#spacey meme lord
drspleenmeister · 1 year
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I haz a finger
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notenoughmuses · 26 days
If they had a kid meme / Robb and Dany, Joff and Dany, Vis and Dany, I'm not even sorry
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Torrhen Stark
Gender: Male
General apperance: dark hair, silver streaks as he gets older. Beard when it grows in. Blue Tully eyes.
Personality: cunning, stern, arrogant
Special talents: Ice fishing and other hunting related activities
Who they like better: Robb
Who they take after more: Dany
Personal headcannon: King in the North and marries a woman from the North. Has an ice dragon named: Nyssa Nyssa. Oldest child.
Face claim: Cnut from Vikings Valhalla
Name: Rhaenys Targaryen
Gender: female
General apperance: dark auburn hair, Stark Grey eyes, slender height and wears blues and greys
Personality: Fearless, Even temperament until pushed to her limit, can be ruthless and brooding
Special talents: Weaving and sewing
Who they like better: Robb
Who they take after more: Robb
Personal headcannon: Queen of Westeros and marries a Martell. Has a dragon named: Nymeria. Second oldest. Named after every Rhaenys who died.
Face claim: Alicent's actress
Name: Jaenny Stark
Gender: female
General apperance: shortest sibling at 5 feet 2 inches. Typical Targaryen features.
Personality: Quiet, Withdrawn, Helpful, spacey
Special talents: works with different people/factions to broaden her knowledge in plants, powders, liquids/foods that poison, heal and or psychedelics/drugs like behaviors.
Who they like better: Robb
Who they take after more: Neither
Personal headcannon: Dragon dreamer or Greenseer (unsure which one. Girl gets visions and may or may not take drugs to enhance her visions and sleeps outside the Weirwood tree some night) takes Harrenhall as her holding and marries a Riverlord. Has a pet wolf named: Snow
Face claim: Catherine from Catherine the Great
Name: William "the rebuilder" Targaryen
General apperance: Brown hair, dark purple eyes.
Personality: Courageous, Prideful, Generous
Special talents:
Who they like better:
Who they take after more:
Personal headcannon: first one to fully incorporate the Step Stones into the Kingdom and making treaties with Little Tyosh and Tyosh to be allies. Taken the Steps as his own area to govern while his siblings have the North, Westeros and holdings in Dragonstone, rebuilt Summerhall and Harrenhall and is rebuilding towns and towers ruined in Westeros with his siblings help. Married to his sister Syrax. Has a dragon named: Aegon
Face claim: Ben Barnes
Name: Syrax "the Golden" Targaryen
Gender: female
General apperance: blonde hair that's almost golden blonde with silver highlights. Lilac eyes
Personality: Secretive, Kind, Assertive
Special talents: Sailing. Has a personal ship call Stormborn
Who they like better: Dany
Who they take after more: Dany
Personal headcannon: helps her brother-husband with rebuilding the kingdom and maintaining order in the Stepstones. Appoints smaller and loyal Lords or their first or younger sons/brothers from the Vale, Iron Islands and Westerlands, Riverlands and Driftmark to take larger holds and rule there to establish their own house. Syrax is named after a dragon and goddess. Has blonde hair and wears gold jewelry and accented armor pieces to match her golden dragon named: Laenox
Face claim: Laegetha from Vikings
Joff Dany
Name: Maegor "the Stag" Targaryen
Gender: male
General apperance: Blonde hair and hazel eyes.
Personality: ruthless, hot headed, loyal and stubborn
Special talents: weapon fighting. Can fight with just about any and all weapons. Has two weapons that look like antlers and has sharp jagged sides on the antler points that when pulled out make more wounds.
Who they like better: Dany
Who they take after more: Joffery
Personal headcannon: has a dragon named Castamere
Face claim: Bradley James
Name: Argella "the realms light"
Gender: female
General apperance: average height. White Blonde curls and purple eyes.
Personality: calm, well mannered and cunning and spiteful
Special talents: Politics
Who they like better: Dany
Who they take after more: Dany
Personal headcannon: has a dragon named
Face claim: Myrcellas second actress from GOT
Vis and Dany
I've done these before. They have so many what if kids.
