#soy sauce (triple m)
Best Family Unit!
these are all the families that are up for nomination for best family unit and everything you need to know about them!
The Triplets (Mango, Miso & Mitzi)
triplets born. a throne awaits. these three sillies are the namesake of this whole thing! mitzi is the oldest, mango the middle and miso is the youngest.
The Among Us Slide Siblings (Mango, Miso, Mitzi, Soy & Peaches)
consisting of the triplets this group brings their older sibling, soy, and their baby sister peaches into the category. together they were expelled from their home dimension and stranded on earth apart from each other but with determination they found each other one more and now live peacefully together with their friends.
The Sea Gatos (Lillibelle & Morgz)
lillibelle and morgz are cousins and come from a long line of aquatic cats called sea gatos. sea gatos spend most of their lives by open waters (namely the sea and ocean) and are extra fond of swimming in these waters. much like their ancestors lillibelle and morgz carry on the legacy proudly swimming the waters together.
Rainforest Family (Mango, Clawdia & Lloyd)
after being separated from their own families, mostly through circumstances that weren’t their fault, these three formed their own found family within the rainforest which they resided in. they made a promise that they’d love and care for each other and always protect each other from dangers too. even when not in the wild this rule still applies to the little travelling group.
The Cousins (Star & Pepper)
the cousins complete the among us slide kids that we know of with these two being sisters to each other and cousins to the among us slide siblings. the two set out on a quest to go and meet their family in the flesh and they travelled long hours to reunite with their other.
that’s all of the family units, you can vote for the best family of the year here!!
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lady-agni · 3 years
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CHAPTER 14 : (Unnamed as of Yet)                FF // AO3 // ko-fi
SUMMARY: After a three year absence, Kagome finally returns to the feudal era. Yet her high hopes for a happy future are crushed by the warring sanctions wreaking havoc among countless villages. People are dying, disappearing, and something strange is happening with the well.
GENRE: Romance, Angst
Rating: M
(Banner by the lovely @neutronstarchild ily boo!!!! <3 <3 <3 )
Last Chapter:
Bashfully, she leaned up and gave him a small kiss.
“I love you, Inuyasha.” He instantly leaned down for more, but she drew away with a chuckle. “I’m gonna go clean up now.” 
He was helpless to stare as she sauntered away. Wondering how in the hell he had gotten her to love him. That was the third time she’d said it today. He reached for his chest and rubbed, the feeling overwhelming as he cleared the lump in his throat and blinked the suddenly stinging haze in his eyes.
After all this time, she was finally with him.
And she loved him.
The sun had almost completely slipped into the horizon when Kagome finally emerged. Inuyasha had been preparing vegetables for dinner while Kagome cleaned up. When she left the bathing room, he had to fight a burning blush and rip wide golden eyes from her as she walked into the main room dressed in a white sleeping kimono. It was intimate, far too intimate than he was used to. He bit the inside of his cheek as he turned back to his task, hyper aware of all the rustling her clothes made as she put the miko robes he had procured for her into a nearby chest.
He heard her inhale and then release a languid sigh, “mmm.” Her voice sounded like molten butter. “What is that,” she asked in sleepy tones.
Inuyasha blinked a few times, forcing his blush down as he finished cutting carrots, onions, green peppers, nori, and mushrooms to add to his boiling stew of shrimp, scallops, soy sauce, and noodles. “A year and a half after,” he swallowed a bit harshly from the memory, “after you were taken back. There - there was a vendor from the mainland selling noodles.” 
He felt Kagome wrap her arms around him as she peeked around his shoulder to his kitchen counter. The fresh scent of her skin almost intoxicating. “Noodles,” she asked, interest peaked. Inuyasha felt his heart beat triple as he pushed all the veggies with a knife into a large bowl and nodded. He felt her arms shake with humor, eyes twinkling as he turned in her arms. “Inuyasha!” She wiped at the corner of a wet eye, “you found a way to make ramen!”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, averting his eyes in a sudden bout of sheepishness. “It was made by some guy named..” he scrunched his face as he looked at the ceiling in contemplation, “Mark Plo?”
He marveled at the sight of Kagome throwing her gorgeous face back and laughing so pleasantly. After a few short chuckles that escaped him, he managed to screw his face back up in a vexing expression, Kagome seemed to gather herself back up, holding onto his bicep as she wiped tears away with her free hand. “You - you mean Marco Polo?” Her eyes widened with wonderment, “you met the Marco Polo?! And made your own ramen?!”
Vexed, he shrugged her off him, stalking to the boiling pot and dropping the ingredients into the succulent broth. “What ever.” What he didn’t tell her though, was that it tasted like home.
Because out of everything and all he had gone through; fighting with her, protecting her, humoring her, sitting with her, basking in her warmth, enjoying her peaceful nature. She had always been home. 
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snovaness · 4 years
Tape Arms
4. Roomies           5. Fake Date          6. Bakery
Summary: Sero Hanta has a huge crush on a fellow pro-hero who goes by the name Time Keeper. Unfortunately, for him she doesn’t even know his name despite the fact that they work for the same agency. But it seems that luck is on Hanta’s side when U.A opens their first hero agency festival, an event that lets agencies put up a booth at U.A. High School to scout both students in the hero and support department. Y/n and Sero are two of the 6 chosen hero’s to represent their agency. Will this crush finally get somewhere or will he continue to be a coworker on the sidelines?
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Walking into the small cafe you noticed the pink girl sitting with 2 other people. One was blonde while the other a spiky red head. Mina waved to you as you walked towards them. “Guys this is Y/n! My new bestie! Isn't she the cutest?!” The red head smiled “Hi, I’m Kirishima Eijirou.” The blonde stayed unbothered when all he said was Bakugo. “It’s nice to meet you guys!” You noticed 5 drinks on the table. Only one of them was left untouched and you began to think it might have been ordered for you but who did the other drink belong to? “Is there anyone else here? There's 5 drinks and just 3 of you so…” Mina noticed the door open and a smile made its way to her face. 
