#spiked metal cleats
bigchump1994 · 1 year
You read about Ty Cobb and hear he was a total dickhead on the field and you're like "Alright, how much of that is him being a competitor and how much is just genuine assholishness." And then you see pictures like this
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onelittlespiral · 3 months
I'd like your BOGO offer. I am the scrawny waterboy for my college. I'd like the kicker of the football team to get taken down a peg or five. I want him to be a nerd and no one else remembers him being a jock.
Subject: Order #100567
Thank you for your recent purchase from The Spiral, home for all your transformation needs! Your order #100567 has been received and is on its way as we speak. Your order includes:
(1) Nerd(Assort)_From_Football(Kicker)
(1) Mystery(Self)
Expect delivery in 3-7 days.
The Spiral
We knew you’d come around and round and round and round…
You had seen just yesterday that your order from The Spiral had finally come through. When you saw some nerd hanging around the practice field, you checked your inbox for the email confirmation. They had provided some details on how they had done it. As the kicker had been leaving practice, they grabbed him and pulled him into an empty supply room. They had him bound and gagged before stripping him of his cleats and cramming his feet in a pair of penny-loafers. The changes, they said, were near instantaneous. Change rippled up his legs as muscle deflated and his lower pads turned to cargo shorts. His stomach flattened and his jersey and pads changed into a sweater and bow tie. He had shrank so much that his restraints had nearly come loose, not that he would be able to fight the men holding him now.
He was already defeated by the time his new glasses were slipped on, which triggered phase two of his changes. Any and all past as a jock we’re gone in an instant, replaced with memories of his advanced mathematics degree and research projects. His memories of summer workouts and practice were now late nights in the library. Football games turned to Quiz Bowls. His mind would no longer be focused on working out his body, instead it was filled with stretches and skills for prepping himself for bottoming. His IQ was shooting up, and he could now understand exactly how to calculate an integral and when to squeeze tight around a dick to elicit the deepest grunts. The team packed up as he was left tied up, growing hornier at the thoughts of his old teammates dominating him like they did the opposing teams…
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You couldn’t believe the efficacy of service. Hats off to them for the quick turn around. But you knew you were supposed to get a delivery of your own. You were tired of waiting. But as you were walking home from practice, after scrubbing out bottles and avoiding harassment from the team, you noticed something off. It was strange, but you thought you had smelled one of those jocks following you around. You turned around, worried that some guys were following you home, but the streets around you were empty. Instead, the smell was still coming from behind you, in your book bag. Rolling your eyes, you searched the pockets, expecting to find a jock or some other nasty garment as a dumb prank, but you instead find a chain, buried down at the bottom. In an instant, you feel compelled to hold in in your hands and take a whiff. The scent is metallic and cold how you would expect, while at the same time rancid and wet. You don’t fight the urge as your hands open the clasp and secure it around your neck. The feeling is electric. Your body ripples in response, and you feel your body begin to ache. The cold metallic feeling reaches into your bones and fills your veins with ice. A cold sweat breaks out of you as your body stretches taller and your muscles are filled with cool, hard lead.
I have to get warm, you think, I have to.
Your body seems to respond, as peach fuzz erupts from every inch of your chest, itchy and burning like fire. You scratch, and the hair only grows more in response. It begins to curl around your callousing hands and take root up your arms, spreading its fiery tendrils. You make the mistake of scratching your face, where it also takes root, as a beard erupts from your baby face. The hot licks of fire and freezing spikes of ice is reaching a crescendo as your body is engulfed, ready to reach a melting point and boil off all together when finally… it stops. You are left panting like a dog, sweat dripping from every pore. You knew the transformations offered were powerful, but you never expected this. You take stock of your furry, sweaty body, inspecting every inch of muscle. You feel so… powerful. Flexing your guns and let out an animalistic shout.
But then, something begins to tickle your nose. It smells like the necklace has surrounded you in that layer of stench. Except, it isn’t the necklace. It’s you. Your own sweat is beginning to dry and fill your head. Your past rolls off your brain like the sweat rolls down your washboard abs. Drop by drop you are no longer a waterboy for your football team. You hardly can even understand the sport. You have spent the last few years perfecting your reps and carving your physique. College sports? Who cares. You were lucky enough to graduate high school. You only saw those guys when they needed a personal trainer like you to give them an extra little boost. Those boys spent most of the game standing around. Real men need stamina. And you knew a cardio routine that would get their hearts racing. Bottoming for you was an hours long affair that left boys like them sore, sweaty, and moaning for more. Just how you liked them. You got up off the ground, dusted yourself off, and smirked in the mirror.
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Gotta meet my next client in an hour, you think, sticking your tongue out.
In your pocket, you receive an order confirmation from some company called “The Spiral”. Whatever, probably some scam…
Subject: Order #100567 Fulfilled
Your order has been fulfilled. We know you have many options, but thank you for supporting The Spiral.
The Spiral
228 notes · View notes
tparker48 · 6 months
Request for anonymous
"Let's see..add a few fine tuning on the stitches, tighten up the bells…" Merkeo muttered as he faced his computer desk, threading a needle through his jester suit. "Just a little bit of tugging and..There!”
He took a step back to admire his handy work. The black and red spandex glistened beneath his lamp, slumping from the miniature desk to the wooden board of the one beneath. It took him weeks to find a suit customizable, he could hardly count the shops he visited that sold suits for people his size. He took the suit from the desk, reminiscing its silky texture as it glided between his fingertips.
"Wait until the the peeps get a load of this, I can already tell this DnD session will be-"
A beep rang from the magnet on the front door, a hard thud striking the panel as a spiked cleat forced it to the wall. "Hey nerd! Guess who's home!" A voice boomed as the rest of their body lowered into the frame, the metal borders of the door screaming as they made their way passed. "I swear this damn door needs an adjustment. Hey nerd! Nerd!"
"I'm right here, Fervin!" Merkeo shouted, rubbing his ears from the vibrations in his ear drums. "Must you shout so loud? We're in a dormitory."
"What can I say? when I make an entrance, I make an entrance."
He slumped his duffel bag from his shoulder, tossing it against the wall as its weight sent a pulse through the floor. Merkel watched as his form strolled closer, like a looming storm cloud about to pour upon a landscape. The computer chair rushed back, Fervin's hide forcing the cushion down as it raced eagerly to support him.
He crossed his arms behind his back. "Oh it feels good to be out of that lecture room. The professor really cracked down on that essay, even double checked to ensure it was mine. Guess some pencil necks can’t handle such great genius."
"You mean my work. My whole sleep schedule’s out of whack because of your pestering."
the desk shook as spikes prodded upon the table. Merkel nearly yelped at its prickling touch, his hands casting to the air. "And it worked like a charm." He kicked his other foot upon the table. But he paused as he gazed at the slim ware hanging from his foot. “Huh, what are those? pajamas?”
The footwear wagged as Merkeo raced to retrieve his suit, cautiously eying the coned steel as they swiped from side to side. “If you must know, It’s my jester suit. And I would very much like it without holes for DnD.”
"That nerd shit? Pfft, lame. You can’t expect to get babes with a thing like that. Now that spring break party tonight, that’s where it’s really at. And guess who’s cohost? This guy!”
Merkeo managed to grab ahold of his suit, sliding it from the cold pedestal as he tumbled back to the desk. "You? Cohost? I don’t think they chose wisely on that."
“Cute, can’t be surprised to hear that from a bookworm. But If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to party.” He said. “The drinks, the babes, I can already imagine it now. And by the end of the night, I’m gonna bang me a cheerleader."
He raised his palms to the air, his fingers swaying to trace an hourglass shape. His hips slowly began to thrust, his junk pushing through from its pouch as it slithered to the leg hole of his shorts. Merkeo caught a glimpse as the phallus peeked out, shielding his eyes as his face flushed red.
"Ay Ay! TMI man, I don't want to see all that!"
"Aww is the nerd getting flustered?" His legs stretching over the desk, the hefty package between his legs gyrating against the wooden furniture. "I bet you wish you could be all over this."
"I’d rather do quizzes than be that close to you." he replied, "Will you put that away already?!"
"Hah, that's what I like about you nerds, always so squeamish." he slid his waist back to the chair, groping at the bulky outline. "Luckily for you, this bad boy has its eyes set on the ladies tonight. It can't waste time on small fries like you. Though it might give that thin noodle of yours some pointers."
"Thanks, but no thanks."
"Peh, suit yourself."