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okamiwind · 11 months
writing meme
stolen from my best buddy @lilcrickee
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First ever published: you're the prize (i wish i'd won) EXO, kyungsoo/jongin lord almighty, it's almost been six years! how surreal is that. yeah, i had this idea for an enemies to lovers fic while watching parks and recreation. i dont know. it was one of those things that just absolutely compelled me. it's kaisoo bc i was reading a lot of kaisoo before jumping into the fandom. i look back on this one fondly, but i dont think i'm confident enough to reread it. might hurt my feelings lmao
Last fic published: i aim to be your eyes EXO, sehun/junmyeon my fuckin baby!!! still ongoing. probably will finish sometime in 2024. well. Crossing my fingers anyway. it's long and silly, but i love writing it. once i start reading over some part of it, i immediately feel like i need to add more to it. i love writing all the little characters and reading how people think things will end up. i still have yet to decide on the ending, but who knows, maybe i'll sopranos it.
Fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once: the million roads that lead to you MDZS, lan zhan/wei ying wrote this before even watching the live action. definitely not sure how it holds up. will almost certainly never write another fic for this fandom, but it was fun to write regardless!
Favorite fic you wrote in a fandom/ship that has the most works: in the blood haikyuu, keishin/ittetsu had no idea that haikyuu had more fics than any of my other fandoms. so it goes. it was interesting to see that nct has surpassed exo too. cwazy daisies. anyway, i love this fic, i think its kinda my masterpiece for haikyuu. i sometimes want to return to this pairing, but the lack of engagement sours my mood abt it a bit. i love writing it, but i feel like the more i shove it in people's faces, the less likely they are to read lol
Fic you wish more people read: lawyers, guns, and money EXO, sehun/baekhyun i thought this was a great little fic (she says, looking at the novel length word count) and i was really shocked that it didnt get more love. i mean, its fun, it's spacey, it's found family. i still really like a lot of the passages, i think they're very pretty. maybe i'll reread it myself since NO ONE ELSE WILL!
Fic you agonized over the most: chronos-826 EXO, sehun/junmyeon i can hardly remember the way this fest was run, but lord, i remember being irked. like there was noooo communication if you weren't on the discord, and i was like jeez, i know it said you could join but i didnt know it would be MANDATORY if you wanted information about the event lol. but yeah. despite all that, i really enjoyed writing this. and by enjoyed, i mean went insane. literally i felt like i was going crazy throughout the majority of it, and while the finished product is a lot different from what i had envisioned (something more along the lines of House of Leaves with that element of interactivity.... sigh) im still proud of what i managed to produce
Fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort: pilgrimage EXO, sehun/baekhyun yeah this fic was just so weird and like. Fantastical. it felt like it was dropped from god's hands into my brain. like i sat there and wrote the first 10k almost in a Flow state, didn't touch it for months, and then just banged out the rest like it was nothing. i doubt anything will ever come so easily to me ever again, but yeah. what a time to be alive!
Work you are proud of—for whatever reason: i write to you from the road and the red king's consort BOTW/TOTK, sidon/link i just think these are some really nice examples of my writing. idk. like i think they accomplish what they seek to accomplish, i think they're stylish and pretty, i think they have a lot of earned emotional weight to them. Just some nice fics by me imo. anyway. that's it.
anyone who follows me is free to follow in my meme-ing footsteps but i would like to tag @fff777 and @deepbutdazzlingdarkness to see their answers as well :3
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the-local-oddity · 5 years
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All I do is make Peter and The Starcatcher memes and cry.
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Also, I don't have a ref for them yet, but the other two are Bill Slank and Mack.
[If you like, then please reblog!]
