#spartacus: fugitivus
scifidancer · 2 years
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lifewithaview · 23 days
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Craig Parker and Viva Bianca in Spartacus (2010) Fugitivus
On the heels of the bloody escape from the House of Batiatus that concluded "Spartacus: Blood and Sand", the gladiator rebellion continues and begins to strike fear into the heart of the Roman Republic in "Spartacus: Vengeance". Gaius Claudius Glaber and his Roman troops are sent to Capua to crush the growing band of freed slaves that Spartacus leads before it can inflict further damage. Spartacus is presented the choice of satisfying his personal need for vengeance against the man that condemned his wife to slavery and eventual death, or making the larger sacrifices necessary to keep his budding army from breaking apart. Containing all of the blood-soaked action, exotic sexuality, and villainy and heroism that has come to distinguish the series, the tale of Spartacus resumes in epic fashion.
*Before Spartacus and the rebels leave to attack the brothel, Crixus tells him that it's not his fight. To which Spartacus replied, "I gave my word; blood and honor. It yet speaks to the man." These are the very same words he shared with Sura in "The Red Serpent" before leaving for war.
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entiish · 2 years
      𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐈𝐅 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊 + 𝟔/𝟔  — (#𝟖𝟎)                     ( 𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 — #𝟐𝟖𝟑 )
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𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐌𝐒 as 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀; linked here are the final 80 (275 x 155px) gifs of the actress in S02E02 of starz spartacus; ‘fugitivus’ — this is the sixth & final part of a six-part pack for brooke in this role, totalling #283 gifs.     details to note when casting; new zealand (nationality), unspecified white, she was born 3rd january, 1984 and is currently 38 years old, but she was 26-27 during this role. brooke is cis-female using she/her/hers.
     rules — please do not redistribute my graphics as your own though you are welcome to make them into gif icons for personal use if you contact me first, do not edit into crackship gifs, but feel free to use them for blog sidebars.
        THIS IS A FREE GIF PACK !!     mature content present!  + pack warnings listed below cut & on linked page.
SHOW RATING: R18+, high impact violence, blood and gore, sex scenes and nudity.
ALL GIF WARNINGS: blood, gore, murder/stabbing, slavery, violence, grief/shock, children, kissing/romance, brief pregnancy, severe wounds, assault, death scene, imprisonment
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blondelucretia · 2 years
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awkward-sultana · 4 years
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Ilithiya’s red gown with gold detailing in 2x01
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lukearnold · 4 years
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Spartacus: Vengeance Rewatch - Episode 1: Fugitivus
Sex Scene: All of them. They went to a whorehouse.
“Cock”: 4
“Cunt”: 2
“Kill Them All”: 0 (I wonder if this is said at all in S2 or 3)
“Fucking Gaul”: 3
Slow motion Face Punch:0
Episode Name Dropped by: Aurelia
Memorable Death:  Aurelia
Favourite Line: “We must stand as one, or fall divided.”
- This is the greatest way they could have introduced the new Spartacus actor. It was amazing.
- Spartacus facing down that horse is beautiful.
- AGRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- DONAR!! =]
- He’s still throwing his bloody sword.
- I love that Donar has this axe thing, it’s awesome and sets him apart from the other gladiators.
- This beginning fight scene is so well done.
- Agron oh gosh. He’s so angry, so crazed by his grief. Everyone is so wary of him, but like he lost his brother. My poor baby.
-  “I believe the man dead.” – the moment I fell in love with Donar and his bromance with Agron.
- I can always rely on Agron to say “cock”
-  Spartacus has never really been a savage until right now when he carves a message into a dead guy’s chest. Seriously, wtf. 
- I’m so in love with Agron’s necklace.
- Ha! Rome, it looks like it’s still being built. That’s hilarious.
- Pompey mention!
- What is with all those masks?! How fucking creepy.
- “Where youth plummets, maturity may soar.”
- As someone who hasn’t ever paid any interest in wars, all this undoubtedly historically accurate war talk is super boring.
- Everyone under the sun is named Marcus
- Varinius!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man, seriously. Just, Brett Tucker is an Aussie actor that has been in basically everything! I can’t take him seriously.
- Seriously this triangle between Ilithyia, Varinius, and Glaber is basically the entire subplot of S2.
- The one thing I get super bored of in Spartacus is men and their egos.
