dolrbillsbowling · 7 months
How to hold the bowling ball
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Bowling is a universally popular pastime that individuals from every social class participate in. It is an enjoyable method to exercise while spending time with family and friends. To get the most out of your bowling experience, however, you must acquire the proper way to hold a bowling ball. Acquiring proficiency in the correct grasp, positioning, and release of the bowling ball can significantly elevate one's game performance.
Diversity in Bowling Balls
Your selection of bowling ball can significantly affect your performance. Bowling balls are available in an assortment of materials and weights. Bowling balls are predominantly manufactured from plastic, urethane, and reactive resin. Bowling balls made of plastic are the most affordable and ideal for novices. Although urethane and reactive resin bowling balls are more expensive, they provide greater trajectory control.
Adequate Bowling Ball Grip
Identification of one's most comfortable grasp is critical for mastering the technique of bowling ball detention. The modified grip, the one-finger grip, the two-finger grip, and the 10-finger grip are the four primary grip patterns. The ten-finger grip, which entails inserting all ten digits into the disk, is the most prevalent. Although the modified grip resembles the 10-finger grip, it does not involve the use of the thumb and index finger. In the two-finger hold, the ball is grasped between the thumb and index finger. Comparable to the two-finger grasp, the one-finger hold utilizes only the index finger.
Methods for Inserting Fingers Into a Bowling Ball
After determining which grip works best for you, it is necessary to acquire the correct technique for inserting your fingertips into the bowling ball. The index and middle fingers should be positioned on either side of the thumb, which should be positioned in the center of the disk. For equilibrium purposes, the ring and pinky fingers should be positioned outside the orb.
How to Choose the Appropriate Bowling Ball
It is critical to choose a bowling ball with the appropriate weight for your frame of mind. The ball's weight should be just right-just comfortable to hold-yet substantial enough to prevent effortless deviation from its intended trajectory. Additionally, selecting a ball with the proper coverstock is critical. The coverstock, which affects the trajectory and velocity of the ball, is the substance that envelops its interior.
Body Positioning to Consider Prior to Throwing
After selecting the appropriate bowling ball, the next step is to master the correct hurling body position. In the starting position, one should assume a stance with slightly bowed knees and feet spaced apart. After making your approach, you ought to turn your shoulders in the direction of the pegs after taking a few strides.
Managing the Balance of the Bowling Ball
When grasping the bowling ball, maintaining equilibrium is critical. This can be accomplished by maintaining an upright arm position while applying equivalent wrist pressure. This will aid in maintaining the ball's equilibrium and guarantee a consistent, fluid release.
Perfect the Release of Your Bowling Ball
Rolling the bowling ball off your palm after pushing it forward with your fingertips is crucial to a successful release. This will aid in guaranteeing that the ball maintains an even trajectory and is appropriately balanced. Additionally, it is critical to maintain a loose and relaxed forearm position while releasing the ball.
Methods to Enhance Your Bowling Ball Delivery
You can enhance your bowling ball delivery after you have mastered the art of bowling ball release. The initial objective is to target the golden area in the lane. The region of the channel where the trajectory is most consistent is referred to as the "sweet spot." Additionally, maintaining consistent follow-through and keeping your sights on the target are crucial.
Frequent Mistakes in Bowling Ball Holding
While grasping the bowling ball, there are several frequent errors that must be avoided. The first is to prevent excessive tightness in the ball's grip. This can result in the ball experiencing a loss of equilibrium and a malfunctioning discharge. Additionally, it is critical to prevent the abrupt release of the ball and maintain an appropriate follow-through.
Maintaining Your Bowling Ball
It is critical to maintain your bowling ball in order to extend its useful life. Regular cleaning of the ball is recommended, employing a delicate cloth and a mild cleanser. Additionally, after each use, it is vital to wash your fingertips to remove grime and oils. It is recommended to store the ball in a cold, dry location that is shielded from direct radiation.
A Variety of Bowling Balls and Their Applications
A diverse range of bowling balls exists, with each variant being most suitable for a specific category of bowler. Plastic bowling balls are the least expensive and ideal for novices. Although urethane and reactive resin bowling balls are more costly, they provide greater trajectory control.
Equipment Bowling Maintenance
To preserve the optimal condition of your bowling ball, routine maintenance is critical. Regular resurfacing of the coverstock is necessary to maintain its smoothness, while maintaining the balance of the ball minimizes the potential for sliding. Additionally, it is critical to preserve the ball in a chilly, dry location that is shielded from direct sunlight.
