#spoilies for the next couple tags:
lethalwizard · 6 years
so i finally finished bioshock 1 and im so glad it wasnt spoiled for me because FUCK! i havent had a good unspoiled story like that in ages!!
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lilolilyr · 4 years
Exxcuse me while I freak out about this vry gay coded (Vry Straight tm) German TV shortfilm series (that I rly only started bc my parents were watching it, but now I have Ships and am invested and it has 0 fandom because German)
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Just two women and their kids... living together... co-parenting...
A blonde and a brunette....
If you don't want any spoilies just let me tell you that it's like actually good despite not actually being gay & if you understand German & want to watch it it's in the zdf Mediathek rn until october 2020. I'm providing gay (au: canon divergence) fanfic here & if anyone watches it, ships them too & has any fanfic/fanart/... content let me know!!! I mean it!!! I wanna see it!!!!
If you're asking yourself why daheck I'm writing in English rn despite the show being in German- I don't know, man. Ask my brain.
Now to the spoilers!
So the story is that Ella (quick facts: the blonde one, from a Big City, studied to be a lawyer but never did her internship which she needs to actually be a lawyer because the ppl in the lawyer's offices she tried to work at didn't want to deal with her because she has asperger-autism) finds out that her dead husband Thomas didn't just leave her a house in the middle of nowhere but that said house is very much lived in- he had a secret live and a family with...
Christina! (The brunette, she has one 14y/o son- not from Thomas- a 6y/o daughter- from Thomas- & is pregnant- from Thomas-, a male best friend who lives next door, runs a small Café in this little coast town the series is set in, money troubles and def can't afford to get kicked out of the house.)
Now obviously they don't get on at first- they both try to hire (the same, because the town only has the one) lawyer to get rid of each other... but during the first episode they get to know and like each other and in the end Ella even gets the house back from a guy who wants to turn it into a hotel or sth instead of selling it to him, & the old lawyer guy offers that she can do her internship with him- and from that point on, Ella, Christina + Kids are living together...
And Oh Dear God they are shippable.
One episode is literally called sth like 'the thing about love' & this is the pic for it:
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Like??? You're just asking for me to ship it???
Of course instead Christina is dating some male tourist & Ella is in a more-fuckbuddies-than-relationship with Christina's bff... [which, I can still accept all that as canon if I headcanon them as bi, Christina probably needs a quick affair with some rando before she can start sth srious (with Ella plssss), & Ella and the dude (Jannis) are actually kinda shippable as is he with Christina so how bout some poly action? Given that in one ep three minor characters get a happily ever after I Don't Fucking See Why Not The Main Characters Too (ok it was never said that the two minor character dudes were together but the minor character gal was with both of them) anywayys I might write ot3 fanfic sometime soon]
Btw quite some of the things Ella does are also Mood for me- I mean, idk how accurate the depiction of aspergers' is bc I don't have it/personally know anyone who does but given that all ppl are different even if they have the same diagnosis & the character Ella def has difficulties in social interaction & communication which google tells me are the main things in an asperger diagnosis, I think they probably did an ok job, also it's just nice to see a Not Neurotypical person as a main character & actually succeeding at what she does!
Back to shipping
Christina and Ella are def co-parenting the kids, the girl even asked whether she could call Ella mom too...
Also one time Christina kissed Ella's cheek and I just about squealed
Christina also owns at least two rainbow sweaters
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Couldn't find a pic of the other one but it has the Correct Pride Flag Colours and she was wearing it to a parent-teacher conference she went to With! Ella! & all the characters thought they're a couple too.
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I Ship It
Hope I'm not entirely alone, tumblr & ao3 don't even recognise the fandom as a tag much less the ship, so rn it feels like I'm swimming with a pool noodle of ship! XD
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ambitionsource · 5 years
001 for Maggie!! About Rucas!
werk werk werk lets go lets go lets gooooo!
