#lookee what I found
drspleenmeister · 1 year
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I haz a finger
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agdragonfulday · 1 year
Thank you @lostredsupergiantstars for tagging me 💖
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@advictoriams @peachzaquiribinx @dbzebra
#and dbzbra is MarTen royalty#lookee at one of my favorite current fics 😍#https://archiveofourown.org/works/24755629/chapters/59853799#and obvi advictorium becausr who else knows what agwnts of mayhem is 😁#and thank you to lostredsupergiants 💖💖#of course i couldn't leave put peaches#who else that cute calls me pretty 😋#my lock screen is from sailors moon#i found out after the fact from my friend#the last song i lisened to was also on YouTube#i bounce between there and Spotify#i use the brave browser so i can play YouTube in the background without paying corporate giants that forgot their orginal message and goal#☺️☺️#Nashville is way better than it has any right to be#also so many characters die for it being a show about country music???#hayden panitierre is arguably my favorite actress so anything shes in she kills#God please make her susan storm#that role is made for her#i have an ask i need to answer in regards to that#nonnie if you see this#mommas commin#Mississippi flood#dont put dirt on my grave#already gone#those are the top 3 songs by queen hayden from that show#honorable mention is boys and busses#🎶boys and busses got a... lot in common they both.... pick up speed when you.... try to stop em🎶#if i didn't know better and pour me something stronger than me are also phenomenal but not by miss juliette barnes#this is my last tag because tumbke silences people lol - the picture is of my family dog Archer and the download is response to Cleopatra
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Boothill x SingleParent!Reader: Lassos and Lullabies Chpt. 2
Previous part
Boothill found himself looking forward to that Sunday. He didn’t have another job lined up for another couple weeks, so miraculously he had the time to help out. He was slightly disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to flirt with Y/N, but the thought of seeing Charlotte again made up for it.
He arrived at Y/N’s apartment at around two o’clock to find her scrambling. Her hair was messy, and she had a frazzled look in her eyes when she opened the door. Instantly her shoulders dropped in relief. “Boothill, thank God you’re here. I’m so so sorry to dump this on you right when you just got here, but Lottie was not very fond of the vegetable soup I made for lunch and I’ve really gotta get going now or I’m gonna be late. I managed to clean up the table and floor, but she desperately needs a bath.”
He gave her a good-natured smile. “Easy, easy, no need to be sorry. You head on out, I’ll take care of it.”
She let out a relieved sigh, her eyes shining with gratitude. “Thank you so much. I could seriously kiss you right now.”
He grinned wolfishly and tipped his hat at her. “From a pretty lady like you? I wouldn’t say no.”
Her cheeks flushed, but she cracked a smile. “Oh stop it. But seriously, thank you. Here’s the spare key.” She reached into her purse and fetched a keychain with a bright pink pompom on it, handing it to him. “I should be home around eight or nine tomorrow morning. Good luck!” And with that, she was out the door, leaving him alone with Charlotte.
“Hoo-boy, well lookee here,” he said, taking in the sight of Charlotte absolutely drenched in soup, little vegetable pieces sticking in her hair. “Your momma worked hard on that soup, y’know. Whatcha doing spillin’ it all over yerself for?”
She bounced in her highchair, clapping her hands excitedly. “Hat! Hat!”
He chuckled, kneeling down to her level. “Is that all I am to you, little missy? Tell you what, you take a bath without fussin’, and I’ll let you wear my hat again, okay?”
“Hat! Gow-boy hat!” She seemed to get even more excited at that idea, waving her chubby hands in the air towards him.
He laughed. Oh she was just precious. “Yer right, little lady, it is a cowboy hat. Now c’mon, let’s get you cleaned up.” He picked her up out of her highchair and set her down on the floor. She started to waddle down the hallway.
He grinned. Maybe this would be easier than he thought.
He thought wrong.
It was one thing to draw a bath, it was another thing to get a squirmy toddler in it. He thought he was home free once he managed to wrangle her out of her clothes, but then she slipped out of his hold (still slippery with soup all over her) and made a mad dash around the apartment butt naked.
The sound of her little feet slapping against the hardwood and her delighted squeals rang through the apartment, followed by the much less endearing sound of Boothill’s metal boots clanking as he chased after her. Damn, he’d forgotten how fast little kids were. He stood with his arms and legs out like a goalie, cornering her in her bedroom. “End of the line, little lady.”
Usually when he said something like that, it struck fear into the hearts of his enemies (well, usually it was accompanied by a bullet between the eyes), but Charlotte just giggled.
He couldn’t help but crack a smile. “This a game to you, missy?”
She giggled louder. “Game!”
“Oh yeah, this is real fun for you, ain’t it?” And despite the situation, he couldn’t deny that he was having a bit of fun too.
She tried to dash around him, but he caught her right at the last second before she could get away, scooping her up in his arms to the tune of her excited little shrieks. He made sure to hold onto her tightly, so she didn’t wiggle away again. “Yer harder to catch than some ‘a my bounties, little lady.” He carried her off to the bathroom and finally, finally managed to get her in the bath. Once she was in, everything was peachy keen—she was too distracted by the bubbles and rubber duckies to try slipping away again. Water plus intricate circuitry usually didn’t mix well, but luckily he’d had his mechanic give him a waterproof coating after a job landed him on an island in the middle of an ocean, so as long as there were no exposed wires, he’d be fine.
His phone dinged right after he finished washing the shampoo out of her hair. He smiled as he saw who it was.
Hot Momma: Is everything okay? Did you get her to take her bath?
He snapped a quick photo of Charlotte in the bath putting suds on her rubber ducky’s head like a soapy crown. He sent it to Y/N with the message:
Doing fine and dandy. She ran from me a bit, but I managed to catch the little rascal.
A few seconds later she responded with nearly a dozen heart emojis. Precious! Pls send more pics when you can.
Will do. Aren’t you driving? Eyes on the road, dollface.
Haha you caught me. At a stoplight. Tell Lottie I miss her already!
He sent a thumbs up before tucking his phone back in his pocket and relating the message to Charlotte, who was far too absorbed in playing with her ducks to care.
He finished giving her her bath and helped her dry off and get dressed. She reached her arms up toward him, jumping up on her tip toes. “Gow-boy hat!”
Boothill chuckled, endeared by her pronunciation of ‘cowboy.’ “You still wanna wear my hat? I think our deal was you’d get to wear the hat if you took yer bath without fussin’.” He ruffled her still-damp hair, causing her to giggle. “Buuuut, I think I can make an exception for ya, just this once.” He took off his hat and placed it on her head, tipping the brim back so she could still see.
She jumped up and down, babbling happily. “Gow-boy, gow-boy!” She ran off out of the bathroom, laughing her little head off.
He smiled fondly, lazily following her with his hands in his pockets. “Where’re you runnin’ off to, little lady?” He peeked his head into her bedroom to find her playing with a stuffed horse, waving it up and down in the air like it was galloping.
She ran up to him with her plush horse, holding it up to him. “Pony! Gow-boy and pony!”
He kneeled down to her level, a wide grin on his face. “You like horses do ya, little missy? Yer on yer way to bein’ a bonafide cowboy already.”
“Play ponies! Ponies and gow-boys!” she chirped in her adorable little voice, waving the stuffed horse in front of him.
He chuckled, taking the pony from her. “Yes ma’am, ponies an’ cowboys it is.” He made a sound like a braying horse and shook the stuffed pony in the air, pretending it was rearing back on its hind legs.
Charlotte’s face broke out into a wide, toothy smile as she erupted into a torrent of giggles and squeals. Boothill wasn’t completely sure what a game of ponies and cowboys entailed, but Charlotte seemed to be satisfied with him just waving the pony in the air and making horse sounds.
After a while of playing, she reached her grabby hand up towards him again, the other adjusting his hat on her head that kept falling in her face. “Up! Up!”
He complied, easily hooking his hands under her legs and scooping her up into a piggyback carry. He carried her around the apartment, stomping around and neighing. The sound of her laughter in his ears made his chest feel full in a way it hadn’t since he’d lost his daughter. He could practically feel his circuits and servos thrumming with warm energy.
Even though Charlotte reminded him a lot of his daughter, he was beginning to notice a few key differences. Firstly, while his daughter had been more of the rough and tumble type of kid, Charlotte was a bit of a girly-girl. Along with playing cowboys, she wanted to play dress-up and have a tea party with all her stuffed animals (most of which were horses, he noticed). She asked him to braid her hair, though not in so many words, and he did his best to make sure her beautiful curls didn’t get caught in his mechanical joints. He was pretty proud with how it turned out, despite him being so out of practice. She seemed pleased with it too, swinging her head around and watching her two long braids swish to and fro.
Another difference was that Charlotte was picky. He supposed he got lucky with his little girl—for all her orneriness, she ate whatever you put in front of her. Charlotte not so much. He should’ve been prepared for a battle at dinnertime, what with the soup incident at lunch, but he didn’t expect to get pelted with dino nuggies.
He begged and pleaded and bargained with her, even offered to let her wear his hat again, but for the life of him he could not get her to eat her dinner. He didn’t want to bother Y/N with something that he should be able to easily handle on his own, especially not when she was at a work conference, but he was starting to run out of options.
Then he got an idea. “Hey little missy, do you wanna play a game?”
“Game! Game!” she cheered, bouncing in her highchair.
He grinned. “Yeah ya do. Here’s what we’re gonna play—we’re gonna play another cowboy game. Y’know cowboys got a lotta animals, doncha?”
She perked right up at the mention of cowboys. “Gow-boys! Naminals!”
He bit back a laugh. Gosh darn it, she was just too cute. “Yeah lotsa naminals. Well this cowboy—” He pointed a thumb towards himself. “Has got a lotta dinosaurs.” He pointed down towards the dino nuggies that were still on her plate instead of halfway across the room. “An’ yer trap right there is their pen. Can ya help me get all my dinos back in their pen?”
She clapped and squeezed, suddenly excited at the prospect of eating her dinner.
It was all smooth sailing from there. All he had to do was make some silly noises as he pretended to wrangle the dino nuggets and she ate them with no complaints. He’d always been told growing up that you shouldn’t play with your food, but surely he could make an exception for this case.
Soon after dinner it was time to put her down for bed. Boothill had to admit, he was pretty worn out from the day, and he could’ve used a nap himself. Charlotte didn’t seem to agree with him, however. He sighed, running his hand down his face in exasperation. “C’mon, Lottie, we’ve been playin’ all day. Aren’tcha even a little tired?”
She shook her head defiantly. “No! No bedtime!”
Well this was a pickle. He’d never raise his voice at a child, not in a million years, but he couldn’t deny he was starting to get frustrated. He wracked his brain, trying to think of things that helped put his little one to sleep when she was being fussy. Then it hit him. When Y/N gave him her tour of the apartment, he noticed an old acoustic guitar sitting on a stand in the back of her bedroom. Surely she wouldn’t mind if he borrowed it for a spell.
He'd given up playing long ago, but it felt like only yesterday when he started tuning the pegs. It sounded a little tinny when he plucked the strings, the sound reverberating through his metal hands, but he could live with it. He’d sworn he’d never play again on that fateful day all those years ago, but if it helped Lottie sleep… he could make another exception for her, just this once.
She looked up at him curiously as he sat down on the couch, idly stumming the guitar. Even if he didn’t have many muscles left to remember with, his hands still easily fell into place picking an old song that Nick used to play for him when he was a tot. Charlotte climbed up onto the couch and sat on his lap. She blinked up at him with big, owlish eyes as she listened to the music, and a smile formed on his lips. Well, he’d gotten her to sit still, that was an accomplishment if nothing else.