“Actually yes here they are! Camie, Sero over here!” You shifted slightly in your chair to see a blonde girl and Sero walk in. “Y/n this is Camie! You already know Sero.” You waved to the both of them. Camie was insanely pretty. Seeing her walk in with Sero made your mind race a mile a minute. You couldn’t help jump to the conclusion that maybe he could be seeing her. Trying to push that thought out of your mind you decided to go order yourself something. “Sero go with her and get me a slice of cake will you?” Bakugo said. His tone sounded more demanding than you were used to hearing when someone asked for a favor. Despite this Sero still got up and followed you towards the counter. 
“I didn’t know you were close with Mina” He stated. You just shrugged “We recently became friends actually but I really like her. She feels like a sister if that makes sense. It’s refreshing to have her to talk to instead of Ojiro and Sato. Don’t tell them I said that” he chuckled and then asked the cashier for two slices of cake. You just ordered an iced coffee. “No sweets today?” he questioned. “Oh no living with Sato is pretty much the same as being on a constant sugar high. I eat a little too much cake if I’m being honest” he laughed again. Would it be cheesy to say that it puts a smile on your face? Because it really did. 
Once you sat back down Camie faced you as you sat across from Mina. “So you’re Y/n! The one who has been slowly stealing my bae from me” You slightly choked on your coffee. Did she mean Sero? “I’m sorry?” Bakugo noticed your new rigid behavior. “Don’t scare her you dumbass.” She stuck her tongue out at the other blonde “I’m just trying to break the ice.” Mina rolled her eyes “Don’t worry Y/n she's joking. Camie isn’t the jealous type anyways.” You were seriously very confused at this point. 
“Wait so are you guys dating then?” You asked Camie. She smiled at you “Mina you didn’t tell her about me? I’ve been with Mina for about a year now.” Your two brain cells had finally connected “OHHH. You’re dating Mina! For a second I thought you were with Sero.” Kirishima looked confused “Wait, you thought Sero and Camie were together?” You played with the straw of your cup nervously. “Well she said I was slowly stealing her bae and out of Mina and Sero I’ve spent more time with Sero. Plus they did walk in together” Camie giggled “I just have a bad sense of direction and got lost so Sero came to get me.” Bakugo rolled his eyes. “You just added another dumbass to our friend group like we don’t already have 3.” 
“Hey! I am not a dumbass. I’ll have you know that I was in the top at my school!” He smirked “Oh yeah well so was I! Don’t start thinking you're better than me now Timekeeper” “That just proves I’m better because you know who I am and I have no clue who you are.” His eyes widened “What the hell do you mean you don’t know who I am?” You shook your head “Sorry I have no clue. I know like 6 pro-heroes and two of them are Mina and Sero.” Sero put his had on your shoulder “Uhh Y/n I don’t think you want to argue with Katsuki. He has a bit of a temper” You shook your head. “I know I can take him” The big smile you flashed him made his heart race. The crush he had on you only felt like it had gotten stronger once the two of you became friends. He watched as you and Bakugo began bickering over the fact you didn’t know any pro-heroes. “How do you fucking know Deku but now me?!” he huffed “He messaged me on how my quirk worked on twitter last year and we talk from time to time.” Kirishima rubbed Bakugo’s back “it’s okay babe. Don’t get too worked up about it.” Once again your two brain cells held hands. “Wait, you two are also together?” Kirishima nodded. “Oh yeah that’s right. L-M-A-O this is pretty much a triple date! Now that I think about it, Sero and Y/n do look totes adorbs together” Sero’s face slowly turned red as Bakugo started to yell. “Shut up glamour girl. You really think Sero would consider this a date? We all know soy sauce face is more romantic than that.” you chuckled nervously “I would have worn something a little nicer than just leggings and a sweater if I knew this was a date.” “You look beautiful anyways” Sero said casually. The tips of your ears started to burn. To others this may have been just a simple compliment but to you it felt much more than that. “He’s right your sweater is totally cute!” Camie responded. 
A phone on the table vibrated. “Hello. She’s ready? Okay thank you” Bakugo looked towards the group “Sorry guys we have to leave. We left Azula with the groomer.” You watched as the couple left the small cafe. “What kinda dog do they have?” you asked. “Pitbull mix. She’s such a sweet dog. Ei named her Azula because he binged watched The Last Airbender the same week they got her” Sero told you. “You have a dog too right Y/n?” Mina asked. You nodded “Oh yes! His name is Ein. He's a corgi.” 
The rest of the time at the cafe went well. Sero even offered to take you home but you sadly had to decline due to Sato asking you to buy groceries on your way home. You were grinning practically from ear to ear when you walked into your shared apartment. “Why are you so… not moody?” Ojiro asked. You put your purse down and sat next to him. “I went on a date today. Well not a real date it was kinda a fake date, a pre date if you will. Anyways I hung out with Mina and her girlfriend was there plus this angry blonde guy named Bakugo and his boyfriend Kirishima. Sero was also there so it was kinda like a triple date but not really.” You began to pet his tail “So basically you like Sero and are excited that you hung out with him?” You nodded “Is this where I call you a simp?” you laughed “maybe I am but I’d gladly be a simp for him”
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Pairings: Bakugo x kirishima, Mina x Camie, Kaminari x Jiro, Sero x Y/n
Taglist: @fxded-drxms @azvmane @thatlonelypieceoftoast @issalilmessy
@edensxgarden @ohnosiren @thetrashyfangirlstuff @torikonan @kc-korra
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Pretty Pretty Princess
Summary: Kaminari’s daughter wants to play dress up, so he becomes a princess for the evening.
Wordcount: 1808
“Mommy, can we play dress up?” You wave a tired hand at your daughter, who was following you around the room. You could feel her tugging onto your dress as you laid out paper plates and plastic silverware.
   Today was a special day; it was the baby shower for the unborn twins inside your belly. Lucky for you, they have been calm so you can get things done, but now your six year old is demanding your attention. “Miuko, I can’t. I’m setting up the party for your siblings. Today we get to find out if the babies are boys or girls.”
