#spicy candied orange peel
may-be-rae · 1 year
The Arcana Headcanons
M6 and Foods
(If I take a while to do these, it’s because work is kicking my ass 🥲)
Asra is a flavor fiend. He does not like bland cooking. There are bottles and bottles of seasonings fighting for space on your shelves.
Asra loves perusing the market for new spices. Each time a ship pulls into harbor, you’re sure to find him at the market the following morning searching for new additions to his collection.
To Asra, this is a way for him to connect to the places he’s traveled to. He misses the places and people he’s met. Sometimes a simple meal with aromas to bring back memories is enough to satiate his longing for them again.
As for favorites, Asra likes spicy foods. He prefers spices found in Middle Eastern cooking, but a close second are those in used in Asian dishes. His favorite dish is an oxtail stew. It has a broth similar to pho, served with cucumbers, herbs, and sliced chili peppers to highlight flavors in the broth. Inside, there are oxtail, grains, and a vegetable that resembles bitter melon.
Asra is also a fan of pastries. He will hunt down Selasi’s baklava and fruit tarts. He very much enjoys the taste of marzipan, but isn’t too crazy about chocolate, except for when you make chocolate pie. You’ve perfected a recipe that uses a darker chocolate mouse with an almond crust. On top, you’ll heap a pile of fresh whipped cream, candied orange peels, and pomegranate seeds.
Nadia was raised in a land and family full of color and zest, but ironically… our Countess is not particular to bolder flavors.
Nadia likes dishes done simple but well. She most certainly doesn’t like bland food, but she just prefers things with less complexity.
Her favorite dish is like an ochazuke. It uses a Prakran fish that has a very clean, light taste. With the fish, there’s bitter greens and rice, and an earthy tea is poured over it to make a soup.
Sometimes, Nadia makes a sweeter version of this dish that contains apples, pomegranate, and milk jelly with the tea.
Julian has traveled the world and experienced all types of cuisine. He’s always game to try something new and is not at all a picky eater. But admittedly, when it comes to his favorites, his tastes are simple. He enjoys dishes that bring back fond memories of his childhood.
Julian is a broth baby. 💕 Growing up, soup and stews we’re inexpensive and easy to make and especially good for Nevivon’s colder climate. As an adult, he still enjoys anything with a good broth.
His favorite is a beef stew with potatoes and snow peas. He enjoys it with bread or crackers and sometimes puts a dollop of yogurt on top.
One thing Julian does not like is sweets. For desserts, he’s leans towards fresh fruit. If he eats a pastry, it tends to be more of a tea cake type dessert. His does enjoy a pistachio biscotti paired with black coffee.
Portia was the type of child that needed supervision at the dinner table. She was a picky eater, who preferred sweets over meals. She was notorious for hiding her dinner to get away with an early dessert.
As an adult, she’s much less picky and no longer requires the supervision (sometimes…). However, she still has her sweet tooth.
Her favorite is chocolate croissants. They pair well with any drink, hot or cold, but she mostly enjoys them with cocoa.
Like her brother, Portia is also very fond of stews. As an adult, she finds the meal so versatile and fun to make. She likes finding new combinations of flavors and new ingredients to add to the pot. Plus, it’s a great way to use up aging produce from her garden.
Muriel loves earthy flavors and flavors that are considered harsher to the pallet. Also, for a man his size, he surprisingly stays away from meat.
Killing an animal is too heartbreaking for him. It reminds him of his days in the coliseum. He does his best to supplement his diet with eggs, legumes, and nuts. But he finds his appetite insatiable by these alone. He prefers to buy meat from a butcher in town, but again, going into town isn’t easy for him either.
When he does buy meat, he’ll get a turkey carcass. If an animal is to be killed, he’d rather use up the scraps that are often tossed away than have the food go to waste. He’ll boil it and make jook (type of congee; rice porridge basically). He’ll also buy tripe and make a curry with spices Asra has gifted him.
As for sweets, Muriel prefers fruits, but even then, he’s more of a vegetable eater. He likes mushrooms with gravy, alfalfa sprouts in sandwiches, and snow peas as a snack.
Is a picky eater.
It’s not that he refuses to only eat refined foods, but there’s just not a lot of foods that he likes. Thankfully, years on a battlefield taught him to not complain or fuss (too much) over meals, so it’s not difficult to get him to eat something for health rather than pleasure. Still… he’ll give you a generous dose of pouting.
He’s a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Beef and potatoes in stew, ham and mashed potatoes, turkey and roast potatoes… he’s just painting the same picture with different colored paints .
If he eats vegetables, he prefers them cooked. And if he eats fruits, he prefers them fresh with sugar. A fruit that he does enjoy quite a lot are figs.
Of course. He likes sweets, any sweet (more so than Portia) and will eat them for dinner if no one stops him.
His favorites are cakes, pies, and cookies, as it’s not something he got often as a child. He very much enjoys frosting and is known to stick his finger in the cake to swipe a lick while no one is watching.
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sleepyowlwrites · 8 months
unusual associations tag
freshly poached from Breezy, who never puts locks in their hoard @blind-the-winds
Rules: pick as oc and answer their associations (I guess)
I'm doing R and Savannah (from Youth) because I was thinking about them at work today
Seasoning: R is mint. He's mostly chill but a little bit spicy if you bite into too much of him. Savannah is sweet and sour sauce - what is that - because uh she is.
