#spent too damn long agonizing over the first clip so just ignore it if you don’t like it lol
hemmohoran · 2 years
the last stop on the red line or whatever
↳ happy holidays, yali!! @takemyhandlrh
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
Passing Out From Pain
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Dogs= complete, X’s= Requested
Also known as Wren’s Branding Two Electric boogaloo. This takes place after This Piece and This Piece, Cain makes good on his promise :)
Character: Wren
Fandom: Original Work
Word Count: 2263
CW: Branding, pet whump, dehumanization, drugging mention, strangulation mention
He knew what was going to happen the second Cain entered the room that morning. He’d been up all night dwelling on it, trying to make his peace with it and accept the pain that would come, but somehow, when Cain came to get them, all of that preparation completely disappeared, and finally, for the first time since he’d been there, Wren snapped.
“Come on you two, time to get that brand replaced.” He said, a sickening grin on his face, and Wren didn’t move from his spot sitting on the bed.
“No.” He said simply, immediately shocking Cain, even Zander gave him a surprised look.
“What was that?” He asked, his voice taking on that warning tone, expecting Wren to grovel and beg for forgiveness.
“I said no.” He repeated, still sitting exactly where he was. “If you want me out of this room then you’ll have to move me yourself because I’m. Not. Going.” He said seriously. He wasn’t exactly surprised when Cain stormed over, grabbing him by the collar and roughly pulling him off the bed, causing him to gag as his airway was restricted.
“You really want to be defiant now you little shit?!” Cain snarled at him.
“Let go of his collar, you’re going to fucking strangle him!” Zander snapped, trying to step him but Cain just dragged him further towards the door. He didn’t get him out of the door way though, not completely, when he tried Wren suddenly grabbed the edge of the doorframe, and he refused to let go.
“I’m not fucking going!” He screamed, panic and anger evident in his voice. “I’m not dealing with that again, I’m not! Fucking let go of me!” He held on tighter as Cain released his collar just to grab him around the waist, struggling to pull him off.
“Fuck when did you get this fucking stubborn!” He snapped. “Zander, make him let go already.” He ordered, and instinctively Zander stepped towards him.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Wren yelled at him. “I swear to god Zander, if you listen to him I’ll never, ever forgive you!” He screamed, and that was enough to make Zander freeze in place. Cain growled in frustration and finally, with one final yank he managed to make him lose his grip, dragging him out into the hallway. He let go of his waist only to grab his wrist, and without thinking Wren lurched forward and bit his arm.
“What the fuck!” He cried, he almost let go of him but instead kept a tight grip on his wrist, using his other hand to grab him by the hair and suddenly slam his head against the wall. He did that two more times until Wren was easier to drag along, still weakly struggling and screaming.
“Let go, let go, let go!” He screamed. “I’m not fucking going through that again, let go of me you fucking son of a bitch!” He yelled, sounding more and more like Zander rather than himself. Cain dragged him down the hall rather than trying to get him out of the house right away, he had to struggle to keep a hold on him so he could cuff his hands behind his back, which he had to kneel on his back to hold him down long enough to do so. That made it much easier for him to drag him out though, Zander following after them. He was just as surprised by Wren’s outburst as Cain was, stunned to the point he really couldn’t do anything but follow and wait to see what happened, wait to see if Wren actually won this battle.
He didn’t though, he was dragged outside kicking and screaming to where there was a car waiting for them already. Rather than shove him in the back though, Cain popped the trunk, struggling to lift the thrashing boy up.
“Hey- you can’t put him in there!” Zander finally snapped into action, trying to make Cain let go of Wren but Cain just shot him a look.
“Either he goes in here or I’m going to wrap my hands around his fucking throat and squeeze until he passes out.” He said seriously, in that tone that Zander knew meant he was serious. He had no choice but to back off, he refused to help with this, and finally Cain was able to lift him up, roughly shoving him in the trunk before slamming the door shut. “Either get in the fucking car now or he’s going through this alone- again.” He said, and Zander was quick to obey. He’d been worried enough the last time, he wanted to be there for him this time around.
