#and thank you again meg for setting everything up!!!!
hemmohoran · 2 years
the last stop on the red line or whatever
↳ happy holidays, yali!! @takemyhandlrh
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tunatoge · 6 months
brainrot by ur gojo and reader taking care of tsumiki and megumi fics 😭😭 i had an idea tho, what if gojo brought them to work since reader couldnt hire a babysitter and had work to do!! 😱😱 jus a lil thought, hope u had a good day today btw!! ❤❤
omg im so sorry for missing this but this is such a cute idea ily for this idea!! i hope u enjoy :)
my inbox is still open for reqs :D
pairing: teen!s. gojo x teen!reader
contents: gojo takes the kids to work, tsumiki gets attacked by a curse but megumi is there to save the day
you think your head might implode.  
tsumiki swings her legs in her car seat, singing along with the radio. her little shoes knock into the back of your seat repetitively. 
“tsum,” you say softly, rubbing at your temples with one hand, “can you stop kicking my chair, please?” the light ahead of you turns green and you follow the arc of cars turning left, silently cursing the afternoon traffic. 
“okay!” she chirps, stopping for a second before swinging her feet again. the soft thump thump thump on the back of your seat makes you grit your teeth. 
megumi shifts in his carseat, squeezing his juice pouch in between his little fingers. “do we have to go to the school?” he mumbles, sucking at the little plastic straw before throwing the garbage into the back of your car. you purse your lips as tsumiki scolds megumi. 
“sorry, megs,” you respond, tapping your finger against the steering wheel at another red light. “unfortunately, the babysitter called in sick and i’ve got plans with my parents. you’ll have to be with satoru today.” you glance at the rearview mirror, watching as megumi’s little brows pinch together and his lips begin to form a pout. tsumiki cheers. 
the light turns green and you drive the car forward, luckily missing the next couple of red lights and making it to jujutsu tech. 
“i don’t wanna go,” megumi says sharply as he crosses his arms over his chest. you hum apologetically as you swing open your car door. “i wanna be with you.” 
as you round the car and open his door, satoru appears at the top of the stairs. he smiles widely and bounds down the steps, easily reaching tsumiki’s door and helping her out of her carseat while you work on megumi’s. 
“i know, megs,” you tell him, lifting him up by his armpits and pulling him into a little hug. he clings to you, glaring at satoru behind your back. “i’ll make sure to bring back something yummy for you and tsum, okay? something salty for you and something sweet for tsum,” you promise, leaning down to set him on the sandy ground. he reluctantly lets you go. 
“okay…” he agrees, walking toward satoru who swings tsumiki around in the air while she laughs. he doesn’t turn back around and you sigh, your head throbbing with the remnants of your earlier headache. 
satoru finally turns toward you, a wide smile on his face, “don’t worry your pretty little head, everything’s gonna be totally okay!” he tucks tsumiki into his armpit like she’s a soccer ball. “we’ll see you for dinner! tell your mom i say hi, yeah?” he watches as you walk around the hood of your car. automatically, he leans forward and opens the car door for you. 
“thanks,” you murmur tentatively as you slide into your seat and diligently clip your seatbelt in place. 
satoru smiles even wider, tsumiki still tucked into his body and megumi tightly fisting his navy pants. he easily leans forward and presses a wet kiss to your cheek before leaning back and slamming your door shut. 
“bye!” he yells, his voice muffled. tsumiki waves and echoes his sentiment. you chuckle before driving away from the school. 
satoru’s grin doesn’t falter as he watches you drive away from him and the kids. a little feeling in his chest tells him that he probably should have told you about the mission he’d been assigned but he brushes it away; he knows he can handle it, he’s the strongest.
megumi tugs harder at his pants, “can you put her down?” he asks, pointing a chubby finger at tsumiki’s dangling body. 
satoru grins, “of course, gumi,” he says, placing tsumiki on the ground and crouching to help her straighten her shirt and bright pink skirt. “but you’re gonna have to take her spot!” he cheers, swiftly grabbing megumi and picking him up. “c’mon, tsumiki!” he calls as he bounds back up the stairs, megumi in his arms. 
yaga waits for satoru at the top, his arms crossed over his chest. satoru whistles happily as he stops in front of him. 
“don’t you think you should’ve told them you have a mission today?” yaga asks, staring at megumi and tsumiki. “you can’t take them with you.” 
gojo stops whistling, reaching upward to slide his glasses down an inch. “who says?” he challenges. “i’m not hearing too many objections. are you, tsumiki, megumi?” megumi glowers in his arms and tsumiki shakes her head. 
“nope!” she chirps. “we’ll be okay, mr. yaga! satoru’s the strongest!” 
yaga stares at the little girl, “fine,” he relents after a minute. “take them, but if they get hurt i’m not vouching for you, satoru.” 
satoru shift megumi into one arm and leans down and scoops tsumiki into his other arm. “no buts, yaga, my kids aren’t going to get hurt.” he smirks before teleporting away from the school, leaving a little cloud of dust in his wake. 
the three of them reappear in a closed off subway station. the lights overhead flicker sporadically and gojo huffs. he places megumi and tsumiki on the concrete floor near a little bench.
“wait here,” he says softly, slowly taking his glasses off his face. he vanishes from their sight.
megumi puffs his cheeks. “don’t you think it’s a bad idea that he left us?” he asks tsumiki who settles into the subway bench and begins to swing her feet. she hums to herself. 
“i trust him!” she says and megumi’s stomach drops at the sight of a dark shadow slinking toward her. 
“tsumiki,” he starts, looking around for satoru. “i think we should move.” 
she looks at him, “huh? but satoru said to stay here–” before she can finish, the low level curse launches itself at her. tsumiki yelps loudly as the slimy monster begins to drag her away. 
megumi clasps his hands together, the exact way satoru had taught him, and lets out a cry of frustration when his two dogs don’t appear. “please, please, please,” he whimpers, clasping his hands together over and over. 
finally, two dogs appear from the subway shadows and throw themselves at the curse dragging tsumiki away. they tear at its slimy body and tsumiki runs toward megumi. 
before she can reach him, megumi’s body is hauled into the air. he yelps loudly, turning around to glare at satoru as he smiles brightly. his blue eyes are nearly blinding. 
“you two okay?” satoru asks somewhat out of breath, he looks at tsumiki who picks sticks and rocks and other grime out of her hair and clothes. 
she nods, “megumi saved me!” 
“yeah? wait ‘till (y/n) hears about that!” satoru grins, picking tsumiki up and teleporting the three of them back to the school. your car is pulled in front of the school and you’re leaning against the hood, your cellphone gripped tightly in your hands. 
“satoru gojo,” you grumble as he approaches you. he settles the kids back onto the floor before wrapping his arms around you. 
“hi, my love,” he greets, pressing little kisses to the top of your head. “how are the in-laws doing?” 
you push at his chest and glare up at him, impatiently tapping your foot against the dirt. “they’re not your in-laws. why didn’t you tell me you had a mission?” 
satoru shoves his hands deep into his pockets. “ahh, it never came up! and don’t worry, pretty, they will be soon.” he leans back casually and grins at the way your face heats. 
megumi clings to your pantleg and you look down at him. your nose wrinkles. 
“satoru… why does megumi smell like a cursed spirit?” you look over at tsumiki and your eyes narrow at her messy clothes. “satoru gojo, you better not tell me what i think happened.” 
tsumiki jumps up, “don’t be mad at satoru!” she says. “we’re all safe and megumi saved me!” 
your glare turns back to satoru. “we’ll talk about this later,” you promise before turning to megumi who blushes deeply and turns away. 
“i summoned demon dogs,” he mumbles shyly. 
your mood immediately lightens, “really? that’s awesome, megs!” you praise, bringing him up into your arms and twirling him around in a circle. “that calls for ice cream, don’t you think?” 
megumi nods as you pull him into hug. “can i get two scoops?” 
“of course you can. let’s go right now!” you open the car door and situate megumi into his seat. tsumiki giggles and crawls into her seat and waits for you to buckle her in. 
“i call shotgun!” satoru sings. 
you turn to him, “not you, since you have another mission according to yaga.” 
satoru’s jaw drops as you clip tsumiki in and shut her car door with your hip. he watches as you sit in the driver’s seat. 
“i’ll save you a cup,” you tell him, winking before driving away.
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pumpkinbxtch · 3 months
“No one asked for it” ME!! ME!! I WILL ASK FOR IT I WILL!!! ME!! Plsplsplsplspls do an Apollo/Lester x Reader. PLEASE
you said you have an idea, DO IT. unless it’s nsfw 💔💔 but if it isn’t PLEASE
but if you can just do one in general I’ll take it
Me I’m the target audience it’s me
(Fem or Gn!reader)
I don’t have any specifics bcs I’m so desperate atp :’)!!!
thank you for reading this 😭 hope you have a nice day
.・・. “offering” .・・.
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— apollo/lester x fem!reader
Summary: apollo fell in love with you and that scares him, probably the only thing he can do about it is nothing. or not?
Warnings: none, I think. swear words? probably a little angsty.
A/N: hello gorgeous, you are the first to ask me so thank you. IN THIS HOUSE WE LOVE LESTER/APOLLO so don't worry, THERE WILL BE MORE (or i hope so) For now I will leave you with this small but cute one, I hope you like it and I LOVED reading you, if you have any others requests don't stop your precious heart.
Forgive me if it is not worthy of you. Kisses.
- From the other side of the milky way, María. 💙
Apollo knew that falling in love with you could represent a danger, his love seemed cursed no matter the time and space where it flourished. He could rarely (or rather never) be happy with the person he loved, but he just couldn't help it and his human form made him nothing more than an embarrassing, clumsy, sweaty bundle when he was with you. Everything about the situation seemed wonderful (and tragic) to him, he didn't know when he had started to feel that way but his heart was beating as if it were the first time.
He tried-and really tried-not to make it obvious. You'd already risked getting into this mess with him and Meg, you'd saved his not-so-divine ass a thousand times, and now you got involved as his love interest? No thanks, he preferred you more as a human and not as a cute bush. Although he wondered what kind of flower you were? No, stop, he wouldn't create any more flowers with ex-lovers.
But your pretty eyes, your lips and, oh, that laugh that seemed like a melody composed by damn Mozart! Damn, he had a huge crush on you. And what was he? a skinny guy with a bird's nest for hair and acne problems, ugh.
Maybe the walk he was having with you around New Rome was the closest to what you would do as a couple, so Apollo began to daydream. He grabbed a flower from the flower beds where you were walking and held it in his sweaty hands.
He looked at you. How your hair danced with each step and you smiled as you saw how the simple everyday life of the locals resulted in something beautiful. The sun, gods! He used to be in charge of it and couldn't contain his jealousy towards the other gods for enlightening you with such grace.
Apollo rolled the flower on its stem with his fingertips and admired its pink petals.
Then, he slowed his pace and left you walking on your own. How it hurt. He just wanted to love and be loved.
Noticing his absence, you turned on your heel, kicking up a small wave of dust.
—Apollo? — You called him and he felt a crack appear in his human heart.
He looked up and walked towards you slowly. The sun was already setting, Ra would have already finished and he was surely laughing at him.
— Darling? — He responded, feeling the heat on his cheeks immediately. Flirting wasn't so easy for him anymore, yet he kept trying.
You snorted and gave a small smile.
— Again with that.
Wanting to brush aside your mockery, he approached you and placed the flower behind your ear. Hearing no complaints, he gently placed his hand on the back of your head and kissed your forehead. At least his father hadn't given him an embarrassing height to achieve that.
His heart raced and he tried to keep your cheek resting on his chest hoping you could hear his heartbeat. A silent way of telling you what felt for you, would you have understood?