Charlotte leaned back against him, her head resting on his chest. She closed her eyes, and he continued to play.
The sound of the door opening and closing caused Boothill’s eyes to blink open. The guitar hung loosely from his hand, propped up against the couch, his other arm curled around Charlotte’s sleeping form. He let go of the guitar and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, finding Y/N standing in front of him with a warm smile on her face. “Y/N…?” he mumbled, voice still raspy from sleep. One quick glance out the window revealed it was still dark out. “Thought ya weren’t gonna be back till mornin’…”
“I wasn’t supposed to be,” she whispered as she set her purse down on the table, careful not to wake up Charlotte. “But I couldn’t spend the night away from her, even if I knew you were watching her.” Her eyes flicked down to where Charlotte was huddled up against him, watching the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Her gaze softened as she looked back up at him. “I see now I shouldn’t have worried.” She approached, lightly stroking Charlotte’s hair. “Thank you for watching her, Boothill. I know it’s late, feel free to spend the rest of the night if you’d like.”
He was about to mumble out something about not wanting to impose, but the feeling of her soft lips brushing against his cheek shut him up real quick. She gently picked up Charlotte and carried her off to her room, leaving him dumbfounded, his face burning red.
Sleeping on the couch never felt quite so good.
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nomstellations · 5 months
"Well well...lookee here~! An univited guest."
You hadn't expected that lazy looking pirate to move so quickly. Thinking you could sneak by while you raided the ship's stores, you now dangled from his hook as he studied you with an amused expression. "What do you think you're doing on my ship, bud?"
You don't respond, instead kicking at the air. He chuckled, you could smell sweet alcohol on his breath. "Now, I don't take too kindly to little stowaways...but I can't say I've ever had a guest like you. You're so small...it'd be a real shame to just toss you out, wouldn't you say?"
You'd feel inclined to agree but something about the glint in his eye told you he had something up his sleeve. "How's about I make you a VIP, bud? We Twinhooks treat our guests real well, so I'm sure you'll love how we handle VIPs! Heh, you're real lucky it was me and not the captain that found you...here, lemme show you to your lodgings."
Expecting to be let down, you found your captor leaning back in his seat and lifting you over his face. His lips parted and warm breath tickled your legs- he was planning on eating you! Suddenly being kicked out was a lot more preferable, but he was already lowering your body into his mouth. It closed around your lower half, leaving you to wriggle helplessly and push against his face to pull yourself free. A smile spread beneath you, and he chuckled. Apparently your struggle was amusing to him, and he was content to hold you there for a moment while he sampled your flavor. It felt like you were held there forever when he tilted his head back more, suddenly gulping and pulling your lower half into his throat! This pulled you into his mouth, and your world went dark.
The pirate's tongue lapped against you briefly, which was enough to distract you from trying to get free. A deep gulp rung our beneath you, then another- you were a bit bigger than what he was used to, and it took more work to get you down. Fully encased in his throat, all you could do is squirm helplessly as the slick muscles constricted you and pulled you deeper. His heartbeat boomed around you as swallows urged you to your final destination, and his stomach very noisily greeted you as you slid inside. He must've had something to drink before you, but thankfully it didn't take up too much of your already cramped space. Immediately kicking and struggling around, you were only met with quiet laughter and some pats from above.
"Hahah, you were well worth the work, bud! Tell me, what does VIP stand for again? Very Ingestible Person?" He laughed, burping a little and massaging your form as his stomach burbled around you. "Enjoy that guest room of yours! A flavor like that's worth its weight in gold~"
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obxsummer · 2 years
Full Pogue // Ghost of You
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summary: the cameron family can't seem to keep their hands off you, sending you and sarah on the battle to get off the coastal venture and reunite with your friends
warnings: the usual obx angst, cursing, physical violence, injuries
navigation -- series masterlist
Exhaustion was starting to set in harder than it had before, especially when you were tucked under JJ’s shoulder in the back seat of the Twinkie. Kie was on the floor, a join between her fingers as she sat next to Pope. John B and Sarah occupied the front seat, your brother intent on driving back to Figure Eight in attempt to find Rafe. What you didn’t expect was a slewd of cop cars to be blocking the road up ahead, ruining your course of action.
“Oh shit. They found the truck.”
“Chill, chill, chill, chill,” Pope hushed Kie’s distress as bright blue lights filled the darkness of the van. You sat up fully once a flashlight glossed over your eyes, JJ’s hand refusing to leave your skin despite the cops now approaching. 
“Well, lookee here,” Shoupe commented sarcastically as his light illuminated John B’s face through the open window.
“Evening, officer,” Your brother responded while keeping his face emotionless.
“Right, sheriff. Forgot,” John B corrected his error without intent behind his words. He motioned towards the totaled truck ahead. “Speed kills, huh?”
Shoupe’s light hit your face again, making you wince and hide further into JJ’s shoulder before it moved again to find Kiara. “I pulled the tags, and I know whose truck that is. Hey, Kie. Did you drop your weed pen back there?”
“Sheriff, I just wanna say that this is all my fault. She had nothing to do with this. I take 100% responsibility,” Pope explained.
“Nothing to do with it? You wanna try that again?” Shoupe repeated before shaking his head. “Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago, and the keys were missing from the house. I’m taking you home. Or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident.”
“Okay,” Kiara finally admitted defeat. Shoupe directed Officer Plumb to open the van door to let your friend out. Kie wasn’t even phased at the action and turned towards you guys. “Hit me up later and make sure I’m still alive.”
The sound of the door closing sent everyone into silence. You waited for a moment before the blue lights started to disappear and John B followed the tow truck that had the total vehicle on the flatbed. You knew where you were going in hopes of finding the cross and the idea definitely didn’t help the events of the night settle.
“Babe,” JJ’s voice was quiet as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “You don’t have to go. We can take you home.”
You shook your head softly, fingers ghosting over the bare skin under his shirt that you had sought out for warmth. You had come this far in the whole thing; there was no way you were stopping now. Surviving the Cameron house had been accomplished before.
The street lights provided barely enough coverage once John B pulled up outside of Sarah’s house. The five of you climbed out and ducked below the wall per Pope’s word in an attempt to see better. 
“He’s got the truck,” JJ whispered as he glanced over the concrete structure. You could hear the hiss of the brakes as Rafe parked the vehicle and killed the engine.
“How much you wanna bet Rafe has the cross inside that truck right now?” Pope asked as you watched the eldest Cameron enter the large house, not without pausing to look over his shoulder.
“There’s only one way to find out.” Sarah started making her way towards the gated entrance before John B was running after her in concern. You could hear broken pieces of their conversation, especially the part where your brother said he wanted to talk about their relationship at that exact moment, which just pissed Sarah off. 
John B stepped back with a smile on his face like a kid on Christmas and it made you roll your eyes. You watched Sarah creep up the driveway, busying tying the piece of your brother’s bandana around her neck as she did so. At least one good thing would come out of tonight.
“Hey! Did you want me to perform your vows while you’re at it?” 
“Did you say ‘be safe’?”
JJ and Pope didn’t hesitate to poke fun at your sibling once he returned to your group. You ignored them, eyes focused on your blonde friend as she glanced inside the passenger window of the truck. She flipped around to raise her arms in confusion when she didn’t find an answer. John B motioned for her to come back, but he was ignored when she pointed inside to signal where she was going. 
“No, no! Don’t go inside!” Pope whisper-yelled as he watched her disappear into the front door. He turned towards John B. “Do the bird call!”
Your brother attempted the worst bird call in history that almost made you blow your cover by bursting into giggles. You shook your head at them as they attempted to do it the right way. “Losers. I’m going over.” You pushed yourself up on the concrete wall before hopping over. John B made a move to follow you but was interrupted by the sharp honking of a horn. You took a glance back, realizing they were caught by security and started running towards the house. 
You stared at the doorknob, a rush of fear running through you at the idea of entering this house willingly. It took a quick second to convince yourself that you were doing this for Pope, and even for Sarah. You weren’t about the let her walk into this house with her murderous brother on a rampage. 
The door was silent as you pushed it open, thankfully stepping into a silent room as you closed the door behind you. You knew this house more than you ever wished to, and being back here was weird, but as long as you avoided that room, you hoped it would be okay. 
Walking up the stairs, you headed in the general direction of Sarah’s room in hopes that she would maybe hide there first. The dark room was empty upon your arrival. “Sarah?” You whispered as you tried to navigate around it without bumping into anything.
“Oh my God, Wheeze. We gotta make this quick, okay?”
A sharp gasp left your mouth before you slammed a hand over your lips to keep quiet. Rafe’s voice echoed around the empty space as his footsteps hit the stairs nearby. He was clearly complaining to the youngest Cameron which told you that he didn’t find your friend just yet. His voice became distant before you heard quieter footsteps. 
Turning the corner, you could see Rafe’s silhouette in Wheezie’s room through the crack in her door. Without wasting a second, you were darting down the stairs in hopes of finding Sarah. Thankfully, the blonde girl ducked out of a bedroom at the perfect second. You had just enough time to place your finger over her lips before she screamed. A moment passed before she processed it was you and tugged your arm to lead you down the stairs. 
You followed her outside to where the truck was parked in the wrap-around driveway. “You came after me?” Sarah almost yelled as she turned to you in shock. “Are you insane?”
“In my defense, everyone was going to follow me!” You told her as she shoved the keys in her hand into the lock on the back doors. “I didn’t want to leave you alone!”
She ignored you and finally got the door unlocked. Handing you the keys, she twisted the handle as the metal creaked and swung out to reveal the back of the truck to you both. You didn’t even attempt to find the cross when the first thing you noticed was a pair of eyes staring back, unblinking. The second thing you noticed, was that it was the face of Limbrey’s partner, Renfield. Sarah’s fingers dug into your shoulder as the two of you stepped back with the realization that there was a dead body, here, in front of you, in the truck that Rafe had been driving.
An aggressive yank had a gasp falling from your lips before your back slammed against the metal of the truck. Tears sprung to your eyes as your already sore back and shoulder sparked pain down your spine. You were suddenly face to face with the person who you couldn’t seem to escape. 
Rafe’s expression broke into a devilish smirk at the idea of having you back into his hands again. “I really wish you didn’t do that.”
“Get off of me!” You spat back fingers digging into his wrists that were heavy on your shoulders. You shoved him aggressively, the two of you wrestling for a moment before Rafe’s arm was arround your throat and holding you tightly against him. Sarah yanked on her brother’s hood, choking him back before he latched onto her hair, literally dragging the two of you back into the house. 
The tile floor beneath you was chilly as Rafe tossed you forward without a care for your well-being. Sarah’s body collided with yours a second later before the door slammed shut and clicked locked. 
“What the hell!” Sarah grabbed the first bottle of wine she could find and threw it into the wall where it shattered into pieces. Another bottle, this time champagne, followed as you attempted to pull yourself off the floor. Your spine was aching with each movement and you knew it was just a matter of time before the injury got worse. You couldn’t keep doing this running thing forever.
“Rafe! Let us out!” Sarah pounded on the door aggressively, her facade breaking.
“I’m not letting you out, Sarah. Not until you calm down, okay? I’m trying to be civil here.”
“You asshole!” You were on your feet next, your hand colliding with the wood as rage filled you. No way you were about to be trapped back in this house again. Your saving grace was the form of Sarah Cameron beside you, reminding you that you weren’t alone.