Selecting the Appropriate Bowling Ball
Opting for the proper bowling ball can significantly impact the outcome of a game. Selecting a ball that fits your specific dimensions, weight, core, and coverstock is of utmost significance. Additionally, your personal bowling style and the type of lane you will be using are factors to consider.
A number of frequent inquiries emerge with regard to the mastery of the bowling ball-holding technique. The responses to a selection of the most commonly asked inquiries are provided below.
1. Which variety of bowling ball ought I to select?
Your bowling style, the type of lane you will be using, and your skill level should all influence the type of bowling ball you select. Plastic bowling balls are ideal for novices, whereas reactive resin and urethane balls are more suitable for experts.
2. Which handle is most effective when grasping a bowling ball?
With regard to bowling ball handling, the most comfortable grasp is optimal. Although the 10-finger grip is the most prevalent, alternative grip styles such as the modified grip, two-finger grip, and one-finger grip are also widely used.
3. How can I determine whether the weight of my bowling ball is appropriate?
The ball's weight should be just right—just comfortable to hold—yet substantial enough to prevent effortless deviation from its intended trajectory. To determine whether the ball is suitable to hold, consider holding it in your hand for a few minutes while evaluating its weight.
4. Which handing errors occur most frequently when bowling?
Common errors in bowling ball handling consist of gripping the ball excessively securely, releasing it prematurely, and failing to maintain an appropriate follow-through. These errors must be circumvented to guarantee a successful delivery.
5. What maintenance should I perform on my bowling ball?
It is critical to maintain your bowling ball in order to extend its useful life. Regularly wiping the ball down with a mild cleaner and a soft cloth is required, and after each use, the fingertips should be thoroughly cleansed. It is recommended to store the ball in a cold, dry location that is shielded from direct radiation.
Properly grasping a bowling ball is critical for attaining optimal results. Prior to throwing, it is critical to determine the optimal hold, select a ball with the proper coverstock and weight, and position your body properly. Additionally, it is critical to maintain the ball's equilibrium and hone your release. You can advance to the next level of bowling by mastering the technique of holding the ball through consistent practice and effort.
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echo-xie · 2 years
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The advanced technology makes everything possible. Can you imagine the treadmill could be folded like this?
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rallytimeofficial · 10 months
DR Automobiles esce i muscoli, Sportequipe 8 Hybrid Plug-in con 317cv
��🔴 DR Automobiles esce i muscoli, Sportequipe 8 Hybrid Plug-in con 317cv
È il top di gamma Sportequipe ed incarna a pieno il processo di evoluzione tecnologica e qualitativa intrapreso negli ultimi anni da DR Automobiles Groupe. (Iscriviti gratuitamente al canale Telegram di Rally Time per ricevere le notizie sul tuo telefono LINK) Un 7 posti di ben 4,70 mt. estremamente performante grazie ad una sofisticata tecnologia PHEV, in grado di sprigionare complessivamente…
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notiziariofinanziario · 7 months
DR Automobiles Groupe abbassa i prezzi
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DR Automobiles lancia un’operazione anti crisi per fronteggiare le attuali contingenze economiche. Il gruppo DR Automobiles abbassa i prezzi di tutti i suoi modelli ad esclusione dei pick-up. Le riduzioni - che interessano i quattro marchi EVO, DR, Sportequipe e ICH-X - sono comprese tra i 2.000 e i 3.100 euro. Grazie a questi sconti, il modello best seller del gruppo, la DR 5.0, passa da 21.900 a 19.900 euro, mentre l’ammiraglia DR 6.0 parte ora da 25.900 euro, 2.000 in meno rispetto al listino precedente. È di 2.600 euro la riduzione di prezzo di cui beneficia la crossover Evo 5, che passa così dai 19.900 euro precedenti agli attuali 17.300 euro. I due modelli centrali della Sportequipe, la 6 e la 7, beneficiano entrambi di una riduzione di 3.100 euro: la prima scende da 38.000 a 34.900 euro, mentre la 7 è ora venduta a partire da 36.900 euro rispetto ai 40.000 precedenti. Sconto simile anche per la fuoristrada ICH-X K2, il cui listino parte ora da 51.500 euro, 3.000 euro in meno di prima. DA UN VANTAGGIO A UN’OPPORTUNITÀ - Una mossa che l’azienda italiana, che importa modelli prodotti in Cina da Chery, JAC e BAIC e li commercializza con alcune modifiche e con marchi propri, spiega come un’operazione anti crisi “per fronteggiare le attuali contingenze economiche”. Il gruppo molisano assicura nell’attuale situazione socioeconomica, determinata da pandemia, guerre e crisi finanziarie, è riuscito ad andare in controtendenza e ottenere un vantaggio competitivo. Tuttavia “DR Automobiles ha voluto trasformare il vantaggio competitivo in una nuova grande opportunità per i consumatori. A fronte di un innalzamento complessivo della qualità dell’offerta, anziché alzare i prezzi, li abbiamo ulteriormente rivisti al ribasso”, sottolinea il gruppo in un comunicato stampa.  Read the full article
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sportbiz · 8 months
In the fast-paced world of sports, having the right equipment can make all the difference. At SportBiz, we understand the importance of quality gear to enhance your performance. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional shopping and embrace the convenience of buying sports equipment online with SportBiz.