   Miuko puffed out her chubby cheeks, pulling on her dirty blonde pigtails. “But I wanna play princess tea party!” Her hair started to become staticy and her strands started to stand on end as she crossed her arms, pouting on the couch.
 “Heheh, now she looks like her dad when she does that. She’s so cute all the time, you forget her dad is Denki.” Kyouka came into the room, holding the cake for the party. Momo followed close behind her with balloons. Oh thank god, the other adults are here to help.
   You sigh happily as the girls came over to you and gave you side hugs. “Hey, Kyouka, that’s rude!” Speak of the devil, your husband pouted as he walked over to you. His arms wrapped around you tightly as he showered your face in loving kisses. “Hello my beautiful, darling, glowing, light-of-my-life wife. How are you feeling? How are the little lightning bugs?” His hands wandered down to your belly; the twins seemed to sense their father, as they shifted inside you...
   “We are good, don’t worry. Just worried about getting the party together in time for everyone to get here…” You looked back down at your daughter and then motioned your husband closer to whisper in his ear. “I think Miu is feeling a bit left out. She’s been begging to play princess all morning.”
   Denki looked down at his pouting little girl and then winked at you. “Oh man honey, I don’t think I can help with decorating. I’m really bad at it! I guess I have to keep myself out of the way. Hey Miu, do you know what daddy could do while we wait for the party?”
   Miuko gasped, jumping up and down on the couch. “Princess tea party!”
   Denki let out a dramatic gasp as he grabbed his daughter's hand. You giggled at his ‘excitement’ as you mindlessly rubbed your belly. “Princess tea party?! That sounds like sooooooo much fun! Let’s play in your room!” The two of them skipped down the hall; your daughter’s bubbly voice could be heard all the way to her room.
   “Man… that was cute.”
   “Makes you want a child of our own, Kyouka?”
   The party was still being set up when the guys showed up. Sero, Kirishima, and a Bakugo being dragged via headlock by Kirishima. Which meant they were sent to see where Denki was since they couldn’t be trusted to help or keep fingers away from snacks. “Holy shit! Pwahahahahahah! What the heck Kaminari?!” Both Sero and Kirishima fell to the floor, laughing at the sight before them.
   Denki had bows, clips, and glitter in his hair with random braids everywhere, as well as messy sparkly pink eyeshadow that didn’t stop at his eyelids and Barbie pink lipstick. Denki was sitting at his daughter’s play table, squeezing his large body onto one of the mini child chairs.e.
   “Is that an effing tutu, dunce face?” Bakugo, who was filtering his words in front of Miuko, pointed to the frill around Denki’s waist.
   “Yes, yes it is. And my name is Princess Dazzling Unicorn Sparkle.” Denki stated his new title proudly, taking a pretend sip from a very small plastic pink teacup, pinky out and everything. He is not ashamed that he plays with his daughter or that he lets her use him as a dress-up doll.
   Miu hopped to her feet, dressed in one of her princess costumes from Halloween. She ran over to the men that were more than triple her size. “Uncle Ei! Uncle Hanta! Uncle Suki! Are you here to play too?!” She grabbed Kirishima’s and Sero’s hands, pulling them and forcing them to sit at the table as well. It was amusing to see someone as big and bulky as Red Riot sitting in a chair that was smaller than one of his calves.
   “Uuuhhhhh…” The men looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Miu was looking at them with big puppy dog eyes; there was no way they could fight it. They both gave reluctant nods, but were rewarded with one of the brightest smiles they'd ever seen on Kaminari’s daughter’s face.
   “Eff that. I’d rather help with the dumb baby shower.” Bakugo tried to turn away, but small hands glued him to where he stood.
   “Pleeeaaasssse Uncle Suki? It won’t be as fun without you. I wanna play with you too.” Bakugo flinched at the tears starting to flow out of her eyes. Small sparks of electricity buzzed around her. If there is one thing Bakugo learned over the years from being around the small Kaminari child is to avoid any possible tantrum, at all costs. There is no way someone who didn’t have an electric quirk would survive. The moment he let go of the doorknob, she knew she’d won. “Yay, you are going to be Princess Butterfly Glitter Bomb!”
   You sighed from your spot on the couch; all the energy you’d had before had been sucked away when the twins decided to switch spots inside your stomach. “Alright, everything is set up. We just have to lay out the snacks and wait for everyone to show up. I’ll get the boys and the princess to come out and join us.”
   Walking down the hall, you could hear your daughter telling the story of how her prince in shining armor came to rescue her. “That’s stupid. Why would you wait for some dude to save you? You can do it yourself.” Ah, that was Bakugo talking.
   “But I want to be saved! My prince will give me a kiss!” Slowly, you opened the door; the first thing you see is your daughter being pampered by two pairs of hands. One was skillfully putting winged eyeliner on her, while the other was delicately placing flowers inside her French braided golden hair. Your eyes widened as you opened the door more; you immediately placed a hand over your mouth to hold back a snort.
   “You can fight some dragon on your own with your quirk, why wait for some dumb prince?” Bakugo, who was applying makeup to your daughter, had a butterfly clip holding back his bangs, a large amount of bright sparkly pink eyeshadow and neon pink lipstick. The makeup must of have been from her princess makeover kit that Denki had bought her for her birthday.
   “Katsuki, you are missing the point. She wants to be swept off her feet. To be romanced. You did that for me, bro.” Kirishima, the manliest and largest man of the Bakusquad, had many different assortments of colorful sparkly costume bracelets hooped around his spikes, flowers drawn in what you assume is the same red lipstick that was currently on his lips on his cheeks, and is that… your eyelashes from your Halloween costume last year?
   To the side of him was Sero, who was holding his hands out to Kirishima. “Shut up and focus on Soy Sauce’s nails. Anyways, you don’t need to be saved to be smooched, especially not from some random prince.” Sero was frowning down at his nails as Kiri continued to paint. The tape hero didn’t look much different to the redhead; his hair was in numerous ponytails that were being held up by beaded hair ties and bow; he had been given the purple lipstick.