You straightened gently making you face each other and the breeze suddenly caressed both of you. Apollo's tangled brown curls played with the flurry of his twirling and framing his blue eyes. He looked so young but his essence emanated the ancestral, it was like admiring those museum pieces but raw. You felt so bad about yourself.
How can you fall in love with a god? The answer was short: You couldn't. You shouldn't.
You shouldn't have.
The breeze brought with it small particles of dust that made your eyes blink suddenly to cover the discomfort, however, a few seconds after noticing it, Apollo raised his hand and diverted the wind from your face. A gentle and terribly sweet act.
You both navigated simple moments like that but you couldn't see them taking you anywhere. So what did it matter? Before it all ended and broke your heart, you would live to mourn it.
Your hand wanted to travel to Apollo's cheek but you only managed to leave a ghost of your touch. Despite being familiar with him and playing bad jokes on him, it still seemed unreal to be able to touch him in such an impetuous way. You stood on tiptoes and gave him a small kiss on the lips.
The surprise of the act unbalanced him and he stumbled. He blinked repeatedly and his cheeks flushed.
— That was...?
— An offering.
It was probably towards the wrong god but Apollo didn't care if only the present mattered. More so if it was one with you.
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visceravalentines · 1 year
What did you do for Easter, Meg? Oh you know, colored eggs and wrote sacrilegious porn, hbu? Couldn't stop thinking about the comments on this post so surprise whores here you go
Dilf!Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
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Bo has a few sins to confess and in the process he commits a whole bunch of new ones.
2.5k words. Smut. Super blasphemy, like so bad, and lots of religious ideas and phrasing. Oral (fem!receiving) and PnV sex in a semi-public extremely inappropriate place w/ creampie at the end bc that's what we deserve. Soft Bo, almost sub Bo if you squint. Reader wears a dress & heels and uses she/her pronouns. Extensive liberties taken with confessional booth architecture and suit pants physics.
A note: this can be read as a non-chronological part of my ongoing dilf Bo series or as a standalone.
You haven't been in this church since you were a teenager. Your eyes wander up and over the stained glass, the soaring rafters. It's a beautiful building, stately, tranquil.
"Got somethin' I need to confess," Bo whispers with his lips against your ear. Goosebumps roll down your skin.
You shoot a sidelong glance down the pew at your parents, less than two feet away. They're holiday Catholics and the sermon has them rapt, like tourists watching a wild animal from the safety of their vehicle.
You incline your head subtly in Bo's direction and hold your breath so you don't miss his next words.
"I can't get you outta my head."
You exhale slowly and shift on the bench, careful not to set the ancient wood creaking. When you sneak a look at him, he's the picture of innocence, taking in the gospel like a man who doesn't need it. You clasp your hands on your lap.
Casually, like he's commenting on the father's delivery, Bo leans in again and murmurs, "Bet you'd let me touch you here, huh? Get my hands under that little skirt...."
You shiver and shift. The bench tattles on you and your mother sends a reprimand your way with her eyes. You tug the hem of your skirt towards your knees and try to channel a modicum of the faux virtue sitting to your left.
He quiets down and behaves himself for just long enough that the flame flickering in your center dies down to an almost-appropriate level, but the heat of his leg against your bare thigh keeps you from turning all your thoughts to God. The weight of his hand on the small of your back as he guides you out of the pew for Communion is a stitch past purity. The look he manages to slip you as the father places the wafer in his open mouth makes you feel like you need to get back in line for a second pass at contrition, and maybe this time you'll mean it.
His hand brushes across your ass as you scoot back into the pew and you think about obedience, how you hate to be told what to do but you'd drop to your knees for him right now, right here, if he'd promise to quell the simmer he's started between your legs.
The father is thanking those who helped prepare the picnic on the lawn outside and Bo props his arm on the back of the bench, leans close and lets his lips graze your skin, and whispers, "Meet me up there once everybody's outside." He gestures with a nod.
You look at him with wide eyes. "The confessional?" you hiss.
He winks at you.
You follow your parents out onto the green, but Bo doesn't follow you. In fact you lose him immediately in the crowd, can't help but search for him among the abundance of pastel dresses and khaki suits. You agree vapidly with everything your mother says about the mass, nod politely at all your dad's closest acquaintances.
You excuse yourself at the second or third possible opportunity, afraid of running into the father if you sneak back too soon. Your footsteps are deafening in the now silent sanctuary, your eager uncertainty echoing back at you like an accusation.
Bo is nowhere to be seen, but neither is the clergy, so you step lightly across the stone floor and approach the confessional booth. The penitent's bench is hardly private, hung with a red curtain that only conceals from the waist up. You duck instead into the priest's chamber and inch the door closed behind you, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding once you're safely out of sight.
The small space is dimly lit by a single bulb recessed in the ceiling and the fractured light coming in through the screen on the one side. There's a bench built into the back wall and furnished with a velvet cushion. You sit, adjusting your skirt, and think about guilt.
Abruptly the door flies open and Bo slips inside, closing it all the way behind him. He's appropriately debonair in a blue suit, white shirt, no tie. For a moment, he looks a touch harried, glancing over his shoulder to be sure the door is closed. But then he looks down at you, meets your gaze, and flashes you a grin.
"Well what do we have here?"
You move to stand and he shakes his head, fighting to shrug off his suit coat in the confined space. "Don't get up, darlin', you're perfect right there. Betcha this is the first time anyone with tits has sat in that seat."
You giggle, a touch nervous. He reaches his hand out for yours and brings your knuckles to his lips. His mustache prickles your skin.
"You enjoy the mass?"
You're not sure if he's serious. "...parts of it, yeah."
He smiles. "Which parts?"
You open your mouth for a sharp reply but your gaze is hung up on his lips and when he shifts his weight you become unbearably aware of how close his bulge is to your face.
Bo laughs low and squeezes your hand. "I myself had a hard time focusin' on the good word. Had my mind on...other things." He eyes you with something like mischief. "I was hopin' maybe you could help me...unburden myself."
The smell of him is slowly permeating the tiny space, overwriting the stuffy scent of incense and oiled wood with tobacco and aftershave. He barely fits, too tall, shoulders too broad. He could swallow you whole and you wish he would.
"Anything you want," you say softly.
Bracing himself against the walls, he sinks to his knees in front of you. The pattern of the screen is emblazoned on his face in light. The wood pops and creaks. You remember to breathe.
"I'm a sinner, darlin'." He gazes up at you through those lashes, smiling sheepishly, big hands curving around your calves. "Done too much wrong to confess. Can't even remember it all."
You touch his cheek, brush your thumb over the crow's feet at the corner of his eye. "Start small."
His hands slide down to your ankles and he works at the strap of your heels with ungainly fingers. "I been tellin' lies, baby." He slips off one shoe and starts on the other. "Your mama asked me if I've been seein' anyone and I said no." His thumb runs along the arch of your foot. "Your daddy asked me if I knew where you was the other night and I told him I didn't have a clue."
He wraps his fingers around your ankles and squeezes gently, and then pulls your legs open. You stifle a gasp, try to press your thighs together to maintain a smidgen of modesty.
Bo kisses your knees. His hands creep up the outside of your legs. "Been gamblin'. Riskin' my reputation, my livelihood."
"Why would you do that?" you whisper.
He grins against your skin. His fingers are sneaking beneath your skirt. "Well y'see, there's this girl...."
You bite your lip as he curls one finger around the waistband of your panties on either side and tugs them down your thighs.
"She ain't for me...but she's all I want. And that's another thing." He tucks your panties in his pocket and you pretend you don't notice. "I been plagued by lustful thoughts. Day and night I'm thinkin' about this girl, thinkin' about the sounds she makes...picturin' her underneath me...." He guides your knees apart, drags his mouth over your skin, lighting you up from the outside in. His shoulders are solid under your hands, a foundation to cling to.
"See, I know it's wrong, but whenever she's around me I just...forget myself. Start wonderin' what she's got on under her clothes, what I gotta do to get 'em off of her...." He nips at your flesh, one, two, three up your thigh, and you gasp each time. "Keeps me up at night wishin' she was in my bed." He pauses, looks at you with cocked eyebrows. "I think about her damn near every time I defile myself, which is...often."
You exhale slowly, release the death grip you have on his shirt and run your fingers through his hair. "Sounds like you've got a lot of penance to do."
Bo lets out a helpless chuckle. "I know it, baby. I'm desperate." He blinks up at you, looking earnest. "I'm hopin' you got some salvation to offer me."
"I might." You tug your skirt up, baring yourself to him, and he groans, fingers digging into your flesh. "But you've got to earn it."
He inches forward and pins your legs open on either side of his shoulders. "Never been much of a god-fearin' man," he says, "but I know how to worship." He bows his head and you close your eyes when you feel his breath on your skin. "What d'you know about devotion, angel?"
"Nothing," you say, breathless. "Teach me."
The first pass of his tongue is feather-light and devastating and you sigh as that flickering flame roils brightly back to life. He teases the edge of your entrance, warming you up with the heat of his attention. You make a small sound and he responds with a slow, insistent lick up the length of your slit that makes you whine and clutch at his hair.
He cradles your clit in the cup of his lips and venerates you with his tongue in lazy spirals, up and over, and your blood throbs in the same rhythm. He sucks gently, and then harder, and you moan in the bliss of transubstantiation as his mouth makes the mundane into the divine.
With a growl in the back of his throat he hoists your legs onto his shoulders and penetrates you with his tongue, lapping at your pussy in search of absolution. Your eyes bounce around the blank ceiling of the booth as your hips buck mindlessly against his chin. His mustache tickles your lips, beard coarse against your inner thighs.
"Bo," you gasp as he sucks hard at your clit, "oh, god."
"I'm a bad person, baby," he mumbles. "Promise."
"No." You try and fail to stifle a cry, back arching, toes curled. "You're so good...you're so good."
Between your gasps you hear the sound of footsteps on the stone. Your steady-building climax skids to a halt and you stare wide-eyed at the confessional door.
Bo doesn't stop. In fact, he redoubles his efforts.
You clamp your hand over your mouth, trying desperately to keep still even as your body flexes and writhes against your will. You can hear two voices--you recognize one as the father but the other could be anybody, some stranger, some sinner seeking Easter confession.
Bo seals his mouth over your cunt and grinds his tongue against your clit again and again, gripping your ass, holding you to him as you squirm and seek purchase on the featureless walls.
The voices are getting closer and against all odds, so is your release. You're past the point of redemption, couldn't stave it off if you wanted to.
"Bo," you squeak under your breath, clawing at the back of his neck, grasping the edge of the seat, "please--"
He grunts softly. He's devouring you, hellbent on a miracle, bound and determined to introduce you to God. And seconds later, when your cup runneth over and your spine arches against the velvet and you have to sink your teeth into the meat of your palm to keep from howling his name, you see starbursts of pastel pink and sky blue behind your eyes and figure this is probably the closest you'll get to the pearly gates.
Your breath is hitching in your chest and you feel him slip out of your hands and you whimper, floating back into your body, unsteady as you try to sit up straight on the bench. The voices and footsteps are fading and you breathe a sigh of relief and release.
His hands are on your arms and he's coaxing you to your feet, supporting your weight on behalf of your shaking legs, turning you around in the tight space and murmuring in your ear.
"Need you, baby, right now, c'mere. Need to be inside you. Let me--"
He takes your place on the bench. He's undone his belt, freed his cock from his pants, and you clamber eagerly into his lap and let him guide you down onto him. Your head lolls back as he pushes into you, fills your empty space. The image of him looking desperately up at you is burned into the back of your eyelids.
