#sportsbook stories
nekhcore · 3 months
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tales from the sportsbook! context under the break
this person was a regular, in that he was barely of age but never had ID and kept coming in with minors. a sportsbook is a casino. you are not allowed to do that. i kicked him out whenever he wasn’t alone.
“kur ne me boli” is basically our “i do not give a singular fuck”. but you are also directly calling to the existence of your penis when you say it.
so i was kicking him out, he’s making all these excuses, as they do… and he looks super surprised when i say this and looks at my crotch?? like he makes a big dramatic show of looking at my dick and then being amused about it. like damn, what is your problem.
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johnschneiderblog · 1 year
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As MSU is ‘Caesarized,’ the Lansing State Journal shrugs
On Nov. 29 I wrote about what I consider an unholy alliance between universities - Michigan State, in particular - and promoters of online gambling.
That blog was prompted by a year-long investigation by New York Times reporters into how schools throughout the country are selling their souls to the Internet gambling industry.
I questioned why institutions of higher learning would promote socially-destructive behavior. MSU, for example, has jumped into bed with Caesars Sportsbook, which according to the Times, will pay $8.4 million for the opportunity to “Caesarize” the school. Among other things, Caesars gets access to MSU’s database of 775,000 fans.
I figured that once the Times story broke,  the newspaper I worked for 35 years - the Lansing State Journal - would jump all over it. After all, MSU is squarely in the Journal’s wheelhouse.
Time passed and the Journal seemed to be ignoring the story. Wondering if the staff there even knew about the Times investigation, I sent an email to LSJ executive Stephanie Angel and sports columnist Graham Couch in which I expressed my surprise at their apparent indifference. I know them personally as dedicated journalists, which made the situation all the more curious.
I got a reply from Couch. whose response was both thoughtful and disconcerting. He gave me permission to quote most of what he wrote. Here’s the meat of it:
“Adding gambling to the (colleges sports)  mix is just one more thing in a bizarre, greedy and somewhat unhealthy system that the rest of the world finds absurd. Then again, higher education can be pretty money-grubbing, too. So maybe it all fits.
“Sports gambling, though, has been paying for a large chunk of college athletics for a while - long before it was legalized in Michigan and many other states.. 
“People don't watch MACtion on Tuesday nights because they care about Toledo. Without gambling, TV audiences would be substantially less, which means media rights deals would be less, which means resources would be less for athletes and staff ...”
(New York Times photo)
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chisombetstar · 3 days
"Playbetr.ag and Betcoin.com Scam Saga: Trapped for $20,000!"
I signed up on betcoin.ag back in March 2022, depositing a tidy sum of $1000 to dive into the world of online sports betting. Over the next year, my bets on football and basketball were sporadic but engaging, as I navigated the site's sometimes frustratingly low betting limits. It wasn't until I stumbled upon playbetr.com, a sister site boasting higher betting limits, that things really started to pick up. That was December 31st, 2022, and I eagerly pumped $4000 into my new playbetr account to take advantage of their expanded opportunities.
As my confidence grew, so did my investments. I made subsequent deposits totaling somewhere between $1000 and $2000 on both betcoin.ag and playbetr.com, exclusively in Bitcoin. By the time I was fully engaged, I estimated my total deposits across both platforms had reached approximately $7000 to $8000. Throughout this period, I stuck to NBA betting primarily on playbetr.com, initially enduring losses but eventually turning the tide with strategic wins. It's worth noting that my bets were distinctly different on each platform, a fact that should dispel any suspicion of syndicate play or collusion.
However, my newfound success quickly turned sour when I attempted to withdraw my accumulated funds from both betcoin.ag and playbetr.com. To my surprise and dismay, I found myself facing an unexpected hurdle: KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements. Both sites demanded I submit comprehensive KYC documentation, including photos of my driver's license, selfies, and proof of address. Eager to comply, I promptly uploaded everything they asked for, expecting a smooth transaction.
The reality was starkly different. The very next day after completing my KYC submissions, I found myself locked out of both my betcoin.ag and playbetr.com accounts. Attempts to log in were met with error messages or, when successful, access was severely restricted, rendering me unable to manage my account or initiate withdrawals. Confounded and frustrated, I scoured my emails for an explanation, only to find identical messages from both platforms accusing me of fraudulent actions and terminating my accounts without recourse.