- Mira is literally in the sewers and she’s still a queen.
- Oh hey, the Veteran!
- The kid that says “I will kill many Romans” looks like Tyler Lockwood from Vampire Diaries.
- You can actually see Mira’s face fall when Aurelia comes into view. Like she knows that when Aurelia is around Spartacus can see no one else. It’s not a romantic thing, it’s a Varro thing.
- Agron and Donar bromance, I love it. Almost makes up for Duro’s death, almost.
- The Gauls are mostly comprised of New Zealanders – just an observation.
- I sometimes can’t believe that the gladiators treat the house slaves so poorly and sometimes don’t seem to give a fuck about any slaves still in chains.
- “Rabbits” - I still don’t understand this.
-  Oh, Acer.
-  Yessss Mira!!!!!
- Oh the showdown between the Gauls and the rest of the slaves is so intense and beautifully done.
- I really like that even with the new actor they still put all the same scars on him. Good job.
- Oh gosh. Mira loves Spartacus so much…..and S2 Spartacus clearly cares for her way more than he did in S1, but still. She deserves better.
- “I have proven troublesome to kill.”
- Gah, the thing with Spartacus in S2 is he cares more about killing Romans than protecting the other slaves. At least Mira and even Agron are there to pick up the slack.
- “I hear you wish to command my men.” – when I first heard this I thought it very antagonistic, like the fractions were splitting apart. But it’s more of Spartacus being the head honcho, and Crixus being a General that leads his own fraction but still reports to Spartacus. Warfare is not my thing but I’m learning.
- Yeah, because a curtain is going to give you so much privacy. Everyone can still hear you guys.
- “Did his blood bear fruit?”
- Trebius! Ah!
- Arena games!!! Oh how I miss you!
- Seppia really freaking frustrates me. She is so childish and has no idea the kinds of games she’s playing. She’s a fool.
- Seppius and Seppia are fucking right? That’s what they’re implying? A whole bunch of incest? I wanna hate it but I can see it.
- I don’t understand how the gladiator fights could be boring? Or how Batiatus’ gladiators could have made it more entertaining? You’re still watching two dudes kill each other.
- I haven’t even watch Star Wars but Oenomaus in that cloak gives me Jedi vibes.
- That guy in the alley gives me Pirates of The Caribbean vibes.
-  On one hand whenever I see Oenomaus I’m like “Don’t hurt this precious baby.” But then again “Hell yes baby you kick their asses!”
- Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!! Arm bone through the skin!!!!!!! Shit! Knife through the eye!!!!! Ah! Right through the jaw!!!!! Oenomaus is such a badass!
- Aurelia talking about how much she wants to go back to Janis. Well, you shouldn’t have left him in the first place! Her pride was as foolish as any man’s.
- “That lopsided grin. Eye’s promising mischief. I’ve seen in many times, upon his father.” –seriously my shipper heart. Spartacus loved Varro, it’s canon.
- “I fell to love the crooked bend of Varro's lips long before the man himself.” “As did I.” – IT’S MOTHERFLIPPING CANON I TELL YOU.
- I mean Spartacus can be a kind man when he wants to. He’s just very single minded.
- Gotta give their art department props. Having a fake pregnant woman be naked, and it look real….like damn, they deserve a pat on the back.
- I am loving Ilithyia’s purple gown thing though, wowzah.
- Marcus Crassus mention again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- “She was a fucking bitch” – I find that fucking hilarious.
- Agron said bleat! Goat reference! My shipper heart!
- Wow, Spartacus said “whores” somehow that’s more shocking than anything else on this show.
- I love Agron’s loyalty to Spartacus but I wish Spartacus would see it too. In this season and the next he kind of treats Agron like crap.
- “You had me at whores.” – I love Donar.
- “Avoid unnecessary risk.” Sparty, baby, do you realise who you talking to?!
- Loving the idea of Mira, Donar, and Agron planning behind Spartacus’ back. These are the people who want to protect the other slaves, not spend every day covered in Roman blood.
- “As are all things, in pursuit of a woman.” Gotta love the salty gay trope. Agron pulls it off swimmingly.
- “I will tell Janis of you. Of the man who loved his father above all others.” CANON. I really didn’t ship Spartacus and Varro this much the first time around.
