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Some sep heap doodles before I start posting heaptober stuff X3 plus my adventure time AU that makes no sense
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mrsometimes11 · 2 years
Dragons are really weird in this series.
First off, their egg stage is whack; Spit Fyre was the Dragon Boat's son, and she'd been locked up for about a thousand years before Jenna found the egg and gave it Sep, so Spit Fyre's egg must have been laid centuries before Sep arrived.
Plus, the Dragon Boat was a boat for decades before she was locked up - long enough for Hotep-Ra to become an old man - meaning - while we don't know exactly how dragon reproduction works - Spit Fyre must have been fathered decades before he was laid.
Then the egg is incubated for 1yr - 1yr 1/2, and requires some very specific circumstances to hatch, otherwise it dies. Somehow meaning that, as creatures, dragons are simultaneously one of the most resilient, and one of the most fragile, and all this before they hatch.
Then after they hatch, after a very long pre-life period, they mature into functional animals within three days. I recently re-read Flyte, and I had forgotten how close Spit Fyre's hatching was to the end:
He hatches at Zelda's in evening of the day they get there, that's day 1.
He gets back to the Wizard Tower the following evening, and at some point in the night has a massive growth spurt, that's day 2.
He continues to grow and breaks the shadow-safe, and Sep, Jenna, and Beetle discover the placement, that's day three, and before that day is out, he's fledged and big enough for two pre-teens ride.
Literally born on Tuesday, flying about by Thursday. From there:
He's breathing fyre within a few months, by early on in Physik.
He is fully grown, and an adult, within two years, by the end of Darke.
From conception to hatching, Spit Fyre was around for roughly 1,051 and 1/2 years. Hatching to flight took 3 days, and hatching to adulthood took 2 years. And he will probably live forever. And, apart from being hatched and imprinted by a human, this is all seems to be pretty normal for dragons as a species.
On top of that, if the mood should take him, he might turn into a dragon-object hybrid at any time.
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thelemonsnek · 3 months
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Day's primary team! Not entirely to scale but a critter can dream
[image id: a drawing of six pokemon in a cartoony style. There is a Luxray, which is standing with her eyes squinted shut, mouth open as if roaring or perhaps letting out worlds biggest squeak. To the right of this is a west sea Gastrodon, sleeping peacefully. Below her, is a Gardevoir, mid stride and looking at something behind her with a smile. To the left is a Sneasler, walking with trex arms, smiling mischievously. To the right is a Hisuian Decidueye, pointing with one wing and looking out somewhat challengingly from under his head feathers. To the right, is an alpha Rapidash, looking off to the right and smiling sweetly. End id]
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chaos-has-theories · 10 months
"oooh you could never make a modern au of septimus heap none of the setup would ever happen in modern mundane world" WRONG. You should never leave Marcia and Silas alone to do an important task while they're a) emotionally riled up from their respective wives' going into labor b) deeply exhausted after a sleepless night and c) actively at each other's throat.
Cue a few years later when everyone is remarking on how little their angels look like them while they're like
....oh no.
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frongle444 · 4 months
Wait shit in ur pinned u said u haven’t seen sophmore year ignore my prev req. Can u draw Spitfyre? (My girl) ^^
(If u still wanna draw ayda go for it, I just realized u might not know the character lmao)
(assuming you mean from starkid :>)
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aidanchaser · 5 months
i have read magyk so many times since it came out when i was a child and yall i literally never clocked the muriel as a foreshadowing of the dragon - green boat red sails - like literally a foreshadowing of the dragon boat and like is the splitting of muriel a foreshadowing of spitfyre??? idk maybe anyway i love these books so much
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bearmemesreviews · 8 months
Skylanders Reviews: Spyro Part 2
Last time we covered Spyro's adaptation into the face of Toys to Life, but now we cover his lore and mechanics a bit. I'm not that experienced of a gamer, so I can't really rank these guys on how mid they are in a speedrun. Instead, I'll just go over Elements and Mottos.
In Skylanders, every playable character has the following: An Elemental Type, a Catchphrase, and a small snippet of Backstory probably written by an intern with only a post-it note of info to build off of.
