#speedy the sea slug
nintendork135 · 5 months
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FNAF OC Christmas doodles!
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dubylou-draws · 2 months
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*Aggrieved pufferfish noises*
[Translators note: "You’re always whining about not wanting to go to work, you’re always hitting on girls, and you snore SO loud!"]
(no, I don't know what a pufferfish sounds like either)
Merman Zenitsu and pufferfish Chuntaro!
I was backing up some files earlier, and stumbled across this dumb AU doodle from a few years ago. Seemed appropriate to colour it with watercolours!
Cute little Chuntaro is a prickly pufferfish in this AU... but that raises the question: what marine species would the rest of the corps use to communicate underwater?
Swordfish are extremely fast swimmers, have convenient weapons/ letter clips stuck to their faces, excellent eyesight, are highly migratory loners with a massive range, and... ugh, fine. They're the obvious choice, aren't they?
Most members of the seaman slayer corps use swordfish.
Further fishy ideas beneath the cut:
My first instinct is to say sunfish, but the mental image of one of those massive creatures drifting menacingly behind him at all times is just too ridiculous.
And yet... somehow it makes perfect sense? A gentle giant that acts like a shield, patiently sheltering his sister from the sun whenever they travel near the surface.
Shinobu/ Kanao/Kanae: Butterfly fish, of course! All with polite and graceful personalities.
Shinobu fights using a variety of marine animal venoms including stonefish. Stonefish stings are treated with the applicaton of heat to denature proteins in the venom... so if Douma's an ice guy in this AU too, he's in for a rough time.
Inosuke: Briefly had a cute little pigfish, but he ate it within a day. Now he just has a regular corps- assigned swordfish. They're also tasty, apparently... if only he could catch it!
Tengen: Really wanted a Fireworks fish/ some other absurdly flamboyant tropical fish. Instead, he was assigned a bland- looking, tiny little fish that's well- suited to stealth missions.
It's been thoroughly ✨bedazzled✨by now and loves him. The most popular family member by far. Very plump and spoilt.
Gyomei: Green humphead parrotfish. These guys are massive, pretty docile, and spend most of their time crunching through rock- hard coral with big teeth to scrape off yummy algae, pooping out the rest as sand. They are cleaners that are instrumental in maintaining the health of coral reef ecosystems.
Gyomei's parrotfish is no exception; however, it used to be an insatiable glutton, to the point of destroying the coral reef it once resided in and being ostracised by its peers as a result. Wracked with guilt and with nowhere else to go, it received an invitation to serve in the corps. Its new master helped it learn self control.
Rengoku: There's no shortage of bold, flame- coloured fish species out there... but I reckon this guy just has the same generic swordfish species assigned to the rest of the corps. The only difference being that his used to be his father's loyal companion, and it's aged a bit, so it's not as speedy as it once was. It should've retired years ago, but refuses to abandon its self- imposed duty of keeping its master's son on the right path.
Was a rebellious playboy in its youth. Now it's a straight- laced military type, follows corps rules to the letter. Doesn't trust that slimy sea slug Nezuko one bit.
Sanemi: SAILFISH, hands down. Aggressive, vaguely wind- themed predator, and the fastest swimmer in the ocean. Both of them are pretty smug about that last point.
Genya: An archerfish would make sense thematically... but again, Genya just seems like another corps- assigned swordfish kinda guy to me? He definitely has a pet snapping turtle though. It's very small, and VERY grumpy.
Muchiro: A sweet natured blue- ringed octopus who wants nothing more than to be friends, but suffers from crippling social anxiety that makes it seem aloof and unapproachable.
Everyone is TERRIFIED of it except Tengen, who thinks it's flamboyant as heck, and Shinobu, who is simultaneously obsessed with it and wants to stab it dead.
Muchiro just ignores it, for the most part.
(Giyuu can relate).
Mitsuri: Blobfish lacking in self- confidence. Mitsuri thinks it's cute, and is absolutely correct in her opinion. Accepts cuddles from Mitsuri and Obanai only, and blushes at compliments. It's also insanely flexible, just like its master. Copes well under high pressure!
Giyuu: This man has a manta ray, no doubt about it. A creature of few words with a serene and peaceful disposition... yet inexplicably a huge social magnet that effortlessly draws everyone's attention (away from Giyuu). Especially popular with young merchildren, whom it often allows to ride on its back. Holds a deep respect for both its master and Urokodaki (who has a manta ray too, by the way).
Obanai: Had the toughest time deciding this one. A striped beakfish would match his colour scheme perfectly, but... I just don't think it suits him. A striped marlin, maybe? Anyone with more ideas, let me know!
Kaburamaru is a sea snake, obviously. A black- banded sea krait.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Pokemon Team Master List
Ralts, an empathetic pokemon which found someone who was lonely one day.
Rockruff, A happy go lucky pokemon, takes after it's owner.  He moves at his own tempo~
Weedle, Jaune found it when it was by itself, having wondered too far from home!  Despite it not being the best pokemon he refuses to let it go.
Nidoran Female: A cute little rodent pokemon which had found itself into his home one day when he was a kid.
Sneasel: A crafty pokemon that Jaune caught trying to steal from his sister one time.  He got blamed for it, but ended up befriending the weasel!
Tsareena:  This one was a gift from Jaune's elder sister, the only evolved pokemon he has.  It takes its role as his big sister seriously.  
Ralts:  Similar to Jaune, this male Ralts found Pyrrha because it could sense someone who needed friendship.
Mimikyu: A wondering ghost/fairy that noticed a shining star, jealousy brought him to her, but kindness and attention got him to stay.
Nidoran Male:  Rodents really like getting in houses, found hers when she was a little girl.  It was oddly friendly!
Scolipede: A roaming speedy pokemon.  Pyrrha found this big girl when she was a wounded Venipede.
Vulpix: Given to her as an egg, the little girl is brave despite her lack of size and firepower.  
Feebas: He's not the prettiest or the strongest pokemon.  But when Pyrrha found him stranded after a flood, she couldn't leave him alone.
So May grew up in the desert and a lot of her pokemon are themed that way... except for one~ All her pokemon are evolved due to the harsh nature of the climate she's from.
Florges: A flower fairy pokemon that May has had for ages was a gift to her from a certain blonde dork when they were children.  Her longest companion and best friend.
Scolipede: Another pokemon not from the desert, but desert adjacent.  A female that likes to move around.
Cacturne: Cool and false aloof, the big brother of the group always watching out for May.
Flygon: Goofy, loveable, a little out of it.
Krookodile: Battle hardened, tough as nails, but a big softy who only wants the best for May.
Braviary: Normally cowardly, but a cowardly lion indeed!  He's always shying away from other pokemon if he can help it, but will always be there to protect May.
Mareep: As mentioned she owns a Mareep that she loves to brush, she may be willingly not evolving her.
Vigoroth: Okay you knew this was coming, we all knew this was coming.  When she first laid eye son Slakoth it was love at first pokeball!  She's full of energy just like her trainer.
Whismur: Cute little thing that's afraid of loud noises, Nora tends to baby him!
East Sea Gastrodon: Big slug who likes to climb over and onto people!
Female Combee: The next best thing to Syrup is Honey!  And with her lovely little Combee, Nora has access to it all the time!
Glarian Farfetch'd:  As it turns out this fella reminds her of a certain friend she has!  He's a bit out of it, but he tries his best.  Hopefully he'll be able to reach his full potential.
Rua's team: 
Galarian Rapidash: Reminds of her Saph, is the big lady of the house.  May not be the strongest, but she's the one in charge for sure.
Lycanroc Dusk:  Looks big, mean, and tall, but he's a good boy!  Is actually related to Jaune's little Rockruff!  The only male on her team.
Escavalier: Her bug steal pokemon, straight forward, constantly training, like a certain sister of hers.
Ditto:  Likes to change it's appearance all the time, rather adapt at it too!  Much like a certain sister who likes to dress up.  Despite being a ditto, is her strongest pokemon.  Excellent in transforming by memory and at the drop of a dime.
Mightyena: Gloomy, a bit of a sad type, is rather is a half sibling to Lycanroc, highly jealous.
Morpeko: Changes moods way too often, reminds her of a certain twins she knows.
Glynda Goodwitch
Delphox: Her oldest companion, powerful, dangerous, scary.
Hatterene: She actually has one, and is the only person on Beacon that can control it.  Domineering, dangerous, terrifying.
Dragonite: Caring, and loving, but also willing to put anyone in their place.
As for Ren?  
Bulbasaur: A male grass pokemon he found one day as a child, has been his longest companion.
Politoad: A pair of twins, she's gentle and kind, always making sure Ren is well taken care of.
Poliwrath: A defender of justice, brave and forth coming.  He's the other twin!
Toxicroak: She's cunning, willing to do what needs to be done.
Froakie: Aloof, almost uncaring, but he's always watching, making sure everyone is safe.
Ren only has a team of 5, his last slot is still yet to be filled.
Weiss is... interesting.
So there are the normal ones you'd think of.
Froslass: An oldy of hers, found her once wheen she was a child.
Alolan Vulpix: She loves it's pure white color.
Lapras: A majestic pokemon suitable for someone of her stature.
And finally!
A Houndour, her single male pokemon.  One may question, why does she have such a scary pokemon, even more because it's a fire type... well.  It's just as up and forth as she is, always showing off it's brilliant black shimmering coat.  But behind closed doors?
