#spoons is french
Only speaking english must be wild. You guys don’t even have Orelsan
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mewvore · 2 months
to be loved is to be changed
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sp00ntaneous · 22 days
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'Spoon Devil' ~ Wooden spoon carved in Lacewood, Cherry, Ebony, Bloodwood and toothpicks. Designed by the famed French spoon carver 'Spheridus Premier'.
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thelostgirl21 · 7 months
Please join me, as we all take a moment to appreciate that The Witcher Season 3's soundtrack has a track that's actually called...
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cytry · 10 months
Imagine if Lyney could pull random shit outta his hat, like magicians tend to do. "Oh boy it's time for lunch!" and he pulls an entire baguette™ outta his hat, cuts it into 3 pieces, and him and his siblings all have a nice wittle lunch. and the traveler just stares. Paimon is like: What the fuck. He provided the feast, he provided baguette™. Good for him, good for Lyney. Edit: And before anyone asks. No. No baguette™ for Arlecchino >:(
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jomiddlemarch · 3 months
While You Were Sleeping
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Chapter 6
Did Draco’s fingers graze her when he passed her the salt at breakfast, a brief, the piece of silk ribbon she used as a bookmark and invariably left on the bedside table on his side of the bed?
Did she rest her hand on his forearm when they walked into formal dinners, the exquisite weave of his wool dress robes barely noticeable in comparison to the strength and warmth of his arm?
Of course.
Did he touch the small of her back if she hesitated before opening a door, move an errant curl away from her cheek if the wind blew, press his cheek against hers when they danced a fox-trot at the ball given in their honor?
Hermione couldn’t honestly say she was unfamiliar with Draco’s touch. That she was unmoved by it, that she found it distressing. He’d held her after she woke from a nightmare, stroked her tangled hair. She’d cupped his cheek, held his hand, pressed her face into his chest, counting his heartbeat. Whatever was between them was a definite something, not nothing.
Read the rest here (it gets spicy!): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52947358/chapters/135542686
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questwithambition · 4 months
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Weekly update - 26/02/2024
Maybe bringing these back? We’ll see how it goes - but she’s back in London! Only partially moved in with the most chaotic of weeks as everything seemed to happen at once (and a feeling of being behind), but am leaning into the accepting what is and doing what you can about it now. Which seems to be working fine; we’re focusing on the making sure my life is working and adding tiny improvements as and when I can. Oh, and hopefully catching the exposition on fantasy at the British library before it ends!
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famewolf · 7 months
our home's vibes are immaculate rn
I've got a huge pot of chicken soup cooking on the stove, I'm just about finished making pumpkin brioche french toast ... it's raining outside and so many of the leaves are golden against the dark green evergreens. the whole house smells like sweet cinnamon, hearty soup and warm laundry
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castielafflicted · 2 months
disease that makes me put multiple types of dairy in soup
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spoonmoment119 · 1 year
Got to draw a creecher, but this time in my mathematical logic class! ^^
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hell yea now everyone’s getting an education
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mumblelard · 1 year
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rita or not today, monday
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I don’t find English to be a particularly beautiful language but it really went out with heart and art sounding so close to each other
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c10v3r · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for the iii characters?
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this is about what i have right now !!!! silly.y…….
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
I think if Mammon isn't the little spoon he starts wailing and sobbing and whimpering and throwing up and bawling
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coquelicoq · 1 year
this post is brought to you by: la lettre b
[previously: la lettre A]
soooo i read all the B words in this french dictionary recently - ladies, please! one at a time when you propose marriage! - and boy are there tant de mots de ouf là-dedans !
percentage of dico taken up by B words: 4.5%
percentage of dico read (as of the end of the B section): 12.8%
rate and duration: 3 pages/day for 11 days + part of the 12th day
total entries: 1608
rows added to my vocabulary spreadsheet: 335. this is considerably more than the number of A-word rows even though there are a lot more A words than B words. whoops!
semantic themes
for some reason, in the B section there were a few semantic categories that seemed to recur a lot. in some cases i think there might be some sound symbolism at work (ba is a common syllable in baby babbling, which could contribute to the frequency of words meaning "babble", "mumble", "prattle", etc. that start with b) but in other cases i haven't a clue.
verbs for speaking indistinctly: babiller, bafouiller, balbutier, baragouiner, barbouiller, bégayer, blablater, bredouiller
other speech verbs: baratiner (spiel), bavarder (chat), bavasser (chat), bonimenter (spiel)
words for trifles (trinkets and/or trivial matters): une babiole, une bagatelle, une breloque, une bricole, un brimborion, une broutille. i might also class et des bananes here
slang for head, face, and/or expression: une bille, une binette, une bobine, une bouille, une boule, une bourriche
slang for belly: un bidon, un bide, un buffet
slang for year: un balai (literally, broom), une berge (literally, riverbank). why? search me!!!
sudden exhaustion idioms: le coup de bambou (also means heatstroke), un coup de barre
verbs for animal noises: bêler, bourdonner, brailler, braire, bramer
i'm now about 50 pages into the Cs (i procrastinated this post lol) and there's a ton of slang for "head" starting with C as well. many of these are, like, names of fruits that are round, so pretty straightforward, but there's also carafe (carafe) and cafetière (coffeemaker). not really following the association there...but i digress.
page hogs
(entries taking up 1/6 of a page or more)
there are a lot of "bras" idioms ok!!