The main hub world of the game contains the Core of Light, which creates light to combat "The Darkness". It's an ancient relic of supernatural technology and as expected most of the villains want it destroyed so that they can take over the Skylands. It is powered by the elements, mystic forces based on concepts like Fire, Grass, Being Dead, and the Darkness. Let's go over them shall we!
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Air: Refers to any Skylander or Playable Villain connected to the Sky, whether it's because they're a bird or living condensation. Elements of storms, wind, and even flying machines will get you sorted into this Element.
Earth: These first four Elements are easy to understand, they cover our main four bases. Earth refers to characters tied to the floating rocks we were all born on, whether they're one with the dirt or made of shiny rock. A combination of the Ground and Rock types from Pokémon.
Fire: Fire, alongside Water, is the most unsubtle of the Elements. If you look at a Fire Skylander, you'll immediately know what type it is.
Water: A Lot of Blue here, but the Water type focuses mostly on creatures who can manipulate or swim in water. However, this works part-time as the Ice element as well, since Ice is usually just frozen water anyway.
Life: Life covers most bases you'd expect, being both the Plant and Animal type in one. Most of the Skylanders in this Element will be sentient plants or furry creatures, but the Life element also includes concepts of "Life Energy".
Undead: Where there is Life there is Undeath, and here's my favorite Element if you couldn't tell. Ghosts, Ghouls, and Underworld Denizens can be heroes too, so this Element represents the creepy and ghastly of the Skylands.
Magic: We had the four main Elements, and Life and Death, so what else would cover our bases? Magic! Magic is a weird Element as a lot of Skylanders have their own magic, but this Element is actually more of a Neutral type as I'll explain later. Magic can cover any magic type besides necromancy, but this can extend to anything from psychic powers to being a being animated by magic.
Tech: The Nerd type, Tech covers both Inventor and Invention. Skylanders can include genius inventors who build their own signature weapons, or sentient automatons. As this is a separate Element from Life and Undead, we can assume that all inorganic Skylanders of this Element lack any soul whatsoever.
I feel like I'm forgetting something................................nope.
Anyway the dragon, spitfyre or something, what's his deal.
I am taking my info from the following sources: A Character Encyclopedia I got on Ebay, the fan wiki, and the original Website's character gallery via The Wayback Machine.
The creators went the route of "the Spyro games might've have happened, but you can just Imagine whatever happened afterwards."
In Skylanders game Lore, Spyro showed promise as a hero since birth. Part of a rare breed of Dragons, he got into a bunch of pregame adventures in The Dragon Realm where Master Eon, the Headmaster/Professor X of the Skylanders, personally invited Figment to join his League.
Barney is a Magic Elemental but is a Jack-of-all-Trades in all the Elements of Skylands - including The Darkness itself, leading to him sometimes becoming a Nega recolor named Dark Barney.
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This also implies that he died at some point and is now a robot since he never really shows any inventive prowess.
Wheezie in fact has a preference for the Fire Element, but as the Magic Element can act as a "Neutral" type that's where he's sorted. In the Skylanders Academy canon I believe they drop any pretense that he had any games before Skylanders, even retconning Cynders backstory, though we'll get to that later. He's effectively raised by Eon in that canon. This canon is also where he has a homoerotic infatuation with that shirtless beast Crash Bandicoot.
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Motto: "All Fired Up!" - 3/5 Generic and a bit misleading for his Element, but otherwise a fine catchphrase. Well Goodra, you get three Chompies! Not Bad!
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Chompies are the superior life form and thus all ratings will involve a specific number of Chompies out of Five.
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darkestspring · 2 years
7 years old Argella stood near Criston as she sat onto a bench, bored and slightly envious, as she watch her older siblings and cousins get to train their dragons. Aella had named hers Meraxes, a gorgeous teal scaled hatchling, since Vhagar is still alive and so she can honour Rhaenys’ fallen dragon. Rhea named hers white scaled hatchling Aegarax, while her younger twin brother Viselon named his crimson scaled hatchling Nightmyre. Just as Rhaenar named his deep green scaled hatchling Spitfyre.