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motorionline · 10 months
Sportequipe 8: primo contatto con il nuovo SUV plug-in hybrid [FOTO]
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Wenn ihr nun Lust auf einen unvergesslichen Ferienhausurlaub in Dänemark bekommen habt, schaut doch mal auf Dänemark.de vorbei.
Hey, liebe Leserinnen und Leser, ich wollte heute einen ganz besonderen Blogbeitrag mit euch teilen, der sich um eines meiner Lieblingsthemen dreht: Ferienhäuser in Dänemark! Wenn ihr genauso wie ich von dieser Idee begeistert seid, dann seid ihr hier genau richtig. Dänemark.de ist eure Anlaufstelle für alles rund um den Ferienhausurlaub in Dänemark. Und ich kann euch versichern, es gibt viele gute Gründe, warum Dänemark das ideale Reiseziel für einen erholsamen und unvergesslichen Urlaub ist. 1. Die herzlichen Dänen Die Dänen sind nicht umsonst bekannt für ihre tiefenentspannte gute Laune. Sie heißen euch herzlich willkommen und respektieren euch so, wie ihr seid. Egal, ob ihr alleine reist, mit Partner, Familie, Hund oder Freunden – in Dänemark fühlt ihr euch gut aufgehoben. 2. Vielseitige Landschaften Dänemark hat eine unglaublich vielseitige Landschaft zu bieten, von kilometerlangen Küstenlinien über Wanderdünen bis hin zu romantischen Moorlandschaften. Das Land legt großen Wert auf grüne Energie, Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz, und das spürt man bei jedem Atemzug frischer Luft. 3. Kultur, Sport und Freizeitspaß Egal, ob ihr Schlösser und Burgen besichtigen, in der Natur aktiv sein oder kulturelle Stätten erkunden möchtet, Dänemark bietet für jeden Geschmack und jedes Alter etwas. Das Angebot an Aktivitäten ist enorm, und oft könnt ihr in der Nähe eures Ferienhauses günstige Kurse buchen und Sportequipment ausleihen. 4. Sicherheit Dänemark ist ein sicheres Reiseland, ideal auch für Familien mit Kindern. Die Kriminalitätsrate ist niedrig, Verkehrsunfälle sind selten. Ihr könnt euch also sorgenfrei entspannen und euren Urlaub genießen. 5. Perfekt für Familien In Dänemark wird das Wohl der Kinder großgeschrieben. Viele Attraktionen und kulturelle Stätten sind kinderfreundlich gestaltet, und es gibt zahlreiche Abenteuerspielplätze und Freizeitparks in der Nähe der Ferienhäuser. 6. Unkomplizierte Anreise Die Anreise nach Dänemark ist unkompliziert, insbesondere wenn ihr aus Deutschland kommt. Ihr könnt mit dem Auto anreisen oder die gut ausgebauten öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel nutzen. Für Flugreisende gibt es internationale Flughäfen in Billund, Aarhus und Kopenhagen. Die meisten Ferienhäuser bieten außerdem Stellplätze für Autos. Und das Beste ist, die Einreise nach Dänemark ist für EU-Bürger wieder weitgehend hürdenlos. Wenn ihr nun Lust auf einen unvergesslichen Ferienhausurlaub in Dänemark bekommen habt, schaut doch mal auf Dänemark.de vorbei. Dort könnt ihr qualitätsgeprüfte Ferienhäuser zum Bestpreis buchen und findet viele weitere Informationen über dieses faszinierende Land. Wenn ihr Fragen oder Wünsche habt, zögert nicht, euch an das freundliche Team von Dänemark.de zu wenden. Sie stehen euch vor, während und nach eurem Urlaub gerne zur Verfügung, sei es im Chat, per Telefon oder E-Mail. Ich hoffe, ihr habt genauso viel Freude an Dänemark und seinen Ferienhäusern wie ich. Lasst euch von der Schönheit und Gastfreundschaft dieses Landes verzaubern!   http://dlvr.it/SxNbBy
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surveycircle · 2 years
Teilnehmer für Online-Studie gesucht! Thema: "Deine Sport Gear Pick Up-Station" https://t.co/P8cMDJQOQn via @SurveyCircle #rent #sharing #sport #pickupstation #sportequipment #ausrüstung #sportlich #umfrage #surveycircle https://t.co/6sbF6EDmKr
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Mar 2, 2023