He grabbed a few beer bottles, hoisting them over his broad shoulders as he walked out of the room. Merkeo sighed, taking back to his suit as he checked for punctured points. Aside from dust particles, the fabric was unscaved. Thank goodness, he didn't know what he’d do if it became damaged.
He returned to his desk to tend to the rest of his props, organizing the board and creatures he was ready to unleash upon his members. Another hour ticked by in a flash, his notes piling over one another from his practice sessions. He yawned as he checked the clock on the wall, a quarter past 7:00 PM.
“Time for a break.” he leaned into his chair.
He took to his computer as he looked into his group chat for the group. Many online were already talking about the upcoming session, sharing new lores while roleplaying in their own channels. What a treat it was to indulge in fantasy, he thought, may he could give them a taste of the jester magic. He reached for his cards to select to share, but paused as he eyed his costume. He eyed the group chat as many shared their costumes, it sent an urge through his body, his fingers wiggling at the temptation of trying it on. He didn’t want to spoil the magic with a picture, but to send a picture of their grad DM, it may just make them excited, if not himself.
“Oh.. why not, I still have to make sure it fits anyway.”
He picked up the costume as he held it on his shoulder, stripping himself as the cool conditioning washed over him like a wave. He slipped his limbs inside, his hairs standing on end as they brushed against the elastic spandex. He soon put on his Cap n Bells as they dangled from the sides of his head, its little chimes sending a giggle from inside as he tapped at the round spheres.
“I think a quick selfie might do the trick. ‘The crowned jester and his future pawns’. Oo, that kinda has a ring to it.
He hovered his phone to get a better angle for himself, shifting the filter as sparkles boarded the frame. But the ground shook beneath as he caught himself, the water bottle on the desk rippling. An earthquake? It can’t be, the tectonic plate wasn’t near the university. Heavy thumps slowly overwhelmed the silent rumbles, traveling through the walls before it stopped at the front door.
The magnet chimed, but the handle didn’t turn as grumbling lingered behind it. The magnet reactivated, and pounds struck the door, as if a wild beast was trying to force its way in. Merkeo eyed the door as its pounds became aggressive, the green lighting of the magnet flickering before another strike snuffed out its light. The door slammed open, and wallowing filled the room.
Fervin loomed inside as he entered. One of his shoes were missing, and his "Damn it all..who do they think I am?! I'm a fuckin'.. Football player!"
His weight leaned as his feet stomped forward, like a drunk T-rex trying to run as he staggered to couch. He tripped over his own feet as he hurled toward the cushion, knocking the couch from its sliders as his head wedged into the soft gaps.
Merkeo used the railing in the room to make it over to the couch, standing upon the armchair. "The hell happened to you?"
"It's horrible..I go all that way to seek her out..An.. the hag blue balled me. Me!" He groaned into the cushions, scraping from its soft crevice. “You know how many want to..to.. Fuck me?!"
Fervin turned his head, his roaring breath flowing out like a dragon. Merkeo fanned the air as the smell of alcohol polluted the once clean air, holding the collar of his suit over his mouth to deter himself from passing out.
“You went and got yourself again! Didn’t you learn from the last party you went to.”
“Screw you!.. I don’t take orders from you! Why I..I” tears slowly sleeping through his eyes, a whimper escaping. “Damn it all..why do they have to make it so hard?”
Merkeo palmed himself. He must’ve drank too much if he’s already at his wallowing state. He sighed before hopping to the side of the lughead's face, caressing his cheek as its warmth filled his palm. "Hey now..you. There's no need to fuss about one girl." He said to him, wincing at the drool wetting his pants. "There's many out there in the sea, and I'm sure there's some out there waiting for him."
"Yeah right!" He blurted, knocking Merkeo onto his butt. " That's not gonna solve my aching cock right now!"
Fervin dug a finger through his waistband, the jock’s musk mixing with the tainted air as flesh squeaked against the sofa’s rubbery surface. The forearm above Steamrolled Merkeo as it traversed toward the bulging phallus, answering its wet call as his stubby fingers pampered its side. It throbbed it wedged itself between the crevice of the cushions, the jock’s hips flexing as he shuttered.
“Oh Yeah..that’s the stuff.” He muttered, his hips pumping into the couch.
"Dude! Not in the living room! Do that somewhere else."
"Sue me..I'm too pissed and horny to move."
His strokes increased as his hips moved like a wave, the wet slap of flesh overwhelming the silence in the room. Merkeo raced to comfort his ears as he moved to a cubard, searching through his supplies. He flipped over towels stashed in the corner, and found a plastic bottle of water sticking out from its packet. He wrapped his arms around the slender bottle and dragged it out, heaving it toward his drunken roommate on the couch.
“Alright, let’s get you sober so you don’t break the wall again?” Merkeo said.
Fervin grumbled as his knees slumped beneath him, thrusting him upward as his wait trailed backwards. Merkeo eyed cautiously at his blundering, backtracking as the stumbling feet trailed closer.
“I didn’t say move!” he yelped, rolling the bottle the opposite way.
But he wasn’t fast enough to outrun Fervin, his feet kicking in front of the other as he tilted like a chopped tree. The floor darkened before a wall of mass crashed at his back, burly arms planting the ground with a thunderous thump.
“That lady’s cheeks were cold… I’m barely s..satisfied.” He pawed the ground. “I need more!”
“Well you’re not getting one when you're on top of me! Now get off!”
His glassy eyes opened as he glared at him. "Piss off, man! I don’t need your..” he paused as he stared at the small roommate, his eyes blinking before they widened.
Merkeo met his gaze, looking at the marbled floor before looking back. "What?"
"Hey..where’d this toy come? Ho..How long have you been there?"
“Toy?" He blinked, tugging at his suit. "No, this is my suit, remember?"
"And it talks!..oh man..This must be my lucky day.”
"I have no idea what you're talking about. All that booze has gotten to your head. Why don't you go lay down and-" A palm wrapped around his body, plucking him from underneath. "Hey!"
His hand gripped like a vice, Fervin hauling him away as he returned to the couch with a drunken waltz. He was hurled into the closed fist as his back met with the soft cushion. He strung themselves to to the floor, a signal that rushed to the titanic cock as it pointed from his body. Merkeo pounded a hand at the sides of the jock’s fingers, the other covering his nose as the smell of rubber and jizz invaded his nostrils.
The phallus loomed closer, stamping at the gap between the middle fingers as it struck his chest. "A perfect fit..awesome." He slurred beneath his breath, his palms lifting as Merkeo plunged into the cavern of the couch, the bulbous head stamping his chin as it ensnared between his walls.
As the cock reached the bottom of the gap, it was a catalyst for Fervin’s arousal as hips began to pump. Flesh skidded against the silky suit, the phallus ramming into a pocket above Merkeo as the little bells were swallowed by the slit. Its warmth was overwhelming, his nostrils filling with a sour aroma as it stuck to his suit like cologne..
Merkeo raised his arms to shield himself. "Wait!…I'm not!.."
"Just a little more..a little more."
Fervin doubled his efforts as his hips twisted in place. The sweat that once dried between the cushions humidified as it loosened its restraints upon the tender skin, joined by the drizzling pre as it lathered into his roommate’s skin like lotion. The phallus scooped higher as it smashed Merkeo’s defense, the puffed edges moving like a wave as it stamped at his face.
He was stamped firmly as seed dressed his head, but unsatisfied puffs echoed above, a palm dragging him from underneath the bulging member. "Nrgh..that's not enough!" Fervin slurred from his lips. "How are you going to be a toy if you can't even get me off?"
"That's because I'm not a toy you lughead!"
His eyes squinted, eying the little roommates as strands of his own pre dripped to the couch. "Wha?..sure you are..I'm looking right at you." His fingers stamped across his body, the lonely bell on his right tuft jangling at his prods. "You look like a toy..feel like a toy. You are one…I'm just not using it right."
Gravity shifted as the palm tilted on its side, hovering over the hairy crotch. His other pinched eagerly at the drooling slit, pinching it open as its seed flowed down its underbelly like lava.
"What..what are you doing? No, hell no! You're not putting' me in there!"
"You better make this work..toy!"
"I told you I'm not a-!" his stomach dropped as the palm rushed toward the cock, a wet belch erupting from the cream filled phallus as it opened wide. Murky white fluid filled his vision as the orifice encircled his head. His shouts muffled from the bulging head, his palms slipping from the sides of phallus
Fervin's cock throbbed as it suckled at its meal. "Yeah…yeah that's the stuff. Get..right in there."
