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The Lion's Den will be showcasing Boss Energy Rising in a live interview with featured guest, gospel recording artist Regina Sims. Her recent release "Won't Be This Way Always" is a must have. Don't miss this blessing Wednesday morning, March 1, 2023, at 8:05 Central Time. See you there! Twitch.tv, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Patreon, Discord, Twitter, IG @spiritualthoughtleader https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNCsiwu8R3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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herbanwytch · 6 years
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You’ve got to love a guy who’s man enough to wear a shirt on the outside that speaks to his core values. @herbanmonk #lifecoach #wellness #spiritualthoughtleader (at Cleveland Heights, Ohio)
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1iamhis · 2 years
Watch SpiritualThoughtLeader with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/spiritualthoughtleader?sr=a
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Failing Forward
This is a vulnerable post about my experience launching a course about three weeks ago.
This was my third time launching an online program. I wrote this because I feel like we don't talk about our failures as much as our successes. Because I want to share my story so that you know that failing is normal and if you are going to do anything of meaning in this world, if you are going to be courageous and take risks, failing is inevitable. I avoided taking risks and trying new things many times for this exact reason. I did not want to be seen as the 'awkward new one' or experience the painful feelings of disappointment and embarrassment and humiliation that failure, especially public failure, could mean.
I share with the intention to create connection, awareness and hope around what it means to live a life on purpose, to share our true selves and to take leaps. I also share with the intention to shed light on any shame that I (or you?) may have around these experiences. I have the intention to be an example and a leader. Thank you for reading.
And now here's my story-
As I load the page one final time, just a few minutes before the cart officially closes, I feel a sense of slight anticipation, but mostly deep disappointment. Not one ticket sold, not one single enrollment to my course Radical Self Acceptance. It is scheduled to begin tonight, and now that I see there are zero students, I decide to cancel class for this evening. I go to unpublish my event page, as I just can't get myself to actually press the CANCEL THIS EVENT button. In this moment it is decided. I must run into the woods. I must feel all of these emotions creeping up in my body. I must go now.
I grab my notebook and pen, close up my car and begin to walk the trail that will lead me to the trees.
As I am walking I feel waves of devastation and fear creep up on me. I begin to let go. Tears come and I just keep walking, with purpose, to where I know I will LET FUCKING LOOSE. I pass a few people on my way to the beginning main trail head. I look at them, acknowledge them, and they immediately look away. They don't want to see my face, see my pain. It makes them feel something inside themselves that they believe that aren't ready to handle. Too much, too intense.
"Why the fuck did this HAPPEN Alissa?! Why did you do this to yourself?! What the FUCK are you going to DO now? You owe people money, you were counting on this...How did you do this to yourself? How are you going to move into a place and provide for your family now?! "
These are some of the thoughts running through my mind as I look for a good space to process my emotions.... I find a nice tree with partial sunlight and some seclusion, just far away enough from the main trail so that I won't startle any dog walkers with my wails of pain, anguish and loud self talk!
I set down my notebook and stand facing the sun. I put my arms up to the sky and let the sun warm me and comfort me in this moment. I began to cry again and let myself go. I feel so much disappointment. So much shame. So much anger, so much loss. I sob and let myself go. I want to feel it all. I want to learn everything I can from this experience. I pace back and forth, releasing, grounding in and moving energy. I feel like I let myself down, I let my children down. I feel embarrassment, I feel frustration. I feel scared. I sit down and rock back and forth. My body begins this primal, comforting momentum on it's own, and I knowingly surrender to my pain.
As I move through the last of these emotional waves I begin to grab my notebook and start some deep intentional breathing. I then start to write. At the top of a fresh page I ask myself : What Do I Want? (Because obviously I need to remind myself and get clear here, otherwise I would have manifested what I wanted). The next page I write - How To - and fill in about 10 ways to go about what I want (knowing I don't have to have the how all figured out, I just want to get myself started). Next page I write Prep/Research at the top and I begin to list the actions I need to take. On the next page I put "Blocks and Pitfalls" at the top. I write - Fears, and list them. I then ask myself "IF I was receiving the clients I want what would I be doing RIGHT NOW? And I proceed to list what I would have in place, realizing that I have some work to do here. I am now writing in the state of "AS IF" . So if this was ALREADY happening, what would I be doing? On the following page I begin to remind myself WHY I am doing this in the first place and HOW I can help my soul mate tribe.
