#snowbaz podfics
spiri-a · 11 months
[Podfic] The Sound of Silence
A Carry On podfic by @captain-aralias for the @caught-on-tape-fest
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“But that spring, I actually did try and take Snow down.” Fifth year. Baz wins – and deals with the consequences.
Rated T / 49 mins / 10,192 words
Podfic #2 for the Caught On Tape Carry On Podfest! This is The Sound of Silence by aralias! This one's also for Teen and Up Audiences, with Ch1 around 28 mins and Ch2 around 21 mins! This fic is another one of my old favorites, and it was so much fun editing it all up!
Once again I need to seriously thank the mods for this fest! They've all been SO supportive and kind and made me feel so much closer to a fandom I've cherished so much for the past two years but was always too scared to be more than a lurker in! I was so worried about learning to make podfics and exposing my voice to internet strangers, and yet the reception I got for my first podfic was completely mind-blowing and heart-melting, and I'm so grateful to all the amazing people in this fandom! This would not have been possible without all of them, but the mods super duper especially!!
I've got one last fic on the way that I'm gonna have to really go crunch time on, but for now enjoy listening to The Sound of Silence by aralias!
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caught-on-tape-fest · 11 months
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Caught On Tape: A Carry On Podfest Masterlist
Caught On Tape is a podfic festival for fanfic related to Rainbow Rowell's Simon Snow Trilogy and Fangirl that runs October 29th to November 11th, 2023.
Listed below are all of the podfics posted so far for the fest! (You can find them on AO3 in our collection too.) Thank you so much to all of the wonderful creators who have participated and to the writers who volunteered their works to be podficced.
Rated G
[Podfic] Figure It Out (length: 3:22) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @wellbelesbian
[Podfic] The Plum Tree (length: 6:21) read by @fatalfangirl, written by @otherpeoplesheartachept-2
[Podfic] Threads of Fate by Aristocratic_Otter (length 1:51:59) read by @caethes, written by @aristocratic-otter
Rated T
[Podfic] The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow Squeaksbury (length: 19:15) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @aroace-genderfluid-sheep
[Podfic] namesakes (length: 6:34) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @tea-brigade
[Podfic] Crisp and Sweet (length: 22:00) read by @bookish-bogwitch, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] We Still Bloom (length 1:45:00) read by @hushed-chorus, written by @artsyunderstudy
[Podfic] A Prickly Disposition (length 11:56) read by @fatalfangirl, written by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
[Podfic] A Restless Mind (Chapter 2 added) (length Ch 1 35:21, Ch 2 45:21) read by @cottagepodfics, written by @whatevertheweather
[Podfic] Worst Disney Princess Ever (length 54:28) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @hushed-chorus
[Podfic] Return to Sender (length 40:08) read by @spiri-a, writtenby @tea-brigade
[Podfic] Meet Me Under the Mistletoe (length 25:48) read by RattleandHum, written by @artsyunderstudy
[Podfic] Raining Cats and Dogs (Without the Cats) (length 32:23) read by @youarenevertooold, written by @whatevertheweather
[Podfic] This Is What We'll Tell Them (length 13:55) read by @captain-aralias, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] The Sound of Silence (length 49:00) read by @spiri-a, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Petrichor (length 34:26) read by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, written by @martsonmars
[Podfic] Tuesday (length 6:51) read by @freclface, written by @sillyunicorn
[Podfic] Light Me Up (length 37:28) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] "Bro. You can just sleep with me." (length 7:13) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Bestie Status Achieved (length 12:14) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Who Cooks For You? (length 8:16) read by @karry-on, written by @sillyunicorn
[Podfic] 5 times agatha wellbelove should have realised she was a lesbian, and 1 time she did (length 14:35) read by @karry-on, written by @wellbelesbian
[Podfic] Flowers, Cake, and Filthy DMs (length 11:24) read by @iamamythologicalcreature, written by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
[Podfic] Is This the Real Life? (length 42:52) read by @petrodobreva and @ivelovedhimthroughworse, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Icarus (length 3:02) read by @forabeatofadrum, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] The Selkie and his Boy (length 2:07:00 spread over six chapters) read by @spiri-a, written by @hushed-chorus
[Podfic] Wielded by the Righteous by Maanorchidee (length 12:32) read by pectinouscube, written by @forabeatofadrum
Rated M
[Podfic] Sleeper Agents (length 13:31) read by @larkral, written by @mostlymaudlin
[Podfic] Shiver (length 43:48) read by theimpossibledemon, written by @captain-araliasand @facewithoutheart
[Podfic] Hold You Close Just Like a Photograph (length 20:05) read by @captain-aralias, written by @skeedelvee
Rated E
[Podfic] The Worst Chosen Ones (The "Let It Snow" Remix) (length 39:19) read by @bookish-bogwitch, written by @captain-aralias
[Podfic] Playing the Field (length 45:56) read by @cutestkilla, written by @fatalfangirl
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larkral · 1 year
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Oh, hello. Wednesday, huh? Thanks for the tag @artsyunderstudy !!
