
Kurloz Makara
Cronus Ampora
Argebi Kromab
Kausat Stolar
Pardus Rubato
Meulin Leijon
Horuss Zahhak
Ochosi Stolar
Cynical Itinerant
Dynama Zarrow
Emeric Sargas
Porrim Maryam
Inaniloquent Commander
Arsine Sargas
Presae Covnul
Pleome Alrium
Aranea Serket
Meenah Peixes
Meseri Covnul
Atrisa Alrium
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nekropsii · 2 years
Wow Kurloz is scary
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Sov!Kurloz can definitely be scary as hell! As he should be!
He is quite nice to look at otherwise, despite everything.
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nekropsii · 2 years
Have you drawn Soviet Meulin/Kurloz/Cronus (bad taste) before?
Sovereign*. It’s called Sovereignstuck.
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They/She icon, guy with a concerning presence, and terminally rich dude who wears oversized clothes to look bigger than he is. In that order!
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nekropsii · 2 years
whats up with kurloz eyes?
(Note To Any Readers: This is about Sovereignstuck. This is not about canon Kurloz.)
Kurloz is a bit of an oddball, taking his eccentricities further than one would think in Sovereignstuck. He may not have had a millennia to develop into the masterfully conniving figure we once knew him to be, but what he has had is outside influences. Fashion, alternative or not, is a bit more of a thing on Earth C than one would suspect it to be.
This is a very long way of saying that he still has blank, ghostly eyes because he is wearing contacts. Silly answer, sure, but not everything needs a cool, in-depth explanation involving magic or godhood! He just absolutely loves evoking the image of death. Something about the aesthetic makes him feel very comfortably powerful.
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