#spoketale frisk
afterartist · 2 years
By now, you guys should probably already know what this is
More Doodle Dumps :D!!
I have like, 18 projects I’m currently working on so at least one of them should be done, soon, probably, maybe? Uhhh, perhaps
N E Way, in the meantime, have some WIPs :)
First up, shots of Spoketale Player and Sans from a Backstory animation WIP I’m workin on, cause a lot of y’all wanted to know how Spoke got the crack in his skull
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Next up, another animation, these are progress shots of an animation meme I’m drawing of Barrierfall (it’s angst cause I refuse to let Barrier be happy)
Also holy heck, shading in FlipaClip with only two layers is literal hell plz help-
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Keeping the animation theme going, have some shots from a massive animation I’m working on with multiple AUs (it’s two minutes long- why do I do this to myself-)
Also no context cause I think it’s funnier this way, but if u know what the animation is gonna be, nice 😎👊
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And finally- suddenly not animation related
New AU dropped UwU
Rivper is my son and I love him, lil bean
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Annd that’s all :D
Sorry for interrupting ur feed but if ur following me ur probably used to this by now :/
Have an amazing day/night!!
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afterartist · 2 years
Messing around with Gacha and my AUs cause it looks interesting :D
First one was just a little test I did with Spoke, Idle and Barrier,
Also, just a remind I’m not becoming a Gacha creator, it’s just fun to mess around with different mediums, so plz don’t take either of these videos seriously (also yes I spent 3 hours figuring out how to use gacha just so I could have a millisecond of ink slander, what of it (: )
(I am very much aware Tumblr isn’t the platform you post Gacha too lmao)
Cw: Loud screaming
And secondly!! A link to a bit more of a gruesome Gacha video I posted on my YouTube
This one is quite a lot darker, cause it’s about time Spoketale got some angst (:
Cw: Blood, Broken Bones
Plz do check it out, I’m trying to post more regularly on YouTube but I survive solely off dopamine and crave validation /HJ
Besides from that, I hope u have an amazing day/night :D
(Also- for the 8th time- yes- the comic is in progress- backgrounds just suck to draw- plz- (,: )
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afterartist · 7 months
I keep forgetting for people to see my art I need to post my art so have a single drawing from a project I’m working on
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Context is irrelevant
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afterartist · 1 year
any lore you've wanted o share but haven't had an excuse to yet relating to ur aus? :3
Strap ur selfves in, cause I got a lot of lore I wanna talk about :D
(I’ll be sticking to my main 6 tho cause I got way too many aus lmao)
General Lore:
Barrierfall is my angstiest AU as many of you know, what some people don’t know however, is that it’s also one of my only True Pacifist a Surface AUs (which kinda makes the fact that all but 3 die sadder but meh)
Magic in this AU is more of a solid thing, it’s why Monsters can create Magical Attacks and Magical food, and in the AU, instead of loosing the ability to use magic, Humans just loose the ability to cast magic themselves and instead have to use items to channel the magic they naturally produce (which is why the items left over by the other human souls have magical aspects)
In Barrierfall Monsters can freely use magic but can’t create it as easily, and Humans create it but can’t use it, this was originally a symbiosis the two species had before the war,
But being locked underground means the monsters were slowly using up all their magic resources, weakening their magic, this is why Frisk has the Reset ability, because they’re not fighting any other magic,
But with the monsters underground, the Humans have a whole lot of magic build up that they’re not using.
So, what happens if you break a window in a submarine?
All the pressure of the water floods in and the sub implodes,
Now, what happens if you break a barrier that’s been stopping any of the magic getting into a basically magic-less cavern?? What happens when a tiny lightbulb is compared to the sun? What happens when a drop of determination is compared to a world of magic??
In other words, here’s the answer to your question everyone who’s been asking why the underground falls and why the reset button is destroyed :D
The residents of Spoketale know they’re in a game, they’re not supposed to, but when your player is a hacker a few glitches can occur.
