#spelunky tag
loamsnack · 15 days
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spelunky and macking cheese have arrived safely but need a bath
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feldsparite · 6 months
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plokster · 11 months
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Ode to Indie v2, an update of this one.
I still plan on adding more characters to this, but I figured going from 17 to 50 characters would be a good stopping point for this version!
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rrr-ocket · 11 months
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Speelun 🗝 key two
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cottoncandylesbo · 2 years
HIIII omg hiii im streamink spelunkys 2 tonite . come join me in hole heaven
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7hestraywolf · 11 months
Please remind me to never play Spelunky 2 past 8pm
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fioras-resolve · 5 months
"Is the Berlin Interpretation still relevant?" Part 10 - Results
So, I guess I should finally explain what I'm talking about. I promise I'll stop spamming these tags now.
The Berlin Interpretation of Roguelikes is a genre definition that was made at a roguelike dev conference in 2008. It was a handful of people who were inspired by Rogue to make their own procedural death labyrinths. This was just before Spelunky. It was before The Binding of Isaac, it was before FTL, and it was before Risk of Rain. In other words, this interpretation was made right before the definition of a roguelike radically changed. Before these genre fusions, roguelikes were mostly games like NetHack and Angband, games that were directly inspired by this RPG from 1980. They were roguelikes, because they were "like Rogue."
But let's talk about what this interpretation is actually doing. It is not, in fact, a set of rigid guidelines of what features a game needs to be part of the genre. It is a set of high and low value factors, that a game may not have all of, but the more it has, the more it is, well, Rogue-like. There isn't a game that purely embodies each of these factors, because there's doesn't have to be. Even Rogue isn't fully faithful to this interpretation. It's just that if your game has enough of these factors, then it's clearly working in the same design space, and part of the broader conversation. That's all it was doing.
So is it still relevant? Well, kind of, but not really. Sure, permadeath and procedural generation are still important to people, but for it to be turn-based and grid-based aren't necessary anymore. And I guess for the later polls, either people got tired of me posting these in their tags every day, or they just don't have an opinion one way or the other, because their vote counts didn't even hit the triple digits. It seems like complexity, resource management, and exploration/discovery are still important, while non-modal gameplay and hack-and-slash aren't as much. But I hesitate to give these results the same kind of credence because of how many people from the earlier polls didn't vote on these ones.
It seems like, these days, the roguelike isn't really about its base mechanics. It's a structural genre. You can graft any base mechanics onto it, as long as you start a new run after you die, and each run is made unique by randomness. It seems pretty straightforward.
Okay, what about Mystery Dungeon?
The Mystery Dungeon games these days are mostly known for being Pokemon spinoffs, but the series goes back to the 90s with games like Shiren the Wanderer. These games are directly inspired by the original Rogue, complete with grid-based movement, item discovery, and heavy resource management. It's more "like Rogue" than a lot of modern roguelikes. But because it's structured more like a Japanese RPG, with checkpoints, persistent progression, and a full-blown story, it would probably nowadays be called a "roguelite." Even though it precedes that term by decades!
I'm honestly really surprised that Mystery Dungeon doesn't come up more in discussions about roguelikes. Like, it's a really obvious point of contention, and one that's worth talking about. But only one person in my replies actually mentioned Mystery Dungeon in their thoughts about permadeath. I suspect it's because most of the roguelikes people are invested in these days are indie PC games from the West, while Mystery Dungeon is a Japanese series on console and handheld. But I can't prove it.
Speaking of roguelites though, we have to talk about that term. I don't think that "roguelite" is an inherently elitist term, or that it's useless as a label. it clearly serves some purpose in conversation, even if I wouldn't use it myself. I don't want to prescribe my definitions of terms from on high. I want to understand how people are using these terms in daily practice.
And it seems like it comes down to two definitions. One is the Berliner standpoint. It's less common, but it sees some use. Basically, if you're not making a grid-based dungeon crawler, you're not really making a game "like Rogue," are you? Genre fusions like Risk of Rain and Slay the Spire play completely differently from the roguelikes of old, so it feels weird to just call them roguelikes. This is treating it as a mechanical genre, defining roguelikes by dungeon-crawling in the same way we define a shooter by shooting.