The palm loosed as fingers climbed over his feet, feeding more of Merkeo inside as its underbelly bulged with his body. With a giddish chuckle, he corkscrewed the rest of his feet inside as the slit closed. Wads of pre rushed into his body as it blinded him of the trip ahead, the muscular tube getting thickening as a suction pulled at his body.
A mere lump cast itself upon the jock's shaft, pulse after pulse dragging him down as it squeezed into the base of the shaft and into his prostate. More seed flooded the tender bean as the valve closed behind him, leaving him at the mercy of the muscular waves as it tenderized his body. He struggled to hold them back, his limbs sinking into their surface as he tried to find a way out. Pressure tugged at his feet, yanking him into the source of the musky fluid as he was dragged through the labyrinth swirling in the Jock's waist.
He held his breath as he was dragged through its loops, before he found him at its ridge as he slid through a long tube. He was deposited inside an enclosed sac, the walls forcing him to lay straight as if he were in an airtight compartment.
"Damn it Fervin, this has gotten way too far!!" he scowled, Worming himself toward the valve that winked out of reach, taunting at his predicament before it vanished behind a fold of seed coated flesh.
His calls were left unanswered, drowned out by the jock's beastly grunts as it reverberated through the walls.
wet slaps came from outside, jostling the testicle as if it were a fish bag. "That's the job..right there!" Fervin huffed louder.
The jock roared as the walls shrank around Merkeo’s body, the valve above him slurping the pool from the chamber as climbed through the tubes. The ceiling spasmed as spurts muffled the walls, Merkeo took the chance to breathe, but shriveled as his lungs filled with the ripe aroma of salt and bodily fluids. He squirmed along the walls to follow the fluid out, but his fingers wouldn't register as the stiff folds pucker in place.
Droplets of the lukewarm substance dripped at his back, and he groaned. "There, you had your little release. Now get me out of this thing!" He paused to hear the outside, the heavy wet thumps shaking the chamber as he swayed in place. "Hey! Are you listening?"
"Oh man..you are a good toy." He muttered, his voice distorted as if he were a broken speaker. "Ah really…good one."
"Yeah yeah, great, now get me out!"
Fervin’s words slowed as they traveled through his body. Gravity flicked as a heavy mass compressed the ceiling. The layer of flesh surrounding the testicle squashed at his torso.. The jock's breath grew heavy, rattling the muscles like rusted gears. He's kidding, he thought to himself, he sends him down his cock and now he's taking a snooze?
"You’re not sleeping with me in here!." He shouted. "Wake your ass up!"
He rattled the sac like an ape in a cage, thrashing himself in the compressed space to disrupt Fervin’s sound slumber. It was only when his knees cushioned into the round testicle did he get a reaction, the jock's body springing to life as a moan howled through the environment. Gravity shifted again, and the flesh barricading the orb pinned him down as the round lump cushioned his face.
He groaned as it tucked him against the corner wall, singing its whale songs of gurgles and churns to its captive audience. "Damn it.."
The hours ticked by since the events of that evening. Fervin tossed in his slumber, snarling from his nostrils as he rocked over the arms of the sofa. He stretched his limbs to scratch himself, but fell backwards as gravity pulled him to the floor. Sunlight erupted from the winder, burning into his eyes like a flashbang as he groggily got up.
He picked himself up from the floor, his balance tumbling to the cushion as he caught himself.. "Fuck what a night, all that partying really tired me out.." He scratched absently at his crotch, warm skin sticking to his fingers as he cocked it back, His barreled cock resting between his legs. “Where the fuck did my shorts go?..”
He stretched before getting up from the couch, giving one last yawn as he fetched a protein shake from the fridge. He looked at his roommates' things, his props scattered along the tabletop as his cotton bed was toppled from the windowsill. The nerd’s already gone, he thought, guess he decided to leave early for spring break. That’s good, he didn’t have to worry about underwear then. He drank at his shake and moved onto his side of the room, kicking his suitcase between his legs. He crumpled his clothes, tossing them inside as a hill slowly formed.
He scratched at himself once more, reminiscing at his fingers touch as his nut flexed over them. But he squinted as he gazed at the round sphere. Something was different about them, his right testicle sagged lower than the other. He fondled beneath its weight as his cock throbbed. It might just be his imagination, he did hold a lot of his seed in there last evening.
"I’m sorry big boy, I got too drunk to enjoy you properly.” He massaged his shaft. “But I bet you got plenty of rest after you had your fun."
"Absolutely not?"
He blinked at the sudden voice, looking at his Cock. He poked at its pudgy surface for a response, but it only throbbed. "Heh..hehe, I must have had way too many shots last night. Thought I just heard my cock talking."
"Not the cock you idiot!" The voice echoed again.
He cocked a brow as he stared at his member, movement rising beneath the sagging right testicle. He scooped his sac into his palm, pinching at the active orb as he rotated it. A squirming lump curled along its edge, a soft imprint appearing before a flex pulled it down.
His palm flung from his ball, letting them swing between his legs as his heart pounded. "What the hell did I drink last night?! My ball's coming alive!"
"No, It's me! Merkeo!"
"Merkeo?" He paused, looking back at the wiggling lump. He poked at its side, a pathetic whimper escaping from it. "It is you, nerd! The hell are you doing in my balls!"
"Take a guess! You shoved me in here on another one of your drunk sprees."
"Drunk spree? I don't know what the hell you're talking about." He said. “As far as I can remember I was alone..then again, there was this talking toy. Don’t remember much but it kept squawking about not being a..toy. Huh, well that explains all the whining.”
“You fucked me into the couch.”
He groaned upon the nerd’s response "Yeah well..you should’ve been more careful. It’s not my fault you’re in there.”
“It literally is!"
"Potato, Potato."
He moved toward the glass mirror along the wall, reaching , putting on his underwear as he got dressed. He pulled the back as the thin fabric saddled his glutes, letting his cock spill over the pouch as he took to his suitcase.
His nuts jangled together like wind chimes, crashing into his thighs. "What are you doing now?"
"What do you think I’m doing? I’m packing for the weekend. I’ve got shit to do back at home, and since you're stuck with me, you'll just have to tag along until we get back."
"What?! I'm not staying in here! DnD is this weekend!" Merkel said, pressure climbed through his epididymis to the valve connecting to the rest of the cock. The right nut sway passively, flexing as the sensation of fingers prodded at the tight folds. "Gotta get..out of this thing!"
The jock snorted at the attempt. "Oh boy, aren't you nerds supposed to be smart or something? My cock doesn't take orders from nerds, it listens to one that has the oomph to shake it. And that's yours truly."
"Then get on with it already."
"You’d love that wouldn’t you? To see yourself ejected from a real cock." he fondled his nuts between his fingers. "Unfortunately I’m still spent. It's gonna be a long while before these babies are ready for another round."
“And how long would that take.”
“Hell if I know, 3 hours or so.” “Three hours?!”
“Yup, so might as well get comfy until I fetch for you.”
He raised his cock over the flap, sealing it inside the pouch as he tied his shorts. He reeled his luggage into the hallway, following the narrow passageway toward the elevator in the crossway. Movement shifted as Merke tried to adjust in the compact space, the bulk of Fervin’s nuts dog piling his lump as it jostled in the pouch of his jockstrap. That nerd really knows how to get under his skin. Literally. Though he'll give him one thing, it felt good to have his balls stimulated, like a hot girl playing with his balls. The elevator doors opened, and he stepped inside. As they closed, he groped at his crotch, humping at the air.
He picked up a soft whimper from beneath the fabric, pressure building at his testicle as soft kneads rested upon it. He still didn’t know how to feel above having the nerd in there,but at least he’ll help filling him up back home..
The ride with Fervin was a long and bumpy trip. Every passing moment was filled with flesh jumbling Merkeo around, marinating him in the little puddle that climbed at his ankles as the testicular wall shriveled and compressed. He didn't know how far they traveled, the outside was too muffled to depth the surrounding environment except for the purrs of jock’s vehicle. After another eternity of stewing in the jock's balls, inertia pulled ahead as his face was wrapped in a sheet of muscle.
His steps boomed as a door creaked open, the sound of a zipper being undone as the sac rolled on its side. "Ah, it's good to be back home." Fervin’s voice distorted through the walls..
Merkeo padded at the soft tissue to get the jock's attention, the testicle spooning into his torso. His palms were pinned by the protruding bulge, only managing to use his ankles as he bucked weakly as the ridge of the testicle.
A heavy thud struck the balls, the soft curvature of fingers pressing at his back. "Eh? oh yeah, forgot you were in there."
