amothersmagik · 1 year
Using my previous background knowledge of health care and home treatments, my knowledge of my own body, the recommendations of my health team, and the various home treatments I have access to: today will be an odd combo of pushing it and doing my normal everyday activities in small spurts (to prevent further stiffen/seizing of the muscles [think frozen/locked joint issues] and additional swelling) followed by forced relaxtion techniques and sitting down to do "nothing".
If pain has not decreased, and/or range of motion has not improved by daily peak activity time [my personal daily peak is around 3pm, with a drop around 7/8pm] then my doctor has declared I will need to come in to urgent care or the ER for evaluation and perhaps more drastic short term treatment. This would be primarily to discern if there has been some kind of massive jump in deterioration or an actual injury but would also be about quality of life and short term relief to prevent further injury while whatever this is heals or reduces.
This is likely just a flare up of one or multiple of my varied conditions. It could very well be acute, however, as I did have the misfortune to walk across my living room yesterday night (approx 10pm). Me being me, I tripped over air and made a very ill-advised twisting motion to try and save myself. Either way, the current path is the same: self treat. If no improvement within X-hours, go to UC.
This is chronic illness. This is my daily 50/50 gamble. Will I be okay today or will I be in crippling pain? Always the question.
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