#speaking of his natural hair color tho he'd look so good in it
melverie · 8 months
on a scale of 1 to satan how bbg is mephisto
Satan has had far more time to establish his place as the ultimate babygirl (to me at least), so I can't give Mephisto the honor of being anywhere near his level but man the devs are making sure that he's at least getting close
I mean he
is the local horsegirl
apparently has a massive sweet tooth
stakes his entire self-worth on being useful to the future ruler of the land
seems to be great with kids
is super diligent. Just look at how much effort he is putting into journalism despite absolutely having no interest in pursuing that field in the future
is an honorary member of the Anti-Lucifer League, yet refuses to spread any false information about him in the school newspaper and mostly ends up singing his praises instead
runs said newspaper (and as someone who did the same for a year, I respect that a lot)
isn't really all that interested in MC, which is a nice change of pace
and finally, seems to dye his hair purple which makes him look like an eggplant <3
Also when he saved MC from falling on the ground and then brushed it off afterwards because he "only did what anyone would have done" back in season 4? That part was so good
ALSO Solmare could easily give him the perfect blushing face. Just look at him
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taeyamayang · 2 years
Hi! I would like to request something, naturally if you like to do this... I wanted to ask for Atsumu and Osamu hc as toddlers and how they acts with their parents. Thank you
sorry if this took awhile but here ya go!
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ㅡthe twins' quirks and antics as toddlers
✧ fluff! | wholesome | miya twins as toddlers but old enough to speak a few words
✧ purely based on how i perceive them
a/n: it's funny cos they remind me of my nephew and niece so when i saw your req i knew i had to do it lmao. thanks for requesting, anon! @/gen hope y'all enjoy, as i did writing it! thanks for reading :D
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i bet before their hairs decided to have a life of their own and part ways
the twins sported a coconut hair or also known as the mop hair
the one that has a straight cut bangs that passes below their eyebrows
and heck you not their parents are always confused which one is which
since there's barely a difference between their identical faces
so osamu being a naughty kid takes this opportunity to turn situations into his favor
like when he messes his drawer and forgets to clean up
and his mother sees what he has done
his mother would come to him and scold him for not cleaning up the mess
and even though he is osamu he'd tell his mother he isn't
"not samu, mama. that samu."
pointing at an innocent sleeping atsumu in the couch
and manages to convince her
so as his mother nods and walks, uttering apologies for mistaking him for his twin
as she walks away a small smirk crawls on his face
you know how common it is for twins to have matching clothes?
atsumu HATES it
he despises it to the point wherein he wears a little scowl on his face, pouting his bottom lip when he sees his twin wearing the same shirt but in a different color
he wants to be different
he doesn't want to look like osamu
tho they're technically identical twins
but when the adults start to woo at how cute they look
little atsumu starts loving it, showing it off with his chin held high in the air
he struts using his small feet with the corners of his lips pulled up
and as the squeals get louder his ego increases
osamu stands in his spot with his short arms to his sides as he shoots him glares when he sees his twin enjoying the attention he gets from being called 'cute'
normally, as kids of the same age they have the same interests
they like the same cartoons, shows, toys, etc.
so when they end up liking the same superhero and there's only one action figure available in the house
oh dear their house turns into a hellhole
heck if i were their mother i would push them back into my uterus
but no, toddler miyas are running around house chasing whoever gets the hero first
and when atsumu manages to snatch it away from osamu
and osamu begins to cry
not cry, more like howl
because it gets increasingly loud as seconds passes by
toddler atsumu would instantly feel guilty
mama told him he's the a few seconds older than osamy so when it comes to looking out for the two of them
he should take the initiative
so what he does is he pats osamu little almost bald head and plants a kiss at the side of his head
thankfully osamu stops only because he's confused of the sudden affection
and their mother, who's late to the chaos, sees atsumu comforting his twin
she coos at them and encourages them to hug each other to end the conflict and be a good brother to each other
and they did
they hug in front of the adult and atsumu whispers to his twin
"no, cry samu."
and when they both release from the embrace and their mother is not within sight
osamu narrows his eyes at his twin before abruptly taking the action figure from atsumu's little grip
this time atsumu cries louder than osamu did
but when their eyes catches the same image before them
they both stop,
dropping the action figure on the floor upon they seeinb mother in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room
with a spatula in hand and a face red in frustration and anger
oh no, they know they're in deep trouble.