Not a surprise. "It's been hours since I've been here. Can you get me out now?"
“I told you that’s not how my nuts work, nerd. They need the energy to get them started.”
“You said you needed three hours!”
Fervin laughed heartily. “I said It’d take me three hours to fill them, I never said I’d be ready to release it.”
The sac shook as its contents plonked around, the seed secreting from the wall spreading out as they washed over Merkeo’s body. His stomach dropped as the fingers let go, the nuts beginning to sway as steps boomed outside. A soft pressure cushion at the walls, tight leather scrunching beneath him.
“Been a while since I checked on the game” Fervin said. “I wonder if my K/D is still intact.”
The jock’s weight shifted as the sac tilted, forcing Merkeo to spoon beneath the rough lump as seed polled at his shoulders. Fervin's voice could be heard beyond the walls, blurting comments as a controller clunked high above. His obnoxious bantering went on for another hour, his balls rocking periodically as a finger scratched at the testicular layer. Merkeo tried again to get him to answer, splashing at the pool of seed that splashed beneath his chin. But he only received a brush from one of the thighs, followed by cursing as he shouted at someone in the game.
Outside the sun loomed past the hill in the window, the crimson sky slowly turning blue as the moon rose from the horizon. Merkeo tilted his neck as he faced the quivering sphincter above, counting its flexes as seed drooled from its lips. It’s all he could do, with his limbs bathed into the milky pool as the muscle flexed in place.
“Fuck yeah!” Fervin’s voice blurted,the testicles thrusting forward before snagged. “Hope you like that grenade yas wuss! That’ll teach ya to steal my kill!”
“Fervin!” Merkeo called out, thrashing against the tender wall. “Fervin!”
The chamber shifted, pressure applying to his back. “What now nerd?”
“Are you ready yet? It’s getting kind of full in here.”
“Hmm..They are kinda heavy…” the pressure behind him pushed at his body, a thrust sending a wave over the little roommate. “And I’m already pumped as it is, why not.”
“Yes! Finally!”
A rumble boomed above, a bubbling torrent shaking the walls as pressure melted behind him. “Shit, I forgot all about dinner. Can’t wank one out on an empty stomach.”
Merkeo swayed as Fervin traversed the household, his steps hardening as it traveled through his body. Wrappers muffled from above as the jock giggled to himself, followed by a meaty crunch as he chewed on his food. He listened to symphony of crumpled wrappers and munching for moments, and still he had yet finished his feast. The fluid climbed higher, dosing his ears as if they dipping sauce.
The walls flexed, and he raced to force them back. “It's getting a little cramped in here, are you ready to release yet?” “Eh? Release what?”
“Your seed!”
“Oh yeah yeah, I’ll get right on it. Just..” an announcer muffled from outside, followed by bells as cheer muttered in the background. “Oo, the playoffs! I forgot that aired today.” He walked over as the sounds came closer, springs creaking beneath him.
“Wait a second, get me out first.”
“Don’t sweat it, it won’t be long. I’ll have you out by halftime, jock’s promise.”
Merkeo groaned at the response, working his limbs close to deter the walls from overtaking the pocket. He didn’t know if he could bear the salty aroma, each whiff was like intaking smelling salt, forcing him to buck at the round testicle that threatened to submerge him without hesitation. Buzzing rang from beneath him as a bubbled climbed into the pocket, his phone emerging from the pool as a notification was plastered upon it.
It was from one of the members, sending a message about the meet for tomorrow. He fiddled a finger toward its direction, its angled edge taping at his fingertips, before a fold greedily dragged it out of sight. He sighed as he faced the wall, thrashing it about to get Fervin’s attention. This time there was no response, all except his goofish giggling as he mocked the game. He couldn’t do anything but wait, tugging into the soggy fold as he closed his eyes.
A few minutes passed as he opened his eyes, once chaotic background softening as snores followed behind it. He was still in his balls, and he was fast asleep. In rage, he thrashed about the chamber to cause discomfort, swiping at the lump at his torso despite how weakly his limbs slipped off.
A roaring ocean filled his ears, as the side of his hear were submerged in milky pool. In shriveled defeat, he closed his eyes, awaiting for the jock to wake up once more. DnD was tomorrow, and he couldn’t stand being trapped in his nuts for a moment more. —-------------------------------------- Throughout the next day, he slept to conserve his energy, listening to Fervin’s wandering as carried out his activities. When waved of seed flowed into his nostrils, he shot awake, kicking the testicle as a jolt shook the walls. A groan escaped from the jock as fingers took to his balls, forcing him to adjust as the chamber tilted it’s side.
“Watch where you’re kicking in there will ya?” Ferman demanded. “These babies are to be treated with care!”
“These babies are a nightmare, I’ve been stewing in here for god now’s how long!”
“Oh please, you barely move in there, it can’t be that bad.” “You’re not the one neck deep in side!” He bent his knees to open more space, driving his feet into the sides of the testicular wall.
Its flesh raced to subdue, contracting its muscle around him like a snake. But he refused to let himself cave under its pressures, prying at the opposite wall.
Fervin’s body twisted. “What are you doing?”
“DnD is tonight, I can’t stay in your balls any longer. And if I have to cause a ruckus, then so be it!”
His body lit ablaze as he took to the lump, kneading into the tender walls as the testicle throbbed beneath its layer. Fervin’s fingers raced to subdue his efforts, but the sac was too full to add enough pressure, Merkeo using it as a shield as battered the walls with his own body.
After moments of struggling, a roar of defeat erupted from Fervin." Fuck it! Fine I’ll get you out.” he announced. “Was getting tired of hauling you around anyway."
The testicles swayed as he wandered outside. It wasn't long before pressure built beneath, the opposite testicle shifting before it dropped off a ledge. The sound of wet slaps returned from above, sending ripples in the chamber as the testicular sac compressed Merkeo's face.
"Ugh, my suit is so ruined, can't you pump faster?"
"Don't get your tidy widdies in bunch ya nerd, I'm almost there."
The walls flexed harder, compressing his feet as he squeezed along the hump like paste in a canister. The valve slowly began to quiver, widening slowly a seed rushed through its mouth. It flowed into its tubes like a pipeline, gulping periodically at the substance as he himself was pulled close to its lips.
Strands of his own hair were plucked between the soggy lips, crowning his head as seed piled his shoulder. But flex ceased as the narrow tube dried up, clamping at his head as seed disappeared into the abyss above. "What the? What's the hold up?"
A muffled ring vibrated the walls, the pounds halting as the jock shifted slowly. "Got a call." Fervin said, answering the device. "Bandi, my boy, what's up? Yeah I’ve been in town, just letting out some steam."
"Hey! Don't stop, keep going!"
"Give me a fucking minute, I'll get there…no no, just talking to a nerd is all I-…wait seriously?! Oh shit, count me in!"
The sac rattled from the jock’s excitement. "What are you doing out there?"
"The boys found a goldmine for some chicks from the cheerleading squad at the university. Looks we're heading to the bar."
"What?! What about me?! You still have to take me out!"
"I'll fetcha ya later, Right now I gotta fetch old faithful from the drawers. I'm gonna catch me a big one tonight"
The chamber thrashed as he braced himself for another tide, the thick goop dragging down his body like syrup. He stretched his limbs to pierce the tender muscle, but pouted at the meat pocket. Unbelievable, he was about to be free from this hellhole before that phone call. He couldn’t bear more of Fervin’s antiques for god knows how, but it appears he didn’t have much choice.. Before he knew it, the chamber moved as steps trailed outside, a door muffling open as the purrs of the truck returned.
And so began the trip to the bar. Voices muffled from the walls as Fervin greeted his friends, softer tones following them as he assumed they were women. His hips gyrating was the confirmation he needed, if not rhythmic throbbing from the shaft.
The minutes felt like an eternity as jazz played from the bar, glasses clanging together as the jock’s obnoxious chattering filled the void. His ears submerged in seed was a mercy compared to listening to the awful pick up lines he spewed from his mouth.
"This is so humiliating." he groaned.
"Hey baby, there's no need to take a seat on these raggedy old chairs, come take a gander at this one" Fervin said, heavy thumps causing the sac to dip.
Pressure ensued as the testicle rolled at his back. His torso sunk like an island landscape, dipping beneath the murky fluid as it climbed to his chin. He struggled beneath the titanic weight above, the thigh outside bouncing as it jostled the chamber..
"Oh my, you make a pretty good seat." A woman's voice said above.
"Oh ho baby, I can do more than just cushion."