Another voice joined the conversation, one that Sarah recognized right away. “Rose? Rafe locked us in!” She turned towards you, her hand grasping yours to offer any comfort possible. 
“You fail to understand that constantly, don’t you? Huh?” Rafe’s body slammed against the door causing you to jump back in shock. 
“Shut the hell up!” You snapped back, your foot connecting with the barrier. You couldn’t believe this was happening all over again. 
“Is that Y/N? Rafe, what the hell is going on?” Rose’s voice carried through the wood, now becoming your only hope of help to getting out. 
Stepping back, you sat on the couch in the room and placed your head in your hands as you tried to breathe. Sarah continued to bang on the door, ignoring Rose’s pleads to calm down. She turned to you when the answering stopped, collapsing into your side with a heavy breath. The silence of sniffles and cries continued until the lock on the door clicked and opened to reveal Rose.
The two of you clambered off the couch towards her, Sarah crying about calling the cops as she stumbled into the large arm chairs in the hallway. You sat next to her, pulling your legs up into your chest as you glanced around the room in an attempt to keep an eye out for the inevitable. 
“What happened?” Rose asked as she tried to coach Sarah through her breathing. “Y/N, hey. What happened?”
“There’s a dead body in the truck,” You answered simply as you stared ahead emotionless. You took the teacup Rose offered, letting the liquid burn your throat without waiting. “Rafe killed Renfield.”
Rose hesitated for a second, listening as Sarah choked through more details while she waited for her tea to cool down. She eventually took the chance to sip on the warm drink, her breathing calming as she was forced to hold in air. “L-Last time Rafe did that… Dad took the blame, and you see where that got him.”
“Sarah, you’re absolutely right,” Rose agreed as she placed her hand on her stepdaughter’s knee. “I told your dad so many times that there was something wrong with Rafe. You just need to calm down. It’s gonna be okay.”
Taking a deep breath, your head felt light from the crying and yelling you had done. Leaning back, you crossed your arms over your chest, the exhaustion from running nonstop settling in. Glancing over at Sarah, you could see panic slowly fill her face as she looked to you. Her eyes drifted to the teacup and suddenly, your adrenaline crash made sense. 
“What’d you do?” You whispered, your hand reaching out to grab onto Sarah’s sleeve. This feeling of helplessness and dread was sickening.
“What’d you do?” Sarah repeated the question as the teacup crashed to the floor so she could grab your fingers. “Rose.”
The woman in front of you dug a pill bottle out of her pocket. “I’m really sorry. Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise. I promise. I need you to rest okay? When you wake up, everything’s going to be okay. I had to do whatever it takes to keep this family together, Sarah.”
Your eyes were heavy as you tried to blink the fuzziness away but sleep… sleep sounded so so good.
Rose stared silently for a moment, her heart aching at the idea of putting you anywhere near Rafe again, but they were compromised and she couldn’t risk leaving you here and running back to your brother. Not when the feds were already on their case. It would just risk further investigation and that was the last thing she needed. After assuring you were both unconscious and conversing with her stepson about the body and where to go, she called Wheezie down to help move the final pieces. 
Wheezie stared at the sight of you and Sarah, mostly asleep against each other in the foyer. “What happened with them?” 
Rose shushed her and wrapped your arm over her shoulder, pointing for the younger girl to do the same with Sarah. “They’re fine, it’s just been a long day. Y/N was freaking out about being back in the house and so Sarah freaked out and they wouldn’t stop crying. I gave them an anti-anxiety pill. They’ll be fine.”
Sarah and Wheezie were lugging behind, the younger girl struggling with the weight of her sister. Rose pulled the car door open, ungracefully dropping you inside before running to help get Sarah in too. She wasted no time to climb in the driver’s seat and start the car.
Across the lawn, JJ’s heart fell out of his chest at the sight of you, unconscious, in Rose’s arms. He knew he shouldn’t have let you hop the fence, but you were stubborn and he couldn’t risk getting you caught with them in the first place. 
“What’d she do to them?” John B whispered as he watched the scene unfold. The idea of losing both of you to wherever Rose was going was not about to become true. Not after you had made it this far. When Wheezie shut the door behind her and the car started moving, the two boys took off in an attempt to stop it.
Your eyes attempted to focus with the blur of lights. You could feel Sarah’s shoe in your side, the leather seats behind your back. The clothes on your body were not your own but you didn’t have the energy to piece it all together.
Hands smacking against car windows made you jump. You could barely recognize your brother’s voice, JJ’s right behind him before they faded away. Taking a deep breath, you filtered it as a dream and fell back into a peaceful sleep once again. 
Waking up was nowhere near as comfortable as to when you fell asleep. The ground beneath you felt wobbly unlike the smooth bumps of a car and there was nothing but the hum of machines to fill your ears. The pounding in your skull was mind numbing and the sun shining in your eyes didn’t help either. With a deep gasp, you sat up sharply to see the small room you had been left in. Soft sweatpants and a tank top covered your body along with a zip-up jacket, most likely remainders of clothes that had been in the house from when you were trapped there.
Sarah was nowhere to be found and from the looks of it, you were alone. Glancing out the windows, your heart sank at the sight of a never ending ocean which meant you were on a boat going who knows where away from your brother, JJ, and your friends. 
Moving to your feet, you grabbed the door handle in hopes it would be unlocked but that obviously was a long shot. You groaned, hand slamming against the wood in annoyance before sitting back in the chair you had originally been in. The sound of footsteps approached quickly before the lock clicked and the door opened. 
You didn’t know what you expected when you looked up - a miracle hopefully, but the glaring eyes of Rafe Cameron were easy to ruin that dream. You closed your eyes tightly, digging your fingers against your scalp as if it would wake you up from this real life nightmare. 
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N… I told you we might as well be friends at this point. Make our lives easier.”
“Leave me the fuck alone, Rafe,” You grumbled as you stared at your ruined shoes beneath you. The less you had to look at him, the better.
A harsh hand grabbed your hair, yanking your head back to you were forced to look up. “You’re so lucky I convinced Rose to bring you up here. She was going to leave you at the house, all alone.”
Your hand grabbed his forearm and squeezed it tightly until he finally let go. “Am I supposed to appreciate that? This isn’t the first time you’ve stolen me from my family, you fucking psychopath!” The harsh sting on your cheek was expected and after you got over the initial pain of the slap, you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation in front of you and got to your feet. “God! What is it going to take for you to learn that I’m never staying with you, I hate every part of your being, and no matter how long you think you can keep me here, JJ and John B will find me, and you are going to lose. I will make sure of it.”
Chest to chest with the face of the person who haunted your sleep, the rush of anger and adrenaline in your veins held you still as you looked him in the eye. You refused to be scared of him, not when you were hundreds to thousands of miles from your family. 
The silence was teirrifying in itself before Rafe tugged your arm and led you out of the room. You didn’t bother to ask questions and refused to let him know you were nervous. He turned a few corners, grip getting increasingly tighter before practically launching you into a room like the one you had been. 
The first person you saw was Sarah, her face exhausted and annoyance evident in her features. You were thankful to see her, knowing the two of you might have a chance of getting out of here together. All of that hope disappeared the second the person sitting across from her turned to look at you. Ward Cameron, alive and well in front of you. It was almost silly to think your group would finally get a chance at the gold, or even the cross again.
Ward ignored your presence in the room, continuing to explain to Sarah about his remorse for not calling her, for the whole lie of his death. Rafe didn’t hesitate to make a shitty comment about being the only grateful child. His fingers ran across the bare skin of your neck making you tense as you stood there, frozen.
“That’s psychopathic. Both of you,” Sarah shot back, her eyes drifting from Rafe behind you to her father.
“I promised Rafe that he would’t go to prison for helping me,” Ward continued, “I had to make good on that promise.”
“Not that you care.”
“Did it look like I didn’t care when I thought Dad was dead?” Your friend defended herself as she glared at her brother. 
Rafe shook his head. “It-It actually looked like you cared about running off with some asshole-”
“It looked like all you cared about was the inheritance!” Tugging your arm out of Rafe’s grasp, you shoved him away from you in favor of sitting on the couch near Sarah. 
Ward eventually got both siblings to quit screaming before turning towards her again. “I know you’re angry right now, and rightfully so. The important thing is that it’s all behind us now. It is. We’re gonna live a new life, a-and Y/N can stay with us. All of us, together.” 
“Oh, hell no,” You mumbled under your breath, palms coming up to rub your eyes in hopes that you would blink and be back at home with JJ. You couldn’t even be surprised about the way everything went down, and of course, Rafe gets to drag you into it because Ward doesn’t care what he does. 
Sarah stared at her dad blankly as he attempted to convince her that the destination would be paradise. You kept watching as he slid a stack of tourist papers over to her. She leaned forward to catch them all in her hands before shoving them back towards Ward. “I want to call my friends, and I want to call my boyfriend. Can I at least just tell them that Y/N and I are okay?”
To your shock, Ward nodded. “Yes, of course you can. As soon as we get there, you both can call John B. He knows you’re here, right?”
You let out a bitter laugh, “No. He doesn’t. Your psychopathic son kidnapped us and your crazy ass wife drugged us!” Your brother would much rather throw himself into the ocean than let something like this happen.
Ward copied your laugh and threw all the crumbled papers into the garbage. “He came by the house not long after you two fell asleep. You know the cross you’ve all been looking for? Rafe was able to get it. Turns out, that I guess historically, it belongs to the Heywards.”
“Yeah, we know.”
“Well, it turns out that the most important thing to me, is you, so I gave John B the cross for you. And I let Rafe bring Y/N, because you need someone you can trust, and I know that’s not me right now.”
You and Sarah shared a glance, completely unbelieving of any word Ward was speaking. You crossed your arms over your chest. “Oh, and John B was okay with that?”
Ward came to crouch between the two of you. “Well, um, I had just given him a half-billion-dollar artifact, so, yeah. He seemed pretty okay. I don’t know what to tell you, girls”
You wanted nothing more than to kick him straight in the face and to watch his blood pour across his dress shirt. This family was fucked up and you weren’t staying here much longer to find out how bad. Whether you had to swim to the closest island or find a way to sneak out yourself, you were gonna do it. 
Rose and Wheezie came in a few moments later, Wheezie very much excited about the idea of going to a privately owned island. Sarah completely ignored her sibling in favor of looking up to avoid eye-contact. It didn’t take long for the awkward silence to win, with Rafe and Ward heading who knows where and Wheezie leaving in search of cards for you, Sarah, and Rose to be left. 
Sarah nudged your foot slightly, giving you a look before she groaned and stood up. You watched her carefully, not sure what exactly she had planned but giving her the space to do so. Suddenly, she stumbled across the room, catching Rose’s attention.
“Whoa, Sarah. Hey, what’s wrong, sweetie?” The magazine she was holding was discarded, her attention now fully on her stepchild.
“I just think I’m gonna be seasick,” Sarah whined as she leaned against one of the counters. 
Rose stood up from her seat, claiming she had ‘just the thing’ to cure Sarah’s faux sickness. While Rose occupied herself with digging through the closet, Sarah was waving you along out the door that Wheezie had accidentally left open. The two of you slipped out into the yellow-lit hallway and made your way through an open door to the cargo area. Glancing around, your eyes caught sight of the one object that definitely wasn’t supposed to be here: The Cross of Santo Domingo.
Tapping Sarah’s arm aggressively, you caught her attention before pointing towards the object that was resting in a large wooden crate. With a roll of her eyes and a newfound anger, she continued out of the hallway until you guys finally came to fresh air. You took a long look at the ocean, no sign of land anywhere near, before following Sarah up a flight of stairs towards the main cabin.