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rbs and likes are very much appreciated, thank you! ♡
Masterlist | HQ Masterlist
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i-need-air · 4 years
Truthful mess.
Summary: Truth quirk shenanigans. HCs type with Bakugou, Kirishima, Shouto and Shinsou.
Note: Still don't know how to add "Read more" on phone, still need to make a masterlist. At least I have coffee. [I’M DOING BOTH RN, BE PROUD;;;LOOKATTHEReADMORE] Ty for reading! ♥
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Bakugou Katsuki:
× well, shit
× he fucked up real bad and now he had to pay for it
× noticed something was wrong when he thanked Kirishima for saving his life instead of giving him the usual snappy attitude
× made the redhead promise to keep the secret or he'll kill him
× seriously kill and incinerate his body and was 100% serious about it
× Bakugou tried his hardest to keep his mouth shut and everything went okay until you just existed in the same room at him
× he'd just get the fuck out because all he wanted to tell you was how good you looked in whatever you were wearing or how beautiful your face was when kissed by the rays of sunshine and he was so confused
× he literally wanted to word vomit all of that
× thankfully the police arresting the mf that did this to him informed Katsuki about the effects of the quirk itself
× approximately 3 days of spilling truths
× he could handle that
× easy
× but not really; the less he talked the more he needed to spill out his mind
× he'd still snap at people, they were just dumb and he voiced that but
× well, hello there, [y/n]
× he prays you don't waltz around him
× life can be a bitch though
× it happened while training, Cementos made an area for each of you to improve your quirks and guess what? you're placed just by his side
× you just waved at him and he ignored you
× asshole much; until you kick-dropped and broke a big piece of cement in half
× "Fuck, that was so sexy..."
× your head turned slowly towards Bakugou because that was his voice, definitely, no doubt
× but it was raspy and low and it did some things to your, ehem, lowers and holy shit
× Bakugou looked like a deer caught in the highlights; he was full "step on me" mode and????????
× instantly turned the other way and yes, he is blushing
× he just couldn't hold it in, man
× so you're confused, blushing, Kirishima is near-by shook as fuck because he's ✨ realizing things ✨ since of course he's now Bakugou's self-proclaimed guard dog
× and Bakugou is back at ignoring you, his friend and the world
× you decide to keep an eye on him because that was not normal and oh my god why is that voice still affecting you? did he seriously say that??
× meanwhile you catch him looking at you from the corner of your eyes
× boy is staring real bad
× so you just go his way
× he panics as you approach him and blows shit up
× "Don't fucking come closer!" you freeze because what the hell? you thought you were getting along? yeah he's been snappy recently but it's Bakugou, he has mood-swings
× but not like this? at least with you?
× also what he said before just gave you hope??
× so you decide Fuck it all and get closer, noticing how Kirishima also approaches, looking like a bodyguard
× you raise your eyebrow because Excuse you?
× "[L/N], you should leave him be for now–"
× "Get out of my way or I'll break you, Kirishima."
× so you're having a staring match with the red-head, almost nose to nose when legit a growl shakes you to the core
× "[Y/N]'s mine, Shitty Hair, back down." he said between his teeth, his palms sparkling, quirk ready
× so his friend backs up, hands raised in defeat but a knowing grin on his face
× even in full shock you expected him to ignore you again but he just stomps towards you angrily, teeth greeted
× "You have a thing for him, hmm? You like Kirishima?" he was glaring at you, breathing heavily but suddenly locked his eyes in your lips
× and while he's throwing this fit or whatever it was, all the class kinda stopped whatever they were doing to see what's going on
× but Cementos ain't having any of that so parts you guys with a cement wall and orders you to keep training
× Bakugou was never more thankful because holy shit what was about to happen?