Their justification was vague and unsubstantiated, alleging I had engaged in activities like syndicate play, match-fixing, or using strategies aimed at unfair advantages—all claims I vehemently deny. I had solely focused on NBA betting, a market renowned for its transparency and robust oversight across legitimate sportsbooks worldwide. Despite my protests and requests for clarification, both betcoin.ag and playbetr.com remained steadfast in their decision, offering little more than a perfunctory offer to refund my initial deposits, which I adamantly refused.
The ensuing weeks painted a bleak picture of customer service: unanswered emails, fruitless attempts at live chat, and a pervasive silence from both platforms. It became increasingly evident that their claims of transparency and fairness were merely lip service, contradicted by their arbitrary actions and dismissive attitude towards legitimate customer concerns. Frustrated but undeterred, I turned to online forums and communities, only to discover similar stories of account terminations and withheld funds plaguing other users.
In my pursuit of justice, I compiled extensive evidence to support my case: withdrawal requests, screenshots of successful bets, and even videos documenting my attempts to access my locked accounts. Each piece of evidence reinforced my claim of innocence and underscored the injustice of their actions. Despite my efforts to seek resolution, including exploring legal avenues and engaging with others who had faced similar experiences, my attempts to elicit a response from betcoin.ag and playbetr.com fell on deaf ears.
The ordeal has left me disillusioned with the online gambling industry, where promises of fairness and transparency often unravel when confronted with real-world challenges. It's not just about the substantial amount of Bitcoin—approximately 0.85 BTC, worth nearly $20,000 at the time—that remains inaccessible to me. It's about principle and integrity, qualities that seem conspicuously absent in the dealings of betcoin.ag and playbetr.com. As I continue to pursue a resolution, whether through legal channels or public advocacy, my resolve remains firm: I will not be silenced or sidelined until justice is served.
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johnschneiderblog · 2 years
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Green and White ... but mostly green
Why would a university promote a socially-destructive activity? Silly question and the answer is what it alway is: money, money, money, money, money.
New York Times investigative reporters spent a year examining the unholy alliance between universities and online-gambling promoters. And the local U. - Michigan State - plays a prominent roll in the stories, published last week.
According to the Times, Caesars Sportsbook is paying MSU $8.4 million over fiver years - the largest sportsbook deal, according to a Times source, in all of college athletics. And what does Caesars get out of it ...?
“ ... Caesars would be entitled to ‘Caesarize’ tailgating space outside Spartan Stadium ... Caesars would be mentioned in monthly emails (including promotional offers) to Michigan State’s database of 775,000 fans ...”
Notice the banner in the photo of Spartan Stadium.
To read the sidebar most relevant to MSU, click on the photo.
(New York Times photo)
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packernet · 6 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2023/12/19/how-the-packers-got-their-name-and-community-ownership-structure/
How the Packers Got Their Name and Community Ownership Structure?
Delving into the history behind the Green Bay Packers’ odd name origin and their enduring status as the only publicly owned nonprofit sports franchise.
With a name echoing humble beginnings rather than intimidation, the Green Bay Packers have nonetheless cultivated one of the most passionate fan bases in all of sports. The expansive community of die hard “cheeseheads” lives and breathes the green and gold, flocking to historic Lambeau Field through biting winters to create a cherished football atmosphere fueled by Midwestern grit.
Generations have passed down an allegiance to the small-market franchise that goes far beyond sports fandom. Devotees young and old stay glued to every Packers game broadcast whether in the stands or participating through sportsbooks. From the smallest of screens at home to local taverns, they always pack a punch with huge support. Many sportsbooks like monstercasino have the best odds for Packers all the time. This deep-rooted connection stems in part from Green Bay’s unique nonprofit ownership model, allowing Wisconsinites to literally buy into their beloved Packers.
With citizen shareholders empowering the franchise’s success, the team strives to make “owners” proud by showcasing the blue-collar work ethic ingrained in Packers culture. For the green and gold faithful, game days represent a continuation of that communal tradition.
Have you ever wondered why Wisconsin’s beloved NFL squad is named the “Packers”? Or what makes their ownership set-up so unique across professional sports? Well, let’s dive into the origin stories that shaped the franchise we know as the Green Bay Packers.
See, unlike many nicknames that sound fierce or impressive, “Packers” doesn’t exactly scream domination. Heck, it makes it seem like the players’ main duties involve box packing! So why adopt a humble handle like that to represent your professional football outfit?
To solve this little mystery, we need to hop in the way-back machine to 1919 when Curly Lambeau founded the squad. The young Lambeau worked as a shipping clerk for a company called Indian Packing. When he sought to start a team, Curly asked his employers for money to buy equipment and permission to use their field for games.
