#space boy soran
burakku-jakku · 1 year
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The Wonder 3 controversy (W3事件)
In March 1964, Osamu Tezuka pitched a manga idea to Weekly Shonen Magazine that he hoped would turn into his third anime for his animation studio, Mushi Productions. The manga would be a spy thriller entitled Wonder 3, and would follow a detective solving crimes with an alien squirrel named Bokko.
However, in June of the same year, Tezuka learned of an anime in production at TBS (Tokyo broadcasting station) entitled Space Boy Soran. The anime followed a cyborg boy named Soran, who helped fight crime and save the earth with an alien squirrel named Chappy. Tezuka was shocked when he heard the news, as the pitch for Wonder 3 and the design for Bokko were not shown to the public.
Osamu Tezuka immediately opened an investigation at Mushi Productions, and found out several of his animators also worked at TBS. Several staff members of Mushi Pro were either fired of left as they were threatened to be arrested for industrial espionage. While it is not known to this day who exactly leaked the information, it was likely an accidental slip up from a former animator and not a malicious act.
Due to how far Space Boy Soran was into production compared to Wonder 3, Tezuka had to completely scrap the spy thriller concept and start from scratch. In the end, he made Wonder 3 about three aliens invading earth and taking the form of a rabbit, a duck, and a horse. Bokko from the original spy concept was kept, though she was redesigned to be a rabbit and not a squirrel.
Osamu Tezuka also changed the magazine Wonder 3 was published in from Weekly Shonen Magazine to Weekly Shonen Sunday, as the Space Boy Soran manga that was being produced the same time as the anime was running in Weekly Shonen Magazine.
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vintageanimemanga · 2 years
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Hashiru from Space Boy Soran Episode 7.
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in-ei · 3 months
Ninternia: The Ultimate Elemental
Chapter 5: True Friendship
Soran woke up in the moss-covered stone nest the siltharaa had given him, and rubbed his eyes, yawning. It had been a long night. After they'd met Pythius at the doors under the falls, he'd welcomed them into his home: the subterranean world called Erdan. Apparently, humans had imprisoned him, and the rest of his snake like kind called siltharaa deep underground centuries ago. Soran hadn't even thought to ask why they were locked up. I mean, it was a bunch of snake people who he'd set free, and were probably grateful to him, what could go wrong? If they gave him a bunch of scaly servants, or took over the world with him on their side, who was he to complain? They'd be doing his job for him.
Crawling out his nest-bed-thing, Soran took a look around the room. They were deep below the surface, so the whole space was carved out of smooth, grey stone. Light came from some brightly glowing, swirly stuff on the walls and ceiling. Various mossy blankets, pillows, and carpets were around the room, lying inside bowl-shaped chairs made of a surprisingly tough, spongish material.The door was made of the same spongy stuff,  with a metal handle, and crystal window allowing you to see into the hall without letting anyone see in. Shadow was leaning against the wall next to it. She hadn't noticed that he'd woken up yet. She was staring at a small knife she was holding with a strange, captivated expression on her face.
"Where'd the knife come from?" Soran said, not bothering to ask if she was okay or even say a simple 'good morning'.
"What knife?" Shadow asked, pushing off the wall and straightening her cape.
"The one you're- well, were holding," he said, confused as she held out her empty hands.
"Not sure what you're talking about, but we should get out of here. We don't want to overstay our welcome."  
"But we just got here!"
"So? I don't trust these guys."
"You don't trust anyone."
To his surprise, a strange look passed over her face, and then she went rigid.
"Fine," she said coldly, "Stay with your new friends. I'm out of here"
She turned and stormed away, slamming the door behind her
"Shadow, wait! Where are you... going," Soran finished in annoyance because by the time he'd reached the hall, she was gone. Sighing, he set off down the corridor he thought led to the surface, hoping to cut her off before she got there  Then again, it had been late, he'd been tired, and it had been a really long hike.
Wait.. Why am I doing this?