"Oh for fuck sake." Merkeo covered his ears, hoping to drown out the conversation.
Another hour drew by as he listened to the oaf's bantering. At one point, chattering dwindled before the nutsack spilled forward, and the crushing weight was relieved. Fervin was on the move, the sounds of the bar growing distant until it became white noise in the background.
He scraped the wall before placing his ear against it, curiosity overwhelming him as he listened to the jock’s steps. The zipper of the pants were undone, and he spilled forward as flesh caught his fall.
"Here they are my dear, my pride and enjoy in all its glory."
"You weren't lying, it certainly is thick."
“He’s with a girl, of course he is.” his side cramp as a lump fondled his back, He squirmed to ease its protrusion, elbowing the testicle as the jock released a grunt.
"Is everything all alright?" The woman asked.
"Oh yeah sure, everything is just fine. Just a little..excited is all." Fervin replied. "Afterall, how can a guy not melt for a hot doll like yourself."
The chamber shook as the lump flattened, seed rushing from the other end like a dam as it splashed into Merkeo. Slow wet pounds filled the void, the testicle compressing before it squashed into his body. A disgruntled moan pierced the air as the sac swayed forward, a dulled edge separating the balls as softer moans echoed ahead..
God, She's sucking him off, as if his problem weren't already wacky enough. He fought the testicle to plug his ears, but its ridge forced them away, allowing the demented display to continuing as it intensified. The pressure returned as digits cupped behind him, thinner than the ones before as their pointy ends prodded his back.
The pool increased as it climbed over his head, a current seeping into the valve as it widened closer. Muscle contraptions echoed beyond the thick walls, glurking as the women's moan grew fierce. The sac pulse, and the valve widened as it guzzled seed to the surface..
"Hope you're thirsty, cause I'm gonna unleash my load inside."
"Like hell you are!" Merkeo blurted, thrashing from the chamber.
The lump prodding at his back vanished beneath murky waves, the balls dropping as they bashed against the jock’s thigh. "Did your balls just talk?!" The woman squealed.
"N..no? Did you hear them talking? I..I didn't hear them talking."
"Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting."
The sound of boots muffled from the outside, growing softer as the chamber thrashed about. "No! Come on babe, Come back!" Fervin called desperately for her, the door slamming shut. A vice grip wrapped the testicle, and Merkeo was smothered into the walls. "Damn it you nerd, you scared her off!"
"I scared her off?! I was nearly protein for her! I'm trying to get out from inside you, not end up in another."
"Well congratulations cause now I'm fucking limp, thanks for that." A bang sounded from outside as the jock began to walk. "Can't believe I got cock blocked by a nerd."
The sac rocked between his legs as the creaking door lingered from overhead, trailing off somewhere behind them as the sound of the roaring crowd returned. Merkeo tucked himself against the corner pocket of the chamber, it was the only place he could manage to breath without intaking the salty seed. He heard the jock's friend talking, reminiscing over the cheerleader storming out of the bar. His response wasn't pleasant, a squeeze smother the eager testicle against his head as if to point the blame upon him. but it relented as he relaxed, his balls drooping at the thigh.
He curled against the opposite wall, before a buzz rumbled from above, his phone squeezing from the compressed fold as it slid in front of him.
a photo appeared from beneath the milky substance, a group photo with his friends dressed in their fictional costumes. Speak of the devil, he thought, here comes the fruits of his labor reminding him of his failed attempt. What he would give to be there right now. He focused on the group photo, admiring the designs each of them chose to wear. but his eyes furrowed as he caught a glimpse of one of the members, his eyes widening.
"No way.."
That late night dragged into Sunday morning, as Fervin drove back into the dorm room as he tossed his backpack. Merkeo eyed the quivering sphincter above as its lips expanded, the walls compress as he catapulted into the tight tube. The ride up was rigid and slow, but fast enough to wipe seed clean from his skin before he squeezed back into the embrace of the jock's prostate. In a firm push he climbed up the urethral tube, skyrocketing into a tupperware container as he collided against the plastic wall.
The jock scorned above, the milky stream pouring faster as he shielded his face. "Alright that's enough!"
"Not yet it's not." Fervin said grumpily.
the stream pushed at his palms, piercing their way through as he slid into the smooth corner, it was only until his palm remained uncovered did it finally stop, and the slit sealed shut.
"Now it's finished” Fervin sneered at his handy work, shaking the drizzle from his cock before turning toward his stuff.
"Hold it!" Merkeo muttered, rising from the gunk. "We're.. we're not done."
"oh we're not huh? and what makes you say that?"
"You cost me the whole weekend! you have to make up for it!"
"Wha?.." the jock burst from laughter. "What are you on about, you're the nerd who got stuck in there in the first place."
"Only because you put me there. and nearly got me swallowed."
He rolled his eyes, fanning at the remark as Merkeo climbed out of the container. In a slippery leap, the little roommate lunged as he clung to the tufts of his jersey. It was like holding onto a moving vehicle, seed soaking his suit fanned to the luggage on the floor. Fervin drew closer to the computer desk, and jumped as he followed him to the tissue box, stomping at its opening as the giant palmed reached for it..
the jock's face soured. " You're really starting to get on my nerves."
"Likewise, but I'm not letting you off the hook. you’re going to pay up, right here, right now."
"Oh you gotta be shitting me." he chuckled. "Fuck it, I'll bite. What? What could a little nerd like you do to force me to pay you back."
He dug into the soggy pouch of his pocket of his suit, taking out his phone. He clicked at the photo, holding it to the air as Fervin's face loomed closer. "This is how!"
"Hah! What more nerds? Get over yourself."
"They may look like mere nerds to you. But one of them I'm sure you know quite well." he zoomed the photo closer, focusing on a woman dressed as a witch. "That lady right there is Cindy, the lead cheerleader of our university. I wonder what she might think if she finds out about our little mishap. I'm sure she'd love to share the adventure with the football captain."
The jock’s eyes widened before narrowing. "You don't have the balls to go through with that."
"Oh yeah? One already think's you have talking balls, I'm sure they can puzzle the rest if I speak up."
The jock growled, reaching a palm as the thick digits twitched in rage. it lunged forward, yanking a tissue from beneath Merkeo’s feet as it crumpled into a withered mess. "What do you have in mind?.."
"It's so good to see you again, Merkeo” Cindy greeted him, lowering a finger as he shook her hand. We missed you last night’s session. You’re wearing your night costume again?”
He scratched at his head, adjusting his cape. "Yeah, the other suit kinda got stuck in a rut. Fashion crisis am I right? But hey, we at least got time to catch up on a session. I even brought a plus one."
Heavy thuds came from the hallway, sharp squeaks lingering as a silhouette peered through the frame. An inflated dragon loomed in, Fervin’s soured face tucked beneath its chin as the rest of the rubbery suit hauled inside, he grumbled as he wrestled his tail inside, bumping it against the door.
"I'm sure you two know each other."
"We sure do.” Cindy said, “I didn't think he took part in DnD."
"You could say he had a change of heart." He replied, sharing glances with Fervin as his fiery gaze overshadowed the derpy expression of the inflatable.
They prepared the table as they all encircled it, Merkeo taking out the dice as many took their roles. scattered the props along the props behind the bordered sheet, he cleared his throat. "Alright ladies and gents, let’s begin. The adventurers set out upon the request of the king, a dragon has been spotted in a cave near the kingdom. You find the entrance and travel through its catacombs. There, surrounded by shimmering gold and diamonds, lay the beast. Sprawled upon its haunches as it snarled at your intrusion.”
Merkeo paused as he scooped the dice in hand, lending them to one of the members dressed as a wizard. “Care to start us off.”
"Oh Oh! I roll to ride the ride dragon"
"Try it and I'll flatten you like a crumpcake, pinhead!" Fervin snarled.
"Ah ah, not without a roll you're not." Merkeo assorted, nodding toward the little wizard.
The wizard squeed as they shook their hands in place, the dice jumbling like ice cubes as they rolled them to the thin sheet crossing the table. both dices toppled themselves, number nine marking the both of them.
"ooo, Nat 18. the wizard casts a construct to cast himself atop the dragon."
The wizard let out a high pitched squeal as They climbed aboard the inflatable forearm. Fervin eyed in disgust as the little one stood atop of him. the googly eyes of the dragon jangled as they clung to one of the ears, pulling it from one side of his body to the other.
the dragon squeaked as it smothered Fervin’s face, his neck jerking from side to side. "Hey! what the-?!"