"Whose a good boy!  Whose a good boy!"  
Weiss refuses not to give him treats or constant belly rubs~
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
more slugs plsssa
This has become an actual story now. Ryuuji is a land slug, and Rin is a sea slug. Specifically a blue dragon sea slug. They have tanks next to each other.
Part: One (you're here), Two
-- - -- - --
Ryuuji wasn't sure about his new home. He had been lured to the big creature with a bit of fresh cucumber. He'd taken a bite of the delicious vegetable (his favorite), and then he'd suddenly been in the air and moving. He'd hung on as tightly as he could, and now...
And now he was here. There was dirt and crumbled leaves on the ground, but it didn't go very deep. Nudging it with his nose showed something hard underneath. Something he couldn't nudge away.
There was a large branch he booked it too (as fast as he could go, which was faster than his friend slugs, but not nearly fast enough for comfort) and hid under. He burrowed as far back as he could, squishing himself small and trying to be as invisible as possible. He could smell cucumber and spinach, and something that smelled like danger.
Ryuuji jolted and tried to squish smaller. 
"Are you new?"
Ryuuji risked moving one eye forward and peering out from under the branch. 
There was a big blue thing floating a few feet away from him. Just hovering in the air, all spikey and multicolored, and grinning.
Ryuuji yelped and hid back under his branch.
"Hey-no, come on out." There was a weird tapping noise. "Please?"
"Go away!"
"My name is Rin."
"Go away, Rin!"
There was another tap. Ryuuji risked peeking out again. The spikey thing —Rin— was floating a little closer. There was a tap each time he moved forward. 
"Stay back!"
"I can't come any closer —err, what's your name?"
Ryuuji slipped his other eye out and stared. Rin actually didn't seem able to come any closer. Slowly, cautiously, he squirmed slightly out from under the branch, tensing himself in case he needed to bat the thing and make a speedy escape. 
Rin bobbed up and down excitedly as Ryuuji moved. His spikey things flicked excitedly, and his body did a strange ripple. 
"I... I'm Ryuuji." 
Rin beamed and a flicker of blue light danced over his body. "Hiya, Ryuuji! Welcome to the tank!" He flared bright with blue light as he spoke. Ryuuji ducked right back under his branch.
The cucumber could wait. Ryuuji wasn't leaving the safety of this branch until it was dark and the weird thing that was Rin was gone.
——༼⍨༽— —
Rin was weird, but he wasn't actually dangerous, and he couldn't actually get to Ryuuji. There was some kind of solid thing between them. Something like ice, but not cold. It took Ryuuji a few days to get the courage to touch it, but once he did, he found himself thoroughly fascinated by the strange thing. 
Rin also wasn't just flying. He was in water, and a lot of it. His home was water. Kind of like tadpoles. Rin liked to swim and he was annoyingly fast as he swam and flipped and fluttered.
He was also talkative as hell. By his third day, Ryuuji knew that Rin had been living in his tank for years, that he had a brother and his best friend was a sea pig named Shiemi, that he liked to mix his greens and flakes to make new flavors, and that he had never tried cucumber.
He also liked asking questions. Ryuuji answered a few of them as he explored the boundaries of his own tank, but he mostly just tried to ignore Rin.
It didn't really work.
——༼⍨༽— —
"Ryuuji! Tell me a story~!"
Ryuuij blew out a tired breath as he trudged up the branch. The big creature had stuck the spinach on top of it, and it took forever to get up there. He was starving and Rin's ramble wasn't helping. 
"Whaddya want me to tell you a story for?"
"Because you're cool!"
Ryuuji paused in his track and turned his eyes on Rin. "Huh?" Rin was all fluttery and lit on fire underwater regularly. Ryuuji was not the cool one. 
"Yeah," Rin said as he casually flipped over on his back and spread his spikey fins. "You can move without water!"
Ryuuij continued to move up the branch. "Yeah, but I can't move on water." 
Rin flipped back over. "You can't?" He tilted his head and flared his fins a bit. He did that when he was especially curious. It showed off the pretty colors of his fins and made his bright eyes pop all the more.
Ryuuij forced his eyes back on his own prize. The spinach wasn't as pretty as Rin. Though, to be fair, nothing was as pretty as Rin.
"Whaddya wanna hear?"
"Tell me about the place you came from! Tell me about the frogs!"
Ryuuji finally reached his spinach. He huffed out sigh and couldn't keep a bit of amusement out of it. "Alright, you dork."
Rin swam right up to the barrier and plastered his face against it as Ryuuji told him about the frogs. Ryuuji tried to act like he didn't care, and was pretty sure Rin could tell it was an act. His good mood was just because of the spinach, and not because he liked having the pretty and bright slug's attention.
——༼⍨༽— —
Rin was sighing, and it was starting to worry Ryuuji. His friend (and yes, Rin was his friend, and no, he wouldn't admit it) was looking a little dim, and he wasn't fluttering like he usually did. 
Ryuuji grabbed a bit of cucumber and slowly made his way to the barrier. He'd prodded at it and hadn't found any cracks like he did with ice. But he was certain it couldn't all be solid. 
"Hey," he called around the mouthful of cucumber, "what's gotcha blue?" He blushed as soon as he said it. "I mean sad. You're supposed to be blue."
Rin fluttered towards him sadly. "I'm blue."
"Yeah, but it's a good blue." Ryuuji started to hurry up the barrier. He was going to find the damn crack and cheer his friend up. 
"No. I meant the other kind."
Ryuuji paused and frowned around the cumber. "Why?"
Rin floated closer instead of answering. "What're you doing?"
"Climbing. Stop avoiding the question. Why're ya sad?" Ryuuji resumed his expedient climb. 
"Yuki won't play with me."
"So? We can play."
Rin thunked his head against the barrier. Ryuuji held on extra tight, but the slight tap did nothing to him. 
"No we can't. You're stuck over there."
"Shut up and swim up. I'm gonna find a way over."
"Yuki says you can't."
That made Ryuuji pause again. He slid down the slightest bit and squished himself harder against the weird slick thing.
"What's that mean? Just ‘cause I can't flame and flutter like you?"
Rin shook his head and watched as Ryuuji climbed further up. 
"No. That's not why. He said it's that salt. Where are you going?"
"Up and over." Salt? "What salt?" Salt was bad. If that was between them, he'd have to be extra careful. He'd need more than cucumber. Maybe a few leaves of spinach. It'd be hard to drag all that. 
"Stop!" Rin flared and fluttered and rammed at the glass. Ryuuji held on and scowled.
"Stop that!"
"I live in salt! You can't!"
That stopped Ryuuji in his tracks. "You what?" Rin couldn’t live in salt. Rin said he was a slug. Ryuuji had always been taught salt would kill. He had seen it hurt other slugs. It had destroyed some of his friends. 
Rin nodded hard. “This is salty water. You can’t come over. You’ve gotta stay over there.” 
What? Rin lived in salty water? The thing he floated around in would murder Ryuuji if he touched it?
He could never go to Rin?
“All of it?” He asked softly, not noticing he was starting to slide back down in his shock.
Rin nodded with a mournful noise. “All of it.” He pressed his head against the barrier and sighed again. “I’d kill ya.”
Ryuuji slid down the barrier and trudged back to the branch. He didn’t notice he left his cucumber behind. He booked his way under it, ignoring Rin’s call as he squished as small as he could. He could never go over to Rin. There was always going to be a barrier between them.
Rin wasn’t the only blue one. 
— —༼⍨༽♡— —
“Ryuuji?” Rin couldn’t help but ask. The handsome slug was zooming along his branch and going straight for the barrier between them. Rin rarely saw him pull out that kind of speed. It always left him all tired and annoyed because Rin was still faster. 
“Shut up,” Ryuuji said, though it was teasing more than anything. “I gotta focus.”
Rin tried to be quiet, but couldn’t. Everything about the other slug was just so interesting, and he liked the way Ryuuji’s eyes shifted forward when he was really intense. 
“Focus on what?”
Ryuuji flicked one eye towards him. “Climbing.”
Rin’s fins fluttered in worry. “But you can’t.” Salt would burn Ryuuji and Rin didn’t want the slug burned. He liked Ryuuji. He wanted him to stick around for a really long time. And yeah, it sucked that he was always over there, but Rin could handle that. 
“Shut up,” Ryuuji grumbled, grabbing a chunk of cucumber. “I got plans.”
Ryuuji proceed to slide his way straight up the barrier with the cucumber in his mouth. Rin rammed at the barrier and it did nothing but earn him a glare. Ryuuji kept climbing and Rin ignited in panic. He rammed the barrier again and everything went a bit sparkly as Ryuuji kept climbing upwards. How was he gaining speed?
Ryuuji grumbled something around the cucumber and kept sliding upwards. He was almost at the top. 
Rin shook away the stars and swam higher. He couldn’t break the water surface or he might splash Ryuuji! What did he do?!
Ryuuji reached the top while he panicked. He dropped the cucumber on the rim with a wheeze. Rin swam higher, barely not breaking the water. 
“Would you relax?” Ryuuji laughed, and with those words, he nudged the cucumber over the edge and slipped back, carefully avoiding the splash of water. The bit of cucumber floated down through the water, brushing past Rin’s fin. He caught it before it could go any further. 