From the window, you could identify two crew members inside but a freehand walkie talkie close by that you could snag given a distraction. Sarah motioned to two almost empty buckets of paint that were set nearby. She grabbed one and waved you towards the doorway before tossing it across the deck. One of the crew members turned immediately at the noise as Sarah ducked to hide. 
As the crew member stepped outside, you had just enough time to grab the walkie talkie and step back out to where Sarah was hiding. Fingers shaking as you dialed 911, neither you nor Sarah even saw a crew member approaching when the radio crackled to life. 
“Dispatch 60290.”
“Hello? Hello, my name’s Y/N, I’m on a boat called the Coastal Venture. I’m with Sarah Cameron, we’ve-we’ve been kidnapped. I need-” Someone grabbed the radio of your hands with a demanding shush of silence. You stared at him with wide eyes as he kept your shoulder pressed against the wall and raised the radio to his ear.
“Yeah, that’s just my teenage daughter playing pranks again. Yeah, sorry.” He ended the call and applied more pressure to keep you in your spot as Sarah watched, concern. “You’re in deep shit, kid.”
Another crew member came to watch you and Sarah while the previous one, you assumed the captain, busied himself with calling Ward. The man was quick to come to your location, giving you and Sarah a glare as he stepped in to speak with the captain. 
Taking a deep breath, you slouched against the side of the boat and slumped down against the wall. You just wanted to get the hell off this ship and as far away from the Cameron family as you possibly could. Rafe’s weird obsession with you was becoming a little too real at this point, especially if he’s somehow convinced Ward to bring you along as if it wouldn’t just raise questions.
“Are you okay?” Sarah asked as sat down next to you. She knew it was an obvious question and that you probably didn’t want to talk to her, but she felt like she needed to ask.
You shrugged, eyes scanning the ocean around you. “I thought I would be free of this… repetitive endless loop. I don’t know why your brother is so obsessed with me, but Sarah… if it comes between staying on this boat or jumping into the ocean, I’m out,” You admitted as you looked over at her. “I don’t expect you to follow me, it’s probably a death wish, but I can’t stay here.”
“I’d come with you,” She admitted in a heart beat. “Somehow I just know you and I would do better out there than we think.”
Your small conversation was interrupted when Ward slammed the door of the cabin shut and stomped towards both of you. He didn’t hesitate to grab the hoods of your jackets and drag you down the stairs to the main level. There was a moment of quiet, one you dreaded because you knew the screaming match was on the other side. 
“Do you want them to take you?” The question was low and heavy as it slipped from Ward’s mouth.
“We didn’t ask to be here!” Sarah defended as she tossed her hands around in frustration.
“You’re here, and you’re staying here!” Ward screamed right back, the tone of his voice enough to send you into shock as you stumbled back away from him. It had been months since you’d heard him yell that way and it still struck you in the gut the way it had before. He was terrifying, and he scared you, and worst of all, he knew it too.
Sarah smacked her dad’s hand away in order to grab yours and pull you with her as she stormed away from the scene. What the two of you missed, was the sight of your brother looking over the railing with the painful realization that Ward Cameron was alive. What you missed, was that your friends managed to sneak on the boat and were looking for you and Sarah, risking their own lives and recruiting Cleo to help their mission. Your body felt like it was floating, no doubt your brain’s defense to keep you away from all the memories threatening to cave you in. Part of you regretted hopping over the wall to help Sarah that night, but honestly, you didn’t. You didn’t want her to go through this alone.
Turning the wrong corner, your luck ran you straight into Rafe Cameron, who had obviously been waiting for your arrival. He took your moment of distraction to grasp onto your wrist and twist your arm painfully behind your back. A sharp whimper left your mouth as he pushed you along, Sarah screaming and fighting her dad behind you. 
“You Pogues never learn your lesson, huh? Someone always has to get hurt.” His statement was venomous yet you still wanted to roll your eyes at him. Kook King Rafe Camerone wouldn’t be winning every battle, you would make sure of that. Especially once you got off this boat with Sarah, one of his biggest prizes would be swimming away before he could blink. 
Rafe pulled you into a dark red room, an alarm blaring nearby for unknown reasons, but it was enough to give you a headache. “This is what happens when we can’t trust you,” Rafe tried to reason.
You laughed and moved away from him when he dropped his grip. “Oh, yes. Because you and your dad are so trustworthy!” You shot back as Ward and Sarah stumbled in the room together. “We saw the cross. The whole ridiculous speech you gave about trading it was see through. Do either of you ever tell the truth?” 
You felt like a little kid arguing with your dad as you did so often. He always took John B’s side, never yours. He never let you do anything that your brother got away with. Your whole life, you were second place, limited, weak. And here you were, back in the same scenario with Ward and Rafe screaming at you and Sarah. 
“Since you both clearly cannot make good decisions, I will make them for you!” Ward turned towards you after he finished yelling at his daughter. “Decision one, you will not see John B or that Maybank boy again. Ever. You’re both coming with us, for good. One day, you will see. You’ll grow up and you’ll see I’m doing this for you.” He pointed at Sarah before making a move to leave.
“No, you’re not!” She clipped back. “Everything you do is for yourself. You are greedy. You are selfish. You are manipulative, you are a liar.”
“I am your father.”
“And you are a murderer.” 
The loud smack that followed made you gasp as Ward’s hand landed against Sarah’s cheek. With wide eyes, you launched yourself on Ward’s back and wrapped your arm around his neck, choking him with force. 
“You sick son of a bitch!” You screamed as he tried to pull you off to no avail. Rafe’s hands yanked at your jacket before Sarah launched at him with a wrench she found nearby. Ward’s fingers grasped as your arms as he gasped for air, but you weren’t giving up so easily. “Oh, how’s it feel, Ward Cameron? Is this how you killed my father? Tossed him in the ocean to never be seen again? Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”
He moved sharply, nailing your spine into a ridge in the wall that had you crying in pain and releasing your hold on him. You didn’t hesitate to collect yourself off the ground, pulling Sarah’s arm from where she had just knocked Rafe in the back of the head so the two of you could get out of there. Sarah turned and locked the door as quickly as possible, but the heavy metal did nothing to mute the screams coming from the other side. 
A broken order to meet at the tween forward hull came over the PA but neither of you bothered to listen to it and continued to run as far as you could. Sarah turned a sharp corner, leading the two of you straight to where a decent sized lifeboat was dangling over the water. She tossed her sweatshirt inside and moved to unlock all the latches keeping everything tied up.
You followed her lead, grabbing anything that looked useful before hitting the lever to move the lifeboat further over the water so you could lower it. It hit the water shortly after, both of you sharing a smile of success before you started throwing the ladder off the side to climb down. Throwing the last rung off the side, you stood up straight with a smile. “Let’s go home, Sarah.”
When the blonde girl didn’t answer, you turned around to see her in a staring match with her father who had managed to escape the lock on the door. She took a step back into your hands, pointing a sharp finger at her dad. “You get the hell away from me! I’m not doing this shit anymore, I’m not going with you!” She shouted angrily.
Ward surprisingly nodded. “I know, I get it. I mean it took a while because I didn’t wanna believe, but… I finally understand what everybody was trying to tell me. You’re not one of us. Right? Not anymore. And you never will be. But now, the problem is this… what do I do now?”
“You let us go,” Sarah said, the nerves clear throughout her body as she stood in front of him. You could tell she was terrified and after the events of today, you didn’t blame her. 
“Let you go?” Ward repeated before laughing. “Let you go back and tell everyone that I’m alive and tell them where we are and what we’ve done? Baby, come on now. You know I can’t do that.” He placed his hands on her neck softly. “I don’t know what to do with you!” 
In a swift movement, his grip tightened and he pushed her back against the metal side. You screamed in shock, jumping forward to grab Ward’s throat and throw him off balance. He seemed to be expecting it though, and with a harsh shove, you were colliding with the other wall of the boat. 
Your body was sending big red flags with even the slightest of movements. Your shoulder ached, back scorching with pain, but you refused to watch Sarah die at the hands of her own father. Attempting to sit up, you grabbed the side of the boat but a sharp pain up your spine kept you grounded.
“Sarah! Let her go!” You screamed in hopes that someone, anyone would hear and stop Ward. You knew you were hopeful to think anyone would even come in between him and murdering someone, but you had to try.
“Get off her!”
A blur of pink flooded your vision as someone ran forward, yanking Ward off of Sarah. The Cameron patriarch crumbled to the ground with the force of the punch before you were able to focus your vision enough to recognize your brother was standing a few feet away. He didn’t hesitate to hold Sarah in his grasp, the two of them mumbling reassurances as you managed to pull yourself into a sitting position.
“John B!” Your shout was a split second late as Ward managed to get back on his feet and tackled your brother from his spot. Sarah yelled out in shock, her hands grasping at her dad in a futile attempt to make him stop. John B managed to elbow Ward in the ribs to gain enough time to pull away and kick the older man in the stomach.
Once John B had the upper hand, Sarah took a second to run to your side. “I gotcha, here.” Her hands were gentle as they helped pull you from the ground, a sharp hiss leaving your lips as you did so. All the nonstop running and chaos more than likely irritated previous injuries and subjected you to new ones. There wasn’t any time to worry about it now, though.
John B managed to hit hard enough that Ward’s skull connected with the low side of the boat causing an instant formation of blood. You watched as your brother crouched down to taunt the man who had ruined so much of his life. “Is this how you did it? Is this how you killed my father? You just threw him in the ocean?”
Tears burned your eyes as you listened to John B almost repeat the exact same thing you had said to Ward not too long ago. As much as you tried to avoid it, you were just kids. Kids who were mourning their father who had been lost. There was no closure, no happy ending, and you were thrown head first into this crazy whirlwind of treasure hunting with no form of guidance. 
“I never got to say goodbye because of you. This is all your fault.” 
John B shifted to pick Ward up by the fabric of his shirt, leaning to throw the man overboard as he pictured his father in a similar position. He hesitated, taking a second to look at Sarah, who gave him a teary nod. Your brother looked to you next, taking in the exhaustion on your face and the tears on your cheeks as you held yourself in a hug. He refused to let you watch him do this, and he refused to let Sarah feel alone because of him. 
Deciding against what he really wanted to do, John B let go of Ward’s shirt. Sarah let out a visible sigh of relief but didn’t say a word. Your brother was quick to jump back into action. “Hey, we gotta go, okay? I got you, we gotta pick up the others.”
He turned to you a second later before pulling you into a bone crushing hug. A sob threatened to break free from your throat at the feeling of being held by your older brother, the realization that he actually didn’t forget about you this time overwhelming. You couldn’t care about the pain rushing through your body with every movement, you were just glad he was here.
“You’re okay, promise,” He reassured as he let go to hold your hand instead. Turning back to Sarah, he grabbed her hand too before the three of you placed yourselves on the edge of the boat. You could see the lifeboat down below and there was no time to climb the ladder at this point. John B gave a quick countdown before you jumped into the dark ocean below. 
The water felt cool for a moment, relaxing the tension in your body as you swam to the surface. John B and Sarah were there seconds later, all of you swimming as fast as possible towards the lifeboat. Grabbing the ropes along the side, you kicked your legs as hard as you could to get some momentum to climb up the boat. Each movement caused a tingling sensation across your back, but you had come way too far to stop now.
