#argella targaryen
darkestspring · 9 months
Baelon ii’s three eldest legitimate children get fostere. Viselon and Rhea at the Vale, while Argella gets send to Storm’s End, but she doesn’t mind and loves it there anyways. So Baelon ii gets pretty depressed when his three bbys go away on their dragons (especially Argella’s since her grows faster than ones dragon should). Sends them gifts while they’re away if he can’t visit them in his schedule.
he sends constant gifts and even goes to visit them himself when he can. those are his babies so no ones gonna stop him from going to see them, not that anyone would.
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spacerockfloater · 3 days
Anyways, we stan house Baratheon for going up against the crown not once, but twice in the history of Westeros and winning both times. Borros really said “Fuck these Targaryen inbreds” and Robert was like “Word, lemme finish what you started” and completely wiped them out of this earth, lol. The OG Baratheon boy, Orys, is probably rolling in his grave while miss princess Argella Durrandon is smiling down upon her descendants.
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violetumbrellalover · 5 months
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The Storm Queen 🦌 Argella Durrandon
“You may take my castle, but you will win only bones and blood and ashes.” - Argella Durrandon to Orys Baratheon
“She declared that Orys would win only bones, blood and ashes here. But her men were weaker than her, and that night Orys found Argilac's daughter delivered gagged, chained and naked to his camp.” ~ Varys
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amoratearte · 3 months
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🐉 Argella Durrandon 🦌
Targaryen Family Tree
“declared herself Storm Queen […] “you may take my castle, but you will win only bones and blood and ashes”, she announced but soldiers of the garrison proved less eager to die.”
Spouse: Orys
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ophelias-lamentation · 4 months
Argella Durrandon
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The Royal Families of The Seven Kingdoms: Part 1
By Jota Saraiva
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joncons · 2 years
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stannis is soo girl coded <333
in order of appearance: argella durrandon, rhaena targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen, rhaelle targaryen
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ludcake · 10 months
of all of its great innovations for asoiaf lore, the one great expansion to the mythos of the series that we must accredit to it is its vast expansion of the dead ladies club. before, we only had but a few women with barely a name and maybe a single phrase to make up a whole personality for; now we've dozens of women whose character we've no idea what gurm intended, beyond the inherent attractiveness of putting Guys Into Situations and maybe some implied drama. from a handful, we've an army. in this essay, i will posit that the combined might of the dead ladies club could murder the entire patriarchy-
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low-budget-korra · 2 years
Game of Thrones Realistic Portraits #1
Aegon's Conquest
Aegon Targaryen //Orys Baratheon
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Visenya Targaryen // Rheanys Targaryen
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Argilac Durrandon // Argella Durrandon
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Harren, The Black // Meria Martell
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Loren I Lannister // Mern IX Gardener
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Torrhen Stark // Brandon Snow
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Aenys I Targaryen // Maegor Targaryen
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darkestspring · 1 year
Argella definitely snuck one of Aegon’s toys and cluelessly inspected it in her chambers up close. And her papa bear, Baelon, walked in to notify her for supper time until he notices that toy in her hands.
“Oh, hi papa!” She happily greeted him and waved the toy around. “I was just wondering what this thing is?”
“Argella… where did you get that?”
“I… found it?”
“Where exactly?”
“… at Aegon’s private chambers.”
“If this makes you feel any better, it wasn’t sticky like the one Marleina grabbed— Hey!” She pouted before crossing her arms after Baelon snatched it out of her hands and ran out of her chambers.
rip to aegon bc baelon is definitely not going to have mercy on him at all.
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earthyleo · 4 months
I know aegon's colonization series isn't even done but I just wanna say Argella Durrandon is already my favorite character, that poor girl is gonna go through so much i wanna hug her 😭
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violetumbrellalover · 24 days
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The End and The Beginning 👑🦌
House Durrandon and House Baratheon
The Storm King Argilac the Arrogant Durrandon
The Storm Queen Argella Durrandon
Lord Orys Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands
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echos-muses · 4 months
my personal asoiaf fancasts thus far
aegon’s conquest
aegon i targaryen - charlie hunnam
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visenya targaryen - katheryn winnick
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rhaenys targaryen - elizabeth lail
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orys baratheon - jonathan bailey
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argella durrandon - kaya scodelario
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argilac the arrogant - adrian schiller
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harren hoare - jeremy irons
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sharra arryn - jaimie alexander
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ronnel arryn - billy jenkins (child), jeremy irvine (older)
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lanastromborn · 1 year
Conquest Women Artbreeder
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witchofvalyria · 2 years
Do you think Aegon the conqueror and Visenya regretted conquering the seven kingdoms?
Thank you for asking this!! There's little to nothing about the conquerors in the books, which makes their mysterious personalities all more appealing for us to be curious and ask about them.
Now with house of the dragon airing, we all know that Aegon didn't conquer for greed or power simply, but also because of his dream. "The song of ice and fire." The prophecy being about Dany...
Rhaenys was both Visenya and Aegon's little sister, and they obviously loved her very much. Visenya lost a sister and a confidant, Aegon lost his lover, wife and the mother of his only son at the time.
Living more than thirty years without her must have been really hard for both of them, which is probably why they spent most of their time later in life in Dragonstone, since it was their childhood home, and where they spent most time together, and where they have the happiest memories.
They may have gained the seven kingdoms, and a crown, but it wasn't for free, Rhaenys and her dragon died, they never even had their sister's body.
It was also said that when aegon held his granddaughter Rhaena for the first time (daughter of Aenys) who was named after her grandmother Rhaenys herself, he wept. And we all know that he doted on his grand children with Rhaenys.
So I truly belive that they often didn't talk about Rhaenys, until those rare moments when they do and they think about how it wasn't worth it after all.
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ladybug023 · 2 years
House Baratheon HC
Since the house was partially founded by a strong woman (Argella) Baratheon women have the reputation of being loud and temperamental battle axes.
They are given slightly more freedoms than other southern houses. At least in the terms of athletics.
(Traditional Baratheons are basically a medieval sports family and no one can convince me otherwise.)
(They’re competitive asf)
Baratheon women are taught how to ride horseback and hunt like their brothers.
They can sometimes even participate in tournaments as long as it’s not jousting.
Boremond Baratheon taught his granddaughters (the four storms) to physically fight it out when they had problems with each other.
He felt it was healthier than keeping all their rage bottled up. Only rule was they can’t go for the face.
He had his favorite granddaughter, Maris master archery. Not only was she the most clever of her sisters but she was also the best archer and hunter in Westeros.
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