He didn’t understand. 
Ryuuji thunked his head against the barrier. “Hey, look at me. I ain’t gonna get salty and die.” 
Rin hugged the cucumber closer. Ryuuji was okay.
“But,” Ryuuji added, “I am gonna find a way to touch you. In the meantime, that’s my favorite and you said you’d never tried it before.”
Rin nodded slowly, feeling all warm, but not from flames. 
“Go on,” Ryuuji said, smiling widely at him, “try it.” 
Staring at Ryuuji’s big smile, Rin did just that.
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jeenaindia2 · 2 years
Heres all you need to know about door to door air and sea freight before making a choice
Are you confused between door to door air and sea freight? Let’s delve deeper into both to have a clear understanding of which one to go for while shipping your cargo.
 Door to door freight services are broadly categorized into two - air and sea freight. This categorization is not just based on the mode of transportation but also several other factors that are discussed below.
 Cost - While the first and the most important deciding factor is cost for most shippers, sometimes capacity also plays an indispensable role. Door to door air freight is always more expensive than door to door sea freight because of obvious reasons such as high demand, costlier fuel, and higher operational costs of airplanes than that of ships. In fact, the cost of door to door air freight could be five times higher than that of door to door sea freight. Despite a higher cost, shippers are sometimes compelled to opt for door to door air freight because of faster delivery and size of the shipment.
 Size of the shipment - Shipment size could sometimes be a constraint to shipping by air because standard door to door air freight allows only 96 * 125 in (2.44 * 3.15 m). Any shipment larger than this size calls for either a switch to ocean freight or some special arrangements in place for shipping by air. Door to door ocean freight has no restrictions on the shipment size. Even if you don’t have a full container load (FCL), you can still ship your cargo as less than container load (LCL).
 Time - Considering time is of the essence, shippers opt for door to door air freight irrespective of higher costs. While non-stop air freight shipping could be really fast, the one with many stops can take up to a week’s time to get delivered. On the contrary, it takes somewhere between more than a week to two months to get a cargo shipped through door to door ocean freight.
 Reliability - Door to door air freight is considered to be one of the most reliable methods of shipping because of speedy delivery and responsible attitude of the airlines. They are usually quick to reschedule a flight route in case of delays, thus leaving no or less chances for shipment delays. On the other hand, shipping lines work on weekly schedules, adding up further to delays, if any. Furthermore, the customs clearance process for both types of door to door freight services are different in terms of timelines. Ocean shipments take longer to be cleared as compared to air shipments.
 Final thoughts - Depending on the decisive factor for you, you can go for either door to door air freight or door to door sea freight. Reliable and experienced freight forwarders in India can help you with an informed decision and guide you towards an efficient mode of shipping based on your business needs.
To know more: https://jeena.com/blog_read.php?slug=heres-all-you-need-to-know-about-door-to-door-air-and-sea-freight-before-making-a-choice
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had a POGGERS zoology lab omg
we were looking at live sea sponges under a microscope n my friend found a TINY FUCKING SEA SLUG!!!! ohhhhhh my god she let me look at it n i couldnt stop stimming it was a SEA SLUG!!!!!
i dont think this is the same species but it had those """spines"""" on the body
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in my sample i found a BRITTLE STAR which im so so happy abt as well bc ive never seen them before!!!! it was a speedy lil guy
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so what's the haunted house then
well, thank you for asking, person who was definitely not sending this ask from their work computer!
first, bit of backstory: off the tail end of some Wizard Shenanigans, we followed a rider from the Whispering way to this tiny little fishing village, which has been experiencing a bit of Bad Luck for the last few months. The mayor personally welcomed us, hiring us to figure out what the fuck is up with the local church, one of a sea god, supposedly. We (read: Thela) broke into investigated this church, found… some headless bodies, a chest that smells like fish, some freaky ass carvings, a bloody altar, slugs that posses you and make your head explode (remember this one), and a giant spell casting crab monster. Suprise! it’s a cult. We go in the next day at noon like the chumps we are and get ambushed, killing a bunch of the priest/cultists, and finding some more Loot. We tell the mayor, and he tells us that the head priest disappeared into the woods a few days ago, heading off to some mansion thing. We want our money, and we may as well finish the job, so we pack up and follow. 
Got all that? Great. 
So we’re heading out to this random house in the woods, right, and my idea is that the head priest is part of the Whispering Way, cause we found the rider we were following headless in the slug room (don’t ASK me how that works), and that he was going out with a bunch of local contacts or smth to do Secret Plotting. So we get there, actually we haven’t really even “gotten” there yet, as the map hadn’t even been drawn when my dad asks us for a perception check, which we all of course fail. Or we think we’ve failed, because all he tells us is that we see a ripple on the nearby lake, putting us all on edge. A fitting start!
So we’re at this house, and I don’t think we’ve ever entered through the front door in our lives, which means that we pick the wing closest to the path we came in on and sneak up to it. I’m pretty sure my dad was internally screaming (or laughing, depending) at this point, because when we got in (undetected I might add!) and kinda sorta relaxed, and Jafar sat on the fucking couch a SWARM OF TICKS POURED OUT OF THE FUCKING COUCH. TICKS. So Celestia screams (literally, I had her do that canonically, would have totally ruined our stealth had there been anyone around to care) and runs out of the room, ducks through the first doorway she sees and immediately starts changing into her cultist disguise, in case someone did hear her and is coming. Thela climbs into the air using her immovable rods, Obezyana and Krono (who were by the door) run back outside after setting Jafar, who is now covered in ticks, on fire. And then from outside they do it again. And maybe one more time I’m not sure, but fire was the only thing we had that would hurt those ticks, until Obezyana had the legit bright idea to use color spray, which stuns every critter in a certain area. My dad was gracious enough to let him warn Thela, so she wasn’t affected, but the ticks were STUNNED and we LEFT as quickly as we could.
We regrouped in the main entry hall, Celestia now in her Whispering Way garb, and decided to look at the second wing before going into the main hall. All that was in that wing was an old storage room, where a fight of some sort had taken place recently, and we found a box that used to have a statue in it (the statue had been stolen from a museum, and we’d had to prove it wasn’t the beast Simon who stole it, but the Whispering Way, so we Knew they were here). We also found a horse! Clearly the horse the Whispering Way agent had ridden, but they’d been there for a few days without food or water or anything. We fed it, watered it, and made our way to the main hall. 
On the map, the house was drawn as one big circle in the middle, representing the main hall, with two rectangles coming off of it at a little more than a 90* angle. It turns out that the house was constructed this way because the main support beams for the central structure were a fucking druid circle, creepy ass alter included. We actually found a secret compartment on the Cursed Altar that had a Big seed in it, which we did Not touch. At which point and actual literal Giant came through a door on the other side of the hall and asked us what we were doing. I, being the diplomat of the group, told everyone to shut up and pretended I was supposed to be there, can’t you see I’m part of your cult (which I wasn’t but I didn’t know that)? This sufficiently confused the giant, letting us march past him, except then we had to act like we knew what we were doing which meant that we went through the first door we saw, and of course it was the one with the Head Priest behind it. Thankfully he was merely a pathetic spellcaster (I say, a spellcaster), so we were able to subdue him in two rounds and render him unconscious in like, three. Except!!! Surprise!!!!! He’d been possessed by one of the slugs!!!! And his fucking head exploded into tentacles!!!! Celestia screamed and scrambled backward. Thela jumped. Obezyana took a step backward. Jafar screamed and tried to shove them back into his fucking neck.
We may have panicked a little.
Eventually (and surprisingly quickly) by doing the combat equivalent of hitting him over the head with a baseball bat and screaming we were able to kill whatever the Fuck he’d become, except!!! Another surprise!!!!! He exploded AGAIN!!!!! This time into more slugs!!!!!! Six of them!!!!!!! What fun!!!!!!! Kill me!!!!!!
Turns out arrows work really well on those bastards, which is great because it meant that Obezyana was able to shoot like three all at once while Jafar smashed another one or two, but three of them slimed away out the open window into the woods.
“OH NO YOU FUCKING DON’T” said Obezyana, leaping over the balcony railing and running off into the woods after them, the speedy bastards. 
“Let’s burn this place to the ground” said Thela thoughtfully. “Great idea but let’s loot if first” said Celestia, greedily. “NO” said literally everyone, smartly. “But MONEY” said Celestia with her singular braincell, running off down the hall and opening the first door she found.
Now TO BE FAIR, she didn’t like, fling it open. She may be careless and greedy, but she’s not stupid. Good thing too, cause behind that door was a library, half collapsed and rotted away, inhabited by a pair of bloodthirsty ghosts! Thela had wanted to leave, but once she knew there were undead there she was obligated to at least try and help them leave, for Pharasma reasons. So she stayed behind with Jafar while Celestia was like “OKAY GREAT LET’S KNOCK THIS HOUSE OUT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE I’LL JUST RUN AHEAD” and powerwalked into the next room. 
The room right next to the Ghost library was actually an empty bedroom, excepting a cradle and a mobile made of seashells hanging above it. There was no draft, but when she had to roll a perception check and it moved when Celestia opened the door. She didn’t go in. 
