#spinel is babey
lil-bobcatz · 1 year
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. . .u h h h h, have some art!
Some doodles I did on a Wacom tablet, a big monster man and-
U h h h h h, fixation/simp art of spinel sivdih
I'm way too homo for this space rock-
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cosmignon · 3 months
you may have talked about this before but i'm very curious how olivia got into the mix, both in fiction and in meta :0
also do you have any animals you associate with the squad? like not necessarily fursonas but if the shoe fits 🤔
also also, do their colors have significance to their personalities/names/etc? as someone who also has a set of color coded ocs i always love to see how folks decide what colors to put with each character :3
Olivia is a fascinating facet of the Stardust Scouts story because in zer earliest iterations ze was NOT such a major character like ze is now!!
Ze used to be this minor character in a scrapped arc about the Scouts going to Mars in order to confront an opposing, alien group of martian magical girls and get them to join their side in protecting the galaxy instead of trying to fight them on their home turf. This arc doesn't exist anymore, I think the opposing alien force is further away from Earth than that & are sending basically drone/scout enemies to Earth to try to conquer/destory it.
These were the original martians' designs! They have music associated with each of them because the main 4 Stardust Scouts were originally designed based on a "randomize your playlist and design a character based on the first 3 songs" prompt, so I figured the rival magic girl team should be inspired in the same way.
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The conceit of the martian arc was that our MCs the Earth scouts would've used their magic to blend in with the martians w/disguises. Inversely, once the martians were on their side they would come visit Earth and wear their own disguises as well.
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Can you guess which of these martians eventually became Olivia as we know zer? I will give you a hint
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It's the one who's the obvious TAK from INVADER ZIM EXPY! YAAAY <3
Zer original role was the skeptic martian cleric/priest of the martian scouts, who was the most distrusting of the earth scouts having any good intentions, and I believe might've also had a toxic yuri thing going on with either the pink or blue martian.
All the other martians here never got developed much because Olivia, as the Tak Expy, meant ze had a lot of my favorite character design tropes going on and I wanted to specifically explore those more and ze became the obvious favorite haha. After that Zer role just kept increasing over time.
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I think the most major development though was definitely when I decided ze could keep the toxic yuri energy originally planned for zer, but with One Of the Main Scouts instead... Tabitha and Olivia have HISTORY BABEY!!!!
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(Fun Fact: My files say this was drawn Oct 2019, soooo... 1 month after the Steven Universe Movie came out. Spinel got her fingerprints all over this damn character, for real, she's one of my voice claims for zer)
This was the point where I decided Olivia was not an alien anymore, but a human who had been abducted BY aliens back when ze was a teenager and best friends with Tabitha. The both of them were private school goody two shoes with parents who put way too many expectations on them to get perfect grades. They would start breaking the rules a little bit by going out at night in the car Olivia got as a gift for good grades + passing zer drivers exam (important to note, Olivia used to go by she/her bc ze picked up new, alien genders while out in space)
The two sneaking out once in a while turned into most nights which culminated in the both of them being out in the woods when one of the Inciting Incident meteors with the Scouts' special magic maguffin rocks crashed nearby. Olivia was bolder than Tabitha at the time so ze investigated and got both magical girl powers and abducted by the enemy aliens who had been chasing the meteor at the same time. Tabitha was left absolutely shaken up and in the middle of a missing persons case where she couldn't tell anyone the truth of the matter bc it sounded absolutely batshit nuts.
This is information I give freely bc I don't really think it's worth hiding, but I know in the actual telling of The Story, The Stardust Scouts, this would all be information that was slowly handed out during the actual plot where Olivia initially serves as a disguised, alien general of the grunt forces being sent out to Earth. Ze's like, a hammy villain of the week that likes fucking with the Scouts because it's funny and ze Doesn't Respect Them.
