As of now, only four people in the Marvel Universe know about One More Day.
One's Mephisto, Obviously.
One's Hulk. During a special Hulk and Spider-Man talk about shit and Hulk reveals he remembers everything from before he "made people forget Peter Parker was Spider-Man with magic," meaning he knows he used to be married and now he isn't. He doesn't know about the deal with the devil, and probably never pried further cause he probably think it's none of the Hulk's business. Banner doesn't know this mind you, just Hulk.
One's Deadpool, in an issue he actively stops Peter from finding out about the marriage being erased, probably in the top 10 of most fucked up evil shit Deadpool ever did between "Helped the Confederacy win the Civil War" and "Kidnapped a blind old woman to physically and emotionally torture for months."
One's Gwenpool. Unconfirmed, but she is a Omega Level Mutant that went mad with her reality warping powers/a normal Girl from our world who is now trapped in a comic, so she would know about OMD by virtue of reading about it in the real world/her delusions.
Mephisto and Deadpool are definitely not going to help out there, this leaves Gwenpool and Hulk. Hulk likes Spider-Man well enough, that's a recurring thing between them, and would probably help out if asked, and Gwenpool wants to stay relevant and get herself a new solo series, which she can do if she gets historically remembered as the character who ended OMD.
Also, Gwenpool has a retconned in history with Mephisto kidnapping her brother, and has defeated him once before, so she has tenure.
We can work this two ways:
First way, the easy way, we get Squirrel Girl and she and Gwenpool do the team up they did the first time to defeat Mephisto. However, then that would be Squirrel Girl ending OMD, not Gwenpool, so we can't have that.
Second way, the hard way, filled with continuity shit. Gwenpool needs to set up a Machiavellian series of events that lead to Peter getting his marriage back.
First, she needs to go to a Gay Bar during Pride Month, this is relevant, where incidentally Loki and Felicia Hardy also are. Loki owes Peter a favour for that one time he helped him save one of his daughters, so he can be convinced to help out since Peter just lost the daughter he and MJ would have had had they been married, and Felicia, dating Peter at the time, would put his happiness over hers in this specific situation, which brings that emotional conflict we need to ramp up sales.
It's a heist movie to steal Peter's Marriage from Mephisto's.
But it's not that easy, we need bigger guns, and even if we get the Hulk's help, we need someone to open them a way into hell, someone who has a grudge against Mephisto...
Victor Von Doom, ruler of Latveria, was once asked if he was able to heal an old woman's gunshot wound. He was told Reed Richards had admitted he was unable to do so, he was told Doctor Strange, his esteemed colleague, was the one asking for his help, he was told a superhero, one close to the FF, was going to be indebted to him over this...
And for some strange trick of fate, Victor Von Doom had admitted to be unable to heal a single gunshot wound.
That's preposterous is it not? Now, imagine if, say, the Trickster God of Lies, with which Doom has had a working relationship with for decades and knows not to trust, showed up to him and told him this.
Showed him an illusion of a previous reality, courtesy of one Gwenpool's reality warping powers, and told him that was what happened.
He'd deny it wouldn't he? He's Doom, that's be preposterous to think, him, unable to save a single old woman from dying, accomplish what Reed Richards couldn't.
He'd look into it at the very least. Because if that's something someone believes to have happened, then he must rectify it at once.
Now, let's say everyone during OMD and beyond was being obtuse about saving May because Mephisto was fucking with their minds. That's plausible, since Mephisto, by virtue of this being a Gwenpool story, also happens to be Joe Quesada no?
How would Doom react, when shown proof of such deceptions, at the prospect of the Demon who stole his mother from him bargaining with someone for the life of their own mother (figure)? Fucking with his mind to stop him from outclassing Reed Richards?
Doom would tear reality apart just to rectify that.
So they get in Hell to steal the Marriage, Doom back in Latveria keeping the portal open, ready to undo OMD once they're back.
This is where we find out the Mary Jane currently in the main continuity Is a demon that was swapped when she ended up in the Mayan Apocalypse Dimension with Paul, and that she and the kids are actually demons Mephisto commissioned to fuck with Peter's life. Paul is still just some boring dude brainwashed into this.
So, Felicia saves MJ from hell, they have a heart to heart, it's awkward, it's tense, Felicia says she'll move aside for her happiness, Mary Jane doesn't want that of her, then demon hordes start swarming them, everything seems lost...
The Hulk, who was indeed contacted by Gwenpool for a last second cavalry charge, erupts from a wall in Hell. He's being possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance, who really hates Mephisto for good reasons, and the second he heard shit going on in Hell he possessed the closest possible host.
Also Venom is bonded to him. Because Venom might hate Peter Parker and Spider-Man, but they loved him once, much like they love Flash Thompson, much like Flash loves Peter Parker, much like he loves Mary Jane and Felicia.
They aren't doing it for any of them, for Peter or MJ or Felicia, the people Venom brutalized while he was bonded to Eddie Brock.
They are doing it for Flash.
Titanic Battle between the Venom Hulk Raider and Mephisto, who restructures reality with his power as Marvel Editorial, forcing Gwenpool to also restructure reality alongside him to stop him from retconning this story out of existence. Demon Hordes are still there.
All seems lost, until Gwenpool realizes that this is still happening during Pride Month, so she turns toward Felicia and reminds her that both she, Peter and Mary Jane have two hands.
Dramatic kiss between Mary Jane and Felicia Hardy, light explodes off them, obliterating the demon hordes, Mephisto doesn't understand what the fuck is going on.
Mary Jane Watson is now fueled, via the power of gay love, by the souls of every comic book character that was fridged or mistreated in the history of the Marvel Universe. She becomes the Avatar of their Power, their fury, directed at the personification of what lead them to their Fates.
Mephisto is Obliterated, the gang comes out of hell, the Marriage with them, here exemplified by the issue where Mary Jane and Peter got married, intact.
Doom is about ready to end this farce and undo OMD, Much to Gwenpool delight, and Felicia is kinda bummed out by this, so she's trying to leave without being noticed, but MJ does and she kisses her again, telling her she had realised that despite how much she loves Peter, she also loves her too, and she knows Peter feels the same. And it might not be conventional, but they can make it work if they try, together.
So Doom doesn't Undo OMD (which he kinda prefers since he wouldn't know the repercussions to the timeline that would have), but apparently Gay Marriage has been legal in Latveria for his entire tenure as dictator, which means he can just marry them with Peter as a Throuple, since his word is law and shit.
In all of this Peter is being depressed in New York under an awful art style. Gwenpool teleports in, screams because "Holy shit people aren't allowed to complain about Calarts anymore what is this shit???" And kidnaps him to Latveria, where he's presented with his girlfriend and his ex girlfriend who is, like, actually his ex wife unlike the impostor with the weird demon kids, and is presented with the fact they have now decided to date.
This leads to a whirlwind of emotions since, you know, fair, ranging from despair at the prospect of Mary Jane being trapped in Hell to elation at her being safe not to depression at being dumped but also joy at the prospect of those two women finding happiness even without him and then the Throuple subject is broached and he faints.
Wedding happens, Doom officiates, he now has "saved the marriage of one of your closest friends before you even knew what was happening" to the number of shit he can hold over Reed Richards, Loki gets first dibs as Evil Godmother at a potential new SpiderCat-MJ kid down the line, Gwenpool gets renewed for a solo series, and that's the end of the story.
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