Weather: R is a blustery day but it's not cold, exactly, and the sun is out. You're fighting the wind but you're happy about it. Savannah is the boiling heat of midsummer. You're dying but you're happy about it.
Color: R is brick red, but according to Savannah he's orange. He's loud, he draws your eye, and he never shuts up. Savannah is pink, and she's adorable, and she'll fight you.
Sky: R is the pale, pale blue right before the sky turns red at sunset. Savannah is the effervescent aurora in all its cotton candy glory.
Magical power: R is projected thermography, which is great considering his terrible memory. Savannah is colorized telepathic empathy, which is great considering her tendency to suck at secrets.
House plant: R is a sunflower that is too tall for your low ceilings. Savannah is an orchid that is not the color you thought it'd be.
Weapon: R is flirtation, and if that fails, fists. He's a crappy fighter, though. Savannah is intimidation, and if that fails, fists. She's better than R.
Subject: R is history, which again, the irony. Savannah is athletics.
Social Media: R gets insta, because he needs to have visual representation of what he did yesterday. Savannah is tumblr. She's a tumblr girlie and you're not even mad.
Makeup product: R is eyeliner maybe? Dramatic lad. Savannah is the funkiest eyeshadow.
Candy: R is dark chocolate covered candied orange peels. Savannah is nerds rope.
Fear: R fears being overlooked, and also being perceived. You know. Mortifying experience. Savannah could stand to be a little more afraid.
Ice cube shape: R is actual cubes. Savannah is like. I dunno. Mickey mouse. Something gimmicky.
Method of long distance travel: train for both. They really like riding on trains, or the metro, or trolleys.
Art style: R is that guy that does the troubled birds. Adrian somebody. Matt Adrian. Savannah is that guy that does the blocky color landscapes that are nonsense up close but super cool far out. Uh.
Mythological creature: R is a changeling, but instead of being a faerie he's just another human, but he's convinced he's special forever because he has this funny mark on him. He is special! He's a failed changeling. Savannah is a mermaid, and yes I'm saying that because she loves to swim.
Piece of stationary: R is a postcard and Savanah is a tiny note in a tiny envelope.
Celestial body: R is Pluto, because he doesn't know if he deserves to be in the gang or not. Savannah is a supernova, because she deserves to be.
@oh-no-another-idea @akindofmagictoo @iparisaltanwing @livvywrites @flock-from-the-void @nikkywrites or anybody!
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ketamachine · 2 months
Stupid Shit I've Done
-drank straight chili oil because it said "dry gin" on the bottle (it was very much alcoholic, but also spicy)
-forgot said chili oil was in my cup and accidentally drank it again
-gotten stuck in a hole in a chainlink fence like it was a bad porno
-eaten a bag of sour skittles I found open on the ground of a park
-attempted to candy an orange by peeling it and putting it in a pan full of melted cough drops
-failed at making instant ramen
-asked the principal of my middle school if we could do karaoke instead of math (he said yes)
-asked a kid's consent before punching him (he also said yes)
-almost set my house on fire pouring water on a grease fire
-escaped out the back stairs of my then partner's house to avoid their mom like a shitty romcom
-gotten stuck in a laundry basket
There's probably more but these are a few that stand out lmao
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What do they smell like?
Uhh.. E...everyone?
I tried to do all of them lol.
Sans: I'd say ketchup tbh lol
Papyrus: Hmmm maybe oil? I'm not all that sure. Most likely oil though. And sauce.
Blueberry: He smells like sauce! From cooking as well as oregano and a faint scent of berries.
Stretch: He smells like oranges! As well as honey.
Red: Mustard, oil, and ash for some reason.
Edge: I feel like he would smell like fancy cologne and strawberries. The strawberry one is a lot weaker. Oh! And sawdust
Axe: I would say… hmmm… you know, most likely the scent of dirt, cut grass, and strangely a strong scent of cinnamon.
Noodle: Rich patchouli, black pepper, and sandalwood blended with hints of vanilla.
Lord: Coffee, Lavender, and that's pretty much it.
Mutt: kumquats and oranges!
King: I would say… watermelon! Mixed with wine.
Alpha: It might be shocking, but he smells like clean clothes, and clean sheets and such.
Overlord: Smells like fancy soap, for some reason.
Pup: he would smell like sugarcookies and just those basic candies. Just really sugary.
Commander: I think pine trees? For some reason.
Hound: Honeycrisp apple cider.
Chief: He smells like coconut, lemon, and just a basic sweet scent.
Wolf: Dirt mostly lol and a few different woody scents.
Royal: he smells like gunpowder, and fire. As well as just... metal.
Fang: Dirt, soot, and a few other things from underground. He smells pretty nice.
Prince: jasmine, wild rose, and sandalwood!
Canine: Oh! Sweet creamy coconut, hints of vanilla, and hints of musk. He smells really nice.
Leader: fresh water with hints of floral notes. Think sorta like uhh… gain laundry detergent?
Beast: think STRAWBERRY and creme shampoo. Like the kind you can buy from the dollar tree.
Grandeur: He smells so much like really fancy cream.