Olivia doesn't recognize Tabitha at first bc he's changed so much over the years, transed her gender, stopped caring about things like school and grades. Tabitha also doesn't recognize Olivia bc ze is dressed in a full body suit, also transed zer gender, and Tabitha never thought he'd even see zer again. Spicy drama!!
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Look at those dramatic fuckers... having feelings about rivalry and lost friendship and abandonment issues!! I should redraw the fake anime screenshot/do more of those sometime, those are always fun.
Also! This is an old design, but Olivia's main power when an antagonist is that ze can copy the powers of the other scouts and counter their attacks, meaning in the moments when the gang can fight zer one on one ze has the upper hand and can get away every time. I imagine then, that Olivia's main color scheme is very steely and grey when NOT using this copy cat ability, and ze doesn't have a sense of identiy beyond what ze can do for the aliens ze considers zer superiors.
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Also! Also. Zer a jester/joker, since ze doesn't "fit" into the group's dynamic of being based on playing card suits.
EVENTUALLY, eventually, through a lot of monster of the week encounters, plot progression, and secrets revealed, Olivia's original identity would be uncovered and the team would convince zer to defect from zer alien captors, making zer a top level wanted deserter in the eyes of the big bad alien group (which I could talk abt another time).
Then Olivia gains a color of zer own, orange! Because the gang was always (in fiction) meant to be a team of 5, like the 5 points of a star! And colors of the rainbow/light spectrum, red orange green blue purple (yellow acts as a unifying accent color!).
To answer your question about the color meanings, I mostly assigned them originally based on vibes without too much through about specific symbolism. Plus I just like having characters all get one specific color, makes giving them outfits more enjoyable and fun for me. Like, you can see up above that Olivia (being Tak and all) originally had purple as zer main color. It took me a while to change that after I decided Savannah got purple instead, bc I was attached to how it looked. But orange felt like a good logical landing place. It's vibrant and fun and a little off the beaten path, again based on vibes.
Olivia starts off the story living among humans ""in disguise"" while plotting evil bad bitch things, and then after defecting ze just starts crashing at everyone's places while learning to really return to humanity in zer own way and hopefully make amends with the scouts for maybe sort of taking delight in fucking with them. Lol. Zer demeanor stays irreverent and annoying and punk throughout, even after zer turn to good/becoming the 5th ranger of the group, which makes zer a really fun character to think about and write.
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velvetsssapphic · 10 months
what your favorite steven universe character
spinel because abandonment issues babey
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fireopal-tash · 3 years
❤️ Just Spinel!! ❤️
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Don't forget to click the images for better quality UwU
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strawghost · 3 years
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Wow been awhile since I drew spinel so here y'all go!
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pinknoodleslinky · 4 years
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Screenshot redraw uwu
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merakiramemudita · 3 years
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ebyf13 · 4 years
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Sonic legs.
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spikes00 · 5 years
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Sspinel as a vÆmpire?
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ryan-spinel · 4 years
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Chapter 1
“Oh God, I'm seeing the light!”
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uni-teto · 4 years
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tati-buns · 5 years
what would dom!spinels reaction be if her S/O touched/licked her gem by "accident" (srry for the weird ask im just so curious)
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I absolutely love the head canon that the Gem’s gem is a very sensitive place, it’s cute and beautiful :D
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terrietont · 5 years
I’ve never smiled and laughed at the same time so hard at Steven Universe. Spinel exceeded my expectations and I love her. I didn’t find her annoying because her entire role in life is to be an entertainer, she’s literally made to be comic relief. Also when she sang “Change” I nearly died from an asthma attack I shit you not. I absolutely adore this damn rubberhose Harley Quinn baby.
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And in other news, Steven is fucking suffering.
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fireopal-tash · 3 years
Click Spinel for better quality UwU
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strawghost · 4 years
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So here's some spinel it was a bit of a test but yeah! Uh spinel :)
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
would it matter at all? (Spinel X Reader)
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Funny how these feelings of depression just hit you so suddenly eh? One minute you’re fine and the next the tears are coming and you’re trying to keep them back and just pretend like you’re okay for others? Yeah... it’s that kinda night for me... I wish I had my own Spinel... I understand her pain...