Dracarys! Dohaerās! Māzīz!
The princess bit her lip as they commanded their dragons while she just gets to watch. So far her family had forbidden her from interacting with any of the other dragons since her lovely Uncle Aegon had accidentally forgotten about her down here when she was no more than a toddler. Of course she didn’t noticed the hatchling attempting to crawl towards her but the dragonkeepers managed to yank each of them back.
I smell the hatchling snatcher! THE DORNISH HAS INVADED- VHAGAR NO! Argella immediately frowned and looked around to see if anyone heard that. None of them did. Then she felt sudden annoyance and anger. Oh, yeah, these weren’t her feelings alright.
“When can I see Gaelithox again, Ser Criston?” She tugged onto his sleeve and looked at him pleadingly. “I wanna see how big she got for the past moo-“
“Little Princess, your parents has forbidden me from allowing you to interact with any dragons- especially yours until you finally learn your lesson since the courtyard incident a moon ago.” He says sternly.
“Yeah, when I’m old as a old grape and Papa on his pyre for Carnifex to burn-“ Argella grumbled annoyed and crossed her arms. “I’m going down to Flea Bottom to play with my friends who actually cares about me.” She sent a crossed look towards her siblings and cousins before storming out.
Criston sighs before following closely behind her. Thank the gods that he’s out of there, he swears that these hatchlings stare at him occasionally and looks like they want nothing more to gnaw on his feet.
Hours had passed and Argella excitedly runs in her mother’s personal chambers as she was covered in mud. “Mama! So Melarie and I were-“ Her mother’s dark eyes widens at her appearance.
“Little Love! Where have you been? Your septa has informed me you weren’t at your studies- and where’s Ser Criston?” Maria asked her gently and used a napkin to clean her little girl’s face.
Argella looked up at her sheepishly. “I was gonna say that Melarie and I were trying to make this giant mudpie until Criston ruined it by tripping onto it. So… he’s washing himself at the moment.” She pouted.
“I already know my histories and every subject more than anyone!” She defended herself. “It’s just none of you won’t allow me to train or be with Gaelithox! I can’t even read to her in High Valyrian anymore…”
“Oh, ‘Ella-“
“I’m off to bed without supper.” Argella huffs angrily and walked out out of the chambers. “I’m too tired to eat today.” No one can see her tears right now. She isn’t weak. She’s just tired today… and dragons aren’t weak!
“Where’s Argella?” Baelon’s question to his wife after everyone gathered in the dining room. “I haven’t seen her all day.”
“Oh, she’s just too exhausted to eat supper today.” Maris answers and cuts Vevienne’s meat into little pieces. “And any ravens from that dreadful man?”
“We’ve been burning each letter ever since we found out he’s been talking to her with ravens about a moon ago.” Otto nodded.
“And let’s not forget about she tried using a actual steel sword on the older children during training like he suggested to her.” Aemond added. “Thank the gods we got there in time before anyone got hurt.”
“She’s been getting out of control ever since he started sending messages to her, Baelon.” Alicent says solemnly. “He’s been a horrible influence on her attitude lately. Argella even refused to play with Marleina and Ilysaendra as well. She’s never refused those girls before!”
- 💜 Anon.
Baelon reached out and took his mother's hand in his. "Please don't stress yourself, mother." Baelon held alicents hands in his gently as he thought back.
It was true, all of their concerns were valid. Especially his wife's and mother's. "I won't let him ruin my child but she is fiery and stubborn, she'll do what she wants because it's what she wishes not others."
Maris frowned down at her food, how she had despised that man.
"I'm going to give her permission to see gaelithox. With supervision." Baelon announced, still holding alicents hand as he shared a look with aemond. "It might do her some good. I was already an expert at her age."
"What if she hurts our girl?" Maris frets, concern painting her features.
"She won't. Carnifex and dreamfyre will be there to rein gaelithox back in, she is their child. Have faith, my love."
Baelon got up first, kissing alicent and his wife's cheeks before heading to see his daughter. "Argella?"
"Papa?" Argella sat up in her bed as her father came in with soft steps. "Is something wrong?"