Behemoth: Brownies, marshmallows, and caramel.
Tycoon: He smells like brown sugar for whatever reason.
Brute: He smells like herbs and flowers! Mostly like... really earthy.
Cloud: He smells like a fresh rainfall.
Bat: smells a lot like roasted marshmallow :)
Superior: Lavender, crisp lemon leaves, and fresh apple.
Exo: He smells like he rolls around in fallen leaves lol.
Brilliance: Lavender for sure. Plus hints of blackberry and lemon.
Werewolf: similar to lily of the valley, violet, and lavender.
Vivid: Orange zest and nectarine with a hint of pink rose scent.
Lycan: He smells like salt water and suntan lotion.
Ruler: Green apple candy!
Pooch: I would say he smells like matches and mint.
Sheriff: He smells like honey and gunpowder.
K9: He smells like rose petals steeped in honey. It has hints of raspberry and leather.
Crowned: I'd say maybe bourbon mixed with nutmeg and pine
Whelp: Hmmm I'd say sweet almonds, cherries, and vanilla beans!
Dynast: Fresh dew, flower gardens, herbs, and light earthy tones.
Mongrel: Musk mixed with fresh amber
Cosmos: Vanilla, cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg.
Galaxy: He smells like smoke and ice cream
Nightmare: For some reason I feel like he would smell like old apples, like not rotten, but like… old.
Dream: His scent changes to be whatever is your favorite scent! :D
Passive: He smells like old trees, old books, and a few other things.
Oxi: You know those spicy candies? Fireball candy? Yeah, that's it.
Sleeper: Strong lemongrass, bergamot, and citrus
Coma: Maple pancakes, apples, and cinnamon
Gloom: He smells like dark chocolate.
Wiseguy: Fancy cigars, fancy bourbon, and smoke.
Bones: I think he would smell like peony rose and vanilla!
Clip: He smells like roses, fancy bourbon, and chocolate.
Books: He smells like old books a lot.
Crank: He smells a lot like smoke. Under all that smoke, he smells like soap.
Envy: fresh cedarwood, patchouli, rich leather, sandalwood, exotic amber and musk.
Pride: bay leaves with orange peel and zest. Hints of gunpowder.
Calamity: He smells like black cherries! As well as gunpowder and dirt.
Tragedy: Rich leather and blazing cinnamon.
Crisis: They would smell like hydrogen peroxide and some other stuff that is used to clean wounds and clean up messes. Really strong lemon.
Field: He smells like dirt, grass, and leather.
Crop: Fresh mint with white musk.
Diva: Cigar smoke, fancy drinks, fruity scents and roses.
Charm: Sweet fresh coconut and citrus with orange, pineapple, and cherries.
Corn: He falls asleep in the dirt a lot so… dirt :)
Harvest: Smells like geranium, bergamot, and rich spices. Hints of amber and wood.
Sheep: He smells like blueberry muffins! :D
Duster: He smells like oil, grass, dirt, and farm things.
Lover: He smells like fruits and rich florals. Rich chocolate and amber.
Hearts: Fresh roses! Hints of strawberries too.
Beau: Sort of smells like bubblegum? Not exactly sure.
Dreamboat: Bourbon mixed marshmallows!
Reap: Coffee, dead roses, and light dirt.
David: He smells like grass, leaves, and other plants.
Wraith: He has a faint scent of burning wood.
Screen: Butterscotch!
Keys: Sweet, rich, brown sugar baked vanilla, and cocoa powder.
Chua: I'd say he smells like pennies for some reason.
Dracul: He smells like just... heat.
Shifter: they have no scent at all.
Streams: smells like sugar cookies with buttercream icing.
Social: He wears a lot of different types of perfume :)
Maiden: I think baby powder for some reason
Vestal: He smells like white roses, and milk chocolate
Eros: You know those giant lollipops? He smells like that.
Aphro: Rich coffee with hints of cream, spice, and roasted scents.
Venus: It's too faint to really tell
Cuddles: Warm spices, cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg.
Astra: Lavender and Lilac
Alioth: Campagne, nectarine, and blackcurrant.
Sugar: the smell of white chocolate, vanilla, and blue razzberry.
Sweetie: White chocolate and vanilla.
Cross: chocolate, metal, and hints of dirt and cut grass.
Error: no scent really.
Ink: it changes depending on his emotion :)
Fairy: sugar cookies!
Splat: He smells like paint and sadness lol
Fresh: no scent.
Rad: Same.
Fresh Ink: No smell.
Dusty: He smells like dirt, pine, and woodsmoke
Powder: honey mostly with hints of nuts.
Cupid: chocolate, woodsmoke, and hints of cinnamon
Fragment: Just blueberries.
Stardust: Sweet milk chocolate, hints of butter, creamy vanilla, and hints of smoke.
Shooting Star: Smells like walnuts and gunpowder.
Killer: For some reason, vanilla but a hint of what smells like tar.
Passion: Fried pastry with cinnamon, sugar, caramel, and hints of creamy dark chocolate.
Desire: thick scent of leather and smoke.
Feral: a strong scent of dirt and oil, metal too.
Sharp: Same as Feral but mostly dirt.
Oak: He smells strongly of dirt and strangely vanilla.