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tractorbeamofwoe · 3 years
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• I’m convinced Larry’s hair is blue I really don’t know if it‘s the lighting or not but I’ve accepted it and I really think he would rock blue hair
• After watching the whole thing I really don’t think much was off about it at all. I mean Bondy looked a little...lonely? But I’m not concerned abt it 😭
• And yeah Van was a little out of practice and forgot some lyrics (felt awful for him in Cocoon bless) but tbf I have a hard time remembering all the catb lyrics too and I’d struggle even more having not listened to them for 18 months 😭
• He deffo seemed happier by Pacifier though and the second half of the stream after Fallout was literally so much better
• I’m pretty sure Bondy had like duct tape on one of his guitars so maybe it was kinda broken and that’s something that pissed him off? Idk
• THE VISUALS FOR SOME OF THE SONGS WERE SO PRETTY LIKE THE TRICOLOUR GLITCHY EFFECT (idk how else to describe it but hopefully you get the one I mean) WAS SO SICK
• Ouchkabibble came back 😭😭
• Van running his guitar along the mic ?!?!! 👁👁
• Also I heard Van mutter something before Soundcheck solo but I couldn’t make out exactly what. Maybe he did try and give Bondy some sort of introduction but we just didn’t hear cause he stepped away from the mic and also the sound quality was kinda bad
• And yeah I do think the sound wasn’t as good as their other festival performances have been but we know now that that happened to all the acts and it’s down to the festival rather than the lads themselves
• Van’s new catchphrase is “put it up”
• There were a couple of times where Bondy straight up was punching that guitar and strumming like his life depended on it and holy shit did I eat that up 😳
• In Outside and the Business instrumental he was doing his little spacey pedalboard elephant sounds I loved it 🥺🥺
• And yeah, usually I dislike the Business instrumental but THIS ONE WAS SICKKK
• Also some of Bob’s drum parts have changed a little bit and I thought that was really awesome too
• Bondy’s outfit is growing on me even though it’s the exact same outfit he wore on Jack’s story a few months ago that we all hated 💀
• When I spotted Bondy’s “Out to lunch” sign on the amps I was like that Leonardo dicaprio meme pointing at the screen like I’VE SEEN THAT ON HIS INSTAGRAM 😁
• The crowd chanting “don’t break up” 😭
• The guy crowd surfing
• The people forming like a tiny teeny moshpit, if you can even call it that
• The inflatable toucan
• The guy wearing a baby mask ?? Much like one Bondy would own
• Benji’s black nails omfg yes king
• That’s the most Van’s ever interacted with the crowd in his life 😭
• Bondy putting his jacket on as he walked off
• Would’ve been nice to see Van hugging his dad but just knowing it happened makes me 🥲🥲
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
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@yukikorogashi​ asked: 💞💖💘💕 tigger bounces in with these 👀
positivity meme -- slow, still accepting
Send 💞 and my muse will say something nice about your muse
    The house had grown silent in the late hours of the night, Arthur burning the midnight oil as he was prone to do. Mind running a mile a minute, and not really getting much from late night television, he opted to sit in the office across from Itsuki’s bedroom. At the thought, he found himself glancing toward the slightly ajar bedroom door, letting in a dim bit of light from the one he kept on in the hall for her. Aside from a small conversation about her day and a request for a story from his own, it seemed like she had fallen asleep pretty easily once he had started talking.
    He was never sure if he should take that as a compliment or not when it happened, but at least ONE of them was getting some much needed rest.
    As he could feel his thoughts starting to circle, he let out a small sigh from his nose as he shifted to pull a familiar book from one of the shelves. The pages were starting to become worn with use, Arthur about halfway into his current journal. He flipped open to the current page, a partly complete sketch of their newest addition to the household: an old collie that Itsuki had affectionately named Mochi. As far as he was aware, the old guy was asleep on a chair in the living room.
    Arthur huffed lightly out of his nose at the thought, turning to the blank page and started to scribble down some thoughts.
Itsuki’s growing in so many ways every day. It honestly surprises me sometimes.
I wasn’t the only one who question my decision to adopt a kid at first. Hosea had cast me that uncertain look when I first mentioned it, and the social worker...well, I could never really get a read on them, but somehow I managed to impress someone because here we are.
She’s healthy, hasn’t lost mind or limb. I figure I’m doing something right.
I know I’m not around as much as I wish I was, and Hosea’s been a great help in keeping an eye on her. Teaching her things in that special way he has, which is probably better for her than whatever I can give. Still, I catch the odd eye or word from him about spending more time with her, which I’m trying to do. It must be working, she certainly hasn’t come to hate me or resent me being home when I am. Yet.
Still, I love that kid. The odd nights she opens that bedroom door of mine to tell me about a nightmare or storm outside and we have to stay up a little later until she can sleep again, the way she races to the truck when I pull up to the school (even during the times where I know she’s had to wait for me,) it’s all something I never thought I’d see in my life or know it to be something I would miss if it disappeared.
I want nothing more than to see her happy, and she’s always the brightest person in the room when she is. If I can help with that, that’s all I want.
Though, maybe what’s best for her is me getting some sleep so I’m not spacey and distracted with her tomorrow.