Coming to a stop, he frowned. He was a villain, why was he chasing after disobedient henchman? To see if she was okay? To say sorry? What for? No evil mastermind would ever apologize, not to mention, he hadn't done anything wrong, had he? If she was upset then that was her problem. It had nothing to do with him. There was no reason to check up on her... Right?
This was what Soran had told himself his whole life, and he'd never doubted before. It was he the AVA way, the only way he knew. If it wasn't your problem, there wasn't any reason to care about it. It made sense.
Yet.... As he turned to walk back their, no his room, Soran couldn't shake the sense that he was doing the wrong thing, no matter how hard he tried. 
A sharp knock on the door started Soran out of his brooding He wasn't sure how long it'd been since Shadow'd left, it was hard to keep track of time down there, but it felt like it'd just happened, yet way too much time had passed all at once. Since returning to the room, all he'd done was pace and think.
"Come in!" he said, coming to a halt and trying to look imposing, but he couldn't stop fidgeting. As usual.
At his invitation, Pythius opened the door and slithered in, masking all contempt for the little boy looking at him so imperiously. Soran, in contrast, didn't even try to hide his disgust when he set his eyes on the purple and white scaled  siltharaa. He hadn't been a fan of snakes ever since some of his classmates had hidden one in his bed.
"Why are you here?" he asked.
"I sssimply wanted to see how you and your friend are doing." Pythius hissed smoothly.
"I... we're not friends," Soran muttered, ducking his head slightly, "and anyways, she left."
"Did ssshe now?"
"Yeah... we sort of fought a little.... I, um, told her she, uh, wasn't any good to me if she didn't follow orders."
"Well done. You'll make a wonderful villain sssomeday"
"Of course I will! I found this place after all."
"Ah yesss, but, if you don't mind me asssking, how did you find usss?"
Before Soran could answer someone stormed into the room and grabbed Pythius's neck, pinning him against the wall. It was a man, one of the tallest and most intimidating Soran had ever seen. He was dressed in flowing black robes, complete with a hood, heavy boots, and a strange mask that covered the top half of his face, then slanted down either side of his nose. How he saw through it, Soran didn't know, but if its only purpose was to unnerve, it accomplished it well. The part of his face that was visible, the only skin showing, was paler than Shadow's, almost colorless. And if all that didn't scare you, the two long, curved, swords on his back certainly would. 
"I told you to leave him out of this," he said coldly. His voice wasn't overly deep, but it seemed to hold the weight of centuries. It sent shivers down Soran spine but... it also sounded strangely familiar.
"He hasss the map," Pythius gasped.
"Then get it then release him. He has no part in this." 
Letting go of the shake, he began walking out the door, but not before turning toward Soriano for a second.
"You should've never come here," he said, and, with that, the man left, leaving both the boy and the snake staring after him.
"LET GO OF ME!!" someone shouted, snapping them out of their trance. Straightening his cape, Soran glanced curiously at the door. He knew that voice...
And he was proven right a few seconds later when five ragged siltharaa draged an angry Shadow into the room. The snakes shoved her in his direction, then quickly put as much space between her and them as they could without leaving the room.
Switching her focus to him, she said, "Did you send them after me?"
"You can't order me around like a servant. I've put up with it so far, don't ask me why, but I'm done now, okay?"
"Sheesh, calm down. I didn't send them. You wanted to leave, why would I waste my precious time on stopping you?"
She didn't seem to know what to say to that.
"If I may," Pythius interrupted looking amused by their interaction, "I sent the guards to get you. When heard you were wandering around the tunnels, I had make sure you didn't get lost."
Soran watched as Shadow gave Pythius a skeptical look "So five of them to drag me, a ten-year-old girl, here." 
"Yess well, I asked them to guide, not drag. I assure you, I will talk to them about how they treated you, though I sssusspect  they did sso with reasson," he said, returning her gaze.
"Do I look like I could remotely hurt them?"
"Glad we agree on something. Now, what do you want?"
"Nothing more than to reunite you with-"
"Yeah, yeah, cut the fancy talk will you?" Shadow said tiredly, "I saw your partner leaving. He didn't seem all that happy, but he did look human. I happen to recall you telling us that we were the first people to set foot here in centuries. Not sure what you're up to, and frankly, I don't really care either. I don't speak for Blondie, but I don't trust you. Deal with it."