- “I gave my word. Blood and Honour. It yet speaks to the man.” as said in S1.
- Gladiators in hoods is everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Woman with a massive dildo fucking a dude. Yep.
- Oh! I think this is the first penis shots we’ve had in a while.
- Guy on Guy sex. Well then. So much gay sex in this series, it’s glorious.
- The four guys throwing the girl around makes me super fucking uncomfortable, especially when you can hear her. She is so not enjoying this.
- Another memorable death = dude jerking off and just as he’s about to finish, gets a sword through his throat.
- It’s gotta suck so bad for all these guys that are dying with their dicks out. Especially that guy that got a sword right between the legs. Ouch.
- Never noticed but there’s a very very large woman in the whorehouse and a skinny guy on all fours in front of her. I’m so curious about what’s happening there.
- How many innocent body slaves died in this attack???
- Poor boy with cum all over his face.
- Trebius is so fucking disgusting. Peeing all over that girl.
- I get that this girl is probably horrendously traumatized but she really have to go and kill the only lead they had to Naevia.
- I seriously hate Spartacus in this scene and it kind of tainted him for me. He’s telling Agron that he can’t kill Trebius as revenge for Duro, BUT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT SPARTACUS IS DOING WITH GLABER! He’s such a fucking hypocrite!
- Crixus sticking his hand inside Trebius’ gut is so gross.
-  I get that Glaber is angry at Ilithyia but she clearly has some PTSD that is triggered by that house and he’s forcing her to stay there. Not cool.
- OVER THE CLIFF!! Yes Ilithyia!
- There’s no logical reason for that mask to be there, except to provoke memories.
- Flashback penis.
-  I never noticed but Ilithyia has a really big mouth.
- I honestly thought the figure was gonna be Spartacus, I was so surprised to see Lucretia.
- Lucretia being out of her freaking mind is magical. All the props to the actress.
- “What fragments her shattered mind yet holds.”
- Seriously, the male ego.
- Old woman slave = headcanon that she ran the whole Battiatus household. Also, that young boy slave is super attractive, how has Agron not noticed this?!?
- “Grab your fucking cock.” – oh wait, maybe he has! Ha!
- Foreshadow of Agron not thinking house/body salves are worth much. Ahhhhhhh how wrong he shall be ;)
- Angry little lost boy. Agron is my fave if you can’t already tell.
-  “That is no longer my title.” – poor baby.
- “There is but one place for an animal without honour.”
- Singleminded Spartacus is one of my least faves.
- I love how they take Lucretia way back to the drought, to before Spartacus killed Theokoles.
- I really love how in this show they show woman with pubic hair, COS IT’S FUCKING NATURAL and women shouldn’t have to shave because society tells them to.
- “Smashed upon the cliffs.” – foreshadowing!
- Argh! This leaning back shit women do during sex scenes on tv annoys the hell outta me. That move is done purely for the male viewers. For the women doing it, it’s really fucking awkward.
-  “You bark as a dominus.” “Sheep stand idle if not prodded by snapping jaw.” – I love Agron and Donar moments.
- “Let us compare teeth and have answer.” – they are basically talking about comparing dick sizes right?????
- Lucretia with dark hair and wearing a purple dress. Goddess.
- “Do not shed fucking tear.”
- Fucking love that Lucretia is the one to spot Spartacus.
- Seppius rolling his eyes at Glaber. Me too, bro, me too.
- Ah the foreshadow of Glaber and Seppia. Yuck.
- The rebels coming to Spartacus’ aid. I love their loyalty.
- Seriously Donar and his axe.
- Agron picking up Aurelia and throwing her over his shoulder. It’s hilarious because she is so freaking tiny compared to him, and also cos he’s super gay and doesn’t understand females at all.
- Lucretia and Crixus seeing each other again is super powerful.
- MIRA with a “fucking Gauls.” Did not see that coming.
-  “Do any of us hold fucking worth to you?”
- Mira’s little rant to Spartacus is all well and good, but did she have to be mean to Agron.
- The Spartacus and Crixus bromance is strong in S2.
- Agron looks so little, so small and young. My baby.
- I still fucking hate Aurelia.
- I do love that Agron was willing to go and fight Glaber because of Aurelia, someone he didn’t even seem to like at all.Baby’s got a heart.