386 neutral runs, with various hacking/glitches, Player is curious about how far they can push the characters before something changes, they have however, never done a Genocide or Pacifist route, these glitches can be minor things like; switching item pickups (this is an important lore point to Spoke himself), GodModing and taking no damage, to more impactful glitches,
Like, let’s say… deleting entire characters?? Spoke was right, his papyrus isn’t dead (:
But a side effect of all the glitches is different characters gaining awareness, the story of Spoketale actually takes place where Sans meets Player at the ruins to distract them and buy Alphys and Undyne time to evacuate the underground because they know about the resets and Player (it’s also where Spoke gets the crack in his skull)
If you’ve read the prologue of my fic for Idletale you’ll probably have pieced this together already, but Idletale is set in an AU where Gaster tried to create fake human souls (similar to Handplates) by taking a 16th of a human soul and injecting it into a Host’s soul, after various tests it’s found that a single trait being injected will just overwhelm the soul and kill the host, but with two human traits they cancel each other out allowing the 3 souls to synergies
The three survivors of these tests are Sans (Idle) Papyrus and Undyne,
Sans getting Patients and Justice
Papyrus getting Bravery and Integrity
Undyne getting Kindness and Perseverance
All of them are able to summon the items attributed to the soul traits (yes Idle can summon a gun whenever he wants and yes it’s a horrible idea- who let him do this-)
Another side effect of these tests being that each host can see their soul traits (they can’t see the others only their own)
Sans calls herself a Pb&J Sanswitch much to the chagrin of Patients and Joy of Justice
They’re also able to switch out with their hosts (not this is not DID, I’m not trying to make it an allegory for any disorder) which strengthens certain attacks depending on who’s at the helm
Furcatetale (Rivper):
Not too much lore to tell here, but Rivper himself was the first Sans to receive one of ‘The Keys’, the Integrity Key, given to him by his River Person (due to his Gaster being a massive dick (and the reason Rivper ended up with a half melted Integrity Soul) Riverperson basically adopted Rivper as their own)
The key and internship as a riverperson is why Rivper acts as a multiverse taxi, being able to take anyone to any AU they want (as long as either Rivper or the Passenger have been there before) for 5G,
Their Ferry is also a Gaster blaster (I’ll draw a sketch of it or smthn if y’all r interested)
Heck yeah I love this world so much,
Basically helicaltale takes place where after the war, instead of being sealed underground the Monsters were chased away from the safety of MtEbott and instead took refuse in the desert, setting up basically a tent city,
The Humans then placed a curse on them that they can never touch sunlight (I though of this after 47 hrs straight of Minecraft playing so think of how hostile mobs burn in sunlight and that’s basically what happens)
When Sans was 12 (Papyrus being 7) a sickness ran through the camp (it was called ‘The Sunlight Sickness’ cause I thought it sounded cool but now I can think of a better name :/) and during that time the cost of medicines rose 10fold (there’s more lore here but I’ll mention it later in the TW side of this post)
First things first- basically the polar opposite of Barrierfall where everyone is alive!! Including the human souls
In the AU all the Souls including Frisk and Chara are alive and around the age of 23 (THIS IS FOR JOB/DRIVING REASONS- NOT FOR SHIPPING YOU DEGENERATES. do not use the characters ages as an excuse to ship, both Chara and Frisk are Asexual/Aromantic in this AU, don’t be nasty.)
And all of the Souls work for their Collage newspaper/as reporters, aiming to uncover the truth about the Monsters of Myth.
There was no war in this AU, and similar to Reapertale, a Climatetale monsters are based off ‘things’, Natural Phenomena and Natural Disasters, for Example Sans is based off a Lightning Sprite, Papyrus is based off lighting, Unydne is based off Tsunamis and Alphys is based off Asteroids (cause I think a Dino adjacent character being based off meteors hilarious)
Also, instead of an underground, Mt Ebott erupted Centuries ago (thx Asgore) and its basin cooled and became a massive sinkhole oasis that all of the Monsters live in peacefully,
Frisk and Chara being the first humans they meet in decades
And now onto some of the sadder stuff,
This is bits or lore that are much more confronting, not all my AUs have this,
None of this is too integral so you can stop reading here if the following Trigger Warnings are too upsetting
TW: Suicidal Ideation, Child Abuse/Neglet
Despite his vitriol to Ink, Barrier actually blames himself for the loss of his AU,
He was also forced to kill his Papyrus, so survivors guilt and just guilt in general eats at him,
He was the one given the warning by his future self that he didn’t listen to, he was the one that entrusted his AU’s safety to a stranger, he was the one that got himself permanently banned from the Omega-Timeline cutting himself off from the only two other survivors forever,
He says he blames Ink and he’s hunting the creator down for revenge, but honestly, he’s looking for an easy excuse to end up dead,
He knows he can’t beat Ink, he just hopes going into an unwinnable fight would be a step forward in making up for his sins
(Which is stupid cause it’s not his fault but the dumb dumb can’t get it through his thick skull)
Spoke is cannonicaly dead, while his Papyrus isn’t, Spoke is,
He died when confronting the Player in the Ruins, taking a knife to the eye that killed him near instantly,
Only due to a glitch caused by Players hacking was he able to use a monster candy and restore his HP, leaving him at 10/1HP permanently, but he’s never mentioned it too anyone, not even his papyrus or any of his other friends, too scared that as soon as he acknowledges it, the game codes will realise the glitch and kill him for good,
Never telling anyone about his fears bring mass paranoia making him much more likely to attack when getting defensive
He’s also deathly afraid of reaper sans (pun intended)
Remember how I brought up the Sunshine Sickness?? Well it shouldn’t be too bad, their Gaster works in a top level lab in the city with humans to try and find a cure for the curse, making more money then he could ever want
The problem is, he’s always in the city, surely sans is old enough to look after himself and his brother, why would they need a parental figure to take care of them? Phone calls? No, only an email once a month, if lucky
Sure, maybe Gaster doesn’t even know how old his kids are, but it can’t be that bad right??
Papyrus gets sick.
With not enough money for both food and medicine, sans is forced to seek out help from the black market, eventually selling his right eyelight (using it allows the buyer the same teleportation ability sans has) in exchange for the medicine for papyrus,
He’s 12 when he looses his eye, his father never notices, he doesn’t tell anyone, papyrus gets better
This is what inspires Papyrus to join the Royal guard, wanting to protect sans the way he protected him, it’s also what inspires sans to become a magical items trader in the black market (with a strict rule that he doesn’t deal with anyone who hurts kids)
It’s also how he eventually ends up with his own Key, the Bravery Key was given to him in a box along with the orange Glass Eye (this was actually a trade he made with Frisk who needed medicine for their sibling Chara who got sick with Sunshine Sickness as the two had first come to the Underground Tent City)
Anywayssss that’s it for this lore drop
I’m too lazy to actually create in-depth and we’ll thought out lore but I hope this is interesting none the less :D
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afterartist · 2 years
My device has been acting up lately, meaning all my art has slowed, so in the meantime have this super rough and badly thought out animation of my Au Spoketale
(CW: Blood, Flashing)
And then just a lil picture of Spoke bein cute (From my comic) cause I literally cannot leave him to suffer
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