Sunflower: Gun Powder, leaves, and mud.
Supernova: Burnt almond cookies and iron.
Sunspot: sweet stuff. Mostly sugar and tea.
Snackers: He smells like Pepper for some reason...
Butcher: A strong scent of honey, like gross strong, and they do that to cover the scent of blood even if it isn't there anymore, they can still smell it.
Bud: He smells like flowers and grass :D
Vine: Same as Bud.
Strawberry: Smells like many different types of fruit.
Beloved: Animal Hide, Leather, smoke, and light perfume
Mercy: old papers and ink.
Ashes: Freshly-turned Soil
Rigel: strong smell of mint.
Vega: Line-dried Laundry, and Copper
Daydream: Sweet apple scent that’s way too strong. 
Delusion: he smells like clean clothes and sheets. A really relaxing scent like hints of lavender and such like that.
Mur: Blood Orange and lemon. Leather too.
Solar: Sun-soaked Sand and sunflowers
Nightfall: Melting Chocolate, Wildflowers, and Mahogany
Sunset: leaves, bark, and violet.
Scarlet: coal, smoke, and leather. 
Leopard: iron, smoke, and it smells like blood.
Rosy: Maple syrup! :D
Shadow: the scent is VERY faint and is sort of like a light tar smell
Cinnabar: He smells like spicy cinnamon.
Lace: Has a weird scent of snow
Lamp: Poppies and other flowers
Shade: violets and lavender.
Chills: Damp Earth, hot chocolate, and whipped cream scents. 
Shiver: oil and the smell of something burning.
Slay: I'd say iron, dust, and faint scent of honey but smells a lil gross.
Nymph: Strawberries, freshly cut grass, and the nice smell of dirt.
Fae: smells like good hay and sweets.
Empire: he smells like freshly picked apples!
Aquatica: has a faint smell of the ocean and sun-warmed sand.
Skillet: He smells like burnt food lol
Determ: A strong and overwhelming scent of strawberries.
Orion: he smells like sweet smelling welding fumes and burning metal.
Altair: has a faint scent of raspberries and rum.
Astrophel: Raspberries, apples, and just a lot of random fruits.
Atlas: he smells like just... strong smell of fresh air.
Soul: Oranges, cream, and blueberries.
Chains: Cinnamon and spicy scents. He smells like a pepper.
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bizarrementation · 4 months
one 18.25 oz package chocolate cake mix. 1 can prepared coconut pecan frosting, 3/4 cup vegetable oil, 4 large eggs, 1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips, 3/4 cup butter or margarine, soften 1 and 2/3 cups granulated sugar, 3 large eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 cups all purpose flour, 2/3 cup cocoa, 1 and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1 and 1/3 cups water, 1 ?? 16 oz each cans vanilla frosting. don't forget garnishes such as fish shaped crackers, fish shaped candies, fish shaped solid waste, fish shapes dirt, fish shaped ethylbenzene, pull and peel licorice, fish shaped volatile organic compounds and sediment shaped sediment, a 20 ft. thick impermeable clay layer, candy coated peanut butter pieces shaped like fish, blue and yellow food colours, alpha resins, unsaturated polyester resin, fiberglass surface resins and volatile melted milk impoundments, 9 large egg yolks, 12 medium geosynthetic membranes, 3 large whole eggs, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup lemon juice, for immunosensors. 2 cups heavy cream 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. 2 egg based gelled flame fuels. 2 cups rhubarb sliced. 2/3 cup granulated rhubarb. 1 tablespoon all purpose rhubarb. one tablespoon grated orange rhubarb. an entry called "how to kill someone with you bare hands". 2 teaspoons baking rhubarb. 1/2 teaspoons salt and rhubarb. 3 tablespoons rhubarb on fire. one large rhubarb. 3 tablespoons rhubarb milk. one cross bore hole electromagnetic imaging rhubarb. two tablespoons rhubarb juice. sweet potato tea cake. take me to a picnic cake. trim time chocolate cake roll. tropical snack cake. tunnel of fudge cake. sour creme pumpkin Bundt cake. spicy jalapeno chocolate cake. upside down apple coffee cake. upside down rhubarb cake. upside down flux sampling device cake.
vanilla crazy cake. vanilla crazy cake. vanilla. crazy. cake. vanilla crazy. cake. vanilla crazy. cake. vanilla. crazy cake. vanilla crazy. cake vanilla. crazy cake. vanilla crazy cake. vanilla crazy cake. vanilla. crazy. cake. vanilla crazy. cake. vanilla crazy. cake vanilla. crazy cake. vanilla crazy. cake vanilla. crazy cake. nutcracker sweet ginger walnut thermal reactor loaf. old fashioned fibre optic relative humidity sensor cake, old south prune cake. one bowl chocolate cake with easy laser induced fluorescent frosting, persimmon pudding cake. pineapple upside down cake 1, pineapple upside down cake 2, pineapple upside down cake 3, arm and hand positioner, full width plastic body positioners, multi block plastic body positioners, extremities positioner, aluminium body bridges, plastic lower body positioner. pineapple upside down cake 4, adjustable aluminum head positioner, disposable polystyrene head blocks, slaughter electric needle injector, cordless electric needle injector, injector needle driver, injector needle gun. cranial caps malformers. rhubarb and rhubarb and rhubarb and rhubarb. and rhubarb. and it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents and gas and odor control chemicals that will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue as well as areas of the body that arterial embalming may have missed. and rhubarb. okay, we're even now. you can stop.