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thyla · 2 years
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Spartacus: Vengeance • S2E01- Fugitivus
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humilictedman-arc · 5 years
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Spartacus Sentence Starters - 3x01, “ Fugitivus ”
“ I didn’t really have a choice not to, “ Kai replied, his memories flooding back to him of the first few years he spent in this apartment. He had the windows boarded up in paranoia, barely stepping outside his door, always afraid the police or FBI was on his tail despite everyone thinking he died in a prison fight. He wasn’t quite sure what forced him to give up and relax, to finally break out of the bad mental state he was in and live a somewhat normal life again. “ It was difficult, I’ve always had someone around me. Lived with my parents for a lot of my life, then my sister and I lived together after they died. “ 
Mentioning Winter out loud sent an awful ache down from his chest to his stomach. Would he ever be able to admit the things he did to Marilyn? Maybe some things were better left unsaid. Swallowing a lump in his throat, Kai put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, “ You may think it’s impossible, but if we share the same blood, you’re capable of doing the impossible. Remember that. My blood makes you strong.  “ 
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ao3feed-nagron · 6 years
Fist Over Love
by itsfrantastic
After being brutally assaulted after attempting to stop a hate crime on the streets of New York, Kurt Hummel begins to take private self defense lessons at local combat club Fugitivus Combat. Owned and operated by a retired Australian Special Forces veteran named Varro, and managed by his former commander Spartacus, Fugitivus Combat Club ends up being a safe haven for a struggling Kurt. Along the way he finds a fist over love.
Words: 1421, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Glee, Spartacus Series (TV), Spartacus - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Varro, Spartacus, Quinn Fabray
Relationships: Kurt Hummel/Varro, Agron/Nasir, Crixus/Naevia, Quinn Fabray/Spartacus, Santana Lopez/Dani
Additional Tags: Anti klaine, anti finchel, hi im trash and i ship varro/kurt lmao
from AO3 works tagged 'Agron/Nasir' https://ift.tt/2LkY4PZ via IFTTT
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wyldlittledog · 7 years
Spartacus Vengeance Sentence Starers: Fugitivus & A Place In This World
TW: Mentions of violence and slavery, dark themes, language, use of a slur (for sex workers).
Feel free to tweak, change pronouns, use as a jumping off point for a more detailed starter, etc.
Vengeance, episode one: Fugitivus
“I have proven troublesome to kill.”
“I have nothing of worth.”
“I wanted to see the moon.”
“He will burst as sun through clouds at the sight of you.”
“You had me at whores.”
“I gave my word.”
“He will not last.”
“I'm already dead.”
“I do not have time to sit and ponder.”
“You will stay at my side.”
“Have you lost wit? Speak.”
“Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!”
“To be spared from such carnage, a blessing from the gods.”
“You are the ones that shall quake.”
“They are not an army, as much as you wish it to be so.”
“We are friends, are we not?”
“This is a sign. A sign from the gods.”
“I didn't come to lend you aid, you mad fuck.”
“We must stand as one or fall divided.”
Vengeance, episode two: A Place In This World
“Coin warms my breast.”
“The gods conspire against you.”
“Our quarrel is not with you.”
“That one smells of shit.”
“Now who would have blood?”
“I have feasted so long on pain and sorrow.”
“You but take my master's place.”
“You yet wish to train this fuck?”
“One must learn to kneel if he is ever to rise.”
“To grasp the heavens, you must fight for something greater.”
“I'm no fucking soldier.”
“A dog bites once, he will bare fucking teeth again.”
“I so wished to please you.”
“May the gods bless you.”
“You speak to me in such manner again, and I will have your tongue.”
“Your will, my hands.”
“Such fire may yet prove more fierce.”
“I shall make their deaths memorable.”
“You are destined for far grander fate.”
“He betrays us.”
[Starter meme for episodes 3 & 4] [Starter meme for episodes 5 & 6]
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awkward-sultana · 4 years
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Seppia’s seafoam green gown with gold detailing in 2x01,2
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lukearnold · 4 years
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I'm watching Spartacus 2x01 "Fugitivus"
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thyla · 2 years
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#stage two of grieving: anger 🖕🏻 Spartacus: Vengeance • S2E01- Fugitivus
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awkward-sultana · 4 years
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Ilithiya’s embellished purple robe in 1x01
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