Indian Packing saves the day
Indian Packing agreed to shell out $500 to give the squad its start (a tidy sum for the times!). To show thanks for the support, Curly named his new team the Packers in honor of the company.
Soon after, Indian Packing got bought out by a firm named Acme Meat Packing. For a few years in the 1920s, Curly’s crew actually sported “Acme Packers” jerseys when playing in the fledgling pro league that would later become the NFL.
But by the 1940s, Acme Packing had gone out of business. Nonetheless, the Packers nickname stuck. And coincidentally enough, the next few decades marked the glory days of Lombardi’s championships that firmly cemented Green Bay’s identity. So Curly’s random choice became legendary!
Now let’s fast-forward to the franchise’s unique ownership situation. In a sports landscape dominated by individual billionaires or massive corporations running the show, Green Bay stands nearly alone as a publicly-owned nonprofit.
Rather than a Jerry Jones or Robert Kraft-type overseeing operations, the Packers are community property. More than 500,000 cheesehead investors own shares of the team, making Green Bay the only public sports franchise on U.S. stock markets.
The Packers incorporated way back in 1923 as the Green Bay Football Corporation before adopting the current Packers name in 1935. To ensure wide community representation, no single shareholder can hold more than 200,000 shares of the nonprofit.
Thanks to this structure, the Packers remain tied to the identity and enthusiasm of their small-town home. Board members are elected each year to oversee the club’s big picture vision and hire execs to handle day-to-day.
Pride in ownership
While no shareholder receives dividends or a cut of profits, the arrangement allows Green Bay fans to take great pride in literally owning their beloved football squad. The Packers devote excess revenues back into the franchise to field consistently competitive teams year after year.
This rare setup also ensures the team can never get bought out and relocated for financial motives. That loyalty and continuity with their Green Bay roots fosters an ultra-passionate environment at the historic Lambeau Field. Cheeseheads take the mission of shielding their publicly-owned asset as seriously as defending a block of Titletown cheddar!
So there you have it – a quick backstory on why the Packers got their peculiar name and how civic duty binds the franchise to its community. Looking ahead, expect Green Bay’s grassroots identity to endure for generations. The “Football Corporation” now proudly serves shareholders from every corner of Packer Nation, not any far-flung financial interests.
Pretty cool that supporting the green and gold means supporting each other, both metaphorically and literally. That loyal spirit of togetherness makes game days at Lambeau Field so special for players and fans alike. Go Pack Go!
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brokenpiecesshine · 10 months
Fall Out Boy via Instagram Stories, 12/08/2023.
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noahb216 · 10 months
Check out this story from USA TODAY: ESPN will launch its own sportsbook this fall
ESPN announced Tuesday that ESPN BET, the network's branded sportsbook, will launch this fall.
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18-roses · 11 months
Intrapreneurship Examples: Top 5 Stories from Google, Airbus and More
Salut Roger Federer,
I use Opportunity Cost with Intrapreneurship for Joint Venture Contract Meetings. I find that The Eisenhower Matrix is best for addressing problems within companies; with these problems I use Blue Ocean Strategy to create a new markets. For example affordability in Roland Garros et Paris Fougère Cultivateur goes with Sportsbooks and Winnings. I use Mergers and Acquisitions Discounted Cash Flow Analysis.
Adrian Blake-Trotman
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The Rise and Impact of Sports Betting on Modern Sports Culture
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Sports betting has become an integral part of modern sports culture, capturing the attention of millions of enthusiasts worldwide. The allure of placing bets on favorite teams and athletes, combined with the potential for financial gain, has created a booming industry that continues to grow exponentially. In this article, we will explore the rise of sports betting, its impact on the sports industry, and the broader implications for society.
The Evolution of Sports Betting
Sports betting has a long and storied history, dating back centuries. From ancient civilizations to the Roman Empire, people have engaged in betting on sporting events to add excitement and entertainment to the games. However, the modern era has witnessed an unprecedented surge in sports betting, fueled by technological advancements and the internet.
With the advent of online sportsbooks, betting has become more accessible than ever. Fans can now place wagers from the comfort of their homes, using smartphones or computers. The convenience and ease of online betting platforms have contributed significantly to the widespread popularity of sports betting.
Impact on Sports Culture
The increasing prevalence of sports betting has had a profound impact on the sports culture. On one hand, it has boosted viewership and engagement with sports events. When people have a financial stake in a game, it heightens their interest and emotional investment in the outcome. As a result, fans are more likely to tune in to matches they might have otherwise overlooked.