The other definition is a broader one, defined by two key features: procgen and permadeath. This is the most common one in modern conversations about roguelikes, because it takes it as a given that these genre fusions are what roguelikes Are. By this framing, a roguelite is any procgen game that features persistent upgrades. Something like Rogue Legacy, where your progression isn't just you as a player, but your character growing more powerful. Permadeath and procgen serve a very specific purpose in conjunction with each other, and there is a sense where either of these factors being diluted misses the entire point. But plenty of people don't put stock into the like/lite distinction, because they don't see it as mattering. No definition here is wrong, they're just all operating under different beliefs.
(sigh) Look, genre is a lot like gender. In fact, in some languages, they're the same word. It's vague, it's arbitrary, and it doesn't make sense if you squint too hard. But it's important to people, either to describe what they're doing or to understand what others are doing. There's never going to be a strict, clear definition of roguelike that perfectly covers all cases, because that's just not how genre works. Roguelikes are what we mean when we talk about roguelikes. It's very easy to poke fun at a genre label like this, but it's a lot harder to understand what it's doing, and what it means to people. That's the conversation that really matters here.
Is the Berlin Interpretation still relevant? Not as much as it used to be. But your interpretation is what's really important.
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villains4hire · 3 months
Mun comforts
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Comfort food: Any kind of seafood really. Fish. Meat and cheese is the safest thing for me to eat at this point that tastes good. Luck of the draw but at least I'm healthy ig.
Comfort drink(s): Chai Tea and Morning Coffee. Otherwise nothing but water, maybe a rare icecream float every few months.
Comfort movie(s): Princesse Dragon my latest suggested one in recent years. Then Tucker and Dale Vs the Forces of Evil. Hot Fuzz. Probably some more animated movies here and there but I've seen a lot, I know I enjoyed the Wakfu Movie.
Comfort show(s): Wakfu. Arcane. Final Space. Adventure Time. Bojack Horseman. Southpark. The Boys. Netflix Daredevil. King of the Hill. American Dad. Spongebob. The Simpsons. Samurai Jack.
Comfort clothing: Plush, loose clothing in any moderate temperatures. Soft fluffy clothing in the winter. I'm very simply.
Comfort song(s): I have no real comfort songs but I like rain sounds and ambience.
Comfort book(s): History Books are fun. Then I guess the Artemis Fowl series from my childhood.
Comfort game(s): Anything from the ps2 and gamecube era and below is mostly what I play. Banjo Kazooie 1-2 is a notable favorite. Then I guess 3ds, psp and some vita games. Fallout 1-2. Fallout New Vegas. Doom 1, Doom 64, Duke Nukem 3d, the Shantae Series. System Shock. Darkwood. Spelunky 2. Don't Starve. I've played a lot, but that's all I can remember rn.
tagged by @restrainedhungr
tagging: @onlyheartaches | @undercity-merc | @kugel-bitch | @infernal-feminae | @xdeerxhealerx | @voxiiferous | @whiteswarm | @oc-menagerie | @heroesxdemons | @olliesmultimuse | @strebcr | @musegame | @clown-demon | @cxffeeshxp | @ethereallyloved | @gunslinginnhogtyin | @fire-rose | @luxieloo | @friendsamongstars | @civicrphub | @diadxrling (I'm obligated to @ you anyway) | @gettnup | @storybounded | @wintershub | @lcve-lcrn | @rebelquilled | @charmerquilled | @cauterisen | @jeff-the-gnome-king | @vortship | @sweet-chimera | @littlelegend | @enterprisingmuses | @stories-of-the-multiverse | @swcctdreams | @blackstardiopside
anyone else tbh
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cursedbotwbird · 2 days
i feel like doing some silly polls again, so here's this one lmao. this is a multi part poll, the next poll will be released once the previous poll ends.