John B climbed up next, reaching out to help Sarah before he moved to start the engine. Just as it kicked to life, you watched as two more people jumped from the deck of the boat into the water. John B quickly steered the lifeboat in their direction until you could make out Pope’s familiar face alongside a girl you hadn’t seen before.
Hands reaching out, you and Sarah grabbed onto the girl and pulled her aboard as John B hauled Pope up next to you. “Oh my God!” Sarah practically screamed as she recognized the girl you had just pulled from the water. “Cleo, holy shit!”
“Long time no see, girl,” Cleo responded as she hugged Sarah tightly. You didn’t bother with introductions, figuring it could wait until you weren’t fighting for your life in an endless ocean.
“Where’s J and Kie?” 
Your brother’s question had you turning towards him in concern. “JJ?” You repeated your boyfriend’s name in shock that the whole damn crew had managed to sneak onto the boat without getting caught. 
“We’re gonna find them,” John B assured you as he began to turn the boat towards the other side of the Coastal Venture. 
The rush of water in your ears was almost deafening but even still, you could hear a distance scream, “John B! Help!”
You could make out Kie’s head as she strugged to swim above the rocky waves. Your heart sank as you recognized the blond hair barely moving next to her. “JJ!” 
Similar screams echoed behind you as hands fought hands to grab onto your boyfriend and relieve Kie of his weight so she could climb up. You and John B managed to pull him up in between the two of you as you tried to wake him up. The sight of blood on his forehead terrified you.
“J, come on.” You were so sick of crying all the time, but nothing scared you more than the idea of JJ not being here. “Come on, come on!” You tapped his cheek aggressively, trying in vein to snap him out of shock. You were so overwhelmed with trying to wake him up that you didn’t notice the lifeboat engine stalling, or the face that Rafe had a gun aimed straight at you. 
“JJ, please!” Your voice cracked with tears that you couldn’t hold back as the reality that JJ might not be coming back from this fight hit you full force. “You can’t leave me, you promised! Wake up!”
An aggressive cough finally escaped his mouth as he let out all the water he had inhaled while unconscious. A wave of relief took over as you finally relaxed next to him with your hand still on his shoulder in fear that he would disappear if you let go. Everyone crowded him with words of concern as John B continued to steer you all away. 
JJ followed the feeling along his arm up to your worried face. You stared back at him, a small smile on your lips with ugly tears no doubt still on your cheeks. His expression was blank, probably confused from what he woke up to, but he was okay, and that was all that mattered.
You collided against him, hands searching for any bare skin you could grab to just feel him, and hold him, and ground yourself. JJ shifted to sit up so he could hold you properly, letting you settle into his lap once he got his thoughts together. His arms were snug around you as he pieced together that you were okay, and you were here, with him. No more Rafe Cameron, no more kidnapping. You were safe in his arms.
“Just always looking for attention, huh?”
JJ laughed, one of his hands letting go of your waist to gently touch the side of his head. “What the hell happened?”
“Blunt end of a machete,” Kie answered simply, grabbing one of the towels you had thrown aboard to hold it against JJ’s head to stop the bleeding.
“Next time, duck.”
As the boat continued to coast away from the Coastal Venture, vows of the treasure hunt not being over were promised, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You were just thankful to have your family, here, in one piece more or less. That was all that mattered.
Your group settled into a rather comfortable conversation, everyone catching up on what was missed. Cleo was apparently the girl who had helped Sarah and John B in Nassau, saving their lives more than once. Your friends had snuck onto the boat through one of the shipping containers, sweating it out until Pope and John B were brave enough to take the risk to look around. Sarah relayed your half of the story, letting everyone know how Ward had escaped and Rose was in on it. 
“Hi,” JJ’s voice was quiet as he looked down at you. Your sweatshirt sleeve had been ripped off in favor of wrapping the material around his head to keep the bleeding down, but if you were honest, it just made him look silly. 
“Hi,” You repeated as you leaned your head against his shoulder, not wanting to separate from him yet. Your heart was racing, the adrenaline refusing to wear off just yet until you guys found safety somewhere. This never ending battle of attempting to find some normalcy was pointless now, and all you could hope for was that your family would be able to stick together through whatever was coming.
“Are you okay?” JJ lips were gentle on your temple as he held you close. He couldn’t lie around the fear in his chest when you went missing. There was no way to tell if you were okay, if Rafe had gotten to you or if you were in a mindset he couldn’t pull you out of. JJ just wanted to make everything okay again. 
You looked up at him, placing a small kiss on his jawline before settling in the crook of his neck. “I will be.”
And so, here you were. A group of chaotic, overwhelmed teenagers who had nothing to their names. No food, no clothes, just you and the wide ocean ahead of you. You didn’t know what would happen from here, if you guys would figure it out or if you would die in this lifeboat with nothing left. But you honestly couldn’t care; as long as you had your family with you, you’d be fine.
To going full Pogue.
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tags: @strawberryfolks @jinxfirebolt18902 @lnnlove @itsmytimetoodream @dazzlingnights
427 notes · View notes
pebblethief · 11 months
i am not a smart man but i am a happy one, lookee what i found in the charity shop for £60:
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shes so preeeeeettyyyyy. look at that gold scrollwork and fancy faceplate! if my v quick research is correct, she is a 201K3 from 1937!
and came with a little iron box of other feet AND her original instructions:
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(with the book i have identified the quilting foot, 3? hemming feet (the 3 front ones?), an adjustable hemmer, a ruffler, and ~the tuckmaker~. as well as some misc extra bits i will figure out later
just checked it and while it definitely needs a careful clean and some fiddling with the tension, she is definitely functional! even her little light works!!
my grandma would be very proud that i remembered how to thread it with zero hesitation (if not this exact model, i was taught to sew on one very very similar)
however. i am not a smart man bc this lovely thing weighs a bulky 30lbs and the charity shop is a mile away. i found a trolley midway home and stole it for a little while but still. oooooft
18 notes · View notes
dannykmusic · 5 months
Mario Kart Arcade GP 2
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Well lookee what I found in my city! So happy I got a chance to try this out with my girlfriend!
11 notes · View notes
chernobog13 · 1 year
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"Lookee what I found!"
23 notes · View notes
magicratfingers · 1 year
I’m back from a media break and catching up on what I missed. Just watched the Ravening War trailer and lookee what I found
I totally have the tiara they used!
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48 notes · View notes
"The best revenge..."
...is living and eating WELL while (and in spite of) living in poverty.
I actually had the gumption to try and have a cafe 30 or so years ago, and I live with a guy who had his own bakery: a Danish-trained Chef currently working as a Sous Chef at a big hotel in The City, and his 21 yr old son (who has literally been an assistant sous chef to his dad his whole life).
We're all barely afloat, his son is looking for his first real job-job "out there", and getting discouraged. Y'all hear regularly about my poverty status, and my roomie chef is doin' as much as he can, and we're all three freakin' broke.
Fuck it. We may be broke, but we are are gonna Eat as best we can with what we got. So to the current example.
Yes, I know how to cook Mexican Food like any native ex-south-texan worth his salt and lime. Yes I learned how mama/grandma did it, either mine or someone else's.
Roomie and I are carnivores, son is veg. We all agree that Mexican Food is good, so I'm always looking for how to spend my "old-fuck-on-food-stamps EBT the best way.
Behold, Example 1: 20 lb. bag of dried pinto beans.
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20 lbs for $17. And lookee there: it's Fiesta, no stranger to this former Austinite. And anyone who knows knows that this boy knows how to make a pot o'pintos, with/without carnivorousness. Keep 'em on the stove long enough you got Refrieds.
Somebody at Groce-Out is from Texas, gotta be: They have Velveeta and Rotel (for QUESO!) at near-normal prices! I laughed today. Velveeta was 6.99 at Groce-Out, and I shit you not, $14.95 at Lucky.
Got that along with a couple 2-lb bags of their "Hollis Street" whole bean French Roast (Dark) for $11.95 ea. This is surprisingly good coffee beanage, freshly roasted right up the road in Emeryville, evidently. So good coffee for cheap. A similar brand at the 'non discount' grocery store I go to is $21 for a 2lb bag.
While they aren't the winner in the coffee bean competition, Lucky (the non-discount store) is great for meat, especially mid-week, when they have lots of specials. Their "megapaks" of chicken thighs (10/pkg) were buy one get one free. So for ten bucks, I got 20 thighs (over 7lbs), which, when roasted with lots of salt and pepper, and cooled and shredded and deboned become something like 4 pounds of Chicken Enchilada Meat. For ten bucks.
Tomorrow I go to another discount store closeby roomie told me about that has the best commercial Hatch Chile in a jar I have ever found. Tastes like mine, when we would get a case at a time at Central Market, get 'em roasted in the parking lot, and take 'em home and shuck most of the the skins/seeds, and saute onion and garlic and add. In. A. Fucking. Jar.
So you see where this is heading.
We will be having a TexMex Enchilada/taco Feast that can be repeated at will until we've eaten/given enough away. Freezer. Vacuum sealer. Oooooooom.
And yeah, we got the dessert thing covered. I buy flour, the three sugars, butter, real cream, good organic milk, good brown eggs. I bake everything from fucking scratch. I buy berries and grapes as my main fruit. I don't buy a lot of processed ANYTHING. I buy ingredients. And bread/tortillas, obvs. And I'm happy I have the "card" that gives me my eeked-out apportionment of "food funds".
So that old adage of "The Best Revenge" being "living well" means we may be fucking poor, but goddammit, we are gonna Eat, with a capital E if I have anything to say about it.
All three of us are pretty much clinging to the same leaky life-raft, this accursed but oh-so-necessary apartment, not much overlap in our lives/diets/schedules, but every once in awhile I get to go back into "restaurant mode" and do up a Massive Feed. Share with the neighbors and stock the freezer.
And a pot of beans on the stove in perpetuity.
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pyrettawychwiggin · 3 months
'The Iron Angel: The Tale of Maria Røntgen' - Chapter 1: Welcome to Megaton
(A Fallout 3 Fanfiction)
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Please be advised: the following story is based around my own playthrough of Fallout 3, and is basically one loooooonnnnnnngggggg spoiler. So, obviously, SPOILER ALERT. Maria Røntgen is my own original character I've created for this story, but all other assets are the intellectual of Bethesda Softworks. Please support the official release.
If you haven't already, feel free to check out Maria's character sheet here to get an idea of who she is before you begin. Alright, onto the story...
As Maria pushed the door open and took her first step into the open air of the wastes, her eyes flooded with the harsh light of the midday sun. Squinting, she held an arm up to shield her eyes with a wince.
The air was hot - hotter than she'd ever imagined, but as her eyes slowly began to adjust to the light, she found herself in awe. Looking over the rocks and out to the wastes, she was seeing the open sky for the first time in her life, and an endless horizon that she could barely fathom.
Strange... she thought to herself. I'd always heard the sky would be blue. I guess that must have been more common during pre-war times.
Maria adjusted Butch's switchblade to settle on it's clip on her belt and started making her way down the dusty dirt path.
As she continued down the way, she started to hear the faint sound of shrill music; it sounded like a flute being played through a tin can, accompanied by a harsh snare drum.
As she rounded the corner and into the small abandoned town of Springvale, she watched a strange floating mechanical orb as it patrolled back and forth along the broken streets, paying her no mind.
Over the rocks and sandy hills, she could see the shadows of what appeared to be a large metal structure. Curious, she made her way closer.
When she arrived, she had to crane her neck up to see it's entirety; a massive composition of sheet metal and scrap with what appeared to be a jet engine over the centre of it. A robot in a cowboy hat, about the same height as Maria, stood alert outside the entrance of the structure.
