gideongrovel · 2 months
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Art Trade with @speedstershipping 🖤🌱❤️🌵
Yalls vibes together are so perf 😁 Thank you so much for trading with me!!🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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bunny-lovers · 1 month
flying and water for the pokemon ask game? :]
- @tired-and-touchstarved
Hope you & your f/os have a great day & thank you for the ask! 😊 @xxmellochii @emperorfrieza @speedstershipping @kaijus-love-zone @sheepie-self-ships
[Normal]: Do you and your f/o have any pets together? If not, do you want any?
No, we don't have any pets. We have been talking about getting a cat together.
[Fire]: Who’s the better chef between you and your f/o? Do you ever cook together? If so, what’s your favorite dish to make?
Hmm. . . I'd say I am! Yes, we both love to cook together. My favorite dish to make is salmon & asparagus with garlic lemon butter sauce.
[Water]: What does a beach day with your f/o look like? Do you go swimming or check out the boardwalk?
Lots of fun, we really enjoy going to the beach together. We do go swimming, play volleyball, walk on the beach, get some tan, & watch the waves.
[Grass]: You’re going on a picnic with your f/o! What are you packing for the trip and what does the scenery look like?
We would pack chicken salad sandwiches, watermelon, corn salad, & bottles of water. The scenery has a nice breeze on a cloudy day.
[Electric]: When did you realize that you were in love with your f/o? When did they realize that they were in love with you?
It was immediately after she saved me from the villain. I had a huge crush on Rumi & couldn't take her off of my mind. For Rumi, it was when she met me at the coffee café in person. She fell in love with me while I was talking about myself.
[Ice]: It’s starting to snow! What do you and your f/o plan on doing? Do you go sledding? Build a snowman? Or do you guys stay inside to keep warm?
We mostly stay indoors but we sometimes go outside to build a snowman, make snow angels & go for a stroll.
[Flying]: If you and your f/o had wings, what did they look like? If your f/o already has wings: describe them! Do they let you touch them?
It would be dark purple feather wings.
[Poison]: Who’s the better caretaker in your relationship and how do you help each other when one of you is sick?
I am! We always make each other soup, a glass of water, & get a plenty of rest.
[Ground]: What’s your favorite outdoor activity? What about your f/o’s?
My favorite outdoor activity is walking & Rumi's favorite outdoor activity is rock climbing.
[Psychic]: Is your f/o good at reading your mood and/or helping you feel better? What about vice versa?
Oh yeah, she is & I am as well.
[Bug]: How do you comfort one another when you get scared? Is there any teasing involved?
Rumi comforts me by holding me in her arms or holding my hand & uses her words. I comfort Rumi by holding her in my arms & use my words of comfort. Yes, we do sometimes tease each other.
[Rock]: What kinds of gifts do you get each other for your anniversaries/birthdays/etc?
We give each other flowers, cookbooks, clothing, fitness accessories, any sweets, jewelries & plushies.
[Ghost]: Has your f/o ever helped you get over a fear? Have they ever pushed you out of your comfort zone?
Yes, she has helped me have the courage to do stuff that I couldn't do before I met her. No, she wouldn't pushed me out of my comfort zone.
[Dragon]: Does your f/o have a kryptonite? Does your s/i know about it? What about vice versa?
No, neither of us have a kryptonite.
[Dark]: Who is more protective of the other? Give us an example of a time one of you protected the other.
Definitely Rumi! It was when I was getting out of the grocery store when a villain was heading to my direction. When the villain was almost near me, Rumi stepped in & kicked the villain. Rumi came by me, holding me & asking me if I was okay. I told her I was okay & thank her for saving me with a smile.
[Fairy]: What kinds of AUs do you imagine you and your f/o in? Are any inspired by classic fairytales?
Summer AU, Grocery Store AU, Superpowers AU, & Pokemon AU. No, there isn't any inspired by classic fairytales.
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canongf-archive · 1 year
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@luigilargoshusband | @shipssailing | @peachycolax | @speedstershipping | @flatstarcarcosa | @jocelynships | @birdsofsam | @me-myself-and-my-fos | @mrs-kelly
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! i had a magic birthday, i spent it with my family and my f/os and i ate homemade cheesecake and watched bad horror movies from the 80s and i felt so loved and so seen!!! i am the happiest, happiest, happiest 25 year old!!! and i wouldn't be the 25 year old i am without friends like you!!! i'm grateful for another year!!! thank you for being here with me!!!!! 💗💗💗
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caracello · 2 years
Hi 👉🏽👈🏽 hope this was cool for me to do but I saw this pic of MK and red son :
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and it made me think of ur ship so I drew this for u !! :
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I dont have much to say hfkbfjfn but i hope you like it :] she loves you so much!!! ♡
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eternally-smitten · 2 years
👀👀 sending u two so GO HAM ! ♡
OH MY GOSH 😭 thank you Ly!!!