× you're full mind-blown, remembering his words again and again not even focusing on training; you decide to talk with his dumb ass to clarify what he said and wAs he jealous? i mean he literally said you're his so—... HE FUCKING SAID YOU'RE HIS????
× after that he went back to his grumpy old man form, you don't talk again until days later, although you did try to approach him again, many times, because YOU'RE HIS????????
× it's when he finally realizes the quirk is wearing off and he's relieved because it got to a point where he couldn't sleep
× so when you confront him in the common room the next morning he shrugs it off with a "I thought I'd accidentally confess that I love you and that would've been a problem."
× he freezes
× you freeze
× he wanted to call you a dumbass and move on until he figures his shit up but...
× that's when he realizes the effect of the quirk was dying off in waves
× save him from the mortification and confess too, please?
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Kirishima Eijirou:
× he's normally a truthful guy
× but not like this, man, not like this
× Fatgum saved his ass but it was too late since he already got hit by a quirk, although none knew what it was about, so his mentor was having a full Panic moment
× later on he was informed about it's nature and was confused because nothing changed?
× he still compliments people, he's still his old self and is actually so happy that's the case
× thinks he's manly because he's honest about his feelings
× although he forgot about a tiny little detail
× his big fat crush on you
× like he'd blush when you came around, almost stuttered when responding to you, would try harder when you were around because pretty please, notice him, shows off more, all the I-need-YOUR-attention bag
× because he's smooth but in a Kirishima way, you know?
× felt he had zero (0) game [so not manly of him]
× will hands down not avoid you; thinks it's lame to run away from this
× who would've thought this was the best thing that could've happened to him?
× still had his boyish charm, cute smiles, blushes
× but now we add the honest "You look amazing today. Well, more than usual." with a wink because if he can't stop himself, at least he'll make it work big time
× and oh, shit that's doing stuff to your poor heart because his compliments are all over the roof? wth is going on?
× everyone knew about his feelings for you but now they really knew
× literally takes him half a day to spill all out
× he did try to clear his mind of those feelings in class because that would be so awkward and weird; he spent so much time daydreaming how to confess before and doing it there was definitely not the plan, but something more personal and meaningful
× when Kiri saw you in the common room though, alone and minding your own business, a grin broke on his face and had hearts in his eyes
× Bakugou had to hear a lot of shit about you, tho just rolled his eyes; "whatever, shitty hair."
× because you're so flawlessly beautiful and you're not even trying
× your head snaps up at him, blushing
× OOP–did he just blurt that out?
× so he's laughing awkwardly because not like this, man
× but goes with it because We die like men here 😤
× cue word vomit about how great you are and this quirk hit him and god you're amazing and it's not a lie because remember when you first met at UA? well he thought you were an angel and when you smiled at him? perfection and your blushing face is adorable and needs to see it everyday and ok this quirk needs to stop–
× meanwhile
× [Y/N].exe has stopped working
× legit tho, he won't shut the hell up and it's adorable
× all day he's been super smooth about his compliments to you and now he's the sweetest mess ever
× and you only notice yourself smiling when he points it out and says it's the single most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his entire life
× and even if that almost makes you 404 again you laugh and walk towards him
× which he follows and steps closer to you too
× smiling
× so he calms down when you're not freaking out about what he's spilling and goes back to being cha-cha-real-smooth again
× "I want to be able to call you mine"
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Todoroki Shouto:
× another guy that doesn't really notice it at first
× he got hit by this weird blue-purple dust while on patrol with his dad
× and Endeavor went feral on this low-life villain deciding to attack suddenly
× low and behold, seems the guy wasn't a villain, just a civilian that sneezed and activated his quirk by accident
× quirk that landed on Shouto here
× which just stared confused because what?
