#spag talking
no-sp4g-4-b4by · 5 months
I know it's been said over and over again but it is truly bewildering how quickly people (even other trans people) will be transphobic towards you the second they don't like you.
There's this girl on tiktok who's known for having the whole Kurt Cobain is trans take, which I do think is a bit dumb.
Apparently, she did a video discussing her bottom surgery in Disneyland, using like sweets as a metaphor for her genitals and people are freaking out cause omg think of the children.
I can kinda agree that it's a slight yikes (also why are you doing a tiktok about your surgery in Disneyland bestie go enjoy the rides) but the amount of comments that misgendering her, calling her a man pretending to be trans for clout, even a "thing".
And it's from trans people too! A bunch of comments were saying that "she's not really part of the community", "she doesn't speak for us" or "we don't claim her"
Like I can't even believe in feel the need to write this out, but you don't get to pick and choose who's trans and who's part of the community based on how you feel about them.
It's truly sickening how quickly people will turn on you for the dumbest little reasons.
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g0repop · 1 year
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lmao guess whos working on a shitty little comic about their dumb little au (das right THIS GUY)
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typheus · 1 year
i already have 3 gallons of tomato soup in the freezer 😭
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spagcatstack · 1 year
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frozenrose13 · 2 years
small victories; did not get left cigarette before being left on our own and its not been a problem until now
and its only really being a problem bc symptoms are being a problem and. thats how brain is redirecting i guess : / would be easier if we weren't running out of literally everything : V not as much of a problem as could be though so thats good too
bigger goals? bigger goals.
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spaghaymitch · 7 months
i see slugcat phighter combination? i follow
also fun fact i am currently working on a phighting x rw au and there Medkit is Artificer and Subspace is Saint
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nimonabigbang · 3 months
Every Knight Big Bang Writer Needs a Cheerleader Beta Reader!
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Do you want to help support a Nimona Big Bang writer? Sign up to be a beta reader today!
Depending on the writer, they may want a beta reader to:
proofread spelling, punctuation, and grammar (aka SPaG)
check for clarity
talk through difficult plot points/scenes
share ideas/brainstorm
help them stay on top of writing deadlines
answer questions they might have for a reader
compliment their writing
It's ok if you've never beta read before — we can provide resources to help!
Most of the beta reading work will be in the last half of the Big Bang event (late July through early September), but some writers might like to start working with a beta reader sooner than that.
For many Big Bang events, there's often about one beta reader per two writers, but you're more than welcome to sign up even if you can only work on one project. We don't recommend beta reading more than three fics.
Sign up here today and join the Discord and/or our private Tumblr Community to check out beta requests!
Feel free to contact beta reader mod @cameron7a or lead mod @zyrafowe-sny with any questions.
Sign Up | Event Overview | Big Bang Guidelines | Discord
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More dad tan? I’m just a simp for him
An idea is having him have to babysit his own kid while on the bullet train
I just love dad tan sm omg ?? so in most of my writings talking about dad tan, he has a little girl called mandy, so im gonna carry that in this too (bc I love it)
so I imagine him taking her on lots of days out, lots of trips and mini holidays. she's probably visited like 10 dif countries before the age of 6
he's def taken you and mandy to a couple dif disney lands (one in orlando and one in paris) and maybe maybe, the one in tokyo. WHICH after, on the way back to the airport to go home, he takes you both on the bullet train - just so you can both see just how fast it actually goes. he was on it in the summer last year for work (yes the one in the movie, and yes he survives, what about it??)
couple more things bc i love dad tan!! … he's not a great cook, but he makes a mean spag bol !! mandy loves it and asks for it like 3 times a week for dinner. but before tan goes away for work, he makes a bulk of it and portions it and puts it in the freezer for while he's away :(( cute little sharpie writing on top "for my little girl," (omg dying)
he always brings back plushies for mandy too. cute touristy ones - like a peach if he went to georgia, sushi if he went to japan. something he knows she'll love!! the attic is probs filled with boxes of stuffed teddies (yes it may be wasteful, but it's cute and thoughtful, right?)
also he's such a dad!1! and he's built her a princess castle in the back garden when she asked him to buy her one. he probs said something like, "buy one? mands, I can you make one. we'll go to b&q and you can pick the colours, yea?" even though he has the money, he's still sensible with it. he wants mandy to learn that you can't just buy everything. also he def makes her help, asking her to pass things he doesn't actually need, to make her feel useful. he's like, "pass us the screwdriver, would ya poppet?" he def uses it as a chance to teach her handywork stuff. he makes her pass nails to save him bending
he's so🫠
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beekeeperspicnic · 6 months
Today was kind of a brutal game dev day, but alas a necessary one.