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He. Is. Just. So. PRETTY. I'm just. I can't. I can't gush about my loves normally because my brain just short circuits if I think about it for too long and WGEHRKR but. I am so enamored with him. Paul has no business looking this pretty. He's so graceful and elegant with the way he moves and carries himself i just WHEHRKFO I'm so flustered over him.
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 years
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stop!!! I'm blushing
i didn't mean to make it look like he's smiling at me but it totally does, doesn't it? :')
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flowerhound · 2 years
they would absolutely still love you. I know this because real love isn't conditional. they love you at your worst, your best and all in between. and because they love you they'll be there for you to help you through the hard times!! not because they feel like they have to but because they want to see you happy. so chin up ♡ the rays love you without a doubt, I know this for a fact and am never wrong ;] I hope you feel better buddy!! ♡
Hmmm.. it’s true that you are never wrong. Guess I simply have to believe you, huh?
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frozenhi-chews · 5 days
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⭐️ Keepin' Yer Rival Close ⭐️
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This is uhhh. TOTALLY how rivals act right? RIGHT???? Nothing like keeping an eye on him while pinning him down. He's totally not enjoying this, not sure WHY you're asking that. They hate each other, just ask them. They're just fighting. Don't ask anyone else-
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Tagging: @judetama @carnival-of-love @bioexorcizm @sparklings-bf
@ghost--girlfriend @jocelynships @gible-love-nibles @speedstershipping @jils-things
@charkittykelly @cherubdulce @gideongrovel @sunflawyer @comfortingstars @pinkdinkydoon
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seahydra · 23 days
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I commissioned my wonderful mutual @speedstershipping (LOVE YOU) to draw me & my wife :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ISN'T THIS CUTE ?!?!? I'LL CRY💧💧💧...
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crushes-georg · 28 days
Why do you keep begging for Astarion and then giving him the most ooc traits, he's not gonna sweep you off your feet or treat you like a princess or whatever, he's like the most selfish man alive
@speedstershipping this was the idiot in question in my inbox btw everyone point and laugh at this thang
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gideongrovel · 2 years
Please tell me abt your ship with milo when you have the time!! 🥲💞 /pos. we should totally double date!!
He my poor little meow meow, and he's also a lil shit at times, and I love him so much!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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*chanting* double date! double date! double date!
but fr, solidarity in us genuinely shipping from a movie that is universal clowned on 😅
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 9 months
And here are some more awesome TipVans art works!! I forgot to post some of these, and it's difficult to find reblogs even though I typed them verbatim hrrghh 💙💜💙💜
Also if I missed any, please let me know and show me if you want me to add them 💜💙🫶!! (Tumblr's tag system is a mess 😭 and so is my memory)
By: @speedstershipping
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By: @ghiacciowife
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By: @jils-things
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You all are so awesome!! 💙💜💙💜 So much talent aaaauughh! Thank you so much again 🥹🫶💙💜
(If you don't want your art shown here, please let me know and I'll take it off! 💙💜)
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mugenloopdalove · 2 months
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@speedstershipping HEY WATCH HOW HARD I CAN CRY /POS
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caracello · 2 years
is monster prom fun? It looks cute im lowkey considering playing it 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
YES i love playing it!! monster prom 1 and 2 are different than monster roadtrip playstyle wise but all three games depend on making choices to affect stats +) and all 3 games are about kissing hot monsters.of course
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eternally-smitten · 2 years
here's a question for ladybug!! ♡ do you and nat have any inside jokes that are shared just between you two? 😁
Lyell! It is so good to hear from you! Sure, we have a few inside jokes! We have this certain one though...lemme explain! I get told that I'm negative like, all the time. To the point where it drives me crazy. I just remember one time, I was upset about something. I don't remember what exactly, maybe my toast got burned or something in the laundry shrunk. Something I couldn't fix. I was just so upset about it and Nat just looks at me and goes "Well, maybe you just need a positive mindset." I was so annoyed at first but I have to admit, it was pretty funny. Now, whenever anything trivial like that happens, we just look at each other and say "Looks like you just need a positive mindset!" Thanks for your ask!
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 years
🎤 chase ! :D
send me a « 🎤 » and a f/o and i’ll answer with a clip
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