Soran stared at her, shocked. He hadn't thought about that, yet she made a good point, but... Pythius was a cool guy. He saw potential in Soran, something no one else did. He looked to the snake, hoping for an explanation.
He was disappointed.
"Well played Ssshadow. Sssoran would do well to listen to you," he hissed, "but as it.... ssieze them!"
Soran backed up as three of the guards approached him, but before long, he had his back against the wall. A rush of fear hit him as he looked at them with wide eyes, but he also felt betrayed, and... a little guilty. He was the one who'd thought Pythius was a good guy. He was the one who'd insisted on going on this crazy adventure. It was just that... he'd thought the snake had actually believed in him, something no one ever had done before.
Suddenly, one of the guards stopped advancing. A Somewhat surprised look flitted across his face. Then he crashed to the floor, a knife buried deep in his back, blood dripping from the wound. Soran, stunned, snapped his head up to see Shadow, two guards on the floor behind her, hand extended in front of her as if she'd just thrown something. His eyes flicked to the knife and back to her hand.
"Just so you know, I was going easy on you earlier,"  she said, a smirk dancing over her lips as the two remaining guards charged her. Soran took one look at the blood pooling at his feet, and threw up. Turning away from the fight, he crouched behind of the bowl-chair-things and pulled his cloak around himself, trying to calm down, but there was too much adrenaline running through his veins.
When the shouts died down, Soran peeked around the chair, curiosity overpowering horror, and saw five shakes lying still and a ragged, bloody, and panting Shadow holding a mid length blade against Pythius's neck.
"I underessstimated you," the siltharaa said, appearing strangely relaxed.
"Common mistake," Shadow replied, equally calm. Before they could say anymore, the door slammed open yet again. Soran jumped at the sudden intrusion, but neither the snake or girl appeared surprised as another six siltharaa entered now trashed room.
"Nice of you to join us," Shadow said, not moving, "I'd give you the same welcome I gave your friends, but I'm a little tied up right now. No hard feelings?"
One of them grabbed Soran roughly, despite his attempt to dodge him, "Release Pythius or your friend gets it."
"Who said he was my friend?" she asked, adding pressure to the knife. A crimson drop made its way down Pythius's neck Soran fought the urge to vomit again. To his surprise, he also felt sharp stab of guilt, but the more he thought about it, the less startling it became. He didn't feel betrayed by her like he had with Pythius because.... he didn't deserve her.
As one of the siltharaa raised a heavy sword above his head, preparing to strike a final blow, Soran met a pair of evergreen eyes with his own inky black ones.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, wishing that he could somehow convey exactly how much he regretted what he'd done with those two, small, simple words, but he had to apologize, even if it was the last thing he ever did because... even after how he'd treated her; ordering her around with no regard for how she felt, she'd stayed right by his side, something not even his parents had done. He closed his eyes, waiting for the cold kiss of the blade, feeling the turmoil of his emotions as if it was burning him from within, and the sensation was intensifying.
"WAIT!!" Pythius screamed, causing the siltharaa to fumble with his sword a second before it came down. In that second, a shockwave of brilliant energy emmitted from Soran, throwing everyone but him and Shadow against the wall.
He stood there, feeling the usual energy that raced through his veins, never letting him sit still, increase tenfold. Then, without warning, the charge left his body, leaving him feeling more drained then he ever had in his life. Collapsing to his knees, he met Shadow's eyes one final time.
"Go," he whispered to her, hoping she knew what he meant and why. A wordless communication passed the between them, a sense of understanding unparalleled by anything he'd felt before, almost like they could read each others thoughts. Then the moment slipped away and he fell, his head crashing into the stone. The last thing Soran saw was Shadow turning and running, never looking back. As darkness overcame his vision he heard her nearly silent foot falls fading, whether from her getting further and further away, or from him slipping farther and farther from consciousness, he didn't know.