So I wrote this when I should have been doing something more productive but I had to just do this. I had to write for this lovely gem that I’ve grown to adore and would die for.
Warning: Some intrusive thoughts and implied suicidal thoughts as well so reader discretion is advised.
If I wasn't here tomorrow would anybody care If my time was up I'd wanna know You were happy I was there
The past exists just to hurt the present person you are today. That’s how you always saw it at least.
There was one person who understood that the most though, and that was the new gem that had come into your life. At first you didn’t trust her, she tried to kill your friends, including one of your best friends Steven. And yet, you were amazed that the sweet boy was able to get her to stop what she was doing through a series of mishaps and helping the gems rediscover themselves, for better or worse.
You helped him the entire time, and reflected on your own life before you met Steven. Unlike Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet, you didn’t enjoy rediscovering the person you became today, because you still didn’t like yourself.
Beach City was a good place, but the place you came from before this wasn’t. It felt like you were the only person in the world because you knew you were different from everyone, and they made sure to remind you of it everyday. You felt worthless, rejected and cast out from the others and you actually believed that maybe you deserved it, maybe you shouldn’t have even been here.
At times you started to wonder, would it even matter if you disappeared? Would anything you did from here on out matter at all?
You wondered that, at least until the gem, Spinel was her name, had showed the person she used to be. A sweet, lovely little gem that you found extremely endearing every time she tried to play with you. She actually made you smile as you would giggle and blush whenever she got so close and playfully poked you to try and play a game with you. How could such a murderous clown be such a little sweetheart?
That’s what made you really wonder, but then you got your answers when she started to remember and reveal her backstory, her time in the garden after Pink Diamond… just left her there. For all those millenia, the poor gem stood there, alone and waiting for the person she thought was her friend…
Your heart broke for her, you wept for her as she reformed back to the same, maniacal gem that tried to kill you and Steven. Except she wasn’t just a maniacal gem, she was a broken, self-loathing individual that you saw yourself a lot in. She didn’t deserve what Pink did to her, and you knew that she hated the person she became, you knew that because you hated the person you became too after people hurt you…
But you didn’t want to fight her anymore, you wanted to reach out to her when Steven failed to get through to her for a moment.
“I know what it’s like! I understand what you’ve been through!” You exclaimed after she decided that no, she didn’t want to hurt Steven anymore. She looked up, eyes wide but her expression still had disbelief on it as her eyes narrowed into a scowl.
“How could you know? How could know anything like that?! You’re just some stupid human! Worse than even this loser…” She was skeptical, and you understood why, because you didn’t know who else could understand the feeling of being abandoned.
A sardonic chuckle left your lips, “You’re right… I AM a stupid human…” You almost weren’t offended by her insult though, nor were you deterred by the hateful look in her eyes. “I understand… because I used to be a happier person… I used to smile all the time and I can’t even remember why… but when I got older… I stopped… people just… didn’t want to be around me… I knew they didn’t… they looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo… and they just left… I was all by myself for a really long time…” Tears sprung to your eyes as you recollected the way you dramatically changed from a happy child to a moody young adult as Steven glanced at you sympathetically. He knew your story all too well, and honestly you thought that if it wasn’t for him, you’d probably be somewhere else… not with him or the gems and Connie and Greg…
The pink gem’s glare gradually softened into a mix of shock and confusion, her eyes widening slightly when she heard your words telling a story that were making her feel some type of way that she didn’t understand. All she could understand, was the pain in your voice and your eyes as you wiped the tears away even as they fell.