   Your daughter held up the toy that she was clutching to herself right into Bakugo’s face, interrupting his work on her eyes. “It won’t be a random prince! Ingenium will save me!”
   “Glasses? Really?” Bakugo grabbed her face again, finishing the last bit of her eyeliner wings.
   Kaminari placed the final flower in his daughter’s hair. He was the most put together out of the rest; most likely he’d put his makeup on while your daughter did the rest of the guys. “She could do worse than our old class president. As long as she’s happy and he treats her right, I’m happy.”
   “All done.” Kirishima cheered as he closed the bottle of nail polish.
   Sero held up his hands to look at Kirishima’s work with an exasperated look; he was obviously not enjoying this as much as the others. “This is going to be hell to take off… why sparkles… I can’t imagine having a daughter who makes you dress up like this…”
   Kirishima leaned onto an open palm perched on his knees. “I don’t know bro, I feel kind of pretty.”
   With a straight face, Bakugo looked up at the redhead without any hesitation and said, “You are always pretty. Homo intended.”
   “Awww bro.”
   Now that no one was holding Miuko’s attention, she looked over to see you and excitedly stood up pointing to her face. “Mommy! Look! We princesses!”
   You giggle as she ran around the room, presenting each man and describing what she did to them with glee. “I see. Will your highnesses please join us in the living room; the party should be starting soon.”
   Sero sighed with relief as they all got to their feet. “After we get this makeup off…”
   That was the wrong thing to say. Miuko stomped her feet standing between Sero and Kirishima. “No! Princesses can’t be seen without their makeup! What if your prince comes? You have to look battle ready! Let’s go Princess Shiny Rainbow Bubbles and Princess Strawberry Sunshine Sugar.” She took Sero and Kiri’s hands and you watched as your six-year-old pulled the full-grown pro hero men out of the room.
   Kiri reached out and grabbed Bakugo’s hand, pulling him along as well with a cheeky smile. “Lucky me, I already found my prince…er, princess.”
   “Shut up, you sap.” Bakugo rolled his eyes as he let himself get dragged along.
   You were giggling to yourself as you could hear people gasping in surprise, soon followed by loud laughter. Denki came up beside you, offering his arm for you to take and escort you. You couldn’t help but chuckle and make a comment on his appearance. “You look beautiful, honey.”
   Denki flipped his hair dramatically with his free arm as the two of you walked. “I know, right?” You are sure the children in your stomach did somersaults due to your muscles flexing from how hard you laughed that day.
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foodsindustry · 2 years
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Soy Protein Ingredients Market Business Opportunities Ensure to Leading Key Players and Forecast 2028
Market Highlights
The global Soy protein ingredients Industry is projected to be valued at USD 13.55 billion by 2028, recording a CAGR of 7.45% during the forecast period. The growth of the soy protein ingredients market is anticipated to be driven by several factors during the forecast period. One of the key factors is the rising prevalence of lactose intolerance among consumers. The growing adoption of plant-protein ingredients among the food & beverages manufacturers, followed by a shift in consumer preference toward organic ingredients, has created new opportunities for soy protein ingredient manufacturers. However, the allergen reaction associated with soy is restraining the growth of the market.
COVID-19 caused a sudden increase in demand for plant-based substitutes across the globe. Amidst the outbreak of the pandemic, many slaughterhouses have shut down. For instance, one of the largest meat producers, Tyson Foods, shut down two of its biggest pork plants in the US. Other competitors are facing similar scenarios. This has resulted in a gradual shift in demand for plant-based ingredients. The demand for plant-based food products is increasing at an exponential rate. In some regions, the demand is anticipated to reach the triple-digit growth rate. However, this growth rate is anticipated to be only temporary during the global pandemic crisis. Many plant-based food manufacturers and soy protein ingredients processors are seeing this global crisis as an opportunity to popularize plant-based foods across the globe. The rising awareness among individuals regarding the growth of harmful diseases from the wet markets is certainly anticipated to make a dent in red meat consumption and surge the demand for plant-based food, which is fueling the growth of the global soy protein ingredients market.
To get more info@: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/press-release/soy-protein-ingredients-market
Key Players:
Market Research Future has recognized Archer Daniels Midland Company (US), DuPont (US), Cargill Incorporated (US), Wilmar International Limited (Singapore), The Nisshin OilliO Group, Ltd (Japan), CHS Inc. (US), Devan soy Inc. (US), Ag Processing Inc. (US), Ruchi Soya Industries Limited (India), Natural Products, Inc. (US), BIC Services (Netherlands), Gushen Biological Technology Group Co., Ltd (China), Partner-M (Russia), Sonic Biochem (India), and International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (US)as the key market players.
 Segmental Analysis
The global soy protein ingredients market has been segmented based on type, application, and region.
Based on type, the global soy protein ingredients market has been segmented as soy protein concentrates, soy protein is olates, soy flours, and others. Soy protein concentrates are further divided into powder and textured soy concentrate. The soy protein concentrates segment accounted for the largest market share of 40.97% in 2020, whereas the soy protein isolates segment is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR of 5.10% during the review period. The most refined forms of soybean proteins, isolates, contain 90% or more protein. Soy protein isolate is a dietary protein isolated from soybeans that contain isoflavone phytoestrogens. Soy protein isolate is majorly used as an ingredient in various packaged foods, including protein bars, bread and baked goods, soups, and sauces.
Based on application, the global soy protein ingredients market has been segmented into food & beverages, feed, and pharmaceuticals & nutraceuticals. The food & beverages segment is segmented into bakery & confectionery, meat alternatives, meat products, functional foods, dairy replacement products, infant nutrition, and others.
The feed segment is further segmented into animal feed, pet food, and aqua feed. The food & beverages segment accounted for the major market share of 67.33% in 2020, whereas the feed segment is expected to record the highest CAGR of 4.65% during the forecast period. Soy protein ingredients, especially soy protein concentrates and soy protein isolates, are an excellent source of easily digestible amino acids. They are ideal for pet food, animal feed, and aqua feed, where protein quality and nutritional value are important. Soy protein concentrate was mainly considered for animal feed. However, the abundance of soy protein isolates, mainly of Asian origin, has prompted many manufacturers to consider the ingredient for specialty feed, such as milk replacers, piglet feeds, and broiler pre-starters.