SO this week I have been doing MANY THINGS including many fannish things. Including things in several fandoms. Me earlier this year: I truly cannot handle having more than one thing on the go. Me now: Yes, maybe I do have six active writing projects in three different fandoms as well as four podfics on the go. WHAT OF IT!?
I've finished recording all of my podfics, and I'm editing them now and... well, it's hard. One is edited, one is 1/8th edited, and the other two are freefloating audio. But, uh, yeah, here's some audio. Because. I... well, you'll get it.
Yes, I titled this file TENDER because I just, it's... yeah. I'm not totally sure whether I'm allowed to say who/what I'm podficcing... (@caught-on-tape-fest can you advise?) But, anyway, probably someone will get it based on that snippet.
Below the cut: snippets of writing and tags!
Here, also, is a little, silly segment of my OMGCP fic, the Holsom Timeloop, featuring an OC who, let me just say, I gave excellent breasts, and zero flaws. I will accept no critiques:
He bumps into someone as he turns, attempts to keep anyone from falling with one hand in the steadying region of what should be a shoulder but turns out to be a truly exceptional handful of cleavage.  "Shit, I'm so sorry," he says, taking a half-step back and looking at the woman he just groped.  There's a lovely flush on her olive cheeks, and her hair is a cloud of beautiful, wild curls.  Marjorie. She's in his o-chem class and she's cute. She's been cute all semester. And smart. And funny. Though her typical cozy-sweater-and-jeans look in class does not betray how truly magnificent her tits are. They're propped up by some kind of bra magic in defiance of gravity, and barely contained by the blue-green fabric of her shirt.  She laughs. "You're forgiven. Though by the transitive property, you definitely owe me a drink."
I also wrote another couple hundred words on my @carryon-reverse-bang beach fic, of which these are some:
The moon is rising and the tide is coming in. "D'you know," he says. "Even if there were no moon, we'd still have tides?" I hum. I look over at him. His silhouette is blurred by the rays of the setting sun, lighting him up from behind like an unearthly being.
Tagging @stitchyqueer @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @raenestee @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @sillyunicorn @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @basiltonbutliketheherb @ileadacharmedlife @asocialpessimist @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @petedavidsonscock @yeonjunenby @carryonvisinata @takenabackbytuesdays @martsonmars @nausikaaa @nightimedreamersghost  @chen-chen-chen-again-chen  @ionlydrinkhotwater @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @shrekgogurt @forabeatofadrum   @palimpsessed @fatalfangirl @blackberrysummerblog @valeffelees @imagineacoolusername @orange-peony @j-nipper-95 @whogaveyoupermission @wellbelesbian @rimeswithpurple
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Well hello there! Happy Sunday friends!
I’ve got a little snippet of chapter 9 of Depth of Reason but first, have y’all been watching these podfics for the @caught-on-tape-fest rolling in? We just wrapped the fest yesterday and we added 32 podfics to the fandom for a grand total of 84 podfics on AO3! 🤩
There’s some truly top notch content created for this fest and I am thoroughly enjoying listening to them. Do yourself a favor and cue up a podfic the next time you go for a walk or have some laundry to fold. You won’t regret it!
Ok, on to date night with our boys. Have way too many sentences:
“I never took you as a man of mystery, Snow.”
We only get halfway down the stairs before I’m turning him and pressing up against him so he’s backed into the corner of the stairwell.