Send 💖 and my muse will say something nice about you, the mun
    “Could’ve certainly picked a worse night for this,” Arthur commented, casting a glance upwards.
    The sun had dipped below the horizon, the sky cast in a blanket of stars as the orange glow of the fire he had built cast him and his companion in a warm light. A rabbit was slowly roasting over the flames, something he had hunted earlier for the coming night. Thankfully, he had been getting better with a bow. It had saved him the embarrassment of picking out shell casings from the meat in front of her, at the very least. He dropped his gaze back down, watching the fire for a few moments before he glanced toward her.
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    “I’ve certainly had worse company ‘round a fire, too. Some folks are more likely t’ greet you with a barrel of a gun shoved against the back of your head, but...nah, y’ don’t seem the type. I know you been fightin’ things in different ways, though. Kid’s always goin’ on ‘bout how STRONG y’ are, and I can see why. Life...life’s got a funny way ‘f workin’ things out. Lots ‘f good things happenin’ out there, yet there’s a lotta bad happenin’ t’ folk who don’t deserve it. Whatever good’s out there, I know it’s due t’ come your way. Hell, I’d give ya some of mine--lord knows I ain’t done anythin’ t’ deserve it.”
    He let out a vaguely humorous huff, glancing back to the fire for a moment before meeting her gaze once again.
    “Guess what I’m tryin’ t’ say is that there’s a lot of people out there who are on your side. Can’t get too far in life without people y’ can trust, and you’ve proved time and again that you’re one of those who can be that for someone, and it’s a fool who don’t see that and won’t return it. Y’ deserve more than y’ get, much as that might not mean much from someone like me. Y’ got a lotta fight in y’, and you’ve never had a point a gun t’ prove it. Folks see that.”
Send 💘 and the mun will say something nice about your muse
I remember seeing Itsuki for the first time all those years ago, and jokingly I was like “who’s lost child is this?” lol
However, I can honestly say with my whole heart that I am so glad to have been introduced to her character. However, I can’t say much to how she is portrayed on her blog, as I am...completely unfamiliar from the media she is from. (And considering some of the horror stories I’ve heard about the fandom, I’m very content with hers being the only blog I follow from it lol.) Yet, I feel like I’ve known her character for so long through how often she’s appeared on my blogs and all the relationships I’ve built with her through my own characters. Good, bad, everything.
Itsuki is such a strong character in not just physical prowess, but strength of will and mind too. No matter what blog I am on, I can almost always trust her to be this force of optimism and child-like joy and curiosity. Even on a blog of mine starring a certain baptist, even in the face of someone who wouldn’t appreciate her for who she is, somehow Itsuki still manages to handle that in a way that is both absolutely a joy to write with and great to play off of.
I know I’ve said it before, but often I do find myself thinking about how a character would interact with her when I am making a blog. Not only is it me trying to make room for interaction, but it is also good for general character development. She has become such a staple on my blogs, which honestly rarely happens and for as long as it has with her.
Send 💕 and the mun will say something nice about you, the mun
Much like you wrote in this section for me, I am also sorry this took so long because I also wanted to make sure everything sounded right. Especially after coming off a long semester of university, I’ve been trying to come back into my writing. Lol Honestly, what can I say about you that I haven’t said a million times? I always say this, yet I know it bares repeating because I know everything I feel about you to be wholly the truth. You are such a great friend, and even when you’re not feeling like you are, or you are in the middle of a falling out, or stuck ruminating on something that didn’t work out with someone, I know for a fact that you have done your absolute best in that friendship. I know you have done nothing but show me support, love, and a deep kindness since the day I met you and I know I can say absolutely that you are one of my best friends.
Hell, I know even my family asks about you sometimes because I know I’ve mentioned having our late night talks often enough. Lol I know you have helped me through so much, even in things you may not even be aware of. Being able to write with you, knowing that you’re out there doing you and being awesome, it’s everything I could ask for in a friend. It’s 3 am while I’m writing this so idk if I’m rambling like mad here, but I have a lot of feelings for you. Lol Mostly, I’m just grateful. That you exist, that we’re as close as we are, for the conversations we do have. I love you a TON, and I hope you know that. I ALWAYS want you to know that, even in the deepest darkest pits you may fall in.
I am always happy to see you, to talk with you, to write with you. I love you, and you’re always in my thoughts and I hope nothing but the best for you and I’m always so excited and happy when I do see that happening for you.