He felt guilty but he tried to ignore the sound of him screaming the whole ride there.
Getting him down there was a feat of its own, but once the leash was clipped to his collar he decided to try something different. He dropped to the floor, sitting down and refusing to move, the way he would when he was throwing a fit as a little kid. Cain tried to persuade him by roughly yanking on the leash, only to finally look to Zander.
“Pick him up.” He said sternly.
“I’m not doing that.” He said immediately. “I’m not helping in any of this, you shouldn’t even be fucking doing this!”
“You sure have a lot of opinions on this when it’s your fucking fault!” Cain snapped back. “I told you to fucking behave! I told you this would happen if you fucked up again and you didn’t give a shit, now shut the fuck up and grab him!” He was clearly pissed off, Wren hardly cared though, just sitting there listening to them argue.
“No! If you want this done then you’re doing it yourself, I’m only here so he doesn’t have to be alone!”
“Zander, do you remember your branding?” Cain said, suddenly calm, and Zander froze, something that unnerved Wren. “You remember what we had to do to make you calm down?”
“Don’t you fucking dare-“
“Either you pick up the fucking boy or he’s going through the same thing once I get him down there. You better think hard about it, since you’re already responsible for what’s happening to him.” Wren didn’t know what exactly Cain was threatening but he didn’t like it, he didn’t like that Zander actually had to think about it, and when he locked eyes with him, he saw the guilt in his eyes and he immediately tried to jump to his feet and run.
Zander was quicker than him, grabbing him around the waist and easily slinging him over his shoulder, and Wren broke down immediately.
“Put me down!” He yelled as Zander numbly followed after Cain. “Zander you can’t- you can’t fucking do this, how could you?!” He screamed. He was angry when it was Cain but Zander was different, it was scary, it almost felt like a betrayal. “Put me down right now!” He screamed, if his wrists had been free he would’ve been slamming them against Zander’s back, he would’ve done anything to get free right now but Zander was stronger, and he almost seemed to be ignoring him.
He was taken to that awful room again, and by the time they entered he was already in tears, still screaming and crying, Cain spoke to the person who would be carrying it out while Zander held him in place.
“This time it’s going on his chest.” Cain said casually, and Wren wailed, frantically struggling against Zander’s grip. It was decided that he needed to be sitting up for this brand, and once he was put down he was held by the hair as his shirt was cut off of him, nobody taking a chance with uncuffing his wrists. Cain looked to Zander with a sickening grin on his face, saying, “Mutt- hold him down so we can do this.”
“Absolutely fucking not!” He snapped.
“Fine, I’ll just have them get a needle ready then-“
“No!” He groaned, clearly frustrated. “No, no I’ll- I’ll do it…” He sighed.
“Zander!” Wren cried, absolutely heartbroken. He tried to push himself away, but Zander got on the floor with him, easily grabbing him and holding him in place. He had to brace his back against a wall, grabbing him around his arms and having to trap his legs with his own to keep him from kicking. He still struggled though, desperately trying to get free. “Let me go! Let go of me, you can’t do this!” He screamed, tears streaming down his face.
“I’m sorry Wren, just- just trust me, this is better, okay?” Zander said, his voice shaking, but Wren was hardly listening, continue to struggle during the agonizing moments spent waiting for the brand to heat up.
“You should probably keep apologizing.” Cain snickered. “The pup seems pretty damn upset with you.”
“Shut up!” Zander hissed at him, tightening his hold on Wren, causing him to sob. He seemed to stop struggling for a moment, taking a chance to catch his breath, he felt sick and light headed, his chest hurt, but as soon as they came over with the branding iron, he started up all over again.
“No no no no no! No- let me go!” He screamed, struggling to break free from his grip, “Let me go, Zander, Zander fucking let me go!”
