#spiri's podfics
spiri-a · 7 months
[Podfic] The Sound of Silence
A Carry On podfic by @captain-aralias for the @caught-on-tape-fest
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“But that spring, I actually did try and take Snow down.” Fifth year. Baz wins – and deals with the consequences.
Rated T / 49 mins / 10,192 words
Podfic #2 for the Caught On Tape Carry On Podfest! This is The Sound of Silence by aralias! This one's also for Teen and Up Audiences, with Ch1 around 28 mins and Ch2 around 21 mins! This fic is another one of my old favorites, and it was so much fun editing it all up!
Once again I need to seriously thank the mods for this fest! They've all been SO supportive and kind and made me feel so much closer to a fandom I've cherished so much for the past two years but was always too scared to be more than a lurker in! I was so worried about learning to make podfics and exposing my voice to internet strangers, and yet the reception I got for my first podfic was completely mind-blowing and heart-melting, and I'm so grateful to all the amazing people in this fandom! This would not have been possible without all of them, but the mods super duper especially!!
I've got one last fic on the way that I'm gonna have to really go crunch time on, but for now enjoy listening to The Sound of Silence by aralias!
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caught-on-tape-fest · 8 months
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Caught On Tape: A Carry On Podfest Masterlist
Caught On Tape is a podfic festival for fanfic related to Rainbow Rowell's Simon Snow Trilogy and Fangirl that runs October 29th to November 11th, 2023.
Listed below are all of the podfics posted so far for the fest! (You can find them on AO3 in our collection too.) Thank you so much to all of the wonderful creators who have participated and to the writers who volunteered their works to be podficced.
Rated G
[Podfic] Figure It Out (length: 3:22) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @wellbelesbian
[Podfic] The Plum Tree (length: 6:21) read by @fatalfangirl, written by @otherpeoplesheartachept-2
[Podfic] Threads of Fate by Aristocratic_Otter (length 1:51:59) read by @caethes, written by @aristocratic-otter
Rated T
[Podfic] The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow Squeaksbury (length: 19:15) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @aroace-genderfluid-sheep
[Podfic] namesakes (length: 6:34) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @tea-brigade
[Podfic] Crisp and Sweet (length: 22:00) read by @bookish-bogwitch, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] We Still Bloom (length 1:45:00) read by @hushed-chorus, written by @artsyunderstudy
[Podfic] A Prickly Disposition (length 11:56) read by @fatalfangirl, written by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
[Podfic] A Restless Mind (Chapter 2 added) (length Ch 1 35:21, Ch 2 45:21) read by @cottagepodfics, written by @whatevertheweather
[Podfic] Worst Disney Princess Ever (length 54:28) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @hushed-chorus
[Podfic] Return to Sender (length 40:08) read by @spiri-a, writtenby @tea-brigade
[Podfic] Meet Me Under the Mistletoe (length 25:48) read by RattleandHum, written by @artsyunderstudy
[Podfic] Raining Cats and Dogs (Without the Cats) (length 32:23) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @whatevertheweather
[Podfic] This Is What We'll Tell Them (length 13:55) read by @captain-aralias, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] The Sound of Silence (length 49:00) read by @spiri-a, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Petrichor (length 34:26) read by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, written by @martsonmars
[Podfic] Tuesday (length 6:51) read by @freclface, written by @sillyunicorn
[Podfic] Light Me Up (length 37:28) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] "Bro. You can just sleep with me." (length 7:13) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Bestie Status Achieved (length 12:14) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Who Cooks For You? (length 8:16) read by @karry-on, written by @sillyunicorn
[Podfic] 5 times agatha wellbelove should have realised she was a lesbian, and 1 time she did (length 14:35) read by @karry-on, written by @wellbelesbian
[Podfic] Flowers, Cake, and Filthy DMs (length 11:24) read by @iamamythologicalcreature, written by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
[Podfic] Is This the Real Life? (length 42:52) read by @petrodobreva and @ivelovedhimthroughworse, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Icarus (length 3:02) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] The Selkie and his Boy (length 2:07:00 spread over six chapters) read by @spiri-a, written by @hushed-chorus
[Podfic] Wielded by the Righteous by Maanorchidee (length 12:32) read by pectinouscube, written by @forabeatofadrum
Rated M
[Podfic] Sleeper Agents (length 13:31) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Shiver (length 43:48) read by theimpossibledemon, written by @captain-araliasand @facewithoutheart
[Podfic] Hold You Close Just Like a Photograph (length 20:05) read by @captain-aralias, written by @skeedelvee
Rated E
[Podfic] The Worst Chosen Ones (The "Let It Snow" Remix) (length 39:19) read by @bookish-bogwitch, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Playing the Field (length 45:56) read by @cutestkilla, written by @fatalfangirl
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spiri-a · 7 months
[Podfic] The Selkie and his Boy
A Carry On podfic by @hushed-chorus for the @caught-on-tape-fest
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Every year the Grimms spend a week vacationing by the seaside. One solstice morning, a 14-year-old Baz meets a strange but gorgeous boy called Simon. By the end of the day, he's hopelessly besotted. But Simon doesn't come back the next day. Or the day after. Or the day after that. Baz is left pining and dealing with a local seal that suddenly won't leave him alone. Now, exactly seven years later, Simon reappears and the two reconnect. And Baz learns that he's not the only one keeping secrets when Simon's sealskin goes missing.