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heligooddeals · 4 years
Fucking fight me, Turd Lord.
You think you’re shit?
You think just because you actually write MegOP in a way that I find appealing makes you something special? You really think you're cool because you’ve gotten me to publicly admit I like this ship, crack the door a little, and give this ship another shot because it isn’t being written by garbage lords for once? HUH?
Well you’re right, and if I wasn’t fucking tired and spacey all the time I’d be reading your shit all day.
Fuck you.
You don’t know me.
You don’t have the right to be kind to me and make stupid jokes with me when we chat. Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? A potential friend? Fuck you.
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S or V for the letter ask meme!
ohoh imma do both👀 for S i've got Shannon and for V i've got Vanessa, both from WTRP!
full name: Shannon Eileen McAuley
nicknames: Shan, Shanny Sunshine
Hogwarts house: a very radiant hufflepuff
gender: cis female
sexuality: haven't decided. possibly ace
a song i associate with them: the love club - lorde
3 important relationships: her dad, her dog, and a complicated relationship with Marie-Claude
2 fears: being excluded; being alone yeah that's the same thing worded differently shhhh
1 element of their backstory: her mother died when she was young, so it's just been her and her dad, whom she is very close with
full name: Vanessa Villa-Cortez
nicknames: Nessa
Hogwarts house: a very spacey hufflepuff
gender: cis female
sexuality: soft lesbian
a song i associate with them: still sane - lorde
3 important relationships: her best friend Amina, her mom, and orange juice
2 fears: losing her closest relationships; getting caught up in Life and losing who she is/forgetting where she came from
1 element of their backstory: in her last two years of high school, she went to live with her rich uncle who sponsored her to go to a fancy schmancy school for rich kids
thanks for the ask!💕
send me a letter👀
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[The Legend of eLONGCAT musk ]
Once upon a universe, an entity was poofed into existence
It was a hybrid between princess long cat (of the 3.14159265 dimensions of meow dom) and our fellow meme lord!
ELON MUSK AND LONG CAT ! *drum drum drums*
His mission was to save the world and punch global warming in the face ! BOOM BOOM POW
With his vrooms, his spacey vrooms and his epicly long meowiness, he would bring peace to this world
But most importantly, he moo’d like a cow and cow’d like a moo
But unfortunately it was not to be, as the kitty cat hackers hacked into his brainses and he exploded !
From drinking too much chocolate milk....
The good old “exploding chocolate milk disease”
Those legendary pink cows who give us their chocolate milk T—T
Elongcat musk just could not resist it
And he went BOOM!
DoctorPepperFan 1986 is the hero we all need but Elongcat Musk was a close 23rd
Who will save our world now? Find out next time on.....
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miraculousubs · 6 years
1000 Days of MiraculouSubs!
Hello everyone!
Abbey here, and I would like to make an announcement, such being that Thursday the 16th of August of 2018 is a very important and special day. This date commemorates the 1000th day anniversary of MiraculouSubs being formed!
It’s been a heck of a journey so far, with team members still with us from the very beginning, a few greatly missed past members, our inactive / currently on hiatus members who are always welcomed back with warm arms and love, and some greatly loved and appreciated new additions.
Our current team consists of a small six individuals, some you may know well, such as Rita who is commonly known as our lord and saviour, the Clueless CEO of GAZ™ and ‘the one with the XANA icon with a heart in the middle,’ Spacey ( our resident French ) who is not capable of being described with the human language she is that lovely and exquisite, and Alice mostly recognised for the wonderful creation of the meme release videos, but not given the amount of recognition she deserves for all the hard work she does behind the scenes.
Other members you may not know too well, such as Ari, our lovely French to English editor, a quiet individual whose few spoken words are of great wisdom, respect, love and kindness and Spark, our most recent addition to the team, our Korean to English translator, who is too pure and precious for the world and we must all protect! She’s so cute I’m actually going to cry.
You may even remember our past members who have moved on and / or are currently on hiatus! Olivia, our initial French to English editor at the beginning of time, and was the friendly face behind all those asks and queries and running the blog. She’s currently on hiatus doing cool stuff around some snazzy places that I will forever be jealous of. And our past Korean team of Snail and Orby, one of the most unique and kind hearted duos I have ever come across in my few years on earth, both focusing on their education for the time being!