"Angel," he breathes as he takes your face in his hands and brings your mouth to his. His kisses are hot with lust, with greed, with envy of everyone who's ever touched your lips before him. You can smell yourself in his beard, sweet and heady like original sin.
You move, rocking back and forth on his cock, and he moves you, hands on your hips, your skirt in disarray, his shirt falling open as you wrestle with the buttons. He pulls you closer, pulls himself deeper, and you can feel his heart pounding when you brace yourself on his chest.
"Ain't gonna last long," he pants. "So fuckin' tight, baby, so perfect...."
"That's okay, that's okay," you say, stumbling over your words. The frame of the booth is groaning in legitimate complaint, the entire structure trembling slightly, and you're going to get caught, surely you are, and you'll be cast out together beyond the reach of forgiveness but that might be alright as long as you've got him with you.
You press yourself against him, as close as you can get and not close enough. He cums with his face buried in your chest and your name in his mouth like a prayer. The kick of his cock inside you grants you another little climax, a little death, little moans jarred from your lips with each waning thrust of his hips.
"Kiss me," you whisper, and he obeys, his eyes glazed, his gaze soft and adoring. His needy grip on your waist melts into caresses and you finger the buttons of his shirt like rosary beads. One is missing; you're both hopelessly disheveled, undeniably sin-touched. You push his hair off his forehead and back into place. "Did this help?"
He shakes his head and laughs quietly. "No."
"Made it worse."
"'S okay." He kisses you again. "You're forgiven."
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bryngmemoney · 4 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
Writing between messages!!
🪡Chapter Thirty-four: Show
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You walked past a couple of models and students, trying to find him. Moving by the side of yet another collection you finally saw Megumi. He was standing there, simply looking around taking in his surroundings. “Megs!” you announced. He slightly jumped in response, then recollected himself once realizing it was you. “Y/n don’t scare me like that.”
“Sorry, but just wanted to see if everything’s good. I just checked in with Yuki and Ino and everything’s in place, do you feel alright?”
Megumi looked around, before sighing and wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your shoulder, of course being careful to not mess anything up.
“Hm, yea i’m good, just a little nervous.”
You patted his back in response, pressing a quick kiss to the side of his face that was still visible to you. “You’ll do fine, and if you do happen to mess up I won’t be mad,” you reassured. “Won’t mess up, just don’t wanna embarrass myself.” You laughed a little, while he stood up right once again.
“15 minutes till start time!” someone in the crowd announced.
“Okay well, I’ll see you after, good luck Megs,”
“Mhm, take care love,” he replied in a more hushed tone, “See you after.”
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“Who are those people?” You whispered to Maki next to you. “Which ones, the ones in the front?” You hummed in response, signalling that she was right. “They’re photographers, but there is also a few scouts I heard, then of course the ‘judges’ who are helping grade.
“Ah, okay, i’m kinda starting to freak out a bit.”
“Don’t Y/n! I’ve seen your designs and they look super cool, you’ll pass for sure!” You turned towards Yuji next to you, giving him a smile. “Thanks Yuji.”
“No problem!”
A couple minutes after the official start time the lights began dim around you, and brightening on the walkway. “Oh my god it’s starting!” you heard Nobara whisper-shout.
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A few collections had gone by now, and you sat with anxiety waiting for yours to show up. Once Yuta walked out, you nudged Maki next to you. “Look it’s yours!” you excitedly whispered. “Yea, I know,” Maki mumbled in response, and although she seemed nonchalant about the whole thing, the slight fidgeting with the end of the skirt she wore was enough to tell you that she was also feeling a little nervous.
After Maki’s finished up, your breath was caught in your throat at seeing Megumi walk out. Transfixed on watching him walk down, you had your complete focus on him. For a split second you met his gaze, and had flashback of the first time you saw him walk during the audition.
“Lovestruck much?” Yuji said while nudging your side. Maki on your other side was fighting back her snicker at your expression. “Oh shut up, he made eye contact with me!”
“Y/n you’re literally dating him.”
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“..And here in front of me is fashion student and designer, Y/n L/n!” Yuji exclaimed, holding up his phone’s camera in your direction in front of him. You turned around and gave the camera a small wave. “They’re dating my best friend, and he actually modeled for them, that’s how they got to know each other!” Yuji spoke indirectly to no one but his little vlog he was recording. “We’re gonna go give him flowers.”
You finally reached the door they had set up in the way of the official backstage and the hallway you guys were walking down. Yuji continued holding up his phone recording. “This is the backstage, we’re about to see all the models.” You opened the door, and with his free hand Yuji held it open letting you both in.
“Do you see him?” you asked as you both made your way through the crowd. “Uhh..” Yuji began, “Wait yeah look!” Yuji pointed, catching his hand in the frame of the video were he points to Megumi leaning against the railing of a short set of stairs.
“Megumi!” You called out, he looked towards you as you walked up the small steps, engulfing him in a hug, then backing up and handing him the roses.
“Say hi to the vlog Megs!” Yuji spoke up, recording from below you two. In response he just turned around, trying to hide the blush on his face, when the collar of the shirt doesn’t do enough, he uses the flowers once he feels Yuji approaching. “Don’t be shy!” You laughed at their antics, finding Megumi’s reaction the best.
“Shut up get that thing out of my face,” Megumi said trying to continue to turn away from Yuji. “Don’t be a grump c’mon!”
In an attempt to snatch his phone away from him, Megumi reached over, however completely forgetting about the lifted up step, causing him to trip over it. With that he tumbled over Yuji, both of them falling backwards. All the camera caught was Megumi’s hand grabbing it before hearing both of them exclaim as they fell, and your gasp, followed by a worried “Megumi!”
“Oh my, what happened here?” You turned towards Gojo who had showed up at probably the worst possible time, a taken aback Utahime besides him. “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” she grumbled, watching as the two boy groaned attempting to get up.
“Sorry,” you apologized on all your behalfs.
Author’s Note: epilogues out now too
guys this was sm fun to write and thank you all for support you’ve shown the story <33
im gonna start on another smau soon in a couple of days, i have two ideas and i can’t decide btwn them so you guys can click here to vote on which one u want to see first!!
hope you guys enjoyed!!
@iridescentrays @gumimegz @maya-maya-56 @mamafly @lunavixia @swissy23 @coltsgf @m00nglad3-mp3 @etsukis @xosren @qtnfer @oengleli @harek89 @y-sabell-a @morgyyyyyyy @getolvr @liliumaraneae @k3lbade @aiieera @dancedancey @get0sfav @chuyasthighs0 @hyssoplampflickers @kpopanimen @sad-darksoul @vivi-loves-penguins @kasumitenbaz @talkingsperm @nymphsdomain @inlovewithlondonn @rzcnlb @enchantingkitty @fuyuzemi @lysaray @ni-ki-ismyluv @reneny @frumira @mixzimi @miralunaela @dreamxiing @p3achiee @anianurst @fishii28 @arguendo @samutoru @hallothankmas @invisible-mori @aiserex @all-in-the-fandoms @milza12 @nyxlai @daintyminho @tokyodarlng @molovs @hopeladybug @dazaisms
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queenariesofnarnia · 2 months
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gif not mine!
an: physical touch pt 2 is coming this weekend. i want it to be perfect!
the bad batch x reader
no warnings, just fluff
wc: 436
The sounds of the night fill the room through the open window. The faint sound of waves crashing along the shore that would lure anyone to sleep. Their soft snores filled the room as they cuddled on the giant bed. A soft smile painted your face as you admired your family. You slip out the room quietly. Going into the kitchen to grab a sweet wine you bought on an adventure with Phee and a glass. Heading out to the balcony to look at the view. Your nightgown flows in the breeze around your ankles as you sip your wine. 
You thought about everything it took to get to this peaceful moment. The moments that could’ve ripped the small family you have apart. A smile stayed on your face as you continued to think about the happy memories. Soft footsteps approached you, a small hand encasing yours. 
You let her hand go pulling her in for a side hug instead holding her close. 
“Why are you up Meg?” you ask your voice above a whisper. 
“You weren’t in the cuddle pile” she responds pouting. 
“I’m not tired just yet. I was going to turn in soon hon” you inform her playing with her blonde curls. She squeezes you tight before rubbing her eyes. “Go back to bed. I’ll be in soon” you guide her inside. 
“Goodnight mom” she mumbles heading back to bed. 
Once you finished the glass setting it aside you looked at the view thanking the maker for it again. Quietly going back inside your domicile before anyone else wakes up. You clean the glass out, setting it on the counter before storing the bottle away.  Upon entering the room again you quietly walk around the bed so you can squeeze into your spot between Crosshair and Tech. Once situated Crosshair’s chest is against your back with his arm thrown around you. 
“Where were you?” he groggily whispered in your ear. 
“I was outside. Couldn’t sleep yet” you softly reply nuzzling back into him. He lets out a soft hum in reply before kissing your shoulder. Soon after he starts softly snoring again. Tech starts to stir a little in his sleep until you gently place a hand on his chest to calm him. You lean up to place a kiss on his jawline, which had him relax back into the pillow. 
Wrecker’s snores filled the room, and the occasional grunts from Hunter in his sleep. Omega was tucked snuggly between them. Batcher slept on the floor at the end of the bed her snores almost combating Wrecker’s. You drift to sleep with a smile still on your face. Your final thoughts of the day being on the love you had for this bunch
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arabaka · 4 months
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₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. content warnings ⤸ sfw. reigen arataka x afab!reader. no cw but while this chapter is sfw, the story is generally not. 1.1k word count.
₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. author's note ⤸ chapter 3! sorry for taking so long, muse was dead but thanks to my beloveds, meg and @bulle-blackhole, i was able to break the curse and finish this! b also gave me the AMAZING idea that you'll see when you see reigen again and that honestly got me through the rest of the chapter lol.
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“We should probably set some ground rules, right?” You murmur to his chest after a short while of being in his embrace. 
Admittedly, Reigen hadn’t thought about that. “Yeah… Probably.” Reigen croaks, his cheeks heating up to an obvious red as he hears himself. “Sorry, I’ve just…” 
The man looks away, ashamed, brown eyes looking anywhere but yours as his sheepishness shows in red hues blooming over his cheeks. Though he knows, there is no running from this, not from the very truth of the fact that…
”I’ve never been in a relationship.” His voice drops decibel by decibel with every word but the shame that drips off every word has no one to blame but himself. 
The “going home” club really was a foolish decision. 
You watch Reigen's throat tense with a barbed swallow, your heart beating with sympathy (but not pity) at the sight of it. He’s pensively pushing his fingers and his gaze is to the floor. The only noise bouncing off the walls is the nervous tap, tap, tap of his feet. If his words didn’t say it, his body language certainly does: the man is anxious. Reigen thought for so long that being self-made was enough for him, but as he’s confronted with his first relationship ever, he can’t help but think he’s falling short of what you need. What you deserve.
That’s when your hand comes over his, fingers curling in for a reassuring squeeze. The corners of your lips subtly curl, a tender smile appearing as you tell him, “That’s okay. Every relationship is different anyways… And I think we can both agree our situation is very different.”
We. Our.
Those two little words seem to snap him out of his stupor; after all, Reigen wouldn’t want to miss that smile of yours. 
His hand shifts, his fingers moving to lace with yours. Immediately, he gulps, “S-Sorry, my hands are kinda sweaty.” 
“That's okay. Some sweat never hurt anybody.” You assure him with a light laugh. “How about this…” You whisper as your other hand folds over his knuckles. “Let's revisit this tonight, in the meantime we can think about all of this and… Shower because I know I need one.”