The room after THAT was actually more of a fancy hallway, with a desk in the middle of it, looking away from some stunning views from the floor to ceiling windows behind it. THIS time Celestia actually did good on her perception check, and she was able to notice (and identify!) the yellow powder covering the desk as a type of mold that fucking EXPLODES into a POISONOUS CLOUD when disturbed!! Because what ELSE would this house have!! NORMAL dangers??? don’t be ridiculous (still tried to open it tho)
But after deciding aGIANST that, she went to the door at the other end of the hall room, because Celestia’s completionism knows no bounds. This entire time, Thela and Jafar had been dealing with the ghosts, and I don’t remember their bit very well? I think I wasn’t paying attention (or it was literally happening concurrently with my little adventure, whoops), but the gist of it was that the ghosts were Not up for conversation and FLEW at the pair of them, and Thela slammed the door in their faces and walked quickly on over to Celestia. So when Celestia opened the door at the other end of the hall, which will now be referred to as The Bedroom Door, Thela was there too, to help her out! Which was good! For reasons to be explained!
Behind The Bedroom Door was, well, a bedroom obviously, but it was. Hm. Literally cursed? It was dark, with a large, blood stained bed, and the ornate carving of a ship on a storm tossed sea above it carved into, just, cut to pieces. Someone had carved “THE PACT HAS BEEN BROKEN” into this fuckin ruined bed in this ruined house, and I think Celestia could see… things. The shadows were moving, or wrong, or something, but it meant that she did NOT want to go in. Thela, however, could be convinced by loot, and since she has a stupid high stealth snuck into the room to try and get into the attic. 
So part of the fun of Pathfinder, or any ttrpg really, is that not only do you get to roleplay, you get to act and see what the Universe thinks of your decision. So when Thela rolled very, very high, it really added to the experiance that my dad (the DM) sighed with relief before describing the room. +31 stealth! I’ve got the second highest at +16! Sage rolled REALLY HIGH! SIGHED with RELIEF!! 
The, things, that had such a high perception, were… not, dogs. They were large, shadowy, quadrupedal, with long, long thin legs and mouths full of teeth. Glowing eyes. And when you looked at them, you could feel your mind… twisting. Thela had to roll stealth again. A little farther into the room. Then she noticed that they weren’t… they were completely visible (well. no. they never were.) but they weren’t standing in the room. She could see them as if there was nothing in the way, but they were also very clearly standing outside of the second story bedroom. She signed this to Celestia (they both know sign), succeeded her final stealth check and BOOKED IT upstairs and away from the not-dogs. (here’s a drawing I did of them, if you’d like to look)
Celestia went downstairs, while Thela went upstairs to the attic. She found a book up there! Called smth like Non Euclidean Geometry. Written in Abysmal. Fun!
She also found the smashed corpse of a Whispering Way cultist, in a crater, and realized it must have been dropped from a very high height, which didn’t make sense considering there was only open sky above her oh my god what the fuck is that. SURPRISE!! I GIANT FUCKING FLYING BIRD DRAGON REPTILE GRIFFIN BUT NOT THING!!! IT REGULARLY EATS ELEPHANTS AS LIGHT SNACKS!!! AND OBEZYANA IS OUTSIDE!!!!!
anyway I’m gonna add the next bit in a reblog because this is getting long and tumblr doesn’t let me save this as a draft so this is all on my clipboard, making me nervous.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man i was just thinking again about that idea i had for a cliche gijinka app card game where the gijinkas are all Interesting Bugs instead of weird sexy anime george washington.
I've kinda got quite attatched to my idea for a leech gijinka as a super cuddly white mage who just happens to look emo and scary. And they'd be a great opportunity for nonbinary representation cos in real life leeches don't have binary sexes anyway. But i cant decide between whether i want them to look like a full plague doctor mask thing or a more cliche cutesy nurse but theyre like super tall and look like the monster girl from the ring so they get sad that people always run away before they can help them! So then i was thinking "hey, alternate skins!" Not like in the other games ive played where there's always one canon skin and all the others require hours of grinding and/or real money to buy. But just that there's like three or so randomized versions of the base character with all the same stats but a different costume. Just to spice up the pool of options a bit! Or maybe it could even be more than just the costume and you can get entirely different reinterpretations of that job class? Like the medusa jellyfish could be either a young kid or a grandpa!
Oh and i'm not really sure how to name this or anything? Cos its not really a clear category of animals, its not all insects or all worms or whatever. More like just..all the animals that are unfairly hated but have Cool Biology Facts that i can babble at u to maybe make u like them more. So i dunno.. Pests? Creepy crawlies? Some entirely made up fantasy term for them?
Also i think the setting will definately be jrpg fantasy! Just a world where all these critters are actually funky people on a comedically bad D&D quest. I wonder who the villains could be tho? Maybe theyre gijinkas of more commonly loved cute animals? Or like.. Not gijinkas but monsterfied versions? Hilariously over the top evil fluffums! hamsters are this setting's dragons! And i dunno maybe the ultimate dark lord is a dog with a cat for a royal vizier or something, cos theyre the kings of popularity.
This could also make it actually make sense why the Clione character could be a beserker like in real life! Cos theyre the most un-hated rare sea slug for looking cute, but their actual personality is big scary predator. But in this universe being seen as cute by humans = evil, so the Clione's fighty doom personality would make perfect sense! Im not sure if i should make them like a tormented Shadow esque antihero or a paladin-looking knight who has a dark streak or maybe even a viking? Cos in videogames theyre like the epitome of 'loves fighting but is still a nice hugs guy'. And it'd be neat to have a chubby buff clione instead of the more cliche bishie gijinka. But then i mean theyre literally nicknamed 'sea angels' or 'sea fairies' depending on country so yeah? Oh or maybe that could mean i make them an elf or an angel but theyre still mega buff! Viking guy with lil chibi wings and halo!
Also randomly i think that Slug will be the other nonbinary character along with Leech. Cos well there's a lot of bugs who dont fit the human gender binary but i'd probably be a bit too obnoxious if i had like 90% enbies and noone else. I always think about like 'if this is my first game project i need to go at a small and reasonable pace with all the Big LGBT Feels', yknow? But then every idea i do is always my first game project cos ive never completed any of them yet XD
Anyway i think Slug would be a more fashionable bishie kind of androgenous character, while Leech is a relateable cuddly socially awkward one who wears a mask. But definately also looks stylish in their own way, and i'm sure Slug is always complimenting them and trying to bolster their spirits! Aside from being super fashionable i also think maybe Slug would be a wandering bard? Cos somehow slow animal -> lazy human -> free spirited instead to be less cliche -> bard. Also the whole 'bard rolls to seduce every boss' meme, lol! So Slug is a very nyeheheh tricksy flirty adventuring song person who aint take nobody's shit. Instead of being sleepy they sleep on the concept of low self confidence! Full and powerful pride at all times!!! Goal in life is to be beautiful AF and handsome AF and make everyone swoon at your feet and also recite an epic poetry so cool that your enemies straight up die from the sick burn. Tho i mean i don't think anyone could actually ACHIEVE that, lol! It might be obnoxious if i actually have a character who's basically 'enby people are literally perfect in all ways'. So i just think Slug is a big ol dork who's like the Gaston archetype of the comically overconfident flirt, but like a good and heroic version who actually respects when people say no to their advances. And is also a great BFF to Leech and tries to help them get out of their shell, because well of course Slug is out of theirs XD
Also actually i dunno whether they should all just be named after the animal or have thier own names but the animal is mentioned on their profile as a job class name or something? Cos it might get awkward once we get to more specific obscure bugs with longer names or ones who only really have a scientific genus name. I'd feel like i'd have to make them all wizards cos their names sound like spells! Oh MAYBE THEYRE SPELLS!! Like each character could chant their own scientific name when they use their ultimate attack??
Oh and maybe Slug and Leech could be just based on the species in general but have their alternate costumes themed after more specific rare subspecies? Like Slug could have nudibranch themed costumes cos the vibrant colours would fit such an elegant fashioniste~ And leech could just be an opportunity to talk about how there's subspecies of leech that dont drink blood, though this character is based on the ones that do because otherwise they wouldnt really have a unique job class, lol. Maybe their rarest alt costume is a fashionable orange ensemble that symbolizes both Slug taking them out for a night on the town in their finest to feel more comfortabke in their self confidence, and also just the fact there's an orange tropical leech. Its kinda funny cos there isnt such a huge range of different colours for leeches, its mostly just different barely visible patterns and a spectrum from greenish brown to brownish black, lol. And then suddenly a bunch of wildly different red and orange ones! And nothing in between! Really does seem like a surprise makeover from your bestie, yknow?