“Wow, you really are pulling your weight." Merkeo said. I figured you'd make a good dragon.”
"Get them the fuck off me!"
"mm, not how it works. you gotta announce it, then roll."
"Oh for the-" he reached for the dice at the end of the table, fingers denting the barrier as they rattled. "The dragon attempts to throw the nuisance off."
He flung the dice forward, their forms streaking across the table like cannons as they pushed the barrier back. The dice came to a standstill, number one marking them both.
"Ooo two, the dragon failed to throw the wizard off. bummer."
"The hell?! what kind of bullshit is that I-"
"Our rodeo isn't over yet, dragon!" the wizard yelled, heaving at the inflated ears like reins. "Your hide will be a fine reward for my potions!"
"Crushing you is still on the table you damn pest!"
Merkeo watched as the two of them bicker, admiring the jock's flailing as he walked sluggishly against the walls. but he turned his head as Cindy whispered for his attention, lending an ear toward her.
"He seems pretty aggressive for a DnD player, Are you sure he's here to play?" She asked.
He looked toward the two once more, the wizard yanking backward as Fervin pivoted like a horse on a hill. He smiled as he placed a hand on his cheek. "Oh yeah, I'm sure."
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powdermelonkeg · 2 years
First Choice
Who is the main character? Winter (lantern herbalist), 38%
It's cold.
That's the thought that cycles over and over in Winter's mind as he ventures further into the caverns. His lantern burns ruby red, the scarlet flames dancing on the crystal stalactites overhead.
It's cold. Ignore everything else. It's cold.
Despite the constant reminder he gives himself, the air gets warmer and warmer, his fluffy coat becoming heavier on his shoulders, more stifling around his neck. His boots crunch the frozen puddles beneath his feet, the metal spikes tearing into the ice and holding fast.
How long has he been on this trek?
Days? Seasons?
It feels like an eternity. Yet the empty basket on his hip taunts him, its light weight a reminder itself that his job is yet to be done.
The lantern's light catches a glow up ahead. His spiraling thoughts grind to a halt.
He breaks into a run, cleats scraping along the ground. More and more red shines appear the closer he gets, getting larger, finally taking form.
Hundreds of them. Scattered, their cartilage long gone, many of them cracked open. He kneels by one, picks it up, peers through it.
Hollow. Gnawed on.
His eyes glimmer.
Quickly, he drops the bone and scoops his lantern back up, pulling his scarf down from his nose. The scent of burnt pine stings his lungs, the heat getting all the more sweltering with each unfiltered breath.
It's cold. It's cold. It's cold.
It's not. It burns. His hair clings wetly to his skin, his eyes water with tears—yet the second they fall to his pale lashes, they freeze.
It's cold.
Winter closes his eyes and paces around the room, sniffing the air. Each breath scorches his throat, makes him question whether or not this is worth the pain, until finally, a blast of heat startles him out of his search. His hand flies to his scarf, yanking it back over his nose, the smell of sweet melon rind bringing a moment of cool relief. With a deep breath of the remedy, he opens his eyes once more.
There, nestled in a crevice in the wall, are six resin-encased, gemlike eggs. Their nest, cradling them from the imperceptible cold, is built of the furs of each poor animal to have wandered in here, the gaps between sealed with pale moss.
He reaches for the nest, the sting of heat creeping in through the gap between his sleeve and his glove-
He jumps, wrenching his hand back from the nest. His heartbeat hammers in his ears as he looks over the field of bones, stomach twisting with fear. His eyes dart back to the clutch of eggs.
He can't leave empty handed.
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breadandblankets · 1 month
hi bread! I'm here to ask about the Magnetic Horrors of electrical engineering
yayyyyyy! im taking a nec code class and i had to learn about this and now so do All of You!
this is the full video but im going to take some strategic screenshots
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these are three cables that are being bound to a tray by cable ties. we do this for certain applications like a bunch of power all going to a single location. my job prefers to put this all in conduit (ridged tubes that contain the horrors) so that shit like this doesn't happen.
what shit you ask? well....
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a fault (in this case a short circuit, ie the electricity now has a Very quick path to ground, like a lightning strike) occurs in the cable, and like a dam breaking there is now a LOT of electricity with nothing holding it back
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im stealing this from google dot gov but this is a wire carrying electrical current (current in this case means the same thing as a water current, it is a strong flow in a single direction) along its length. as you can see magnetic fields propagate out perpendicular to the path of electricity this makes basically tree rings at all points along the wire
the magnetic field of the wire is directly proportional to the flow of current, so when the current suddenly breaks free of the circuit and rushes through the cable all at once, there is suddenly a Huge spike in magnetic field
now why do they explode apart like that?
actually to show how they want to play no touching here is another still of that video
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so you see how the cable separate anywhere they're able to? for the visually un-inclined, the picture above has the cables bound by very strong metal cleats, they have bulged outwards away from each other in the places they aren't bound. Kinda the same way a rubber band reacts if you pinch it on two sides and bring your hands together.
so to explain that im going to do a QUICK dive into electrical distribution
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look at this graph cool? cool. so basically in order to reduce return current on the neutral (what goes in must come out, this is the law of energy) if all the legs are balanced the neutral current is zero (0) because the waves all cancel each other out, if you remember physics you probably know what i mean, if you don't look up "destructive interference" its SO cool.
so because the electrical current is just tilted Slightly away from each other the cables are desperate to get away from each other, and so they explode outward with literally thousands of newtons of force.
if you compare the little star shaped phase diagram from the picture above with the picture of the cleat enclosed cables after the fault, you'll notice that they are following the same shape! this is because the magnetic field is following the shape of the current flow and makes a triangle!!
if you are ever in a place where a fault occurs 1) run but also 2) you can literally hear these whip around in their enclosure, even if they're held snug in conduit
this is my nightmare now, come back for more electricity related nightmares! misery and company etc.
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dragongirlcloaca · 1 year
More fun with Violet and Bunny, this time with some bondage and a fun surprise :>
[Master/pet, Bondage, Lactation]
Today, Violet offers me a piece of pumpkin pie as I sit down on her couch. It’s piping hot, and the whipped cream is freshly made. I chat with her between forkfuls; we talk about life, the weather, shows on TV. We could have gone on for ages; I find Violet a very calming person to talk to. I’ve known her for a while now, and she’s always seemed like the quiet and polite type. I never would have guessed she was a dom until she told me—but then again, I didn’t know how much of a sub I was until she milked it out of me.
Eventually, we wrap up our conversation, and Violet sets my collar down on the table, the metal fittings clinking softly against the glass.
“Are you ready, Bunny?” She asks, hands folded in her lap.
I nod. I pick up the collar, brushing my hair out of the way, and snap it around my throat. She stands up, and gestures for me to follow her down the hall. We enter a room that’s mostly empty, save for a shelf along one wall, and several large hooks and cleats fastened to the walls and ceiling.
Violet turns to me. "Strip for me won't you, bunny?" She commands, a familiar glint in her eye.
I begin to undress in front of her, folding my clothes into a pile on the floor. Now completely naked, I shiver slightly in the autumn air.
"Now fold your arms against your chest, like this," Violet says, demonstration with her arms pressed between her breasts. I follow suit, and she fetches a coil of rope from the shelf. She begins wrapping the rope around my arms and chest, weaving it over and under. It snugs tightly into my fur, but not enough to be uncomfortable. She gently teases my breasts as she wraps the rope around them, but is sparing with her touches. When she finishes, she checks the tightness of the ropes.
“If at any point it starts to hurt, or anything goes numb, tell me right away, okay bunny?”
I nod.
"Lie down on your back, bunny", Violet demands.
I awkwardly manoeuvre myself to the floor in a sitting position without the use of my hands. I lie back, now aware of the growing arousal between my legs. Violet kneels, bending my knees and pushing them together. I start to feel needier, secretly wanting her to tease my cock as she starts tying my legs together, oh so close to my sheath, but she ignores it, smiling at me as a drop of precum beads at my tip before dripping into my fur.
Once Violet finishes, I’m left completely immobile on the floor. I hear her walk over to the shelf and back. When she returns, she pushes me over onto my front, ass up. After a moment, she lifts my tail up, and her wet, lubed fingers begin to massage my hole. A whimper escapes my mouth as she slides first one, and then three fingers inside me. Slowly pumping in and out, she fingers me, stretching me open. After a few minutes of teasing, she pulls her fingers fully out, leaving my hole clenching at nothing, before I feel cool, hard glass press against it. She slides the plug in ever so slowly, widening my gaping hole, before it reaches the widest point and is sucked in to the base. I feel so full, but there’s no stimulation to it, just a maddening sensation in my insides that leaves me whining for more, my cock twitching needily.