Furthermore, sports betting has fostered the growth of fantasy sports leagues, where participants draft imaginary teams of real players and compete based on their real-life performance statistics. Fantasy sports have emerged as a multi-billion-dollar industry, providing fans with a unique and immersive way to interact with the sports they love. Learn more 먹튀폴리스 사나이 코드
Economic Implications
The sports betting industry has become a significant economic driver. Governments and businesses alike have recognized the potential revenue streams associated with legalized betting. Consequently, many countries have embraced regulated sports betting to capitalize on this opportunity.
Taxation on betting revenue generates substantial income for governments, which can be allocated to various public services and infrastructure projects. Additionally, the industry creates employment opportunities, from odds compilers and traders to marketing and customer support staff.
However, it is crucial to strike a balance between the economic benefits and addressing the potential negative consequences of gambling addiction. Governments must implement responsible gambling measures to protect vulnerable individuals and ensure the industry operates ethically.
Integrity of Sports
The rise of sports betting has also raised concerns about the integrity of sports events. Match-fixing and spot-fixing scandals have garnered significant attention, casting shadows of doubt over the authenticity of some games. As large sums of money are wagered on sports, there is a risk that some players, coaches, or officials may succumb to corruption.
To combat such threats, sports organizations and betting regulators have collaborated to implement stringent measures to maintain the integrity of sports competitions. These efforts include monitoring betting patterns and conducting thorough investigations to identify and punish any wrongdoing.
Social Impact and Responsible Gambling
As sports betting continues to expand, concerns about its potential social impact have grown. For some individuals, gambling can lead to addiction and financial hardship. It is essential for both operators and consumers to promote responsible gambling practices.
Operators must provide resources for problem gamblers, including self-exclusion programs and helplines. Likewise, players should approach sports betting as a form of entertainment rather than a guaranteed source of income, setting clear limits on their betting activities.
Sports betting has become a dynamic and influential force within the sports industry and society at large. Its evolution from ancient pastimes to a multi-billion-dollar industry showcases the enduring allure of betting on sports. As the sector continues to grow, stakeholders must remain vigilant in maintaining the integrity of sports events while ensuring responsible gambling practices are in place. With the right balance, sports betting can continue to be an exciting and engaging aspect of modern sports culture.
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mongowheelie · 1 year
Barstool Sports hits back amid backlash over online sportsbook’s support for Pride month - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
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playnwin134 · 1 year
What is the best way to get cricket id online?
How can you get the best online cricket betting ID?
Online cricket betting is becoming a favorite option for punters and enthusiasts who are looking for a legitimate option to make money from online cricket betting. There are various other points to consider. Choosing the ones that offer the best features and the right way is a very important thing to consider. The IPL 2023 season is going on and the teams are ready to secure their entry in the top 8 and then for the next few matches to win. For those who are passionate about betting, who are looking for the right choice and are looking for something that will improve their experience to make more money by betting on cricket online, the most important thing is to get betting Online betting id betting in digital formats up to 12 minutes which will be fixed at that time. . to connect with the right accountant or with sports betting. 
Get 24/7 customer support from top sportsbooks 
Cricket features are packed with great features like staying with experts with 24/7 customer support, get the right betting opportunities, bet on the right team and many more. You will learn more about pitch stories and gain more. Here the important thing is to get the best way to get cricket identity online. There are different ways to bet on cricket online. 
Process to get online betting id?
The first step is to go online and find the right bookmaker or sports betting website, where professionals work and give you all the necessary information.Enter your details to complete your online cricket registration process. You must complete your registration process or complete a registration process that requires information such as your name, contact details, email address, preferred payment options for hassle-free transactions and many more. Once you have registered, you will receive a number that is your online betting id to do whatever you want - such as betting on the game, depending on the player, depending on the four and six games, one victory. and in different ways.
How can one help get an online cricket betting ID? 
Online research will give you the right choice to create your online cricket ID. There are many other options that you can choose based on your needs. Check all the details and get the right answer according to your needs.You can test your online cricket betting ID on T20 matches, IPL matches, ODIs, test matches and even all types of series, tournaments, teams and world cups. Staying in touch with experts at the right sports betting sites or bookmakers will save you time and money and give you more options. You'll also get expert advice 24/7. Experts recommend that you play with a small amount and start betting with some money to complete your deposit process.