Oh and then when i was thinking about other potential relationships between different magic bug people, i thought of Daddy Longlegs! Cos thats a name confusingly given to multiple bugs of wildly different species who're all mistaken for spiders when they really arent. And this mythical nonexistant daddy longlegs spider also has the myth of having 'the strongest poison but its fangs are too short to bite you' which is COMPLETE nonsense based on nothibg cos how would it even survive in the wild if it cant hunt? But its a real cool myth so it could be an awesome excuse to make them have a move that gambles on either an instant kill or a self debuff. ALSO THEY ARE MARRIED
I was thinking they could be a duo of fabulous zorro-looking assassin dudes who were sent to assassinate each other but instead fell in love and quit the business for good. Like 'you made me want to live again, and the only reason i threw my life away on this job was cos i wanted to die'. And to atone for all the bad mercenary stuff theyd done in the past, now theyre robin hood esque mercenaries who take jobs with world-saving hero groups like our protagonists. And they work for free as long as the cause is just! And they wish they could settle down someday and dream about having children of their own, but they feel like they dont deserve it after all that theyve done. They'd be a rare goofy bugmans that actually have a real emotional backstory! So anyway they're fancy fencing guys who're both the same class but maybe slightly different variants with different stat builds or abilities? More specialized and all. Like maybe one is speedy but weaker and one is slower but stronger? Or one relies more on luck based attacks and one is a consistant damage dealer but has a lower max damage cap? Or even one is status effects and one is attack and really even though they have the same job name theyre wildly different interpretations of it. Fitting for the entomology mistake husbands! I want them to be balanced so that they have special bonuses together but are still viable to use separately if your party setup only requires one of them. Also randomly i think their names would be Albedo and Rubedo? I was originally gonna make Rubedo the name of the leech cos i mean alchemy words and plague masks and all. But then it doesnt really SOUND like an alchemy word, it sounds like a fancy handsome dancer name. And then i started thinking about the cute once-sad-now-happy young assassin dads fighting together so well that it looks like one big dance between them, rather than a battle. And i got REAL EMOTIONAL over goddamn bug gijinkas! Man my heart is made of paper and mush!! Oh and maybe they have combo attacks together but also with all of the party members that are younger? Like special dad instinct combo! A built in ability that they automatically shield the kids from enemy attacks. YOU HIRED A MERCENARY BUT YOU RECEIVED A NICE MARRIED COUPLE WHO PROMPTLY ADOPT YOU. Oh and maybe their alternate costumes could just be each other's costumes? Like they'd already be wearing matching red and white versions of the same thing, but then albino dad wears ginger dad's version and vice versa. Or maybe their alt costumes are different complimentary colour pairs like black and gold or blue and pink? And maybe their ultra rare special costume is Big Cute Dorky Argyle Dad Sweaters! It must be capitalized cos it is IMPORTANT!
Oh and then i was also thinking about the idea i had before of bugs with a queen hive structure being like the workers are the common unit and the breeders and queens and such are rarer variants? But the workers are the only ones actually good in a fight, the others are just for collectables sake. Rare but useless, just like how the real queen bee is so big that she cant leave the hive, and never figjts a day in her life unless the kingdom has already fallen. So maybe queen bee is still unlockable as a rare character but she's just a support that makes worker bee stronger? Like you get a lil event of worker's boss coming to honor her with a knighthood for her good service, allowing her to upgrade her job class. Tho i think she still fights with construction work equipment, now its just like a golden jewelled shovel XD
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myownsuperintendent · 7 years
Mulder and Scully Meet the...
“Why is this episode, specifically, called ‘Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster’?” I asked myself.  “Don’t they always meet the subject of the episode?”  What follows is the result of that line of thought.
Season One:
Mulder and Scully Meet
Mulder and Scully Meet the First Informant
Mulder and Scully Meet the Liver Eater
Mulder and Scully Meet the Binary Code Child
Mulder and Scully Meet the Cavewoman
Mulder and Scully Meet the Protective Ghost
Mulder and Scully Meet the Sentient Dial-Up
Mulder and Scully Meet the Parasitic Worms
Mulder and Scully Meet the Ghost Face From Mars
Mulder and Scully Meet the Multiple Abductee
Mulder and Scully Meet the Creepy Twin Girls
Mulder and Scully Meet the Inflammable Man
Mulder and Scully Meet the Presence of Scully’s Father
Mulder and Scully Meet the Gender-Flipping Amish Aliens
Mulder and Scully Meet Scully’s Possessed Ex-Boyfriend
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man Who Ages Backwards
Mulder and Scully Meet the Hidden Alien
Mulder and Scully Meet the Faith Healer
Mulder and Scully Meet the Poorly Researched Native American Werewolf
Mulder and Scully Meet the Killer Mites
Mulder and Scully Meet the Root Beer
Mulder and Scully Meet the Child Possessed By a Cop
Mulder and Scully Meet the Janitor Possessed By His Twin
Mulder and Scully Meet the Baby Alien in a Jar
 (The rest is below a read more because there are 208 episodes of this show.)
Season Two:
Mulder and Scully Meet the Alien Tracking Center
Mulder and Scully Meet the Flukeman
Mulder and Scully Meet the Murderous LED Displays
Mulder and Scully Meet the Third Wheel Mole
Mulder and Scully Meet the Abductee Who Abducts
Mulder and Scully Meet the Ski Lift
Mulder Meets the Non-Vampire Woman
Mulder and Scully Meet the Limbo Boat
Mulder and Scully Meet the Throat-Busting Mushroom Parasites
Mulder and Scully Meet the Vegetarian Cult
Mulder and Scully Meet the Nursing Home Ghosts
Mulder and Scully Meet the Woman Possessed By Her Grandfather
Mulder and Scully Meet the Incredibly Creepy Fingernail Thief
Mulder and Scully Meet the Satanic PTO
Mulder and Scully Meet the Poorly Researched Voodoo Practitioners
Mulder and Scully Meet the Original Samantha Clone
Mulder and Scully Meet Several Additional Samantha Clones
Mulder and Scully Meet the Elephant Alien Abductee
Mulder and Scully Meet the Old Folks’ Boat
Mulder and Scully Meet the Sideshow
Mulder and Scully Meet the Creepy Twin Boys
Mulder and Scully Meet the Killer Maggots
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man With the Killer Shadow
Mulder and Scully Meet Cannibal Town
Mulder and Scully Meet the Underground Boxcar With Incredible Cell Reception
Season Three:
Mulder and Scully Meet the Poorly Researched Healing Ritual
Mulder and Scully Meet the Warehouse Full of File Cabinets
Mulder and Scully Meet the Electric Dirtbag Teen
Mulder and Scully Meet the Affable Psychic
Mulder and Scully Meet the Ghost With a Kill List
Mulder and Scully Meet the World’s Worst Online Date
Mulder and Scully Meet the Astrally Projecting Amputee
Mulder and Scully Meet Yet Another Sad Kidnapped Girl
Mulder and Scully Meet the Abductee Support Group
Mulder and Scully Meet the Incredible Exploding Train
Mulder and Scully Meet the Child With Stigmata
Mulder and Scully Meet Far Too Many Cockroaches
Mulder and Scully Meet the Telepathic Dirtbag Teens
Mulder and Scully Meet the Gargoyle Statues
Mulder and Scully Meet the Black Oil
Mulder and Scully Meet Melissa’s Killer
Mulder and Scully Meet the Mind Control Man
Mulder and Scully Meet a Bunch of Stray Cats
Mulder and Scully Meet the Poorly Researched Chinese Organ Donor Lottery
Mulder and Scully Meet Metafiction
Mulder and Scully Meet Skinner’s Sex Life
Mulder and Scully Meet the Lake Monster
Mulder and Scully Meet the Mind-Controlling Televisions
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man With Healing Powers
Season Four:
Mulder and Scully Meet the Child Samantha Clones
Mulder and Scully Meet the Incest Family
Mulder and Scully Meet the Poorly Researched West African Spirit
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man Who Warps Film
Mulder and Scully Meet the Past Lives
Mulder and Scully Meet the Killer Plastic Surgeon
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man Who is Willing to Kill Two of the Twentieth Century’s Key Political Figures, But Not One Sad Man Who Lives in a Basement and is Too Chicken to Get Laid, For Some Reason
Mulder and Scully Meet the Gulag
Mulder and Scully Meet the Exploding Oil
Mulder and Scully Meet the Cloth Heart Collecting Serial Killer
Mulder and Scully Meet the Poorly Researched Chupacabra
Mulder and Scully Meet the Tumor Thief
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man Whose Tattoo is Voiced By Jodie Foster
Mulder and Scully Meet Mortality
Mulder and Scully Meet the Poorly Researched Golem
Mulder and Scully Meet the Disappearing Vietnam Vet
Mulder and Scully Meet the Lost Time Airplane
Mulder and Scully Meet the Alien Devices
Mulder and Scully Meet the Icy Time Travelers
Mulder and Scully Meet the Fake Mulder
Mulder Meets the Secret Side of Skinner
Mulder and Scully Meet the Bowling Alley Ghosts
Mulder and Scully Meet the Traumatic Memories
Mulder and Scully Meet the Informant From the Defense Department
Season Five:
Mulder and Scully Meet the Cancer-Curing Chip
Mulder and Scully Meet Good Medical News
Mulder Meets the Lone Gunmen
Mulder and Scully Meet the Mothmen
Mulder and Scully Meet the Guy Who is a Rapist, But It is Okay Because He is a Sad Mutant, Apparently
Mulder and Scully Meet Scully’s Daughter For the First Time
Mulder and Scully Meet Scully’s Daughter For the Last Time
Mulder and Scully Meet the Mind Control Twins
Mulder and Scully Meet the Murderous Trees
Mulder and Scully Meet the Killer Doll
Mulder and Scully Meet the Rogue AI
Mulder and Scully Meet Rashomon
Mulder and Scully Meet the Alien-Loving Abductee
Mulder and Scully Meet Deep Regression Hypnosis
Mulder Meets the Old-Timey X-Files Man
Mulder and Scully Meet the Blind Woman Possessed By Her Father
Mulder and Scully Meet the Nephilim
Mulder and Scully Meet the Bioterrorists
Mulder and Scully Meet the Giant Bug
Mulder and Scully Meet Mulder’s Ex-Girlfriend
Mulder and Scully’s Lips Meet—Almost
Season Six:
Mulder and Scully Meet Reassignment