The proposition is a relieving one, Reigen letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding when you were done speaking. “I think that's a great idea.” He murmurs with a chuckle, eyes cast on your linked hands as he continues, “I really… Don't want to screw this up.” The man admits, unable to shake off the fear that everything will fall apart and it will be all his fault. He can fake it ‘til he makes it with everything else, everyone else in his life, but he would never do that with you.
He doesn't have to.
And when he hears you tell him that he won’t screw it up, that you won’t let him, with the sweetest smile, he believes you.
A few hours and many, many, Mobgle searches later, Reigen stands outside of your apartment door. He’s traded his suit for a more casual look, even tried parting his hair a different way… Until he saw his reflection in the nearby window and quickly rectified that mistake.
Just in time too because there you are, opening the door with a bigger smile on your face than the one you had this morning. “Reigen!” You chirp, extra excited to show him the bouquet of flowers you had bought for him earlier that day… Only to see the exact bouquet in his hands as well.
Pink roses line both arrangements but the real stars are the gerberas, their stark white petals standing out among the rosy leaves and bundles of baby’s breath. Both sets of flowers are the same, down to the pink cellophane wrap and white ribbon around the stems. 
Both of you blink in surprise at first, stunned to silence until an escaped snort from Reigen gets you both to start laughing. “What are the odds?” You ask after a giggle, wiping your eye of the single tear that came from the belly laugh. “Let me guess…”
You don’t have to, Reigen jumps on it seamlessly, “‘You can’t go wrong with roses and gerberas!’” 
“And let me guess…” You start again with a toothy grin, “He didn’t charge you for the baby’s breath either?”
“... What?”
You sit on the couch– yes, the same couch you two were shamelessly making out on like you were teenagers at the height of puberty less than 24-hours prior. Though this time, there isn’t any tension to cut through. No gulped swallows and nervous stirrings of the gut.
“We should say our first rule out loud at the same time.” You’re overeager, every cell in your body just itching to hammer out these details so you can kiss that stupid face of his again… 
Okay, you really just want to seal the deal so you can officially call Reigen Arataka your boyfriend.
Reigen exclaims with a sweat already running from his brow, “What if yours is way more serious than mine?!” 
“Aw, c’mooooon.” He’s still hesitating so you bring out the big guns… A pout and a stare that would put a kitten to shame.
Reigen’s face could not get redder. He can practically feel his heart ramming against his ribs just looking at you! “... Fine.” He clears his throat, trying to recover from the strike to the heart that was your expression. “You’re not gonna do that every time you need me to agree with you, right?” He asks after a beat, letting out a chuckle that makes the red glow on his cheeks even brighter somehow.
“I make no such promise.” You answer with a nod and a smug smile, your chin wrinkling from the silly expression. “Now, c’mon! One… Two… Three!”
“No PDA at work!” 
“We shouldn’t do anything at work!”
You both let out a sigh of relief. 
“Oh, good.” Reigen leans back on the couch, eyes closed briefly in contentment. “I’m glad we see eye-to-eye on this. But it’s not because I don’t want the others to know!” He’s now sat upright, needing you to see the honesty in his eyes because he would never want you to get the impression he wants to hide you for any reason.
Your hand on his knee soothes his worries, a touch he can already see himself craving. “Hey, hey, hey. Don’t get ahead of yourself. I knew what you meant but Reigen…” You smile at him tenderly, squeezing his leg as you assure him, “You don’t need to watch yourself around me, afraid you’ll make a mistake just because we’re going to be dating now.” Oh, how your cheekbones already tingle from how much the word “date” makes you giddy. 
“Right, right.” Reigen returns your affectionate smile, his hand coming to hold yours. The gesture is still foreign to his bones but god, it feels perfect. “Well, I’m sure we can handle ourselves at work.”
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brightymir · 2 years
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》 contains: misspellings, food description, rich reader in toge's, ryujin nippon content in toshi's
》 fluff
》 wc: 4.3k
》 — yuuji, megumi, nobara, toge, noritoshi x gn!reader
》 a/n: HELLO OMG i am so glad to be back from my hiatus and i'm pleased to give u all this jjk fluff !!! i made it a bit longer than the usual scs bec i wanted to make up for my absence. thank you for waiting for me and i really hope you like this bec i took this too seriously and did some research on famous spots and even the airports in japan lmao
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𑁍 yuuji itadori
✈︎ 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙖 𝘼𝙞𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩
you just finished claiming your bags and were on your way out of the airport terminal when a large cardboard caught your attention. it was large enough to take up four persons worth of space and the glitter splattered all over it did not help in the slightest.
you chuckled to yourself and walked towards it. yuuji himself was obscured by the banner he was holding and did not notice you approaching. but as soon as he got a whiff of your familiar perfume, he dropped the banner and set his gaze on you.
not wasting a second, he dashed straight to you, forgetting to reduce his speed. the impact his collision had on you set you tumbling on the floor as he remained hugging you. you let out a hearty laugh and hugged him tightly back.
"you're back! you're really back!" he exclaimed and snuggled closer to you. you tread your fingers along his soft locks and used your elbow to sit yourself up, yuuji refusing to let go.
"mhm, i'm here yuu. i'm home" you replied and ijichi came to your aid helping you with your baggage as your boyfriend showed no signs of letting go anytime soon.
arriving at the dorm, you only got a quick glance at the other students before yuuji dragged you to his room. he then proceeded to make some snacks as you went for a shower.
afterward, yuuji then asked you to tell him how your mission went, the sights that you saw, the curses you encountered, and your overall experience. he looked like a cute little puppy while listening to you talk, eyes wide and sparkling and a genuine smile never leaving his lips once.
when evening came, he let you rest to your heart's content, knowing that it was a long and arduous journey for you and even though you try your best to hide it, the fatigue and exhaustion were evident in your subtle actions.
the way your knees buckled when you walked out of the airport, your droopy eyes when you both watched a film, your trembling fingers, and your weak grip when you put away the snacks earlier, yuuji saw it all.
he let you snuggle him and rest your head on his chest as he held you close, keeping you safe and warm in his embrace. he smiled to himself as he heard your soft snores and felt your heartbeat become slow, matching his.
for the next two weeks, yuuji spent as much time with you as possible while making sure you still get some rest. sometimes even hiding from gojo because he knows that the tall man will probably come to drag you away to another mission.
be it watching a movie, going to a football game, going bowling or karaoke, or strolling in the night market — yuuji did everything to make you feel at home once again. he made sure that after months-long of exorcising curses, you get the peace and comfort you have.
"gojo's calling me, what is it this ti-" before you could even finish your sentence, your boyfriend snatched your phone from you and turned it off, stashing it in his pocket.
"your ice cream will melt baby, eat up now" he replied and pulled you close by the waist, making you chuckle as you gave him a kiss on the cheek.
of course, you felt at home. yuuji is your home after all.
meanwhile, on the other side of the phone, gojo was sulking because he also wanted to get ice cream with you guys!
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𑁍 megumi fushiguro
✈︎ 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝘼𝙞𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩
after claiming your bags from checkout, you began to make your way out of the terminal and your eyes quickly scanned across the area to look for any signs of megumi waiting for you. he sent a message earlier that he had arrived at the waiting area.
you squinted and tried to look for him amidst the sea of people wearing monochrome shirts. you sighed to yourself and tried to sense the strongest cursed energy in the crowd, and finally succeeded in locating megumi.
he was near the entrance, in a secluded area and his hands were frozen mid-air. it was as if he was hesitating to wave over to you or pull out his phone instead to make a call, but his eyes met yours and he knew there was no need for either.
you hurried over to him as your luggage dragged carelessly behind you. you engulfed him in a hug as soon as he was within arm's length which took him by surprise, but he chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around you as well.
"you're here" he whispered as he slowly ran his hands up and down your back as if he was trying to convince himself. you smiled to yourself and pat his back reassuringly.
"i'm here, 'gumi."
originally, megumi wanted you to stay back at your home so that you will be able to get over your jet lag and adjust properly to the weather and time in japan. however, his plans to cuddle you to sleep went down the drain when you asked ijichi to take you both to tsudome.
"huh? tsudome...?" he mumbled to himself as he played with your hands, wondering why you made such a specific request. your giggle made the wheels turn in his head as he finally put the pieces together.
"oh, so that's what it is. i thought you insisted to stay in sapporo because your home is here" he said and looked at you in the eye. "you want to attend the snow festival"
megumi allowed you to drag him around the hills as you took him sledding and skiing, the winter sunshine falling upon the both of you as you lay on the snow creating snow angels.
you rode a snowmobile and explored the community dome, marveling at the enormous snowballs that were as big as entire buildings. your eyes were glued to the snow formations that you missed the way megumi was intently staring at you, basking in your presence and warmth.
making your way to odori park, you both rented ice skates to roam around the park hand in hand as you ate to your heart's content. you handfed megumi multiple times, much to his embarrassment as passers-by teased him for being so shy, which he responded to by scratching his hair.
to end the night, you both stood to one side while drinking milk tea, watching the light shows and stage performances deep into the night. you exchanged opinions on the performances as well as the designs of the light show.
megumi never felt so alive and at peace in the past eight months.
your boyfriend was huddled up to you, his face resting on the crook of your neck as he listened to your heartbeat. his arm was draped over your waist while the other rested below his head. you looked down at him to see a dreamy look on his face.
"i've missed this, so much. everyday i wonder how you're doing, and..." he trailed off and looked up at you, his eyes holding so many emotions that you can't describe each one. but adoration and love reigned over the others.
"you're here now, so i'm really happy" megumi seldom shows so much of his feelings and it struck you right then and there how much your absence affected him. so, instead of words, you held him tighter and planted a kiss on his forehead.
the night ended with you both sleeping in each other's arms, and megumi felt warmth and satisfaction when he woke up — and you were still beside him.
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𑁍 nobara kugisaki
✈︎ 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙖 𝘼𝙞𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩
you sleepily dragged your luggage behind you as you began to make your way out of the airport terminal, the jet lag clinging onto your bones as you scanned your eyes among the mass of people waiting for their relatives.
it didn't take long for you to spot nobara in the crowd, wearing a brown trench coat which she paired with converse. her hair had noticeably grown longer from the ten months that you were away, it was now resting atop her chest.
you made your way over to her and let out a grin at how she was still craning her neck, trying to spot you in the crowd of arrivals. you walked up to her and tapped her shoulder and she looked up at you, raising an eyebrow.
"huh? who are you?" she asked with her signature snarky voice, making you smile inwardly. she still has such a feisty personality in the seven months you were overseas. it took a few more seconds of her scrutinizing stare before her eyes went wide and she pounced on you, clinging onto you will all of her limbs. 
“you damned piece of crap! you were gone too long and you even had a whole makeover that i can’t even recognize you. even your scent! it changed, your hair, your style, your aura, and you even grew much taller! it’s all different now. you can’t blame me for not recognizing you! it’s all your-” 
“love, love please calm down, i’m not blaming you. i’m also well aware that i changed drastically hmm?” you encircled your arms around her and put your hand over her mouth as you dragged her out of the airport. “the only thing that did not change is my feelings for you.”
she flushed light pink and lightly hit you on your shoulder. she then proceeded to walk you towards the subway station, making you confused.
“huh? won’t ijichi be picking us up? i clearly gave him a call earlier today, and told him to drive us home” you said and halted in your tracks, whipping out your phone to dial ijichi’s number but nobara snatched it away from you. 
“nope, we’re taking the subway to get to asakusa ekimise and spend your first day back doing shopping” she revealed a large grin and laughed maniacally as she waved gojo’s black card in your face. you sighed helplessly and submitted to her.
arriving at ekimise, she dragged you to different stores, particularly clothing stores. the fashion style in the west showed a lot of skin which was not good for the rainy weather in japan now.
she chose numerous pieces of clothing for you as you sat on one side and watched her roam around the entire store as attendants followed her. you laughed at how easily she used and swiped gojo’s card like it was not a big deal.