But who is and isn’t on the team doesn’t really matter at this point, what really matters is the support and love all of you continue to throw at us. With such in mind, on behalf of the team I’d like to say thank you so much for continuing to support us and our work! Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or you’ve only just recently discovered us, we would like to greatly thank those of you who send us messages full of love, support and kindness.
We hope you guys continue to support as, despite our slow releases at the time being due to prior commitments, but we believe in you all having a kind heart, soul and sense of compassion and understanding. Once again, I’d like thank everyone, and we hope to keep releasing subtitles for your enjoyment of the show!
Best regards that is full of love,    - Abbey :))
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I'm Supreme Meme Lord
And Danny is my right hand man
I've graciously earned and accepted this title, even though I deny it often. I do have some good kush though, for example:
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And many more...
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mrwilliamcharley · 6 years
Run The Trap’s Top 25 Hip-Hop Songs Of 2018
It’s no easy task to rank the top songs of a genre for a full year, and it’s especially difficult when that genre is as all-encompassing as hip-hop. And it was an amazing year as hip-hop dominated the charts and massive albums like Scorpion, Astroworld, and Kamikaze exploded. Without further ado, our top 25 hip-hop songs of 2018.
Run the Trap’s Top 25 Hip-Hop Songs Of 2018 | SoundCloud Playlist
25. Mac Miller – Self Care
This is a good example of a song that absolutely had to make the cut. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone, and Mac Miller was an example of an underrated puzzle piece in the American hip-hop culture. His song “Self Care” rocketed through the charts following his passing from a drug overdose, as many connected with the message in a year that brought mental health to the forefront of American conversations, especially within the music community.
24. The Carters – APESHIT
Beyoncé and Jay-Z have always been a super team, but when they teamed up to release one of the year’s biggest hits in “APESHIT”, everyone lost it. The beat is simple, but the rappers’ lines and flow are flawless. The track references their come up through the game to their current life of luxury, a theme found throughout much of The Carter’s rap discography. Also, “APESHIT” was one of Barack Obama’s favorite songs in 2018, so there’s that.
23. A$AP Rocky – Praise The Lord
Popular within meme culture as well as the radio, A$AP Rocky‘s “Praise The Lord” was one of this year’s top hits. This song also was part of a growing movement within the UK Rap Scene, as it featured the prominent UK rapper Skepta. As part of his album Testing, A$AP Rocky discusses his religious and spiritual beliefs, landing him at number twenty-three on the list.
22. Eminem – Killshot
Aim. Fire. “Killshot.” That’s exactly what Eminem did to poor Machine Gun Kelly, in a diss track firing back at Kelly’s “Rap Devil” diss track. As most diss tracks are, this track is entirely focused on the lyrical elements, including Eminem’s typical amazing word play and heavy burns.
21. SR3MM – Powerglide
Contrary to the Eminem track, this song is mainly driven by Mally Mall, Jean Hovart and Mike Will Made It’s incredible production – no disrespect to  SR3MM. A catchy and pop-styled hip-hop song, “Powerglide” was probably on your Spotify’s repeat earlier this summer.
21. Lil Baby – Drip Too Hard
The lead single from Lil Baby and Gunna’s debut collaborative album, Drip Harder, “Drip Too Hard” is part of Lil Baby’s explosion into the rap scene.  Both the song and album title are homages to Lil Baby and Gunna’s respective “Hard” and “Drip” series of mixtapes and albums. Keep an eye on Lil Baby as he continues his progression in the rap scene, with his lead single landing him at twenty-one on the list.
19. Lil Peep & XXXTENTACION – Falling Down
An alternative version of the song “Sunlight On Your Skin” which features iLoveMakonnen, “Falling Down” instead features XXXTENTACION and was made after Lil Peep’s death. There was some alleged controversy, as Lil Peep’s team claims that Peep had no intention of releasing that version of the song due to XXXTENTACION’s history. iLoveMakonnen, who was featured on the original version of the song, said on his Instagram that he was “honored to have co-written this song that X was inspired to be a part of, shortly before he died”.