"W e l c o m e   to   M e g a t o n." No sooner than the robot spoke did the engine whir to life, slowly pulling two large slats of metal aside to reveal a door.
"E n j o y   y o u r   v i s i t."
"Er, thanks." Maria cleared her throat, pulled open the door and stepped into the settlement.
"Whoa..." Maria breathed, her eyes taking in the sight before her. An entire city constructed of scrap metal towered around her, bustling with wastelanders of all kinds. Down the path to the centre of the settlement sat a massive black bomb. Maria's stomach dropped at the sight.
"Well, lookee here. Another newcomer." A man's voice pulled Maria out of her awe. She turned to see a bearded, dark-skinned wastelander in a leather duster and a cattleman hat drawn over his eyes. "Hope you're not here to cause trouble."
"Oh, uh, hello," Maria stammered. "My name's Maria; nice to meet you mister..."
"Simms. Lucas Simms." He held out a hand for her to shake, tilting his chin up to make eye contact with her. He seemed to be regarding her with caution. "I'm the town's sheriff. I keep the peace around here."
"Oh, you'll get no trouble from me, Sheriff." Maria raised her hands in surrender with an easy smile. "Though, it seems you folks don't seem too concerned about danger... has anyone considered dealing with that bomb down there?"
"If any of us knew how, we would." Lucas shrugged and clicked his tongue. "Why, you volunteerin'?"
"I don't know about that - I've got a pretty basic knowledge on explosives, but nothing as dire as a bomb. Especially one of that size."
"Well, if you do find a way to disarm it for good, there's a hefty reward waiting for you." Lucas patted her shoulder. "Just don't go messing with it unless you're sure."
"No arguments here. Besides..." Maria's eyes started scanning the faces of the town's residents. "I'm really just looking for my father."
"Your father?"
"Yeah, middle-aged man, about yay tall..." Maria held her hand up higher to her father's approximate height. "We came from Vault 101 not far from here."
"Hm, can't say it rings any bells. Sorry," he shrugged. "But most folks swing by Moriarty's Saloon up the path around the edge of the walls. He might be able to point you in the right direction."
"Thanks; I'll head there next, then." Maria gave him a curt nod and started to step by him when he stopped her with a firm hand on her shoulder.
"But just a fair warning - don't trust the man." Lucas spoke low, his tone grave with his warning. "He'd sell his mother for a slice of rotting Mirelurk meat if he had one. He's not your friend, alright?"
"Thanks for the warning, Sheriff; I'll be careful."
Maria followed the path up to the saloon, and pushed the doors open.
"Come on, ya piece of junk..." a raspy man's voice grumbled over the sound of static. "Work, dammit."
Maria noticed a bartender tinkering with a hissing radio, his back turned away from her. An attractive woman with short red hair and a form-hitting sky blue jumpsuit leaned in the doorframe of a small room at the other side of the bar, rolling her eyes.
"Give it up, Gob," she sighed, taking a drag from her cigarette, leaving a trace of cherry lipstick around the stark white tip. "It's not the radio - it's GNR. Something's been up with their signal lately."
The bartender seemed to be ignoring her as he shook and smacked the radio, muttering raspy profanities under his breath. Maria slowly made her way up to the bar.
"Why-" he adjusted the antenna.
"Won't-" he fidgeted with the tuning dial.
"You-" he shook the radio with both hands.
"Work?" He smacked the side of the radio, earning him a solid two seconds of clear sound before the static returned.
"Er, excuse me, sir?" Maria tapped the man on the shoulder and nearly jumped out of her skin when he turned to face her. "JESUSFUCKINGCHRIST."
The bartender was only a few inches taller than Maria, with a ill-fitting white tee shirt and cargo pants, a dirty bar towel hanging from his pocket. However, where Maria was expecting to see a typical face - nose, flesh and all - she saw what appeared to be either a talking corpse, or the most unfortunate burn victim she ever imagined she'd see.
There was a triangular pit where a nose should be and wisps of light brown hair in frayed patches on his scalp. His eyes seemed to have once been baby blue, but had now taken on a milky gloss, fading their colour only slightly. Every patch of visible skin seemed to be covered in the same kinds of burns, revealing deep red scars, purple veins, and muscle tissue. In some places, skin seemed to be in the process of sloughing right off.
"What's the matter?" He sighed, placing the radio down, his brow bone rising as he folded his arms. "Never seen a Ghoul before?"
"A Ghoul...?" Maria gulped, feeling her heartbeat slow back to a normal pace. Not sensing that he was hostile, she took a seat at the bar as the initial shock passed. "What's that?"
"Well, not all of us got to hide out in a fancy vault when the bombs dropped." Gob gestured to the vault jumpsuit she was wearing. "Some of us got a big dose of radiation. Most of 'em died, obviously, but those of us that didn't, well..."
"And people call you Ghouls?" Maria frowned. "That doesn't seem right..."
"Well, look at the way you reacted when you saw me." He shrugged, picking up a shot glass and wiping it, moving his eyes to his task. He seemed to be masking a long-standing exhaustion on the subject. "When you've got a face like ground Brahmin meat, folks don't always treat you the best."
"I am sorry about that - I just..." Maria felt guilty about her reaction, now. "I've never seen a.... Ghoul before. I wasn't expecting it."
"S'alright, kid. Ya get used to it after a few decades."
"Though, now that that first shock has passed, well..." Maria trailed off, regarding the bartender curiously for a few seconds. "It's really not so bad."
Gob's eyes snapped back up to meet hers in shock.
"Really? Ya mean it?"
Maria did meant it. Despite his burns, she could see his eyes were still bright and expressive, and his smile, though crooked, was a kind one that made her want to smile back. He had rather broad shoulders despite his relatively lean frame, and strong hands, no doubt from his labours of work. He had the slightest belly that complimented his build surprisingly well.
"Mmhm." She gave him a genuine smile. "It's the eyes - you're very expressive."
"Well, I dunno about that..." He looked down sheepishly, fumbling with his towel. The red-haired woman watched from where she lounged just within earshot, smiling slyly at the exchange. Finally, Gob continued. "Still, even if you're just saying it to be nice, I like t' hear it. Most folks just spit in my face."
Maria frowned. "I hope you don't mean that literally."
"Well, I-"
"What the hell're ye doin', y'idiot?" an older man with shaggy white hair and a beard emerged from the room behind the bar, yanking Gob from where he had been leaning on the bar as he was speaking to Maria. The Ghoul let out a pained grunt, but made no effort to fight back. "I don't pay ye to chat - go make yourself useful!"
Maria looked to the red-haired woman who looked at the ground with a frown to avoid watching what was happening. It seemed as though this wasn't particularly surprising to her- or to any other patrons for that matter. Maria stood from her seat and pushed herself away from the bar, moving to walk around it, earning her a look of either shock or terror from the red-haired woman.
"Come here!" the white-haired man barked, raising his arm to backhand Gob as he knelt helplessly at his feet. "Ye useless waste of skin-"
"Hey!" Maria called out. When she was ignored, the man raised his hand again to strike Gob a second time. Without thinking, she rushed forward and grabbed his arm. "Stop that!"
"Fuck off!" the white-haired man shoved her to the ground, turning his attention to her. "What gives ye the right to interfere with my management, aye?"
"Management?!" Maria squeaked, realizing this must be the infamous 'Moriarty' Lucas had warned her about. "You're beating the poor man! What the hell is your problem?"
"Man? Hardly." Moriarty scoffed. He looked like he was about to approach her when Gob interjected.
"Wait, wait!" He rasped, putting himself between them with his hands up in surrender, hunching to make himself appear as small and meek as possible, shaking in fear and avoiding looking in Moriarty's eyes at all costs. "I-I'm sorry - I started talking to her and I just got carried away, that's all."
"Ye think I give a shit about your excuses?" Moriarty let out a wry laugh. "Just get back t'work, you lazy sack o' skin."
"Yes, sir...." Gob gave Maria an apologetic nod and scurried back to his place behind the bar, frantically cleaning glasses and focusing on looking as busy as possible.
"Now. Before I kick your ass out of my bar, what the hell d'ya want?" Moriarty folded his arms, glaring at Maria. "Ye don't have a drink in yer hand, after all."
"I'm looking for my father," Maria sighed and shook her head, pulling herself back to her feet and dusting herself off. "From Vault 101 - like me."
"Ohh, I see - the little baby brat from the vault's all grown up." To Maria's surprise, Moriarty's expression seemed to light up with genuine recognition. "And ye figure I'll be tellin' where yer dear ol' dad ran off to, aye?"
"That was the plan, yeah..."
"Ha! Well, ye can forget it," Moriarty scoffed, shoving past her as he flicked a cigarette between his lips. "Ye can get yer drinks and a bed here if ye've got the caps. That's the extent o' my generosity for brats that stick their nose in my business."
"But-" Maria tried to speak further, but the man was already out the door, slamming it behind him in defiant finality.
"Tough break, kid." A sultry voice broke the awkward moment of silence. The red-haired woman from earlier had her arms folded as she spoke. "But that's Colin for ya. He can be a real bastard. Name's Nova, by the way."
"Pleasure to meet you, Nova." Maria sighed, slumping into a seat at the bar, watching Gob taking inventory with a clipboard, his hand still trembling. "Why is he so horrible to him?"
"Well, he treats us all like shit." Nova spoke plainly, taking a seat beside her and lighting up another cigarette. She offered one to Maria, but it was turned down. "But he treats poor Gob the worst out of all of us. Just because he's different, maybe?"
"It's not right." Maria found herself gritting her teeth at the thought.
"You don't know the half of it." Nova chuckled. "You know that asshole bought him off some slavers way back? Says he can earn his freedom if he works off his debt."
"When will that be?"
"Never." Nova dabbed her cigarette on the edge of the ashtray. "He charges him rent and board, too - so he'll never pay it off."
"What?!" Maria squeaked. "But that's just slavery!"
"And that's why he's been here for 15 years."
"Unbelievable..." Maria grumbled and shook her head. "And now he won't even tell me where my father is. What a dick."
"Hm..." Nova took another puff of her cigarette and thought to herself for a moment. "Hey, Gob."
"Hm?" He turned and walked over to the bar, eyes darting past them to the door to make sure Moriarty wasn't coming back. "What is it?"
"You think Colin's files have any info on that handsome man from the vault from earlier?"
"Are you kidding? He has dirt on everybody on that stupid terminal." He leaned in conspiratorially to speak with Nova. "Think you can give her the password? Help her out?"
"I don't know, Gob..." Nova winced with a shake of her head. "If Colin finds out, I'll be out on my ass so fast my head'll spin."
'"C'mon, Nova..." Gob pleaded. "I'll do all your errands for a week."
"You really wanna help her that bad?"
"I feel kinda bad - she almost got beat because of me." He frowned, shuffling his feet sheepishly. "No one's ever stuck up for me like that before."
"Gob..." Maria was touched. "Look, neither of you need to put yourselves at risk for my sake, alright? I'll ask around town - there must be someone else who knows something."
"Doubtful. Colin keep tabs on everyone here." Nova extinguished her cigarette and sighed. "No one'll wanna tell you anything if it'll just piss him off."
Nova clicked her tongue and thought to herself for a moment. Gob looked at her with pleading eyes, and she grinned before coming to some sort of silent conclusion.
"Alright, kid." She chuckled. "I'll tell you the password. But if anyone asks, you didn't hear it from me, okay? And Gob; you're running my errands for a month, got it?"