"You look very cute like this, bunny. All tied up and helpless, spread wide open.”
Violet’s words send another spike of arousal through my core, causing me to clench hard against the plug.
Violet lifts me up so I’m sitting on the plug, enjoying my constant whimpers and moans. She comes around to my front, cups my cheek, and then moves in for a very wet, sloppy kiss, greedily swishing her tongue all around and through my mouth. After a moment, she pulls away, and moves down to my chest. She reaches the bare skin of my breast, and sucks on it, the tender flesh reddening under her tongue. Violet pauses for a moment, then bites down on my nipple, not hard enough to draw blood, but just enough to cause pain.
I moan a little louder, and she smiles. "Do you like that, bunny?"
I nod, my face reddening.
"Oh, what's this?" Violet says. She brushes a finger against my sore nipple and brings it up to my face, showing me a few drops of white liquid.
"Did you master make you lactate, bunny?"
I had no idea I could lactate. The discovery sends a wave of arousal slamming into my body, making me wriggle with need. Violet rubs my nipple again, and then presses her mouth to my breast. She starts sucking on my nipple, trying to draw out more milk. I squirm around a bit more as the stimulation gets to me, but she continues to suck until she has drawn a mouthful of milk from me.
Violet swallows, licking her lips. "This tastes lovely, bunny. Why don't you have some too?"
Violet draws some more, from my other breast this time, and kisses me, snowballing my milk into my mouth. It's warm and slightly sweet, and the thought of drinking my own milk nearly pushes me over the edge despite my painfully hard dick remaining untouched.
Violet smiles as she watches me panting and gasping. "I think bunny deserves a reward," she finally says. She gives me one last kiss, sweetened with the taste of my milk, and then lays me down on my back. Ignoring my penis for now, she teases on the plug in my ass, making my hips shake. After nudging it in and out a few times, she fully removes it, and presses her snout to my gaping hole. I moan as she slips her tongue into me, bucking into the air. Right as I'm nearing my orgasm, she withdraws, kneeling over me.
"Cum for me, bunny"
I finally reach the plateau of orgasm, my restrained legs shaking as I arch my back into the floor, shooting cum onto my chest, Violet watches me as my climax slowly subsists, and then begins untying me, first my legs, helping me up into a sitting position, and then my arms. Finally, she unclasps the collar, setting it on the floor.
“How was that?” She asks, rubbing a hand along my back. “Are you sore at all?”
“A little,” I say, stretching my arms. “It was just...amazing, Violet. I’ve never felt like that before.”
“I’m guessing you’ve never lactated before?” She asks, having felt my reaction to it.
“I haven’t,” I reply. “I didn’t think I could, to be honest.”
“It’s a pleasant surprise, I suppose. I’ve never experienced it myself” Violet says. She eyes the cum dripping through my fur. “Do you want to shower?”
I nod, grateful, and she gathers my clothes and leads me to the bathroom, supplying me with a clean, fluffy towel. I hop in, rub some shampoo in, and rinse out my fur. I shake out as much of the water off as I can, and then towel off the rest and re-dress. When I emerge, clean and smelling of Violet’s shampoo, she’s waiting by the door.
“I had a lot of fun today, Bunny,” Violet says, sneaking in to plant a kiss on my snout.
“I did too!” I reply, grinning. “See you next time!”
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playaput · 9 hours
Essential Baseball Accessories Every Player Needs
Baseball Glove
Arguably the most iconic piece of baseball gear, the glove is essential for both fielders and catchers. Baseball gloves come in different sizes and designs tailored to specific positions. Infielders typically use smaller, lighter gloves for quicker ball transfers, while outfielders prefer larger gloves for increased range. Catchers require mitts with extra padding to withstand fast pitches, and first basemen use specialized gloves with a wide, deep pocket to catch difficult throws. Investing in a high-quality, well-fitted glove can drastically improve your catching and fielding abilities.
Baseball Bat
Choosing the right bat is crucial for maximizing hitting performance. Baseball bats are available in various materials, including wood, aluminum, and composite. Wooden bats are often preferred by professionals and traditionalists for their weight distribution and power, while aluminum and composite bats are lighter and offer more control, making them ideal for younger players. The length and weight of the bat should match the player's height and strength for optimal performance. Some players also use weighted bats during practice to improve their swing strength.
Batting Gloves
Batting gloves are designed to provide a better grip on the bat and reduce the impact of the ball on the hands. They also offer protection against blisters, which can occur after long practice sessions. Batting gloves come in a variety of materials such as leather or synthetic blends, offering varying degrees of flexibility and comfort. A snug fit is essential to maintain control over the bat, while some gloves feature additional padding for extra comfort.
Baseball Helmet
Safety is a priority in any sport, baseball accessories and baseball is no exception. Batters and base runners are required to wear helmets to protect their heads from high-speed pitches and errant throws. Modern baseball helmets come with additional features like face guards and jaw protection. These helmets are lightweight but highly durable, offering maximum protection without compromising comfort. Many leagues have specific helmet requirements, so players should ensure they are equipped with approved protective gear.
Traction is key in baseball, whether you're running the bases or fielding ground balls. Baseball cleats are designed with spikes that dig into the dirt or grass, providing better grip and preventing slips. Different surfaces require different types of cleats; for instance, metal cleats are ideal for grass fields, while molded plastic cleats work better on artificial turf. Comfort and fit are critical in preventing blisters and injuries during play, making cleats a vital accessory for every player.
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Protective Gear
Additional protective gear, especially for catchers, is essential. Catchers are particularly vulnerable to fast pitches and foul tips, making chest protectors, shin guards, and catcher's masks a must. Shin guards protect the legs from foul balls and awkward bounces, while chest protectors cushion the torso against high-speed pitches. A high-quality catcher's mask shields the face from dangerous pitches and foul balls, ensuring safety throughout the game.
Baseball Bag
Staying organized is crucial for players who need to carry multiple pieces of gear. Baseball bags are designed to hold bats, gloves, helmets, and even cleats, Baseball Hitting Net making it easier to transport equipment from one game or practice session to another. Bags often come with compartments to keep items separated and protected, ensuring your gear stays in top condition.
Playing baseball on sunny days can present challenges when trying to track fly balls or line drives. High-quality sunglasses designed for baseball players help reduce glare while enhancing contrast, making it easier to see the ball in bright conditions. Polarized lenses are a popular choice as they offer clearer vision and better protection from harmful UV rays.
Batting Tee
For players looking to improve their hitting skills, a batting tee is a great training accessory. It allows players to practice their swings without the need for a pitcher, helping to develop muscle memory and perfect their form. Adjustable tees cater to players of different heights, and portable models make them easy to take to practice.
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icespike01 · 10 days
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boots with ice cleats
Shoe Grips For Ice by IceSpike deliver exceptional traction on icy surfaces with durable metal spikes. Easy to fit on any shoe, they ensure safety and stability in winter conditions.
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distillerchic92 · 16 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New Balance Black FuelCell Romero Duo Comp Wide Softball Cleats.
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evelynjohn001 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Softball Cleats for Catchers
When it comes to softball, every position on the field requires specific gear to perform at the highest level. For catchers, who spend most of the game crouched behind the plate, the right pair of cleats is essential. Catchers need cleats that offer stability, traction, and comfort to handle the unique demands of their position. This guide will help you understand what to look for when choosing softball cleats for catchers, and recommend some of the best options available.
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Why Are Specialized Cleats Important for Catchers?
Catchers are arguably the most physically demanding position in softball. They need to be quick on their feet, have excellent balance, and stay comfortable during long innings. The right cleats can significantly impact a catcher's performance by providing:
Stability: Catchers need to shift from a squat to a standing position quickly and without slipping. Cleats with proper support and traction help maintain balance.
Traction: Whether catching pitches or making quick throws, catchers need cleats that grip the dirt effectively to prevent slipping.
Comfort: Catchers spend a lot of time in a crouched position, so comfort is crucial to prevent fatigue and injury.
Key Features to Look for in Catcher’s Cleats
When selecting cleats for a catcher, it's essential to focus on features that cater specifically to the demands of the position:
Cleat Type: Metal vs. Molded
Metal Cleats: Offer superior traction and are great for digging into the dirt, but they can be less forgiving on hard surfaces and may not be allowed in all leagues.