Firstly, I decided it was time to crack down on typos by correcting all the ones spotted in beta testing, and running the whole script through Word's sPaG tools with a fine tooth-comb.
It was a reminder of how frustrating Word's grammar tools are, you have to wade through silly suggestions to spot the good ones.
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The second thing I did is a bit tricker to explain, but here goes:
A few days ago I had a go at personally recording all the voice lines for the Mycroft Holmes Simulator, to have a 'test run' of the capabilities of my game genuine for adding speech to a game.
(Unfortunately I ended up talking about this on April Fools which I think confused some people but uh, no, that's a real thing I did. I don't plan on sharing it, it was just for testing purposes, but perhaps sometime I can do a little screen cast or something.)
Anyway, I ended up stumbling onto a big problem that I knew I'd need to fix in the main game. The way my game engine AGS lines up voice recordings to the correct line is that it assigns each line of speech in the game a little code based on the character. So it might be HOLM1 HOLM2 HOLM3 for Holmes' dialogue, WATS1 WATS2 WATS3 for Watson.
Problem is in my coding, I'll often just say "the player says this". You might think there's only one 'player' in the game, but for programming purposes the are a few - Regular Holmes, Young Holmes, Holmes in his Brain Attic etc.
What I found is that the engine assigns 'player' dialogue to whichever character is the player at the beginning of the game. The upshot I of this is that I realised I was going to have HOLM1 HOLM2 HOLM3 etc. for times when I'd named Holmes, and a whole second set of HOLM1 HOLM2 HOLM3 for 'player.'
In addition, I think it's important for the voice actor/s to know what age Holmes is in different lines, and with my 'player' system a lot of the generic "I can't do that" style dialogue was getting all jumbled up.
Soooo... I may have spent half the afternoon eliminating hundreds of instances of "The player says" from the code, and replacing it with WHICH iteration of Holmes needs to say it.
It's tedious because it feels like putting in loads of work just to get to the exact same point I was at before I started from a player's point of view, but I'm hoping this will have saved me an absolute nightmare down the line.
I had a cat keeping me company so you know it's not all bad.
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gl1tchy-4rt · 2 months
🫑 Le PepperWife👌 🫑
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Even tho I gave Pepperman a wife (I also gave one to The Vigilante) in the Spaghetti Family AU, I Do think that...
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With that out of the way let's meet her!
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Met Martha Chiev; Pepperman's Wife. AKA: The BellePepper.
(Chi-eb,Pronounced like the Chi in "Chives")
She is a Fashion designer, Seamstress and Artist.
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Their Story!!:
Pepperman met Martha shortly after the Tower's crumbling, when the Tower Folk moved to the Main town, suprisingly, in little time an art gallery was opened, and of course Pepperman had to check it out!
Pepperman entered full-critic mode on that art, specially the Minimalism! i mean, seriously "Do they expect me to call this art? it's... nothing! it's just a line in the canvas"...
Wait... Someone stole the words out of his mouth! Pepperman turned to see who said that and saw Martha looking back at him.
After realizing their similar tastes on paintings, He invited her to a cafe to talk, she gave Phil her phone number and became friends.
Eventually they realized they had feelings for eachother and now, they are husband and wife (tho she decided to keep her surname)
That's The Pepperwife for y'all, i'll eventually post the other families ;)
See ya'll later on another post, maybe Spag. Family or Cursed Tower or other whole new AUs? Who knows!!...
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no-sp4g-4-b4by · 10 days
Currently watching Titane and I'mma be real I'm a little drunk so I don't understand everything, but I wanna comment on the ending:
A) They have a firefighter moshpit??