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telodogratis · 2 years
DR Sportequipe 8, SUV Plug-in a 7 posti che funziona anche a GPL
DR Sportequipe 8, SUV Plug-in a 7 posti che funziona anche a GPL
Il SUV potrà ospitare fino a 7 passeggeri Al Salone di Parigi 2022, DR Automobiles ha mostrato il nuovo maxi SUV “Sportequipe 8 Hybrid Plug-in“. Si tratta di una vettura che punta ad essere il modello top di gamma del marchio automobilistico e che si caratterizza per essere proposta con un powertrain Plug-in in grado di funzionare anche con il GPL. Questa vettura sarà disponibile sul mercato tra…
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fitnesscottage · 3 years
Success isn’t achieved by never failing, it’s achieved by getting better every day - Fitness Cottage
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dolrbillsbowling · 7 months
Low Hook Bowling Ball
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Selecting and Correctly Utilizing a Low Hook Bowling Ball: Bowling is a globally renowned recreation in numerous nations. It is an excellent method to compete in tournaments, have fun with friends, and even push your limits. However, in order to maximize your performance, you must select the proper apparatus. An essential component of the bowling apparatus is the bowling ball. A low-hook bowling ball is an excellent option for bowlers who desire greater precision and control.
This article will define a low-hook bowling ball, describe the various varieties on the market, instruct readers on how to select the most suitable one, and provide guidance on its appropriate usage. In addition, we will discuss drilling, maintenance, and the advantages and disadvantages of a low-hook ball. In conclusion, we shall provide responses to a few frequently requested queries in order to assist you in arriving at a well-informed conclusion.
Low-Hook Bowling Ball Definition
A low-hook bowling ball is characterized by elevated surface friction relative to its conventional counterpart. When this surface friction makes contact with the raceway, it generates a more intense reaction, resulting in reduced hook and spin. Subsequently, the ball will traverse with greater accuracy, granting the bowler enhanced authority over its trajectory.
Low-Hook Bowling Ball Varieties
A variety of low hook bowling balls are commercially available. Bowling balls made of plastic, urethane, reactive resin, particle, and hybrid/composite materials are the most prevalent.
Ball of plastic bowling:
The most fundamental variety of low hook bowling ball is plastic. It is constructed entirely of polyester plastic and is extremely durable. Plastic bowling balls are inexpensive and straightforward to use, making them ideal for novices.
Urethane bowling ball material:
The synthetic rubber material urethane is more resilient than plastic. Although urethane bowling balls are pricier than their plastic counterparts, they afford the bowler enhanced control and a more responsive feel on the lanes.
Resin-Reactive Bowling Ball:
Reactive resin is utilized in the construction of bowling balls, which generates a more intense reaction on the lane. Although it costs more than urethane, this variety of bowling ball offers superior control and accuracy.
Ball for Particle Bowling:
Particle bowling balls are composed of a composite material consisting of urethane and plastic, to which minute rubber particles are affixed as the coverstock. These particles provide the bowler with enhanced control and a more powerful reaction on the lane.
Composition/Hybrid Bowling Ball:
Hybrid and composite bowling balls are composed of reactive resin, plastic, and urethane, among other substances. These bowling balls offer the highest degree of precision and control of any low hook variety.