“I can’t do that kid, I’m sorry…” He said softly.
“Let me go!” He sobbed. “I fucking hate you please just let me go!” He didn’t even think about what he said, rambling everything that popped into his head, too panicked to even think straight. He kept yelling, but it pitched into a shriek as the branding iron finally touched his skin.
It was just as bad- no, definitely worse than the first time. That white hot, searing pain was back, paired with the pain of being restrained the way he was had him wailing in agony. He screamed so loud he swore his voice would give out completely, the iron was pressed against his chest further, and oddly, abruptly, his entire world went dark.
The boy went limp in Zander’s arms, his screaming suddenly silencing. It wasn’t a relief, it was terrifying, his head fell back against Zander’s shoulder and for a split second, he was so, so scared he’d simply screamed himself to death. He was breathing though, shallow breaths, but he was completely unconscious, and when Cain saw it he laughed.
“Aww, the poor thing couldn’t take it!” He laughed. “And did you hear him? He says he hates you!” Zander chose not to respond, it already hurt enough to hear it from Wren but at the same time, he didn’t blame him at all, if anything he knew he deserved it.
Wren didn’t come to until the branding was over and done with, Zander held him the entire time, too scared to move him even as the smell of burnt flesh made him nauseous. He’d adjusted his hold on him, gentler, more protective, and desperately hoping that he’d passed out before the pain has gotten too severe.
Wren sat on the bed, staring numbly across the room at the red handprints on the wall. He wasn’t even really thinking, just sitting silently, his thoughts reduced to static and nonsense. He was aware of the awful numbness from the burn on his chest but he didn’t want to think too much about it. At some point, Zander came to sit next to him, reaching a hand out to him.
“Don’t touch me.” He said right away. Zander seemed to hesitate, but he pulled his hand away, even moved off the bed. Wren hardly cared. Right now he didn’t feel bad, he didn’t feel guilty, a part of him was still angry. He didn’t know what Zander thought could be worse than what he did, being restrained by someone he trusted. He almost would’ve preferred if Zander had just hit him, holding him in place for that kind of torture was something else though, something he wasn’t sure he’d ever get over.
He didn’t remember much after he’d woken up, but he remembered the pain all too clearly. His throat was still sore and aching, his voice would definitely be shot for days to come. His arms and legs were sore from being restrained the way he was, he didn’t want to think about the bruises that would be left.
Eventually he got off the bed, his legs shaking as he walked into the bathroom, giving himself the most privacy he could get. He approached the mirror hesitantly, scared of what he’d see but also knowing it would drive him crazy to not check just how bad it was. There in the center of his chest was the worst burn he’d ever seen, worse than the brand on his arm it seemed. He almost felt nauseous, the room seemed to warp around him and he was quick to sit down on the tile floor, taking deep, shuddering breaths.
He’d already been branded once. That one had been easy to ignore though, he forgot about it often but on his chest… he’d see it every time he changed clothes, every time he took a shower, he’d see it constantly, he’d be far too aware of its existence and it made him sick. Tears welled up in his eyes again and he didn’t bother to hold them back. He sat there on the bathroom floor, sniffling but otherwise crying silently, wondering how the fuck things got this bad.
Tag List: @ihaventwritteninsolong , @galaxywhump , @legallylibra , @to-whump-or-not-to-whump , @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi , @as-a-matter-of-whump , @grovegrocer , @renkocchi , @whumpasaurus101 , @inky-whump , @lonesome--hunter , @ladygwennn , @simplygrimly , @withering-whump , @lave-e, @whatwhumpcomments , @thatsthewhump , @just-another-whumper , @starnight-whump , @unicornscotty
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meganwritesfanfics · 7 years
No One Is Ever Really Gone (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader Story) Part 8
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Word Count: 1674
Ben and Rey’s connection cause problems between the reader and Ben 
Song for this chapter: Fools by Troye Sivan 
                                          Chapter 8 Fools 
Y/N and Ben were on the floor Y/N was on top of Ben his shirt was next to them along with his gloves. Y/N kissed down his chest as one hand stayed intertwined with his. Suddenly there was a loud bang on the door again.