Gob and Maria sighed in relief. He went back to his task and Nova leaned in to whisper the password in her ear.
"Thanks, Nova!" Maria was about to slide away from the bar, but Nova gently pulled her close again to whisper into her ear again.
"Thanks for sticking your neck out for Gob. You've made a lifelong friend in him, I hope you know that."
Maria smiled and gave her a quick nod in thanks as she rushed to the backroom behind the bar, hoping she could find what she needed before Moriarty came back from his apparent smoke break.
As the hour grew late, the air cooled and the moon rose over the scraps of Megaton. Few stars could be seen through the smog, but Maria still found herself enchanted by the vastness of the open sky; and her eyes were glued to the waning moon - something she'd only ever heard about in songs and books.
Stretched out on an old, discarded couch by the community bunkers, she pulled Butch's jacket further over her shoulders and let out a heady sigh. Since Moriarty had conveniently decided to double the price of the rooms, Maria had no choice but to sleep elsewhere for the night.
So my dad's gone off to find this GNR radio station... Maria pulled out Jonas' glasses and sniffled idly, wiping off a leftover smear of blood from the frame with her sleeve. I guess I need to get to D.C. somehow.
Holding the glasses to her chest, she felt her eyes begin to well with tears.
I hope this ache goes away eventually... She wiped her eyes on her arm. I'll need to get my hands on some supplies before I even think about traveling that far. Guess I'll need to get my hands on some caps somehow.
Tucking the glasses away, she stretched out on the couch and felt sleep begin to take her.
I'll ask around in the morning. I'm sure there's something I can do around here to round up a pocket-full of caps...
"Well, I'll be damned!" Walter whistled, nodding in approval at the repaired pipes that had been giving him hell for the past few weeks. The man had one damn job in this gods-forsaken town, and it was made much harder when the water pipes had burst in three areas all at once. "You managed to patch 'em up in record time. Nice work, kid!"
"No worries, Walter; happy to help." Maria wiped the grime from her hands on the pants of her jumpsuit. She silently thanked Stanley for teaching her what he knew about maintaining the Vault's water system. "Clean water's hard to come by - it's a necessity of life, after all."
"Right you are, girl. Here you go." The mechanic handed her a handful of caps. "I know it's not a lot, but it should at least be enough to get yourself something nice."
"Thanks, Walter. I guess I should go check out this Craterside Supply I've heard so much about."
"Yeah, Moira'll be happy to help you out. She's a nice girl." Walter chuckled. "Might also be one of the strangest girls you'll ever meet, too."
"Take care." Maria gave Walter a polite pat on the shoulder before walking by him to Craterside Supply just down the walkway.
"Welcome to Craterside Supply!"
Right away, Maria was greeted by a woman in coveralls and blood orange hair. She had a spark of mischievous intelligence in her expression as she tinkered at her workbench with some sort of contraption that Maria couldn't identify.
"Hello - I'm about to take off on a bit of a long journey, and I just need something a little heftier than a switchblade." Maria counted the caps on the surface of the counter. "And maybe some food and supplies if I can afford it."
"You wouldn't happen to be heading north, would you?" The shopkeeper stopped tinkering, regarding Maria with a hopeful smile. "I could really use a research assistant!"
"A research assistant? For what?"
"Well, I'm writing a book, you see. I'm calling it 'The Wasteland Survival Guide' written by Moira Brown." She practically bounced with excitement at the thought. "It's going to save so many lives once it's written and out there in the hands of those poor souls out wandering the wastes."
"Why not just do this research yourself?"
"What? I'd get myself killed out there!" Moira scoffed. Maria appreciated her willingness to speak so candidly. "I need someone who can handle themselves out there."
"Does it pay well?" Maria raised an eyebrow. "I could really use the caps."
"You won't just get caps." Moira beamed. "You'll get supplies, new gadgets, and best of all - the very best survival skills that you can only get by being put in dangerous and traumatic situations!"
Maria stared at Moira in silence for about ten seconds, noting the shopkeeper's complete lack of concern from what she'd just said.
"That..." Maria trailed off. "...sounds awful."
"Pfft - nooo!" Moira shook her head with a flick of her wrist. "I think you'll find the rewards far outweigh the near-death experiences. So whaddaya say?!"
Well, this could be my opportunity to get my hands on the supplies I need... Maria sighed. "What's first?"
"You'll do it?!" Moira bounced and clapped her hands excitedly. "What do you know about radiation sickness, scavenging and... landmines?"
Maria gulped, somewhat dreading what she may be agreeing to.
• Maria arrives at Megaton and makes a good impression on Lucas Simms; she has some knowledge on explosives, but not enough to disarm the bomb at this time.
• Maria meets Gob and Nova at Moriarty's Saloon. Having never seen a ghoul before, Maria is spooked by Gob's appearance at first, but when they start talking and she realizes that he's friendly, she warms up to him quickly and even admits to finding him oddly charming.
• Moriarty catches Gob conversing with Maria and starts to beat him - Maria jumps in to stop him and gets knocked to the ground. Before Moriarty turns on her Gob manages to convince him to stop. Moriarty refuses to tell Maria anything about her father's whereabouts and leaves the saloon to have a smoke.
• Nova is hesitant to help Maria at first, but between Maria's willingness to be so kind to Gob, and with Gob practically begging her to to help, she finally agrees to give Maria the password to Moriarty's personal terminal.
• Maria finds out her father has gone to D.C. and was headed to the GNR Radio Station.
• Moriarty doubled the price of the rooms at the saloon for the night, forcing Maria to use the old, discarded couch outside the common quarters. She laments about her losses and makes a plan to scrounge some bottlecaps together to try and get her hands on some more supplies before she makes the long journey.
• She helps Walter fix up the busted water pipes around Megaton; thankfully, she has some decent knowledge on repairs since Stanely taught her a few things about the Vault's water system maintenance way back. He hands her some caps and points her in the direction of Craterside Supply.
• Maria meets Moira at her shop and learns that she's in the midst of writing a 'Wasteland Survival Guide.' Moira asks Maria for help with some research in exchange for caps, supplies, gadgets, etc. Maria agrees.
Coming Up: Chapter 2 - Into the Wasteland
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renslo161605 · 1 year
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ISAAC MORGAN and his parents :)
Top Eliza is 19y/o (when she meets Arthur). She was perty and she KNEW she was perty. She'd mess around as a waitress, when men fell for her she'd rob them. Which SOMETIMES went south so YK she kept on a gun on her from time to time (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
When she found out she was having Isaac Arthur wasnt ecstatic- but he still kinda wanted to know what it would feel like to be a father. Eliza knew she had to stop messing around and robbing people. So she continued being a good, honest waitress and stopped robbing people. Bettering herself for the sake of her son. Arthur didn't, and when Eliza knew he wouldn't change she insisted that Isaac stay with her and Arthur stay on visits. There was a few times where Eliza and Isaac were brought to camp when Isaac was really young, but he barely remembers that. And Eliza didn't like it so she stopped. Eliza also would have loved to have Arthur live with her and quite his gun slinging life, but she knew he wouldn't.
Anyway, Eliza isn't happy about not being able to mess around anymore, she wants to have freedom and misses the thrill of robbing people and getting away with it by the skin of her teeth- but she loves Isaac, and would do anything for him.
Around 1894 Eliza is murdered in her home, the rest is on a comic on my page if you'd like to have a lookee (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
This entire page felt like sims 4 playing with genetics it was so fun. In turn i think ive made Isaac a pretty good mix of them both? He's got hos fathers hair, nose and tall, broad build. His mother eyes, freckles and a WEE bit of face shape.
Hope you like :))
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Don't cry beacuse it's over, smile because it happened- Pt.1.
After what happened on Coruscant, and Echo's leave, Omega is feeling alone, and lost, so the reader come to comfort her. It was inspired by Bluey mostly. I saw a Tiktok video, and an idea come to my mind...
Pairing: jedi!reader and Omega (gender neutral reader, Y/N=your name)
Warnings: despair, crying, a little anger
The silence fell on the Marauder strangely quiet , as the ship was on auto-pilot in the hyperspace and everyone was passed out after the events of Coruscant.
At least almost.
A sudden feeling in the Force wake you up: it was despair, grief and anger with a little bit of loss.
You shut down your eyes to feel these better, this was definitely Omega...
You stand up, and walk inmediately to her room.
-Hey, sweetie... - you whisper toward her as you pull away the curtain - Echo, isn't it?
She winced, as she looked up and try to hide away her tears.
-Y/N?! I am...
-Shh, I know! - you murmured as you sat nex to her
- You are a jedi, and you said you can't have boundaries, so how can you understand me! - she pulled you away with one hand and turn her back against you.
-Oh, Omy - you let out a little laugh - that doesn't mean, that we can't have feelings or attachements. We can live our emotions, and where the time has come, we have to let it go...
-Easy to tell... - she rolled her eyes.
-I am here, if you need me - you replied and you sat down not far from her.
She kept her distance for some minutes, but after the wave of crying take over her, and she instinctively found your hug.
-We are a family... - she sobbed - So why did he gone? He doesn't want to the part of it or what? Family members don't leave eachother!
She broke out in tears again, her whole body was tremling, so you tighened the hug and wait some moment with the reply:
-Well, look. Sometimes special people come to our life, stay for a bit, and then they have to go.
-But that's sad!
-It is! But the bit when they were here was happy, wasn't it? Maybe that makes it all woth it!
-Once you said, sometimes jedi can sense the future events. Tell me, will we ever see him again?
-Oh, Omega - you giggled - Well, you never know! I am not the teller of the future, but I can make you sure that the Force will bring back him.
-And if the answer is no?
-This whole galaxy is a magical place, but if we never see him again... well... - your suddenly stopped, don't know how to answer.
You just sit next to each other, while the little girl slowly calmed down. The silence was a comfortable thing between you.
After a while, Omega whispered:
-Did you lost a lot of special people in the war, did you? How do deal with that?
You lookeed at her. From the depth of your soul everyone come to your mind, who you lost: your master, your best friends...
You nodded, while look away:
- You know what my master told me before she passed away?
-Don't cry beacuse it's over, smile because it happened! This helps me most of the time to deal with it...
-And when not?
-I try to remember the good things, the good memories together...
-Let me gues, one day you will be gone... - she wondered while tears filled up her eyes again - and I may never see you again.
These words landed on your heart directly, so you just hug her again in your arms:
-One day maybe our path will take separate, but remember what I said and if you really feel lonely or lost, call me with all your heart, and you will feel my presence!
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cophene · 2 years
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t. una || ✦.⁺ candour.
previous chapter || giorno’s chapter || next chapter || table of contents
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pairing : vento aureo x gn reader summary : a college student tries getting the attention of some of the most admired and attractive people on campus, only to get caught up with stands and vigilante groups in the process. notes : modern au, multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn't follow canon plot word count : 2.3k+
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═ ☆. TRISH REPLIED TO Y/N'S request for Stand assistance with the address to a set of expensive condominiums a few minutes from Sapiena's campus.
It's only a five-minute walk from the dorms, but let me know if you get lost, Trish texted.
(Y/n) immediately felt out of their element when they arrived. Grey and white stone paved the large path leading to the entrance, and (y/n) could spot several high-class vehicles idling outside. The lobby was polished and classy, with minimalistic decor and tiny bright lights overhead. It was a far cry from the mundane apartment they'd met Scolippi in.