× explanations happen, Endeavor is looking down at Shouto expecting something anytime now
× but Icy-Hot here just shrugs it off because it's okay, it's just 3 or 4 days
× funny thing is his dad asked him questions and realized pretty quick that Shouto has been really honest with him until now, which bummed him because Endeavor Is Trying™
× Todoroki Shouto was confident that nothing would go wrong so he forgets about it basically
× two days pass; class time happens
× is so fucking casual about it but it's so hilariously confusing
× he was honest before but he was quiet in general, that's why his honesty came in small dosages
× now he has no filter and won't shut up, he has this absolute need to share his thoughts
× my boy has opinions about everything
× but especially about [Y/N]
× oh yeah, he definitely tells you how that color enhances your natural beauty or how you're really smart
× is so casual and nonchalant, shooks everyone, leaves you full confusion mode while he just smiles and leaves
× legit doesn't realize it
× he complimented you before, that's the thing, but now he's really intensifying it but without changing the tone and execution and it's just a mess
× example:
× goes from "You changed your hairstyle. It looks nice." to "The way you style your hair now makes your eyes pop out more. I love it."
× lowkey proclaims his love about you; it's so obvious it hurts; you have to take it like a champ, man
× it takes Tsu to actually ask what's going on, in the first hour of class
× [even Aizawa is listening, pretending to sleep]
× explains why he's acting like this; "I got hit accidentally by a quirk that makes me speak only the truth."
× everyone just goes crazy while you're piecing stuff together in deep thought
× "Who do you think is the strongest in the class?"
× "Aizawa."
× lowkey a little shit
× "Between the students."
× "Me."
× big time a little shit
× it's until Mina asks who he likes that all hell breaks loose
× Shouto just turns to look at you, blinks and says your name
× just as everyone goes mental after a moment of silence, the bell rings signaling the next class, to which Aizawa [the mature man he is, acting as if this wasn't the best tea-spill he's gonna have at lunch with the other teachers 💅] wakes up, silences everyone and continues class
× every pair of eyes are on you all class
× Shouto is having an existencial crisis because he's actually realizing himself that he likes you
× a lot
× hands down he thought about how great you are, wondered deep in though at night why his heart beat so fast when you smiled at him, how come he got jealous???? when you'd pair with someone else to study or train... the boy didn't even know it was jealousy until now
× as in now he knew he wanted to hold your hand, have more inside jokes between you two, kiss you, marry you, wait what—
× you on the other hand are hyperventilating because Shouto likes you
× and you like him back and oH my god, wHAT just happened????
× lunch break comes, nobody moved from their seats while Todoroki just walks by, stares at you, slight blush on his face
× "I'd like to speak alone with you. About my feelings. Towards you. I like you."
× nice alone chat, Shouto 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
× legit nobody is breathing, not making a single noise, waiting for your reaction
× so through stutters and all, you have to grab him by his wrist and get the hell out, the attention being too much
× before you reach a quiet place to talk he just stares at your hand
× "I like it when you touch me. Your hand is warm and it makes my skin tingle–"
× so you're a blushing mess when you let go of his wrist fastly
× "Do you not like me back?" [insert kicked puppy face]
× [insert you telling him that you do, but all the attention in class was killing you]
× "Good. Now hold my hand properly."
× that day Shouto learned that being bold with you was the perfect way to get the sweetest reactions out of you
× it's called teasing and Todoroki Shouto will never stop
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Hitoshi Shinsou:
× Shinsou had a Reputation™, ok?
× Calm, cool, collected, that's Hitoshi Shinsou
× so how come Monoma did him so dirty?
× it seems the blond borrowed a quirk from someone he knew and fled to school to just bring Hell on Earth
× but the only person he managed to throw the quirk at was at Shinsou
× it wasn't even intended for him, but for Bakugou to embarrass him
× so here he was, Mister Tired-of-this-fucking-world now having another reason to be done with everything
× the boy wasn't dumb
× made a strategy just as Monoma was apologizing for the mistake
× somehow the blond took a liking on him and even if he was now part of class 2-A, Monoma proclaimed he was a 2-B at heart; moving on...