“I’m a man of many surprises,” I say, threading my hands into his hair and kissing him deeply.
I don’t really know where my nerves went. I think my urge to taste and touch him overrode the gentle thrum of date night anxiety.
“I have neighbors, Snow,” he says, and I feel victorious at the way he sounds slightly breathless.
I frown at him. “No one can see us from here.” I kiss him again, just to prove a point, and we stay like that for a full minute or more before I remember that we’re on a schedule.
“Come on,” I say, pulling him with me as I direct us down the stairs.
“Menace,” he murmurs and I think I see him adjusting his trousers from the corner of my eye. I don’t say anything, but I have a hard time keeping the grin off my face.
I am losing track of tags these days and haven’t check this morning yet (I will!) so here’s a whole bunch of tags under the cut 💛
@fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @thewholelemon @artsyunderstudy @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @toonysart @martsonmars @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @captain-aralias @raenestee @bookish-bogwitch @ivelovedhimthroughworse @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @larkral @leithillustration @nightimedreamersworld @wellbelesbian @run-for-chamo-miles @theearlgreymage @theimpossibledemon @valeffelees @youarenevertooold @yellobb @letraspal @aristocratic-otter @prettygoododds @orange-peony @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ic3-que3n @shrekgogurt @rimeswithpurple @tender-ministrations @hushed-chorus
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hushed-chorus · 11 months
'We Still Bloom' Podfic
For my first ever podfic, I decided to record this beautiful fic by @artsyunderstudy. I hope I do this story credit.
Listen to We Still Bloom here.
Read the fic (and appreciate its gorgeous art) here.
[T-rated, 18k, 1hr 45 mins. AWTWB canon divergence, hanahaki disease, getting back together]
Massive thank you to the @caught-on-tape-fest mods for organising this and encouraging us all! You've been gems <3
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Sonic Sunday
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Yes, I've got another one coming! Here are seventeen seconds from my latest project.
This fic is a little spicy , although this clip is clean.
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I love all the fandom activity lately! Thanks for the tags!!! @fatalfangirl @j-nipper-95 @ionlydrinkhotwater @orange-peony @forabeatofadrum @hushed-chorus @youarenevertooold @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @shrekgogurt
Happy Sunday! Tagging those who interacted with my previous posts, since I know this isn't everyone's bag:
@thewholelemon @cutestkilla @larkral @whatevertheweather @hushed-chorus @facewithoutheart @bookish-bogwitch @raenestee @captain-aralias @aristocratic-otter @nightimedreamersworld @blackberrysummerblog @valeffelees @prettygoododds @diningpagentry @palimpsessed @tender-ministrations @artsyunderstudy @messofthejess @wellbelesbian @petrodobreva @iamamythologicalcreature @sillyunicorn @skeedelvee @papierhaikuphoto @twinkle-twinkle-up-above
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captain-aralias · 11 months
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[Podfic] This Is What We'll Tell Them 
written by @mostlymaudlin, podficced by me for @caught-on-tape-fest
Penny says that deep blue hyacinths like these typically symbolize sorrow and grief. Simon picks up the bouquet anyway, because they’re beautiful, and because Baz will like them. Today, hyacinths symbolize excitement. Certainty. Proper optimism. - Simon takes Baz on a date.
2,175 words / 13.55 minutes
Read on AO3 / Listen on AO3
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[Podfic] Flowers, Cake, and Filthy DMs
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(Oh my, what's this? A podfic? Just making it in under the deadline? Must be Jo's.)
Baz’s excitement over his favourite Instagram florist coming to his restaurant to create a holiday window display is over shadowed by that fact that he stupidly sent him a very dirty DM the night before. Disaster panic ensues.
Written by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe // Read by @iamamythologicalcreature // for the @caught-on-tape-fest 2023
Rated T // about 11 minutes
Not just my first podfic, but also my first time posting on AO3. (I'm not nervous. Who's nervous? Not me.) Take a listen!
Gratitude gushing under the cut!
Thanks so much to @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for opening this lovely little story up for podficcing! Thanks also to @cutestkilla for being relentlessly supportive during this whole, ah, let's say process.