🤯 momence
une banane: obviously this means banana but i'm mainly interested in its "fanny pack" sense because when i was a child i had a fanny pack shaped like and decorated to resemble a banana...COINCIDENCE????
i haven't been writing all of these down but i like compounds like un bouche-trou (stand-in, stopgap; filler) and un brise-tout (butterfingers). see, french CAN make pithy little phrasal nouns without using de! just slap a verb conjugated in the third-person singular present indicative in front of a noun with a hyphen in the middle and voilà, new word. francophones idk what youre complaining about, this shits easy
french has you covered on slang for round or curved body parts with une boule (noggin; testicle) and un boule (ass; boob (in canada anyway)). no one tell fergie or she will find a way to make this about "my humps".
another situation where changing the gender gives you a different but related word: un brassière (bra) and une brassière (sports bra). this is fun for a holiday, but it's a good thing french doesn't make a habit of this or it would be so much harder to learn vocabulary!
favorite words to pronounce
baby-foot [babifut]
bombance [bɔ̃bɑ̃s]
bonbon [bɔ̃bɔ̃]
least favorite words to pronounce are badaud (because i always swap the vowels and say baudad instead) and bugle (i can do -gle at the end of a word but not right after a u for some reason) :(
favorite words period
un baby-foot: foosball table, foosball game. i have spoken previously about the spiritual experience of discovering that this word exists (see also french is a beautiful language and thank goodness the british are so boring). and it is the gift that keeps on giving because now whenever there's an awkward pause in a conversation i can just drop in this fun fact and immediately we're back in business. hey, don't cry. the french word for foosball table is baby-foot. ok?
une baguette: chopstick! of course baguette refers to basically anything baguette-shaped but i find this especially charming because in english baguette refers only to the bread, so it feels like they named chopsticks after iconic french bread rather than what's actually happened, which is that various baton-shaped things are all called "baton".
ça baigne ? / ça baigne ! and ça boume ? / ça boume !: like ça va but slangier! lord knows i'm always looking to slang up my small talk.
ça me barbe: one thing i am learning is that french has A LOT of ways to say that you are soooooo bored omg just dying of boredom. makes sense for a language in which the word for "boring" also means "annoying".
barder: to kick off, turn nasty, get heated, as in ça va barder ! (there'll be hell to pay / shit is gonna hit the fan!). so pithy.
bernique !: no way, not a chance! knowing that bernique as a noun means "limpet" only increases my enjoyment of this already great interjection.
chercher la petite bête: to nitpick. basically the same image as the english idiom but way cuter somehow.
bibi: yours truly. i need a francophone penpal stat so i can sign all my letters with this.
in english the same word means both "twice a month" and "every two months" which is just terrible design in my opinion. french has solved this problem with bimensuel(le) (twice a month) and bimestriel(le) (once every two months). now the only problem is i have no idea how i'm gonna remember which is which.
bœuf: fantastic, huge, great, impressive. reminds me of that verse in "foux du fafa" when bret is just saying the names of foods at the supermarket in french and goes "bœuuuuuf", which is arguably the best line of the entire song.
bon, je te laisse : well, i'd better get going / i'll leave you to it. finally, a way to say goodbye without sounding like a textbook from the 1950s!
c'est bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet: it's six of one, half a dozen of the other / tomayto, tomahto. i think what i like about this is both that it's a very handy phrase to know, but also from my perspective as a french learner it is not at all a given to me that "bonnet blanc" and "blanc bonnet" would be the same thing, because the position of adjectives in french does sometimes change the meaning! so it's also a lil ironic, which is fun and sexy imo.
bof: meh, nah. i say "meh" in english ALL the time, so this was a huge lacuna in my vocabulary. merci le robert de poche 😘
c'est le bouquet: that takes the cake / that's all i needed (ironic). always looking for ways to be sarcastic in my second language. i should probably get better at being sincere in french first before i start adding complications, but it's so hard to resist!
next up...81 pages of Cs!!! luckily i am already halfway through the C section or just seeing that number might be too intimidating. courage !
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aroacehanzawa · 10 months
can't stand white people they don't know the concept of bowl of rice + a side of Just Fry Some Whatever With Onion/Garlic And Oil
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