× 3 to 5 days of not talking lies
× great, amazing, marvelous, incredible, fantastic
× Rule #1: Avoid [Y/N] at all costs
× which would prove rather difficult since you're part of the same group he was in
× and you were starting to be really good friends
× something he loved/hated because yes, he wants your friendship but he also wants much more
× so when you came to class, would you look at that! Shinsou is sleeping!
× when you went to lunch with the squad? he fled the scene, not opening his mouth
× asked to borrow a pen in class? didn't even look into your eyes as he just gave you one
× after 3 days of this you were starting to get annoyed
× and Midoriya was writing shit down in that notebook of his mumbling stuff every single time Hitoshi bailed
× what you didn't know is that the whole Dekusquad caught on to Shinsou's shenanigans and demanded answers
× well, Ochaco did and she instantly got them because she's terrifying when serious
× so Izuku is in deep fascination with the quirk, Iida is stiff as fuck and Uraraka has this really creepy I-know-something-you-don't smile on her face; Shouto was existing there too, minding his business 🍵
× you really tried to grab a hold of Shinsou but he wasn't even answering your texts
× time to make a game-plan
× and the easiest way to understand what's going on was through Deku and that suspicious notebook of his
× it wasn't even that hard to get it because you got the perfect opportunity basically thrown in your lap
× he was mumbling your name as he was writing down
× you literally demanded to see what he's writing about involving you
× the boy went full panic but before he could manage to escape the situation, the guy that's been avoiding you grabs you by your forearm and tugs you in the hallway
× there he was, purple messy head you wanted to smack, looking all uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck
× "Ok, listen, I have something to tell you and I want you to know through me, not through that notebook" he sighed, eyes avoiding you
× and while you're hurt and exhausted he just mumbles "Who knows what type of embarrassing stuff he wrote there..."
× hold up, he blushing?
× so while you're processing that he explains
× "Been hit by a quirk..." yada-yada, this and that
× "Ok, but why have you been avoiding me of all people?" you just go hard on him for a little bit, not hiding that you're hurting "Do you not trust me?"
× he's caught off guard
× "Because I love you and I'm scared you'll never look at me the same."
× longest silence of his life
× he never felt the need to fill a silent moment more than now
× so he mumbles
× oh, yah, he just blurts it all out while looking everywhere but you
× "I mean you deserve better than a guy with a quirk like this. I didn't want to make things uncomfortable between us so I thought avoiding you was the best, just so we can continue being friends and–"
× he's a fucking mess and it hurts you that he's saying stuff like that because holy shit you love this sleepy idiot?
× of course you kiss him to silence his rant
× and when you separate from it and start to reassure him he's just a m a z i n g, how dare he say stuff like that and how dare he avoid you for so long; now it's his time to kiss you back slowly and sweetly
× cue instant, lazy smile
× "You're adorable..."
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holy-yeosang · 4 years
my hair has been at least one shade of almost every color! ive been dying it forrr five years now, so i havent seen my natural color since,, i dont mind tho bc i dont like my natural color sndmdk-- OH speaking of hair colors: what ones would you like to see on joong and yeosang?? personally id like to see joong with mint colored hair and sang with lavender colored hair !! yeosang looks ethereal with any color anyway dndkmf - ian
I haven't dyed my hair that many times. I have had red hair a several times. Highlights too. One and a half year ago I had bronze hair pieces. In Japan I dyed it black and did it again 5 months ago. Since then...nothing.
I always wanted silver hair, but the bleaching process...especially on my hair, would be hell.
I'd love to see Yeosang with pastel pink hair! Joong...please go back to black even for once ;;_;; he'd look so good. But since his hair is bleached, I'd say red or purple!