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man With the Exploding Head
Mulder and Scully Meet the 1930s
Mulder and Scully Meet the Smarmy Bodyswapper
Mulder and Scully Meet the Surprise Redecoration
Mulder and Scully Meet the Ghost Couple
Mulder and Scully Meet the Devil Baby
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man Who Controls the Weather
Mulder and Scully Meet Skinner’s Bloodstream
Mulder and Scully Meet the Immortal Photographer
Mulder and Scully Meet the Conspiracy Backstory
Mulder and Scully Meet the Conspirators’ End
Mulder and Scully Meet the Sea Serpent
Mulder and Scully Meet the Time Loop
Mulder and Scully Meet the Throwback Community Where Somehow No One Has Heard of The Dick Van Dyke Show
Mulder and Scully Meet the Killer Dog
Mulder and Scully Meet the Man Who Walks Through Things
Mulder and Scully Meet the Novelist Who Needs to Disengage
Mulder and Scully Meet the Alien Who Loves Baseball More Than Anything
Scully Meets the Las Vegas Adventures
Mulder and Scully Meet the Hallucinogenic Mushroom
Mulder and Scully Meet the Alien Rubbing
Season Seven:
Mulder and Scully Meet the Spaceship in Africa
Mulder and Scully Meet the Hallucinatory Life
Mulder and Scully Meet the Earless Fast Food Worker
Mulder and Scully Meet the Zombies
Mulder and Scully Meet the Speedy Dirtbag Teen
Mulder and Scully Meet the Luckiest Man
Mulder and Scully Meet the Incredibly Creepy Fingernail Thief in Scully’s Apartment
Mulder and Scully Meet the Headless Magician
Mulder and Scully Meet the Snakes
Mulder and Scully Meet the Walk-Ins
Mulder and Scully Meet Samantha’s Ghost
Mulder and Scully Meet the Camera Crew
Mulder and Scully Meet the Video Game
Mulder and Scully Meet the Hoodoo Practitioner
Mulder and Scully Meet the World’s Worst Road Trip
Mulder and Scully Meet the Raven
mulder and scully meet in the biblical sense
Mulder and Scully Meet the Tobacco Beetles
Mulder and Scully Meet the Movies
Mulder and Scully Meet the High Conflict Twins
Mulder and Scully Meet the Genie
Mulder and Scully Meet the Series’ New Direction
Season Eight:
Scully and Doggett Meet
Scully and Doggett Meet the Aliens in the Desert
Scully and Doggett Meet the Bat Man
Scully and Doggett Meet the Slug in the Back
Scully and Doggett Meet the Ghost Boy
Scully and Doggett Meet the Backwards Travelling Murder Suspect
Scully and Doggett Meet the Dream Killer
Scully and Doggett Meet the Man Who Sees Through Walls
Scully and Doggett Meet the Metal Man
Scully and Doggett Meet the Abdomen Dweller
Mulder and Doggett Meet the Healing Creature
Scully and Doggett Meet the Subway Jellyfish
Scully and Doggett Meet the OBGYN Conspiracy
Scully and Doggett Meet the Returned Abductees
Mulder, Scully, and Doggett Meet the Resurrection
Mulder, Scully, and Doggett Meet the Fight the Future DVD
Mulder, Scully, and Doggett Meet the Fire-Filled Killer
Mulder, Scully, and Doggett Meet the Black Oil Rig
Mulder, Scully, and Doggett Meet the Fangirl
Mulder, Scully, and Doggett Meet a Lot of Men Who Sure Think That They Get to Have an Opinion About a Woman’s Pregnancy
Mulder and Scully Meet Another Person Named William
Season Nine:
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet Further Excuses to Get Rid of Mulder
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Exploding Ship
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Devil
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Parallel Universes
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Insect Dirtbag Teen
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Surveillance Crew
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Memory Thief
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Reincarnated Flayer
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Baby-Nappers
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the UFO Cult
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Mind Hospital
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Man Who Projects His Bad Nature
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet Burt Reynolds as God
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Kid Who Draws Creepy Things
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Lone Gunmen’s Spin-Off
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Three-Day Adoption Agency
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet Doggett’s Son’s Killer
Scully, Doggett, and Reyes Meet the Brady Bunch Fan
Mulder and Scully Meet Again
Mulder and Scully Meet Domesticity
Season Ten:
Mulder and Scully Meet in the 2010s!
Mulder and Scully Meet the Genetically Engineered Children
Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster
Mulder and Scully Meet the Garbage Killer
Mulder and Scully Meet Reprehensible Attitudes
Mulder and Scully Meet the Plague
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nintendork135 · 10 months
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Reintroducing, Danny Diver's Pizza Place!
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poolsidetobago · 4 years
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Mantis Shrimp Pigeon Point Tobago
It is neither a praying mantis nor a shrimp – and is a much more exciting creature than either, famous for possessing a range of colour vision that we cannot even conceive. Even to catch a glimpse of this small (8cm) but speedy tropical invertebrate is thrilling. A great place to try is the coral rubble along Pigeon Point strip. Lift small boulders to reveal a world of colourful sponges, corals, anemones, sea cucumbers, sea slugs and brittle stars. Children will love this. Be sure to replace boulders carefully, as you found them, so as not to desiccate or crush the inhabitants. Wear shoes to protect yourself from sea urchins #mantisshrimp #tobago #westindies #nature #wildlife #underthesea #ocean #caribbeansea #trinidadandtobago #godscreatures #pigeonpoint #undertheocean #oceanlife #oceancreatures
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somegirlblr · 5 years
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moonshroooms · 7 years
Hi there I’m going to talk about my pokemon now
So Sun & Moon was my first Pokemon game (Sun, specifically. I liked Moon/Lunala better but I liked daytime being daytime more. And didn’t want to just change the time cause of my Animal Crossing village VoV), despite the fact I’ve loved Pokemon for years.
Anyways it took me forever to get what I feel like is a good team and I want to talk about them.
Alta: Alta’s my Primarina and my like 15th restart to get a female first Pokemon ever and I love her. Honestly she’s so flipping cute and it feels like she just grew up to be the group mom. Like anytime an opposing pokemon kills one of mine it’s like ‘bring in the big guns’, ‘oh shit mom’s here’. I gave her scald, ice beam, moonblast, and aqua ring (after a butt ton of breeding). She is stronk and sturdy. I wanted a name that referrenced her singing so I took Alto and just. Put an A on the end. I didn’t like it at first but it’s grown on me :3
Willow-Wisp (Willow for short): Willow’s my Chandelure :3 She was the first pokemon I happened to get with the island scan and I fricking fell in love with this tiny ghost candle it’s so adorable. She’s very fast and kicks lots of things butts and spins around if I feed her. Her and Alta make a good tag team and cover each other’s weaknesses. She’s got toxic, hex, shadowball, and flamethrower. And Flamebody, which I always get lucky and it activates like 90% of the time someone takes her down. #pettymaster Her name’s pretty obvious. Will-o’-the-Wisp. My friend thought it was creative though VwV
Cannis: Cannis is my Leafeon and he is a noble creature. There’s not much to say on Cannis other than I had a hell of a time deciding what eeveelution I wanted my dudes. They’re all amazing and aaaaah how could I chooose. But I went with a Leafeon because I needed/wanted a grass type to help Willow deal with pesky water types and Leafeon’s one of my favorite of the eeveelutions. He’s so chipper and bouncy it’s adorable. I gave him synthesis, sunny day, (there’s a reason for that even though he doesn’t have/hit hard with solar beam), swords dance, and leaf blade. He is speedy and hoo he hits hard. His name is actually short for cannibis but I really like his name XD
Lumina: Lumina is my Goodra and she is jiggly and amazing. Honestly Goodra is so good she’s just flawless. IT’S A DRAGON. MADE. OF. GOO.
She’s just so fun to look at. I even drew a cute picture of her poking a shiny sliggoo VwV I know they don’t have it but I gave her a little drippy teal heart on her side and a teal spot on her foot. My headcanon is the teal goo is luminescent, like a luminescent sea slug :3 She’s so bulky, even against fairies, I love her. I gave her rain dance, rest, dragon pulse, and thunder. And she’s got the hydration ability to make good use of that rain :3 I know sap sipper’s generally more useful but I just love being able to heal off damage. Lumina is just reminiscent of luminescent VwV
Divi: Divi is my Reuniclus and he is slow but he’s Sturdy. He’s just so squishy I love him. I looked up all the pokemans available in Sun/Moon and I saw him and was like. You™. And after I saw how many hits he could take (even super effective hits), he was never leaving. I love when you pet him and the hand icon gets all covered in goop it’s fantastic. What’s more with a bit of trick room and a life orb he sweeps like a Boss! I gave him calm mind, trick room, psychic, and recover. I know he’s useless against darks like that but I try and take out those threats before it’s a problem VoV His name is just short for Division, like that thing cells do :P
Sundew: And last to join the group (but certainly not least), is Sundew, my Mawile! :D My only other physical attacker/defender. I think I have a bias. I wanted to use her for a long time but her stats were just so awful I thought it’d be better to wait for the mega stone to come out. But then I got impatient and used her anyways, lol. Dude intimidate is so useful honestly? I can’t believe I never had a pokemon with it before. She’s just so useful and I really needed a steal type to help me pesky poisons. I gave her taunt (also very useful, I need more pokemon with support moves. When I first played I kinda ran on ‘why setup when I could just hit you?’ logic >^<). She also has sucker punch, iron head, and play rough. Before I got the mega stone I gave her zoom lens. I wonder how often play rough will miss now ._. Sundew is named after the sundew plant, a carnivorous type of plant. While she doesn’t look like it i.e. shaped similarly, she does have the same colors, so bam.