You are also given the money that will be useful to help you get exactly what you are looking for. Choose the best for online sports betting 
With the best book writer you will get all the necessary details to improve your experience. There are many big names in this field that help you in every way and clear your doubts. You need to make the right decision; Know the level of trust, legal betting conditions and start placing your bets with a valid ID.
Your satisfaction is their own achievement and they make no effort to provide accurate answers. Among some of the best names in this area where you will get answers and the right support, you will find the name Play n Victory above - solve your questions by giving you full support in every way. You have to complete your registration process and start enjoying the benefits of play online casino with an online betting ID or an online cricket ID.
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11icindia · 1 year
How Many Players in Cricket for the Next Generation?
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The sport of cricket is played by millions of people worldwide. Batting, bowling, fielding, and keeping wickets are all necessary skills in cricket. The match is played between two teams, each with eleven players. The competition aims to score more runs than the other team by hitting the ball and sprinting between the wickets. In this post, we'll discuss how many players in cricket for the next generation.
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The history of cricket is one of constant development. The sport's popularity has grown thanks to the introduction new formats like Twenty20 and The Hundred. The future of cricket is still being determined, although the number of players may shift along with the sport's evolving terrain.
Cricket matches typically last five days and feature two innings for each team. This structure has supported cricket for many years and enjoys widespread acclaim. T20 cricket, however, has catapulted the shorter version of the game to prominence. Twenty20 cricket is a three-hour format in which each team plays for 20 overs. Even people not previously interested in cricket are now watching because of the game's streamlined framework.
The number of players on a cricket team could decrease if Twenty20 becomes more widespread. Due to the increased need for aggression in the shortened game, some groups may field a smaller roster to improve their chances of victory. T20 cricket allows teams with as few as ten players to compete, one less than in the standard game. Given the continued popularity of Twenty20 cricket, the number of players on each squad could decrease.
The Hundred is a new type of cricket that was just launched. Each team in The Hundred plays 100 balls in an inning. It was developing The Hundred aimed to attract new fans by making the game more entertaining and faster-paced. Each group in The Hundred consists of 11 players, the same number as in the regular format.
We could see more teams switching to that format if the Hundred takes off in popularity. There is still no word on whether The Hundred will replace T20 cricket or coexist with it. The number of players in a T20 cricket squad is 10; however, with the return of The Hundred to the format, that number rises to 11.
Technology is another aspect that could affect cricket's player count. With the introduction of the Decision Review System (DRS) and other technological developments, technology has profoundly influenced cricket. Technology could play a more significant part in the game. Drones might be used to film the game, and robots could replace humans in the field.
As technology becomes more integral to cricket, teams may field fewer players. For instance, fewer fielders may be needed if robots were used on the field instead of humans. Similarly, using drones to shoot the game might reduce the number of camera operators required to cover the contest.
Overall, the future of cricket will most certainly affect the total number of players. The number of players in a team may go up or down based on the prevalence of T20 cricket and The Hundred. If new game elements are introduced thanks to technological advancements, the total number of players in the group may change. Yet, despite
The sport of cricket has a long and storied past, and despite the inevitable modernizations, it is important to honor that heritage. Even though experimenting with different game forms can attract new spectators and participants, it is crucial to go back to the basics of the game.
Cricket is a team sport that requires communication, planning, and good nature. The value of teamwork and strategy in cricket is not dependent on factors such as the number of players in a group. In baseball, the goal is always to score more runs than the other team, regardless of whether there are 11 or 10 men on the field.
The future of cricket will certainly alter not only the number of players but also its equipment, rules, and regulations. Innovative technologies or a desire to keep viewers on the edge of their seats may be behind these alterations. But it's crucial to ensure these tweaks don't take away from the game's fun.
Each cricketer is responsible for a particular set of tasks. Each of the eleven jobs is often tasked with a different set of duties.
First and foremost, it is the wicketkeeper's job to stop runners from reaching second base and to return the ball to the bowler.
As the slip is responsible for catching many of the balls hit by the batter, they need to have excellent hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes.
To field ground balls hit by the batter, the fielder in the Gully position must get in close and make a quick grab.
Point is the best fielder on the team and can make impressive catches on balls heading away from him.
Fifth, the cover must rapidly field the ball like an outfielder in baseball to prevent runs from being scored.
When a well-hit ball has already scored a couple of runs, Third Man can cover a lot of ground and prevent any more runs from being achieved.
Fine Leg, like Short Stop, is a run-saving position that doesn't see much action from balls hit in the player's way.