Rated T / 2 hr 7 mins or 127 mins / 21,864 words
My 3rd and final (and very close to the wire) podfic for the Caught On Tape Carry On Podfest! This is The Selkie and his Boy by hushed_chorus! This one's once more for Teen and Up Audiences, with each chapter around 20 mins long! Highly recommend if you want a beautifully sweet and heart-wrenchingly romantic beachside story!
My first time reading this fic was looking through the podfest catalog, and I just absolutely fell in love. I knew I had to do this one. The writing is just so good, and hushed_chorus does amazing things with their beachside setting, charming characters, and heartfelt storyline! All the sfx, including the various beach and cafe and underwater ambiances, were laborious but very much worth it!
Half proud of the cover! I was hoping to do something with both the boys in there, but in the end the seal underneath the starscape was much more within my abilities! I loved the little thing Simon has with stars, even though it's not very present in the story, so I tried to write the title in a constellation-style font! Not sure how well that turned out though!
Anyways okay okay that means I am officially done with the Caught On Tape Carry On Podfest! But despite that, I will never forget it. This podfest was the first time I've EVER posted Carry On related content, despite being in the fandom for over 2 years. I'm not big on writing (despite my best efforts) and I'm only kind of an artist, so I never felt I had anything to post. This podfest proved me wrong! It introduced me to the wonderful world of podficcing, which although I can't say for sure, I predict will be a frequent hobby of mine moving forward! Interacting with fellow Carry On fans in this fest, supporting them and (to my shock) being supported by them, has been a dream come true, and something lurker me would have fainted at! (I still need a second to recover from shock every single time I get an Ao3 notif) Anyways oops this has gone on WAY too long (I’m getting too sentimental since this is my last podfic 😭) basically the point is THANK YOU SO MUCH MODS DRE, KATI, AND JESS! This was such a wonderful ride and you guys are literally the most amazing people ever! Now without further ado please enjoy The Selkie and his Boy by hushed_chorus!
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spiri-a · 8 months
[Podfic] Return to Sender
A Carry On podfic by @tea-brigade for the @caught-on-tape-fest!
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When he turned his key and opened the little panel, several packages that had been unceremoniously stuffed inside tumbled out at him, spilling onto the floor. A few more remained lodged inside, and a key to the parcel boxes hung precariously off the ledge.
Scooping up the fallen parcels, Baz inspected them. As he figured, they were not addressed to him, but to one Simon Snow. An unusually large case of a usual misdelivery. The address on each one, however, was clearly Baz’s.
All seven of them.
Or: How a simple case of misplaced mail leads to such things as cheer-up-the-bachelor parties, transience as a state of being, the icepocalypse, and mildly prophetic Taylor Swift lyrics.
Rated T / 40 mins / 7,535 words
Ta-da! Today I’m posting my first podfic for the Caught on Tape Carry On Podfest! This is Return to Sender by tealbrigade, and it is in fact a fic that is very close to my heart when it comes to the Carry On fandom! (Details in fic, I won’t ramble)
It’s for Teen and Up Audiences and about 40 mins! Highly recommend if you want some lighthearted romance that’s just a little bit tropey in a great way!
Learning how to podfic was probably one of the most confusing and challenging yet satisfying and passion filled things I’ve ever had to do, and although I am a little insecure about the quality of my first work and whether it lives up to this wonderful fic, I CAN say that I put my heart and soul into it. (Yes, even the somewhat rudimentary cover I tried so hard to make)
Finally, thank you so much to those at the @caught-on-tape-fest for making this whole thing possible, and for dragging me kicking and screaming into the strange new world of making podfics!
Please enjoy Return to Sender and keep and eye out for my other podfics later!
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