The increasing demand for plant protein sources in animal feed is driving the growth of the segment. The growth of the feed industry is also directly impacting the consumption of soy protein ingredients in animal feed. Also, in fish, 40-100% of fishmeal can be replaced by soy protein concentrate as they are a good protein source for aquafeeds. The increasing adoption of pets globally leading to innovation in the pet food industry with high plant-sourced protein, driving the sales of soy protein ingredients in the pet food industry. Soy protein ingredients are economical, which has also led to their widespread use in feed products.
 Regional Analysis
Geographically, the global soy protein ingredients market has been categorized as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East & Africa. As per MRFR analysis, North America constituted a dominant share of the soy protein ingredients market in 2020. Expanding the product portfolio of meat substitutes by the food processors is a significant factor for the rising growth of soy protein ingredients in the region. The US was the largest country-level market 81.42% share and was valued at USD 2,366.07 million in 2020.The demand for soy protein ingredients in the region is growing at an exponential rate.
 Key Findings of the Study:
The global soy protein ingredients market is projected to register a growth rate of 4.56% from 2021 to 2028.
The soy protein concentrates segment is estimated to retain its prominent share till 2028, whereas the soy protein isolates segment is predicted to record the highest CAGR of 5.10% during the forecast period.
The food & beverages segment accounted for the largest market share in 2020 and is expected to grow at the highest rate of 4.53% during the forecast period, whereas the feed segment is projected to record the highest CAGR of 4.65% during the forecast period.
0 notes
August 13th, 2020
Fell asleep around 3 am. Woke up at 5 for a walk. According to app: I walked for 27 minutes, I burned 302 calories, I walked 1.81 miles.
Weighed self before shower. 201.4 lbs.
Plans for the day:
-Cook breakfast
-Shopping at Wal-m@rt
-Shopping at Sp0rtsman's W@rehouse
-Cleaning room
-Cook chicken
-Wash bra
Remember. Allow myself to breathe. To slow down, think, reflect. Don't rush. Don't rust.
Breakfast was two scrambled eggs plus a glass of cranapple juice. Making the eggs was fun. I heated up a little bit of oil before cracking the eggs right into the pan. Then I broke the yolks and stirred with chopsticks. I then added a splash of heavy whipping cream and kept stirring until it was cooked, then added a splash of soy sauce. I topped it with a sprinkle of triple cheddar cheese after getting it onto my plate. Eating eggs with chopsticks is hard.
Parents are already arguing. Dad rushed Mom to get ready and Mom told him that I should have been the one rushed. Which means I didn't get to brush my teeth... I barely even got to put deodorant on. And these people wonder why I have bad teeth.
Remind me why I elected to be home with them for four weeks.
Wal-m@rt was blegh. When isn't it. Mom keeps complaining about wearing masks. Dad is getting more and more annoying. "What's wrong with Mom?" He asks as she grabs toothache medicine, as if he didn't just take her to the dentist Tuesday. His shirt is ridiculous. She's on her... "woman time." Aunt Flow. Whatever. I am too and I'm not cranky. Tension is high and all I wanted was to relax. "Why waste gas going all the way home then coming back to Sp0rtsman?" Well Dad we just bought chilled and frozen food AND Mom needs the bathroom.
Why do I feel like this was a mistake?
Can I really change myself when I live with these anchors?
Damnit. I bought a Loca Moca Monster instead of Mean Bean because I was rushing. At least I feel like I can move fast in these shoes. And I hope my chicken idea works out (cutting holes in a lemon and stuffing the chicken with it, putting zest and juice and rosemary on top).
At least Sp0rtsman's went well. Ish. I bought myself a new archery target, a real good $40 official one that I can practice broadheads on once I get em, along with my field tips. Dad said I could bring my bow with us tomorrow to shoot it. I'm... actually excited. I only pray nothing bad happens once I return home... this dread is going to forever linger in my heart after losing Mo. It's been nearly a year since I even held a gun, nearly a year since I lost her. I haven't been able to disconnect the correlation. Going shooting with Dad = tragedy upon returning home. Sigh.
I got some salmon jerky. Holy hell it's delicious. I got a pheasant stick and an elk stick too (and a matchstick holder). Pepper lingers in my throat from the jerky. But I don't regret it. I run my tongue over the spots it touched in my mouth and savor the feeling.
My left knee has been giving me grief since I woke up. Walking uphill was a challenge on it. It hasn't hurt at all before this morning. Did I sleep wrong in the two hours I slept? My right ankle is also hurting now. My legs are falling apart. "Weight," Mom blames. But I'm getting worse as I'm losing more. I don't understand.
We passed a field of sunflowers across from the Avenue. It was absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could run in it, no, walk in it. Take my time. Feel the petals, feel it all on my skin. Come home dusted in pollen and smiling.
I wasn't the only walker this morning. There was a woman, she must live at the top of the hill. I couldn't see her face since it was still so dark. Is she still thinking about me like I'm thinking about her? She was a speedwalker, didn't ignore cul-de-sacs. I wonder if I'll see her again tomorrow morning.
I miss girls. I have a fiancé and I've been with him for over three years. I love every inch of him, every bit. Yet my brain still lingers on the beautiful powerful girls I see. Especially one I work with, a girl with tattoos in Hawaiian. She... she is amazing. I think of her perhaps too much. I think of my insanely tall male coworker too much as well. Working close with people in a physically exhausting environment lets you see the true strength of those around you. I have no desire to cheat. My fiancé knows every thought I bear towards others. He knows I miss girls. He knows I yearn for a healthy poly relationship. I miss how soft I can be with girls, I miss how soft her lips were as we made out in the Color Guard Room in high school. I think often of my wlw OC ships with my friends. I wonder if its too often.