“I know your pain Spinel… I really do… I mean… 10 years is nothing compared to 5000 years but… I understand… what it’s like to feel… unwanted and… abandoned…” You mumbled with your eyes downcast as Spinel seemed to rethink more on what she really wanted to do after listening to you and Steven…
No. She didn’t want to destroy this planet anymore…
And you couldn’t lie, you were relieved when she and Steven were able to make the injector stop from destroying the planet. Maybe you didn’t want to die today, not when you had friends like Steven, Connie, Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet and Greg still around. You’d live for their sakes…
Yet, you couldn’t get Spinel out of your mind even as she went along with the Diamonds. Your [E/C] eyes welled with tears when she joined the Diamonds when they decided to take her in and you rushed over next to Steven when they shared a good bye peace sign.
If I wasn't here tomorrow would anyone lose sleep If I wasn't hard and hollow Then maybe you would miss me
 “Spinel!” You refused to cry, but you couldn’t help as you sniffled and waved your arm out to wave. “Take care! Come back whenever okay?! I want to… be your friend when you decide to come back!!” As tears dripped down your cheeks you made yourself grin as you waved vigorously to the stunned gem.
Her pink eyes going wide as a soft gasp left her, focusing entirely on you as you turned smaller and smaller from where she was at. A small blush sporting onto her streaked cheeks as she looked at you, and you were smiling at her. The human who could understand what she had felt…
You wanted to be her friend…?
She couldn’t even find the words as all she could do was stare and watch you wave with a broken smile and misty eyes with the tears down your cheeks. Spinel didn’t even realize the tears in her own eyes as she picked up her hand to wave back at you, still looking surprised and confused…
Why would you want to be her friend even after all of that…?
Although it had been a while since the entire incident that nearly ended in the world ending and you started to think that you probably should have been surprised that you survived yet another semi-apocalypse. But after the gems invading several times you remembered that had learned to get used to the world almost ending. Except unlike all of those other times, you couldn’t stop thinking about that gem. She wasn’t like the other gems, not even Lapis, a gem you had considered a dear friend.
Spinel was different. From the moment you saw what had happened to her, something tugged at your heart and made you realize that she wasn’t the only person who felt so rejected and discarded from people you just wanted to be with. You lied in your bed under your covers, remembering the way the pink gem would giggle and smile at you before she reformed back to the person she was today. Her innocence reminded you so much of who you used to be, and it was almost too painful to think about…
To have that childhood happiness shattered by the cruelty from another person, and to become a bitter, almost hateful person because of that pain being too much to bear. It fucking hurt…
You hurt just thinking about what kind of pain Spinel must have endured just waiting in that garden for someone who was never going to come back. What if she never got that message and just stood there forever? God you didn’t want to think about it…
You almost wished she was here so you could hug her and tell her that she didn’t deserve that, and that she deserved to be happy. But at the same time, you thought you were kidding yourself. Why would Spinel remember you? You weren’t anything special, she said so herself, you were just a stupid human.
Hell, you were lucky that Steven was kind enough to give you the time of day. Why would Spinel do the same?
Sighing and wiping your eyes you tried to go to sleep, but then you gasped aloud when you thought you heard something outside. Your parents were home, but they slept so deeply you were certain that not even an earthquake would wake them up. Then again, even if they did wake up, it’s not like you couldn’t handle yourself.
Well, you couldn’t really handle yourself well, but you didn’t care about yourself. At this point nothing mattered about you at all. And you told yourself that almost every day.
So you peered out your window to see if it was maybe just the wind, but your eyes went wide when you saw her…
Spinel, standing outside in your backyard with Steven accompanying her and pointing up when he had seen you. Wide eyes met as you gasped quietly. She looked just as shocked as you did, but she perked up when she saw your visage leave, “W-Where’d she go…?” She asked Steven almost nervously as he chuckled.
“Don’t worry she’s coming down.” He could tell you were excited, because he was very observant when it came to people. And he knew that Spinel had been on your mind the whole time, so he was more than happy to lead Spinel to your house when she came for a visit and asked about ‘the human with the [H/C] hair and [E/C] eyes’.