“Are you fucking kidding me,” Ben growled causing Y/N to giggle as she rolled off of him. “Head into…”
“The bathroom, I know, you know maybe I should just set up a little home in there.” She laughed causing Ben to smile.
As Ben made his way to the door his smile fading. The doors opened and Ben was taken aback to find Hux standing there with a plate of food a smile on his face.
“What are you doing here?” Ben snapped. But he quickly began to think of Y/N. “Find somewhere in the bathroom to hide.” He thought.
“Ben it’s a bathroom, there is no place to hide.” She retorted. “If Hux comes looking we can both fight him, we have lightsabers he doesn’t.”
“Y/N we can’t kill the leader of the First Order, we will have an army of stormtroopers on us faster than we could even get out of this room.”
“I saw a stormtrooper carrying this tray of food and when I questioned him about where he was going he told me he was taking it to your room. Which struck me as odd considering Snoke gave the instruction that we are supposed to eat in his corridors.”
Ben rolled his eyes, the worst part of the day was when he had to go sit in awkward silence and eat his dinner with Snoke and Hux.
“I’m training, I wanted to have my dinner brought to my room that way I could train longer.” Ben lied.
“Oh is that what you are doing, training.” Hux snapped thrusting the tray of food at Ben.
Ben glared at Hux. “Yes, now if you could please excuse me.”
“Now why are you trying to hurry me out of your room so quickly. Would it be because you are hiding something Ren.”
Y/N gulped as Hux made his way towards the bathroom.
“No, I’m trying to get you out of my room because I don’t like you Hux, and you don’t like me so if you wouldn’t mind get the fuck out!” Ben snapped as he pushed his hand out causing Hux to go flying out of the room the door shutting quickly behind him.
Ben sighed and he was about to tell Y/N to come out when he suddenly felt a presence.
“I’d rather not do this now.” He heard Rey sigh annoyed.
“Yeah me too.” Ben sighed.
“Why did you hate your father,” Rey started as she turned causing Ben to turn to meet her gaze. “Do you have something, a towel or something you could put on.” She said once she saw that Ben wasn’t wearing a shirt.
Y/N lost it she had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing out loud.
“Stop it,” Ben thought trying not to smile.
“Why did you hate your father, give me an honest answer,” Rey demanded and Y/N could feel the grief rising in Ben once again. “You had a father who loved you, who gave a damn about you.”
“I didn’t hate him.” Ben insisted.
“Then why.”
“Why what,” Ben demanded. “Why what, say it.”
“Ben,” Y/N thought as she fought the urge to walk out of the bathroom and comfort him.
“Why did you…” Rey cried, her words hitching in her throat, as both Rey and Ben remembered that night. “Why did you kill him. I don’t understand.”
“No, you’re parents threw you away like garbage,” Ben said replacing the hurt with spite.
“They didn’t!” Rey snapped.
“They did, but you can’t stop needing them. It’s your greatest weakness,” Ben replied remembering what Snoke had told him. “Looking for them everywhere, in Han Solo now in Skywalker. Did he tell you what happened that night.” He said gritting his teeth.
“Yes,” She insisted but Ben could almost hear what Luke had told her. A lie.
“Ben, what happened that night?” Y/N thought.
“He could sense my power,” Ben continued the rage building as he ignored Y/N right now he could only think about convincing Rey to not trust Luke, he didn’t want her to make the same mistakes he had. “As he senses yours and he feared it.”
Rey hesitated for a moment before she spoke. “Liar,” She said but Ben could see that she somewhat believed him.