“what do you mean where is the owner? that’s my father, do i have to get him from his meeting to buy this?!”
after shopping, which you felt took quite a toll on gojo’s pocket, she treated you to a nice udon restaurant as you both ate to your heart’s content.
“ah really, nothing ever beats home food. the pasta is too oily in america, the chicken is too dry, and the salads are too dewy. it sucks to live there” 
as if she weren’t tired enough from running around in 78 clothing and bag stores, she proceeded to take you to an arcade and spent a good 200,000 yen to win you the big plushie. 
“darling, you know you could’ve bought me tons of stuff toys with what you used to buy tick-”
“shut up, i worked hard for it! i think i used up all my luck to get this penguin for you” she replied and shoved it to your chest, making you laugh as you leaned to kiss her forehead. 
you both took the subway to return to the dorms as it was past 9 and going to shikoku would take too much time. seven minutes into the train ride and you felt a weight on your shoulder.
you looked down to see your girlfriend asleep, head resting on your shoulder as she had her right arm draped over you. her mouth was slightly ajar and you could hear her mumble about how glad she is that you were home. 
you chuckled to yourself and carefully set down the shopping bags onto the floor. you pulled her closer and rested her head on your chest and pressed your chin atop her head. 
“i’m really happy that i’m home too, my love.” 
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𑁍 toge inumaki
✈︎ 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙖 𝘼𝙞𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩
you admired the view below you as the private jet you arranged began to descend on the runway. your mission was supposed to end in eleven days but because of your boyfriend's nagging and sulky demand for you to be home for your 3rd anniversary, you entrusted the cleaning up and reports to kinji, who obliged. 
after exiting the jet, you were engulfed in a large hug and tackled to the ground. you wrapped your arms around him in retaliation and sighed contentedly.
you both sat on the ground, hugging, for the next few minutes. you missed toge so much. his hugs, his warmth, his scent, his presence, and the entirety of him.
after pulling away, he pressed a kiss to the corner of your lips which sent jolts of electricity down your spine and caused you to shiver.
"tuna," he said and caressed your face gently.
"mhm, i'm here now love, not going anywhere"
you took the car keys from your caretaker and instructed him to move your bags and the souvenirs to the dorm.
"where are we off to? the whole day is ours, baby" you asked and started the engine. toge whipped out his phone and showed you an image.
"sega shinjuku? huh bringing me to an arcade the first thing. alright then" you replied and drove off to the said destination.
as to not distract you from driving, toge opted to talk to you in morse code, tapping on your arm as he urged you to tell all the details about your missions and shenanigans in europe. you see how his eyes light up as he listens which brought a smile to your face.
upon arriving at the destination, he handed you a hoodie which you unfolded. it took a few seconds before you started wheezing out in laughter.
it was a gray hoodie with the text "3 years with this goofy boy" and an arrow to the left in a comic font. you also took note of the snake and fangs seal embossed on the chest area of the hoodie.
"baby what is this? hahahahahaha! is this even a thing? don't tell me you expect me to wear this for today!" you exclaimed and folded the hoodie. you saw how his eyes drooped and a pout formed on his face.
you unfolded it just as quick and removed your coat to wear it over your top. he smiled at the gesture and wore his as well, letting out a laugh at how adorable you looked.
entering the arcade, you went straight to the cashier and asked how many games and machines the arcade has. after receiving an answer, you proceeded to purchase 1,500 tickets, leaving the cashier and toge in shock.
"takana...?" your boyfriend mumbled and tugged on your sleeve, making you let out a small smile as you kissed him on the cheek. "there's almost five hundred claw machines here, we should try everything three times" you responded and claimed 800 tickets from the cashier, deciding to claim the other 700 later for the second floor.
to your surprise, he got so much better at playing claw machines. before you left, he was already incredible and always managed to win repeatedly. but now, this was a whole new level of amazing! he could get the prizes in two to three tries.
you faked a huff of annoyance as you failed to get the minion plushie for the sixth time. you pouted and turned to him and he walked towards you, positioning himself behind. he placed his hands on yours and guided the claw machine to the biggest plushie. then, he took your left hand and pressed the button.
you got the plushie. well technically, he did. but it's still yours.
you jumped like a little kid in excitement and gave him a few kisses on the face, causing him to blush a bright red, raising his collar to hide how flushed he was.
what was supposed to be an anniversary date turned out to be a childish competition between the two of you to see who would win more from the claw games. at some point, you could tell that he was purposely losing for you but you didn't mention anything.
after two hours, you finished going through the first floor and loaded all the prizes you got into the car, filling the back seat immediately. afterward, you returned to the arcade and claimed the remaining tickets, ready to explore the second floor.
it took another two hours, countless impatient looks from mothers, and a whole heap of crying kids (because you both keep hogging all the prizes) for you to scour the entire second floor.
loading all the prizes in the car, you could’ve sworn you saw a few phones and tablets and limited edition figurines in there. the back seats and trunk were filled with prizes with no space in between, making you both laugh in happiness.
afterward, toge took you to a well-known tonkatsu restaurant for dinner. you really missed authentic japanese food, those recreations in europe couldn't compare.
you both talked about your own missions, though it was more of you recalling all of your thirteen months in europe. you then realized just how long you really were away and how you missed out, physically, on a large portion of your's and toge's relationship.
seeing your eyes water and lips tremble, toge scrambled to your side and held your hands. "takana?"
you hid your face in his neck and hugged him for a few seconds before shaking your head. "i'm sorry, for being away for so long. and for leaving you alone all those months" you replied. you only came home once in those months, during his birthday — only for four hours.
he shook his head and pulled you close again, tracing letters on your back.
“it's not your fault you're a special grade and your skills are meant for great things. if anything, i'm thankful because we found love in this dangerous line of work.”
the ride home was silent, but a comfortable one. toge's hand rested on yours as the music plays through the radio. he could tell you were still a bit down and unfocused, but he didn't dare address it now.
arriving at the dorms, you could hear the others from a distance, busy fighting over the souvenirs you brought home. you looked at the car-filled arcade prizes and chuckled.
before you got the chance to unload them, your lover pulled you to one side and kissed the side of your head. he gave you a small smile, and the light of the moon made him appear extra soft. he then proceeded to sign;
“it does not matter how long you were away or how busy we were. what matters is that i am your home and i am always here for you. and you will always come back to me whenever the world tires you out.”
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𑁍 toge inumaki
✈︎ 𝙆𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙖𝙞 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝘼𝙞𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩
you were puzzled as your flight slowly began to descend in kansai international airport. after spending eight long months in australia to take care of missions and tasks, you were finally back home for your birthday. to celebrate, noritoshi informed you that he got tickets for the tokyo symphony orchestra and that it will be held in new national theatre.
logically speaking, haneda airport was nearer to the theatre rather than kix, but your boyfriend was adamant to make you land at this airport instead and you did not have the room to complain since he was the one who arranged everything.
after landing, his caretaker welcomed and greeted you and took your baggage. you made your way to the car where noritoshi was waiting in the driver's seat. after getting in, you gave him a quick kiss on his cheeks since you knew that he is not a fan of pda.
to your surprise, however, he pulled you back for a heated kiss that lasted sixteen seconds. his gaze to you was burning afterward but you took note of how red his ears and neck were, making you smile softly.
"how was your flight?" he put on your seatbelt and started the engine, beginning to drive towards your destination.
"you got me in first class, of course, it was great" you replied and noticed how the car was getting further from tokyo. you pointed it out to noritoshi, "hey, toshi. we're going further in osaka, the theatre's the other way."
"patience" is all he said and gave your thigh a firm squeeze. you shrugged and leaned back, thinking that he might have had a last-minute change of plans.
after forty minutes, you found yourself in the vip parking lot of maruzen intec arena and the clouds in your head started to dissipate. toshi opened the door for you and you jumped out as your eyes began to take in the buses parked around you.
"love, there's no way... you.. you took me to see the fivb world championship? nippon... i'll get to see them!" you said happily and tugged on his sleeve repeatedly. he only let out a sigh and opened the backseat and retrieved a small box.
it contained banners, posters, fans, bubble heads, a headband, and even a red jersey similar to the ryujin nippon's. with this, you jumped around as if you didn't go through an immense jet lag.
you changed into the jersey and put on the headband. you were a bit disappointed to see that toshi still sported a beige button-down shirt but shook the thought away when you see him patiently holding the mini box for you.
he let out a loud laugh when he sees you frozen as ice and red as a tomato when you see that your seats are right behind the team bench. he watched as you fiddled around and followed the movements of the roster as they entered the arena.
during the first few minutes of the game, you were too timid and shy to cheer loudly, mindful of the team sitting three meters away from you, but as the game became more aggressive and heated, you let go of your worries and cheered with all your lungs and power.
toshi was silent beside you, still holding the box with one hand and a banner in the other (per your instructions) as he studied your features. his heart warmed at the thought of how easy it was to make you joyful and how he'd give everything just to see such a pretty smile on your face every day.
during the second set, the camera panned to the two of you making the crowd erupt in laughter. you were holding a yuki banner and wore headbands which had ran's face on it as you cheered loudly for nippon. toshi, on the other hand, was holding an akihiro bubble head and looked borderline pissed at how unrestrained you were at cheering for the national team.
the team even took notice of both of you and chuckled. the rest of the game played out smooth and nice and you were busy either munching on snacks or cheering. your boyfriend was either staring intently at you while grimacing at how loud the arena is or stepping out for a bit for air.
after the team secured the victory, advancing to the finals, you howled with all you got that noritoshi had to calm you down. he wanted to grimace at how much attention you were both getting but with the gleeful expression on your face, he didn't have the heart to do so.
afterward, he took you to a cafe to calm your senses and get you down from your endorphin and adrenaline rush. you talked about your missions and tasks and journey in australia as he listened attentively and replied accordingly.
"you hate those atmospheres, noisy and jam-packed crowds. it doesn't suit your 'classy and elegant' style. i genuinely thought we were seeing the orchestra" you said and took a sip from your drink.
he hummed and put down his tea before reaching out a hand to take yours in his. "i do, i hate the noise and stench of sweat. but i did not want you to fall asleep on your first day back" he said and glanced at you.
"you know, i would typically be envious of how energetic you were when cheering for those men" he trailed off and traced circles on the back of your hand.
"but?" you urged him to continue and leaned forward to play with his cute pigtails.
he smiled at your gesture and planted a kiss on your knuckles. "there's a wide stretch between us. you look at them with admiration. but you look at me with adoration and love. they could never compete" he responded and gave you the softest and gentlest gaze ever. the ones that you've been missing for eight months.
under the dim lights of the cafe, the jazz music in the background, the scent of coffee beans, and the faint whiff of syrups, the moment between you and your toshi felt more intimate and romantic. and you felt glad to be home.
you made a mental note to tell utahime-san to not give you an overseas mission for the next year.
"yes, my darling. you're the only one for me, the one i'll always come home to. i'll choose you every day, no matter what, for as long as i live" you responded and pressed your forehead against his.
"yeah? gonna choose me over taishi onodera?" he joked and pinched your cheeks.
you gave him a half-hearted glare and shoved a piece of bread in his mouth. "know your limits."
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additional a/n: the name of the game is, guess who’s the author’s favorite :> though i think it’s pretty obvious at this point. hope you guys liked this and have a great day!
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© 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐑 2022 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or share my work on other platforms without permission. thank you.