And that’s my main team! :D I don’t actually play online or anything. I just play against the battle tree and my friends occasionally. The only friend I play against regularly runs on ‘why setup when I could hit you’ logic. I also saw his physical attackers with special moves and I’m like. Broseph. My dude. Why. So I convinced him to switch it up, so hopefully he’ll get better and I’ll have more fun with a challenge :3 (Though most of his team is comprised of fighting/dark types, so until he fixes that too Alta and Sundew will continue sweeping most of his team). I like double-battles the best. I don’t even bother with singles, I like having more to multitask. It feels like I’ve got more protection with two pokemon. Usually the pokemon teammates run like:
Alta - Divi: Divi’s trick room helps them sweep, and Alta takes care of Divi’s dark weakness and Divi takes care of Alta’s poison weakness. They work good off each other
Cannis - Willow: I usually open with them, since they’re my fast sweepers. Cannis’ sunny day activates first and it usually boost Willow’s flamethrower enough to take out the first opponent (and keeps Cannis from getting status effects! :3). And if I’m feeling cocky enough I can get a swords dance up >-> Usually not the case, but it’s nice sometimes cause Cannis hurts man.
Sundew - Lumina: They’re my tankers. Well, bigger tanks than the rest of my bulky-ish pokemon. (I never thought I’d like my tanks so much. I usually take the fast/nimble options in. Well. Any video game really, lol. I think it’s because there’s no choice but getting hit in pokemon usually. You don’t get much of an evade option. And I hate being out-sped and going down in one hit). Sundew hit’s like a fricken trick man, and Lumina’s not-too-shabby in the beatdown department. And the rain dance helps Sundew deal with her fire problem VoV And Sundew’s iron head deals with them fairy types >:3 It’s a shame they’re both so slow, but I can count on them to switch in to some physical and special attacks :3
And those are the pokemon on my main team. They work very hard and I’m proud of them <3
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genehackmon · 7 years
Tamersona Week 2017 Day 2: Memorable Evolutions
Ahhh I’m a day late for Tamersona Week!! Had a super busy Thursday at work… anyways here’s the story of Buns the Terriermon’s first digivolution with Jules. Here we go!
This is the 2nd entry for Tamersona Week 2017. The read the first part of my story, go here. 
Prompt 2: Memorable Evolutions (Feb 16th, 2017)
“What do you mean ‘other people like me’?” Jules questioned the strange woman defensively.
Himekawa chuckled, “You know what I mean. Others with Digimon. Tamers. Did you really think you and your Terriermon were alone?”
“Buns is my friend. I’m not his… ‘Tamer’.” Jules retorted. “He’s anything but tame.”
Just then, a giggling furball with long, fluffy ears bounced down from the third floor window of Jule’s apartment, landing right on his head. Jules was immediately annoyed.
“Aww so nice to get that confirmation!” exclaimed Buns. “I see you’re in a nice mood today,” He continued, sarcastically.
“Buns, I told you to stay inside! What if someone saw that?!” Jules scolded.
“Someone did see that,” Buns playfully countered.
Himekawa laughed, amused. “I already told you, I know all about your Digimon. Not to mention the Digital World and all the times you’ve observed digital anomalies.”
“Okay, what do you want, anyway?” Jules snapped. Himekawa’s tone and accent was sounding irritatingly condescending to him.
“Like I said, I’d like to offer you a chance to meet others like you,” she replied, matter-of-factly. She took another observant look at Jules and Buns. “I think a bit of group therapy would be good for you two.”
“Not interested,” Jules responded definitively.
“Wait, Jules - ,” said Buns.
“No,” Jules cut him off. He glared at Himekawa. “You leave us alone.”
Himekawa sighed.
Jules turned away and started walking towards his door. “And in case you get any bright ideas, you better think twice about stalking Buns or me,” he threatened. “Since you seem to know-it-all, remember where I work; I have connections.”
Himekawa exhaled in disappointment. “That’s too bad,” she muttered under her breath, “so do I.”
As Jules turned the knob on his apartment door, a thundering, deafening sound threw him back. He stumbled and felt the ground beneath him shake, like an earthquake. Car alarms around the streets began blaring. He reeled back and looked behind him - a few blocks down, he saw rising. He smelled sulfur. An explosion.
“What the hell?!” Jules screamed.
Buns jumped off of Jules’ head and started running towards the scene, full of determination. “Jules, let’s go!”
“Wait! Buns!” Jules chased after him.
Himekawa watched them rush off, and smiled.
The smoke was coming from the Chinatown district not too far from Jules’ apartment. Normally, a bit of smoke this time of year coming from there wouldn’t make anyone think twice, since it was Lunar New Year season and firecrackers were always going off. But this smoke was thick and dark - and that shocking sound - something was definitely wrong.
The road down to the district was all steeply downhill - typical San Francisco. Jules almost tripped and fell a bunch of times running as fast as he could, trying to catch up to Buns. The little Terriermon was speedy, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, gliding with his big ears. They were getting really close to the source of the smoke. Jules breathed in a lung full and coughed. He turned a corner, following Buns, and saw that Buns had suddenly stopped.
The street was littered with confetti from recent festivities, but miracuously there was not a single soul outside on what is normally a lively intersection. A few broken electrical lines hanged down across from the orientally stylished street lamps, still sparking. The fog was dense, even for San Francisco standards, and Jules could barely see Buns in front of him. What he did see was sharp cracks and tears in the pavement around him. “Buns! Get back here!” he called out.
Buns wasn’t responding. Instead, Jules heard a low, dark growl that seemed to come from all directions. Then, in an instant, a massive clawed appendage whipped out from behind the fog. Before he knew it, Jules was on his back - Buns had jumped towards him and tackled him to the ground, narrowing escaping the strike of the appendage above them.
Buns quickly stood back up, braced, ready to defend. A grotesque figure began to take shape from behind the fog as it approached. As the haze peeled back, Jules saw a giant, sharp clawed and toothed mollusk. It shrieked defiantly.
“What the f - ,” Jules excalimed, “Are you serious?! A giant tentacle monster?! What is happening?!” Something in his pocket buzzed and beeped urgently. He reached in - it was his Digivice. He didn’t even remember he had it with him - he pulled it out quickly. “GESOMON,” it flashesd on the screen.
Before Jules could react, Gesomon roared, and Buns launched himself head-first at the monster. The little Terriermon’s tackle was suprisingly powerful for his size, and Gesomon reeled back, stunned.
Gesomon retaliated, bringing down its heavy tentacles, whipping them out to bludgeon Buns. “Coral Crusher!” It growled, as its claw flew at Buns and pulverized nearby buildings.
Despite the barrage, Buns was fast. Closely dodging one strike after another, he bounced from surface to surface. Midair in one of his jumps, he let out a cry, “Bunny Blast!” An energy ball of blue blaze shot out from Buns’ mouth and nailed the Gesomon right in the center, exploding in a loud crack. Just like the little bunny’s tackle, the projectile packed a bunch, and sent the massive squid lurching backwards.
Jules could feel the rage brewing from Gesomon. It started to move its bukly head towards Jules’ direction - no doubt, it had found an easier target. “Deadly Shade!” it shrieked, as it opened its gaping maw and fired stream of black mist towards Jules.
Jules thought he was about to see his last moment, but Buns leaped inbetween Jules and Gesomon, taking the full brundt of Gesomon’s attack, then collapsed.
“Buns! No!” Jules screamed in horror. Buns laid motionless in front of him. Jules rushed to Buns. “Buns! No! No! No! Answer me!! Buns!” he cried. Gesomon approached, its tentacles slowly surrounding Jules and Buns. Jules didn’t care. “Buns, please! You have to wake up! Damn it!” he pleaded, “I can’t lose you, I won’t lose you, not again!”
A tiny soft stirring - Buns slowly turned his face up from the ground, speaking weakly, “Jeez, Jules. Always so dramatic,” he teased with what energy he had left.
Gesomon wound back, and lashed. “Coral Crusher!” Came the call.
“This is it,” thought Jules. But he didn’t care, he heard Buns’ voice again, and that was enough. “Stupid me,” he thought to himself, “why did I let us go this far.”
But the Gesomon’s claws didn’t come crashing down. Instead, a bright light erupted from where Jules was kneeling, and before his eyes, where Buns was laying, was another large figure. This one was plump, long-eared, and wearing moss green cargo pants.
“B-Buns?!” Jules yelled in confusion.
“Whoa! Hey Jules! I feel awesome!” came Buns’ voice from the large figure. “Look at me!”
“Holy crap!” Jules exclaimed, “You - you got guns now!”