Selecting the Appropriate Low Hook Bowling Ball
After identifying the form of low hook bowling ball that you desire, the subsequent step is to select the most suitable one. Consideration must be given to weight, size, core, and coverstock.
In terms of weight:
When determining how your bowling ball will perform on the lane, its weight is a crucial component. In general, greater accuracy and control are associated with heavier balls, whereas lighter balls are simpler to hurl.
Additionally, the size of your bowling ball influences its behavior on the lane. In general, a smaller ball will impart greater control and facilitate throwing, whereas a larger ball will impart greater force.
The innermost component of the bowling ball, the core, determines the ball's trajectory on the lane. Various cores exhibit distinct behaviors in the lane; therefore, it is critical to select the optimal core for your particular game.
Coverstock material:
The outermost layer of the bowling ball, the coverstock, influences its behavior on the lane. On the lane, various coverstocks elicit distinct responses; therefore, it is critical to select the appropriate one for your game.
Minuscule Hook Bowling Ball Upkeep
After selecting the ideal low-hook bowling ball for your needs, it is critical to maintain it properly. Bowling balls should be cleaned and polished after each use to maintain their pristine condition. This will contribute to the ball's continued correct behavior on the course.
Low Hook Bowling Ball Use
It is time to utilize your low-hook bowling ball after you have selected and maintained it. To maximize the performance of your ball, it is critical to employ appropriate technique. This requires following through, locating the correct lane, targeting, and timing.
Finding the correct lane It is crucial to locate the correct lane when bowling with a low-hook bowling ball. A ball with a lower surface friction will typically react more favorably on a damp lane, whereas one with a higher surface friction will perform better on a drier lane.
The objective is: 
When striking the object, precision should take precedence over force. A low-hook ball does not produce as many hooks as a standard ball; therefore, it is crucial to target the desired pins.
Regarding timing: 
Timing is critical when employing a low-hook ball. It is crucial to coordinate the initiation of your approach with the discharge of your ball. This will guarantee a steady trajectory for the projectile.
Persist in following through: 
Following the discharge of the ball, it is critical to execute your approach. This will contribute to the steady trajectory of your projectile.
Drilling for Low Hook Bowling Balls
You may wish to have your low hook bowling ball drilled after you have selected and utilized it. Customizing a low hook bowling ball through drilling can improve its accuracy and control for a given game.
Motives for Having an Acorn Drilled:
There are multiple justifications for having your low hook bowling ball inserted. Drilling can provide you with greater control and precision, enhance the ball's response on the lane, and assist in customizing the ball for your game.
Considerations Regarding the Drilling of a Low Hook Ball:
When having a low hook bowling ball drilled, it is important to take into account various factors. These include the quantity and profundity of the holes, the configuration of the holes, and the sort of drilling. It is crucial to locate a professional repair establishment that can perform the task accurately.
Locating an Appropriate Pro Shop:
When getting your low hook bowling ball drilled, it is critical to locate a reputable pro store. Request references and look for someone who has experience piercing low hook bowling balls.
One advantage of low hook bowling balls
Utilizing a bowling ball with a low handle can offer numerous advantages. These include enhanced precision, increased velocity, and enhanced control.
Enhanced Control:
Control is one of the primary advantages of using a low hook bowling ball. A greater degree of surface friction on the ball results in reduced hook and spin, thereby affording greater control over the trajectory of the ball.
Superior Accuracy:
Additionally, employing a low hook ball can aid in enhancing one's accuracy. Less adjustment will be necessary for the projectile to follow a more precise trajectory.
Enhanced Ball Velocity:
Additionally, a low hook ball can aid in rocketing your ball speed. The absence of hook and rotation facilitates the ball's velocity along the lane, potentially enabling an increase in score.
Low hook bowling ball disadvantages
There are some disadvantages to using a low hook bowling ball, despite the fact that it has many advantages. These include fewer knocked-down pins, a greater challenge in throwing strikes, and a higher talent requirement. Reduced Number of Knocked-Down Pins:
Striking pins with a low hook bowling ball can be more difficult due to its lack of hook and rotation. Novices, who may be accustomed to the bend and rotation of a conventional bowling ball, may find this challenging. More difficult to strike:
Additionally, throwing a strike with a low hook ball may be more difficult. Disregarding spin and lift may result in increased challenge in capturing the ball in the pocket. Demands Greater Skill:
A low hook bowling ball also necessitates greater ability. A dearth of hook and spin may impede the ability to modify the trajectory of the ball, thus employing the appropriate methodology becomes critical.