And of course, the modding side of things - so much gratitude for organizing this podfic fest! The explosion of podfics that I've seen from this fest is just... well, it's awesome. I've been binging fanfic since posting started for this fest - something I would never be able to do, otherwise. Setting up this fest was inspired, and I also greatly appreciate the work and dedication that went into making it all come together.
Podfics are such an amazing contribution to the fandom, and I'm really glad I was able to participate at least a little. I hope everyone (including myself) continues to create podfics - not just for those who need the assistance reading, but for everyone who enjoys the listening experience!
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Rated G, 400 words
A poem about feeling warm and being loved, told through Baz's perspective.
Realized I never posted this fic here, which I'm remedying now! I've been attempting some podficcing lately for @caught-on-tape-fest, and that has led to me testing out my podficcing skills with some other stuff. Namely, my poetry.
I did a cold read of this poem, which you can find on Google Drive and Soundcloud!
You can also read Warm on AO3!
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spiri-a · 11 months
[Podfic] Return to Sender
A Carry On podfic by @tea-brigade for the @caught-on-tape-fest!
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When he turned his key and opened the little panel, several packages that had been unceremoniously stuffed inside tumbled out at him, spilling onto the floor. A few more remained lodged inside, and a key to the parcel boxes hung precariously off the ledge.
Scooping up the fallen parcels, Baz inspected them. As he figured, they were not addressed to him, but to one Simon Snow. An unusually large case of a usual misdelivery. The address on each one, however, was clearly Baz’s.
All seven of them.
Or: How a simple case of misplaced mail leads to such things as cheer-up-the-bachelor parties, transience as a state of being, the icepocalypse, and mildly prophetic Taylor Swift lyrics.
Rated T / 40 mins / 7,535 words
Ta-da! Today I’m posting my first podfic for the Caught on Tape Carry On Podfest! This is Return to Sender by tealbrigade, and it is in fact a fic that is very close to my heart when it comes to the Carry On fandom! (Details in fic, I won’t ramble)
It’s for Teen and Up Audiences and about 40 mins! Highly recommend if you want some lighthearted romance that’s just a little bit tropey in a great way!
Learning how to podfic was probably one of the most confusing and challenging yet satisfying and passion filled things I’ve ever had to do, and although I am a little insecure about the quality of my first work and whether it lives up to this wonderful fic, I CAN say that I put my heart and soul into it. (Yes, even the somewhat rudimentary cover I tried so hard to make)
Finally, thank you so much to those at the @caught-on-tape-fest for making this whole thing possible, and for dragging me kicking and screaming into the strange new world of making podfics!
Please enjoy Return to Sender and keep and eye out for my other podfics later!
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cutestkilla · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Apricot! 🥳🎈🎂
Dear @ivelovedhimthroughworse, I hope you have a wonderful day today, it's a joy to have you in my life!
To celebrate, I made you this podfic of your wonderful COTTA fic from last year, which was inspired by your wonderful COTTA art from last year.
[Podfic] A Subtle Bravery on AO3
My historical contribution is the music I chose for the intro/outro, which is Beethoven's String Quartet No. 5 in A Major, Op. 18 No. 5: IV. Allegro as performed by the Quatuor Capet. The recording is from 1928, but I chose this because this quartet included former members of the Geloso Quartet, and Albert Geloso used to play at the Crystal Palace Saturday Concerts in London, which I could imagine Baz attending in this AU.
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larkral · 1 year
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Hello!! Thanks for the tags @hushed-chorus, @bookish-bogwitch, @cosmicalart, @j-nipper-95, @forabeatofadrum, @orange-peony, @ileadacharmedlife and @aroace-genderfluid-sheep! So fun to see what everyone is working on!
I've been doing some tests for audio for my @caught-on-tape-fest, which has been difficult because my children have been home sick almost every day this week. Anyway, got a first roll of a fic and learned a lot, like: I'm definitely not going to be trying a British accent (comes out half-Australian, I blame Bluey), I need a working doc so that I can highlight different characters dialogue in different colors to allow for different pacing and emphasis, and I need to talk slower. 
That said, I am excited and it's fun. Haven't yet done any editing but I have done that before and I feel pretty sure I'll be able to manage. 
Also this week I wrote some Simon's Two Mums and some of one of my CORB pieces. Sentences from both below!