Molded Cleats: Provide more comfort and versatility on various surfaces, making them ideal for players who need a balance of comfort and traction.
Ankle Support
Catchers benefit from cleats with enhanced ankle support. High-top designs can prevent rolling an ankle during quick lateral movements.
Cleats made from high-quality materials like leather or synthetic leather offer better durability, essential for catchers who put their gear through rigorous use.
Comfort and Fit
Look for cleats with cushioned insoles and breathable materials to keep feet comfortable during long games. The fit should be snug but not too tight to allow for natural foot movement.
Top Softball Cleats for Catchers
Here are some of the top-rated softball cleats that cater specifically to catchers:
New Balance Women’s Fresh Foam Velo V2
Type: Metal Cleats
Features: These cleats offer excellent traction, with a lightweight design and superior comfort thanks to the Fresh Foam midsole. They also provide good ankle support, making them ideal for catchers.
Mizuno Women’s 9-Spike Swift 7
Type: Molded Cleats
Features: Known for their durability and comfort, these cleats have a 9-spike configuration that offers excellent traction. The padded tongue and collar enhance comfort, making them a great choice for catchers.
Under Armour Women’s Glyde RM
Type: Molded Cleats
Features: These cleats are designed with a focus on comfort and support. The rubber molded cleats provide solid traction, while the cushioned midsole ensures all-day comfort.
Nike Hyperdiamond 3 Pro
Type: Metal Cleats
Features: Offering a blend of durability and performance, these cleats are lightweight and provide excellent traction. The synthetic leather upper ensures a snug fit, and the added ankle support is a bonus for catchers.
Maintenance Tips for Softball Cleats
To extend the life of your cleats and maintain peak performance, follow these simple maintenance tips:
Clean Regularly: After each game, remove dirt and debris from the cleats. Use a soft brush to clean out the spikes and wipe down the upper with a damp cloth.
Dry Properly: Avoid drying your cleats in direct sunlight or using a heat source. Instead, stuff them with newspaper and let them air dry naturally.
Check for Wear and Tear: Regularly inspect your cleats for any signs of wear, especially on the spikes and laces. Replace them if necessary to avoid compromising performance.
Choosing the right softball cleats for catchers is crucial for performance, safety, and comfort. By focusing on features like traction, ankle support, and durability, catchers can ensure they are equipped to handle the rigors of their position. Whether you prefer metal or molded cleats, investing in high-quality footwear will help you stay agile and comfortable behind the plate, game after game.
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ezibatten · 5 months
Which Are the Types of Components to Buy from Gutter Accessories Suppliers? 
Roof gutters and downspouts are not only functional necessities; they protect our homes' foundations and exteriors and can be decorated with various accessories. These elements can add beauty, enhance effectiveness, and improve your building's curb appeal and resale value. 
Various parts of the gutter system work together smoothly to efficiently lead rainwater away from your property. A single malfunctioning piece can only disrupt this harmony and render the complete system ineffective, so let's dive into the details surrounding rain gutter components so you can better understand how they work together and what happens when they break. Always source them from reliable gutter accessories suppliers. 
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Types of gutter accessories: 
A functional gutter system consists of multiple parts and accessories, each of which plays a unique role in diverting rainfall away straight from your home. Let's examine this anatomy more closely. 
Gutters channels 
Gutter channels are the central part of the gutter system that you see. They typically appear as half-pipe or box-like structures affixed along the edge of your roof. They primarily catch falling precipitation from the ceiling, protecting your walls and roof from the destruction by directing it towards a specific drainage area through other gutter accessories. 
End caps 
End caps function like the sealed ends for gutters, preventing water spillage from the non-drainage-designed points. Usually created from aluminum or vinyl, they fit securely at the other end of the gutter line. 
You can visualize miters as the corner pieces on the gutter system that connect two linear segments at the various angles (typically 90°). Many homes incorporate roofs with sharp angles, so having custom-angled miter joints to permit the uninterrupted movement of water around corners is crucial. 
Elbows act as connectors between various sections within your overall gutter set-up. Primarily arching simply at right angles, they help when you need to change direction abruptly within your gutter system, such as channeling accumulated rainfall through downspouts. 
Gutter Spikes and Ferrules 
Gutter spikes are extra-long nails driven through the entire gutter system, holding everything right in place and securely attaching it to the walls. The included ferrules also prevent the gutters from deforming under heavy rainfall or even surviving damage from a ladder's weight. However, this is an old method of hanging in gutters, and some homes may lack these components. 
Gutter Hangers 
This is a modern way of attaching a gutter system to your home. They fasten to the eaves while being relatively concealed from sight, offering a seamless appearance. If necessary, they can work alongside spikes and ferrules to deliver additional structural integrity. 
Downspouts serve one primary purpose: They channel the rainwater collected by the gutters to the ground in a much controlled manner. Without them, rainwater would spill over the edge of your gutters, causing potential damage like soil erosion and basement flooding. Additionally, these gutter parts prevent unorganized spillover that can lead to stains on the siding around your property. 
Downspouts are typically tube-shaped and very vertically oriented. They attach to the end portion of gutters through an accessory called an elbow – another critical component of your gutter accessories. 
Pipe Cleats 
Paired with downspout brackets, these simple metal strips secure downspouts onto walls. With pipe cleats, the stability and functionality of your gutter system will be protected, and your home will not be able to manage rainwater effectively. 
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joeygass-blog · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mens Baseball Cleats New Balance Pro Blue Low Metal Spikes Athletic Shoes-sz 14.
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nurtelo · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW BALANCE Mens Sz 9.5 Cleat Sneaker Laceup Lowcut Lightweight Breathable Mesh.
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itsmercypriscilla · 9 months
Ice and Snow Cleats
Ice and Snow cleats
Navigating Winter with Confidence: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Ice Cleats for Your Shoes
Winter brings its own set of challenges, and icy sidewalks and slippery surfaces are among the most daunting. Whether you’re a seasoned winter warrior or a newcomer to the cold season, investing in the right gear can make all the difference. In this guide, we’ll explore the world of ice cleats, discuss the importance of choosing the best ones for your shoes, and provide valuable insights into keeping you steady on your feet during icy conditions.
Understanding Ice Cleats
Ice cleats, also known as traction cleats or ice grippers, are specialized devices designed to enhance traction on slippery surfaces. They consist of durable materials like rubber, metal, or a combination of both, featuring spikes or studs strategically placed on the sole to grip onto ice and snow. These innovative accessories transform ordinary shoes into winter-ready footwear, reducing the risk of slips and falls.
Key Features to Look for
When selecting the best ice cleats for your shoes, several key features should be considered. Firstly, look for adjustable and secure fastening mechanisms to ensure a snug fit on various shoe sizes. The material of the cleats is crucial; durable rubber provides flexibility and longevity, while metal spikes offer excellent traction. Consider the ease of putting them on and taking them off, especially when transitioning between indoor and outdoor spaces.
Top Picks for Shoe Ice Cleats
Yaktrax Diamond Grip
Renowned for its durability and superior traction, Yaktrax Diamond Grip features a patented diamond-bead design that bites into icy surfaces effectively. The lightweight and easy-to-use design make them a popular choice for winter enthusiasts.
Kahtoola MICROspikes
Designed for extreme conditions, Kahtoola MICROspikes offer robust stainless-steel spikes and an elastomer harness for a secure fit. These shoe ice cleats are perfect for those who navigate icy terrains regularly and need reliable, long-lasting traction.
STABILicers Walk Traction Cleats
With a unique cleat-and-tread combination, STABILicers Walk Traction Cleats provide maximum stability on ice and snow. The easy-to-attach design ensures a hassle-free experience, making them an excellent choice for everyday winter use.
Tips for Maintaining and Using Ice Cleats
To ensure your ice cleats remain effective throughout the winter season, regularly inspect them for wear and tear. Clean them after each use to prevent ice and snow buildup. When walking on surfaces without ice, consider removing the cleats to avoid unnecessary wear. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for usage and care to maximize the lifespan of your ice cleats.
Investing in the right ice cleats can turn winter strolls into a secure and confident experience. By considering the key features and exploring top picks in the market, you can find the best ice cleats for your shoes and navigate icy terrains with ease and safety. Winter adventures await — step into the season prepared and worry-free.
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pocketsrestorations · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NIB Mizuno 9-Spike Swift 4 Metal Fastpitch Softball Cleats Womens sz 5.5.
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eld-posh · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Under Armour Yard Mid ST Mens Size 10 Shoes Black Baseball Metal Spikes Cleats.
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