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thesungod · 1 year
Right, makes sense to see it as a plot device. I guess when you consider all the factors there really weren't a lot of other choices 💀
Thanks for the lovely reply and the fic rec :) I will def check it out
Btw do you have any solangelo fic recs or fics that you like? I've been having a hard time finding fics
solangelo recs?? of course!!
well, first off: anything solangelo by @buoyantsaturn who i hope doesn’t mind being bothered tagged. Particularly I know what I should do, but I just can’t walk away and I’m in Hell. Both Modern AUs and both masterpieces!! The first is a College AU that largely focuses on grief and healing, the other an AU where Will has a daughter and hires Nico as a nanny.
As someone who usually prefers canon fics, these were soooo great.
But really, everything I’ve read from this author is well written and captures Nico and Will so well that you can’t go wrong. Pick one and enjoy.
also: like a dog with a bird at your door by RegretfullyRegretful (and anything else by this author too). It’s also a Modern AU (Nico and Will are best friends who marry for convenience) but oh. god. Oh god. Obsessed with it.
Big classic: both with the lights on and will the lights on (same story but told by Will’s PoV) by nikkiRA. This is my comfort fic. I re-read it what? Once every two months? And it hits every single time. It’s a lighthearted College AU for when you need a reminder that love exists. Also Opportunity Knocks, still by nikkiRA. It’s set in canon and it’s about Nico having to relive the same day over and over because he’s been cursed by Aphrodite (u can guess what she wants him to do to break the curse lol).
Anything by Rosyredlipstick!! Particularly the star and the nothing (Nico tries to make a relationship with Will work as he struggles with trauma and alcoholism), Rental Love* (Nico hires Will as a fake boyfriend), and hands cupping sparklers (them getting together in canon while the entire Camp roots for them. It’s HILARIOUS). But really, every single one of their Solangelo AU fics. Some of them are set in canon and some are not, but all are amazing.
As If Hands Were Enough (To Hold An Avalanche Off) by theroyalsavage is also an amazing College AU.
if you need, come build your home in me by yrbeecharmer is a canon fic that follows Will growing up, from his first day at Camp to getting with Nico. It’s great and made me go all 🥰🥰 in my feels.
too much (yet never enough) by significant_what is a masterpiece. AU where Nico and Will meet in Catholic school. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it.
I’m halfway through Sanctuary by Tundras_And_Taigas and it’s pretty great!! Basically it’s set during ToA (but Nico and Will still aren’t a thing) and Will is forced to go live in Nico’s cabin.
and you can check out my fics if you want: Bad Sons (you kinda have to have finished ToA for this one tho) and Made your mark on me (a golden tattoo), but i’m a bit… weird when it comes to shipping. Bad Sons focuses more on Will as a character and his relationship with Apollo (tho plenty of solangelo fluff!!) and Made Your Mark On Me is about cheating, so i don’t know if they could be to your taste. I also don’t presume to think I write as well as the names I’ve given you but I try <33
I consider most of the fics I’ve recced pretty well known by fandom standards so I don’t know if I’ve helped you find anything new, but I hope I did!!
As for random pjo fics I like, I mostly like ToA ones so, lol
The Stolen God by @tsarinatorment is a great one, tho again I’d advice finishing the series to read it.
Also post-ToA, Build It Better Than The Sun by @seavoice is amazing
ToA fics by @flightfoot (Keyseeker on Ao3), particularly Memories of Godly Selfishness (Apollo and Meg are forced to watch some of Apollo’s memories and realizations are realized) and her long series God’s Eye View. I still haven’t had the chance to read the second one but every ToA fan I know has and what can I say, I trust my people.
@moodyseal has some too, my fave is A Spark Of Hope because it’s an obligatory read after TBM.
Aaand that’s all!! Unless you want Jasico recs, in which case we could be here another hour but I think I’ve overwhelmed you enough ahahah.
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
Discord Highlights: The Fellowship of the Dudes
I have a head canon that one of Merry's sons in particular had to be taught to swim early because the kid was OBSESSED with any and all things to do with water. Estella was afraid to ever let him out of her sight for fear he would end up drowned before he could even walk.
meg is me:
Imagine merry desires his kids to be Equestrians and good old Stybba bears many a baby Brandybuck rider To Merry's dismay bby Eomer HATES ponies
Eomer is the son that loves the water in my head.
Writing Valkyrie:
I was thinking last night, and I'd like to think that surfing was big in Numenor. Elros and his Queen made it a family tradition, and the whole populace really took to it. It died off a bit with the King's Men, deeming it not worth their time, something only the Faithful indulged in. Now adays, it only survives in Dol Amroth. And can be found in Alqualondë It took Thorongil some time to learn it, but once he did, Prince Imrahil never beat him again.
On the first diplomatic trip the High King makes to Dol Amroth, Imrahil demands a rematch. "Lets get barreled, dude!" -Imrahil (probably) "Yeah, dude, lets go shred some waves!" Aragorn (also probably) "Don't forget to reapply your sun balm." -Arwen (definitely)
Rumor has it, that the King is set to take the title of "Surf Champion" from the previous master, Thorongil.
Someone who can draw please draw Aragorn as a surfer dude, I am begging.
Writing Valkyrie:
Shaka sign and everything.
Does Arwen participate/get good at it? I feel like Legolas would be decent when he comes to visit.
Writing Valkyrie:
She'd be very graceful at it, and soon comes to surpass her husband.
Mmmm. Yes. Very good.
Writing Valkyrie:
Legolas would just do handstands on the board. Or shoot targets while shredding the waves.
I like the idea of him showing off with handstands. I know canonically he doesn’t have siblings but he has SUCH youngest sibling energy and handstands on the board is very much a youngest brother thing, I think.
Writing Valkyrie:
He can even do 'em one handed "Look ada!" The Good Surfer gene runs in the Olwë/Elwë bloodline.
Gimli would just like to enjoy the sunshine, thank you very much.
Who else gives it a go? Faramir? Eowyn? Would Boromir from the Boromir Lives comic have tried?
I’m obsessed with this idea now.
Writing Valkyrie:
Boromir would give it a try, but he'd surf like the old timers that just kinda stand and just ride it out.
Eowyn and Faramir would boogey-board.
Lothiriel is a pro at surfing. Eomer would like nothing with that thank you very much, but he will just get in the water and float a bit.
Imrahil kinda hopes that [Lothiriel would] surpass Aragorn, but she just enjoys it for the fun of it and not competition. Though if she did compete, everyone better watch out.
Elrond and Celebrian get into it a bit after Elrond sails, due to 1) Elros did it, 2) Arwen and Aragorn did it, and 3) Elladan and Elrohir enjoy it.
Though they steer clear of Galadriel, 'cause she absolutely shreds them waves.
Celeborn just like his floaties, thanks.
Celeborn is such a trophy husband. I love him.
Writing Valkyrie:
Finrod thinks it's neat, and is the best at getting barreled.
But yes, surfing picks up again in the fourth age, and becomes a tradition of the royal families, that unites them all.
I haven’t read the Silmarillion, but based on Tarva’s comics, Finrod gives me such strong surfer dude vibes.
Writing Valkyrie:
I haven't read it yet, either, but maybe we're onto something. 😂 I mean, they did grow up on the beach. You can't tell me Earwen and Grandpa Olwe didn't teach the kids about the beach and the ocean.
Gandalf would do it sometimes, but he'd just stand on the board as if on dry land, staff and everything, riding it like it was a segway.
Not to bring up stuff from yesterday, but Merry brings his family to visit and water obsessed Éomer is losing his mind over the surfing and wants to figure out a way to do something similar back in the Shire.
meg is me:
pippin is canonically good at balancing just throwing that out there
Writing Valkyrie:
He'd be good at it, but he'd ride goofy-footed.
what if he's better at it than Merry so whenever they visit, Eomer sticks to him for the whole time going this is my Favorite Uncle
Yes. So much yes.
meg is me:
Merry: gasp how rude eomer: dad you aren't my uncle Merry: i know but still
Me: (re: surfing in the Shire)
Hmm…okay, no way they’re gonna have wind strong enough to make waves on the Brandywine, but if they can get a dinghy going fast enough on a brisk day, they might be able to water ski! X-D
Estella would hate that. So much. Merry would think it's great though.
If you’re ever lacking wind, you can always compensate by tying the prow to two ponies, one on either bank, on a narrow stretch of the river 🤣🤣
What I'm picturing now is a bit closer to what I grew up doing with my brothers... if it got really muddy, we would tie a skimboard to the back of a four wheeler and ride/pull each other around on that. I could see little hobbits trying something similar with their ponies.
Oh the mess it would make. But how fun!
Oh yes, so much dirt in places dirt is not supposed to be!
All I’m hearing is that Eomer Brandybuck is the first hobbit to move to Dol Amroth. Ostensibly it’s to be an ambassador on behalf of the Shire, but in actuality, it’s for the waves, bro.
Tolkien: Hobbits, as a rule, hate the water. Us: So this is our OC Eomer Brandybuck, he’s a hobbit surfer bro
"this sign can't stop me because i can't read"
No, you don't understand... Eomer wasn't even one of Merry's OC kids I was that interested in, but NOW...
Wait does he move out there by himself or does he have a family he brings with him? Does he form a small hobbit community outside of the Shire by doing this or does he just stay single forever because his heart only belongs to the sea?
“His heart only belongs to the Sea” sounds so beautiful and poetic and Tolkien-esque until we add the clarification “by that we mean he just really, really loves to surf”
Writing Valkyrie:
I'd love to say that he has a small family when he moves down there, along with some other like-minded hobbits, but I'd think that he'd also teach others, hobbit and non-hobbit, to surf, regardless if he's alone or not.
Kasey Gondor:
forms a community of inter-racial surfing enthusiasts. after Legolas leaves Ithilien some of the elves that were there join up. we'll get some dwarves down there too. everyone just intermingles. here we are not hobbits or men or elves or dwarves. but dudes. surfing dudes.
meg is me:
The Fellowship of the Dudes The other fellowship was male of course but not all of them were Dudes
Writing Valkyrie:
Come to Gondor, we have surfing. 🤣 And thus, peace was established with Harad, Khand, and Rhun.
Morgoth cannot surf. Evil does not like water -> They will not come to the ocean -> Cannot surf.
meg is me:
Truer words have never been spoken
InvisibleWashboard I believe you requested this yesterday X-D
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This is perfection. Thank you.
Writing Valkyrie is @writingvalkyrie, InvisibleWashboard is @invisiblewashboard, chaosandwhatnot is @grondds-and-roses, Kasey Gondor is @captaingondor, ladyofgifts is our beloved Zara, and meg is me does not have tumblr :-3
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juliafied · 1 year
Face to Face
Chapter 4: When You're Smiling and Astride Me
Fandom: Hades
Pairing: Thanatos/Zagreus
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s): 4/5
Words: 8765
Thanatos can’t remember the last time he went on a date that wasn’t with his email inbox, so Charon sets about rectifying the situation by making him a profile on a dating app. Sifting through guys who fish and tourists looking for one night stands, Thanatos comes across his childhood best friend, who he hasn’t spoken to since their strange parting as teenagers. Thanzag modern AU, online dating.
It would have been easier if Thanatos had changed. If he’d become full of himself, like the stereotype of the successful finance guy that he is, or if he’d become one of those weird conspiracy theorists that have been cropping up all around lately. That is, if their friendship had been one of convenient proximity and not of genuine connection.