(Y/n) discreetly adjusted their appearance in the elevator mirrors. They hadn't even seen Trish's condo yet, and the building already intimidated them. They couldn't imagine anyone comfortably living in such an ostentatious building. But the residents were probably used to it, seeing it every day.
The elevator ascended so smoothly that (y/n) barely noticed when it stopped. (Y/n) found Trish's door number, but it opened before they could knock, leaving their hand hovering dumbly in the air.
"How are you doing?" Trish air-kissed (y/n)'s cheeks. "I'm so glad you're here. It was going to be such a slow afternoon." Trish was wearing a cute blue sweater and shorts set. The soft colour made her pink hair even brighter. She'd taken off her makeup, and she looked younger without it.
Stepping into Trish's condo was like stepping into a furniture catalogue. The furniture was pretty but practical. Natural light poured into every room, dust motes swirling gently. (Y/n) was drawn to the various frames hanging on the wall in the living room. In one of the pictures, Trish looked to be about seven. She lookeed like she was on stage for a recital, wearing an adorable yellow dress. There was a boy on either side of her, one of them instantly recognizable as Fugo, the other with dark hair and a solemn face.
"Guess who that is." Trish tapped the dark-haired boy.
(Y/n) peered closer. There was something about his green eyes that seemed familiar.
"That can't be Giorno."
"It is," Trish said. "It wasn't until he gained his Stand that his hair went blond. He looks so gloomy, doesn't he?"
(Y/n)'s eyes went to a different picture, this one of Trish sitting on the shoulders of a man in sunglasses. With his bright pink hair, he must've been Trish's father, the elusive chancellor of Sapiena. They couldn't make out his features behind his sunglasses, but Trish must've taken after him since she didn't resemble the brown-haired woman also standing in the picture.
"Mom and dad," Trish said, confirming (y/n)'s thoughts. "My dad bought this condo for my mom when I was born, and they've been living separately ever since. They're still married, but they're just better apart."
"I guess you and your dad aren't that close, then?"
"My tuition is half what it's supposed to be. That counts for something." Trish sounded detached, as though she'd gotten used to her dad not being around.
"It's been ages since I've seen him," Trish murmured. She stared at the picture for a moment before going to open the sliding glass door to the balcony. "Come out here. Look how nice it is."
Set outside was a circular table and chairs flanked by a pair of flower pots. The balcony opened onto the condominium's shared courtyard, deliciously warm from the sun. Looking down, (y/n) admired the tiled fountain and manicured lawns.
Trish pulled out a chair for (y/n). "Mista texted that your mission on Scolippi was a success. He also said that your Stand saved his ass."
(Y/n) shrugged. "I don't think he would've died even if I hadn't been there. Dealing with Scolippi was the complete opposite of what I'd been expecting. I don't think the florist knew what his daughter was getting into."
"Mista also mentioned you met someone else at the apartment? Someone with white hair?"
"Some guy named Abbacchio. He might've been a cop, but I'm not sure. He just asked us to work with him out of nowhere." (Y/n) showed Trish the card.
"Doesn't sound like a cop," Trish said. "The name doesn't ring a bell either. If he said he's a Stand user, I'd say it's worth it to see what he has to say. He might end up helping us out."
Those were (y/n)'s thoughts exactly. Abbacchio didn't seem bad, strange as he was.
"If there's a way to control my Stand better, I'd love to learn," (y/n) said. From here, they would be able to bring up the topic of Fugo.
"With how individualistic Stands are, it's hard to figure out one thing that would make you control it better. The more confident you are with yourself, the easier your Stand ability will come to you."
So they were looking at self-confidence now? Trish laughed at the expression on (y/n)'s face.
"We can deal with that later. Why don't you just try summoning your Stand?"
(Y/n) told themself to relax. Calling on the shimmery fabric was noticeably easier this time around. Slowly, (y/n)'s Stand settled around them, draping over the balcony and trailing on the ground. Wonder softened Trish's face as the fabric drifted around her body, not quite touching her.
"It's amazing," she breathed. "You must have a beautiful soul."
With the way their Stand caught the light, (y/n) almost believed Trish.
"You Stand isn't randomly spread out," Trish said, following the fabric's path on the ground. "It's gathered around the two of us and the flower pots."
"Why is it doing that?"
"I'm thinking that your Stand is attracted to living things. Look, the part of your Stand going over the balcony is even trying to reach the trees."
If Trish was right, that explained why (y/n)'s Stand had bunched around the wall that Risotto was behind.
"I think it's attracted to Stand energy too. On the elevator, I was able to tell where Scolippi's Rolling Stones was."
"It sounds to me like your Stand only appears when something big happens—when there's a great need for it."
(Y/n) nodded. "It's harder to bring out when there isn't pressure."
"It makes sense. It's at times like that your will becomes stronger. Your body consciously wants to take action. Stand up. I want to try something."
Trish got up from her seat and moved to the balcony railing. Warily, (y/n) came up beside her.
"Try not to freak out," Trish said. She closed her eyes, and the air next to her shimmered. In the next moment, a pale pink humanoid appeared. It blinked its bright green eyes at (y/n), its body lithe and graceful.
"It's nice to meet you." The voice of Trish's Stand was melodic, just like Black Sabbath's had been.
"This is my Stand, Spice Girl," Trish said, smiling at it. "Gorgeous, isn't it?"
Spice Girl was the perfect manifestation of Trish's soul. The grid-pattern slip dress and high-heel shoes were all Trish. Bold and feminine and badass, all in one. But (y/n) did have to wonder what the various mathematical signs on it meant.
"If you would?" Trish waved a hand over the balcony. Spice Girl wrapped its fist around it, and it took (y/n) a second to understand why the railing was warping so unnaturally.
"You're softening it."
"That's Spice Girl's ability," Trish affirmed. "It can take anything and make it as soft and malleable as rubber. Amazing, huh?"
The railing drooped from its rigid position, and Trish stepped neatly over. "Be careful," Spice Girl said sternly. Trish only shrugged as she withdrew her Stand.
"Alright, since your Stand performs better under pressure, let's create some pressure. I'm going to count to three and fall backwards. You're going to catch me with your Stand before I hit the ground."
(Y/n) balked. "That's what you're doing? But—"
"No one's in the courtyard right now," Trish interrupted, looking over her shoulder. "And if you don't manage to catch me, Spice Girl will soften the ground where I fall." She put a hand over her mouth. "Oops. There goes the pressure."
Stand or not, it was a long way down to the courtyard from up here. Catching Mista had been instinctive, but (y/n) wasn't sure if they could do it again. Their Stand drifting around them suddenly felt flimsy and unreliable.
"Hey." Trish brought a piece of (y/n)'s Stand over and draped it over (y/n) like a scarf. It was warm and comforting. "I believe in you. You've got this." Her green eyes were bright with excitement. She leaned in close, and (y/n)'s heart sped up.
"Besides, I'm a lot lighter than Mista."
(Y/n) laughed. Trish tapped their nose lightly.
"Here we go then. On three. Uno—"
Trish pitched backwards. (Y/n)'s stomach swooped. To their surprise, (y/n)'s Stand shot forward, weaving together and becoming a larger rectangle of fabric. Instead of becoming a hammock, (y/n)'s mouth fell open as it dove under Trish, buoying her up.
It's like Aladdin's magic carpet.
Trish whooped. "You're such a liar, (y/n)! You can control your Stand just fine!"
"I didn't plan this!"
(Y/n)'s Stand carpet raised Trish until she was level with the balcony.
"Get on. Let's see what else you can do."
(Y/n) eyed the fabric dubiously. "I don't know if that's a good idea."
"Give yourself some credit. This material is soft, but it supports my weight easily. I saw the way it cut Bruno the other day on the rooftop too."
The surface of their Stand carpet was stretchy and bouncy, like a trampoline. (Y/n) gripped the edge of it, stiffening when Trish looped her arms around (y/n)'s middle.
Move forward a little; to the other side of the courtyard.
(Y/n)'s Stand followed their instructions. (Y/n) and Trish glided along gently through the air. (Y/n) banked for a turn, and that worked too.
"Do you have a name for your Stand?" Trish's voice was right by (y/n)'s ear.
"That's been the last thing on my mind. Would something like Death Cloth work?"
"Oh, come on, give it some more thought. The name of your Stand should come to you naturally. Like it wants to be called something."
"I don't know about that..." (y/n) trailed off. Something tickled (y/n)'s mind. (Y/n) murmured it under their breath.
"What was that?"
"White Satin," (y/n) said louder. As they did, their Stand rippled.
"I think that's its name."
"Be more confident! It's your Stand."
White Satin. Saying it felt surprisingly right somehow. (Y/n)'s Stand wrapped a strip around their hand as though it were squeezing it. (Y/n) guided them back up to the balcony, and White Satin dissipated as they slid off.
"Knowing the name of your Stand makes it seem more connected, doesn't it?"
It did. (Y/n)'s Stand felt closer at hand. They could feel it buzzing underneath their skin.
"Trish, controlling my Stand wasn't the only reason I came over."
(Y/n) didn't know why they were deciding to tell the truth instead of the subtle prodding they'd been planning. Something seemed different between the two of them now. Maybe it didn't feel right when Trish had been so willing to help them.
"Fugo told me about what happened when you first flicked on the lighter. He's terrified of his Stand and holds it against you guys for forcing it on him. He said you don't care about what happens to people who face Black Sabbath."
Trish sat back in her seat and was quiet for a long moment. "Fugo's always been quiet. He always went along with whatever Giorno and I were doing. I think the lighter was the first time he was really forceful about something. We still didn't listen to him, though."
"I think that if you told him what it is you and Giorno are doing, there's a chance he'd join you guys. You could fix your friendship."
Trish huffed a laugh. "I'd hate us too if I were Fugo. We were such assholes back then. Still are."
Trish's candour surprised (y/n). "I think you're all just scared of making it worse."
"But leaving things the way they are made it worse," Trish murmured. She rested her chin on her hand. "Honestly, I miss Fugo. He was quiet, but when you actually listened to him...."
"So talk to him. I can give you his number. He's angry, but I think he wants to talk to you too. If it's going according to plan, Narancia should've convinced Giorno to do the same."
"Sly, sly," Trish said with a small smile. "You had ulterior motives this entire time."
"Don't we all?"
Trish looked out over the balcony. It was quiet as (y/n) gave her time to think.
"Give me his number," she said finally. "It's about damn time."
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Trish walked (y/n) back to their dorm. By the end of the short walk, (y/n) found out that Trish loved crab, drank Perrier more than she did regular water, and never left the house without a coat of Givenchy lipstick. (Y/n) was surprised at how much they enjoyed learning these tiny details about Trish. They made her seem less exclusive.
They stopped at the intersection before Sapiena."Grazie, (y/n). I enjoyed your little visit."
"So did I. I managed to check off everything on my ulterior motives list."
Instead of her usual air kiss, when Trish leaned in, she lightly kissed the corner of (y/n)'s mouth. An electric jolt went through them, their skin tingling.
"We should do this again," Trish said and almost sounded shy. She smiled and began walking away.
The pink-haired girl looked over her shoulder.
"I like you better when you're like this. When you actually act like a college student instead of some foreign goddess."
(Y/n) was afraid Trish would snap at them. Instead, she nodded.
"I like myself better when I'm like this too. You're one of the few people I can be myself with," Trish chuckled, seeming to realize what she'd just said. "But of course, I must just be saying that."
(Y/n) was thankful Trish left before she could notice the tiny piece of White Satin that trailed like fairy dust after her.
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tomboy014 · 2 years
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Going through my camera roll. Lookee what I found!
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