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ljaesch · 1 year
Studio Pierrot Founder Yuji Nunokawa Passes Away
Studio Pierrot Founder Yuji Nunokawa Passes Away
It has been reported in Japanese media that Yuji Nunokawa, the founder of Studio Pierrot, passed away suddenly on December 25, 2022. He was 75 years old at the time of his passing. Nunokawa started in the anime industry in a company that was a subcontractor for TCJ, which is now Eiken, as a colorist. His first credit as an animator was for Space Boy Soran. This was then followed with a key…
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drowster · 2 years
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Soran on set of his music video “Space Boy”
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kornwarner · 4 years
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lachatalovematcha · 4 years
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umusicians · 3 years
Soran Releases Single  “SPACEBOY”
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Montreal based artist Soran have released a new single called “SPACEBOY”.
Stream/Download “SPACEBOY here or listen below!
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animedatabase1 · 7 years
Uchū Shōnen Soran   宇宙少年ソラン   Space Boy Soran
Dr. Tachibana once designed the highly dangerous antiproton bomb and planned to escape Earth with his wife and children for fear of prosecution. On their way in space, their space ship is almost destroyed and only Dr. Tachibana’s children, his son and his daughter, escape. The son is rescued by aliens called the Soran who live on a planet with 15 times the gravity of Earth. They name him Soran after their planet and is turned into a cyborg to save his life. He returns to Earth to search for his sister who escaped, but is yet to be found. He then lives with the archaeologist Dr. Kotsuki and his daughter Mika. and teams up with his pet squirrel, Chappy.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Aim for the Ace! Voice Actor Masako Sugaya Passes Away at 83
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  Prolific voice actor Masako Sugaya, best known for her role as Maki Aikawa (above) in the Aim for the Ace! series, passed away on February 25 due to complications while being treated for an unspecified illness. Sugaya was 83 years old.
  Masako Sugaya began her career in theater in the 1960s, where she was soon picked up to voice roles in the original Astro Boy TV anime series, and her first starring role as Chappy in Space Boy Soran, also know as Zoran, Space Boy in North America. She worked closely with Madhouse founder Osamu Dezaki, with who she went to high school with in Tokyo. This partnership led her to voice Maki Aikawa in Aim for the Ace!, Remi in Nobody's Boy: Remi, and many more roles in early works in which Dezaki directed. Sugaya also voiced various roles in Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura.
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    Masako Sugaya also lent her voice to Kenichi Mitsuba in the TV anime adaptation of Fujiko A. Fujio's Ninja Hattori-kun, which ran for nearly 700 episodes from 1981 to 1987, and various movies based on the earlier series. Voicing the character for a generation of Japanese children.
  Source: Comic Natalie
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
By: Daryl Harding
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musiccrowns · 2 years
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Soran reveals personal new EP ‘Space Boy’ https://ift.tt/s9XtWAu
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bloggerincap · 2 years
Universal Music Canada Artist Soran Shares EP Space Boy
Universal Music Canada Artist Soran Shares EP Space Boy
The son of a Japanese mother and a French father, Soran was raised on the south shore of Montreal among his father’s musical instruments. Soran’s fan base rose significantly when he appeared on La Voix in Quebec and started sharing covers and originals on social media. “I Wish” was released by Soran in 2016 after he signed with Audiogram. When Soran released a six-song ep with the help of Connor…
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musicarenagh · 2 years
Universal Music Canada Artist Soran Shares EP Space Boy
Universal Music Canada Artist Soran Shares EP Space Boy
The son of a Japanese mother and a French father, Soran was raised on the south shore of Montreal among his father’s musical instruments. Soran’s fan base rose significantly when he appeared on La Voix in Quebec and started sharing covers and originals on social media. “I Wish” was released by Soran in 2016 after he signed with Audiogram. When Soran released a six-song ep with the help of Connor…
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drowster · 3 years
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Soran on set of his video clip 'Space Boy'
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kornwarner · 4 years
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lachatalovematcha · 4 years
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❤︎⁄⁄꒰* ॢꈍ◡ꈍ ॢ꒱.*˚‧
Uchū Shōnen Soran
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