My brain wants to say that the day is over. I've been awake for five hours already. I want a nap but it's not even lunch time and I'm hungry. Maybe I can disappear into my room with a trash bag. Maybe I can zone out while I cook chicken. I need to gather a load of laundry. I need need need to do so so so much. It's overwhelming. And if I dare take a nap, I've "wasted the day." Thanks Mom. Thanks anxiety.
A nap til 11 sounds nice. Short. Sweet. More energy. Relax. Wake up to make lunch. Also. Pheasant stick. SUPER SPICY. ow.
Well. I slept til 12. No guilty vibes from Mom. She ate Cheetos Mac n Cheese - I had a bite and damn it was tasty. My lunch was ramen, with half a beef seasoning packet, a dash of Smoky Mountain Rub, and a splash of heavy whipping cream.
Ripley has come over and started kneading on Mom. Mo got extremely cuddly before... no, Sunshine, don't make the connection. Just. Don't. Ripley is healthy. She may be missing an eye but she's full of life. Sure she is kinda biting her hair out but she's doing that instead of scabbing up like me and Panda from the fleas. She essentially gave herself the sanitation trim that groomers will give cats.
Watching videos from Sturgis just makes me want to leave even more. I want to be gone. Away from Tennessee. Away from this life. Sigh. Some day, I say for the millionth time.
"Someday is something people say when they really mean 'never.'"
Cooked chicken. Watching YouTube. Ate shepherd's pie for dinner. Am trying to find my allen wrenches for my bow but I've lost them completely so I'm tearing apart my room.
No luck on the wrenches. They must not be in here. But then, where are they?
I painted my nails! My legs are so itchy. I yearn to eat more of my chicken thighs. But I can't. They must be sliced for enchiladas along with chicken and rice. Le sigh. I hope this nail polish lasts a while.
How do such little scabs bleed so much?!
I hope I sleep well tonight. But, knowing me and rp, it won't happen.
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chineserecipes · 7 years
Cha Siu Bao (BBQ Pork Buns)
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Yield: 24 servings
6 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup white sugar
1 3/4 cups warm water (110°F/45°C)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
2 tablespoons shortening
1 pound finely chopped pork
1 1/2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons white sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 cup water
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 1/2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons shortening
1 1/2 teaspoons sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
Dissolve 1/4 cup sugar in 1 3/4 cups warm water, and then add the yeast.  Let stand for 10 minutes, or until mixture is frothy.  Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl.  Stir in 2 tablespoons shortening and the yeast mixture; mix well.            
Knead the dough until smooth and elastic.  Place the dough in a greased bowl, and cover it with a sheet of cling wrap.  Let the dough rise in a warm place for about 2 hours, or until it has tripled in bulk.                
Cut the pork into 2 inch thick strips.  Use fork to prick it all over.   Marinate for 5 hours in a mixture made with 1 1/2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 1 1/2 tablespoons hoisin sauce, and 1 teaspoon sweet soy sauce.   Grill the pork until cooked and charred.  Cut roasted port into 1/2 inch cubes.          
Combine 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar, 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce, oyster sauce, and 1 cup water in a saucepan.  Bring to the boil.  Mix cornstarch with 2 1/2 tablespoons water; add to the saucepan, and stir until thickened.   Mix in 2 tablespoons lard or shortening, sesame oil, and  white pepper. Cool, and mix in the roasted pork.
Remove the dough from the bowl, and knead it on a lightly floured surface until it is smooth and elastic.  Roll the dough into a long roll, and divide it into 24 pieces.  Flatten each piece with the palm of the hand to form a thin circle.  The center of the circle should be thicker than the edge.  Place one portion of the pork filling in the center of each dough circle.  Wrap the dough to enclose the filling.  Pinch edges to form the bun.  Let the buns stand for 10 minutes.
Steam buns for 12 minutes. Serve.
Che, M., K., L., Lee, A. L., A., E., . . . Childe, S. (2000, October 09). Chinese Pork Buns (Cha Siu Bao) Recipe. Retrieved June 06, 2017, from http://allrecipes.com/recipe/7097/chinese-pork-buns-cha-siu-bao/
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some doodles from today (apart from the last doodle)!
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the triplets! mango, mitzi and miso
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everybody’s favourite cretin and today’s warm up doodle, morgz!
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miso is told a very harsh truth :,(
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lillibelle being stylish as always!
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jenni just existing peacefully
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the itty bitty kitty herself, peaches!
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a little soy!
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Kitty Of The Year!
now for the big one! armed with this brief overview and the rest of this blog you can vote for who you think should be crowned best cat of the year for 2023!!
devious little trickster
will NOT take a bath under any circumstances
fashionable little mole
avid nightcore listener
has read every warrior cats book cover to cover at least 30 times
he absolutely LOVES raspberry tarts
formerly on the run acting as a clown in the meantime
burger lover™
secretly a horse girl and theatre kid
scene kid
would give you your first piercing in on their bathroom floor
knows how to make kandi cuffs and how to do make up
just a little baby
seriously there isn’t much else to say about her she’s a toddler
the ultimate form which could destroy the entirety of reality
your weirdgirl cousin
has memorised your star chart already
clown lover
your other weirdgirl cousin
plays every life sim under the sun
introvert, recharges by playing god in the sims
monster high lover - clawdeen wolf’s biggest fan
gnome collector
enjoys nature and climbing trees
book smart AND money smart
maths nerd
loves minion memes (they get him)
average sonic & undertale fan
devious little trickster 2
plays guitar! (takes it on a walk too but we don’t talk about that..)
lover of all things pink and pretty
tea party host of the year (as elected by her friends)
loves planting flowers
self proclaimed “ultimate life form” (out to kill the other one)
imagine dragons number 1 fan
has a mullet
you can vote for the best cat of the year here!!
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Most Fashionable!
some of these kitties are just fabulous simply fabulous when it comes to fashion!
lillibelle loves dressing up in nice little outfits and playing dress up with her friends for tea parties and just for fun!