My CORB piece, draft titled mechanic!Simon:
One of my foster families had three cars up on blocks in the backgarden. Kitty said she collected kids and Jules collected cars. It worked for them. Worked for me too. Kitty wasn't my biggest fan, but Jules didn't mind a quiet pair of eyes watching him, tools being passed his way when he reached for them. He didn't talk a lot either, but when he bought the Mini ('74) he patted the hood and said, "Happy Birthday, Simon."
Simon's two mums (draft titled normal!Simon even though he's reallllly not) also this is 8 sentences. Ah well:
Baz uses words like purview. I can barely get my lips around them. Why the crucible thought that he and I would be good as roommates, I don't know.  But I do like him. And he likes Penny. And Penny likes me. So it works out, even if it does kind of suck to be the in-between friend.  Not that Keris and Penny are better suited as roommates than Baz and me.
One thing that's helping me to work on these two pieces in tandem is that they're both stories where the WOM timeline doesn't happen the way it does in canon, so I get to be really generative in thinking about what the actual universe of CO is like, and what the social and political dynamics would be like if the events that happen canonically hadn't happened. Fun! Difficult! My jam.
Tag/hellos under the cut. :)
Tagging @stitchyqueer @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @raenestee @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @sillyunicorn @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @basiltonbutliketheherb @asocialpessimist @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @petedavidsonscock @takitalks @artsyunderstudy @yeonjunenby @carryonvisinata @takenabackbytuesdays @martsonmars @nausikaaa @nightimedreamersghost @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ionlydrinkhotwater @shrekgogurt @palimpsessed @fatalfangirl​ @blackberrysummerblog​ @valeffelees @imagineacoolusername @whogaveyoupermission @wellbelesbian @rimeswithpurple
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Happy Sunday! I’m here with some recs today. Specifically, I’m sharing six Podfic recs, as a sneaky way to promo Caught on Tape: A Carry On Podfest. We are super excited to be running this fest for the first time, and in order to get you all jazzed for it, I’d like to highlight some amazing podfics that already exist in our fandom 🎉
Welcome to My Life, 55 min, Rated T, fic by @sillyunicorn and podficced by @captain-aralias
I was already obsessed with this fic when it was just a kernel of an idea based on this art by @letraspal where Baz has wings and Simon dresses in florals. The author took this Watford era role reversal to heart and really created a compelling story with a very angsty and Baz. Aralias did a fantastic job with Baz’s characterization and I found myself sucked into this story anew hearing it read aloud. (Aralias also has a number of great podfics. All are worth a listen)
15-Across, 43 min, Rated T, fic by @ninemagicks and podficced by @cottagepodfics
This Normal AU meet cute has Simonn wondering about the cute man he always sits next to on his morning train commute who does crosswords every morning. The utterly sweet vibe comes shining through in the reader’s performance, and has lost of fun touches with sound effects and voice modifications (to distinguish inner thoughts, text messages, etc) that just really make the experience such a fun listen.
I Meant it, You’ll See, 48 min, Rated T, fic by @otherworldsivelivedin and podficced by @petrodobreva
A kiss between friends in this Normal AU has Simon having sudden realizations that cause him to chase Baz down at a train station the next day. Great pining and excellent miscommunication that comes through in spades in the readers performance. Amazing music and sound effects add the perfect touch to really immerse you in this story.
Wasabi, 31 min, Rated E, written and read by xivz
The one where Simon is a cam boy and Baz has zero chill. Also, they were roommates. Man, this story is so hot and the way xivz reads this makes it infinitely hotter. They put on their sexy voice and gives us every delicious moan, groan and sigh. You’ll be fanning yourself and wiping your brow by the end!
A Case of Identity, 20-30 min, Rated T, fic by @ninemagicks and @sourcherrymagiks and podficced by @youarenevertooold
Simon finds an anonymous love letter written to him and hidden in a library book. So he responds, leading to a very funny and cute back and forth while he tries to figure out who it is. This reader has such lovely voices and characterizations for both Simon and Baz and just hits every joke perfectly. Seriously, you’ll be cackling and awwing the whole way through.