18. Post Malone – Better Now
Post Malone might be hip-hop’s favorite nice guy. Known for his hilarious internet antics, Posty has risen to the top as a fan favorite. In “Better Now”, Post Malone reminisces about a past relationship, claiming both he and his ex miss each other though both are trying to mask their feelings. Both feel that they let each other down in some way but it was never their intention. Post suggests if they met up with each other again there is a possibility they could hook up again. In a top sad boy rap song of 2018, “Better Now” lands at number eighteen
17. Travis Scott – STARGAZING
As you have heard across rap this year and will see as this list continues, 2018 found many popular songs to have choppy arrangement, with some combining seemingly different songs into one unique track. “STARGAZING” continues the trend, opening up with an atmospheric feel as Travis Scott describes the experience of an unpredictable psychedelic trip. Switching between his regular cadence and an auto-tuned falsetto, Scott alludes to his drug use and relationship with Kylie Jenner and their daughter Stormi. The song then switches into a much tighter, more aggressive mix, where Scott goes absolutely in. The song title could be a reference to Houston’s iconic ties to astrological exploration, with NASA’s Mission Control Center being located in Travis’s hometown. It wouldn’t be surprising, as Scott makes references to Houston multiple times throughout the album.
16. Drake – Nonstop
Quickly stepping out of the nameless/faceless/objective writer persona, I have to say “Nonstop” is my personal favorite rap song in 2018. TayKieth, who has produced tons of songs on this list, absolutely murdered this song…like MURDERED it. The song opens up with that incredulously large sub-loop, paired with a perfectly mixed kick and beautifully crisp, high-end drums. The production on this song is A1, and there simply isn’t enough to be said about it.
Drake’s vocals enter stage left, introduced by the definitive statement that he “just flipped a switch,” setting the tone for the incoming tirade about his nonstop success in the rap scene. Many of Drake’s lyrics also allude to the conflict he faced with Pusha-T and Kanye West over the summer, and Drake confirmed on HBO’s “The Shop” that he channeled much of his frustration from that into tracks like “Nonstop”.
15. Kanye West – All Mine
The top song on his 2018 album Ye, Kanye talks about the topic of infidelity. Happily married to Kim Kardashian, West goes on to talk about controlling his desires while in a committed relationship. With his line “letting the genie out the bottle,” West alludes to an action that cannot be reversed, such as cheating. Kanye goes as far to call out many celebrities for their infidelity, including Tristian Thompson, who was exposed for cheating on his then-pregnant partner Khloe Kardashian, Kanye’s sister-in-law.
14. Lil Wayne – Uproar (feat. Swizz Beatz)
In an album that was supposed to be released in 2014, but was delayed for multiple years due to conflict with Cash Money Records label-boss Birdman, Lil Wayne warns his enemies to stop playing with him before he causes an “Uproar”. Ecstatic to see the New Orleans native back in action, fans across the globe clambered to get a listen to Wayne’s newest release, and they were not disappointed.
13. Travis Scott – Butterfly Effect
Produced by Murda Beatz, “Butterfly Effect” builds on the quintessential Travis Scott spacey ad libs and builds an environment to match, with a beautiful repeating melody and soft percussion. The ‘butterfly effect’ is the concept that small causes can have large effects. Travis Scott is also using a double-entendre with “butterfly” wherein as he refers to the doors on his Lamborghini car. First released as a single off his ASTROWORLD album, “Butterfly Effect” is one of the top songs off Scott’s album, landing number thirteen on the list overall.
12. Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Future & James Blake – King’s Dead
We’ve already discussed how great the music video for “King’s Dead” was, and almost a year later it seems that this song is deserving of a top honor. Our original article for the music video, which was released the same day the Black Panther was released in theaters, could not have predicted the quality of the epic soundtrack.
11. Migos – Walk It Talk It
So many more songs from Culture II could be included on this list, but as mentioned in the article’s preface, we can only pick 25. “Walk It Talk It” was clearly the most popular song off of Culture II, with over 300,000 streams on Spotify alone. In “Walk It Talk It,” Migos and Drake take jabs at fake people around them who can’t walk the life that they talk about. As some of the top artists in the game right now, Migos and Drake are clearly walking it like they talk it, landing them at number eleven on the list.
10. Kanye West & Lil Pump – I Love It
Weird music video, great song. Kanye West teamed up with Lil Pump to create one of this year’s top songs in “I Love It.” Sure, Kanye may be struggling with some issues in the public eye, but his production skills haven’t lost their touch.
The video debuted at the inaugural Pornhub Awards in Los Angeles, California. Kanye linked with PornHub following an interview in which Jimmy Kimmel asked Kanye if having daughters had changed Kanye’s attitude toward women, to which he replied, “Nah, I still look at Pornhub.”