B) The dad almost sets himself on fire cause his son was a little too faggy?
C) He then retaliates himself by being a supportive dad to his trans child and helping him give birth
D) Vive la France
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g0repop · 1 year
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goofy fucker has finally began working on his little fanfiction (it's me. i'm goofy fucker)
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consistentsquash · 9 months
Author Love Letter - Scarlet
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Folks, definitely chime in you want to add stuff because a lot of folks have probably met Scarlet in different contexts!
Also it's like 4am here so my spag and everything is going to be pretty bad. Sorry about that.
Scarlet, @givereadersahug on Tumblr and emeraldlove on AO3. Powerhouse of a human, brilliant multiship and multifandom writer, moderator, fest runner, community builder, absolute role model. 0% drama, 100% love. People first always. The Queen of giving without expectation.
We were like talking about having a Rec Fest sometime back in March 2023. Of course I was 100% talk 0% action. But Scarlet actually got a lot of great folks involved, started the fest, got comods to help out and literally just made it happen. That's a good TLDR intro: Make Things Happen Behind the Scenes. Like an iphone or something. Scarlet behind the scenes = it was going to work 100% without problems.
When I think about Snarry fandom, like any big and old fandom we have different folks with different strengths/contributions. Great writers, artists, podficcers, organizers. But it's pretty hard to find somebody whose first priority is making the fandom thrive because we are fans/fan creators, pretty attached to the stuff we are doing, we have time limits because fandom is a hobby and we have to prioritize between creating and community building a lot of times. Scarlet really said Community First, People First. I don't even know how to explain it but 0% transactional vibes.
Making space for people. Meeting folks where they are at. Obviously introverts have a hard time in communities sometimes. Some folks learn how to handle it. No judgment here because these experiences can be subjective. But I have seen Scarlet go the extra mile for folks who are new/introverted/feeling imposter syndrome/going through some complicated fandom experiences. Just being there for them and supporting them to get started.
Also a brilliant writer of darkfic!!! Scarlet's darkfic shorts are some of my all time favs because of how dark/delicious/intense they are. These fics really give me 2000s dirtyhotbadwrong vibes because of how totally out and proud they are about their fiction is not reality vibe. Tons of range and lots of genres but the darkfics get my special love because they are just dirtybadhotwrong shameless amazingness. Check out In His Bed to get a sense for that unique vibe! Her community building and cheerleading wins are huge but also her darkfic writing is some of my all time fav.
Also Queen of Attention to Detail. I have read some fests with her and she guessed authors just like that during anon phase. Just incredible observation Sherlock Holmes style.
My fav fest memory is doing Snapecase reading with her. She guessed the author for Candles Lit Against the Dark, @perverse-idyll based on the title because she noticed/connected a lot of the flame/shadow imagery in the author's other Snarry fics. I am pretty good about guessing some authors myself because I can identify their style but guessing from the title is advanced superpowers. I can't even!! So extra, Scarlet. So totally extra and I love love love <3
Another fav memory I have is about analyzing fics with her. When HotD was airing eldritcher's Ossuarium was being written episode by episode. It was an insane time. We had a brilliant time analyzing those fics :D We were both passionate but Scarlet was so extra passionate, noticed tons of detail that was totally lost on me, really good at connecting the dots, just a hardcore close reader.
Also dead dove fics! 100% supporter of folks writing dead dove, incest, darkfics.
Also reccing older fics! Her Dudley phase was insane and she was finding fics from like 2000s on wayback just like that with some superhuman skills. On like websites I didn't even know existed. Really Sherlock Holmes <3
Also smaller fests. Scarlet supported a ton of Dreamwidth fests and got new folks to join them/introduced them to Dreamwidth culture and literally was the bridge between different types of fandom culture a lot of times.
Also reccing fic! Her recs for For I Have Found Salvation by @lumosatnight and also for @wilfriede's podfics have so much love/passion/enthusiasm and I just love those works 2x because of the emotional connect of her reccing <3
Also nwhiker! I really got into this author's Snack fic, Second Life because of Scarlet's passionate, passionate reccing. When Scarlet got into something the reccing happened with big big love and for me that was like the best thing ever because folks who love things with big love are just super special <3
Also my concrit buddy for movies. Ingmar Bergman to Audrey Hepburn to Past Lives just a total knowledge wikipedia about movies/movie making/movie meta/movie crit. I really changed my perspective about movies after learning from her. Also shows! Watching HotD and doing episode reviews with Scarlet is like one of my best memories ever ever ever <3 Also books!