My ultimate summation of this journaling was this last page I wrote that stated - "I need to give more of myself. I am a Spiritual Thought Leader - ACT LIKE IT. I am a Rockstar - ACT LIKE IT. I am a Conscious Evolution Coach - ACT LIKE IT. " Fuck. I realized I wasn't EMBODYing my Self Acceptance in the way I needed to in order to be successful, draw in the number and type of clients I desire. I needed to learn a few lessons in my own Radical Self Acceptance with this "failure" of my launch.
Boundaries around my time, energy with the people and environments I was in and chose to be around were NOT strong/effective. I spent so much time raising my frequency to enable myself to work/share and contribute in my launch and my challenge group, that it took away from my overall effectiveness greatly. I was constantly and subtlety absorbing others' energy.
This was a huge realization to me because I thought I was pretty good and creating space around myself to not "be a sponge" of others' energy. The reality of my energy makeup is- I am a very open being, having 6 of my energy centers open or "undefined". This means I am highly sensitive and will always be influenced by my environment deeply. It is crucial that I am around people and in environments that help me THRIVE. I am not struggling to maintain my vibe, I am actually vibing high with ease because everyone and everything I have intentionally put around me is supporting me.
We cannot always choose who we spend time with. I mean this because there are certain family members, employers, etc. that we may have to be around, therefore learn to have excellent boundaries with. We can LIMIT the amount of time and interaction as much as possible, communicate clearly with these people about our expectations and needs.
Some of the other lessons I learned:
I was limiting myself-
I was thinking of a launch in a distinct way- as in a couldn't just do it all over again. That is must be this big thing. That I HAD to get x amount of my soul tribe to enroll to be able to move into my own place. Essentially putting an immense amount of mental pressure on myself to achieve a certain outcome in order to gain a specific result. Of course acquiring a place to live is a good reason to be wanting to make money, but it had be coming from a place of LACK. This meant that I wasn't in the energy of serving and giving value above all else. I let my survival instinct begin to run the show......
I was locking myself into my head and not my heart -
This resulted in rampant bouts of fear and anxiety as well as OVER ANALYSIS. I then spent to following day integrating this "failed launch". I meditated longer, I danced, I wrote music, I spent time outside. I journaled some more. I listened to my body. I took it easy.
The next day I got REALLY SICK. Like flu sick. I haven't been that sick in years. I actually don't get sick much at all. It is rare that I will even get a cold when my family and friends all seem to be coming down with it. If I do, it is never as bad. I think this sickness was another lesson. My body (and soul) telling me, "Hey Alissa, I know you think you "processed this" and you are probably going to try to start implementing something new this weekend, BUT...Slow the FUCK DOWN for a bit, okay?”
I wrote down what my new boundaries are and have begun enacting them immediately. I can already see a difference. Although it is a learning curve, I won't be perfect, as much as I would like to at times think it's possible, or desirable, not gonna fucking happen. I will DO my personal best. Every single day. I will rise with my intention to LISTEN to my body, soul and heart, not my mind. My mind is brilliant, amusing and powerful. Useful for many things. Making decisions is NOT one of them.
And today is a new day. I will motherfucking RISE.
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Waking The Lions will begin promptly at 7 a.m. Central Time. T.H.U.G. Life Devotions with Truckdriver, Church of Funk with The Rebel Inc., and Word on Fire from STL. See you there! www.twitchtv/SpiritualThoughtLeader https://www.instagram.com/p/CokBCliOeqV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Don't quit! #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/spiritualthoughtleader/p/CY0PhuUKMwk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Absolutely. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/p/CYxf8PmsVc3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Boss energy sets boundaries. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/p/CYkMZ0cFjUI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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It's all energy. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/p/CYgz-K7r5Tv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I'm a spiritual being having a natural experience. Boss Energy. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/p/CYemGxBFlWK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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We've heard it before, but we can't hear it enough. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/spiritualthoughtleader/p/CYbu9pNqIxe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Make the most of every chance you have been given. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/spiritualthoughtleader/p/CYYy3xuKpXu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I assure you. Boss energy. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/p/CYWgqGurxhZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Boss Energy. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/p/CYWgfiVr1GR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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It's easy to choose the path of least resistance. Move in boss energy. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/p/CYR0jY3FRet/?utm_medium=tumblr
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You have the power to disrupt the cycle. #BossEnergy #SpiritualThoughtLeader #TheLionzDen #PrideOfLionz #BuildingPeople #relentless #CouldItBe #growthmindset #integrity #leadership #trust #positiveenergy #communication #creatives #paradigmshift #WakingTheLionz #LeadingLeaders #FB #Patreon #YT #Twitchaffiliate #streamer #author #poet #songwriter #musician #investments #coaching #ADLMinister #officiant https://www.instagram.com/p/CYPK9a4FryH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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