#spamton is THE alpha male come on
yourfaveisomegaverse · 10 months
admin intros~
HEY EVERY !! IT'S ME!! EV3RY BUDDY 'S FAVORITE [[Number 1 Rated Alpha1997]] SPAMT [[Admin]] SPAMTON G. SPAMTON!! [[HE]]/[[HIM]]
admin Wolf 🐺 here! he/him + it/its, in my early 20s, and mod Cow 🐮's mated pair🥰 pack alpha 😈/s and lover of dominant omega HCs!
hiii!! im admin omega 🥺 !!!! i love roleplay and the omegaverse!!! im a girly girl so i use she/her pronounsss ^c^! im an adult and a self-identified omega… still looking for my forever alpha hehe >.<! people say im cute but i don't really see it, im just a shy bookwormy gal lol im not very pretty, seriously, dont you dare send me asks telling me how cute i am! 😡
anywaaaay thats basically it!! if you have any questionsss pls send me an ask >.< ok bye-bye!!! :3c
rest of the mods under the cut~~~
yo what's up i'm mod shroom 🍄 (he/him). i'm not an alpha beta or omega (i release spores) but i appreciate their lifestyles. i'm just here to get high and chill the fuuuuck out ✌️
Hi. You can call me Theta 👔. I'm a 23 year old male. My favorite film is American Psycho. I also enjoy reading books and meditating. If you'd like to have an intellectual discussion, we can start one if you send me an 'ask' addressed to me.
hi i’m mod cow 🐮 :) i’m 21 and my pronouns are he/they. i’m mated with my beloved mod wolf 🐺, my little schnookums. i guess you could say im the omega in the relationship 😂
Mod squirrel 🐿️ , she/her, Catholic, omegaverse scholar.
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frozenhi-chews · 26 days
HEY HEY HEY light<NERS, DID YOU KNOW THAT IN TERMS OF MALE L1GHNTER D AND MALE [darkner] BREEDING, [your ol' pal] SPAMTON G. SPAMTON IS THE MOST COMPATIBLE DARK>nerr FOR H U M A N S !?!???? NOT ONLY AM I IN THE FIELD [pipis] GROUP, WHICH IS MOSTLY COMPRISED OF [sales, sales, sales!], IM AN AVERAGE OF 4”3.5’ TALL AND 68.[$9.99] POUNDS, THIS MEANS I AM LARGE ENOUGH TO BE ABLE HANDLE HUMAN [MEAT-STICK] , AND WITH MY IMPRESSIVE BASE STATS FOR HP AND ACCESS TO [ACID OH GOD] ARMOR, YOU CAN BE ROUGH WITH [1.99]. DUE TO MY MOSTLY [Mercury, francium, cesium, gallium, and rubidium] BASED BIOLOGY, THERE’S NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT AN AROUSED [Number 1 Rated Salesmen ca. 1997] WOULD BE INCREDIBLY [moist], SO [moist] THAT YOU COULD EASILY HAVE [are you +18?] WITH [1.99] FOR HOURS WITHOUT GETTING SORE. I CAN ALSO [Hyperlink Blocked] SO IT’D BE INCREDIBLY [top 10 easiest receipts] FOR [1.99] TO GET YOU IN THE MOOD. WITH MY ABILITIES [Kromer abs.,oRB] & [KEYGEN!!] I CAN EASILY RECOVER FROM FATIGUE WITH ENOUGH [Kromer]. NO OTHER DARK<nner COMES CLOSE TO THIS LEVEL OF COMPATIBILITY. ALSO, FUN FACT, IF YOU PULL OUT ENOUGH, YOU CAN MAKE YOUR [BIG SHOT] TURN [#FF0000] SPAMTON IS LITERALLY BUILT FOR HUMAN [Dick-shaped Objects]. UNGODLY DEFENSE STAT+HIGH HP POOL+ACID ARMOR MEANS IT CAN TAKE [HEALTHY EGGPLANT PARM] ALL DAY, [all shapes and sizes] AND STILL COME FOR [but wait, there's more!]REMEMBER ALSO TO PUT SOME LITTLE DELICOUS KROMER, A BIT OF HOLY [CUNGADERO] AND SOME [hyperlink blocked] TO SOUND LIKE THE ORIGINAL [these birds are pissing me off]HEY HEY H3Y [[BIG SHOT]] YOU HEAR THAT NEW [[50% off Toilets]] THING!? IF I [[Capitilzim]] IT, I SHOULD [[Entertainment for 6 year Olds and under!]]YOU [little sponge] I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR DYSLEXIC [hyperlink blocked]THIS IS [so cool.] [?&@#]ING AMAZING! GREAT [Jobs! Lots of jobs!]I can't [[agree to terms and services]] more!YOU FORGOT THE [[Caps for sale!!]] BUDDY !!! THATS NOT VERY [[Best salesman on Tinder]] OF YOUGREAT JOBS [little sponge] YOU HAVE DONE SOME [good sales] AND I [number 1 rated seller 1997] SPAMTON G SPAMTON IS [very proud] OF YOU [valued customer].