Riley & Lucas James
When I started shipping it if I did: okay so like… technically I cannot answer this question because I… like… made the show so fkdsjhgkjdfgd BUT. interestingly enough i���ve actually said before that if I were a viewer of AAA and not the creator, i would be very cautious about RL. like i think it would take me a while to warm up to the possibility of them (as well as lucas, bc i think the “seemingly broody snarker with a heart of gold and is secretly soft” can be HORRIBLY done), but i think around 103 i would start to change my opinion about lucas (and then would be definitive about him after 105 from the way he is with isa), and then i think i’d really lock into RL at the end of 107 with their convo in the aud where she’s like “maybe you don’t have to do everything alone” and hes like “… no maybe not.” that’s my genuine honest feeling on how i’d approach it as a viewer
My thoughts: many thoughts… many thoughts head empty… i guess like the entire show are my thoughts FJDSKLGFDG but i will say i’m very excited for the rest of S2 for them, as well as going into the next season. it’s gonna be really fun to see y’alls reactions and hopefully we’ll come out on the other side together ✊🏻
What makes me happy about them: oh so much… how riley is so skilled at catching lucas off guard and seeing through his defenses from like day 1 (and evidenced early on i.e. the way she just plops down at their lunch table and he literally stops eating gkfdhgkjdsfh), how deeply they respect one another and see the other for what they are capable of rather than how they view themselves with all these imperfections and limitations, how lucas encourages riley to stand up for herself and be empowered and not downplay herself, and conversely how riley is slowly but surely changing lucas’s perspective on the world and what he deserves from it and that romance can be real, touch can be soft and non-threatening, love isn’t inherently a weakness to be taken advantage of but something delicate and lovely and a source of power (i.e., i think that lucas’s growth and interactions with riley also influence how he reevaluates his friendships with like dasher and stuff like that – something you’ll definitely see evidence of in 209)… could go on probably
What makes me sad about them: oh well like. how self-destructive lucas is at this point and how he literally cannot fathom that people care about him – let alone romantically that’s like a whole other ballpark. how their own insecurities allowed external opinions to detour their dynamic, although understandable. the trickiness that exists currently where riley, just being a generally forgiving and optimistic person, is constantly being told that she needs to give up on lucas and that there is a sort of question she and probably us as viewers start to wonder of like… is it even worth it? whether lucas deserves riley’s devotion is certainly up for debate, and it’ll be interesting to see if he addresses the mess of the last few months moving forward… but then it’s tricky too, because much like the position dylan was put in, i think in some ways riley does need to still have faith in lucas, because if she doesn’t then who will, and it’s kind of like… very complex. very messy, much to analyze and pick apart and perhaps account for at the end of the day… but that’s the kind of complexity i love in relationships (provided steps are taken to amend them to the best of their ability and respect always remains intact), so it’s no surprise they have all this fkdshkfjdhgkjdfshdh. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: well obvious fanfic doesn’t really exist, but i’ve been in fandom long enough to be able to say EXACTLY what would happen if ambition were a huge fandom like tw, glee, etc. the first thing that would annoy me the most would be an exaggeration of rl’s worst traits to make them like a pairing that they aren’t – key being making lucas more aggressive, dominant, and like genuinely disrespectful, and then making riley like an innocent wallflower pure goody two shoes or whatever. like that kind of characterization really strips down their complexity as characters (and is also like just wrong FDJSKFDSLG like one thing i’m excited for in S3 is the chance to really explore what they’re actually LIKE when like… depression isn’t warping their personalities FJDSKFLDSGJ and also how they bring out certain traits in one another). i also feel like any sort of like… overt tooth-rotting romanticism would feel really ooc for them; they are quite romantic in how they treat one another and see one another, but both of their personalities in a relationship together i think create a romance built more on realism and appreciation and a sort of grounded display of love than anything even remotely Cheesy. that’s one thing that really changes about riley from The Former Source Material to AAA is that she’s far more grounded given how her parents have… spun out let’s say
Things I look for in fanfic: i do think often about how nice it would be to just go on ao3 and scroll the ambition tags… find a good rl zc or da fic to peruse… oh there’d be garbage undoubtedly but the good fics… i would like to see it 😔anyway lmao i think if i were looking for rl fics in aaa i would look for ones that a) retain their core character traits and b) strike that perfect balance of grounded yet uniquely soft in the way rl are with each other that they aren’t with anyone else – i wouldn’t want to see their integrity thrown for the sake of being uber fluffy. but that’s like just a complete personal pref.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: hmm… obviously this is all conjecture, but in terms of CANON, i cannot see lucas ending up with anyone else. like i just do not think it’s on his radar at all – it wasn’t before riley showed up, and if she floated away, he’d go back to just forgoing it entirely (it’s not entirely a joke when we joke around that lucas is rileysexual fkjdhsgk). riley i think like, zay would treat her nicely if they were ever to go past best friends. fanon wise just going by dynamics and personalities, i have a really special place in my heart for lucas x charlie (oh, and how fun it will be to share that dynamic with y’all in the future bc reading that rn i’m sure y’all are like HUH JFGDKLJGFLKSJHKLDSJHLJFDHL valid!!). could also probably enjoy a riley x isa fic or two. i also love digging into the relationship between lucas and asher (especially given that asher was lucas’s first crush… he he he) but as for them actually being a relationship i couldn’t because i’m 10000% sure they’d kill each other. even dylucasher wouldn’t work romantically, because as nice as it all is if lucasher didn’t kill each other, dylan would end up killing them both after mentally Snapping from playing mediator one heckin time too many. so. yes. fDSJKGLDFKLHFKLDH
My happily ever after for them: i can’t really say specifically because spoilies!! but i just want them to feel… settled. they’re constantly in worlds of turbulence right now, and i can’t wait for the day that they can just be together and get away from the city (because i firmly believe lucas hates living in the city) and just. start a life on their terms. that will be so beautiful :’)
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: i’m inclined to say lucas is the big spoon, but i don’t think it’s set in stone at all. like you know, if there’s a particularly rough day and lucas really needs that Comfort, then riley will by all means be the big spoon and hug him real tight. it’s what they both deserve!!
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: i love that this question specifies non-sexual specifically FDJSKFDKLSGJFLDKH like are there couples who truly enjoy sex with one another above all else…………. but i will say i think one thing that is nice about RL is the most important thing to them is just being together. like i think they’ll happily spend hours in the booth together not like, actively doing anything and focused on their own things (homework, production work, what have you) but just the other person’s presence there with them is comforting. you kind of see this in 109 when riley takes refuge in the booth, and i think this is core to their relationship. they don’t need to be talking or actively doing much – just maybe like, riley is tapping her foot against his knee absentmindedly or has her feet up in his lap. if they’re sitting closer, lucas is rubbing her knee with his thumb. you know what i mean? presence and the knowledge that they’re together is more important than any sort of sense of Action if that makes sense. but some others to list would be getting out of the city and going exploring in the Fresh Air away from… everything and everyone else lmao, and going to the animal shelter!!
send some winter hiatus asks !! :)
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