Mid-wicket demands exceptional hand-eye coordination, and ball-tracking skills to field balls hit deep into the field.
9 The team leader generally occupies the mid-off position, whose responsibilities include blocking the bowler's path and stifling the runners' progress.
10, Square Leg, is in the outfield closest to the umpire, and he fields softly hit balls.
After winning the toss for the first innings, the captain decides whether his team will bat or bowl.
While it is true that all players need to be able to make challenging catches and field different sorts of hits, the responsibilities detailed below are the most prevalent and crucial for each player's success at their respective position.
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packernet · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2023/04/24/a-new-era-in-green-bay/
A new era in Green Bay
It’s finally official, Aaron Rodgers is a New York Jet. Packers’ general manager Brian Gutekunst has now completely overturned the Green Bay Packers. With help of team president Mark Murphy, or course. Long time head coach Mike McCarthy is gone. And now the legendary quarterback is gone. This is fully Gutekunst’s team moving forward.
One of the reasons Gutekunst stated for the trade was the Packers 8-9 record last year. “We need to get better,” he said. Certainly getting better includes the added draft compensation, but it’s clear the Packers saw the same Aaron Rodgers last year that I saw. But that is all water under the bridge now. The Jets will, for at least one year, get a quarterback the Packers didn’t get last year. One that attends the offseason activities to build chemistry with his new team.
I would imagine the odds to win the Super Bowl are going to change dramatically at Caesars NJ sportsbook. The Jets are going to be primetime darlings now. Might want to move fast or try one of the many other games available.
The road to the playoffs favors the Packers
We’ll see how it plays out, but for those who think the Jets are all of sudden a Super Bowl favorite, I have a house in Tuscany for sale. DM me. I think the Packers have a better chance to be there than the Jets. The Packers certainly have the easiest path to a division title. The AFC East has the Buffalo Bills, perennial Super Bowl challengers who you have to think will break through one of these years. The Dolphins made the playoffs last year and the Patriots will always be dangerous as long as Bill Belichick is head coach.
The NFC North doesn’t have anybody the likes of the Bills for the Packers to content with. The current favorite is the Detroit Lions. That pretty much is all you need to know about the NFC North. The Vikings showed they were paper champions in the playoffs last year. And the Bears are always going to Bear. Jordan Love will feast on them the same way his two predecessors did. I already bet on the Packers to win the division and I believe they will.
Maybe Pennsylvania NFL betting will have better odds for the Packers. But if not there are a wide variety of NFL betting options available. Jordan Love for MVP maybe?
Top three for sure
Rodgers will obviously go down as one of the best quarterbacks in Green Bay Packers’ history. I will put him number three. Bart Starr won five championships in seven years, that’s a no brainer. And I put Brett Favre ahead of Rodgers. They both had similar careers but Favre went to two Super Bowls and I think he did more with less. It’s a close call, though.
Other than the Super Bowl run in 2010 my favorite memories are mostly the wins over the Bears. The pass to Randall Cobb to win the division in 2013. Coming back from 20 down with 9:14 left in the third quarter to beat the Bears on a broken ankle. The hail-mary to beat the Lions. 2011 would have to be my pick for his finest season.
This is a very exciting time to be a Packers’ fan. We (as an owner, I can say we) have a young coach with four years experience now and a proven winner. Love will have some young weapons to grow with in Christian Watson, Romeo Doubs and others. And don’t ever forget the value Aaron Jones brings to the table. He is really the straw that stirs the Packers’ drink. If 33 is on the field, the Packers offense will be just fine. They do need to find a backup in his mold, though, but that is a story for later this week.
It’s going to fun getting to know Jordan Love and watching all the things head coach Matt LaFleur has up his sleeve for him. Get your popcorn ready!
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dcnewsroom · 1 year
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Las Vegas-based slot game developer Konami Gaming, Inc., announced Wednesday that some of their most popular slot games have arrived online at Caesars Sportsbook & Casino in New Jersey and Michigan. [Full story]
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jdpink · 1 year
Last January, it was announced that Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green would play only briefly in a game against the Cleveland Cavaliers due to an injury. Green was going to take the court for the tipoff to honor the return of teammate Klay Thompson from injury before quickly exiting the game. Bettors jumped on the opportunity to bet the under on Green's points, rebounds and assists and put them in same-game parlays to increase the odds. Sportsbooks got crushed.
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cagesidepress · 1 year
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Banned Coach James Krause Worked Years as Agent for Offshore Sportsbook: Report
Read the full story on cagesidepress.com
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