BUT ON A [different] NOTE ARE YOU INTERESTED IN [hots deals] ?AS SPAMTON G SPAMTON HIM S3LF THAT WAS PRETTY [Cash Money]HOLY [[Cungandero]] K1D, YOU [[Small]] [Little Sponge]!! YOU REALLY GOT THE [Spirit] OF A TRU3 [Salesman] WITHIN YOUR [[S O U L]]!1! ONE DAaY YOU'LL BECOM3 A [[BIG SHOT]] LIKE YA OLD P4L SPAMTON!!1! AND MAYBE 3VEN APPROACH... 4APpROACH... [[H E A V E N]] AND GET ALL tHE [Hyperlink Blocked]S YOUR VERY 0WN [Heart Shaped Object] CAN DES1RE!!1!iBUT TH3 [NumberOneRated] L3TTER IS 4LWAYS [Big]!!!THANK YOU [esteemed customer] FOR YOUR [$$$!]NICE [[Tips and tricks!]] YOU GOT THERE YOU [Dave the Babe] !! ALSO MAKE SURE TO [[Like and subscribe]] TO MY ONLINE [[Alpha male course]] EAHEAEHAEAHIT'S A SIMPLE [Task manager] KRIS! JUST YELL AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS LIKE A [Starring rockstar] AND ALWAYS BE LIKE SPAMTON G. ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ SPAMTON THE [Number 1 rated salesman!] DON'T LET YOUR THROAT BE YOUR [Roadblock]DON’T [Overindulgence] ON THE [Hyperlink Blocked], [Butt] DON’T [Under][Indulgence] EITHER. WHEN [Typewriter] FOR [Yours truly], DON’T PUT [Just an average kid] WORDS IN [Hyperlink Blocked]. [Rather], USE [Interwebs] TERMS, OR WORDS THAT ARE [Oddities] BUT STILL [Making Sense] With the . INTERNET SLANG [Works out] WELL. [Thank you for coming to my TED talk] LIGHT[nerd]S.
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Thanks Spamton? I'm a girl though?
Though I am studying this like a bug
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just-ornstein · 2 years
N and/or T for the ask game? c:
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice): Since I already answered this one for Deltarune I'll be answering this one for my second primary interest, The Sims 2! :) 1. I wish Simmers cared less about what other people think on what they do in their Sandbox game at times. The most interesting stories and gameplays were those of Simmers who just fully played their game the way they wanted to. For example, Alpha CC often gets kinda looked down upon in the Sims 2 fandom nowadays and while the more realistic look definitely isn't my cup of tea I love how much time these Simmers put into their Sims and general enjoyment. Heck my favourite Sims Streamer plays with Alpha CC haha! Or heck, if you want to pair Buzz Grunt with Brandi Broke, please do that, have fun! Who cares how random some of it is.
2. I honestly would love to see more stuff related to Veronaville, Belladonna Cove and Desiderata Valley. The fandom really loves Pleasantview and Strangetown and while I definitely love those towns I feel like the other ones can be quite interesting as well sometimes and do deserve some love.