And her worries were put to rest when she saw you open that door, clad in just your (F/C) pajamas with a big smile on your face. “Spinel!” You exclaimed rather quietly, running over to her as her eyes widened slowly in shock at how close you were getting before you stopped right in front of her.
She looked a bit defensive, as if she wasn’t certain how to react to your excitement to see her. The diamonds treated her well and were in fact very good to her, but it’s been a long time since she’s seen that kind of joy directed at her. In fact, usually that’s what she had done in the past to… her…
“Hi… you’re that human.” Spinel remembered you, which secretly surprised you. “(Y/N) right?” She asked to clarify, and heat rose on your cheeks when she said your name for the first time. “Uh huh… that’s me.” An awkward smile came to your lips, something Spinel couldn’t help but mimic since she felt just as awkward as you did.
Something Steven immediately picked up with a small grin, “I’ll just leave you two be for the time being okay? I hope you’re having a good night (Y/N).” He knew when to leave two people alone and you perked up, feeling rather terrible that you forgot that Steven was there. “O-Oh! Thank you… s-sorry Steven…” You apologized to him sheepishly but he wasn’t offended in the slightest.
“It’s no problem! Spinel wanted to see you again, and I was happy to help.” He said cheerfully as he waved to the two of you, not subtly winking at Spinel as she was taken aback slightly at this gesture. And you blushed a little bit harder at such a thought, she wanted to see you again?
“You wanted to see me again?” You were so shocked you didn’t even realize what you had asked, and Spinel’s eyes widened even more as a flustered expression overcame her features. “W-Well uh… I… yeah… yeah I suppose…”
She felt strange. She hadn’t really felt this curious about anyone, not even Pink Diamond. She knew Pink Diamond, and she knew that she was her playmate, and other gems were just fun to play with too because they were all neat looking. You were different. You weren’t a gem, you were a human being and yet your feelings weren’t that different from the feelings gems could feel.
And your feelings apparently weren’t that different from Spinel’s own feelings. Which is what really made her curious.
“Let’s… sit on my bench… it’s… more comfortable.” You couldn’t get rid of the corny smile on your lips as you gave her the offer, “Oh… thanks…” She couldn’t turn it down though as you lead her to your bench, allowing the two of you to sit down.
It was uncomfortably silent for at least 5 minutes, but you didn’t know what to say. Which was ironic because she’s all you could think about for the past couple of weeks. Why the hell couldn’t you say anything now?! Come on (Y/N)!
“So… um…” You started off, badly though. It wasn’t even a damn sentence…
“So…” And you were sure your uncomfortable energy was rubbing off on Spinel since she couldn’t quite muster up a sentence herself.
No. You couldn’t be an idiot. You sucked it up, exhaled and then cleared your throat a little bit. “I’m… glad to see you again.” Finally, you said something that actually made sense and was an actual sentence. “You are?” But this confused Spinel, since she knew she didn’t make the best first impression by trying to hurt you and Steven.
“Yeah.” You replied simply with a smile and shrugged your shoulders. “Why?” The gem asked you somewhat bluntly though, trying not to look amused by the simplicity of your response.
“I liked you. You were… an interesting gem… and… don’t tell the other gems but you’re actually more interesting than any of them…” A little snicker left you as you covered your mouth, feeling kind of bad for putting the other gems down like that but Spinel really did interest you. This further surprised her though, her eyes wide with shock because even after all of that, how did you still like her even a little bit.
WHY did you like her?
I know I'm a mess and I wanna be someone Someone that I'd like better I can never forget, so don't remind me of it forever
“Why?” She asked bluntly again, a wry smile on her lips. “I tried to kill you. I tried to kill Steven. Tried to destroy the earth. Why do you like me?” For a minute there, she swore that you probably liked her old self better, because she remembered having a lot of fun with you before the past came back to her…
“Is it my old self that you liked?” Spinel’s tone became a little bit colder, yet the sadness was still there. “I’m flattered… but that’s not me anymore… I wish it was but… it’s not me. I haven’t even pulled myself together yet either…” She looked down, her gloved fists starting to clench as she tried to hold back the anger bubbling in her. Not at Rose, but at herself. She still hated the person she was, and she hated that you were here, telling her that you liked her.