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ohm-myy-god · 2 years
Hello Edna and Harvey enjoyers here is my conclusive list of what Edna Bricht Aus characters would be as food (and/or drinks)
Includes all (as of my memory) characters from the first game
(Semi organized by story involvement, so “very- background character” to “supporting cast” to “main guys”)
Bruce/juppi: mushy flax cereal
Ticket inspector: coffee with raisins in it
Nervous guy: Mountain Dew monster crossover (also has sprite)
Almilio: mulch shaped into food (the kind a kid would try to sell on the playground)
The chef: a full, live lobster
Tobi (Angry guy in the watch tower): ants.
dr marcel’s chauffeur: tiramisu
Hulgor: smoothie made of egg shells and orange peels in a blender
The bartender: stinkydrink
Therapy lady: the most regular, uninteresting, unnoteworthy coffee you’ve ever seen
Security guy at the front desk: a donut with a mullet made of hardened sugar
Mr frock: codfish sandwich with mayonnaise on white bread with white coleslaw
Paleontologist guy: maple syrup candies shaped like mosquitos in amber
Beeman: a warm brownie in a mug
Newbie: biscuits and tea. trying really hard to be normal- perhaps too hard
Priest: communion wafer that’s actually a spicy potato chip
Mr hornbush: hard tack. no flavor to be detected and will absolutely break your teeth
Bobo the brain: vegetarian burger
Keymaster: a poisonous soufflé
Babbit/stiesel: cold toast thats somehow also burnt
Bladder: water
Peter: room temperature watery tea with a now unrecognizable flavor
Petra: cheap angel cake with sprinkles in it; no flavor but simultaneously too sweet
Droggeljug: a bagel (the best food)
Adrian: dog food disguised as caviar
Aluman: pure energy
Hoti: macaroni
Moti: and cheese
Dr marcel: a really expensive pizza with no cheese, no sauce, and a burnt crust, served with expensive wine that’s actually dish-soap
Mattis: grape juice that you think is spiked but no. it’s just grape juice
Edna: a milkshake with all of the available toppings as well as all of the food toppings. is it even a milkshake anymore? Also there’s lint?
Harvey: catsup and mustard combo that also has caffeine in it
Alfred: raisin cookie that someone stepped in
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femchef · 1 year
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New plated dessert class means I introduce my students to a new menu! I like starting this class with a tasting the students get to sit and experience because it gives them a better idea of what the objectives and the concepts for the semester are (and I get to perform so it’s fun for me).
The menu is a summer theme:
1. Calissons façon Mille Feuille
A Mille Feuille with the flavor of one of my favorite French candies - brûléed puff pastry, almond mousse, melon confit, orange marmalade, toasted almonds, pickled melon rind, candied orange peel, freeze dried crispy tangerines, and cantaloupe ice cream.
2: Iztuzu Beach, 19:44
A double layered black tahini mousse and salted lemon mousse with a preserved lemon curd center and black lemon shortbread, black sesame and apricot compote, black tahini crunch, and fresh lemon.
3: Kunsei
A sundae - rosemary and lapsang souchong sorbet, toasted and puffed rice with rosemary oil, spicy strawberries fresh and roasted with lapsang souchong, balsamic vinegar, and pink peppercorns, fresh grapefruit, grilled and marinated aloe, whipped genmaicha rice pudding, smoked sea salt, and a sauce made with the roasting liquid.
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misericordel · 7 months
"My lady deaconess!" Sigurd jogged to meet her at the door, immediately coming to a crouch before her. It was clear that for a moment he was tempted to drag her into a hug, but he withdrew his hands after a gentle pat to her shoulders. "You've decided to come, I'm so pleased. Here, please, this is for you."
He hadn't been sure, skittish thing that she was, that she would have accepted the invitation to such a group event, but his heart swelled that she had been moved to participate in the festivities alongside him.
Reaching up to the table near the entrance, Sigurd grabbed a goodie-bag and placed it gently into Veyle's hands, grinning. The bag is of a plush sapphire velvet with braided gold drawstrings. If she were tempted to peek inside, she would find the festive goodies of the typical Chalphy holiday season: roasted nuts coated in a caramelized warming spice mixture, a hand-pulled twisted peppermint stick, decadent candied orange peel, and a holiday cracker to be pulled later with little knick-knacks within.
"A bit of a taste of my home and my childhood, I hope you find something pleasing to you in there. Please, make yourself welcome!" Standing, he swept an arm to the fully decorated dining hall. "There is some time until dinner is served. Please come find me if anything is not to your liking. You must promise."
Winking, he held up his pinky, an invitation that she could take or leave as she chose.
in the end, the fell princess had steeled herself to accept the invitation that emblem sigurd had sent her. she didn't think she really belonged to something like this and that she might ruin it, but it would be worse to reject such a generous offer from emblem sigurd himself.
