#spalex au
spenceralexdutton · 6 months
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Title: King of Hearts
Pairing: Spencer Dutton x Alexandra [Dutton]
Rating: M (this might change)
Setting: AU
Disclaimer: I do not own the Yellowstone characters!
The summary and plot are TBD, because this just came to me and I had to get it out of my head. I think you’ll get a good feel for what’s going on when you read but IF you need to be baited, which who doesn’t haha, Spencer is a bull rider (amongst other talents) and Alexandra is… well THAT I’m going to leave up to your imaginations for now! Likes, comments and reblogs not required but do help inspiration 💕I can already see them rolling around in the bed of his stock trailer living quarters but we have to get their first 👀
I do not currently have an alpha or beta reader so any typos are my own and I’ll do my best to catch them 🫡
Chapter 1
The paint horse stomped restlessly next to the cowboy. She knew her job and it was almost time. Her cowboy, on the other hand, was still brutishly nursing his shoulder from the fall he’d just taken off Silver King, the Charbray bull he couldn’t seem to stay on for more than five seconds.
The arena was packed, one of the more popular rodeos he’d ridden at. He was far from Montana, thankful for the four horse stock trailer he called home and the 1998 Dodge Ram dually that had gotten him here. He’d been following that bull since Wyoming. And he’d continue to, until he made those eight seconds count.
A group of giggling women made their way toward him and he sighed. Spencer Dutton didn’t have time for chatting or flirting - he had to get it together for calf roping, his mare telling him to hurry it up as she pranced in place. He was trying, Lord was he trying. But his fucking shoulder —
“I hear you’re the cowboy who has stayed on Silver King the longest.” A female English accent interrupted his thoughts. It was soft, airy and had a slight laughing arrogance to it.
“That so?” He replied gruffly, dropping the Biofreeze into his duffle before buttoning up his shirt, fighting the wince of pain. Spectators weren’t usually allowed back here. Maybe she was a VIP or owned one of the horses… he didn’t trouble himself with the thought too long.
“Yes,” she carried on, sidling up to him, hands behind her back. He gave her what was intended to be a brief glance but lasted a moment or two longer than it should have.
She had bouncing blonde curls that settled against her shoulders in a whimsical style. Her blue eyes danced before him, like she knew a secret he didn’t. “Rumor has it over 50 riders have tried and yet you’re leading in time.”
The mare stomped as he secured his worn leather gloves, regarding her wearily. “You write for a newspaper?”
“Sorry?” She cocked her head with question.
“Is this an interview or…?” He clarified, untying to mare from the pen rail.
“Oh! No, sir, it is not. Just had to come meet the cowboy who continues to try to beat the bull Rodeo Daily calls a maneater.”
That made him snort. He hadn’t heard Silver King called that yet.
“That’s what they’re calling him now huh?”
“It is. And you’re the hunter. Set out to bring him down.” She said it with such a way of excitement, like she’d read that off a movie title line.
He could feel his expression morph into some mix of amusement and boredom as he soothed Katy, the paint, with a gentle hand to her neck. “You believe everything you hear?”
“Only when I want it to be true.”
“And why would you want that to be true?”
“For the romance of it.”
“There’s no romance in this,” he replied, adjusting his hat out of discomfort. Who was she? Where did she come from? Why was she asking such… deep questions? Maybe she’d had too many drinks…
Her steady, passionate eye contact told him otherwise.
“Then why do you do it? Why put yourself in such a dangerous position constantly?”
He held her gaze. “Because dying is the most alive you’ll ever feel.”
It was like he’d lit up something inside her soul, something she’d long hid. Her eyes widen, almost mischievously as she leaned in closer. His heart beat slightly faster as he searched her eyes for some understanding of this interaction. “You don’t see the romance in that?”
He felt something within shift. Something inside of him went toward her like a dowsing rod searching for water. It was in her gaze, in her expression… he was drawn to her. And her gaze matched his, setting his long destroyed soul ablaze.
Before he could say anymore, the group of women he had heard before were surrounding her, laughing and carrying on in the way spectators always did. But he didn’t see them.
Spencer only saw her.
“Come on Alexandra, Arthur is waiting for us in the box..” one of the women said, pulling at the blonde’s arm. She let herself be pulled, but it was reluctant.
Neither spoke as she was pulled away and he was only brought back to the present when Katy stepped sideways, pushing herself into his side. He let himself be pulled back to reality as he pushed her lightly back. “Yeah yeah, I hear you, let’s go,” he pulled down one of the split reins to lead her toward the arena. His eyes lingered back toward the woman, Alexandra, though. She was gone, the sound of her friends only barely lingering in the air. But she stayed on his mind for moments longer, the question of who she was and what had just happened something that would stick with him for a while.
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totallynotmeems · 2 days
i am participating in flufftober! please send your pairing rec's + the prompt to my ask box, bc i'm a little lost trying to decide pairings.
1. lost pet meet cute — trevrasha 2. “left. other left!” — amangela 3. favorite scent — spommy 4. market day — ianthony 5. acorn, chestnut, pine cone — shourtcer or shourtrasha 6. mistaken identity — spalex or amarasha 7. hoodie weather — ianthony 8. chopping & piling wood 9. “don’t do that!” - “but…” — chamanda 10. bet, game, contest — ianthony 11. ingredients & spells — spemanda 12. “this is spooky.” - “really?” — ianthony or spemanda 13. attic, cellar, hidden room — damangela 14. fantasy au/mundane au — trevrasha 15. “what are you wearing?” - “it’s laundry day!” — changela 16. yes, no, maybe — amangela 17. only one bed — ianthony or courtmangela 18. bewitched — courtrasha or iamanda 19. yarn 20. paw — shourtrasha 21. bonfire — spemanda 22. heirloom — ianthony 23. stormy night — ianthony 24. comfort food — damangela 25. haunted house — shaymanda??? 26. “i can’t find it.” — courtgela 27. afternoon stroll — shourtney 28. lucky charm — shaymanda or spommy 29. time capsule — ianthony 30. “forever?” — ianthony 31. make a wish — trevrasha
updated: 9/24 @ 19:31 EST
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