There’s no way you could like something like her…
“Of course I liked your old self.”
She knew. She fucking knew it. God she wanted to cry and feel betrayed all over again so she could get away and not have to be hurt again, but you didn’t stop talking.
“Because you remind me of me when I was a kid.” You smiled ruefully and looked in the distance. “I smiled a lot before I started growing up. I was so happy… so eager to impress my peers. I wanted nothing more than to feel included, and feel like I was someone’s friend.” As you talked, Spinel looked at you intently as she took in all of your words and the feelings behind them. The feelings that Spinel still had lingering in her even after Pink Diamond. That’s exactly what she felt like, all she wanted was to be a friend.
“I did everything… everything I could to impress them and make them happy, even if it meant not doing what I wanted… I just… wanted that so badly.” Your smile was still there, but it was clear to the gem that you weren’t happy at all.
“And then… the older I got… the more I started to realize… I’m not what people want… I’m nothing more than an amusement at best.” However, the more you thought about the past, the more your smile started to curve into a soft frown. “And some people didn’t even like me at all… they avoided me just so they could be amongst themselves and kept me out of their picture… I didn’t realize it til later that I wasn’t anyone’s friend, I was just… nothing.”
A small, empty chuckle left you as you wiped your eyes when tears were threatening to fall as Spinel looked at you in shock, feeling more feelings that she had never felt for anyone else other than herself. She was angry, hurt and unable to believe that this happened to you, you seemed like a decent person, why did those people avoid you?
“Those… those…!” Spinel couldn’t help it, she shook her head as her fists trembled, “I… I hate that!” She exclaimed as you jumped a bit, not wanting her to wake your parents but you didn’t really want to set her off any further. “I hate it when people do that… it’s… why…? Why are they so cruel like that…?”
She asked you questions that you asked yourself everyday in your moments of solitude as you put your hand on her shoulder. “I don’t know… I ask myself that all the time and I can never find the answers.” You gave a sigh as you looked downwards. “But… I know this sounds selfish of me but… I… I couldn’t help but like you because I understood you…” You admitted, no shyness in your tone, just honesty despite how sad you were.
“I used to be happy… until life and people started to kick me… and push me aside like something that didn’t matter at all… I know… that’s probably how you felt… and I just… I hated hearing what Pink did to you… you didn’t deserve it Spinel… you’re a good gem… I don’t know why Pink had to go and hurt you like that…” Voice cracking you squeezed your shoulder as gobs of tears started to stream down your face as you shut your eyes, unable to see the tears welling in Spinel’s eyes as she tried to hold it all back.
Steven was the only other person who took pity on her, but hearing another person tell her that NO, she didn’t deserve what happened to her… was like some kind of validation that she didn’t know she needed to hear until right now this very moment.
But at the same time, it made her feel even worse when she thought about how she still hurt you and tried to bring more hurt to you when she first fought you and Steven as she cried. “But I’m NOT a good gem! I had to have deserved it! I hurt you! And Steven! You can’t tell me I didn’t deserve that! Not when I was the one who hurt you when you didn’t deserve that… or what they did to you… you didn’t deserve that at all…” She hung her head as she wept for you, and all you could do was watch her in shock as a sob hitched in your breath.
You were touched by her sympathy, and how she seemed to genuinely care about her feelings. No one other than Steven and Lapis have ever really cared about your feelings, but Spinel… she understood you more…
“I don’t know…” You couldn’t fight the self-deprecation though, it was a horrible trait you picked up on the older you got and realized that maybe you were avoided because there was something wrong with you.
What if I just pulled myself together Would it matter at all? What if I just tried not to remember Would it matter at all? All the chances that have passed me by Would it matter if I gave it one more try Would it matter at all?