(there she goes again, conflating sigurd here in fodlan and the emblem sigurd she used to be friends with in elyos.)
she blinks in surprise as he crouches down to her level as he had done once before at this year's ball— her hands would be clutched to her chest right now if it were not for the basket in her left hand that held the generous portion of spicy she'd attempted to make.
"…thank you." comes her soft smile, delicately taking the gift in her other hand as if it would shatter like glass if she were not careful. "it's common to bring your own plate of food to this, right…?" veyle does not take his pinky, but rather holds up the basket after a moment of deliberation in her brain. "i also made something if that's okay. it's a curry that i eat a lot in elyos."
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
i dunno man, i think a lot about billy’s eating habits, and how most of his meals and snacks are probably policed by neil. they all eat what neil likes. except, when neil’s not there..billy does whatever the fuck he wants. even if that means driving to the grocery store for ingredients. max usually eats at one of the rugrats’ houses so he doesn’t have to worry about her either. ANYWAY. some things i think he does: eats his oranges and kiwis with the peel, doesn’t bother removing strawberry leaves, DOES BOTHER slicing up his apples. will 100% start making some sort of pasta at like 11pm while neil is working. hates HATES leafy greens. will only eat egg if it’s scrambled. ate a lot of sushi in california but hasn’t dared touch it since getting to hawkins. i could go on!!!
you are absolutely insane for saying Billy would eat his oranges and kiwis with the peel 💀 but you’re also so right
my small addition to this: i like to think that Billy loves spicy food!! and sour candies, he loves those so he keeps a bag of them hidden in his room
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OC tastes if they were like food furries & drink furries & just general in order
i am going to draw all of these either as charmies or just hybrid fusions
mentions alcohol multiple times
tuyen: do you even have to ask. they're fucking mango!! mango fizzy pop... irl they would probably taste a whole lot like Dirt. please don't lick their scar (it tastes like battery acid spaghetti and actual battery acid)
Tyr: food.....drink would be lavender tea or cranberry juice!!! irl he tastes pretty neutral
Norma: CLAMMOCHI MOHICLAM!!!!!!! drink would be sodie pop. irl she tastes like roses :]
lyca: SALMON yummy salmo yujmmymyyymymyy... ! he tastes like vegetable broth or hot chocolate. irl he tastes like fur. warm
eights: monster energy. monster energy. grass.
aro: fancy chicken probably? "is that whiskey? ...it's perfume." they taste likeperfume irl too
Misha: bell pepper,,,,, sparkling water mb.. LIKE THE GOOD KIND...... irl she tastes neutral but maybe a bit spicy since she eats those foods a lot (ghost bepper
404: moss, sweet water that's the perfect mix of cold and refreshing. irl he tastes like plants
Danny: duck!! & milkshake! irl he tastes a bit like oiI....
squeak: sour candies.... and black coffee :] irl he also tastes like oil
Mike: lionfish/pufferfish recipe from nanny ogg's cookbook & cherry sodapop!! irl he tastes like Eeeel
pyom: chili chocolate, warm chicken broth. irl he tastes very mildly sweet...
straps: fisherman's friend mints, port maybe? irl tastes like wood...
other: blood. blood. blood /j in all seriousness uhhhhh
stapel: warm chicken soup, perfectly spiced! milk and brandy, maybe???? irl he tastes like Slime.
pentolo: MUSHROOM OLIVE PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! red wine as well! irl he ALSO tastes like slime
princess: orange peel muffins,,, and warm milk! irl she tastes very vaguely like pineapple
zoa: sweet potato... hot souce.... she tastes mildly nice but idk like what
zoa's still unnamed little sister: BUTTERFLY SOUP AHAKDKSDJNSDSKD/J
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missoneminute · 2 years
Hey, I know you’re a perfume enthusiast so I was wondering if you have a favourite “woody” fragrance? For women I guess although gender isn’t super important lol. Also, any current favourites that you’d recommend? I always enjoyed the way you talk about it. Love xx
Hello! I have a side blog for perfume asks here, so I will reblog this there! I admit I don't love too many woody perfumes as they often don't work on my skin - end up smelling like pencil shavings. I don't know what it is, but happens especially with cedar heavy fragrances. There's some exceptions though: Baccarat Rouge 540 (I know it's trendy and stupid priced) which turns to candied pine needles on me, which I love. A good and more reasonably priced alternative is Burberry Her - it's very similar, made by the same perfumer, and smells like picking berries in the woods to me. I love Pomegranate Noir by Jo Malone, which smells of Christmas and Christmas trees to me. I also like Gucci's Mémoire D'Une Odeur which I know is quite unpopular but I love the herbal-y sandalwood hippy quality. Aura Mugler by Mugler is another herbal-y woody, tree nymphs and fairies sort of fragrance. @suchasinistergame is a huge fan of Penhaligon's Halfeti which is very woody and spicy. Hope that gave you some ideas! My current favourites in general are Panettone by Milano Fragranze, which I just bought - if you literally want to smell like Panettone cake, which I adore, then this is pretty much that, candied orange peel and spices with a boozy kick. I've also just finished my bottle of Bee by Ellis Brooklyn and plan to re-buy, which I only do for a handful of fragrances - it's such a tasty, waxy honey perfume. I also just bought a travel size of the Lovefest Burning Cherry by Kayali which everyone says is a dupe for Tom Ford's Lost Cherry. It's very similar and actually stronger, the issue with the Tom Ford is that it just fades off so fast. I'm not huge on Kayali, I think they smell kind of, poppy and cheap, I guess, but the cherry one is really good! Thanks for asking, always fun to answer! x
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ofglories · 9 days
“ reminds me of you ” + mercutio and naoise, and he's gritting his teeth about it.
|| send in “ reminds me of you ” for my muse to recount things they see, smell, hear, feel and taste that remind them of your muse. ; accepting!