Everything’s Coming Up Roses, 65 min, Rated T, fic by @annabellelux and podficced by RattleandHum
An excellent Watford era Hanahaki fic, full of the angstiest love sick Baz. (The Hanahaki fics in this fandom are so good.) The reader does an excellent posh Baz and brings so much emotion to the table. And with 3 chapters you can listen in intervals easily without losing your place. I think this was my first Podfic in the fandom (and ever!) and I just remember being in awe that such a wonderful thing existed.
There are 47 podfics tagged in the CO fandom on AO3. Go give them a peek and get yourself excited about hearing more when the Podfest drops some new gems Oct 29-Nov 11th. Click on the link above to follow the blog for updates. 🎙️💕
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erotic-grope-fest · 7 months
Has this ever happened to you?
You’re moping around your wannabe punk aunt’s shambolic Chelsea flat, James Blake blaring, when you begin to feel a little peckish. You’re blessedly alone and go in search of a snack in the depths of the sofa.
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You’ve just caught yourself a nice, juicy rat, but before you can make that first swipe of your knife into the soft, warm, blood-filled neck, your imagination is flooded with delectable visions of blue eyes and bronze curls…
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...and you find yourself haunted, not by the wraiths of your ancestral Victorian manor house, but by a thirst you can’t ever seem to quench.
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Never again!
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Introducing Erotic Grope Fest!
EGF is a revolutionary product that contains SnowBaz, a groundbreaking active ingredient, developed through countless hours of research to deliver instant relief to even the emo-est of shits. EGF features a unique blend of vitamins and minerals to nourish your body as well as your mind, including:
getting together
love confessions
mutual pining
established relationship
and many more!
Plus, EGF comes in a variety of flavours:
moodboard—we have something to tickle even the trickiest of tongues!
EGF is flexible enough to fit into any lifestyle with:
fast acting One-Shot
extended release 5+1
even long lasting Multi-Chapter!
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We’re so confident you’ll love EGF, we’re giving it away for free! Now you can try EGF for yourself and not pay a penny!
EGF is not sold in stores and this special offer is only available for a limited time—act now for delivery Feb 14-24. Moderators are standing by. Visit erotic-grope-fest.tumblr.com for more details.
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Erotic Grope Fest—it’s everything you imagined—and more!
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*These claims have not been verified. Results may vary. Side effects may include: loss of sleep; missed deadlines; dehydration; malnourishment; eye strain; cavalierly neglecting all of your body's most basic needs for survival while you wait for those two splendid morons to smash their faces and bits together. Must be 18 years of age or older. Always consult your fanwork provider before starting a new emotional support program.
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Sonic Sunday
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I'm back again! Here's seventeen seconds of my next project.
This fic had a great opportunity for a sound effect. (Adding sound effects is frustrating, but oh so rewarding.)
Again, this is not for @caught-on-tape-fest, but just because I'm having a lot of fun. But I'll make something for the fest, and encourage you too!
Thank you for the tag today @iamamythologicalcreature (love that banner!)
And to all my mutuals, sunny wishes for your Sunday! If you'd prefer not to be tagged on these sound clips, let me know. :)
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe @cutestkilla @larkral @whatevertheweather @hushed-chorus @thewholelemon @facewithoutheart @raenestee @forabeatofadrum @youarenevertooold @captain-aralias @aristocratic-otter @nightimedreamersworld @blackberrysummerblog @valeffelees @orange-peony @prettygoododds @diningpagentry @palimpsessed @tender-ministrations @artsyunderstudy @messofthejess @wellbelesbian @petrodobreva @bookish-bogwitch
@aroace-genderfluid-sheep @bazzybelle @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @ebbpettier @excalisbury @fatalfangirl @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @letraspal @moodandmist @mostlymaudlin @ninemagicks @onepintobean @rimeswithpurple @skee3000 @takenabackbytuesdays @tea-brigade @technetiumai @theearlgreymage @thehoneyedhufflepuff @urban-sith @whogaveyoupermission @yellobb
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captain-aralias · 10 months
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[Podfic] Hold You Close Just Like a Photograph
written by @skeedelvee, podficced by me for @caught-on-tape-fest
Simon finds a photograph of Baz just before Summer break and decides to take it with him to the care home
3,579 words / 20.05 minutes
Read on AO3 / Listen on AO3
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