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rockcandyrebels · 7 years
A Really Important Chapter
So let's see...how did the last dream end? With Kysme jokingly saying "that totally makes me wanna kiss you" and Liyah just going "Well, why haven't you?" not so jokingly...
I assume there wouldn't be a real action taken right now? Instead, Aaliyah just...turns her head back towards the sky, silently. "I kind of mean it, Kysme. Why haven't you kissed me yet?" And there was silence, or at least a certain type of white noise in which you know somebody is talking, but the words fall on deaf ears. (I imagine Kysme replies dumbly, "What do you mean", or a variation of that)
" Actually, no, I have a better question- do you think there could ever be anything between us? I don't mean anything casual or like friends with benefits sort of shit. Could you see us being more than friends, the meaningful way?" No white noise, only silence. Aaliyah probably huffs, her face feeling kind of hot on account of being embarrassed. She shouldn't have brought this up, but oh well, it's already up. She might as well continue. So she does. "You don't gotta lie to me or anything, coddle my feelings or some shit. I just wanna know! And I'm not trying to force anything on you, because I don't really know how I feel about you either. I know that I care about you at least, and sometimes i mix feelings up within myself. I just want things to be clear. So..." She'd blow a strand of hair out of her face with a sigh. "Yeah."
There, she said it. Now all she has to do is wait.(edited)
And that's when things got unclear because how the fuck am i supposed to figure out meaningful dialogue for kysme by myself-
My girl.
//Clutches chest
The bravery-
GOD YEAH tbh I think the whole journey of this dreamscape just...came from that talk a long time ago? Me asking you if you think that kysme could toy with the fact that the two could be something more? (Rightly named in the blog "something more") basically just liyah putting her heart out on her sleeve all vulnerable and what not and trusting kysme to be serious with her for a second.
if only I could be like that in real life tho, shitttt
I feel serious Kysme would be silent a lot since he's actually taking time to chew over his words before spitting them out. So yeah those silences are something-
Oh gosh, glad that was right on the mark then. Don't take too long though, Kysme. Liyah might start feeling real silly, getting up and trying to brush it off like
Memphis-Rex :
And hmmmm. I feel like he might counter with a question first. After a tense moment he relaxes back into the grass, staring at the sky as well. "I don't know. I don't usually feel this way about people either. Am I even worth a genuine effort at something more? I fuck up so easily."
In that brief moment his tough guy persona slips aside, and you can see his own insecurity of losing things he cares about and his fears of being emotional.
Maybe, for once, his voice sounds gentle.
Kysme is fully aware of how shitty he can be. Sometimes he can't help it. In a way, he doesn't want to be the one who hurts her.
Would he be able to forgive himself for such a thing.
Oh, hey Memphis?
Fuck you???
This hurts more than it should?? Vunerable Kysme????ouch???
Lmao you can sleep now though if needed, you'll be rewarded a nice piece of HC. Thank you for your efforts.
His response would make liyah do a double take-turning her head to watch him again, her face obviously surprised by his change of tone. Wow. Just wow. Imagine her mouth opening to form words, though not being able to really say anything at first. Just studying his face.
"You're worth it."
Not a general, safe, 'everyone is worth it', or a shrug and wishy-washy kind of deliverance. It would be said with a quiet kind of conviction, like she actually means it. Because she does. And she smiles a bit at that, fondly. "Trust me, Kysme. I've been through the ringer a couple times with this kind of shit. Fucking up comes with the playing field- don't be so hard on yourself."
And I can see her doing something sweet, like reaching out and grabbing a hold of kysme's hand, gently so. Something to know that she's there, that she hears him. "But someone else's words probably mean nothing when your mind is convinced. Maybe you have to convince yourself that youre worth it, yeah?" She'd sigh, still her hand on top of his, a comfortable sort of silence.