Buns, now BlackGargomon, smirked and jumped into action. “Bunny Pummel!” he screamed, and decked Gesomon across the jaw with his heavy slug of a gatling arm, sending the mosnter flying down the street like a ragdoll. Jules was flabergasted, speechless.
Before Jules could say anything, Buns quickly scooped up Jules with his other arm and placed him on the back of his furry shoulder. “Hang on tight!” Buns yelled. Jules gulped and clenched onto Buns’ oversized bandolier.
Buns leaped towards the wreckage of where Gesomon landed with amazing strength. The monster was smacked down the whole length of the road, ending at the pier near the water of San Francisco Bay. The pulsating mass was righting itself and shrieking in anger. Buns streched out and opened his long, wide ears, stopping in midair like a parachute. Jules almost puked from the recoil. Buns stretched his arms forward, and the heavy revolvers began to click. He smirked. “Gargo Pellets!” A barrage of energy shots showered down onto Gesomon as the monster shrieked in pain and collapsed into the water below the pier.
Buns landed himself right on the shore, with Jules still hanging on for dear life. “Hell yeah!” Buns yelled in delight. “Jules did you see that?! We kicked ass!!”
Jules was still trying to control his stomach from jumping out of his mouth. He just panted and wheezed in response. Buns kept laughing. Trying to catch his breath, Jules replied, “H-How… What… I mean… “
“A ‘good job!’ would suffice,” Buns clicked and rotated his new guns, amusing himself.
“Ah! We gotta get you back to normal - before people start showing up!” Jules looked around frantically. Strangely there was still not a soul in sight on a San Francisco evening. “Buns! Turn smaller - uh, do you know how to turn back?”
Buns pouted, “Turn back? I don’t even know how I turned into this!”
“Agh! This is bad!” Jules groaned in frustration.
“Relax, Jules! Enjoy the moment, will ya? C’mon, tell me that wasn’t just amazing just now!” Buns kept laughing, paying no mind to Jules’ conundrum.
Scratching his head and ignoring Buns’ celebration, Jules saw a stir in the water. A bath of bubbles began to rise.
“H-Hey, Buns? Buns! Look there!” Jules tugged at his large friend, “Did you see that just now?”
“Wha?” Buns turned to face the water.
The bubbles continued to brew more intensely. Jules’ Digivice started to beep urgently again. “Oh God,” Jules quickly pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the screen. “MARINEDEVIMON,” it flashed.
“Oh, what the hell is a Mari - “ Jules exclaimed, as a column of water erupted from the sea in front of him and Buns and a creature more massive than the Gesomon they had just faced towered before them. The terrifying, demonic monstrosity shrieked vehemently with a cacophony of sound as if it had a thousand voices, and it snatched up Jules and Buns with meancing arms that made Gesomon’s appendages look like flimsy strings. Jules and Buns screamed.
“What kind of crap horror movie is this?! Does this never end?!” screamed Jules. As MarineDevimon violently pulled Jules and Buns off the shore, a streak of blue light cut across the water like lightning.
“River of Power!” Jules heard a mighty roar as the crackling beam sliced through MarineDevimon’s body. He felt the grip around him loosen, and suddenly he was free falling towards the ocean below.
As he fell, he saw the mass that was MarineDevimon crumbling, disintegrating into a million specks of dust. The debris was floating up towards the sky, as if being pulled up, towards something casting a long shadow. He hit the water - the impact was numbing - and he started to lose consciousness as he sank below the tide.
What’s the deal with all these tentacles?! Can Buns turn back to normal?! Why didn’t Jules and Buns get some takeout while they were in Chinatown?!?!? Who knows?! We’ll just have to find out next time on Tamersona Day 3: Digital Devices!
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i-am-always-lost · 7 years
Day 18 | Disney Sea
A very controversial post for my parents. But to sum it up, I'm glad I gave up the time that I could be spending on my essay to go to Disney Sea.
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In NORMAL circumstances, I would have definitely rejected outright if someone suggested to cut homework time for fun, sacrificing the possibilities for obtaining a higher grade. But weighing the opportunity costs, I made a last minute decision (literally at 10am on the same day) to go to Disney Sea instead of the library.
Went into the Sunkus (convenience store) near my house with 32% hope and 68% of acceptance of my fate : spending my day in the library. SURPRISE, SURPRISE. THEY SELL TICKETS!! That eliminated my fear on not being able to get tickets at the gate, this double confirming my attendance for sea. Sugoi~~!
Went there and met three other classmates. Two of them had a two day pass and they went to Disneyland prior this day, so they pretty much bonded a lot over the last 24 hours that they weren't apart. I'm not going to say that it was mostly awkward trailing behind-- because I had a lot of fun even though that happened <.< I really enjoyed experiencing time hanging out with different groups of people (by this time, I have hanged out with approximately 4 different groups in different occasions? I eat lunch with one group, shop with another, Disneyland and harajuku'd with another group. And of course there are my housemates. I have to say-- it's tiring. It's tiring having to adjust to different people on intimate settings when you are not immediately familiar with them, especially being a person who warms up to other people only after several occasions of interaction. Nevertheless, always good to take the first step and see who is compatible is who isn't.
My schedule:
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Got there around 11am. Have to say -- the monorail there is lit as. Look at the DANGLING HAND RAIL THINGS. ITS MICKEY. Magic starts as you leave Maihama station guys. Met H and J at the raging spirits ride. Bought a chicken leg beforehand (shortest queue of the day) bc you simply HAVE to.
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Journey to the Centre of the Earth
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First ride of the day! NOW, im not a ride person. The last thrilling ride I went on was the fucking speedy one that goes indoors and outdoors in Genting Highlands. But i could say that the awkwardness took over the nervousness. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Was totally entertained by H in the crew who was talking for the whole 80-90 minutes when we were in line 😂
VERDICT: IT WAS FUN AND I DIDNT DIE. 9/10 will recommend. It started off slow, then it got dark, then it sped up so quickly and went downhill (literally), and then it was over way too quickly. Savour the 4 minutes after waiting for more than an hour!
Lunch at this American themed place
I dont think i have photos for this :( but the reuben was really good. Disney food in Japan is really good in general!
The boat thingy
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After that, me (third wheel) and K (fourth wheel) wandered off as the other two had fast passes for tower of terror. K claimed that ToT had a different narrative from what she experienced in the California one. I proceeded to learn about the minority representation in video games for the next hour while sitting in a weird ass boat that jerked every 5 seconds on water - which is not at all enjoyable but it was something to do.
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Toy Story ride!!
Easily the best ride in Disney Sea. Idk, i might be biased but this was pure fun! Queued up for 110 minutes but the short 10 minutes or so was worth it. Subconsciously felt like those characters in a Taiwanese idol drama where they looked like they were having fun at fun fairs, except i really felt it! Basically you sit your seat and they whisk you around to shoot fake 3D balls using real canon puller things.
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Aladdin canoe ride
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I switched my Spotify playlist to Arabian Nights for this section. The Arabian front was so beautiful. They replicated the landscape pretty damn well- this goes for every other section of Disney as well. The aesthetics were 10/10. Unfortunately most of the photos are on my camera. We explored around and took the canoe ride. The characters are actually really well built and flawless! This was a comment from (K I think), in comparison to the one in Florida.
My little mermaid
🎶 Under the Sea 🎶
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As I mentioned, the aesthetics are on point - THIS INCLUDED. It was so beautiful 😍 Got to say, the highlight of the whole place were the sea slugs of course. They were glowy and orangey (perfect description). Went for the teacup rides!
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Wanted to go for the gondola ride on the fake Venice river, but we couldn't find an entrance of the ride and it was getting late. So we went to dinner at this Italian place nearby. Had the lasagna and was honestly disappointed that it wasn't in a Disney plate. First world problems!
Some fortress
At this point I was so tired of walking till I was literally dragging my body around. But our crew with endless energy decided to explore every nook and cranny of the place. There were so many interesting things around though, just didn't get a single reference of it lel
Titanic ship
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I'm not sure what this Columbia ship is in reference to-- but it looked exactly like the Titanic one. Tbh I can't tell, I've only watched about five Disney movies. Does inside out even count? I'm kidding. But the ship was so legit! H went around telling us about how the masks and poles work, not like I was listening completely bc I was half asleep at that point.
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THE MOMENT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR. It's funny-- i didn't know I was even waiting for this moment until I experienced it. All I can say is it was worth every single second watching the Fantasmic show. Pretty much reminds you why you went to Disney in the first place. Brings the magic to you. Took so many clips of the show until my phone keeps threatening me on storage space every 5 minutes.
VERDICT: You should go if you've never been to say you've been there. The aesthetics and replicas are amazing and easily one of the best I've seen. And if you are a Disney fan, YES?? Confirm can cover most of the rides because it's quite a small park IN COMPARISON with the others. But I honestly wouldn't go again since I've been there :p
Honestly, I know my pictures are pretty crap. That’s because I took most of the photos on my camera! Can’t exactly transfer my photos to the computer as well bc most PCs dont have SD card slots. I owe many people many photos because my camera is apparently “very on point”. So okay. And uploading all these photos takes up a lot of time soz. I know this review isnt very complete and good as well. Might come back to edit though!
- disneyfied pancake
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nintendork135 · 10 months
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Finally drew more of my robots!
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