“Maybe I deserved it too…” Spinel gasped when she heard you say that, no, no you couldn’t have believed that. “I mean… you’re great but… I’m not… I’m a loser… I sit in my room all day, watch anime for the sake of comfort, and listen to music by Lana Del Ray, My Chemical Romance and Stevie Nicks, and write bullshit stories for god’s sake… if I wasn’t here today it probably wouldn’t even matter. I might as well not even exist… who knows? Maybe I’m just better off gone because I don’t think anyone would even care… I’ve thought about it… but never could go with it…” You admitted some of your darker thoughts as your eyes started to dull with the misery you’ve carried around the past 10 years of your life and maybe even longer than that.
Of course Spinel wasn’t familiar with the concepts but all she knew is that no, she didn’t want you to disappear. “No! You can’t… You have to be here…” Her voice croaked a little bit as she grabbed your shoulders, “If you weren’t here… I wouldn’t have gotten to hear you say that I didn’t deserve what happened to me… even though I think I did… if you just disappeared or went away I would care (Y/N)! I… I would care… it matters to me! It would matter to me!” She sobbed to you and held onto your shoulders tighter as if she was trying to make sure that you were still here.
She didn’t know you well, but she wanted to. And she didn’t want you to leave. 
You had never opened up about this sorrow to anyone before though, Spinel was the first person you completely opened up to. She was the only one who knew about what you were really feeling, and you were almost relieved that she didn’t quite understand the deeper parts of what you tried to say.
However, hearing her say those words were comfort to you as you sobbed and you couldn’t help but pull her into a hug. “I’m… glad to hear that someone would…” You shakily said in between soft cries as she sniffled. “You’re… you’re not bad (Y/N)… if you think… I’m a good person… I don’t know why you do but… thank you… please… you’re really here right? If you are… I’m glad… that someone else knows what it’s like…” Spinel almost sounded shy as she admitted to this newfound happiness she couldn’t help but feel talking more about what happened to her.
“I am… and… I hope you’re here too… Spinel I really like you… I missed you… I wanted to get to know you more… so… I meant what I asked… would you like to… be my friend…?” That’s what you wanted to ask her, despite these other feelings in your stomach that were flurrying about as your cheeks turned hot.
Spinel was hugging you, stretchy arms around you tightly as she perked up at the question, and she looked up at you with surprise in those rather adorable pink eyes of hers. She was a bit hesistant and yet she felt like she could really trust you, so she gave you a little smile.
“Yes… I want to be your friend too (Y/N)…” She answered you slowly, but sincerely as she nodded up at you. (E/C) eyes widening as you beamed and you tightly hugged her again, earning a small surprised squeak from her, but she couldn’t help but hug you just as tightly. Even stretching her arms even more all around your figure like a snake almost as you gasped with wide eyes as she pulled herself away with a goofy smile.
The two of you bursting into laughter through your tears as you actually felt like there was this weight inside of you that had been slowly lifted off of you. This was the first time you felt actually happy, and the first time you’ve laughed in a long time and it was because of this sweet gem.
She did bad things yes, but she was broken too, and you understood that completely. And she understood that about you too. As the two of you pulled away, you couldn’t help but put your hand in hers as she looked up at you, a blush on her streaked cheeks as she locked her fingers with yours and smiled at you.
Warmly you blushed brightly with an equally bright smile on your face.
You knew that you truly did matter. You mattered to your friends and your family. And you mattered to her, and she mattered to you. Spinel knew this too, after everything she had been through, she finally learned that she really did matter to the new people she accepted into her life. She mattered to you, and you mattered to her too.
Both of you did, both of you mattered.
And YOU matter too. To anyone who read this, if you have any suicidal thoughts, or have had suicidal thoughts or even just need someone to talk to about intrusive thoughts or just need to talk to someone about anything don’t hesitate to call 1-800-273-6255, the Suicide Hotline.
And remember that your life is important and that your life matters. YOU matter.  
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