9. BlocBoy JB – Look Alive (feat. Drake)
An homage to his hometown of Memphis, BlocBoy JB‘s “Look Alive” was a standout of the year. Featuring Drake, the track was released via OVO Sound and is easily his most successful track to date surpassing over 505 million streams on Spotify. This track lands up-and-comer Blocboy JB at number nine.
8. Drake – Nice For What
Drake’s “Nice For What” takes the cake as the female empowerment song of 2018. With relatable lyrics supported by a New Orleans styled bounce beat, Drake and Murda Beatz aim to create something women can “cut up to.”  With female driven lyrics littered throughout the song, the message is further supported by NOLA’s Big Freedia, a figure of empowerment within the rap scene.
From a sonic perspective, “Nice For What” is known for its choppy arrangement. At one point, BlaqNmilD abruptly cuts the beat, leaving just the kick and female vocals before the listener is suddenly warned to “watch the breakdown,” transitioning the song back into its high energy, percussive bounce beat. Drake and his team absolutely destroyed this song, leaving “Nice For What” at number nine on the list.
7. Juice WRLD – Lucid Dreams
Juice WRLD‘s “Lucid Dreams” explores the pain of a breakup through the metaphor of a Lucid Dream, a state of awareness during one’s dream that allows the dreamer to control the reality they are perceiving. As Juice goes through the stages of his breakup, he aims to control his mental reality by simply forgetting his ex, pushing aside the universal stress and heartache that comes after any breakup.  Nick Mira’s beat puts the listener in the mind of Juice’s dreams, as soft, atmospheric bells dance around while Juice delivers his promise to control his reality and emotions.
6. Cardi B– I Like It
Complete with horns, Latin Grooves, and an infectious trap beat, Cardi B flaunts her Latin heritage in “I Like It.” Released as a part of her album Invasion Of Privacy at the top of the year, Cardi B won over thousands of new fans, and established herself as one of the top artists in today’s age. The song samples Pete Rodriguez’s 1967 boogaloo song “I Like It Like That”, and guest features Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny and Colombian reggaetón star J Balvin.
5. Drake – In My Feelings
The “In My Feelings” challenge was one of the most viral video challenges of 2018, as thousands of American’s found themselves dancing to the beat, their moves synchronized to the famous catchy chorus. As the song shifts from Drake’s emotional rant, the City Girls come in and crush a hook layered over a sample of Magnolia Shorty’s “Smoking Gun,” a New Orleans styled bounce track originally produced by BlaqNmilD. This is the second bounce track on the top 25, both of which were produced as part of Drake’s Scorpion.
4. Childish Gambino – This Is America
This Is America. Don’t catch you slipping up. Childish Gambino‘s internet sensation was easily the most woke song of 2018, with its famous music video decrypting the hype song as much more than just a summer banger. Gambino’s commentary spoke to the day to day internet nonsense that is distracting the American people from addressing today’s important social issues. On top of the important message “This Is America” brought to the forefront of conversation, the beat, play-on-words, and cinematography of the music video were grade A works of art, landing “This Is America” at number 4 on 2018’s list.
With over 780 Million streams on Spotify, XXXTENTACION‘s “SAD!” is clearly a top 5 song of 2018. A somber song about love, “SAD!” has resonated with millions of rap fans this year.
2. Travis Scott – Sicko Mode
Nothing is more hype than sitting in a club, and all of the sudden you hear those infamous, horn-like chords that open up the song. Travis Scott‘s “Sicko Mode” was an instant hit upon its release. With a dynamic and tight mix that features lines from Scott and Drake, listeners found themselves on an ASTROWORLD roller coaster, with twists and turns as the song progressed across its three sections. As one of the ultimate turn up songs of 2018, “Sicko Mode” lands at number two on the list.
1. Drake – God’s Plan
“God’s Plan” is by far the most popular hip-hop song of 2018. With 1.1 BILLION streams on Spotify alone and another 900 million on his epic music video, Drake cemented himself as the top hip-hop artist of 2018. There isn’t much more that needs to be said about the number one song on this list, as it has been on repeat the entire year across clubs, radio stations, and Spotify playlists.
Read more from Aaron and connect with him on Soundcloud, Twitter, and Instagram.
'Run The Trap’s Top 25 Hip-Hop Songs Of 2018
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