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Had the peaceful silence of their punishment singularity worn Mercutio down enough for the man to ask this? Well then. Naoise blinked, surprised for a moment before a tiny grin crossed his face just for a brief moment. Just a second before it was wiped away with a thoughtful frown.
"Huh. Well, to start then! Fire, wild and uncontrolled and devouring all in its wake. The dying rays of the sun on the horizon at the end of the day, burning so hot the sky turns crimson and blinding me as it catches on the edge of a blade. And the deep brown soil of living earth. I see you in those things." A twirl of his hunting knife with a flash of teeth, before Avenger continued. "The smell of that bitter drink you're so fond of. Oranges and incense. Soap and amber. And spicy herbs as well. Smelling those scents brings me to you."
The knife was tossed blade down into the ground, not a speck of the previous night's hunt remaining.
"The roar of the wind, the call of hunting birds. A flute playing a dancing tune. A crowd's low rumble in a morning market. And a distant howl of wolves calling to each other. Music, lovely but discordant at the same time. I hear your voice in those moments. Heh."
Here he was feeling sentimental now.
Oh dear.
"The feeling of brushing my hand through a flame, the touch of finely crafted cloth. Golden threads, falling between my fingers like sand and water. The deadly brush of a blade against my neck." Lazily he drew a finger across his neck to demonstate to Berserker with a small smile. "The flavor of chocolate, not the sweet stuff but that dark version. But there's a touch of sweetness too, candied fruit peels and the spicy taste of ginger. A faint taste of blood, rich and cloying. And wine, as well. That's your taste."
Finally Naoise smiled properly, leaning back against the tree as his dark eyes watched Mercutio carefully.
"Are you pleased?"
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fluffy-critter · 4 months
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dandydogboy · 5 months
Hi, I'm sick at home so here is what I think all of my OCs (or most) would taste like if you bite into them ^^
💖 sonas
Prickle: Watermelon candy, mainly watermelon sour patch kids
Eli: cigarette smoke but also chocolate
Salem: Ube cake, they are literally the same color
Benjamin Beedles: uh, coffee
🌄 Sunstreak city
Parker: orange sherbet
Cynder: Strawberry
Pistol: uhh, strawberry banana I think
Dotty: Peaches, her last name is peaches, tho realistically she'd taste like gator
Cecil: idk, some sort of fruit salad I think
Dandelion: He probably tastes like skin. Tho, idk how many people did this but if you ever took a bite of a dandelion imagine that's what he tastes like.
Milk Tea: I imagine she tastes like strawberry milk tea but my gf said she probably tastes like butter flavored cotton candy, whatever that is
Mini Magica: Mango
Gumdrop: I feel like this one is obvious
Desmond: Probably chalk tbh, that texture too
Elliot: Something about him makes me think he'd taste like water
Bigtop: uhh, raspberries maybe, or a combination blackberry and raspberry
Saturn: banana
🐰 Rabbitville
Adah: fruit punch maybe
Aurora: gardenias, but the way they smell
Chloe: erm, blue raspberry snow cone
Cream: coffee, but like with a lot of sweetener and milk in it
Lola: dum dums dragon fruit lollipop
Lucy: uh.. mushroom maybe
Molly: hamburger or like, some tasty vanilla and chocolate thing, like marble cake
Starshine: cinnamon roll, cream cheese icing
Sugar: brown sugar
Squidge: Monster energy but if you took all the flavors and mixed them together so you're basically drinking battery acid
Penelope: chocolate chip cookie, but like double chocolate so the cookie is chocolate as well
Peanut: cotton candy
Miles: Animal cracker
Maxwell: Idk, old yogurt?
Latte: um.. a latte
Io: Fruit gummy but like.. cold. Iced fruit gummy
Inu: pineapple maybe? Pineapple cracker
Inky: Rocks, or the way pen ink smells. Or Hot Topic ig
Honey: ik what you're probably thinking "ah she tastes like honey bc that's her name" NO she tastes like bees
Finley: Either button mushroom or fresh basil
Eleanor: grape fanta
Daisy: cream filled donut but there's so much cream that it's all you can really taste
Courtney: pomegranate
Anthony: fish sticks. Fried fish sticks
James: orange peel probably
Owen: felt. He's not made of felt I just think he'd taste like it
Wesley: lavender
Arachnid: roses I think
Clue: blueberries, but the sour ones
Jupiter: idk smth nasty
Daredevil: spicy candy, like cinnamon candies
Nightstar: uh Ireland
🐦‍⬛ Ravendale
Zapp: Batteries
Toodles: Probably balloons
Peony: metal, they aren't made of metal, I just think they'd taste like it
Mel: caramel or graham cracker
Maxxie: glowstick fluid and mint
Jester: clown makeup and licorice
Cozii: peanut butter and chocolate
Clementine: pine tree or fudge
Bonk: peanuts
🪽 Afterlife
Cryptid: Charcoal
Spinach: spinach, artichoke, maybe together
Creation: Croissant
Demetri: cherry candy
Brandi: Alcohol, non specific
Aura: idk but her eyes remind me of sweet potato
Edmund: Glitter/neg
Theseus: paper
Locket: meringue
Nova: lilac, the color, and stars
Viper: snake.