There's gonna be a pause as he relishes the sensation of her hands on his. You know with how often he takes her hand jokingly to stare at its glistening surface, it's probably the first time she held his hand of her own accord. He'd bite his lip, say something like "I'll work on it." Another moment. Then, a careful movement as to not crush the arm that was previously holding his hand, he rolls over to lie on his side, closer to her, propping himself up on one elbow. There's this intense look in his candy colored eyes as he gazes down upon her face, and this time he doesn't hide it (recap-- the time he'd get distracted looking at her while she talks about movies). He's just taking it all in, up close, straightforwardly. "...But we can change one thing first." He says, referring to the earlier question of why he hasn't kissed her yet. And---
(ok if Aaliyah isn't down with this we can always change it XD)(edited)
Pt. 2--- Hypothetically speaking, if they do indeed get together, I feel nothing too much will change about their dynamics? They still have their silly banters and teasing, but finally they're not repressing their feelings so it feels more..liberating? To show some act of affection.
And I'm not saying Kysme becomes perfect boyfriend material immediately. He still makes her eyes roll to the sky with his stupidity. ("Shit, he's the biggest dumbass in the world but he's my dumbass" suddenly crosses my mind)
But there are some subtle changes in the way he acts now.(edited)
Is she going to feel bothered by his habit of occasionally sleeping with strangers (seeing her past with another pretty boy cough cough)? Cause I think the amount of times he fools around will dwindle if he's in a relationship but habits/hobbies die hard...He would try to be transparent about the matter though.
(First of all aaliyah is down yes of course the fuck you think memphis //still reading/)
(And you woke up?! Now?!)
(also doesn't hurt to double check lel)
(LOL my body must have realized that I was missing straight up PERFECT QUALITY HCING)
(And true! Okay hold on while I respond something good.)
Oh gosh, your respond to the HC kind of like, feels like the perfect end already, but I will add on one thing to it- the idea of Aaliyah's heart thumping faster and faster as she realizes what exactly kysme is about to do. A loud thump, thump, thump pounding against her ears. Her eyes growing wider and her heart jumping at her throat, because holy shit...is he really gonna do it? Is he really going to do it? and when he does do it, its like something clicks in place with her head. Something nice and tender and a little scary. She'd close her eyes and sink into the kiss almost immediately, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks and hoping to god that that burning sensation comes soon- it would be safe to assume that she herself has been guilty of wondering how it would feel on her lips, sue her. (If it does come soon then she's probably left breathless and panting and if kysme asks if she needs a second she just goes "Fuck no." She was waiting for this kiss, even if she didnt think she was ever going to get it. (stay tuned for pt.2)
And I was gonna say that too, tbh! Like...they didn't need much to shift at all- theyve always been pretty comfy with each other and to the outside viewer it probably doesnt look like anything at all has changed unless they spot some nuances (like couch hand holding, aaliyah not complaining when the guy touches her, even if he grabs her by the waist or something, her sitting on his lap while watching a movie, etc) It just kind of...comes naturally. Liberating, as you say. Just...everything is right for once. (Also don't mind me but I totally wouldn't mind if this became non-hypothetical, if ya know what I mean, hueh hueh. //rubs my grubby raccoon hands together/).
The stupidity becomes endearing in a way, exactly as you say ("my big pink dumbass").
No, I don't think she's going to be bothered by it if he's honest about it (and as long as he saves his sweetest parts for her, you know? Like don't go confiding in strangers when you have a perfectly good girlfriend here to cuddle with.) The issue that destroyed her and Samael's relationship, besides the politics, was the lying to cover the hookups and the using and emotional abuse. It wasn't the fact that Sam was sleeping around, its the fact that she was the last to know, usually through other people. And what a shitty feeling is that. So even if he still has trouble with the deep conversation portion or the relationship, as long as he isn't lying to her face on petty shit, she wont make a big deal about it. Maybe even jokes about it when he tells her. ("Oh, cool. So is that the one you were talking about organizing the threesome with?") And that is to say that although she herself isn't someone to sleep around, I could see her branching out herself, once or twice. Lol (also speaking of which if we are going down this road she 'll likely tell him about that whole relationship fiasco, get ready for that can of worms kysme)
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