But he’d been just the same. Self-deprecating, dry yet somehow still affectionate, quick to fluster at Zagreus’ teasing. Exactly as they’d been as kids, climbing with their sandwiches to the top of the hill overlooking the ancient ruins in their neighbourhood, laughing at the tourists with their funny hats and single-use cameras. Just a little taller. Better-spoken, maybe. No longer nervously tossing too-long bangs out of his eyes. He wishes… he wishes he’d asked him about the last seven years, about something other than a college fling that had clearly meant so little that Thanatos had barely remembered the guy’s name. About who he spends time with on the weekends, and if he has a favourite coffee shop closer to work. If he still likes to read everything he can get his hands on. Whether he's been in love.
Achilles nudges him out of his thoughts – the stranger has bought the three of them shots. “You alright, lad?”
“Not sure,” Zagreus says truthfully as the bartender expertly flips his bottle of tequila and fills three shot glasses to the brim. Achilles’ admirer flashes a smile in their direction that doesn’t extend to Zagreus. They’re passed three limes by the bartender, and a moment and a ‘cheers’ later, the alcohol has burned its way to a warm place in Zagreus’ stomach.
He watches as Achilles leans in close to yell in the stranger’s ear, whose hand has migrated to the back of the barstool, thumb grazing Achilles’ shoulder periodically, and this annoys him, though Zag’s not sure why. He finishes his other drink that’s mostly melted ice at this point, but the guy behind the bar is busy again, so he thumbs through the menu. Checks his phone – an email’s come in, from Athena thanking them for their hard work on the grant they’d submitted this afternoon, and a text that’s an overly formal but expected request for a catch up lunch from Meg. He swears she must have a reminder in her calendar. First Friday of the month, check on Zagreus. Scheduled, just like everything else in her life. He slides his phone back in his pocket just in time to order another drink, and before long a margarita is in front of him, ice-cold and beading with condensation. By the time he finishes it, Achilles’ new friend’s hand has made it off the back of the chair and onto Achilles’ waist. Zagreus scowls and taps him on the shoulder.
“Should we dance?”
The booze is thick and heavy in his limbs as they make their way slowly to the most densely-packed part of the club, closest to the speakers and the dense, hard bass that slams into Zagreus’ heart with every beat. He’s not a very good dancer, but Achilles is, moving with ease, catching more than a few eyes around him. Zagreus can’t say he’s never thought about it before, especially back when he first joined the lab, assigned to be mentored directly by basically a demigod in a dress shirt. Even now, as Achilles tosses his hair and shoots a smile over his shoulder, there’s a twinge of something in the pit of Zag’s stomach.
And that’s when he spots him.
Keep reading on AO3
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pumpkinbxtch · 3 months
Greetings again, since you replied that you write for Lester I wanted to give you my request, without obligation or rush obviously.  I had thought of a one-shot set during The Trials of Apollo where reader knows about Lester's crush on Reyna and is extremely jealous about it, so much so that when he is rejected, reader doesn't even want to give him a little support.  With a happy ending because I don't need my depression at my door!  Thanks again for your availability and I apologize for the inconvenience and misunderstandings since English is not my language.  ☀️
“hope python eats you” ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
— apollo x fem!reader
summary: do you like Apollo. does he like you? uhmm no. he likes Reyna and you're dying of jealousy. but perhaps the situation is not so hopeless. warning: swear words. a/n: heeyyyy, here you haveeeee. i'm hopin' that you like this. Reyna and Apollo's scene is one of my favorites, it makes me laugh how she reject him. haha, poor baby. Thank you for trusting me 💙 - Kisses from saturn, maría
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Why did you have to get along so well with Reyna?
You took a sip of your apple juice and caught Apollo looking at her; those little glances, the nervous giggles and the babbling when he was around her.
You shifted in your seat, snorting and letting out small curses. Why did you have to fall in love with him? It was literally the worst.
Inside your thoughts you heard a gasp and felt water splashing right into your face. You looked ahead, disoriented. Apollo had red cheeks and stammered apologies.
— dork! — Meg shouted at him, hitting the guy on the shoulder. She looked at you and you rolled your eyes. It was like the third time Apollo ended up spilling his food just because Reyna caught him watching, always ended up all over you or Meg.
Cherry soda dripped from your chin.
He looked at you worried, more for his personal good because of what you could do to him.
— Sorry!
You lifted slightly from your seat and grabbed napkins to dry yourself.
— You are an idiot. I don't know why I don't help Python eat you.— You touched your cheeks.
— Hey!
Meg let out a laugh, making you break your scowl. How horrible love was.
—Gods, why me?! — Meg shouted, cutting her underbrush with her scimitar. You watched her out of the corner of your eye while you took stones and threw them with force. One of them with such force that it was buried in the surface of a fruit.
You wished that were the face of Apollo
— You wish it were Apollo's face.
You laughed and nudged Meg, clearly playing.
— Meg, kill me. I hate that I like your brother.
Meg shook her head and continued digging with the tips of her swords. You climbed a few more meters and the antenna was already visible.
— I don't understand how you like him.
You let out a whimper. 
A laugh echoed and both of you turned around.
—They're having a good time— You murmured, trying to escalate further. You tilted your head, trying to listen better. —Is that laugh from Reyna?
Meg narrowed her eyes at the sound and nodded. —yep.
Practically, after almost dying and hanging from high altitudes, you were able to eat in the comfort of the camp. But to be honest, your hands were still shaking.
You didn't know if it was because you had witnessed the death of another god or because you couldn't believe that Apollo had proposed to Reyna and that she had, in fact, rejected him.
Maybe it was the second.
The moans echoed around the table again.
— I'm an idiot.
Meg looked at you out of the corner of her eye. Your look was gone and half of your food was cold.
Maybe you were overwhelmed by everything, actually.
Another squeal from Apollo made you clench your fork.
You screamed and threw the metal cutlery at him, making him scream.
—You should hug me and cry with me.
You snorted.
— Never, I don't know why you told Reyna your feelings like that!
—And how was I supposed to do it?
— You are the god of poetry, shouldn't you already know that? You are a fake.
Apollo let out an indignant groan. He looked to Meg for support, but she agreed with you by nodding and extending her palm towards you.
— she has a point. Hmmm — and she went back to devouring her salad.
You went to sleep, and the first to fall like a log was Meg. You kept trying to shrink and squeeze your eyes until they finally stuck together, and slept, but you couldn't.
Stayed quiet and played with the seams of the mat you were resting on. You felt overstimulated, very restless and miserable. Almost as always, but this time it was for love.
Meg's soft snores made you smile.
The three had been through a lot up to that point. You had gotten used to it and feared what would happen next. You couldn't hide what you were feeling anymore, it was unfair to your sleep cycle.
Apollo could be unbearable, but he had a good heart. He learned consideration and to value effort. You had become hooked on that part of him and ended up falling in love.
You pressed the seams of the pillow together and let out a sigh.
— You don't sleep, either?
His voice behind you made your heart race. You cursed in your mind. The least you wanted was to talk to him.
— I was about to — You mumbled, a certain meanness could be heard in your voice. Apollo laughed softly, it almost seemed like he was humming a song.
— Sorry.
You adjusted the sheet.
— Alright.
—I'm sorry for spitting soda so many times in your face.— You struggled and wanted to prevent your heart from feeling anything because of his clumsy way of apologizing. But it was not like that.
—It's okay, Apollo. No hard feelings.
—Have I done something to make you upset with me all the time?
The question was suspended, and your hands began to sweat.
— What are you talking about? — You were thankful that you still turned your back on him. Any trace of drowsiness was left behind.
— I know I'm clumsy and very new to being mortal, but I've learned a lot. Partly thanks to you.—He paused and tapped your shoulder. You were a fool for him, so you turned around, coming face to face with him.
His blue eyes shone in the moonlight. He was funny, he looked beautiful underneath the opposite side of him.
Artemis might have gagged if she'd heard you say that.
His curls made like a second pillow for him, and you thought that was cute.
— Really? — Your voice barely came out in a thread.
Apollo nodded and gave you a sweet, slightly lazy smile. He pulled his hand out from under his blanket and caressed the frame of your face. The contact made you shudder, but you didn't move away.
You longed for his touch and be the reason for him to spit juice in others' faces.
You imitated his action. arms were crossed, while carefully caressed each other. Taking care of yourselves.
Apollo's heart warmed, and he felt a tug in his stomach.
Maybe you could have a chance, and that night had begun.
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
❤️ Dean's friends and family and strangers and everyone loving him ❤️
Season 1
Masterpost here (still being updated)
1.01 "Pilot": Sam agrees to help look for John not because he thinks John is actually hurt (he thinks he's probably on a bender) or because Dean needs his help (he insists Dean can find John on his own) but because Dean admits he doesn't want to be alone. Sam agrees to go on the case just because he loves Dean and knows he's lonely.
1.02: Haley gives him a little kiss at the end of the episode and he goes: 😳
1.03 "Dead In The Water": Dean builds a bond with Lucas by empathizing with his trauma. Lucas begins communicating with Dean through art—the first attempt he's made to communicate with anyone since his father's death. By the end of the episode, he is talking again, and insists on making sandwiches for Sam and Dean to enjoy on the road, and is Dean's lil' buddy. :)
1.05 "Bloody Mary": "You're my brother and I'd die for you." - Sam <3
1.11 "Scarecrow": Sam is determined to find John, but after talking to Dean over the phone, when Dean stops picking up calls, Sam becomes worried and leaves the bus station to find Dean, telling Meg simply, "He's my family". At the end of the episode, Sam then tells Dean when Dean asks if he wants to be dropped off somewhere, "Jess and Mom—they’re both gone. Dad is God knows where. You and me. We’re all that’s left. So, if we’re gonna see this through, we’re gonna do it together."
1.12 "Faith" #1: Dean is dying and has immediately accepted it. When Dean tells Sam he just needs to accept that Dean is going to die, because there is nothing Sam can do to stop Dean from dying, Sam just says, "Watch me."
1.12 "Faith" #2: Dean has an instant connection with Layla. Even though Dean did things that should have antagonized her (like interrupting her healing, getting healed before her) she had nothing but love for him.
1.13 "Route 666": Deancassie Deancassie Deancassie Deancassie Deancassie Deancassie Deancassie
1.14 "Nightmare": Sam is suddenly able to use previously untapped his psychic abilities in an adrenaline rush in response to seeing a vision where Dean dies. His desire to save Dean causes him to be able to move a huge piece of furniture blocking the door out of the closet.
1.16 "Shadow": While gently telling Dean that he has every intention of going back to school, Sam says, "Dean, we are a family. I'd do anything for you."
1.21 "Salvation" #1: Sam says, "Dean...ah...I wanna thank you.... For everything. You've always had my back you know? Even when I couldn't count on anyone I could always count on you. And ah...I don't know I just wanted to let you know, Just in case."
1.21 "Salvation" #2": Sam throws Dean up against a wall in a rage because Dean stopped him from running into a burning building to face the demon, and said their lives are more important than vengeance for the dead. Instead of matching Sam's anger, Dean speaks to him gently and gets through to Sam who realizes he is being destructive to himself and that they need to save John.
1.22 "Devil's Trap": #1 John takes back control of his body because of Dean's pleading.
1.22 "Devil's Trap" #2: Sam, who was previously set on valuing revenge on the demon over preserving his life or John's, is influenced by Dean's claims that revenge isn't worth it. As a result, he goes with Dean to save John from Meg instead of waiting for demons to show up (and probably dying) and he refuses to shoot John to kill Azazel. When John questions his actions, Sam says revenge is not above everything, and looks at Dean in the rearview mirror.
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kindlystrawberry · 1 month
hey ben :) if you're up for it, how about a platonic dylas and margaret for [ forehead ] a gentle kiss on the partner's forehead, conveying care and affection ?
different ways to kiss someone inbox game (accepting!) Hi, sorry this took me so long!! I've had a busy week. That being said, I've been SO EXCITED for this because I absolutely ADORE writing platonic Dylas and Meg, and I don't feel like I do it enough. So here you go, hope you like it!