Roulette: pennies
Renn: butter
Sariel: butter again
Yeshua: paprika
Bubblegum: bubblegum
Cherpie: froot loops
Hopscotch: those stupid little hard fruit candies that I don't understand how anyone likes them
Indigo: Squid ink
Jeremy: the moon
Kiwi: weed. Probably kiwis too
Mochi: oreo
Sandy: gingerbread
Sunny: honey :3
Okay. That's all I'm doing, I still have more OCs but eh
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Culinary Accountability:
Cookbook zine
Banana black pepper cardamom
Vanilla donut with pistachio curd
Salt and vinegar cookies with lavender fudge
Smoked black pepper honeycomb and vanilla
Lime leaf and vanilla
Passion fruit milkshake
Peaches and lime
Rose hibiscus pepper ginger tea
Sumac spice cake
Guava , chili pepper, lime, star anise
Rose cinnamon eggnog
Fig cinnamon eggnog
Coffee with fig whipped cream
Fig coffee
Chocolate mint muffins
Borage lemon cookies
Candied borage flowers
Rhubarb lemonade
Mint panna cotta
Raspberry scones with lavender glaze
Lemon balm iced tea with borage flowers
Dates soaked with jasmine syrup
Lemon cupcake with vodka frosting
Cream cheese pastelitos dipped in red chocolate coating
Birch cookies and cream
Sweet nestautrium cream
Raspberry cheesecake
Salty Potato chip tempura macaroon
Raspberry sugar - Raspberry powdered sugar
Pumpkin pie shakes
Rose milk tea cream puffs
Licorice seasalt gummy candy
Candy bowl with black licorice, elderberry gummy, ginger chews, raspberry fruit leathers
Raspberry pomegranate honey amaranth bars (popped amaranth)
Amaranth flower iced coffee
Elderberry ginger granola
Roses dusted with powdered sugar sifted
Amaranth pizza
Lavender salt and vinegar chips
Honey Wheat Sandwich with purple sauerkraut, pulled pork, and lavender vinegar
Amaranth stir fry
Amaranth dolmas
Garlic scape pesto pizza
Garlic bread but with chive butter
Tacos with chard spinach and day lilies
Garlic scape pesto
Meatballs in a tomato base with amaranth and spinach on bread (gluten free option too)
Green Pesto meatball sandwich
Amaranth leaf dolmades
Fried amaranths stem fries / tempura
Red sandwich: Amaranth leaves sautéed Medium rare beef Honey berry sauce Pepper jack Red onions Beet powder buns Pine nuts Burrata cheese Brie cheese mushroom
Venus fly trap salad
Lime leaf and red pepper
Fermented passionflower
Borage leaf smoothie
Lemon butter
Carrot powder cinnamon buns
Ice Cream:
Salted guava ice cream
Black pepper ice cream
Banana ice cream
Honey fig ice cream
Star Anise + burbon fudge ice cream
Saffron ice cream in cardamom / star anise cone with pistachio/ star anise glaze shell dip
Vanilla saffron ice cream
Tea Blends:
Lavender magnolia tea
Lavender magnolia catnip tea
Sumac tea
Raspberry leaf, rose, rhubarb,
Blueberry (white flower like jasmine/cosmo/elderflower/berry/ lavender leaf) lemon peel, white chocolate
Nasturtium leaf and flower, chili pepper, ginger, marigold, expresso powder, lemongrass
Lemongrass, expresso powder / coffee bean, white chocolate, fennel seed, mint
Marigold, expresso powder, reishi, echinacea root
Calendula, corn silk, sunflower leaf, cosmo, some sort of root, rose hip, Mullein leaf
Tulsi and strawberry
Chocolate mint + rose + cocoa + rosemary + orange peel
Serviceberry sake
Orchid inspired cocktail menu - with an illustration of the specific orchid
Breakfast food inspired cocktail menu
Interest/ themed inspired cocktail menu: Shibari, Scuba Diving, Oyster fishing, Boxing. Etc
New Years Intentions And Prosperity cocktail menu: Money- green, eucalyptus. Love Life- Rose, Berries, sweets. Self Fulfillment- Mint, Refreshing,. Ease Tension- Lavender, Loving,. Physical Activity- Spicy, activating. Academic- Focused, woody, smokey. Career- Lemon, woody smokey. Artistic- Mulberry, anise, sparkling. Exploration- Green, Red, cherry, lime, fun
Hibiscus champagne
Borage spritzers with lemon slices
Star fruit margarita with lime
Red Plumeria Cocktail
Cocktail with prickly pear syrup, aloe versa juice, cane sugar, lime, plumeria flower
Rose - white chocolate - expresso martini - seasalt - cardamom
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bottlebrief · 10 months
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