Just for reference:
RPG: Most Games by Square Enix, Undertale/Deltarune (to a degree), Omori
Platformer: Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Cuphead, Celeste
Visual Novel: Doki Doki Literature Club, Fate Series, Slay the Princess (Most Visual Novels do have a dating sim/stat raiser aspect, but not all of them. For example Slay the Princess)
Survival Horror: Silent Hill, Resident Evil
Roguelike: The Binding of Isaac, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Slay the Spire, Spelunky
First Person Shooter: Doom, Half Life, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein, Team Fortress 2 (though realistically am I gonna make an r+ mmo? not really lol)
Puzzle Platformer: Portal, Little Nightmares, It Takes Two
Danmaku/Bullet Hell: Touhou Project, Undertale/Deltarune
Action-Adventure: Spider Man 2, The Legend of Zelda series, Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock, Skyrim
Simulation: Tomodachi Life, The Sims, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley
I tried to pick games that are mainstream enough for reference here. If you need definitions I'd be happy to answer, or otherwise just use google lol
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tarrbunny · 5 months
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Tarr ✧ 20 ✧ She/They ✧ INFP ✧ Aries (March 29th) ✧ Bisexual ✧ Fingender ✧ More info under the cut! ミ☆
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ଘ About my Blog!
Hello, and thank you for checking out my silly little blog! ^-^ I mostly use this place to post about my interests (listed below) or hyperfixations. I am autistic and can hyperfixate easily, so please bear with me if I spam your dash with stuff. Spam likes/reblogs are totally fine! ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎
I love getting asks so feel free to send anything in! Mutuals are also feel to message me! I love talking with you guys, I'm just awful at initiating conversations.
Any of my random thoughts or asks I answer are tagged under #ミ☆ blubs and #ミ☆ asks respectively!
ଘ DNI - Basic DNI Criteria, DSMP, Proshippers can fuck right off.
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ଘ Media Interests:
Bold = Main Interest
✧ Fortnite (Ava/Tarr is the best skin :3)
✧ Homestuck (Especially interested in anything about quadrants, the hope aspect, or seadwellers!)
✧ Cookie Run
✧ Animal Crossing
✧ Warframe
✧ Hades
✧ Baldur's Gate 3
✧ Pokemon
✧ Overwatch
✧ Splatoon
✧ Vinesauce
✧ Hollow Knight
✧ Spelunky 2
✧ Viva Pinata
✧ Genshin Impact
✧ Honkai Star Rail
✧ Risk of Rain 2
✧ Yakuza
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ଘ Other Stuff I Love:
✧ Bunnies
✧ Plushies
✧ Anything related to fish, aquatic life, or the ocean
✧ Nature
✧ Astrology
✧ Mythological/Supernatural creatures
✧ Art/Drawing
✧ Fantasy stuff
✧ Angelcore and other dreamy/ethereal aesthetics
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ଘ While you're here, check out my friend's awesome blogs!
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ଘ Image/Gif Credits:
Rainbow Heart Dividers by cafekitsune
Gif made by chesschococookie
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profdragonlord · 5 months
ProfDragonLord • He/Him Bisexual • 17
📌 Pinned 📌
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● General Information ●
I'm ProfDragonLord! You may call me Prof or Dragon, either is fine. I'm just a goober who posts random irrelevant stuff and reblogs a lot.
I do not mind like/reblog spam so go wild.
My favorite posts will tagged with #fav. Asks I receive will be tagged with #pdl asks Characters with common names will be tagged with the series initials or abbreviation followed by the name (Ex. "mk scorpion" "pkmn steven" "fn drift")
My DMs are always open and I'll gladly eat up any asks (please guy send funny stuff)
Mutuals are free to ask for my Discord as well 👍
Blog Warning
I occasionally reblog posts involving minor gore/blood, and eyestrain. If that stuff affects you, it's best to not follow my blog.
DNI List
No proshippers.
Also, just don't be a weirdo on my blog.
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○ Interests ○
Subject to change at anytime (if I remember to update this)
• Major Interests •
Mainly Battle Royale, though I have gained an interest in Save The World.