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mango has an extensive collection of scrunchies and necklaces to his name all from his love of fashion. he’s got one for just about every occasion and now he’s even taken to wearing little jumpers so he can stay warm this winter.
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(mango hasn’t been drawn with clothes on before apparently?)
fashion is something that soy enjoys indulging in frequently and loves mixing bright neon colours with black. but sometimes though they’ve hey gotta get comfy. (bonus points for red eyeliner)
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Mohawk Lloyd
still wearing his signature tie mohawk lloyd was created by quippy for fun and he’s still kicking around with his stunning hairstyle.
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that’s all of the most fashionable kitties, you can vote for the most fabulous of the year here!!
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The Soggiest!
throughout the year there have been mishaps where the cats have gotten wet but some to an extra degree than the others…!
mango loves puddles especially muddy ones so you can imagine that he’s been involved in many baths (which he hates) to get that grime from him
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mango has also tasted the sea water first hand after quippy took him out into the waters unaware he was still in their pocket!
morgz was involved in an incident where mysterious orange stuff got on her which left her needing two baths to get it from her fur leaving her super soggy
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soy was also involved in the incident alongside morgz but thankfully they received extremely minor interaction with the orange stuff but they still got a surface bath anyway just to make sure!
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mimi (short for mini mango) is a small keychain ty and is carried around on soupy’s bag. while out in the city there was a massive amount of rainfall for the whole day and being on the outside of the bag mimi got completely soaked through! that’s not where mimi’s soggy story ends however as she was later out in the washing machine to prevent her from going stale.
that’s all of the sogs, you can vote for the soggiest of the year here!!
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Best Clone Set!
these are all of the clone sets present in triple m and everything you need to know about them!
Soy + Miso + Pepper (+ Unnamed Miso Clone)
starting with a original first cat to be created by the among us slide was soy with the slide using them as a base to produce further clones to attempt to create an ultimate life form. the first soy clone, miso, was only created due to a lack of original material left from creating miso’s older siblings before him. later the last soy clone that was met was pepper, their cousin. an unnamed miso clone was spotted alongside the og peaches but they’re off having their own adventures elsewhere together.
Mitzi + Star
mitzi was the first of the triplets to be created and thus was the best created and didn’t need any spots filled when it came to creation and was the most creative of the three. star was created alongside pepper and was a clone made in mitzi’s image.
Mango + Peaches (+ OG Peaches)
mango for a while wasnt thought to have a clone created after him as the creator viewed him as “defective” as his dna had to be patched with wild cat dna. however that proved false as the baby peaches, a clone of mango, was created. the og clone who was dubbed peaches is out there somewhere exploring with the unnamed miso clone.
that’s all of the clone sets, you can vote for the best set of the year here!!
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Triple M Duos!!
these are all of the duos up for nomination of the best duo award this year and everything you need to know about each pairing!
The Silliest Kitties (Mango & Morgz)
the mischief makers and bestest friends of all time mango and morgz are inseparable and are always up to something or other. The pair run their own youtube channel together where they make frequent badly edited challenge, prank and gaming videos. the pair share half a brain cell together and they wouldn’t have it any other way!
no matter the au this pair remain best friends no matter what wether that be as mischievous pirate crew mates, as fast friends in Rowan Clan after mango joins the clan or as the equally best friends Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey in the ace attorney au!!
Enemies To Still Enemies (Mitzi & Lloyd)
this duo first crossed paths when lloyd was trying to figure out a way to go and see the enigma breaking machine and mitzi was looking for a free ride on a plane. after successfully convincing lloyd that she’d provide him free air travel to wherever it is he’s off to lloyd joins her on the plane. little did lloyd know was that mitzi had gained access to the plane via impersonating a pilot and electing lloyd as her copilot. to cut a long story short mitzi crashes the plane with miraculously no casualties with mitzi running away from the crash site. mitzi wasn’t forgotten to lloyd though as a hate for random she at that had endangered his life and his chances to see the enigma machine only grew more and more with time. the feelings are reciprocated by mitzi and the pair despise each other.
The Theatre Kids (Mitzi & Soy)
the two eldest of the among us slide slibings mitzi and soy have bonded since mitzi’s return to the circus! the pair have bonded over their taste in music and over a shared love for musical theatre. though the pair don’t look like typical theatre kids you’d be very wrong to assume that because they’re the most dramatic duo to hit local stages. the pair also enjoy creating their own emo LP covers which they never use as they don’t have a band… yet.
Not At Girls Night (Miso & Lloyd)
miso and lloyd get along like two peas in a pod. the pair both enjoy their quiet time and don’t mind spending it in each others company. they always hang out together when it comes to the monthly girls night which they don’t attend due to being the only masc aligned kitties who don’t wish to attend as they’d much prefer to read a book in the quiet instead. if they aren’t reading books together lloyd is attempting to explain mathematical formulas to miso or miso is attempting to get lloyd into nightcore. they also frequently send each other minion memes, the best form of communication around.
Pretty Princesses (Lillibelle & Peaches)
when lillibelle first met baby peaches she knew that this little kitten was going to be her little buddy, and she was right! the pair love playing dress up, planting flowers and hosting the best tea parties around together. lillibelle would share absolutely anything from her dress up box with her little buddy and peaches has formed the idea that lillibelle is actually secretly a princess because of all of her pretty dresses.
it doesn’t matter what au they’re in they’re always buddies wether that be lillibelle helping care for peaches while mango and crew are at sea in the pirate au or as friends in the ace attorney au as Pearl Fey and Trucy Wright.
The Sauce Siblings (Miso & Soy)
the sauce siblings are miso and soy! miso has always idolised and look up to soy as the oldest of the family and has taken to recreating soy’s style through his own. soy was the one to teach miso how to make and trade kandi and introduced the little baby miso to nightcore where miso absolutely fell in love. soy enjoys having somebody who takes after them in style even if miso still incorporates the odd little bit in himself such as alvin and the chipmunks merchandise.
within the pirate au soy and miso are incredibly close being orphaned tradesman who operate the family business on the mainland. to miso soy is his mum, his dad, his picked fence and it’s not often that the duo are separated with only the occasional trip for miso on small adventures with clawdia’s crew.