“Ben,” Y/N started again but this time Ben blocked her from his mind as he took a step towards Rey. “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.” He growled. “That’s the only way to become what you were meant to be,” Ben said repeating exactly what Snoke had said that night at the temple.
When Y/N heard this, she felt a wave of sadness rush over her. Kylo Ren was trying to take Rey under his care just as Snoke had to Ben. Kylo was during everything in his power to convince Rey that the only way she could survive in the world was with him and if she turned against everyone she cared about. The more she heard the more she felt like she was losing Ben.
Kylo and Rey stared at each other for a moment before Rey turned away and the connection was broken.
Y/N slid to the floor unable to process. How could Ben go from one moment making out with her on his bedroom floor and telling her that he loved her, to turning into Kylo Ren, no worse than Kylo Ren turning into Snoke. Her heart literally hurt as she sat there, waiting for Ben to tell her to come out. She waited and waited in agonizing silence just wishing Ben would open his mind to her again letting her know how he was feeling, what he was thinking because at that moment she feared the worst.
“Let the past die, kill it if you have to. That’s the only way to become what you were meant to be.” She was Ben’s past, and according to Snoke, she was the only thing stopping him from becoming what he was meant to be, a new Vader.
She continued to wait. The longer the time went on the more tears began to form in her eyes until she began to sob. Placing her hand over her mouth to tried her hardest to hold in the fact that she wanted to scream. Slowly she pulled herself up opening the door. She expected to find Kylo Ren waiting for her lightsaber in hand, but what she found instead was so much worse. The room was empty. Kylo’s shirt was gone off the floor and his lightsaber was also gone. On the bed lay a scrap of paper.
Quickly Y/N walked over to it and picked it up.
“I need to clear my head.” Was all the note said
Y/N clenched her teeth fighting back another sob.
“He’s going to get Snoke.” She thought. “He’s too far gone, I’ve lost him.”
She had promised to stay on the ship until she left with Ben, she had promised Leia she would bring her son back. But maybe Ben was right. Everyone who cared about Ben apart from her was dead, everyone else at the resistance would kill him the minute he stepped foot on the ship. Maybe she wasn’t the one who was supposed to save him, maybe her connection with him wasn’t as strong as she thought.
“Rey,” She choked back another sob. It had to be Rey, Ben could see her, from the first time he could see her and she could talk with him and he listened. There was no anger from Ben when it came to Rey. He wasn’t reaching for a lightsaber the minute he saw her. Unlike the way, he reacted with Y/N. Rey is meant to bring Ben Solo back, Rey was meant to be the one to save the day.
“I’m just a plot point in someone else’s story.” Y/N thought sobbing again.
Y/N let herself cry for another moment before she wiped her tears and crumbled the piece of paper.
She needed to get off the ship.
Quickly she reached down and grabbed Ben’s old lightsaber. She hoped she wouldn’t have to use it, however, she wasn’t going to risk not having it.
She looked around the room she had only been there for a few hours, but the moments she had spent with Ben would stay with her for a lifetime. As she walked to the door she hesitated for a moment, thinking maybe this wasn’t a good idea, maybe she should just wait and see what would happen when Ben came back. Then, however, she thought of how Ben looked at Rey, the longing look that she thought he only had for her, she saw in Ben’s eyes when he looked at Rey.
Taking a deep breath, she wiped her eyes, straightened out her outfit and walked out of the room, pretending that she belonged on the ship.
As she walked down the corridor, trying to remember how to get back to the loading dock, she past stormtroopers who she feared would remember her, but none of them did. However, as the twists and turns became more endless, Y/N knew that she had gotten lost.
“Can I help you find something?” She heard a metallic voice say behind her and her hand instantly flew to the saber she had clipped to her side. “Ma’am?” The voice questioned again
Y/N gulped as she turned around to find the shining silver suit staring back at her. She prayed that Phasma wouldn’t remember.
“You,” Phasma growled.
“Shit,” Y/N thought as she quickly turned around and started running back down the hall.
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