"I don't need to be babied!" Meg protests, her own voice sounding way too nasally and petulant for her own ears. To be fair to her voice, her nose is currently stuffed with what feels like ten tons of mucus right now, not that that means anything for her overall health thank you very much.
"Uh-huh," is Dylas's response above her. His ear twitches with obvious annoyance, but otherwise he doesn't say anything as he readjusts the way his arms are looped under her knees and back.
"Will you just--" she tries to swat at his chest, but misses because there's suddenly three Dylas Chests swimming in her field of vision and the elf can't manage to hit any of them. They sway as he finishes climbing the stairs of the restaurant, and Meg is suddenly hit with a wave of nausea, making the rest of her sentence come out weakly. "Set me down?"
"Gladly." Dylas pushes open the door to Porcoline's room with his shoulder and sets her on the bed.
It's an awkward shuffle as Dylas tries to pull the sheets out from under her and then settle them across her shoulders, all while Margaret tries to shove him off. It's childish, she knows, and in a few days when she thinks back on this moment with more lucidity and less feverish haze she'll absolutely be mortified at her own behavior.
For now, though, her muscles ache, her skin burns, everything feels absolutely awful, and her head feels like she's swimming through an ocean of Wooly cotton.
She's also feeling absolutely horrified at the idea that she's forcing Dylas, of all people, to take care of her, that she's leaving so many people alone when they need her.
"I need to--" Margaret starts trying to crawl off the bed, but with firm hands Dylas presses her back into the mattress. His serious face comes swimming into view, messy eyebrows pinched with what she knows is a look of both anger and concern.
"Will you just lay down and rest?" His voice comes off harsh, but the worried pinch gets deeper in his brow as he lays a palm across her forehead. "Gods, you're burning up. Let me go get a bag of ice from Porco..."
"Porco needs my help," Meg cries out, though her voice is already getting softer as exhaustion pulls heavily at her eyelids. "Too many customers... he needs... I need to..."
"You need to rest. Come on. You're not gonna be any help if you puke in people's foods." He adds, with a grumble, "Even if that guy at table 4 deserves it..."
Meg lets out a whining noise that she's barely aware she's making, and then is surprised to feel a broad palm stroking her hair.
She just manages to glance up, and sees Dylas making the most awkward expression known to mankind. And elvenkind. And dwarven--
"Just-- will you relax?" He huffs through his nose, the noise sounding quite horse-like. "You're always taking care of us. Shut up and let us take care of you now. Arthur'll be here with Jones in a few minutes with some medicine, alright?"
She opens her mouth to protest again, but is cut off by a slightly wet sensation on her forehead. Dylas is pressing an achingly gentle kiss to her forehead.
For just a second she's six years old again, crying in Daria's lap that she's ruining their parents big dinner party because she got sent upstairs for looking absolutely awful, skin clammy and feverishly hot. Daria's sitting at her bedside, claiming that she needs Meg to lie still so she can paint her; A Study in Rainbow Fever, she claims she'll call it, her ultimate masterpiece. Later on, Meg realizes it was just a ploy to get Meg to lie still enough that her body could fall asleep. At that moment, though, it worked. And just as she was drifting away, she felt her sister pressing a kiss to her forehead, as sweaty and gross as she must have been.
Time swimming around her like thick soup, Meg blinks.
Dylas is pulling back from her now, the blush dusting his cheeks that always shows up whenever he shows any sort of affection to his family. But there's something soft there too, a sense of care laced through that worry, and it's the last thing she sees before Meg finally manages to drift off.
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WTNV quick rundown - 78 - Cooking Stuff: Thanksgiving Special
Featuring the guest voices of Wil Wheaton as Earl Harlan and Meg Bashwiner as Deb the Sentient Patch of Haze.
Cook a feast no family could fully eat. Recite prayers no family could fully believe. And acknowledge a frightful history no family could fully comprehend. Welcome to Night Vale.
Even though it's a cooking stuff with Earl Harlan episode, it is also partially about the trial of Hiram McDaniels.
Earl is here to tell us about how to make the perfect thanksgiving turkey, which starts by freshly killing a turkey because of course it does. Everything is standard for a cooking stuff episode, mixing actual cooking with strange NV methods.
Of note is that turkeys have six hooves and toxic fluids and cooks at 675 degrees. Cecil's mother used to cook him giblets, but Earl insists that giblets aren't a thing which confuses and concerns Cecil about what he was being fed. Carlos and Cecil have both never seen a thanksgiving turkey, let alone prepared one, apparently.
Earl also mentions how he's trying to develop a relationship with Roger still. He mentions how Roger gets up at night and walks the streets in a different pattern each night before returning and going to bed.
He also found Roger just sitting in a cupboard once. Roger's skin is apparently grey, decaying and nearly translucent. There is also no record of him existing at all before 'last fall' but he was allowed to enroll in school anyway, which is going fine, aside from when he's bullied for said grey decaying skin.
Roger is also really intelligent and looks to be about 8 or 9. Earl says they look exactly the same and shows a picture of Roger and then himself at the same age. Cecil agrees they look exactly the same, but questions why there seems to be a steam locomotive behind Earl in his childhood picture. This is interupted by the turkey setting on fire in the oven.
Cecil invites Earl and Roger over for thanksgiving and Earl gratefully accepts.
The thanksgiving parade in NV is apparently full of gore, torture and involves everyone dying. Cecil hates this, but Carlos enjoys it, so Cecil has Carlos just tell him how they all die.
There's an announcement pondering whether bears are dangerous or not, and suggests hugging one. Earl chimes in saying that bears are dangerous and Cecil tells him 'let's not argue'.
Weather: "Autumn's Echo" by Stripmall Architecture
Since NV usually doesn't have any trials, they have no judges, so appoint NV Daily Journal theatre writer Siobhan Azdak as judge. Troy Walsh is the prosecuting attorney. The only other five-headed dragon they can find to sit as a jury of Hiram's peers is his sister, Hadassah.
Listeners, thanks again for tuning in and thanks to Earl Harlan of the restaurant Tourniquet for these helpful cooking tips. Stay tuned next for a nearly exact repeat of this same show, but with the addition of one extra word that changes the meaning of everything. And as always, good night Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: If a car flashes its brights at you, it's probably a gang. And if you flash your brights back, the gang gives you a cake. It's a cake gang.
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yeahimwiththeband · 2 years
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-> with the band prologue
sometimes i think love is for other people
warning: 18+ minors DNI due to smut in later chapters. also, people pleasing, anxiety disorder, codependency (just with mc’s mom, thank god), huge amounts of really ugly fabric from the 60s, repression. still not for larries :(
A/N: i write stories about girls with anxiety disorder learning to thrive and become who they are. first story post on tumblr, first attempt writing a book of any kind. thank you so much for reading. i do take requests and love any feedback or input or ideas. this is a love on tour fanfic, harry styles au, slow burn romance. 
word count: .95k
The beginning of her happiness and their love story started with the end of another one, but Izzy didn’t know it at the time. To her, it just felt like a dead end. Watching her now-ex boyfriend’s car speed away, the road in front of her seemed dull and empty: back to her routine of working at the store during the day and living in her laptop at night. 
Izzy couldn’t see what was just around the corner, if only she could push herself to make it there.
She couldn’t believe she was back here again, alone e in the boring suburb where she grew up. She had a cast on her arm and a cardboard box of relationship castoffs at her feet. 
She had never even stayed over, so it wasn’t stuff like her toothbrush and moisturizer; in the box, Roger had given Izzy back everything she had ever given to him, all her carefully chosen gifts. She watched his car disappear down the street and heard her mother calling her from inside. She was 23, living at home, and as the sound of the engine faded away, she thought she heard an escape hatch out of her boring af life closing.
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Her first and only boyfriend, done after a month. Even worse? Her mom had set them up. Roger was a childhood friend. And there was another layer of hideousness still, so ugly that Izzy couldn’t even say it aloud, not even in the silence of her own mind. Instead, she and her best friend Meg had come up with a nickname for the unspeakable thing: The Boulder. A fatal flaw that drove everyone away from her, despite Meg’s reassurances that it wasn’t that big of a deal. Izzy felt shame climb her legs like fire, burning up her spine and the back of her neck. The Boulder is why Roger left. She made the mistake of telling him, the mistake of telling the truth. Izzy felt like the least loveable person alive.
How could she go back inside and explain the breakup to her mom? What lie would she whip up this time to keep her happy? Maybe she could say that Roger was moving out of the country. Or that he had been drafted. Izzy wiped her face and pressed the back of her hands to her cheeks, trying to hide all evidence of tears before going back inside. She didn’t want to distress or disappoint anyone.
What was she doing wrong? Whenever a guy liked her, it was never something normal—it was always something totally weird, and always someone she didn’t even really like that much. She wanted a relationship like the ones her friends had, where they went on normal dates and didn’t seem totally consumed with panic and anxiety. Big love. Real love. Not having to ask Roger if she could stay over and being told no, because he had work in the morning. Her life at that moment felt like a long list of things she didn’t have and things she hadn’t done, an empty charade put on for her parents, who she could never seem to please.
She stood frozen on the sidewalk, contemplating her options. She could bring the box inside, tell everyone she was fine, and drown her sorrows in Netflix and A03, like she always did.
Instead, Izzy dialled her best friend Meg. The accident that left her with the cast on her arm and the scar on her stomach had turned her life upside down. All the things she could just barely tolerate before—basically, every single thing in her life—she could no longer smile and lie through.
When Meg picked up, Izzy was too close to crying to speak.
“What’s wrong? Did he… is it over?”
Izzy recounted the breakup: the message, the cold box drop off. “I didn’t even want to go out with him in the first place. It was for my mom, as usual,” Izzy sniffed.
“How are you feeling?” Meg asked. Izzy didn’t have the comfort of hiding from her best friend, because they had known each other since first grade; even when Izzy lied to try to stuff down her own feelings, as she always did, Meg knew what was really going on.
Izzy looked down at the discarded presents in the box. The baseball cap from Roger’s favourite team, which she pretended to love too. The t-shirt from his favourite EDM artist, which she had listened to for hours and hours even though she hated it. All this, and he didn’t love her back.
For the first time, Izzy tried to put words to the pain rooted deep in her chest: “Sometimes I think love is for other people.”
“Oh, Izzy,” Meg replied, nearly crying herself.
Izzy’s sadness filled the silence on both ends of the line. Izzy put the back of her hand up to her face to blot away the tears that had started falling.
 “It is for you,” Meg said. “You can have it, too.”
“Then where is it?” Izzy asked. “Why haven’t I…”
“Roger didn’t even know you,” Meg said, sensing an opportunity to be more honest. “It wasn’t a—I know it’s hard not to take this personally, but honestly, the person he rejected wasn’t you.”
Izzy nodded, surprised by this revelation.
“You never let them see you,” Meg said gently.
Izzy pushed the box to the side, up next to the garbage that would be taken away the next morning. She took a deep breath, feeling unsteady. 
“I have to…” Izzy searched around. 
She looked down at the box of things she had said she loved to keep someone who didn’t even like her. Who she had nothing in common with. She hadn’t even gone after him; she had clung onto him just because he was around. She never went after what she wanted.
“I have to stop faking everything just to keep people,” Izzy continued, uncertain. “I have to do some things I’ve wanted to do.”
“Yes, yes, totally,” said Meg, so excited she was almost shouting. “What do you want to start with?”
That was the beginning of the three secrets.
And Izzy didn’t know it then, but that was the beginning of him: big love, real love, just what she needed. But not quite the way she imagined it.
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chapter 1
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