Mains atm are Stratus, Doggo, and Kado Thorne
Finished main comic; have not touched the extended universe stuff in the slightest.
Certified Rogue of Blood
Favorite troll is Terezi Pyrope, favorite kid is Dave or Roxy
I have several fantrolls. Posts involving them will be tagged "jaagzi pyrvon" "ivitar vonvai" "lokall rhomex" "rylohv itrant", feel free to ask about them!
Clive Handforth my beloved and Oddsock is the best of the lbp3 playable characters idc
lbp2 is my favorite of the series btw
Interested in competitive
Favorite pokemon are Mudkip line, Jangmo-o line, and Rayquaza. There's only many many many more I appreciate, especially some lesser loved ones.
Favorite region is Hoenn and favorite games are PLA, Emerald, and SV
Mortal Kombat
Big fan of Scorpion and Baraka
Sub Zero main in MK1. I suck ass though.
Star Wars
Filthy Prequels fan.
Clanker sayer.
Cookie Run Kingdom
Favorite cookies are Rockstar and Captain Caviar
I do not like Ovenbreak.
Risk of Rain 2
Engineer, Loader, and Railgunner main.
I just like doing dumb shit in it ngl
I just always use the prefix "ror" for tags, even if the character is from ror2
Honkai Star Rail
Argenti, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan are my favorites.
• Minor Interests •
Space, Ocean, Weather
Genshin (I'm only here for Itto)
Plants Vs Zombies
Brawl Stars
Titanfall 2
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an0bserver · 2 months
why do we call rougelikes rougelikes? its such a strange genre name.
the name implies 'game thats like rouge' but very very few of them are actually like rouge. rouge is a top down, turn based, grid based, dungeon crawler with procedurally generated levels and permadeath. the vast majority of games we call rougelikes have 1, maybe 2, but sometimes even none of those traits in common.
like pokemon mystery dungeon has waaayyy more in common with rouge than spelunky does, but only the latter ever gets called a rougelike. pokemon mystery dungeon is only missing permadeath, otherwise it would have literally all the above traits in common with rouge. but its still not a rougelike?
like the splatoon dlc that came out recently is being called a rougelike, but has literally 0 traits in common with rouge lol. not even procedurally generated levels or permadeath.
it just feels really weird to have rougelike as the genre name when 'run based game' is right there. when i think 'rougelike' i think of games like caves of qud or path of achra. but the way the vast majority of people use it makes it so vague and honestly kinda meaningless.
i guess its just one of those things where its a holdover from something. like how all shooters used to get called doom clones. so i wonder if itll change at some point like shooters did.
dont even get me started on the steam tags for rougelike though. thats even more vague and meaningless than the common usage of the term. why is elden ring there???? why is dave the diver there???? why is armoured core there??? someone make it make sense lol
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wukongs-lover · 1 year
hello!! im apollo but you can also call me bunni! (my s/i's name!) i use a TON of pronouns (it/fluff/he+ more!!) and i am a selfshipper!! my main acc is @hopefuldesolate ! (I post a LOT of politics on there)
some of my interests include (but arent limited to) ace attorney, writing, homestuck/hiveswap, genshin/honkai, spelunky 2, pgr, bandori/pjsekai, pokemon, vocaloid, splatoon, n undertale/deltarune!
my f/o's are as follows: Sun Wukong (/r), Hisirdoux Casperan (/r), Hu Tao (/p)
ill be tagging them as ☀️/☀️shipping, 💙/💙shipping, and 👻/👻shipping
sunbun tag will specifically be for my s/i with wukong :3
a ton more info including my dni can be found here!!
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potato-lord-but-not · 4 years
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Gamintober batch 4 heyya
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artroller · 5 years
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Happy Father’s Day! I felt like drawing some of my OCs’ dads. Here’s Roy’s dad Rex Beck aka Superlative II, Lani’s father/creator Funky Spelunky, and Hana’s adopted father Kaltro.
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I may not be able to remember people’s names
but I can sure as hell remember exactly what I was doing when I ate lobster for the first time
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