Also moderator of Snarry discords like @houseofsnarry, participated, started and ran a ton of communities and fests including the @hprecfest which is just finishing this week <3 <3
If I have to describe Scarlet in like one word I am going to say Connection. 100% about connection, 100% heart led. So special. Love, love, love.
pic source Los Angeles Street Art photography by bigcitiesbrightlights
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spagcatstack · 1 year
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u see where im going
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frozenrose13 · 2 years
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Id: photo of a corner underneath a desk. There are random cords and a black cat with wide eyes sitting next to string lights under it. End id.
Luna found a Spot right after we set up the desk again she's been there a lot of today too all curled up she is Baby
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jaxie101 · 11 months
fnaf movie hcs part 3 bc im insane
mike HATES fish. like i’m talking a rage filled hatred he’d rather die than eat that shit
abby regularly goes to school in pjs bc mike will come home from his night shift and take her straight to school
vanessa was jealous of mike as he talked about how perfect his family used to be, the guilt she felt for his brother evaportes for a split second because she thinks he was at least privileged. and then she actually founds out more about his childhood and she’s like oh…
mike once got sick while working, but being the only adult with no other income he kept working, wearing himself down more and more until his body gave in. abby found him delirious with a fever in his bed and didn’t have anyone to call. she didn’t want to phone their aunt bc she’d take her away, she tried to call their dad but he never picked up. (this was before they met vanessa) and ended up just copying what she’d seen on tv shows until mike was aware of enough to try and take care of himself (she cried against of him for hours bc she thought he was going to die)
mike’s love language is acts of service/gift giving
^^ for vanessa’s bday he gets abby as a secret spy to ask her questions until he has a good idea of what to buy her (he works overtime ofc) he even buys little face masks and nail polishes so his girls can have a spa night while he’s working and vanessa cries in the bathroom bc it’s the first time she’s felt loved
mike and vanessa essentially project their lack of a childhood onto abby, they plan big parties for her bday, vanessa buys them a big tree for xmas, they take her to amusement parks and festivals. they don’t realise the other is thinking the same as them
mike hasn’t had a birthday since his brother went missing (i hc he went missing on mikes bday but wtv) he always makes sure to work a double shift when it comes to his bday so abby forgets and his parents just pretended he didn’t exist. …and then vanessa comes along and plans a big day for him
mike once broke his arm when he was 16 and didn’t tell anyone, he waited a few days until he went to the school nurse. he used it as a way to punish himself for garret, and he knew his parents wouldn’t care anyway (they couldn’t afford the medical bills and it made his home life so so much worse)
abby stays awake some nights and wonders if mike would trade her for garret, she wonders who he loves more, who he’s more willing to keep
vanessa calls him mikey to piss him off
abby and mike are those people that get hyperfixated on a food for weeks and then just… never eat it again. whenever venessa does the groceries she buys ten boxes of pizza pockets for mike and two trays of strawberries for abby and now neither of them have eaten them in weeks (she’s going insane)
mike falls into depressive episodes and just can’t pull himself out, he tries to cover them up for abby but she knows, bc she always knows
vanessa and mike trauma bond in the kitchen at night about their childhoods (mike desperately wants to know what happened to his little brother and vanessa refuses to share the details)
vanessa’s only toys when she was little was from her father’s victims, after garret went missing his parents never bought him anything again. abby gets a new toy for doing well in school, she gets whatever she wants when they’re proud of her, when they can afford it, when she’s just being cute idk
vanessa hates grapes
mike used to stay awake every night and wait for his brother to come home, that’s where his insomnia originated from
extreme survivors guilt
mike is a picky eater, he hates certain textures of food and just rotates between safe foods ever day (one day vanessa cooks them spag bolognese and mike just sits and picks at bc he can’t stand the textures but he feels bad :( )
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