1. What is a bowling ball with a low hook?
A low hook bowling ball is characterized by an elevated surface friction relative to its conventional counterpart. When this surface friction makes contact with the raceway, it generates a more intense reaction, resulting in reduced hook and spin. Subsequently, the ball will traverse with greater accuracy, granting the bowler enhanced authority over its trajectory.
2. What are the advantages of bowling with a low hook ball?
The utilization of a low hook bowling ball yields several advantages, namely enhanced control, improved accuracy, and increased ball velocity. A greater degree of surface friction on the ball results in reduced hook and spin, thereby affording greater control over the trajectory of the ball. Additionally, your accuracy will improve because the ball will follow a more precise trajectory, necessitating fewer adjustments on your part. In conclusion, the absence of hook and spin facilitates the ball's acceleration down the lane, which can add to its overall velocity.
3. What are the disadvantages of bowling with a low hook ball?
A low hook bowling ball has the following disadvantages: it knocks down fewer pins, strikes are more difficult to toss, and the sport requires greater talent. Pitching strikes and knocking down pins with a low hook bowling ball can be more difficult due to its lack of hook and rotation. A low hook bowling ball ultimately necessitates greater talent, as the absence of hook and rotation can impede the ability to manipulate the trajectory of the ball.
4. Should a hole be drilled in my low hook bowling ball?
Customizing a low hook bowling ball through drilling can improve its accuracy and control for a given game. However, it is critical to locate a professional repair establishment that can perform the task accurately. Request references and look for someone who has experience piercing low hook bowling balls.
5. In what manner ought I to uphold my low hook bowling ball?
It is critical to maintain your low hook bowling ball in order to guarantee its continued functionality on the lanes. After each use, you should sanitize and polish your bowling ball. This will aid in the elimination of oil, grime, and other contaminants that may interfere with the ball's performance on the lane.
A low-hook bowling ball is an excellent option for bowlers who desire greater precision and control. It is essential to select the appropriate one for your needs and proceed with caution when employing it. Additionally, you may wish to have it drilled in order to tailor it to your game. Lastly, proper maintenance of your low-hook bowling ball is necessary to ensure that it continues to operate as intended on the lanes. By utilizing the proper instruments and strategy, one can optimize their performance and elevate their score.
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Dr Automobiles avvia una collaborazione che prevede lo sviluppo e la commercializzazione in Europa di nuovi modelli
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Accordo fra il colosso cinese Baic e DR Automobiles Groupe. Un accordo che si può definire storico perché ridisegna la strategia commerciale nel vecchio continente. Insomma una tappa importante, a cui si è arrivati dopo che DR è riuscita ad avere consolidati rapporti industriali con i gruppi Chery e JAC che hanno portato alla nascita nel corso degli anni di vari modelli della gamma DR a cui si poi aggiunti quelli dei brand EVO e Sportequipe. La strategia “Il modello industriale messo in piedi da DR Automobiles e i risultati commerciali che lo stesso ha generato – spiegano all’azienda molinasa – pongono oggi il gruppo italiano come uno degli interlocutori privilegiati dell’industria automobilistica cinese. La strategia di DR Automobiles non prevede delle joint-venture ma accordi di collaborazione attraverso i quali il gruppo preserva la propria piena autonomia ed il controllo totale del pacchetto azionario. Sono pertanto in fase di trattativa nuove partnership con alcuni colossi asiatici. Una di queste è stata appena siglata, quella con BAIC che ha scelto DR Automobiles come suo unico referente per l’Europa”. Il colosso cinese Va ricordato che la Baic non è proprio un gruppo qualsiasi: produce in Cina anche per altri brand europei ed asiatici ed è la quarta azienda automobilistica cinese per volumi di vendite.  Fondata nel 1987 dal Governo Municipale di Pechino dalla fusione della Beijing Automobile Works e la Beijing Automobile and Motorcycle United Company, la Baic fra l’altro ha già in piedi diverse collaborazioni con DR Automobiles perché da qui nasce lo sviluppo di alcuni modelli come la EVO 5, recentemente lanciata in gamma EVO e l’ICKX K2, con cui ha appena debuttato il nuovo brand premium del gruppo. Read the full article
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rudinho-cologne · 5 years
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