3. Would love to see more fanart, especially of the spin-off games, who get so little attention but are quite interesting. While it's quite easy to find when you know where to look, there are so many characters that would look so nice in art! :'D
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything): Answering this one for The Sims 2 and Deltarune hehe! I'm always bad with coming up with these from the top of my head so I may be forgetting a few but here are some that immediately pop in my mind:
For The Sims 2: - Tybalt Capp, Hal Capp, Orion Tricou, Annie Howell, Nervous Subject and Tank Grunt are all gay. Nothing can change this for me haha. I refuse to ever pair them with a Sim of the opposite gender. - Daniel Pleasant and Mary-Sue Pleasant both made mistakes in their relationship and will likely never manage to work out romantically. The best option for them is to get a divorce and once they've had the time to work on themselves I can see them becoming very close friends again, but that's also where it stays. - All of the Tricou Sims were Vampires and Jon Smith isn't a good person despite what his personality may tell you. - Veronaville is doomed to follow a similar fate to what they were based on, meaning many people will die. The only difference is that they may be able to write the ending to their tale. - Sims biology works very different, hence pretty much anyone would be able to have a biological kid, regardless of gender. This means two female Sims or two male Sims can also have biological kids. I mean heck, the game gives me this option, why not run with it? Sims 2 biology is way too much fun not to see what kids will look like! xD - Romeo Monty, Hermia Capp, Puck Summerdream, Hal Capp and Unborn Baby Broke (who is named Skippy in my game) are trans. I also really like the headcanon of trans Jenny Smith.
For Deltarune: - Jevil, Spamton, Berdly, Noelle, Rouxls, Diamond King and Swatch are all trans. (Of course Kris, Seam, Mettaton and Mew Mew are in canon, but I'm just mentioning headcanons here). - Darkners are NOT one or two days old. I really dislike the headcanon that they became sentient the moment their fountains were open. I feel like they are all AT LEAST as old as their Light World objects are, if not older. As of right now I headcanon while some Darkners came with their objects, some existed long before them and once an object came into the world with their properties they became connected to it. Upon being connected to an object their strengths and capabilities increase. The Fountains are moreso a bridge if anything that makes it possible for Lightners to properly interact with them or see them. - Spamton and Jevil were in a sense written to be each other's counterpart. A balance so to say. Hence while their first instinct is to dislike each other, they grow especially close and inseparable over time. - Kris is selectively mute and has a form of autism. They are capable of speaking at times, but when they can't they use sign language which most people around them know by now. Ralsei, Berdly and Noelle also have a form of Autism. - Both Spamton and Jevil have a form of Tourettes and ADHD. - The reason Rouxls enjoyed long dungeon walks is because of the fact he got to speak to most of the people King Spades inprisoned. This includes the Diamond King, with who he became especially close. - Rouxls was once married to King Spades. When King Spades turned out the way he did he stripped Rouxls off his title, but a part of him couldn't bear to part entirely with him, hence he got turned into the Duke of Puzzles. - Jevil is the direct cause of Seam's injuries, which happened during a performance and were the final blow that made King Spades decide to have Seam imprison him. - Seam is likely one, if not the most powerful entity we'll ever encounter in the Dark World. - The Weather People from Chapter 3 are siblings, twins to be more specific and I will die on this hill unless proven wrong lmao. Which knowing my luck will probably happen. :'D - Noelle was the one that caused so much destruction to the first half of Chapter 2. It's why Queen knew she was powerful and wanted to protect her from it, she's witnessed it first hand! - Spamton is not and has never been an Addison which is why he always struggled to fully fit in with them or sell properly. He looks an awful lot like them, but he still isn't an Addison. His hair also was never fully white. - Noelle is a lesbian, Susie is bi, Kris is pan, Berdly is bi, Ralsei is pan, Spamton is pan (which with Sweepstakes seems to be confirmed as canon?), Jevil is pan, Rouxls is gay, Queen is bi, Tasque is a lesbian. Aaand I can go on like this for a while haha. - After the events of the game Spamton sort of becomes Kris's adoptive uncle and Jevil Noelle's adoptive uncle. - Kris and Berdly become a couple somewhere in college. - More of a theory as of right now, but I headcanon there are multiple Knights, with there only being one TRUE Knight. - Another that's moreso a theory as of right now. But I think Ralsei is aware of the Player, knows outside knowledge and actively despises us. This is why he wants those moments alone with Kris so he can speak with them, one on one without having someone spying on them. I also don't think Ralsei is evil, but he will end up doing questionable things that will end up hurting his friends without him realizing it. - I refuse to believe Kris and Berdly dislike each other, especially after Sweepstakes. I feel like the two have a rival-like relationship and love to tease each other. But at the end of the day when all is said and done they regularly love playing games with each other and probably have the weirdest Minecrap server out of everyone haha. I mean heck, when you give the gift to Berdly Kris runs over to him of their own accord to hand it over haha. - I like to think Berdly is pretty good at painting and drawing!
Sooooo, that's all for now lmao! If I remember any that I might have missed, I'll post them somewhere over time! xD
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mtt-inactive · 3 years
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if i told u this was my last straw and i gave you this image to verify would you believe me
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