Mangobelle (Mango & Lillibelle)
the original triple m ship makes it onto the duos list not just because of mango and lillibelle’s crushes on each other but also because outside of that they’re close friends too. though they disagree with each other from time to time on little things such as table manners at tea parties and the importance of washing the mud from your fur after you play outside the pair are still as close as can be with mango often being roped into playing dress up and attending tea parties with lillibelle and peaches.
Family Away From Home (Mango & Clawdia)
after the incident caused mango and his siblings to be separated from each other the young kitten was left to his own devices in the tropical rainforests of india where he was most certain to perish. however a kind orphaned tigress cub, clawdia, took him under her wing and suddenly mango had a new big sister. mango heavily depended on clawdia to survive in the beginning days and clawdia depended on mango to help her loneliness. they grew so close that while the others consider her more of a cousin but mango considers her to be his older sister even though they aren’t in the wild anymore. when in the wild clawdia wasn’t afraid to bare her fangs at anybody who dare threatened mango and now in society mango isn’t afraid to do the same for his big sis. clawdia is one of the only cats to ever be able to stop mango from causing major mischief which is an immense power for an individual to have.
clawdia and mango have a very close relationship in the pirates au as much like in the regular triple m she took on the role of caretaker for the young orange cat making him a member of her pirate crew. mango idolises clawdia much like how miso idolises soy and in the pirate au even wears an eyepatch like clawdia, even though he doesn’t need it.
Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby (Peaches & Keith)
a toddler and her imaginary (definitely not imaginary) friend who hates her! what’s not to love about this dynamic? peaches was created to be the ultimate life form that can trump all of the forces of nature and withstand anything thrown her way while keith was accidentally created out of a build up of dark matter which gave him a gooey shadow form which he can change shape at will. keith was cast aside into the shadows to he forgotten which left him mad at his creators and mad at the world which had rejected him whereas peaches was praised for simply existing and being surrounded by love and appreciation delivered directly to those who could care for her. keith is hell bent on destroying the child and taking on the title as “ultimate life form” for himself. peaches has no idea about any of this as she’s a baby. who’s the hydrogen bomb and who’s the coughing baby here?
Your Strange Cousins (Star & Pepper)
star and pepper as close sisters can be and are the strange cousins of the triple m who just kind of showed up one day having come a long long way all the way from Egypt just to see them. they’re very much an introvert and extrovert duo as star loves meeting new people and goes on mini adventures with the others while pepper much prefers to do her own thing quietly. both star and pepper are massive fans of the circus, especially clowns, with them often dressing up as clowns and doing little acts for each other in hopes of one day becoming performers together as a double act.
The Sea Gatos (Lillibelle & Morgz)
lillibelle and morgz are those cousins that are so close everybody mistakes them as sisters. the pair have been as close as can be every since they were teeny baby kittens with them doing everything together. the pair even learned to swim together and followed in their families footsteps by going for their first ocean swim side by side. even though they’re opposites they still care immensely about one another and their interests. lillibelle is one of the very few who’s able to convince morgz out of enacting her very bad ideas, only when mango isn’t getting involved and at that time it’s a lost cause.
much like miso and mango these kitties are close in every au being cousins in all of them! even the ace attorney au where they’re Maya Fey and Pearl Fey (though they’re ages have been swapped around).
Ginger Cat Chaos (Mango & Peaches)
what happens when you have the raw chaotic mischief of one orange cat and times it by two? you get mango and peaches! mango absolutely adores his baby sister, even though she cemented him as the middle child, and would do anything for his little mini me. he’s also very thankful that peaches inherited the mischief making genes making him, morgz and peaches an unstoppable chaotic duo. peaches loves her big brother too and is often found clinging to him or going for a little snooze next to him. who knew that when the “most imperfect” cat meet the “ultimate life form” they’d become so attached to one another.
within the ace attorney au a spin is put on their close relationship from being brother and sister to being dad and adopted daughter as they both play the part of Phoenix Wright and Trucy Wright. this being the only way i felt i could replicate their closeness to each other.
They’d Find Each Other In Every Universe (Miso & Mango)
the original duo who started it all these two would find each other in every life time and every universe. nothing can stop them from being the bestest brothers of all time. the pair perfectly balance each other out with mango’s mischief and miso’s love for rules. it’s their opposites that make their duo. even in the inverted fate au where every character is flipped on its head with miso becoming the mischief maker and mango becoming a little angel the duo still remain the bestest of brothers!
no matter the au the pair still find each other wether that’s miso finding mango in the warrior cats au, the two travelling together with the rest of clawdia’s crew from time to time or in the inverted fates au as mentioned prior.
that’s all of the duos and you can vote for the best duo of the year here!!
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barbie photos from mango (pt3)!
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Mango and Soy showing off their pink outfits before barbie (true fans wear pink)
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the criminal kitties ever chowing down on dinner (mcdonald’s chip container)
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The McMango Meal 3.0
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bonus: Mango fallded over
and that’s all the photos of their adventure to see barbie! they reunited with their lost sister and enjoyed some snazzy outfits and cardboard along the way too
<< part 2! || << back to part 1!
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barbie photos from miso (pt 2)!
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family photos
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Miso showing his siblings some love
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Mango and Mitzi discussing crimes and whatnot
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the family completely bedazzled (makeover curtesy of @saltdoughenjoyer)
<< part 1! || part 3 (mango’s stuff)!>>
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barbie photos from miso (pt. 1)!
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Soy Sauce wearing a silly peppa pig scrunchie whole mango photo bombs in the background
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some silly Mitzi photos for the soul
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Mitzi flopped over (not dead… probably)
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Miso fit check! (i made his necklace just for the occasion)
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Mitzi being fabulous (+ Soy photobombing)
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Soy Sauce in their (stolen) seat ready for barbie (because you’re never too emo to be barbie)
part 2! >>
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