"Hm." Baelon hummed, sitting next to his daughter, a hand petting her hair. "I know it's been hard on you to see everyone with their dragons but he restricted from yours for your safety."
Argella frowned further, moving closer to her father. "But I'm ready! I'll be extra careful-"
"I know, and that why your mom and I decided it would be best for you to bond with your dragon. With supervision."
Joy filled argella and she flung herself at her father. "Thank you! Thank you papa!"
Baelon laughed gently as he patted her back gently. "Promise me that you'll be careful, my love. We only wish for your safety and happiness."
"I promise!"
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stavromulabetaaa · 2 years
(Only if you want to answer because you reblogged this post like 4 days ago lol) 1-3 for the asks?
hey A! i forgot about these asks but i scrolled back to them for you :)
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
obvious ones aside (johnlock and drarry), i would say amelia shepherd, the tenth and eleventh doctors, prince zuko, and spitfyre the dragon
2. lighter or matches?
matches are much more satisfying but i don’t think i’ve had any around in years??
3. do you leave the window open at night?
anytime the weather permits! my kitties enjoy sitting in my window at night plus i love the cool air coming into my room. Masudi usually can’t decide if he wants to sit directly on top of me or look for critters in the night, so he goes back and forth between the bed and the window every 15min until i fall asleep.
p.s. i haven’t forgotten about your voice messages, i just haven’t found the energy to respond yet 😩 tonight i’m finally done with a three week long work gig so i should have more free time!
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harmlessdesire · 2 years
What is your new Bands name? Have they got a tumblr?
And nah they don't have a Tumblr 😂
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friedwizardwhispers · 3 years
List of things that would make Septimus Heap a really good animated show, if it ever happen.
SpitFyre (and The Dragon boat). From the series of coincidences that led to his hatch to his teenage shenanigans,to him being a grown dragon, literally everything about him scream animated.
The other magical creatures (shout-out to Sleuth, Simon's emotional support tennis ball)
The magic: the darke domain,Jenna's chocolate charm that changes the door in flyte,the invisibilities spell.
The places: the castle and the magician Tower, The forest full of witches, the port and the Marshes with the keeper's cottage ? The house of Foryx. It's so good and everything has a really distinct feels in the book and animation could make it happen on our screen and i would like to see it...
Most of the people who read the book already have an image of the characters because of the amazing illustrations and using that as a base would be amazing.
Although, maybe don't call it septimus heap for the first book so that the twist comes with a bit more of a surprise ? (When I read the first one for the first time it was in French and the title was Magyk with no mention of Septimus in its title)
Feel free to add more !
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Spit Fyre! 🦎
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thelemonsnek · 1 month
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[ID: a series of traditional sketches of Day, a pokemon trainer oc. They are a white person with long hair shaved on one side, and they wear the galaxy team coat, a tshirt, and a long striped coat tied around their waist. In the first sketch they ride an alpha Rapidash. In another sketch, they look neutrally off to the side, and in the next they frown at a Rowlet on their shoulder, thinking to themself "something about this seems familiar..." Beneath this is a sketch of them grinning challengingly at the viewer, pokeball in hand. The final sketches show them talking, gesturing with a Hisuian Sneasel hanging limply from their hand. End id]
Some Day sketches!! Ridiculously happy with the drawing of them riding Spitfyre there
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lair-of-bees · 4 years
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*buys a m fae* *buys a m fae* *buys a m fae* *buys a m fae* *buys a m fae* *buys a m fae* *buys a
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jabberingdragon · 3 years
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If you follow my page religiously, you probably took note of my inactivity. Well....that's due to my classes I'm taking in college for my art degree; needless to say, until I'm set free, my hands are tied.
Until then, please enjoy one of my art projects I did, featuring my dragonsona, Spitfyre!
This was made with the intent to show off how different my styles can vary, and my god do they ever. Along with said style, I gave them labels of aliteration to describe said style. Half of these are traditional, the other are digital. I'm.....still quite new to digital but I am slowly but surely getting my footing.
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aidanchaser · 3 years
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I've been listening to the septimus heap series lately and honestly just dreaming about a ghibli version of these books has kept me going this past month
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